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In the present work, interactions between three Lactobacillus strains (Lactobacillus fermentum CRL1015, Lactobacillus animalis CRL1014, and Lactobacillus fermentum CRL1016) and chicken small intestinal mucus were determined. Three lactobacilli isolated from chicken and selected by their potentially probiotic properties were able to grow in mucus preparations. Three peaks from gel filtration chromatography of intestinal mucus were obtained. The adhesion to three mucus fractions (I, II, and III), especially fraction III, was higher (P < 0.01) in L. fermentum CRL1015 than L. animalis CRL1014. Pretreatment of this fraction with proteases and metaperiodate showed lower (P < 0.01) adhesion values than that of the control, suggesting that a glycoprotein from the mucus acts as a receptor for L. fermentum CRL1015. Highest adhesion values were obtained at pH 7 and 42 degrees C, and neither the removal of divalent cations with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) nor the addition of calcium produced significant variation from the adhesion values of the control (P > 0.01). This adhesion was only inhibited by N-acetyl-glucosamine. Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum showed high (P < 0.01) values of adhesion to chick intestinal mucus. The results obtained from assays of the inhibition of adherence of Salmonella spp. to mucus, immobilized in polystyrene tissue culture wells, indicated that the pathogen adhesion was not reduced by lactobacilli (P > 0.05) or their spent culture supernatants (P > 0.05), suggesting that these strains did not interfere with the binding sites for Salmonella spp. adhesion to the small intestinal mucus.  相似文献   

Altan Ozkan 《Biofouling》2013,29(4):469-482
This paper reports the cell–substratum interactions of planktonic (Chlorella vulgaris) and benthic (Botryococcus sudeticus) freshwater green algae with hydrophilic (glass) and hydrophobic (indium tin oxide) substrata to determine the critical parameters controlling the adhesion of algal cells to surfaces. The surface properties of the algae and substrata were quantified by measuring contact angle, electrophoretic mobility, and streaming potential. Using these data, the cell–substratum interactions were modeled using thermodynamic, DLVO, and XDLVO approaches. Finally, the rate of attachment and the strength of adhesion of the algal cells were quantified using a parallel-plate flow chamber. The results indicated that (1) acid–base interactions played a critical role in the adhesion of algae, (2) the hydrophobic alga attached at a higher density and with a higher strength of adhesion on both substrata, and (3) the XDLVO model was the most accurate in predicting the density of cells and their strength of adhesion. These results can be used to select substrata to promote/inhibit the adhesion of algal cells to surfaces.  相似文献   

Adhesion of cells to polystyrene surfaces   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1500-1506
The surface treatment of polystyrene, which is required to make polystyrene suitable for cell adhesion and spreading, was investigated. Examination of surfaces treated with sulfuric acid or various oxidizing agents using (a) x-ray photoelectron and attenuated total reflection spectroscopy and (b) measurement of surface carboxyl-, hydroxyl-, and sulfur-containing groups by various radiochemical methods showed that sulfuric acid produces an insignificant number of sulfonic acid groups on polystyrene. This technique together with various oxidation techniques that render surfaces suitable for cell culture generated high surface densities of hydroxyl groups. The importance of surface hydroxyl groups for the adhesion of baby hamster kidney cells or leukocytes was demonstrated by the inhibition of adhesion when these groups were blocked: blocking of carboxyl groups did not inhibit adhesion and may raise the adhesion of a surface. These results applied to cell adhesion in the presence and absence of serum. The relative unimportance of fibronectin for the adhesion and spreading of baby hamster kidney cells to hydroxyl-rich surfaces was concluded when cells spread on such surfaces after protein synthesis was inhibited with cycloheximide, fibronectin was removed by trypsinization, and trypsin activity was stopped with leupeptin.  相似文献   

Urogenital infections are the most common ailments afflicting women. They are treated with dated antimicrobials whose efficacy is diminishing. The process of infection involves pathogen adhesion and displacement of indigenous Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii. An alternative therapeutic approach to antimicrobial therapy is to reestablish lactobacilli in this microbiome through probiotic administration. We hypothesized that lactobacilli displaying strong adhesion forces with pathogens would facilitate coaggregation between the two strains, ultimately explaining the elimination of pathogens seen in vivo. Using atomic force microscopy, we found that adhesion forces between lactobacilli and three virulent toxic shock syndrome toxin 1-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains, were significantly stronger (2.2-6.4 nN) than between staphylococcal pairs (2.2-3.4 nN), especially for the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 (4.0-6.4 nN) after 120 s of bond-strengthening. Moreover, stronger adhesion forces resulted in significantly larger coaggregates. Adhesion between the bacteria occurred instantly upon contact and matured within one to two minutes, demonstrating the potential for rapid anti-pathogen effects using a probiotic. Coaggregation is one of the recognized mechanisms through which lactobacilli can exert their probiotic effects to create a hostile micro-environment around a pathogen. With antimicrobial options fading, it therewith becomes increasingly important to identify lactobacilli that bind strongly with pathogens.  相似文献   

E. J. Braun  R. J. Howard 《Protoplasma》1994,181(1-4):202-212
Summary Firm adhesion of fungal plant pathogens to their hosts is critical at several stages in the host-parasite interaction. Spores of many fungal species are capable of rapid, non-specific attachment to various surfaces. This early adhesion, which often occurs well before germ tube emergence, prevents spores from being blown or washed from the host surface before infection can take place. Adhesion is critical for proper sensing of topographic signals involved in thigmotropic responses and for differentiation and function of appressoria. Four fungal pathogens which exhibit a variety of adhesion mechanisms have been selected for discussion.Abbreviations EMC extracellular matrix - FSTEM freeze-substitution transmission electron microscopy - Con A concanavalin A - CryoSEM cryo scanning electron microscopy - MTM macroconidial tip mucilage - STM spore tip mucilage  相似文献   

The ability of microorganisms to `recognise' a change in the hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity balance of the surface was demonstrated using thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) co-polymers with different Lower Critical Solution Temperatures. The polymers were grafted onto hydrolysed glass under well controlled conditions and the adhesion was followed using 13C-labelled Listeria monocytogenes. Attachment of the bacteria was found to be directly affected by the polymer transition from a hydrophilic to a hydrophobic state but by less than one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

AIM: The main aim of this work was to study and compare the adhesion of water exposed Helicobacter pylori to six different substrata and correlate any changes in morphology, physiology, ability to form aggregates and cultivability when in the planktonic or in the sessile phase. METHODS AND RESULTS: The number of total cells adhered for different water exposure times and modifications in the cell shape were evaluated using epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopy, and physiology assessed using Syto9 and propidium iodide (PI) cellular uptake. All abiotic surfaces were rapidly colonized by H. pylori, and colonization appeared to reach a steady state after 96 h with levels ranging from 2.3 x 10(6) to 3.6 x 10(6) total cells cm(-2). Cell morphology was largely dependent on the support material, with spiral bacteria, associated with the infectious form of H. pylori, subsisting in a higher percentage on nonpolymeric substrata. Also, sessile bacteria were generally able to retain the spiral shape for longer when compared with planktonic bacteria, which became coccoid more quickly. The formation of large aggregates, which may act as a protection mechanism against the negative impact of the stressful external environmental conditions, was mostly observed on the surface of copper coupons. However, Syto9 and PI staining indicates that most of H. pylori attached to copper or SS304 have a compromised cell membrane after only 48 h. Cultivability methods were only able to detect the bacteria up to the 2 h exposure-time and at very low levels (up to 500 CFU cm(-2)). CONCLUSIONS: The fact that the pathogen is able to adhere, retain the spiral morphology for longer and form large aggregates when attached to different plumbing materials appeared to point to pipe materials in general, and copper plumbing in particular, as a possible reservoir of virulent H. pylori in water distribution systems. However, the Syto9/PI staining results and cultivability methods indicate that the attached H. pylori cells quickly enter in a nonviable physiological state. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This represents the first study of H. pylori behaviour in water-exposed abiotic surfaces. It suggests that co-aggregation with the autochthonous heterotrophic consortia present in water is necessary for a longer survival of the pathogen in biofilms associated to drinking water systems.  相似文献   

In order to exploit the ability of anaerobic bacteria to degrade certain contaminants for bioremediation of polluted subsurface environments, we need to understand the mechanisms by which such bacteria partition between aqueous and solid phases, as well as the environmental conditions that influence partitioning. We studied four strictly anaerobic bacteria, Desulfomonile tiedjei, Syntrophomonas wolfei, Syntrophobacter wolinii, and Desulfovibrio sp. strain G11, which theoretically together can constitute a tetrachloroethylene- and trichloroethylene-dechlorinating consortium. Adhesion of these organisms was evaluated by microscopic determination of the numbers of cells that attached to glass coverslips exposed to cell suspensions under anaerobic conditions. We studied the effects of the growth phase of the organisms on adhesion, as well as the influence of electrostatic and hydrophobic properties of the substratum. Results indicate that S. wolfei adheres in considerably higher numbers to glass surfaces than the other three organisms. Starvation greatly decreases adhesion of S. wolfei and Desulfovibrio sp. strain G11 but seems to have less of an effect on the adhesion of the other bacteria. The presence of Fe(3+) on the substratum, which would be electropositive, significantly increased the adhesion of S. wolfei, whereas the presence of silicon hydrophobic groups decreased the numbers of attached cells of all species. Measurements of transport of cells through hydrophobic-interaction and electrostatic-interaction columns indicated that all four species had negatively charged cell surfaces and that D. tiedjei and Desulfovibrio sp. strain G11 possessed some hydrophobic cell surface properties. These findings are an early step toward understanding the dynamic attachment of anaerobic bacteria in anoxic environments.  相似文献   

The adhesion of micro-organisms to metal surfaces has been shown to be important in the corrosion process, but the cell surface structures participating in this adhesion have not previously been identified. Evidence is presented that a bacterial substance taking part in the initial adhesion of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (New Jersey) to mild steel is polysaccharide in nature. It is likely that this is present in the outer membrane of the bacterial cells as lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Adhesion of bacteria from mixed cell suspension to solid surfaces   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The attachment of four species of bacteria to solid surfaces was investigated to determine whether the attachment of one species of bacterium could be influenced by the presence of other attaching or attached species. Three types of experiment were done: (i) attachment of bacteria from suspensions containing two species (termed simultaneous attachment) was compared to attachment of each species in pure culture, (ii) the attachment of one species of bacterium to surfaces already colonized by a second species (termed sequential attachment) was compared to attachment of the bacteria to clean, uncolonized surfaces, and (iii) bacteria were allowed to attach to a surface already colonized by a second strain, and their effect on the stabilization of adhesion of the initial colonizing strain was determined. The bacteria were Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, a Staphylococcus sp., a coryneform (isolates from a canning factory), and Staphylococcus aureus. The surfaces were tin plate, glass, and nylon. The attachment of each species was either increased, decreased or not affected by the simultaneous or sequential attachment of another species. The results depended upon the species combination, the surface composition, and the sequence of attachment. The detachment of a primary colonizing species was either increased, decreased or not affected by the subsequent attachment of a second species, depending on the species combination and surface. The results demonstrate that bacterial attachment to a surface can be influenced by the composition of the attaching population and can differ considerably from the attachment of the component species in pure culture. This has implications for the control and removal of biofilms in food processing plants, as well as a wider significance for the composition and dynamics of biofilms in industrial and natural environments.Abbreviation PYE Peptone/yeast extract medium  相似文献   

Rival theories of cell adhesion are divided into long-range or contact, respectively. An experimental observation capable of deciding between them is the increasing attachment of negatively charged cells to surfaces of increasing negative charge density. These results would appear to refute hypotheses based solely on the balance between long-range electrostatic and dispersive forces; but they are not incompatible with bridging through polymer adsorption. The crucial difference is that negative groups on a surface are necessarily repulsive to the cell at long range, but at contact range they can strongly bind polarizable or amphoteric links of the polymer chains in the cell coat.  相似文献   

The inhibition of direct acting DNA reactive agents by 63 non-starter lactobacilli isolated from raw ewes milk cheeses was examined by short-term assay (SOS-Chromotest) and compared with already characterized starter lactobacilli. The screening revealed strains active against the nitroarene 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (NQO) and the alkylating agent N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) in different species of the genus Lactobacillus (L. rhamnosus, L. casei, L. plantarum, L. brevis, Lactobacillus spp.). It was proved that the anti-genotoxicity was strain-dependent, and always associated with spectroscopic modification of genotoxins. The frequency of strains inhibiting nitroarene genotoxicity was comparable for non-starter and starter lactobacilli, whereas inhibition of the alkylating agent was largely predominant in non-starter isolates. Seventeen strains presented inhibitory activity against both genotoxins. DNA RAPD-PCR performed with M13, Pro-Up and RPO2 primers on the lactobacilli under examination showed genetic diversity in these strains. The non-starter isolates clustered in seven groups and the strains presenting a high degree of activity against 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide clustered in a single group with a similarity around 75%. Interestingly, the strains with anti-genotoxic properties also showed acid-bile tolerance, indicating that the autochthonous lactobacilli which survive cheese ripening may also reach the gut as viable cells and could prevent genotoxin DNA damage to enterocytes, as is desirable for probiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

Adhesion of leukocytes and platelets to solid substrates of different surface tensions and hence different wettability is studied from a thermodynamic point of view. A simple thermodynamic model predicts that cellular adhesion should increase with increasing surface tension of the solid substrate if the surface tension of the medium in which the cells are suspended is lower than the surface tension of the cells. If the surface tension of the suspending medium is higher than that of the cells, the opposite behavior is predicted. These predictions are borne out completely by neutrophil adhesion tests, where the surface tension of the aequeous suspending medium is varied by addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Platelet adhesion experiments also confirm these predictions, the only difference being that surface tensions of the suspending medium above that of the platelets cannot be realized, owing to exudation of surface active solutes from the platelets. Utilization of the thermodynamic prediction that cellular adhesion should become independent of the surface tension of the substrate when the surface tensions of the cells and that of the suspending medium are equal leads to a value of the surface tension of neutrophils of 69.0 erg/cm2,† in excellent agreement with the value obtained from contact angles measured on layers of cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vector development is critical for the advancement of human gene therapy. However, the use of viral vectors raises many safety concerns and most non-viral methods are less efficient for gene transfer. One of the breakthroughs in vector technology is the combination of the vector with various polymers. METHODS: HVJ (hemagglutinating virus of Japan) envelope vector (HVJ-E) has been developed as a versatile gene transfer vector. In this study, we combined HVJ-E with cationized gelatin to make it a more powerful tool and assessed its transfection efficiency in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we investigated the mechanism of the gene transfer by means of the inhibition of fusion or endocytosis. RESULTS: The combination of both protamine sulfate and cationized gelatin with HVJ-E, referred to as PS-CG-HVJ-E, further enhanced the in vitro transfection efficiency. In CT26 cells, the luciferase gene expression of PS-CG-HVJ-E was approximately 10 times higher than that of the combination of protamine sulfate with HVJ-E or the combination of cationized gelatin with HVJ-E, referred to as PS-HVJ-E or CG-HVJ-E, respectively. Furthermore, the luciferase gene expression in liver mediated by intravenous administration of CG-HVJ-E was much higher than the luciferase gene expression mediated by PS-HVJ-E or PS-CG-HVJ-E and approximately 100 times higher than that mediated by HVJ-E alone. CONCLUSIONS: Cationized gelatin-conjugated HVJ-E enhanced gene transfection efficiency both in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that low molecular weight cationized gelatin may be appropriate for complex formation with various envelope viruses, such as retrovirus, herpes virus and HIV.  相似文献   

The reconstitution of fibrillar collagen and its assemblies with heparin and hyaluronic acid was studied in vitro. Fibril formation kinetics were analyzed by turbidity and depletion measurements in solutions containing varied concentrations of collagen and glycosaminoglycans. Fibril-forming collagen solutions were further applied for the coating of planar substrates which had been modified with alternating maleic anhydride copolymer films before. The immobilized collagen assemblies were characterized with respect to the deposited amount of protein using ellipsometry and acidic hydrolysis/HPLC-based amino acid analysis, respectively. AFM, SEM, and cLSM were utilized to gain information on structural features and patterns formed by surface-attached fibrils depending on the initial solution concentrations of collagen. The results revealed that the addition of heparin and hyaluronic acid affected both the fibril dimensions and the meshwork characteristics of the surface-bound fibrils.  相似文献   

Cells of many kinds adhere firmly to glass or plastic surfaces which have been pretreated with polylysine. The attachment takes place as soon as the cells make contact with the surfaces, and the flattening of the cells against the surfaces is quite rapid. Cells which do not normally adhere to solid surfaces, such as sea urchin eggs, attach as well as cells which normally do so, such as amebas or mammalian cells in culture. The adhesion is interpreted simply as the interaction between the polyanionic cell surfaces and the polycationic layer of adsorbed polylysine. The attachment of cells to the polylysine-treated surfaces can be exploited for a variety of experimental manipulations. In the preparation of samples for scanning or transmission electron microscopy, the living material may first be attached to a polylysine- coated plate or grid, subjected to some experimental treatment (fertilization of an egg, for example), then transferred rapidly to fixative and further passed through processing for observation; each step involves only the transfer of the plate or grid from one container to the next. The cells are not detached. The adhesion of the cell may be so firm that the body of the cell may be sheared away, leaving attached a patch of cell surface, face up, for observation of its inner aspect. For example, one may observe secretory vesicles on the inner face of the surface (3) or may study the association of filaments with the inner surface (Fig. 1). Subcellular structures may attach to the polylysine-coated surfaces. So far, we have found this to be the case for nuclei isolated from sea urchin embryos and for the microtubules of flagella, which are well displayed after the membrane has been disrupted by Triton X-100 (Fig. 2).  相似文献   

A flow cell system was developed which allowed the study of bacterial adhesion to solid substrata at well-defined shear rates. In addition, the system enabled the solid surfaces to be coated with a proteinaceous film under exactly the same shear conditions. In this flow cell system, adhesion of three strains of oral streptococci from a phosphate-buffered solution onto three different substrata was studied as a function of time in the absence and presence of a bovine serum albumin (BSA) coating at a shear rate of 21 s-1. To obtain a wide range in surface free energies (gamma) representative strains (gamma b 38-117 mJ m-2) and solid substrata (gamma s 20-109 mJ m-2) were selected. The number of bacteria adhering was counted microscopically. In the absence of a BSA coating a linear relation was found between the number of bacteria adhering at saturation (nb,s) and the calculated interfacial free energy of adhesion (delta Fadh) for each of the three strains. In the presence of a BSA coating the number of bacteria adhering was greatly decreased in all cases. However, despite the presence of the BSA coating there was still a linear relation between the number of bacteria adhering at saturation and the interfacial free energy of adhesion, calculated on the basis of the surface free energy of the uncoated substrata. It can be concluded that the bare, uncoated substratum still influenced bacterial adhesion in spite of the marked influence of a BSA coating.  相似文献   

【目的】通过体内外实验评估5种乳杆菌缓解牛乳β-乳球蛋白(BLG)过敏的作用,为今后筛选具有抗过敏活性的乳杆菌提供参考。【方法】首先体外分析5种活的/热致死的乳杆菌促进小鼠原代淋巴细胞分泌细胞因子(CK)IFN-γ和IL-4的水平,随后应用小鼠BLG过敏模型评估这5种乳杆菌抑制过敏的能力。将实验动物随机分为空白组、BLG致敏组和5种活的/热致死乳杆菌组。采用ELISA法检测各组小鼠淋巴细胞分泌Thl/Th2型CK的水平,并测定小鼠血清中总IgE和BLG特异性IgE的含量。【结果】在体外可促进淋巴细胞分泌IFN-γ、抑制IL-4,使其IFN-γ/IL-4比值(代表Thl/Th2细胞平衡)显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05)的乳杆菌,在体内实验中也能有效提高致敏小鼠淋巴细胞的IFN-γ/IL-4分泌率,并显著降低致敏小鼠血清中总IgE和BLG特异性IgE的水平(P<0.05)。相反,在体外的IFN-γ/IL-4比值较低的乳杆菌,不能缓解特异性IgE抗体介导的食物过敏反应。【结论】基于乳杆菌体外刺激小鼠原代淋巴细胞分泌Th1/Th2型CK的结果,可以预测菌株在体内具有可通过纠正Th2占优势的Th1/Th2细胞失衡,下调抗体分泌量,缓解小鼠BLG过敏症状的能力。  相似文献   

Summary A thermodynamic model of particle adhesion from a suspension onto a solid surface is used to predict the extent of adhesion of suspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells to the following polymer substrates: fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), sulphonated polystyrene (SPS), and glass. According to this model, the extent of adhesion is determined by the surface tensions of the plant cells, the polymer substrates, and the suspending liquid medium. Experimentally, adhesion of the washed plant cells was found to decrease with increasing substrate surface tension, following the sequence FEP>PS>PET>SPS>glass, when the surface tension of the liquid was greater than that of the plant cells, in agreement with the model. However, adhesion increased with increasing substrate surface tension when the liquid surface tension was lower than the cellular surface tension, also in agreement with the model. When the liquid and cellular tensions were equal the extent of adhesion was independent of the substrate surface tension. This also agrees with model predictions and leads to a value for the surface tension of C. roseus cells of approximately 54 ergs/cm2 which is in agreement with a value obtained from contact angle measurements on layers of cells and sedimentation volume analysis. The cellular surface tension determined by the sedimentation volume method showed a biphasic alteration during growth cycles of C. roseus cell cultures. These variations (between 55 and 58 ergs/cm2) agree with the pattern of adhesion previously described.  相似文献   

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