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Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) is a major crop for worldwide food and nutritional security, especially in sub‐Saharan Africa, that is resilient to hot and drought‐prone environments. An assembly of the single‐haplotype inbred genome of cowpea IT97K‐499‐35 was developed by exploiting the synergies between single‐molecule real‐time sequencing, optical and genetic mapping, and an assembly reconciliation algorithm. A total of 519 Mb is included in the assembled sequences. Nearly half of the assembled sequence is composed of repetitive elements, which are enriched within recombination‐poor pericentromeric regions. A comparative analysis of these elements suggests that genome size differences between Vigna species are mainly attributable to changes in the amount of Gypsy retrotransposons. Conversely, genes are more abundant in more distal, high‐recombination regions of the chromosomes; there appears to be more duplication of genes within the NBS‐LRR and the SAUR‐like auxin superfamilies compared with other warm‐season legumes that have been sequenced. A surprising outcome is the identification of an inversion of 4.2 Mb among landraces and cultivars, which includes a gene that has been associated in other plants with interactions with the parasitic weed Striga gesnerioides. The genome sequence facilitated the identification of a putative syntelog for multiple organ gigantism in legumes. A revised numbering system has been adopted for cowpea chromosomes based on synteny with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). An estimate of nuclear genome size of 640.6 Mbp based on cytometry is presented.  相似文献   

The ureides, allantoin and allantoic acid, represented major fractions of the soluble nitrogen pool of nodulated plants of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp. cv. Caloona) throughout vegetative and reproductive growth. Stem and petioles were the principal sites of ureide accumulation, especially in early fruiting.

Labeling studies using 14CO2 and 15N2 and incubation periods of 25 to 245 minutes indicated that synthesis of allantoin and allantoic acid in root nodules involved currently delivered photosynthate and recently fixed N, and that the ureides were exported from nodule to shoot via the xylem. From 60 to 80% of xylem-borne N consisted of ureides; the remainder was glutamine, asparagine, and amino acids. Allantoin predominated in the soluble N fraction of nodules and fruits, allantoin and allantoic acid were present in approximately equal proportions in xylem exudate, stems, and petioles.

Extracts of the plant tissue fraction of nitrogen-fixing cowpea nodules contained glutamate synthase (EC and glutamine synthetase (EC, but little activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (EC High levels of uricase (EC and allantoinase (EC were also detected. Allantoinase but little uricase was found in extracts of leaflets, pods, and seeds.

Balance sheets were constructed for production, storage, and utilization of ureide N during growth. Virtually all (average 92%) of the ureides exported from roots was metabolized on entering the shoot, the compounds being presumably used as N sources for protein synthesis.


A study was undertaken to define more clearly the role of theearly loss of apical dominance on yield of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp. cv. Vita-5]. Decapitation at the fifth leaf stageresulted in an increase in branching components, yields andharvest indices, while vegetative d. wt accumulation was reduced.Foliar-applied sprays of 6-benzyladenine had no effect on branchingunless combined with decapitation and no significant effectson yield over that of controls were observed. However, harvestindices were increased by 50 per cent. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., cowpea, apical dominance, decapitation, 6-benzyladenine  相似文献   

The relationship between seed number per pod and senescenceof the leaf in its axil was examined in a determinate cowpea(Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) variety C.779. The seed number perpod was reduced at all fruiting nodes by surgical excision ofpart of the 4-d-old pod. Leaf senescence as measured by lossof leaf area, chlorophyll content and soluble protein was sloweddown in leaves supporting the development of an artificiallyreduced number of seeds. Diminished nitrogen mobilization fromthe leaf could not account for the reduced rate of leaf senescence.The result suggests the involvement of a senescence signal fromthe developing seeds to the leaf in its axil. Development ofthe basal half of the excised pod in the cowpea provides a uniquesystem for manipulating seed number per pod. Senescence, monocarpic, chlorophyll, protein, Vigna unguiculata, cowpea  相似文献   

Partially purified, cell-free extracts from nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. cv. Caloona) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Bragg) showed high rates of de novo purine nucleotide and purine base synthesis. Activity increased with rates of nitrogen fixation and ureide export during development of cowpea plants; maximum rates (equivalent to 1.2 micromoles N2 per hour per gram fresh nodule) being similar to those of maximum nitrogen fixation (1-2 micromoles N2 per hour per gram fresh nodule). Extracts from actively fixing nodules of a symbiosis not producing ureides, Lupinus albus L. cv. Ultra, showed rates of de novo purine synthesis 0.1% to 0.5% those of cowpea and soybean. Most (70-90%) of the activity was associated with the particulate components of the nodule, but up to 50% was released from this fraction by osmotic shock. The accumulated end products with particulate fractions were inosine monophosphate and aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide. Further metabolism to purine bases and ureides was restricted to the soluble fraction of the nodule extract. High rates of inosine monophosphate synthesis were supported by glutamine as amide donor, lower rates (10-20%) by ammonia, and negligible rates with asparagine as substrate.  相似文献   

Staked and ‘topped’ cowpea plants (cv. K 2809) withsix trifoliate leaves were defoliated in various ways and grownon for 9 d in controlled-environment growth cabinets. Leaveswhich were from 2 to 3 weeks old contributed little to furtherdry weight increment of vegetative plants. When parts of youngleaves were removed plant dry weight increase was affected onlyslightly as compensatory expansion of the remaining laminaetook place. The complete removal of several young leaves washighly detrimental to subsequent plant growth. Thus, the outcomeof defoliation depended not just on the absolute leaf area removedbut also on the position (age) of the leaves treated and whetheror not loss of whole leaves or just parts of leaves was involved.  相似文献   

Expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences available in the public databases provide a cost-effective and valuable genomic resource for the development of molecular markers. Introns which are non-coding DNA sequences of the gene could be used as potential molecular markers as they are highly variable compared to the coding sequences. This study reports the development of intron length polymorphism markers in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. The ESTs of cowpea were aligned with genomic sequences of Arabidopsis and soybean to predict the position and number of introns in cowpea. Of the 110 PCR primer pairs designed to amplify the intronic regions, 98 primer pairs resulted in successful amplification and were identified as cowpea intron length polymorphism (CILP) markers. Out of the 45 randomly selected CILP markers, 36?% markers produced length variation in the ten cowpea genotypes, collectively yielding 33 alleles with an average of 2.0 alleles/locus. The polymorphism information content of the CILP markers ranged from 0.18 to 0.64 with an average of 0.34. Of the 98 CILP markers, 93 markers (95?%) showed transferability to other Vigna species. Dendrograms based on CILP markers clearly distinguished the cowpea genotypes as well as other Vigna species, demonstrating the utility of CILP markers in genetic diversity and phylogenetic studies. These CILP markers will be very useful in the genome analysis and marker-assisted breeding of cowpea and other Vigna species.  相似文献   

Combined infection of cowpea seedlings (c. v. ‘California Blackeye”) by cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) and Fusarium oxysporum induced greater losses in leaf area, fresh and dry weights than infection by either pathogen alone. The growth of seedlings infected by F. oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum was less than that of comparable seedlings infected by F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli. The virus infectivity of extracts of the trifoliate leaves of dual-infected plants was significantly higher than that of comparable extracts from the leaves of plants singly infected with CPMV. The nature of the effects of multiple infection in cowpea is discussed.  相似文献   

Shoot regeneration via organogenesis was achieved from axenic cowpea [Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata L. (Walp.) Verde.] hypocotyls and cotyledons of advanced breeding lines and varieties. Cotyledons and embryos were excised from green immature pods. The apical parts of the embryos were removed and the hypocotyls were transferred to regeneration media. Cotyledons and hypocotyls were tested on media with gradients of several hormonal and putrescine combinations. Cowpea cotyledons and hypocotyls exhibited a pattern of shoot formation that occurred in three distinct phases. Multiple shoots developed within 45 days from the wounded region of the primary hypocotyl and cotyledons in different media containing a high cytokinin concentration. The induced plant explants were then grown for 20 days in low-intensity light (10 μmol m–2 s–1) on the same medium and numerous shoot buds emerged de novo from the upper part of the hypocotyl and the wounded part of the cotyledons. These buds had no apparent vascular connection with the parent tissues. The plant regeneration capability of this procedure was tested with several cowpea genotypes, five of which (83D-442, 86D-1010, 93K-624, Vita 3 and Ife Brown) responded positively with shoot development and were able to form roots and whole plants. Some somaclonal variation was observed. Received: 14 June 1996 / Revision received: 14 December 1996 / Accepted: 25 January 1997  相似文献   

Early growth, nodule development, and nitrogen fixation by two cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), one large-seeded (Vita 3; 146.0 ± 0.9 milligrams seed dry weight, 4.1 ± 0.2 milligrams seed N), the other small-seeded (Caloona; 57.5 ± 2.5 milligrams seed dry weight, 1.8 ± 0.1 milligrams seed N), were compared under conditions of sand culture with nutrient solution free of combined N. The seed stocks used had been obtained from plants uniformly labeled with 15N, thus enabling changes with time in distribution of cotyledon and fixed N among plant parts to be measured by isotope dilution. Caloona, but not Vita 3, showed physiological symptoms of `N hunger,' i.e. transient loss of chlorophyll (visible yellowing) and N from the first-formed unifoliolate leaves at or around the onset of symbiotic functioning and N2 fixation. The smaller-seeded Caloona showed higher early nitrogenase activity than the larger-seeded Vita 3 and by 28 days had fixed 6.6 milligrams of N per milligram of seed N [mg N · (mg seed N)−1] versus only 3.5 mg N · (mg seed N)−1 in Vita 3. Both cultivars lost around 30% of their initial seed N at germination, mostly as fallen cotyledons. Abscised cotyledons of Caloona contained 1.21 ± 0.17% N; those of Vita 3 contained 2.61 ± 0.37% N. When compared on the basis of cotyledon N available for seedling growth, Caloona was shown to have fixed 10.6 mg N · (mg seed N)−1 and Vita 3 only 5.3 mg N · (mg seed N)−1. Most of the cotyledon N withdrawn from the unifoliolate leaf pair of Caloona during `N-hunger' was committed to early nodule growth and, in total, 20 to 25% of the cotyledon N resource of this cultivar was ultimately invested in establishment of symbiosis compared with only 7% in Vita 3.  相似文献   

Serological and biological comparisons were made among 45 seed-borne isolates of blackeye cowpea mosaic (BICMV) and 54 seed-borne isolates of cowpea aphidborne mosaic (CAbMV) potyviruses derived from cowpea seedlots or young nursery-grown seedlings comprising 2112 germplasm accessions or pre-introduction seedlots of Vigna unguiculata. Isolates were identified by DAS-ELISA using polyclonal immunoglobulin G specific for these viruses. Twenty isolates of BICMV and 32 isolates of CAbMV were also compared by ACP-ELISA with selected monoclonal antibodies and by SDS-immunodiffusion. By all approaches, isolates of BICMV were clearly distinguished from CAbMV isolates. Isolate comparisons on selected cowpea genotypes (TVu-401, TVu-1582, TVu-2657, and TVu-3433) partitioned most isolates into two distinct groups. A few isolates seed-borne in Indian cv. Pusa Phalguni, however, were clearly BICMV by all serological tests, but behaved as CAbMV in definitive cowpea genotypes. Although BICMV is generally considered to be a 'new world virus', both BICMV and CAbMV occurred in V. unguiculata seedlots originating in 'old-world regions', including Afghanistan, Botswana, Nigeria, Senegal, and South Africa. Seedborne CAbMV was isolated from 6 of 155 tested US V. unguiculata Germplasm accessions originating, respectively, in Afghanistan (2), Botswana (2), India (1), and Pakistan (1).  相似文献   

Cowpea is an important crop for subsistence farmers in arid regions of Africa, Asia, and South America. Efforts to develop cultivars with improved productivity under drought conditions are constrained by lack of molecular markers associated with drought tolerance. Here, we report the mapping of 12 quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with seedling drought tolerance and maturity in a cowpea recombinant inbred (RIL) population. One hundred and twenty-seven F8 RILs developed from a cross between IT93K503-1 and CB46 were screened with 62 EcoR1 and Mse1 primer combinations to generate 306 amplified fragment length polymorphisms for use in genetic linkage mapping. The same population was phenotyped for maintenance of stem greenness (stg) and recovery dry weight (rdw) after drought stress in six greenhouse experiments. In field experiments conducted over 3 years, visual ratings and dry weights were used to phenotype drought stress-induced premature senescence in the RIL population. Kruskall–Wallis and multiple-QTL model mapping analysis were used to identify QTL associated with drought response phenotypes. Observed QTL were highly reproducible between stg and rdw under greenhouse conditions. Field studies confirmed all ten drought-response QTL observed under greenhouse conditions. Regions harboring drought-related QTL were observed on linkage groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 accounting for between 4.7 and 24.2% of the phenotypic variance (R 2). Further, two QTL for maturity (R 2 = 14.4–28.9% and R 2 = 11.7–25.2%) mapped on linkage groups 7 and 8 separately from drought-related QTL. These results provide a platform for identification of genetic determinants of seedling drought tolerance in cowpea. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitor (TI) activity was followed in the pod (pericarp),seed coat, cotyledon and embryo axis during fruit developmentof cowpea. On the basis of seed fresh weight, three phases couldbe distinguished from anthesis to fruit maturity. In the podTI activity increased from the beginning of Phase I to a maximumin the middle of the phase. From then on the activity declineduntil no activity could be detected before the end of phaseII. The cotyledons did not contain any TI in Phase I. TI activitywas first detected in the cotyledon in the beginning of PhaseII at the same time that globulin synthesis started. The TIactivity in the cotyledon increased to a maximum at the endof Phase II before decreasing in Phase III. In the embryo axisa similar pattern of TI activity to that of the cotyledon wasfound. No protein TI could be detected in the seed coat at anystage. In the pod there is a TI with a mol. wt of 12500 andpI of 4.4. Mature cotyledon and embryo axis have two TI withmol. wt 10800 and 24700 with pI 4.7 and 5.0 respectively. Duringdevelopment the smaller TI (mol. wt 10800) was synthesised beforethe larger TI (mol. wt 24700). There were large differencesbetween the maximum absolute amounts of TI present in the pericarp,cotyledon and embryo axis.  相似文献   

Lippi  D.  De Paolis  M.R.  Osmi  M.  Pietrini  F.  Pietrosanti  T.  Villani  M.C.  Massacci  A. 《Photosynthetica》1999,37(3):413-422
Time course of symbiotic N2-fixing and photosynthetic activities during vegetative growth from 30 d after plantation until pod set was measured in the CB5 and 7964 cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] genotypes of contrasting senescence traits. At emergence, seedlings were inoculated with a "non-cowpea miscellany" Rhizobium strain generally used to inoculate Cicer arietinum. Maximum N2-fixing activity occurred in inoculated CB5 and 7964 plants about 54 and 68 d after plantation, respectively. A similar temporal shift of maximum was found for net photosynthetic rate (P N), confirming a good coordination between the two processes. A higher P N was found from the first measurements in inoculated plants of both genotypes as compared with uninoculated plants. Apparently, the maximum activity of both N2-fixation and P N was timed to occur at a particular stage of plant ontogeny correlating the high N supply with the high N demand by the plant. Rhizobium inoculation did not significantly affect partitioning coefficients of biomass to various plant organs but extended leaf longevity by about 10 d in the CB5 genotype, retarding thus the monocarpic senescence. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The response of non-nodulated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv Caloona) to a wide range of NO3 levels in the rooting medium was studied 40 days after sowing by in vitro assays of plant organs for NO3 reductase (EC and analyses of root bleeding (xylem) sap for nitrogenous solutes. Plants fed 1, 5, 10, 20, and 40 millimolar NO3 showed, respectively, 64, 92, 94, and 91% of their total reductase activity in shoots and 34, 30, 66, 62, and 58% of the total N of their xylem sap as NO3. These data, and the absence in the plants of significant pools of stored NO3, indicated that shoots were major organs of NO3 assimilation, especially at levels of NO3 (10 to 40 millimolar) that maintained plant growth at near maximum rates. Partitioning and utilization of C and N were studied in nodulated, minus NO3 plants and non-nodulated plants fed 10 or 20 millimolar NO3, the levels of NO3 which gave rates of growth and N assimilation closest to those of the symbiotic plants. The conversion of the C of net photosynthate to dry matter was similar in nodulated plants (67%) and NO3-grown plants (64%), but greater proportions of photosynthate were translocated to below ground parts of nodulated plants (37%) than of NO3-fed plants (23 to 26%). Greater photosynthate consumption by nodulated roots was associated with proportionately greater root growth and respiration and 2-fold greater export of C in xylem than in the NO3-fed plants. Theoretical considerations suggest that the elevated CO2 output of nodulated roots was due not only to CO2 loss associated with nodule function, but also to a much greater nonassimilatory component of respiration in the supporting root of the nodulated plant compared to roots of the NO3-fed plants. Data are compared with previously published information from other legumes.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) studies provide insight into the complexity of drought tolerance mechanisms. Molecular markers used in these studies also allow for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in breeding programs, enabling transfer of genetic factors between breeding lines without complete knowledge of their exact nature. However, potential for recombination between markers and target genes limit the utility of MAS-based strategies. Candidate gene mapping offers an alternative solution to identify trait determinants underlying QTL of interest. Here, we used restriction site polymorphisms to investigate co-location of candidate genes with QTL for seedling drought stress-induced premature senescence identified previously in cowpea. Genomic DNA isolated from 113 F2:8 RILs of drought-tolerant IT93K503-1 and drought susceptible CB46 genotypes was digested with combinations of EcoR1 and HpaII, Mse1, or Msp1 restriction enzymes and amplified with primers designed from 13 drought-responsive cDNAs. JoinMap 3.0 and MapQTL 4.0 software were used to incorporate polymorphic markers onto the AFLP map and to analyze their association with the drought response QTL. Seven markers co-located with peaks of previously identified QTL. Isolation, sequencing, and blast analysis of these markers confirmed their significant homology with drought or other abiotic stress-induced expressed sequence tags (EST) from cowpea and other plant systems. Further, homology with coding sequences for a multidrug resistance protein 3 and a photosystem I assembly protein ycf3 was revealed in two of these candidates. These results provide a platform for the identification and characterization of genetic trait determinants underlying seedling drought tolerance in cowpea.  相似文献   

The synthesis of 14C-labeled xanthine/hypoxanthine, uric acid, allantoin, allantoic acid, and urea from [8-14C]guanine or [8-14C]hypoxanthine, but not from [8-14C]adenine, was demonstrated in a cell-free extract from N2-fixing nodules of cowpea (Walp.). The 14C recovered in the acid/neutral fraction was present predominantly in uric acid and allantoin (88-97%), with less than 10% of the 14C in allantoic acid and urea. Time courses of labeling in the cell-free system suggested the sequence of synthesis from guanine to be uric acid, allantoin, and allantoic acid. Ureide synthesis was confined to soluble extracts from the bacteroid-containing tissue, was stimulated by pyridine nucleotides and intermediates of the pathways of aerobic oxidation of ureides, but was completely inhibited by allopurinol, a potent inhibitor of xanthine dehydrogenase (EC The data indicated a purine-based pathway for ureide synthesis by cowpea nodules, and this suggestion is discussed.  相似文献   

Woo KC 《Plant physiology》1981,67(6):1156-1160
The effect of O2 and pH on the in vitro synthesis of 14C-labeled ureides from [8-14C]hypoxanthine in a cell-free system from cowpea nodules was investigated. Under conditions which suppressed uricase (EC activity, namely low O2 concentrations and low pH, ureide synthesis was inhibited and the 14C label incorporated into uric acid was increased. Conversely, conditions which increased uricase activity, namely high O2 concentrations and high pH, also stimulated ureide synthesis, and the 14C label was incorporated principally into allantoin. The overall response of the system to O2 concentration and pH indicated that the per cent distribution of total 14C label incorporated into uric acid was inversely related to that into allantoin. In the present study there was evidence that uricase (EC controlled the in vitro rate of ureide synthesis in the cell-free system. Adenine and guanine inhibited xanthine dehydrogenase (EC and as a consequence ureide synthesis from [8-14C]hypoxanthine was also inhibited.  相似文献   

Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp. strain 127E14 has been shown to cause a dramatic increase in the internode length of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.), when compared to control plants inoculated with strain 127E15. This rhizobial-induced growth also occurs in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp), an alternate host for the symbiont. Cowpea plants inoculated with strain 127E14 were 23% taller than those inoculated with strain 127E14 after 6 weeks of growth. Petiole length was found to be significantly greater in plants inoculated with strain 127E14. Cowpea plants treated at the apex with exogenous GA3 or GA4/7 responded by increasing internode length when compared to controls. As in lima beans, the rhizobial-induced growth response observed in cowpeas may be in response to an imbalance in the levels of GA-like substances within the plants. Gibberellins A1, A3, A8, A19, A20, A29, and A44have been identified by GC-MS analysis in stems of cowpea, whereas the gibberellins A1, A19, A20, A29, and A44 were found to be present in nodule tissue formed by strain 127E14. The presence of these GAs indicates that the early 13-hydroxylation biosynthetic pathway is operative in cowpea. GAs identified in cowpea nodules are similar to those found in lima bean nodules formed by the same rhizobia. The finding that rhizobial strain 127E14 induces GA-dependent growth responses in two host legumes further supports the hypothesis that the presence of this bacteria alters the GA balance within the plant.  相似文献   

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