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The tissue distribution, developmental control, and induction of juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) mRNA was examined in Heliothis virescens using an 800-base pair fragment of a JHE cDNA clone. Northern hybridization analysis of poly(A)+RNA from fat body and integument of fifth stadium larvae indicated the presence of a single JHE mRNA species having an estimated length of 3 kilobases. On Day 2 of the fifth stadium (L5D2), basal JHE mRNA levels were 3-fold higher in the integument than the fat body, which correlated with the higher specific activity of the enzyme in the integument at this time. However, JHE mRNA levels in the fat body on Day 4 of the fifth stadium were 9-fold higher than on Day 2, while mRNA levels in the integument remained the same. This endogenous increase in JHE mRNA and activity in the fat body occurred at the time of peak hemolymph JHE activity. JHE mRNA was not detected in third stadium larvae which have very low levels of JHE activity. Treatment of L5D2 larvae with the juvenile hormone mimic epofenonane resulted in a 7- and 14-fold increase in the level of JHE mRNA in the integument and fat body, respectively. The mRNA induced in both tissues was of the same estimated length as the constitutively expressed message. The data indicate that the developmental regulation and induction of JHE can occur at the level of mRNA. There is evidence that the fat body secretes more JHE than does the integument and could be the major source of hemolymph JHE.  相似文献   

The plant chemical azadirachtin was administered, either in artificial diet or by oral injection, to fifth instar larvae of the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (Fabr.). At a dietary concentration of 0.03125 ppm, azadirachtin significantly reduced the amount of diet consumed and the weight gained by the larvae. Higher dietary concentrations (0.25 and 0.5 ppm) were necessary to reduce the efficiency of larval conversion of digested and ingested food, respectively. However, the approximate digestibility increased at the dietary concentration of 0.25 ppm.Orally injected azadirachtin (0.25 and 0.5 μg) delayed moulting to the pupal stage, produced defective pupae or adults, and inhibited development to the adult stage. Higher doses (5.0 and 10.0 μg) reduced the pre-pupal weight loss normally associated with pupation, and completely inhibited pupation. At the critical dose of 1.0 μg (the minimal dose that disrupted development to the pupal stage), azadirachtin had less of an effect on older than on younger larvae. Larvae injected on the first day of the fifth instar failed to pupate, whereas approx 40% of those injected on subsequent days pupated.The results suggest that azadirachtin affects H. virescens in a manner similar to other tested species of insects. The significance of these results, especially regarding hormonal events in the insects, is discussed.  相似文献   

The signal to induce diapause in H. virescens comes early in development (prior to the third instar in most insects), but the signal to break diapause can come shortly after entrance into diapause at pupation. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in both diapause-bound and non-diapause-bound Heliothis virescens larvae were similar in the first two thirds of the last-larval instar, when similar changes in morphology and behaviour occurred. However, the number of stepwise increases in titre and the timing of the steps was different in the two groups of larvae. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in the last third of the instar were approx, five times higher in non-diapause than in diapause-bound larvae. In diapausing pupae, haemolymph ecdysteroid titres dropped to levels found in larvae which had completed two thirds of the last instar. When diapausing pupae were warmed to break diapause, haemolymph ecdysteroid titres rose again. However, 2 of the 4 high ecdysteroid levels detected in pupae developing after diapause break were considerably lower than those detected for non-diapause pupae.  相似文献   

Brain-corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes from the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens produce both radiolabelled methyl (2E, 6E, 10Z)-10,11-epoxy-3, 11-dimethyl-7-ethyl-2, 6-tridecadienoate (JH I) and methyl (2E, 6E, 10Z)-10, 11-epoxy-3, 7, 11-trimethyl-2, 6-tridecadienoate (JH II) when cultured in medium containing L-[methyl14C] methionine or sodium [1−14C] propionate. Degradative studies of the hormones derived from propionate show the specific incorporation of the latter into the homo-isoprenoid portions of these compounds.  相似文献   

The hemolymph osmotic pressure of male Heliothis virescens last instar larvae and pupae can be correlated with the state of spermatogenesis: intermediate (approx. 325 mOsm/kg) osmotic pressures are found in pre-meiotic animals, low (approx. 300 mOsm/kg) osmotic pressures characterize meiosis and elongation, and high (approx. 370 mOsm/kg) osmotic pressures, characterize the tests of diapausing pupae, where mature sperm have disappeared and only pre-meiotic sperm are found. In vitro studies show that, as the osmotic pressure of the medium is increased, spermatogenesis is inhibited and the survival of pre-meiotic cysts is enhanced. It is proposed that the osmotic pressure of the hemolymph plays a role in spermatogenesis and in the preservation of immature cysts during diapause.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry, stability constants and solution structure of the complexes formed in the reaction of copper(II) with hexapeptide NPTNLH, i.e. the Neobelliera Bullata Trypsin Modulating Oostatic Factor (Neb-TMOF), and its analogues DPTNLH, Ac-NPTNLH and Ac-DPTNLH have been determined by potentiometric, UV-visible, CD and EPR spectroscopic methods. Upon raising pH for Ac-NPTNLH and Ac-DPTNLH peptides, copper(II) coordination starts from the imidazole nitrogen of the His6; afterwards three deprotonated amide nitrogens are progressively involved in metal ions coordination. In a wide pH range of 4.5-8.5 for the NPTNLH and DPTNLH ligands the CuL complex dominates with the imidazole nitrogen of His6 coordinated to form a macrochelate. The N-terminal amino group of the NPTNLH and DPTNLH peptides takes part in the coordination of the metal ion in the CuL, CuH−1L and CuH−2L complexes. However, at pH above 9 the CuH−3L complex with the {NIm, 3N} coordination mode is formed. For the CuH−2L complex the spectroscopic data clearly indicate the 4N {NH2, CO or COO, 2N, NIm} bonding mode with the axial coordination of the N-terminal amine group to the metal ion.  相似文献   

The utility of microplate and electrophoretic assays for detection of biochemical and physiological mechanisms underlying resistance to profenofos in the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), was assessed. Esterase (EST) activities were significantly higher in profenofos-resistant than -susceptible larvae, and activities were highly correlated (r(2) = 0.87) with resistance to profenofos. Both qualitative and quantitative variation was observed in electrophoretic gels stained with alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetates. Staining of ESTs was more intense with resistant larvae than those from a susceptible strain. In addition, a band (designated A') was expressed in larvae from profenofos-resistant strains, but not in larvae from an insecticide-susceptible strain. The frequency of expression of A' increased following selection with profenofos and was detected in 100% of the individuals from a profenofos-selected strain. The appearance of this band coincided with the decreased expression of a second band (designated A). A similar pattern (overexpression of A' and underexpression of A) also was observed in larvae from field-collected strains. Finally, reduction in the activity or the sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to inhibition by chlorpyrifos oxon was observed in laboratory-selected and field-collected larvae that expressed resistance to profenofos. These results suggest that microplate and electrophoretic assays can be utilized as complementary tools for detecting and monitoring profenofos resistance in H. virescens.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study possible functions of the inclusion body matrix protein (IBMP) encoded by gene VI of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), the XbaI fragment containing the gene VI of a Japanese strain of CaMV (CaMV S-Japan) was transferred to tobacco plants by Ti mediated transformation. Eight out of 18 kanamycin resistant plants (40%) expressed detectable levels of IBMP. Those transgenic plants expressing IBMP produced leaves with light green color, and their growth was suppressed as compared with control plants. Symptom-like necrotic spots also appeared on the leaves and stems of the mature transgenic plants. Furthermore, in these transgenic plants, pathogenesis-related proteins 1a, 1b and 1c were highly expressed and the activity of 1,3--glucanase was increased up to eightfold. From these results, we concluded that expression of the IBMP is associated with symptom development.  相似文献   

Sex pheromone components are produced in specialized glands of female moths via well-characterized biosynthetic pathways, where a Fatty Acyl Reductase (FAR) is often essential for producing the specific ratio of the different pheromone components. The subcellular localization and membrane topology of FARs is important for understanding how pheromones are synthesized and exported to the exterior for release. We investigated the subcellular localization of HvFAR from the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens by producing recombinant fusion proteins with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in yeast. A C-terminally tagged construct was localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and retained full reductive activity on a broad range of saturated and unsaturated fatty acyl precursors. In contrast, an N-terminally-tagged construct was poorly expressed in the cytoplasm and was not enzymatically active, indicating that HvFAR requires a free N-terminal for both proper targeting and catalytic activity. A series of truncations of the N-and C-termini of HvFAR was conducted based on in silico-predicted hydrophobic domains and transmembrane regions. The N-terminally truncated protein was found in the cytoplasm and did not retain activity, emphasizing the importance of the N-terminal for FAR function. In addition, the orientation in the membrane of the C-terminus-tagged HvFAR-GFP construct was analyzed using a fluorescence protease protection (FPP) assay, implying that the C-terminal of HvFAR is orientated towards the cytoplasm. These results, together with previous data on the localization of desaturases, confirm the importance of the ER as a subcellular site of pheromone production.  相似文献   

Voltage-activated sodium channels in central neurons of larval and adult Heliothis virescens were characterized using whole-cell patch clamp techniques. Macroscopic currents showing rapid activation and inactivation kinetics were uniformly sensitive to tetrodotoxin (IC(50)=1.9nM). Currents began to activate at voltage steps to -45mV and reached half maximal at -30mV. Fast inactivation was evident at voltages as negative as -75mV and reached half maximal at -50mV. Full recovery from inactivation occurred within 1 to 2ms. Currents in larval neurons exhibited similar properties to those of adult neurons, except for the rate of fast inactivation (t(1)), which was significantly slower in larval neurons. The biophysical properties of sodium channels remained unchanged for up to 3days in culture. Two insecticidal neurotoxins, LqhalphaIT and AaIT, produced distinctly different modifications of H. virescens sodium channels. LqhalphaIT slowed channel inactivation, while AaIT specifically shifted voltage-dependent activation to more negative potentials. Overall, the results indicate that sodium channels in H. virescens neurons exhibit biophysical characteristics similar to those of vertebrates, yet possess pharmacological uniqueness with respect to scorpion toxin modification.  相似文献   

Light microscope immunofluorescence was used to localize the membrane binding of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki 63-kDa delta-endotoxin in Heliothis virescens midgut and Malpighian tubules. Staining was observed along all exposed mucosal (apical microvillar) plasma membranes. Interpretation of the serosal (basal) plasma membrane staining was complicated because the basal lamina also stained. The results suggest that the toxin binds to all exposed plasma membranes without apparent specificity for particular membrane domains.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(3):491-499
Wild tomato, Lycoperiscon hirsutum f. glabratum, leaves or 2-tridecanone fed to fifth instar larvae of the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), caused a 2.2 to 3.1-fold increase in gut microsomal cytochrome P-450. The increase was proportional to the feeding period or to 2-tridecanone concentration. Wild tomato leaves or 2-tridecanone caused distinct changes in the spectral characteristics of the gut cytochrome P-450. Glutathione S-transferase activity decreased during the first 24 hr of exposure, then recovered and increased above control levels after 3 days.  相似文献   

Analyzing the chemosensory organs of the moth Heliothis virescens, three proteins belonging to the family of insect chemosensory proteins (CSPs) have been cloned; they are called HvirCSP1, HvirCSP2 and HvirCSP3. The HvirCSPs show about 50% identity between each other and 30–76% identity to CSPs from other species. Overall, they are rather hydrophilic proteins but include a conserved hydrophobic motif. Tissue distribution and temporal expression pattern during the last pupal stages were assessed by Northern blots. HvirCSP mRNAs were detected in various parts of the adult body with a particular high expression level in legs. The expression of HvirCSP1 in legs started early during adult development, in parallel with the appearance of the cuticle. HvirCSP1 mRNA was detectable five days before eclosion (day E-5), increased dramatically on day E-3 and remained at high level into adult life. The tissue distribution and the time course of appearance of HvirCSPs are in agreement with a possible role in contact chemosensation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nitrogen (N) acquisition from soil and insect capture during the growth of three species of pitcher plants, Nepenthes mirabilis, Cephalotus follicularis and Darlingtonia californica. 15N/14N natural abundance ratios (δ15N) of plants and pitchers of different age, non-carnivorous reference plants, and insect prey were used to estimate proportional contributions of insects to the N content of leaves and whole plants. Young Nepenthes leaves (phyllodes) carrying closed pitchers comprised major sinks for N and developed mainly from insect N captured elsewhere on the plant. Their δ15N values of up to 7.2‰ were higher than the average δ15N value of captured insects (mean δ15N value = 5.3‰). In leaves carrying old pitchers that are acting as a N source, the δ15N decreased to 3.0‰ indicating either an increasing contribution of soil N to those plant parts which in fact captured the insects or N gain from N2 fixation by microorganisms which may exist in old pitchers. The δ15N value of N in water collected from old pitchers was 1.2‰ and contained free amino acids. The fraction of insect N in young and old pitchers and their associated leaves decreased from 1.0 to 0.3 mg g−1. This fraction decreased further with the size of the investigated tiller. Nepenthes contained on average 61.5 ± 7.6% (mean ± SD, range 50–71%) insect N based on the N content of a whole tiller. In the absence of suitable non-carnivorous reference plants for Cephalotus, δ15N values were assessed across a developmental sequence from young plants lacking pitchers to large adults with up to 38 pitchers. The data indicated dependence on soil N until 4 pitchers had opened. Beyond that stage, plant size increased with the number of catching pitchers but the fraction of soil N remained high. Large Cephalotus plants were estimated to derive 26 ± 5.9% (mean ± SD of the three largest plants; range: 19–30%) of the N from insects. In Cephalotus we observed an increased δ15N value in sink versus source pitchers of about 1.2‰ on average. Source and sink pitchers of Darlingtonia had a similar δ15N value, but plant N in this species showed δ15N signals closer to that of insect N than in either Cephalotus or Nepenthes. Insect N contributed 76.4 ± 8.4% (range 57–90%) to total pitcher N content. The data suggest complex patterns of partitioning of insect and soil-derived N between source and sink regions in pitcher plants and possibly higher dependence on insect N than recorded elsewhere for Drosera species. Received: 14 April 1997 / Accepted: 18 August 1997  相似文献   

Midgut trypsins are associated with Bt protoxin activation and toxin degradation. Proteinase inhibitors have potential insecticidal toxicity against a wide range of insect species. This study was conducted to evaluate the interaction of proteinase inhibitors with Bt toxin and to examine midgut trypsin gene profile of Heliothis virescens. A sublethal dose (15ppb) of Cry1Ac, 0.75% soybean trypsin inhibitor, and 0.1% and 0.2% N-α-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone significantly suppressed midgut proteinase activities, and resulted in reductions in larval and pupal size and mass. The treatment with inhibitor+Bt suppressed approximately 65% more larval body mass and 21% more enzymatic activities than the inhibitor-only or Bt-only. Eleven trypsin-like cDNAs were sequenced from the midgut of H. virescens. All trypsins contained three catalytic center residues (H(73), D(153), and S(231)), substrate specificity determinant residues (D(225), G(250), and G(261)), and six cysteines for disulfide bridges. These putative trypsins were separated into three distinct groups, indicating the diverse proteinases evolved in this polyphagous insect. These results indicated that the insecticidal activity of proteinase inhibitors may be used to enhance Bt toxicity and delay resistance development.  相似文献   

In anautogenous mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti females the calcitonin-like diuretic hormone 31 (DH31) stimulates natriuretic fluid excretion from the Malpighian tubules (MTs) after a blood meal. We previously cloned and functionally characterized AedaeGPCRcal1 from A. aegypti, the ortholog of the Drosophila melanogaster DH31 receptor and immunolocalized it in the MTs. However, localization of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor 1 (GPCRCAL1) in the hindgut of any insect is unknown, and specifically, knowledge on its role in hindgut contraction in response to Aedae-DH31 peptide is lacking. We analyzed the expression of AedaeGPCRCAL1 in hindgut by western blot and immunohistochemisty, and evaluated its role in hindgut contractility by application of Aedae-DH31 before and after receptor RNA interference (RNAi). The receptor was detected as a 73 kDa band in western blots of hindgut and immunofluorescence revealed the receptor was expressed in hindgut circular and longitudinal muscles but not in the hindgut epithelial cells. In vitro, incubation in 1 μM solution of Aedae-DH31 peptide significantly increased the hindgut contraction frequency in normal mosquitoes. Hindguts from females treated with AedaeGPCRcal1 dsRNA and incubated with DH31 showed a reduction of 50% percent in their contraction frequency with respect to controls. These results suggest that DH31 hormone released from the brain post-blood meal has a direct and coordinative action on the excretory system, MTs and hindgut, by which AedaeGPCRCAL1 signaling stimulates MT primary urine secretion and hindgut contraction resulting in rapid postprandial fluid excretion.  相似文献   

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