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Summary Inter-relationships of various component characters with yield and oil content were analysed using 215 entries of safflower from India and U.S.A. Correlation of capsule number per plant and capsule weight with yield per plant was pronounced and they showed large direct effects on yield. All other components influenced seed yield mainly through these two components. Seed size had little effect on yield while seed number exerted a positive influence. The proportion of hull expressed as per cent of the whole seed revealed a highly significant and inverse relationship with oil content and was mainly responsible for the observed variability in oil content in the material. Although negative association was indicated between seed size and oil content, it was observed to be due to the indirect effect of hull content and not due to direct effect of seed size. Interestingly, yield per plant and its major components, number of capsules and capsule weight, revealed a negligible relationship with oil content. Both direct as well as indirect effects of hull percent and yield per plant were responsible for the favourable effect of seed number on oil content. The correlation of plant height, days to first flowering and total crop growth period with yield and oil content was either negligible or low, offering scope for developing early maturing and dwarf varieties with high yield and oil content. Spine index showed a non-significant association with yield and oil content. Capsule number, capsule weight and hull per cent were observed to be the most important components in breeding for higher yield and oil content.  相似文献   

A genetic evaluation of safflower germplasm collections derived from different geographical regions and countries will provide useful information for sustainable conservation and the utilization of genetic diversity. However, the molecular marker information is limited for evaluation of genetic diversity of safflower germplasm. In this study, we acquired 509 putative genomic SSR markers for sufficient genome coverage using next‐generation sequencing methods and characterized thirty polymorphic SSRs in safflower collection composed of 100 diverse accessions. The average allele number and expected heterozygosity were 2.8 and 0.386, respectively. Analysis of population structure and phylogeny based on thirty SSR profiles revealed genetic admixture between geographical regions contrary to genetic clustering. However, the accessions from Korea were genetically conserved in distinctive groups in contrast to other safflower gene pool. In conclusion, these new genomic SSRs will facilitate valuable studies to clarify genetic relationships as well as conduct population structure analyses, genetic map construction and association analysis for safflower.  相似文献   

不同产地红花的挥发油成分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不同产地红花的挥发油成分郭美丽张汉明张芝玉苏中武(第二军医大学药学院,上海200433)Theconstituentsofesentialoilfromsafflower(CarthamustinctoriusL.)indifferentlocali...  相似文献   

Pre-matured florets of Benibana, a cultivar of saffron thistle (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was irradiated with UV-B (280–320 nm) or UV-C (254 nm) light for 48 h at 23±1 °C and the influence of UV-light on carthamin accumulation and floret elongation was investigated. UV-C light enhances carthamin accumulation most prominently, showing a specific value of 52.3 nmol carthamin·dm−3·h−1·25μm−2 (13.9 times of control), while it restricts floret elongation by a light-suppression manner (net elongation: 0.058 mm·h−1, one ninth of control). UV-B light is also promotive for the red colour appearance (25.0 nmol carthamin·dm−3·h−1·25 μm−2, 6.7 times of control) with suppressing floret elongation (net elongation: 0.17 mm·h−1, one third of control). Heterogeneous productivity of carthamin was seen in floret tissues after continuous treating under UV-C light. Carthamin accumulation, heterogeneous carthamin productivity and decrease of floret elongation restraint under UV-lights are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and interrelationships among 31 lentil genotypes were evaluated using 10 Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) and 10 directed amplification of minisatellite DNA region (DAMD) primers. A total of 43 and 48 polymorphic bands were amplified by ISSR and DAMD markers, respectively. Average polymorphism information content (PIC) for ISSR and DAMD markers were 0.37 and 0.41, respectively. All 31 lentil genotypes could be distinguished by ISSR markers into three groups and by DAMD markers into two groups. Various molecular markers show a different efficiency for evaluating DNA polymorphism in lentil and indicate that the patterns of variation are clearly influenced by the genetic marker used. Comparatively, the genetic diversity of examined lentil genotypes by two different marker techniques (ISSR and DAMD) was high and indicated that ISSR and DAMD are effective and promising marker systems for fingerprinting in lentil and give useful information on its genetic relationships.  相似文献   

世界红花种质的籽油脂肪酸组分评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对引自 48个国家和地区在北京栽培的 2 0 48份红花 (CarthamustinctoriusL .)种质资源的籽油脂肪酸分析表明 ,棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸和亚油酸的平均含量分别为 7.30 %、1.2 8%、15 .76 %和 75 .33% ,其含量范围分别为 0 .99%~ 2 9.0 3%、0 .0 1%~ 5 .71%、5 .0 0 %~ 81.84%和 11.13%~ 88.30 %。来自不同地区的红花种质 ,各种脂肪酸的含量有较大的差异。来源于孟加拉国的红花 ,亚油酸平均含量为 5 0 .6 8% ,来源于奥地利的红花 ,亚油酸平均含量高达79.0 4%。通过评价 ,分别筛选出 10个高亚油酸和 10个高油酸的品种 ,高油酸的品种中有 3个来自孟加拉国 ,而高亚油酸的品种大多来自中国  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌对红花根围微生物多样性特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]研究丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌对红花根围微生物多样性特征的影响.[方法]对红花接种Glomus mosseae、G.intraradices和混合菌(G.mosseae、G.intraradices、G.cladoideum、G.microagregatum、G.caledonium、G.etunicatum)3种AM真菌,采用传统的平板稀释涂布法对红花根围细菌、真菌、放线菌进行分离、培养、计数和鉴定,并结合单链构象多态性(Single stand conformational polymorphism,SSCP)分析技术对红花根围微生物多样性进行分析.[结果]3处理与对照组红花根围微生物总量表现为G.mosseae>G.intraradices>混合菌>对照,且接种处理红花根围微生物总量显著高于对照.对照组红花各生长期微生物总量均为0-5 cm>5 cm-10 cm>10 cm-20 cm,接种处理红花生长至种子成熟期时不同土层微生物数量发生变化,微生物总量为5 cm-10 cm>0-5 cm>10 cm-20 cm.聚类分析发现微生物出现接种红花类群与不接种红花类群两大分类类群.[结论]AM真菌从时间和空间上影响了红花根围微生物的多样性特征,对红花农业生产和分析生态系统中微生物之间的相互作用具有重要的理论和实践价值.  相似文献   

Elshibli S  Korpelainen H 《Genetica》2008,134(2):251-260
Genetic diversity in date palm germplasm from Sudan representing 37 female and 23 male accessions was investigated using 16 loci of microsatellite (SSR) primers. Eight female accessions from Morocco were included as reference material. The tested SSR markers showed a high level of polymorphism. A total of 343 alleles were detected at the 16 loci. The number of alleles per marker ranged from 14 to 44 with an average of 21.4 per locus. A high level of expected heterozygosity was observed among Sudan cultivars (0.841), Morocco cultivars (0.820) and male accessions (0.799). The results indicate that the genetic groups of the Sudan cultivars and/or males do not follow a clear geographic pattern. However, the morocco group showed significant differentiation in relation to the Sudan groups, as measured by F (ST) values and genetic distances. The effect of the methods of pollination and cultivar selection on the genetic structure was clearly detected by the weak clustering association that was observed for the majority of accessions originating from Sudan and Morocco as well. This suggests the need for further investigation on the genetic diversity of Sudanese date palm germplasm. A deeper insight will be revealed by a detailed analysis of populations originating from different geographic locations.  相似文献   

Developing cotyledons of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) readily utilised exogenously supplied 14C-labelled fatty-acid substrates for the synthesis of triacylglycerols. The other major radioactive lipids were phosphatidylcholine and diacylglycerol. In safflower cotyledons, [14C]oleate was rapidly transferred to position 2 of sn-phosphatidylcholine and concomitant with this was the appearance of radioactive linoleate. The linoleate was further utilised in the synthesis of diacyl- and triacyl-glycerol via the reactions of the so-called Kennedy pathway. Supplying [14C]linoleate, however, resulted in a more rapid labelling of the diacylglycerols than from [14C]oleate. In contrast, sunflower cotyledons readily utilised both labelled acyl substrates for rapid diacylglycerol formation as well as incorporation into position 2 of sn-phosphatidylcholine. In both species, however, [14C]palmitate largely entered sn-phosphatidylcholine at position 1 during triacylglycerol synthesis. The results support our previous in-vitro observations with isolated microsomal membrane preparations that (i) the entry of oleate into position 2 of sn-phosphatidylcholine, via acyl exchange, for desaturation to linoleate is of major importance in regulating the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids available for triacylglycerol formation and (ii) Palmitate is largely excluded from position 2 of sn-phosphatidylcholine and enters this phospholipid at position 1 probably via the equilibration with diacylglycerol. Specie differences appear to exist between safflower and sunflower in relation to the relative importance of acyl exchange and the interconversion of diacylglycerol with phosphatidylcholine as mechanisms for the entry of oleate into the phospholipid for desaturation.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 57 Achillea accessions belonging to five species, A. millefolium, A. filipendulina, A. tenuifolia, A. santolina and A. biebersteinii. Nine AFLP primer combinations were used, which produced 301 polymorphic bands. In most species, a high level of genetic variation was detected among the genotypes. The Jaccard's similarity indices (J), based on AFLP profiles, were subjected to UPGMA cluster analysis. Application of Mantel's test for cophenetic correlation to the cluster analysis indicated the high fitness of the accessions to a group (r = 0.918). The dendrogram generated revealed five major groups corresponding to five species. The principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) data confirmed the results of the clustering. Among the species, A. teunifolia and A. santolina showed the greatest and the least genetic diversity, respectively. A. filipendulina accessions were acquired primarily from the same ecological regions of western Iran. Accessions belonging to A. biebersteinii originated from the Isfahan province and were separated from other species at the root of the dendrogram. The results of the clustering method, based on AFLP markers, corresponded closely with the geographical origins of the genotypes. The results of the present study could contribute to a better understanding and management of conservation and exploitation of the Achillea germplasm.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 118 tobacco accessions, including flue‐cured tobacco, sun‐/air‐cured tobacco, burley tobacco, oriental tobacco and wild tobacco, was characterised using intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) and inter‐retrotransposon amplification polymorphism (IRAP) markers. ISSR and IRAP banding patterns and genetic distance (GD) values showed the low level of genetic diversity within and among cultivated tobacco types. There was higher GD and average heterozygosity among wild tobacco types than those among cultivated tobacco. Genetic diversity of tobacco germplasm was low, with a high level of genetic identity (>0.77) between the different types. However, neighbour‐joining cluster analysis of marker‐based GDs showed that the accessions from the same tobacco type, as classified by manufacturing quality traits, were nearly clustered into the same group. These results will help in the formulation of appropriate strategies for variety improvement in tobacco, and ISSR and IRAP markers of the genetic diversity will contribute to further study and improvement of tobacco.  相似文献   

Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of Ricinus communis L. in northeastern China plants. We selected ten primers that produced clear, reproducible and multiple bands for these experiments and 179 bands were obtained across 39 genotypes. Polymorphic band ratios ranged from 100% to a minimum of 78.9% with an average of 96.4% while band numbers were comprised between 13 (UBC823) and 23 (UBC856). The results obtained from UPGMA clustering dendrogram and PCoA lead to 39 distinct castor bean accessions belonging to four major groups. We found that all groups shared a common node with 66% similarity while Jaccard's similarity coefficient ranged from 0.58 to 0.92. Compatible inference was also observed from the high values of heterozygosity (Ht = 0.3378 ± 0.0218), Nei's genetic diversity (H = 0.1765 ± 0.2090), and Shannon's information index (I = 0.4942 ± 0.1872). In addition, our data reveal a Nei's genetic differentiation index (GST) of 0.3452 and estimated the gene flow (Nm) at 0.9482. These findings clearly suggest a genetic diversity in castor bean germplasms from various geographic origins and contribute to our understanding of breeding and conservation of castor beans.  相似文献   

Broadening of the genetic base and systematic exploitation of heterosis in faba bean requires reliable information on the genetic diversity in the germ plasm. Three groups of faba bean inbred lines were examined by means of RAPDs (random amplified polymorphic DNAs) assays: 13 European small-seeded lines, 6 European large-seeded lines, and 9 Mediterranean lines. Out of 59 primers, 35 were informative and yielded 365 bands, 289 of which were polymorphic with a mean of 8.3 bands per primer. Monomorphic bands were omitted from the analyses and genetic distances (GD) were estimated via the coefficient of Jaccard. The mean GD among the European small-seeded lines was significantly greater than those among the lines of the other two groups. Repeatability of GD estimates was high. Cluster (UPGMA) and principal coordinate analyses identified European small-seeded lines and Mediterranean lines as distinct groups with European large-seeded lines located in between. The results are in harmony with published archaeobotanical findings. We conclude that RAPDs are useful for classification of germ plasm and identification of divergent heterotic groups in faba bean.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity, relationship and molecular identification of 15 well known, widely planted traditional Chinese elite tea genetic resources [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] preserved in the China National Germplasm Hangzhou Tea Repository in the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences located in Zhejiang province, China, were investigated using RAPD markers. A total of 1050 bands with an average of 52.5 bands per primer, 70 bands per genetic resource were generated by the 20 selected primers from the 15 tea genetic resources. In the total of 137 amplified products, 129 were polymorphic, corresponding to 94.2% genetic diversity. The relative frequency of polymorphic products was from 0.24 to 0.83, with an average of 0.47. In general, this average frequency was relatively high. The genetic distances among the genetic resources were from 0.16 to 0.62, with an average of 0.37. The 15 tea genetic resources were grouped into three groups by UPGMA cluster analysis based on RAPD data. By using the presence of 20 unique RAPD markers and the absence of 11 unique markers, all the 15 investigated tea genetic resources could be easily identified. RAPD markers provided a practical method not only to evaluate the genetic diversity and relationship, but also to identify tea genetic resources.  相似文献   

利用AFLP分子标记探讨蜡梅种质资源的遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵冰  张启翔 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4452-4459
利用AFLP分子标记技术,对中国蜡梅种质资源7个野生种群的遗传多样性进行了研究。利用筛选出的3对引物,共扩增出253条谱带,其中218条多态带,多态位点占86.17% ;种群间的基因分化系数为0.2906,说明蜡梅基因多样性主要存在于种群内;种群总的Nei s基因多样性指数为0.2933,Shannon信息多态性指数为0.4487,蜡梅总的遗传多样性水平较高。蜡梅不同种群遗传多样性水平差异较大,种群多态位点百分率在65.44% ~87.16%之间,Nei s基因多样性指数为0.1653 ~0.4012,Shannon信息多态性指数为0.3132 ~0.5603。神农架种群(SN)和保康种群(BK)的遗传多样性水平较高。用NTSYS2.01版软件对样品进行UPGMA聚类分析,结果7个种群并没有按地理距离进行聚类。最后提出要对各蜡梅野生群体采取相应的迁地和就地保护措施。  相似文献   

ISSR analysis of genetic diversity in sacred lotus cultivars   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers were applied to assess genetic diversity and genetic relationships of 92 cultivars of sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), one of the most famous flowers in China. Our results showed that sacred lotus exhibited a low level of genetic diversity (percentage of polymorphic bands, PPB = 55.8%), which may result from its asexual mode of reproduction and long-term artificial selection. Clustering analyses indicated that these cultivars could be divided into two clades. Most cultivars of Chinese lotus species origin were included in one clade, and one cultivar of American lotus species origin was nested in the other clade. The hybrid cultivars from hybridization between the two subspecies were interspersed in these two clades. Seven cultivars native to Thailand formed a distinct subclade among the cultivars of Chinese lotus species origin. Genetic differentiation between two subspecies, and between cultivars from Thailand and other cultivars could be attributed to geographic isolation. The monophyly of three cultivars of Sanshui Winter Lotus and their closest relationships to Chinese lotus species origin suggests that they might have a common origin and may consist completely or mainly of genetic material from N. nucifera subsp. nucifera.  相似文献   

苦瓜种质遗传多样性的RAPD和ISSR分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用RAPD和ISSR分子标记技术对38份苦瓜种质进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:10个RAPD和10个ISSR引物分别扩增出93条和81条带,多态性比率分别为50.54%和61.29%;RAPD和ISSR标记检测供试材料的遗传相似性系数(GS)范围,分别为0.287~1和0.221~1,ISSR(平均GS值0.672)检测多态性效果高于RAPD(平均GS值0.694)。RAPD标记聚类分析将供试种质分为3个类群6组,分类结果与苦瓜瓜瘤的表型分类比较相似;ISSR标记聚类分析将供试种质分为3个类群7组,ISSR标记划分类群与形态上以颜色分类比较接近。RAPD和ISSR标记的遗传相似性系数呈显著相关(r=0.550)。两个标记整合后聚类分析可检测到更大的遗传变异,结果与苦瓜的农艺性状分类和地理分布有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

The levels and pattern of the genetic variation within and among natural populations of Huperzia serrata were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Seven primer combinations used in the study amplified 615 discernible bands with 532 (86.5%) being polymorphic, indicating a considerable high level of genetic diversity at the species level. AMOVA analysis revealed a low level of genetic differentiation among the ten populations. The UPGMA cluster of all samples showed that individuals from the same population occasionally failed to cluster in one distinct group. A Mantel test showed no significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance (r = 0.278, P = 0.891), suggesting that the gene flow was not restricted geographically. A number of factors that might affect the genetic profiles of H. serrata included clonal growth, selective effect of niche and outcrossing, as well as the effective wind-dispersal of spores.  相似文献   

Free radical scavenging activity of the extracts of petals (bud, early stage, full blooming and ending stage), leaf, stem, root and seeds of Mogami-benibana (safflower, Carthamus tinctorius Linne), the contents of the major active components of carthamin and polyphenols, and neuroprotective effect of the petal extracts and carthamin in the brain of mice and rats were examined. Water extracts of Mogami-benibana petals scavenged superoxide, hydroxyl and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals and singlet oxygen. The scavenging activities of the extract of safflower petals with various colors showed the order of orange, yellow and white from high to low. This order is consistent with the contents of carthamin, which is a pigment of orange color and is found highest in orange petals and lowest in white petals. There was also a relationship between DPPH radical scavenging activity and carthamin content in the petal extracts of safflower. The neuroprotective effects were examined in cellular and animal models. Mogami-benibana petal extract inhibited glutamate-induced C6 glia cell death, significantly decreased the formation of malondialdehyde in mouse cerebrum, and inhibited the increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in the cerebral cortex of rats subjected to an injection of FeCl3 solution into the sensory motor cortex. Carthamin showed similar effects in inhibiting 8-OHdG by the petal extract in rats. These results suggest that the petal extract of Mogami-benibana has free radical scavenging activity and neuroprotective effect and carthamin is one of the major active components. Special Issue Article in Honor of Dr. Akitane Mori.  相似文献   

Foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.], an important crop of East Asia is known for its drought tolerance and was once an indispensible crop of vast rainfed areas in semi-arid regions in India. In India it is cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and north eastern states. The grain finds use in several local recipes such as roti (bread), jaula, singal, sirol. Foxtail millet grain contains 12.3 % protein, 4.7 % fat, 60.6 % carbohydrates, and 3.2 % ash. The present study was conducted to analyse the genetic diversity among foxtail accessions from different states of India and a few exotic accessions using RAPD and ISSR techniques and identify diverse accessions for use in variety improvement programmes. A set of 125 foxtail millet accessions selected from 11 different agro-ecological regions of India were analyzed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker techniques. A total of 146 (115 RAPD and 31 ISSR) scoreable markers were generated with 16 RAPD and four ISSR primers. The dendrogram generated using Nei’s genetic distances and principal component analyses revealed presence of two clusters and two subclusters in group I. The accessions from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand were more diverse since they were distributed in both the clusters. There was no clear geographical differentiation observable. The bootstrap support for the major groups identified was strong (above 80 %) indicating good statistical support. The average value of Nei and Li’s genetic distance was lowest (0.081) for accessions from West Bengal while the collections from Karnataka showed highest dissimilarity (average genetic distance = 0.239). The average genetic distance for all 125 accessions together was 0.177 indicating presence of only moderate genetic diversity in the collections. The analysis of molecular variance indicated that only 2.76 % variation was explained by variations among the groups and 11.55 % among populations within groups. However the percentage of variation observed within populations was high (85.68). The value of Fst was observed to be very low (0.028) indicating low differentiation of the accessions analysed. The population genetic analysis carried out indicates that highest number of alleles per locus (1.745 ± 0.438) was observed for Andhra Pradesh with 35 accessions. When four eco-geographic regions were considered, the southern region comprising AP, Karnataka and TN showed the highest number of alleles per locus (1.787 ± 0.411). The value of Gst was lowest for south (0.123) and highest for central west (0.455). This indicated that all the landraces from south share common alleles. The gene flow between the accessions from different regions was also observed to be high with the highest migration (3.557) recorded for south.  相似文献   

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