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Elphick MR 《Gene》2007,399(1):65-71
A gene encoding an ortholog of vertebrate CB(1)/CB(2) cannabinoid receptors was recently identified in the urochordate Ciona intestinalis (CiCBR; [Elphick, M.R., Satou, Y., Satoh, N., 2003. The invertebrate ancestry of endocannabinoid signalling: an orthologue of vertebrate cannabinoid receptors in the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Gene 302, 95-101.]). Here a cannabinoid receptor ortholog (BfCBR) has been identified in the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae. BfCBR is encoded by a single exon and is 410 amino acid residue protein that shares 28% sequence identity with CiCBR and 23% sequence identity with human CB(1) and human CB(2). The discovery of BfCBR and CiCBR and the absence of cannabinoid receptor orthologs in non-chordate invertebrates indicate that CB(1)/CB(2)-like cannabinoid receptors originated in an invertebrate chordate ancestor of urochordates, cephalochordates and vertebrates. Furthermore, analysis of the relationship of BfCBR and CiCBR with vertebrate CB(1) and CB(2) receptors indicates that the gene/genome duplication that gave rise to CB(1) and CB(2) receptors occurred in the vertebrate lineage. Identification of BfCBR, in addition to CiCBR, paves the way for comparative analysis of the expression and functions of these proteins in Branchiostoma and Ciona, respectively, providing an insight into the ancestral functions of cannabinoid receptors in invertebrate chordates prior to the emergence of CB(1) and CB(2) receptors in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Zhou X  Jin P  Qin S  Chen L  Ma F 《Gene》2012,492(1):110-116
Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum are parasitic nematodes living in the small intestine of humans and pigs, and can cause the disease ascariasis. For long, there has been controversy as to whether the two ascaridoid taxa represent the same species due to their significant resemblances in morphology. However, the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome data have been lacking for A. lumbricoides in spite of human and animal health significance and socio-economic impact globally of these parasites. In the present study, we sequenced the complete mt genomes of A. lumbricoides and A. suum (China isolate), which was 14,303 bp and 14,311 bp in size, respectively. The identity of the mt genomes was 98.1% between A. lumbricoides and A. suum (China isolate), and 98.5% between A. suum (China isolate) and A. suum (USA isolate). Both genomes are circular, and consist of 36 genes, including 12 genes for proteins, 2 genes for rRNA and 22 genes for tRNA, which are consistent with that of all other species of ascaridoid studied to date. All genes are transcribed in the same direction and have a nucleotide composition high in A and T (71.7% for A. lumbricoides and 71.8% for A. suum). The AT bias had a significant effect on both the codon usage pattern and amino acid composition of proteins. Phylogenetic analyses of A. lumbricoides and A. suum using concatenated amino acid sequences of 12 protein-coding genes, with three different computational algorithms (Bayesian analysis, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony) all clustered in a clade with high statistical support, indicating that A. lumbricoides and A. suum was very closely related. These mt genome data and the results provide some additional genetic evidence that A. lumbricoides and A. suum may represent the same species. The mt genome data presented in this study are also useful novel markers for studying the molecular epidemiology and population genetics of Ascaris.  相似文献   

The evolution of the biogenic amine signalling system in vertebrates is unclear. However, insights can be obtained from studying the structures and signalling properties of biogenic amine receptors from the protochordate, amphioxus, which is an invertebrate species that exists at the base of the chordate lineage. Here we describe the signalling properties of AmphiAmR11, an amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) G protein-coupled receptor which has structural similarities to vertebrate α2-adrenergic receptors but which functionally acts as a D2 dopamine-like receptor when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary -K1 cells. AmphiAmR11 inhibits forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP levels with tyramine, phenylethylamine and dopamine being the most potent agonists. AmphiAmR11 also increases mitogen-activated protein kinase activity and calcium mobilisation, and in both pathways, dopamine was found to be more potent than tyramine. Thus, differences in the relative effectiveness of various agonists in the different second messenger assay systems suggest that the receptor displays agonist-specific coupling (biased agonism) whereby different agonists stabilize different conformations of the receptor which lead to the enhancement of one signalling pathway over another. The present study provides insights into the evolution of α2-adrenergic receptor signalling and support the hypothesis that α2-adrenergic receptors evolved from D2-dopamine receptors. The AmphiAmR11 receptor may represent a transition state between D2-dopamine receptors and α2-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

Summary The excretory organs of Amphioxus occur as segmentally arranged structures throughout the pharyngeal region and may be divided into three components: the solenocytes, the renal tubule, and the renal glomerulus.The solenocytes possess foot processes that rest upon the coelomic surface of the ligamentum denticulatum. The tubular apparatus of the solenocytes consists of ten triangular rods surrounding a central flagellum. The distal end of the tubular apparatus enters branches of the renal tubule. The renal tubule eventually opens into the atrial cavity of Amphioxus. The renal glomerulus is a sinus within the connective tissue of the ligamentum dentieculatum where it connects elements of the branchial circulation with the dorsal aorta. The renal glomerulus, like other blood vessels of Amphioxus, lacks an endothelial lining.If Amphioxus is adapted to artificial sea water at different concentrations there is no change in kidney morphology suggesting that Amphioxus is either is osmotic with its environment or is osmoregulating with other organs.This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant 5-T01-GM 00582.  相似文献   

The cDNA and gene for calmodulin (CaM) from the cephalochordate Branchiostoma were isolated and characterized. The nucleotide sequence of the Branchiostoma CaM cDNA is about 80% identical to the CaM of Drosophila and Aplysia. However, all nucleotide substitutions are silent, therefore the amino acid sequences of all these CaMs are identical. Branchiostoma and Aplysia CaM genes have the same exon/intron organization. PCR, Northern and genomic Southern analyses showed that Branchiostoma CaM is encoded by a single copy gene, while fish are known to have at least four CaM genes. These results fit the hypothesis that major gene duplication events occurred close to the origin of vertebrates, i.e., after the divergence of the cephalochordate lineage.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial DNA of the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum has been determined. This mitochondrial genome is small (15 076 bp) because of the short size of the two rRNA genes and the tRNA genes. In addition, this genome contains a very short non-coding region (57 bp) with no sequence reminiscent of a control region. The organisation of the coding genes, as well as of the two rRNA genes, is identical to that of the sea lamprey. Some differences in the repartition of the tRNA genes occur when compared to the lamprey. The mitochondrial codon usage of the amphioxus is reminiscent of that of urochordates since the AGA codon is read as a glycine and not as a stop codon as in vertebrates. Moreover, the base composition at the wobble positions of the codon is strongly biased toward guanine. Altogether, these data clearly emphasise the close relationships between amphioxus and vertebrates, and reinforce the notion that prochordates may be viewed as the brother group of vertebrates.  相似文献   

FGFRL1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family that controls the formation of musculoskeletal tissues. Some vertebrates, including man, cow, dog, mouse, rat and chicken, possess a single copy the FGFRL1 gene. Teleostean fish have two copies, fgfrl1a and fgfrl1b, because they have undergone a whole genome duplication. Vertebrates belong to the chordates, a phylum that also includes the subphyla of the cephalochordates (e.g. Branchiostoma floridae) and urochordates (tunicates, e.g. Ciona intestinalis). We therefore investigated whether other chordates might also possess an FGFRL1 related gene. In fact, a homologous gene was found in B. floridae (amphioxus). The corresponding protein showed 60% sequence identity with the human protein and all sequence motifs identified in the vertebrate proteins were also conserved in amphioxus Fgfrl1. In contrast, the genome of the urochordate C. intestinalis and those from more distantly related invertebrates including the insect Drosophila melanogaster and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans did not appear to contain any related sequences. Thus, the FGFRL1 gene might have evolved just before branching of the vertebrate lineage from the other chordates.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the morphology of the circulatory system of amphioxus the blood vessels were investigated using modern techniques of light and electron microscopy. The pattern of circulation in amphioxus is forward ventrally and backwards dorsally. In addition, circulating corpuscles, usually associated with the blood of higher chordates, are absent. The circulatory system of amphioxus consists of well defined contractile vessels and vascular spaces or sinuses within a connective tissue matrix. The contractile vessels have a discontinuous endothelial lining resting on a basal lamina and are enclosed by a simple layer of contractile myoepithelial cells. Discontinuous endothelial linings occur throughout the vascular tree, including major and minor afferent and efferent vessels and blood sinuses. This is in contrast to higher animals where the endothelium forms a more or less continuous lining along the inner surface of the boundary layer. It is suggested that the endothelial cells of amphioxus, like the endothelial cells in capillaries of higher chordates, most likely play a role in the physiology of the circulatory system by removing residues of filtration from the basal lamina, thereby facilitating an exchange of materials to and from the surrounding tissues.  相似文献   

The germinal and non-germinal cells of the ripe lancelet testis are described by transmission electron microscopy. The visceral peritoneum of the testis is composed of myoepithelial cells, and the haemal layer consists of regions of narrow sinuses and conspicuously thicker blood vessels filled with blood plasma and bounded by basal laminae. Within the germinal epithelium and the testicular lumen, the non-germinal cells, which are not abundant, contain conspicuous lysosomes and mitochondria with tubular cristae, indicating that they may be involved in steroid synthesis. In the ripe testis, the non-germinal cells do not appear to be organized into a blood-testis barrier. Ail types of spermatogenic cells may be flagellated and are joined in small groups by intercellular bridges. During differentiation of the spermatids, the Golgi complex is associated with formation of the acrosomal vesicle near the posterior pole of the cell. A remarkable feature is the dual origin of the subacrosomal material: one component originates at the posterior end of the spermatid, and the other at the anterior end. Subsequently, the two components merge into one after the acrosomal vesicle has migrated to its definitive anterior position in the mature spermatozoon.  相似文献   

We determined the complete mitochondrial genome (mtDNA, mitogenome) of Pyropia tenera (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Pyropia tenera mtDNA had a larger size (42,268 bp) than the mtDNA sequences of Porphyra and Pyropia reported previously, and encoded two ribosomal RNA genes [large subunit (rnl), small subunit (rns)], 24 transfer RNAs, four ribosomal proteins, and 17 genes involved in electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Moreover, four conserved open reading frames (ORFs) and six intronic ORFs (three in rnl and three in the cox1 gene) were also identified. In comparison with other Porphyra and Pyropia species, Py. tenera had four major structural changes in two gene loss/rearrangement regions [tRNA-Gln(uug)–tRNA-SeC(uca) and tRNA-Ala(ugc)–tRNA-Arg(ucu)] and two different patterns of exon, intron, and intronic ORFs (rnl and cox1). The unique features of Py. tenera mtDNA include the complete sequence of red algal mtDNA for investigating mtDNA evolution and developing molecular markers for species identification. In addition, red algal mtDNA can provide useful genetic information as a genetic reservoir for bioengineering.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the 14,771-bp-long mitochondrial (mt) DNA of a urochordate (Chordata)-the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi-was determined. All the Halocynthia mt-genes were found to be located on a single strand, which is rich in T and G rather than in A and C. Like nematode and Mytilus edulis mtDNAs, that of Halocynthia encodes no ATP synthetase subunit 8 gene. However, it does encode an additional tRNA gene for glycine (anticodon TCT) that enables Halocynthia mitochondria to use AGA and AGG codons for glycine. The mtDNA carries an unusual tRNA(Met) gene with a TAT anticodon instead of the usual tRNA(Met)(CAT) gene. As in other metazoan mtDNAs, there is not any long noncoding region. The gene order of Halocynthia mtDNA is completely different from that of vertebrate mtDNAs except for tRNA(His)-tRNA(Ser)(GCU), suggesting that evolutionary change in the mt-gene structure is much accelerated in the urochordate line compared with that in vertebrates. The amino acid sequences of Halocynthia mt-proteins deduced from their gene sequences are quite different from those in other metazoans, indicating that the substitution rate in Halocynthia mt-protein genes is also accelerated.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a mitochondrial genome of the pulmonate gastropod molluscCepaea nemoralis has been determined. Contained within the 14,100 basepairs (bp) are the two ribosomal RNA genes and 13 protein coding genes typical of metazoan mitochondrial genomes. TheCepaea mtDNA does contain a gene for ATPase subunit 8, like the clausiliid pulmonate,Albinaria, and the chiton,Katharina, but unlike the bivalve mollusc,Mytilus. The mitochondrial genetic code ofCepaea is proposed to be the same as that ofMytilus, Katharina, andDrosophila. Only 14 putative tRNA genes are presented, although there is sufficient unassigned sequence to encode the remainder of the expected total of 22 tRNA genes. These 14 tRNA genes are a mixture of standard cloverleaf structures and nonstandard structures containing TV replacement loops as seen in nematode and mosquito mitochondrial genomes. If the eight unidentified tRNA genes are indeed present, very little unassigned sequence would remain to serve as a control region. Genes are transcribed from both strands of the molecule. Base composition is the least biased for any reported animal mitochondrial genome and is also very little skewed between strands using measures independent of base composition. TheCepaea mitochondrial gene order is quite unlike that of any other reported metazoan mtDNA, with the exception of the recently reported partial sequences ofAlbinaria. No gene bound-aries are shared among all the reported molluscan taxa, demonstrating a complete lack of conservation of mitochondrial gene order across the phylum Mollusca.  相似文献   

Ren Z  Zhu B  Ma E  Wen J  Tu T  Cao Y  Hasegawa M  Zhong Y 《Gene》2009,441(1-2):148-155
The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of the crab-eating frog, Fejervarya cancrivora Gravenhorst (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae), was determined. The mt genome is 17,843 bp long and contains 13 protein-coding (ATP6, ATP8, COI-III, ND1-6 and 4L, and Cyt b) and two ribosomal RNA (12S and 16SrRNA) genes. Although metazoan mt genomes typically encode 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), the F. cancrivora mtDNA contains 23 tRNAs due to the presence of an extra copy of tRNA(Met). A major noncoding region and a prominent intergenic spacer corresponding to the control region and light-strand replication origin were also found. To confirm the phylogenetic position of F. cancrivora, we compared the gene arrangement with that of other anurans and performed phylogenetic analyses based on mt genomic data. The genome organization of F. cancrivora mtDNA differs from that of typical vertebrates and neobatrachian frogs but is identical with that of F. limnocharis, suggesting that the unique gene arrangement occurred in the common ancestor of the genus. Phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of the Fejervarya species used here as well as the dicroglossini clade. Although the family Ranidae as previously recognized (= Ranidae, Discoglossidae, and some other natatanuran families; sensu Frost et al., 2006) is shown as a clade in the maximum parsimony analysis, the maximum likelihood and the Bayesian analyses suggest the paraphyly of the Ranidae with respect to the families, Mantellidae and Rhacophoridae. Three-tandem duplications of gene regions followed by subsequent deletions of supernumerary genes were proposed to explain the evolution of the extra tRNA(Met) and translocation of ND5 from the original neobatrachian gene order.  相似文献   

Three mitochondrial (mt) genes were sequenced for two Atlantic lancelet species, Branchiostoma lanceolatum and B. floridae, to examine a serious discrepancy among previously published results of molecular studies: substantial sequence difference in a nuclear gene vs. virtual identity in the mt genome sequence. The results revealed that three mt genes of B. lanceolatum, collected from Helgoland in the North Sea and Naples in the Mediterranean, were quite diverged from those of B. floridae, collected from Tampa Bay, Florida. Therefore, the previously recognized identity in the mt genome between the two species is attributable to misidentification of materials used. To correct this misleading information, the complete mtDNA sequence of B. lanceolatum was determined for an individual from Helgoland.  相似文献   

Yamauchi M  Miya M  Nishida M 《Gene》2002,295(1):89-96
We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome for a Japanese spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus (Crustacea: Decapoda). The entire genome was amplified using long polymerase chain reaction, and the products were subsequently used as templates for direct sequencing using a primer-walking strategy. The genome (15,717 base pairs) contained the same 37 genes (two ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes) plus the putative control region as found in other arthropods, with the gene order identical to that of typical arthropods. Preliminary phylogenetic analyses of selected arthropods using concatenated amino acid sequences of the 13 protein-coding genes strongly supported monophyly of Decapoda species and confidently rejected "Macroura", a conventional taxon that shares an elongated abdominal body.  相似文献   

Ogoh K  Ohmiya Y 《Gene》2004,327(1):131-139
The primary structure of the mitochondrial genome of the bioluminescent crustacean, Vargula hilgendorfii, the sea-firefly (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Ostracoda), has sequenced using the transposon Tn5. The genome (15,923 bp) contains the same 37 genes (two ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and 13 protein-coding genes) found in other Arthropoda. Interestingly, duplicate control regions (fragments of 778 and 855 bp) and triplicate short repeat sequences (fragments of 49 bp) occur. The AT composition of the protein-coding genes is lower than the published complete mitochondrial genomes within the Arthropoda. For gene arrangement, 13 transfer RNA genes and two protein-coding genes have moved and inserted directly or inversely relative to the typical Arthropoda order.  相似文献   

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