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Pteromalus puparum is a predominant endoparasitoid wasp of Pieris rapae. Its venom is the only active factor injected into host associated with oviposition. In this report, we explored whether the venom alone from this wasp affects the endocrine system of its host or not. We monitored the changes of hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH; only JH III detected), ecdysteroid, and juvenile hormone esterase activity (JHE) over 72 h in parasitized and venom‐microinjected P. rapae pupae. Non‐parasitized and PBS‐microinjected P. rapae served as controls. Results showed that JH titers were significantly higher in parasitized and venom‐microinjected pupae than that in control pupae during 24 to 72 h. After 12 h, JH titers were significantly promoted by parasitization and venom microinjection. JHE activities of non‐parasitized and PBS‐microinjected pupae were significantly higher than that of parasitized and venom‐microinjected pupae, which was with a peak at 12 h (parasitized pupae) or 24 h (venom‐microinjected pupae) during 6 to 48 and 12 to 36 h, respectively. The hemolymph titers of ecdysteroid in non‐parasitized and PBS‐microinjected pupae increased rapidly during 12 to 36 h with a peak at 36 h, and were higher than treatments before 48 h, while presenting a significant difference at 24 to 48 h between the treatments and controls. The results demonstrate that venom alone of this parasitoid wasp can disrupt its host's endocrine system. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

From a Locusta migratoria genomic DNA library, a gene has been isolated that codes for a previously unrecognized hemolymph protein of Mr = 19,000, designated 19k protein. The gene has at least five exons, extending over about 9 kb of DNA. Its polypeptide product, obtained by cell-free translation of mRNA selected from adult fat body RNA by hybridization with the cloned DNA, is precipitated by antiserum against a low molecular weight hemolymph protein fraction. The mature protein product has been purified from locust hemolymph, and an N-terminal sequence of 20 amino acids has been determined. In polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, this protein comigrates with apolipophorin III, from which it was previously not distinguished, but it is clearly distinct by amino acid composition and sequence. The genomic clone was used as a probe to isolate a fat body cDNA clone of the 19k protein mRNA. The 938-base pair cDNA clone contains a 516-base pair open reading frame. The deduced 172-amino acid polypeptide includes an apparent signal peptide, a sequence of four amino acids that may represent a prosegment, and a sequence identical (with a single exception, which may reflect polymorphism) with the N-terminal sequence of the hemolymph protein. Its mRNA occurs at a low level in late larval fat body, is abundant in the newly eclosed adult, then declines to a low level, and rises again at days 8–10; it is greatly reduced after destruction of the corpora allata with precocene and then is elevated after treatment with methoprene, suggesting stimulation by juvenile hormone. The biological role of 19k protein is unknown.  相似文献   

Abstract The cell membranes of the corpora allata of the cockroach Diploptera punctata contain voltage-dependent calcium channels. Depolarizing current injection into cells of the corpora allata in the presence of the calcium channel blockers, cadmium, cobalt or verapamil allows the production of multiple action potentials, as does treatment with the intracellular calcium chelator, BAPTA/AM. These results suggest that calcium currents are involved both in decreasing the excitability and in activating an outward current in cells of the corpora allata. Electrophysiological measurements also suggest a concomitant reduction in outward conductance following the multiple action potentials produced in the presence of the channel blockers or BAPTA/ AM. We hypothesize that the calcium current may play an important role in the regulation of intracellular calcium concentration and Juvenile Hormone biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Commonly held views assume that ageing, or senescence, represents an inevitable, passive, and random decline in function that is strongly linked to chronological age. In recent years, genetic intervention of life span regulating pathways, for example, in Drosophila as well as case studies in non-classical animal models, have provided compelling evidence to challenge these views.Rather than comprehensively revisiting studies on the established genetic model systems of ageing, we here focus on an alternative model organism with a wild type (unselected genotype) characterized by a unique diversity in longevity - the honey bee.Honey bee (Apis mellifera) life span varies from a few weeks to more than 2 years. This plasticity is largely controlled by environmental factors. Thereby, although individuals are closely related genetically, distinct life histories can emerge as a function of social environmental change.Another remarkable feature of the honey bee is the occurrence of reverted behavioural ontogeny in the worker (female helper) caste. This behavioural peculiarity is associated with alterations in somatic maintenance functions that are indicative of reverted senescence. Thus, although intraspecific variation in organismal life span is not uncommon, the honey bee holds great promise for gaining insights into regulatory pathways that can shape the time-course of ageing by delaying, halting or even reversing processes of senescence. These aspects provide the setting of our review.We will highlight comparative findings from Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans in particular, and focus on knowledge spanning from molecular- to behavioural-senescence to elucidate how the honey bee can contribute to novel insights into regulatory mechanisms that underlie plasticity and robustness or irreversibility in ageing.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the Acipenseriformes: cytogenetic and molecular approaches   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The review of the data on karyology and DNA content in Acipenseriformes shows that both extant families, the Polyodontidae and Acipenseridae, originated from a tetraploid ancestor which probably had a karyotype consisting of 120 macro- and microchromosomes and DNA content of about 3.2–3.8 pg per nucleus. The tetraploidization of the presumed 60-chromosome ancestor seems to have occurred at an early time of evolution of the group. The divergence of the Acipenseridae into Scaphirhyninae and Acipenserinae occurred without polyploidization. Within the genus Acipenser, polyploidization was one of the main genetic mechanisms of speciation by which 8n and 16n-ploid species were formed. Individual gene trees constructed for sequenced partial fragments of the 18S rRNA (230 base pairs, bp), 12S rRNA (185 bp), 16S rRNA (316 bp), and cytochrome b (270 bp) genes of two Eurasian (A. baerii and A. ruthenus) and two American (A. transmontanus and A. medirostris) species of Acipenser, Huso dauricus, Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni, Scaphirhynchus albus, and Polyodon spathula showed a low level of resolution; the analysis of a combined set of data for the four genes, however, gave better resolution. Our phylogeny based on molecular analysis had two major departures from existing morphological hypotheses: Huso dauricus is a sister-species to Acipenser instead of being basal to all acipenseriforms, and Scaphirhynchus and Pseudoscaphirhynchus do not form a monophyletic group. The phylogenetic tree constructed for the cytochrome b gene fragments (with inclusion of 7 additional species of Acipenser) supported the conclusion that octoploid species appeared at least three times within Acipenser.  相似文献   

An extracellular nuclease from Bacillus firmus VKPACU-1 was multifunctional enzyme, this nuclease hydrolyzed poly U rapidly and more preferentially than the other homopolyribonucleotides. Hydrolysis of RNA this enzyme released mononucleotides in the order 5′UMP > 5′AMP > 5′GMP where as in hydrolysis of DNA the mononucleotides in the order of 5′dAMP > 5′dGMP > 5′dTMP and oligonucleotides. Uridylic linkages in RNA and adenylic linkages in DNA were preferentially cleaved by the nuclease. Nuclease produced oligonucleotides having only 3’ hydroxyl and 5’ phosphate termini. Present nuclease hydrolyzed RNA and DNA released oligonucleotides as major end products and mononucleotides, suggesting an endo mode of action.  相似文献   

Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) is a serious systemic complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) causing considerable morbidity and mortality. Acute GVHD occurs when alloreactive donor-derived T cells recognize host-recipient antigens as foreign. These trigger a complex multiphase process that ultimately results in apoptotic injury in target organs. The early events leading to GVHD seem to occur very soon, presumably within hours from the graft infusion. Therefore, when the first signs of aGVHD clinically manifest, the disease has been ongoing for several days at the cellular level, and the inflammatory cytokine cascade is fully activated. So, it comes as no surprise that progress in treatment based on clinical diagnosis of aGVHD has been limited in the past 30 years. It is likely that a pre-emptive strategy using systemic high-dose corticosteroids as early as possible could improve the outcome of aGVHD. Due to the deleterious effects of such treatment particularly in terms of infection risk posed by systemic steroid administration in a population that is already immune-suppressed, it is critical to identify biomarker signatures for approaching this very complex task. Some research groups have begun addressing this issue through molecular and proteomic analyses, combining these approaches with computational intelligence techniques, with the specific aim of facilitating the identification of diagnostic biomarkers in aGVHD. In this review, we focus on the aGVHD scenario and on the more recent state-of-the-art. We also attempt to give an overview of the classical and novel techniques proposed as medical decision support system for the diagnosis of GVHD.  相似文献   

The computational identification of oncogenic lesions is still a key open problem in cancer biology. Although several methods have been proposed, they fail to model how such events are mediated by the network of molecular interactions in the cell. In this paper, we introduce a systems biology approach, based on the analysis of molecular interactions that become dysregulated in specific tumor phenotypes. Such a strategy provides important insights into tumorigenesis, effectively extending and complementing existing methods. Furthermore, we show that the same approach is highly effective in identifying the targets of molecular perturbations in a human cellular context, a task virtually unaddressed by existing computational methods. To identify interactions that are dysregulated in three distinct non‐Hodgkin's lymphomas and in samples perturbed with CD40 ligand, we use the B‐cell interactome (BCI), a genome‐wide compendium of human B‐cell molecular interactions, in combination with a large set of microarray expression profiles. The method consistently ranked the known gene in the top 20 (0.3%), outperforming conventional approaches in 3 of 4 cases.  相似文献   

Chemoprevention is one of the cancer prevention approaches wherein natural/synthetic agent(s) are prescribed with the aim to delay or disrupt multiple pathways and processes involved at multiple steps, i.e., initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer. Amongst environmental chemopreventive compounds, diet/beverage-derived components are under evaluation, because of their long history of exposure to humans, high tolerability, low toxicity, and reported biological activities. This compilation briefly covers and compares the available evidence on chemopreventive efficacy and probable mechanism of chemoprevention by selected dietary phytochemicals(capsaicin, curcumin, diallyl sulphide, genistein, green/black tea polyphenols, indoles, lycopene, phenethyl isocyanate, resveratrol, retinoids and tocopherols) in experimental systems and clinical trials. All the dietary phytochemicals covered in this review have demonstrated chemopreventive efficacy against spontaneous or carcinogen-induced experimental tumors and/or associated biomarkers and processes in rodents at several organ sites. The observed anti-initiating, anti-promoting and anti-progression activity of dietary phytochemicals in carcinogen-induced experimental models involve phytochemical-mediated redox changes, modulation of enzymes and signaling kinases resulting to effects on multiple genes and cell signaling pathways. Results from clinical trials using these compounds have not shown them to be chemopreventive. This may be due to our:(1) inability to reproduce the exposure conditions, i.e., levels, complexity, other host and lifestyle factors; and(2) lack of understanding about the mechanisms of action and agent-mediated toxicity in several organs and physiological processes in the host. Current research efforts in addressing the issues of exposure conditions, bioavailability, toxicity and the mode of action of dietary phytochemicals may help address the reason for observed mismatch that may ultimately lead to identification of new chemopreventive agents for protection against broad spectrum of exposures.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity: linking molecular mechanisms with evolutionary outcomes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We argue that phenotypic plasticity should be broadly construed to encompass a diversity of phenomena spanning several hierarchical levels of organization. Despite seemingly disparate outcomes among different groups of organisms (e.g., the opening/closing of stomata in leaves, adjustments of allocation to growth/reproduction, or the production of different castes in social insects), there are underlying shared processes that initiate these responses. At the most fundamental level, all plastic responses originate at the level of individual cells, which receive and process signals from their environment. The broad variations in physiology, morphology, behavior, etc., that can be produced by a single genotype, can be accounted for by processes regulating gene expression in response to environmental variation. Although evolution of adaptive plasticity may not be possible for some types of environmental signals, in many cases selection has molded responses to environmental variation that generate precise and repeatable patterns of gene expression. We highlight the example of responses of plants to variation in light quality and quantity, mediated via the phytochrome genes. Responses to changes in light at particular stages of plants' life cycles (e.g., seed germination, competition, reproduction) are controlled by different members of this gene family. The mechanistic details of the cell and molecular biology of phytochrome gene action (e.g., their effects on expression of other genes) is outlined. Plasticity of cells and organisms to internal and external environmental signals is pervasive, and represents not just an outcome of evolutionary processes, but also a potentially important molder of them. Phenotypes originally initiated via a plastic response, can be fixed through genetic assimilation as alternate regulatory pathways are shut off. Evolution of mechanisms of plasticity and canalization can both reduce genetic variation, as well as shield it. When the organism encounters novel environmental conditions, this shielded variation may be expressed, revealing hidden reaction norms that represent the raw material for subsequent evolution.  相似文献   

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) deficiency is a rare inherited metabolic disorder that leads to the formation and hyperexcretion of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine (DHA) into urine. The low solubility of DHA results in precipitation and formation of urinary crystals and kidney stones. The disease can be present as recurrent urolithiasis or nephropathy secondary to crystal precipitation into renal parenchyma (DHA nephropathy). The diagnostic tools available, including stone analysis, crystalluria, and APRT activity in red blood cells, make the diagnosis easy to confirm when APRT deficiency is suspected. However, the lack of recognition of this metabolic disorder frequently resulted in a delay in diagnosis and treatment with grave consequences. The early recognition and treatment of APRT deficiency are of crucial importance to prevent irreversible loss of renal function. This review summarizes the genetic and metabolic mechanisms underlying DHA stones formation and chronic kidney disease, along with the issues of diagnosis and management of APRT deficiency. Moreover, we report the mutations in the APRT gene responsible for APRT deficiency in 51 French patients (43 families) including 22 pediatric cases (18 families) among the 64 patients identified in the biochemistry laboratories of Necker Hospital, Paris (1978–2013).  相似文献   

Holometabolous insects like Drosophila proceed through two phases of visual system development. The embryonic phase generates simple eyes of the larva. The postembryonic phase produces the adult specific compound eyes during late larval development and pupation. In primitive insects, by contrast, eye development persists seemingly continuously from embryogenesis through the end of postembryogenesis. Comparative literature suggests that the evolutionary transition from continuous to biphasic eye development occurred via transient developmental arrest. This review investigates how the developmental arrest model relates to the gene networks regulating larval and adult eye development in Drosophila, and embryonic compound eye development in primitive insects. Consistent with the developmental arrest model, the available data suggest that the determination of the anlage of the rudimentary Drosophila larval eye is homologous to the embryonic specification of the juvenile compound eye in directly developing insects while the Drosophila compound eye primordium is evolutionarily related to the yet little studied stem cell based postembryonic eye primordium of primitive insects.  相似文献   

Squalene synthase (SS) catalyzes the biosynthesis of squalene, the first specific intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. To test the feasibility of lowering plasma cholesterol by inhibiting hepatic SS, we generated mice in which SS is specifically knocked out in the liver (L-SSKO) using Cre-loxP technology. Hepatic SS activity of L-SSKO mice was reduced by >90%. In addition, cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver slices was almost eliminated. Although the hepatic squalene contents were markedly reduced in L-SSKO mice, the hepatic contents of cholesterol and its precursors distal to squalene were indistinguishable from those of control mice, indicating the presence of sufficient centripetal flow of cholesterol and/or its precursors from the extrahepatic tissues. L-SSKO mice showed a transient liver dysfunction with moderate hepatomegaly presumably secondary to increased farnesol production. In a fed state, the plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly reduced in L-SSKO mice, primarily owing to reduced hepatic VLDL secretion. In a fasted state, the hypolipidemic effect was lost. mRNA expression of liver X receptor α target genes was reduced, while that of sterol-regulatory element binding protein 2 target genes was increased. In conclusion, liver-specific ablation of SS inhibits hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis and induces hypolipidemia without increasing significant mortality.  相似文献   

Summary Unexpectedly large differences in the tissue patterns of lactate dehydrogenase-C (Ldh-C) gene regulation were observed among species of fish within the family Umbridae (Salmoniformes). Normally, all the species within a family or order of advanced fishes exhibit the same, tissue-restricted pattern ofl-latate dehydrogenase C4 isozyme synthesis—either eye- or liver-restricted expression, but not both. However, within the Umbridae the more anciently derived species had a more generalized (primitive) tissue expression, whereas the more recently derived species had a more tissue-restricted expression, predominating in the eye. Given the relative divergence times among the species estimated by genetic distance (using 51 protein-coding loci), divergence from the presumed primitive expression of the Ldh-C gene appears to have been proceeding more rapidly in some species lineages than others. This narrowing of Ldh-C gene tissue regulatory specificity within the family Umbridae is similar to the general trend observed over much greater evolutionary times within the class of bony fishes. The results support the hypothesis of repeated evolutionary canalizations of Ldh-C gene regulation from the generalized tissue expression in more primitive species to a predictable tissue-restricted expression (in either eye or liver) in advanced species. Furthermore, in the Umbridae, this progressive restriction of tissue expression of isozymes has taken place during the evolution of both the Ldh-C and Ldh-B genes. These evolutionary trends in the regulation of isozyme-locus tissue expression in the bony fishes are consistent with either an intrinsically conditioned trend of change in gene regulation or with a response to natural selection.  相似文献   

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