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刘全生  王德华 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):333-338
食粪行为广泛存在于草食性中小型哺乳动物中,是特指动物取食由盲肠内容物所形成的粪便的行为。这些动物具有特殊的结肠分离机制,能够产生两种不同的粪便。食粪行为延长了食物在消化道中的平均滞留时间;提高了对高纤维食物的消化率;弥补了食物中氨基酸和维生素的缺乏,满足了动物对这些营养物质的需求;是动物消化过程中的一个特殊组成部分。食粪行为的节律性是动物对取食和食粪的风险权衡的结果。食粪行为的发展是与动物草食性的特点紧密相关的,是动物对身体较小、食物质量低和天敌威胁等不利因素适应的结果。本对这些方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

杨顼  戴欣  刘力  王雪薇 《菌物学报》2014,33(3):621-631
分别利用真菌通用引物和厌氧真菌特异引物构建了西藏地区3种反刍动物和1种单胃动物共8份新鲜粪样的ITS克隆文库,以通过系统发育分析解析其中好氧真菌与厌氧真菌的多样性。通用引物ITS文库测得324条真菌序列,分别属于子囊菌门Ascomycota 3个目、担子菌门Basidiomycota 2个目、接合菌门Zygomycota的1个目和严格厌氧的新丽鞭毛菌门Neocallimastigomycota,共24个OTUs。其中,子囊菌门相对丰度最高,占80.6%;新丽鞭毛菌门相对丰度最低,仅占0.6%。大部分OTUs与已知真菌属、种关系较远。厌氧真菌特异引物文库测得661条序列,全部属于新丽鞭毛菌门,包括所有已知的厌氧霉属Anaeromyces、盲肠菌属Caecomyces、肠霉属Cyllamyces、新丽鞭毛属Neocallimastix、奥式霉属Orpinomyces、胃梨囊霉属Piromyces 6个属和3个未培养的属级类群(NG9、NG10、NG11),共29个OTUs。其中3个已知的单中心属存在于所有反刍动物样品中,并以Piromyces相对丰度最高(37.4%)。单胃动物马粪样中全部为NG9类群。NG9是本研究新发现的属级类群,研究中同时揭示有多个未培养种和潜在的新种。研究结果证明青藏高原反刍动物粪栖真菌多样性较高,并存在丰富的未培养种和潜在的新属及新种。  相似文献   

粪食性金龟的行为及其适应演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
白明  杨星科 《昆虫知识》2008,45(3):499-505
粪食性金龟的行为简单分为3类:粪居型(endocoprid或dwelling behaviour)、直接掘洞型(paracoprid或tunnelling behaviour)和滚粪球型(telocoprid或rolling behaviour)。文章详细阐述各类型的特点,探讨粪食性金龟行为的进化趋势和过程,并进一步阐述粪食性金龟的适应演化。  相似文献   

粪产碱杆菌的分离鉴定及其生物转化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李敏  王琦  魏菁  刘继军  高云航 《微生物学通报》2021,48(10):3612-3620
【背景】硫化氢(H2S)作为畜牧生产过程中释放的一种有毒有害气体,严重危害畜禽和人类的健康,因此降解硫化氢特别是生物氧化法转化硫化氢已成为当前研究热点。【目的】筛选高效硫氧化菌株并研究其生物转化作用。【方法】以长春市某养鸡场采集的新鲜粪便为材料,分离鉴定硫氧化菌株。采用单因素分析法优化其生长条件,研究生物转化效率,检测soxY、soxZ基因m RNA表达水平。【结果】获得一株高效硫氧化菌株JF9,经鉴定为粪产碱杆菌。最佳生长条件:底物浓度0.5 g/L,温度35°C,初始pH 7.0,在此条件下Na2S去除率达94%以上。菌株JF9存在soxY和soxZ基因,其转录水平在硫源诱导前后差异显著(P0.05)。【结论】分离得到的粪产碱杆菌具有良好的硫化物转化能力,脱硫过程中硫氧化基因高效表达。  相似文献   

动物贮食行为及其生态意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
动物贮存食物,以调节食物的时空分布,度过食物缺乏期。贮食行为是一种特化的采食行为。现已发现上百种鸟类和哺乳类动物贮存食物。植食动物贮藏植物繁殖体,促进了植物的扩散。于是,植物与贮食动物形成了一种协同进化关系。这种关系是自然界互惠关系(mutualism)的一种类型。  相似文献   

自从青霉素临床应用以来,抗生素在防治有害微生物、保障人类健康和促进农业生产方面已作出了卓著的贡献。然而,抗生素的广泛使用也带来不少值得注意的问题。其中之一是由于各种抗生素在抑制或消灭体内致病菌的同时,也对人体内正常菌群有抑杀作用,特别是儿童大量使用抗生素后,肠道中正常菌群遭受严重损害,从而破坏正常的菌群平衡,造成菌群  相似文献   

[背景]粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)是人和动物肠道正常菌群之一,也是一种条件性致病菌.近年来,粪肠球菌引起人和动物感染的报道越来越多.[目的]探明引起某养鸡场雏鸡发病死亡的病原及其致病性和有效治疗药物.[方法]结合临床症状和病理剖检,开展病原菌分离、生理生化特性检测和16S rRNA基因序列分...  相似文献   

目的:利用临床耐药粪肠球菌分离裂解性噬菌体,为应用噬菌体治疗耐药粪肠球菌感染提供基础。方法:利用噬菌斑实验分离噬菌体并观察噬菌斑形态;双层平板培养法测定噬菌体效价、最佳感染复数及一步生长曲线;负染法电镜观察噬菌体形态;蛋白酶K/SDS法提取噬菌体基因组,酶切处理后琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析。结果:分离出一株噬菌体IME-EF1,该噬菌体能裂解多株临床分离的粪肠球菌;电镜观察呈蝌蚪形,最佳感染复数为1;通过绘制一步生长曲线,证明该噬菌体感染后的潜伏期为25 min,爆发期为35 min,裂解量为60 pfu。结论:研究结果表明利用临床分离的耐药粪肠球菌分离裂解性噬菌体是可行的,有望为耐药粪肠球菌的抗生素替代疗法奠定基础。  相似文献   

合作贮食是社会性动物应对食物匮乏的重要对策,但其内在的生态学机制尚未阐明。本文以布氏田鼠为研究对象,根据亲缘关系划分为亲缘组和非亲缘组。在人工实验箱中录像统计不同组别合作贮食行为占用时间的差异,探究亲缘关系对合作贮食行为的影响,并利用相关性分析探究亲缘组个体对贮食的贡献—收益关系以及与贮食行为相关的个体特征因素。结果表明,在组间水平上,与非亲缘组相比,亲缘组的布氏田鼠表现更多的合作贮食。在亲缘组个体水平上,不同个体对贮食的参与度和贡献度存在很大差异。个体对合作贮食的付出与其取食的收益呈显著负相关关系,并且个体合作贮食贡献越大,其睾丸指数和睾酮含量降低越显著。研究结果说明,亲缘关系的存在有利于布氏田鼠的合作贮食,但合作贮食贡献大的个体,其繁殖受到了抑制。  相似文献   

在管办分开下进行了公立医院管理机制的探索与实践。通过优化医院战略定位与管理、创新分管领导条块负责、试行按绩激励、建立中层干部契约化管理、实施临床科室分类目标责任管理,探索“四步考核”绩效考核,强化医疗质量管理执行与督查分设,研究科室投入与科室效益及其战略发展定位相结合的资产运行,实践人才培养与引进“四轮驱动”,提升医院文化导向机制系列改革,创新了医院管理体制,同时医院在医疗、科研、人才、经营、文化建设方面也得到了迅速提升。  相似文献   

Herbivorous mammals such as nutrias, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and mole‐rats have a longitudinal mucosal colonic groove (furrow) in their ascending colon, which is thought to play a role in the colonic separation mechanism (CSM). It is not known whether this groove is structurally modified to adapt to this function in mole‐rat species. The morphology of this groove was studied in 32 mol‐rats, four species, one of which consisted of three subspecies, endemic to southern Africa and two species found in eastern Africa. The macroscopic morphology of the groove was documented, and samples for histological examination were taken. The groove was wide at its origin at the cecocolic junction and was lined on either side by a row of papillae with the opposing papillae slightly offset in arrangement. The papillated groove gradually decreased in size toward the distal part of the ascending colon where it disappeared. This pattern was similar in all species except in Heterocephalus glaber, where the papillae were absent and the groove was lined by two longitudinal ridges. A histological examination of cross sections revealed that the mucosa covering the inner and outer walls of the groove was rich in mucous‐secreting goblet cells. The walls of the groove contained smooth muscle extending from the inner circular smooth muscle layer at the base to the tips of the papillae in all species examined as well as arteries, lymphatic vessels, and prominent sinusoid‐like veins. The groove could be demonstrated both macroscopically and histologically in three Bathyergus suillus fetuses of varying sizes. The sinusoid‐like veins present in all grooves, regardless of macroscopic shape, suggest that they have a role in the functioning of the groove. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

一种微距测量组织光学参数的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测量生物组织的光学参数是近红外光学检测(NIR)的主要任务之一,然而常规的近红外光学检测由于受扩散近似的限制,测量的距离一般大于2cm-3cm。本文从提高近红外光学检测空间分辨率的角度,设计了一种可用于测量生物组织局部、浅表光学参数的方法。通过使用光纤探针,实现了在微小光源-探测器间距时(<1mm)测量组织光学参数。模型实验的结果表明该方法可反映生物组织中吸收系数及散射系数的变化率。  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1606-1618
The ascending colon of most rodent species shows a longitudinal colonic groove that works as a retrograde transport pathway for a mixture of bacteria and mucus toward the cecum. We describe the morphology and glycosylation pattern of the colonic groove of Lagostomus maximus to analyze the role of mucins in this anatomical feature. We also studied the distribution pattern of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) to evaluate their regulatory influence on gut motility. The groove originated near the cecocolic junction and extended along the mesenteric side of the ascending colon, limited at both ends by nonpapillated ridges. These ridges divided the lumen of the ascending colon into two compartments: a narrow channel and a large channel, called the groove lumen and the main lumen, respectively. The histochemical analysis showed differences in the glycosylation pattern of the goblet cells inside and outside the groove. Unlike the mucosa lining the main lumen of the colon, the groove was rich in goblet cells that secrete sulfomucins. The PA/Bh/KOH/PAS technique evidenced an abrupt change in the histochemical profile of goblet cells, which presented a negative reaction in the groove and a strongly positive one in the rest of the colonic mucosa. The anti‐c‐kit immunohistochemical analysis showed different ICC subpopulations in the ascending colon of L. maximus . Of all types identified, the ICC‐SM were the only cells located solely within the colonic groove.  相似文献   

膜分离技术在硫酸软骨素分离方面的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了硫酸软骨素的生产工艺 ,应用膜分离技术对现有工艺进行了改进 ,使硫酸软骨素纯度达 95 .2 % ,收率提高3% ,并且简化了操作  相似文献   

  • 1 It is generally assumed that animals compensate for a declining diet quality with increasing food intake. Differences in the response to decreasing forage quality in herbivores have been postulated particularly between cattle (ruminants) and horses (hindgut fermenters). However, empirical tests for both assumptions in herbivorous mammals are rare.
  • 2 We collected data on voluntary food intake in mammals on forage‐only diets and related this to dietary neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content, assuming a nonlinear correlation between these measurements. Generally, the paucity of corresponding data is striking.
  • 3 Elephants and pandas showed very high food intakes that appeared unrelated to dietary fibre content. Only in small rodents, and possibly in rabbits, was an increase in food intake on forages of higher NDF content evident. In particular, other large herbivores, including horses, followed patterns of decreasing intake with increasing forage NDF, also observed in domestic cattle or sheep.
  • 4 For large herbivores, empirical data therefore do not – so far – support the notion that intake is increased in response to declining diet quality. However, data are in accord with the assumption that most large herbivores have an anticipatory strategy of acquiring body reserves when high‐quality forage is available, and reducing food intake (and potentially metabolic losses) when only low‐quality forage is available.
  • 5 Intake studies in which the influence of digestive strategy on food intake capacity is tested should be designed as long‐term studies that outlast an anticipatory strategy and force animals to ingest as much as possible.
  • 6 We suggest that a colonic separation mechanism coupled with coprophagy, in order to minimize metabolic faecal losses, is necessary below a body size threshold where an anticipatory strategy (living off body reserves, migration) is not feasible. Future studies aimed at investigating fine‐scale differences, for example between equids and bovids, should focus on non‐domesticated species.

筛选亚健康便秘人群结肠黏膜变化的分子标志物,为亚健康便秘人群的结肠黏膜改变机制提供理论依据.采用双向凝胶电泳(two-dimensional electrophoresis,2-DE)对亚健康便秘人群及健康志愿者结肠黏膜组织进行蛋白质分离,ImageMaster2D Elite分析软件进行图像分析,基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flightmass spectrometry,MALDI-TOF-MS)得到相应的肽质量指纹图(peptide mass fingerprint,PMF),搜索数据库鉴定差异蛋白.建立了亚健康便秘人群及健康志愿者结肠黏膜组织2-DE图谱,分析出其凝胶的平均蛋白质点数(501.00±37.16,536.00±41.63),两者平均差异蛋白质点数为46.00±7.82,取20个表达量明显改变的蛋白质点进行质谱分析,鉴定出17个蛋白质.其中7个蛋白质点表达下调,10个蛋白质点表达上调.差异蛋白质点包括蛋白质合成与分解、分子伴侣、氧化还原调节及信号传导等相关蛋白质.随即应用免疫印迹(Western blot)技术分析差异蛋白β-actin、YWHAZ及PBP-Ⅰ(phosphatidylethanolamine-binding proteinⅠ)在两类组织中的表达水平及临床意义.结果表明,亚健康便秘人群和健康志愿者的结肠黏膜组织蛋白表达存在差异,β-actin、YWHAZ表达下调及PBP-Ⅰ上调参与了亚健康便秘的发生,对此状态进行合理干预,可使身体向健康转化.  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNA interference, RNAi)是在植物、动物、线虫、真菌以及昆虫等生物体中普遍存在的通过双链RNA(double strand RNA, dsRNA)诱导的抑制同源基因表达的一种保守的调控机制.小分子RNA通过特异性地识别结合RNA诱导的沉默复合体(RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC)对目标mRNA的表达在转录和翻译水平进行抑制.作为RISC的重要组成成分,Argonaute蛋白(Ago)发挥了至关重要的作用.为了进一步阐明Ago蛋白在RNA干扰中对小分子RNA的作用机制,本文介绍了Ago蛋白的结构、分类及其在RNA干扰机制中的作用,并着重阐述了目前已知的植物Ago蛋白对小分子RNA的几种作用机制,以及目前研究发现的Ago蛋白的功能作用,从而更进一步证实Ago蛋白对小分子RNA的作用是一个复杂的过程.  相似文献   

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