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Tumor microenvironment (TME) could impose a great challenge for cancer targeted therapies. Immunosuppression within the TME creates a barrier between cancer cells and therapeutic approaches. A number of cells are hosted within this milieu, among them cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are the most abundant cell populations playing major roles in mediating an immunosuppressive TME. CAFs have cross-talks with almost all cells within the TME for reprogramming them into being tumorigenic. This reprogramming reduces the pre-existing tumor immunity and dampens the efficacy of chemotherapeutic approaches. CAFs would do this through releasing a myriad of factors to the TME making it an appropriate nest for tumor growth. The cells degrade and deposit extracellular matrix components, both of which are tumorigenic. Therefore, disruption of cross-talks between CAFs with other cells within the TME would be a promising approach in cancer targeted therapies. This approach is applicable through dampening dominant signals mediated by CAFs. Another interesting approach would be reprogramming of CAFs toward their normal counterpart. This would need identification of different subtypes for these cells and their functions. More knowledge is also required about selective markers for each CAF subtype.  相似文献   

Tumors are often viewed as unique entities with specific behaviors. However, tumors are a mixture of differentially evolved subpopulations of cells in constant Darwinian evolution, selecting the fittest clone and allowing it to outgrow the rest. As in the natural environment, the niche defines the properties the fittest clones must possess. Therefore, there can be multiple fit clones because of the various microenvironments inside a single tumor. Hypoxia is considered to be a major feature of the tumor microenvironment and is a potential contributor to the cancer stem cell (CSC) phenotype and its enhanced tumorigenicity. The acidic microenvironment around hypoxic cells is accompanied by the activation of a subset of proteases that contribute to metastasis. Because of aberrant angiogenesis and the inaccessibility of their locations, hypoxic cells are less likely to accumulate therapeutic concentrations of chemotherapeutics that can lead to therapeutic resistance. Therefore, the targeting of the hypoxic CSC niche in combination with chemotherapy may provide a promising strategy for eradicating CSCs. In this review, we examine the cancer stem cell hypothesis and its relationship to the microenvironment, specifically to hypoxia and the subsequent metabolic switch and how they shape tumor behavior.  相似文献   

Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in the tumor microenvironment play major roles in supporting cancer progression. A previous report showed that SPIN90 downregulation is correlated with CAF activation and that SPIN90-deficient CAFs promote breast cancer progression. However, the mechanisms that mediate cancer-stroma interaction and how such interactions regulate cancer progression are not well understood. Here, we show that extra domain A (EDA)-containing fibronectin (FN), FN(+)EDA, produced by mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from Spin90-knockout (KO) mice increases their own myofibroblast differentiation, which facilitates breast cancer progression. Increased FN(+)EDA in Spin90-KO MEFs promoted fibril formation in the extracellular matrix (ECM) and specifically interacted with integrin α4β1 as the mediating receptor. Moreover, FN(+)EDA expression by Spin90-KO MEFs increased proliferation, migration, and invasion of breast cancer cells. Irigenin, a specific inhibitor of the interaction between integrin α4β1 and FN(+)EDA, significantly blocked the effects of FN(+)EDA, such as fibril formation by Spin90-KO MEFs and proliferation, migration, and invasion of breast cancer cells. In orthotopic breast cancer mouse models, irigenin injection remarkably reduced tumor growth and lung metastases. It was supported by that FN(+)EDA in assembled fibrils was accumulated in cancer stroma of human breast cancer patients in which SPIN90 expression was downregulated. Our data suggest that SPIN90 downregulation increases FN(+)EDA and promotes ECM stiffening in breast cancer stroma through an assembly of long FN(+)EDA-rich fibrils; moreover, engagement of the Integrin α4β1 receptor facilitates breast cancer progression. Inhibitory effects of irigenin on tumor growth and metastasis suggest the potential of this agent as an anticancer therapeutic.  相似文献   

肿瘤的发生发展是一个肿瘤细胞与其微环境相互促进,共同演化的动态过程.实体肿瘤的发生发展过程伴随细胞外基质的过量沉积及其组织形式的异常以及成纤维细胞的活化和富集.细胞外基质与肿瘤相关成纤维细胞不仅是实体肿瘤的重要病理特征,同时也是恶性肿瘤发展的重要驱动力量.细胞外基质与肿瘤相关成纤维细胞通过多种机制促进了肿瘤的发生、发展和转移.针对细胞外基质与肿瘤相关成纤维细胞进行肿瘤治疗,可以为肿瘤的临床治疗提供新的思路.  相似文献   

Drug and radiation resistance represent a challenge for most anticancer therapies. Diverse experimental approaches have provided evidence that the tumor-associated microenvironment constitutes both a protective shell that impedes drug or radiation access and a permissive or promotive microenvironment that encourages a nurturing cancer (i.e., cancer stem cell) niche where tumor cells overcome treatment- and cancer-induced stresses. Better understanding of the effects of the tumor microenvironment on cancer cells before, during and immediately after chemo- or radiotherapy is imperative to design new therapies aimed at targeting this tumor-protective niche. This review summarizes some of the known mesenchymal stromal effects that account for drug resistance, the main signal transduction pathways associated with this resistance and the therapeutic efforts directed to increase the success of current therapies. Special emphasis is given to environment-mediated drug resistance in general and to cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance in particular.  相似文献   

The tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) is the cellular environment in which tumors exist. This includes: surrounding blood vessels, immune cells, fibroblasts, bone marrow-derived inflammatory cells, lymphocytes, signaling molecules, immune checkpoint proteins and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The TIME plays a critical role in cancer progression and regulation. Tumors can influence the microenvironment by releasing extracellular signals, promoting tumor angiogenesis and inducing peripheral immune tolerance, while the immune cells in the microenvironment can affect the growth and evolution of cancerous cells. The molecules and cells in the TIME influence disease outcome by altering the balance of suppressive versus cytotoxic responses in the vicinity of the tumor. Having a better understanding of the tumor immune microenvironment will pave the way for identifying new targets for immunotherapies that promote cancer elimination.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is a leading cause of cancer-related death in women with unsatisfactory survival rates. Advances in the understanding of the genetic basis of BC provide the opportunity to develop gene-based medicines capable of treating metastatic diseases. Here, we first demonstrated efficient tissue engineering approaches applied to normal breast and BC extracellular matrix (ECM) starting from decellularized human biopsies to generate a three-dimensional (3D) bioactive model with the sodium lauryl ether sulfate solution. The decellularized tissues maximized the genetic component removal from tissues and minimally injured ECM structures and native compositions by histology and ECM compositions analyses. Importantly, we proved that the 3D ECM retained tissues biological properties. We demonstrated that after 30 days of recellularization with MCF-7 cell (human breast adenocarcinoma cell line), the 3D cancer ECM induced an overexpression of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cancer proliferation. Meanwhile, normal ECM from the breast inhibited EMT and cell growth with the inducement of apoptosis. Given the biological activity preserved in the ECM after decellularization, we believe these approaches are powerful tools for future preclinical research for BC and breast development.  相似文献   

We have developed 3D coculture models, which we term MAME (mammary architecture and microenvironment engineering), and used them for live-cell imaging in real-time of cell:cell interactions. Our overall goal was to develop models that recapitulate the architecture of preinvasive breast lesions to study their progression to an invasive phenotype. Specifically, we developed models to analyze interactions among pre-malignant breast epithelial cell variants and other cell types of the tumor microenvironment that have been implicated in enhancing or reducing the progression of preinvasive breast epithelial cells to invasive ductal carcinomas. Other cell types studied to date are myoepithelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages and blood and lymphatic microvascular endothelial cells. In addition to the MAME models, which are designed to recapitulate the cellular interactions within the breast during cancer progression, we have developed comparable models for the progression of prostate cancers. Here we illustrate the procedures for establishing the 3D cocultures along with the use of live-cell imaging and a functional proteolysis assay to follow the transition of cocultures of breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) cells and fibroblasts to an invasive phenotype over time, in this case over twenty-three days in culture. The MAME cocultures consist of multiple layers. Fibroblasts are embedded in the bottom layer of type I collagen. On that is placed a layer of reconstituted basement membrane (rBM) on which DCIS cells are seeded. A final top layer of 2% rBM is included and replenished with every change of media. To image proteolysis associated with the progression to an invasive phenotype, we use dye-quenched (DQ) fluorescent matrix proteins (DQ-collagen I mixed with the layer of collagen I and DQ-collagen IV mixed with the middle layer of rBM) and observe live cultures using confocal microscopy. Optical sections are captured, processed and reconstructed in 3D with Volocity visualization software. Over the course of 23 days in MAME cocultures, the DCIS cells proliferate and coalesce into large invasive structures. Fibroblasts migrate and become incorporated into these invasive structures. Fluorescent proteolytic fragments of the collagens are found in association with the surface of DCIS structures, intracellularly, and also dispersed throughout the surrounding matrix. Drugs that target proteolytic, chemokine/cytokine and kinase pathways or modifications in the cellular composition of the cocultures can reduce the invasiveness, suggesting that MAME models can be used as preclinical screens for novel therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

肿瘤相关成纤维细胞(cancer-associated fibroblasts,CAFs)是肿瘤微环境中最主要的成分之一,在肿瘤的发生发展中发挥着必不可少的作用。骨髓和脂肪的局部组织固有成纤维细胞及间充质干细胞是CAFs来源的主要前体细胞。大量研究表明,CAFs并不作为单独细胞在肿瘤周围存在,而是和肿瘤细胞相互作用,促进肿瘤的生长与存活并维持其恶性倾向。肿瘤细胞可以影响CAFs前体的招募,并诱导正常成纤维细胞活化为CAFs;同时,CAFs可以分泌多种细胞因子、生长因子和细胞外基质蛋白质,促进肿瘤细胞的增殖、耐药及侵袭转移,从而影响肿瘤的预后。CAFs还参与血管淋巴管的生成、细胞外基质重塑、免疫抑制以及肿瘤细胞上皮间质转化等有利于肿瘤发生发展的外源性途径,为肿瘤细胞提供了一个良好的微环境。大量研究显示,研发靶向CAFs的药物可以中断其与肿瘤细胞之间的联系,从而抑制肿瘤的生长和转移。因此,深入了解CAFs促肿瘤的作用机制将有利于肿瘤治疗新靶点的发现。本文将对CAFs促进肿瘤侵袭转移的作用机制加以综述。  相似文献   

Despite an increasing knowledge about the causes of cancer, this disease is difficult to cure and still causes far too high a death rate. Based on advances in our understanding of disease pathogenesis, novel treatment concepts, including targeting the tumor microenvironment, have been developed and are being combined with established treatment regimens such as surgical removal and radiotherapy. Yet it is obvious that we need additional strategies to prevent tumor relapse and metastasis. Given its exceptional high expression in most cancers with low abundance in normal tissues, tenascin-C appears an ideal candidate for tumor treatment. Here, we will summarize the current applications of targeting tenascin-C as a treatment for different tumors, and highlight the potential of this therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Alteration in the density and composition of extracellular matrix (ECM) occurs in tumors. The alterations toward both stiffness and degradation are contributed to tumor growth and progression. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are the main contributors to ECM stiffness and degradation. The cells interact with almost all cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME) that could enable them to modulate ECM components for tumorigenic purposes. Cross-talks between CAFs with cancer cells and macrophage type 2 (M2) cells are pivotal for ECM stiffness and degradation. CAFs induce hypoxia within the TME, which is one of the key inducers of both stiffness and degradation. Cancer cell modulatory roles in integrin receptors are key for adjusting ECM constituents to either fates. Cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion as well as angiogenesis are consequences of ECM stiffness and degradation. ECM stiffness in a transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) related pathway could make a bridge in the basement membrane, and ECM degradation in a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-related pathway could make a path in the TME, both of which contribute to cancer cell invasion. ECM stiffness is also obstructive for drug penetration to the tumor site. Therefore, it would be a promising strategy to make a homeostasis in ECM for easy penetration of chemotherapeutic drugs and increasing the efficacy of antitumor approaches. MMP and TGF-β inhibitors, CAF and M2 reprogramming toward their normal counterparts, reduction of TME hypoxia and hampering integrin signaling are among the promising approaches for the modulation of ECM in favor of tumor regression.  相似文献   

Background: Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) dominate the malignancy of cancers by perturbing the tumor microenvironment (TME). However, the clinical implications of heterogeneous subpopulations of TAMs in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) remain to be elucidated.Methods: We comprehensively evaluated the prognostic implications, biological behaviors, and immunogenomics features of the C-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 5 (CCL5) expression and CCL5+ TME in vitro and in 932 real-world ccRCC patients from testing and public validation cohorts. Flow cytometry was used to examine the functional patterns of CCL5+ TAMs with TME cell-infiltrating characterizations.Results: Our results identified distinct prognostic clusters with gradual changes in clinicopathological indicators based on CCL5 expression. Knockdown of CCL5 significantly restrained cell viability, migration capabilities of ccRCC cells, and the inhibits the proliferation and chemotaxis of THP1-derived TAMs. Mechanically, down-regulation of CCL5 arrested epithelial-mesenchymal transition by modulating the PI3K/AKT pathway in ccRCC cells. In ccRCC samples with CCL5 upregulation, the proportion of CCL5+ TAMs and PD-L1+ CD68+ TAMs were prominently increased, showing a typical suppressive tumor immune microenvironment (TIME). Besides, intra-tumoral CCL5+ TAMs showed distinct pro-tumorigenic TME features characterized by exhausted CD8+ T cells and increased expression of immune checkpoints. Furthermore, elevated CCL5+ TAMs infiltration was prominently associated with a dismal prognosis for patients with ccRCC.Conclusion: In conclusion, this study first revealed the predictive value of the chemokine CCL5 on the progression and TME of ccRCC. The intra-tumoral CCL5+ TAMs could be applied to comprehensively evaluate the prognostic patterns as well as unique TME characteristics among individuals, allowing for the identification of immunophenotypes and promotion of treatment efficiency for ccRCC.  相似文献   

Every year about 500,000 people in the United States die as a result of cancer. Among them, 90% exhibit systemic disease with metastasis. Considering this high rate of incidence and mortality, it is critical to understand the mechanisms behind metastasis and identify new targets for therapy. In recent years, two broad mechanisms for metastasis have received significant attention: epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and tumor microenvironment interactions. EMT is believed to be a major mechanism by which cancer cells become migratory and invasive. Various cancer cells--both in vivo and in vitro--demonstrate features of epithelial-to-mesenchymal-like transition. In addition, many steps of metastasis are influenced by host contributions from the tumor microenvironment, which help determine the course and severity of metastasis. Here we evaluate the diverse mechanisms of EMT and tumor microenvironment interactions in the progression of cancer, and construct a rational argument for targeting these pathways to control metastasis.  相似文献   

Current research in cancer therapy aims to exploit efficient strategies to have long-lasting effects on tumors and to reduce or even revoke the chance of recurrence. Within the tumor stroma, O2 and nutrients are abnormally distributed between various cells (preferentially for supplying cancer cells), the immune contexture is abnormally positioned (permissive essentially for cells exhibiting tumor-promoting capacity), the fibroblast and fibrotic content is abnormally distributed (presence of both extracellular matrix [ECM] stiffening and ECM-degrading factors both for tumor-promoting purposes), and the tumor vasculature is abnormally orchestrated (for hindering drug delivery and increasing the chance of tumor metastasis). Resistance is actually an adaptive response to an imbalance in the tumor ecosystem; thus, the key consideration for effective cancer therapy is to bring back the normal status in this ecosystem so as to reach the desired durable outcome. Vascular normalization, metabolic modulation (glucose delivery in particular), balancing cellular dispersion, and balancing the pH rate and O2 delivery within the tumor microenvironment are suggested strategies to reverse abnormality within the tumor stroma.  相似文献   

Despite many advances and optimization in colon cancer treatment, tumor recurrence and metastases make the development of new therapies necessary. Colon cancer stem cells (CCSCs) are considered as the main triggering factor of cancer progression, recurrence, and metastasis. CCSCs as a result of accumulated genetic and epigenetic alterations and also complex interconnection with the tumor microenvironment (TME) can evolve and convert to full malignant cells. Mounting evidence suggests that in cancer therapy both CCSCs and non-CCSCs in TME have to be regarded to break through the limitation of current therapies. In this regard, stem cell capabilities of some non-CCSCs may arise inside the TME condition. Therefore, a deep knowledge of regulatory mechanisms, heterogeneity, specific markers, and signaling pathways of CCSCs and their interconnection with TME components is needed to improve the treatment of colorectal cancer and the patient's life quality. In this review, we address current different targeted therapeutic options that target cell surface markers and signaling pathways of CCSCs and other components of TME. Current challenges and future perspectives of colon cancer personalized therapy are also provided here. Taken together, based on the deep understanding of biology of CCSCs and using three-dimensional culture technologies, it can be possible to reach successful colon cancer eradication and improvise combination targeted therapies against CCSCs and TME.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) molecule tenascin-C (TNC) promotes tumor progression. This has recently been demonstrated in the stochastic murine RIP1-Tag2 insulinoma model, engineered to either express TNC abundantly or to be devoid of TNC. However, our knowledge about organization of the TNC microenvironment is scant. Here we determined the spatial distribution of TNC together with other ECM molecules in murine RIP1-Tag2 insulinoma and human cancer tissue (insulinoma and colorectal carcinoma). We found that TNC is organized in matrix tracks together with other ECM molecules of the AngioMatrix signature, a previously described gene expression profile that characterizes the angiogenic switch. Moreover, stromal cells including endothelial cells, fibroblasts and leukocytes were enriched in the TNC tracks. Thus, TNC tracks may provide niches for stromal cells and regulate their behavior. Given similarities of TNC rich niches for stromal cells in human insulinoma and colon cancer, we propose that the RIP1-Tag2 model may be useful for providing insights into the contribution of the tumor stroma specific ECM as promoter of cancer progression.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(5):112475
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The purpose of this study was to demonstrate self-organizing in vitro multicellular tumor spheroid (MCTS) formation in a microfluidic system and to observe the behavior of MCTSs under controlled microenvironment. The employed microfluidic system was designed for simple and effective formation of MCTSs by generating nutrient and oxygen gradients. The MCTSs were composed of cancer cells, vascular endothelial cells, and type I collagen matrix to mimic the in vivo tumor microenvironment (TME). Cell culture medium was perfused to the microfluidic device loaded with MCTSs by a passive fluidic pump at a constant flow rate. The dose response to an MMPs inhibitor was investigated to demonstrate the effects of biochemical substances. The result of long-term stability of MCTSs revealed that continuous perfusion of cell culture medium is one of the major factors for the successful MCTS formation. A continuous flow of cell culture medium in the in vitro TME greatly affected both the proliferation of cancer cells in the micro-wells and the sustainability of the endothelial cell-layer integrity in the lumen of microfluidic channels. Addition of MMP inhibitor to the cell culture medium improved the stability of the collagen matrix by preventing the detachment and shrinkage of the collagen matrix surrounding the MCTSs. In summary, the present constant flow assisted microfluidic system is highly advantageous for long-term observation of the MCTS generation, tumorous tissue formation process and drug responses. MCTS formation in a microfluidic system may serve as a potent tool for studying drug screening, tumorigenesis and metastasis.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), via their interactions with numerous effector molecules such as FGF-2, IL-8, and VEGF, regulate the biological activity of cells by acting as co-receptors that promote signaling. The extent and nature of their role as co-receptors is often misregulated in cancer as manifested by alterations in HSPG structure and expression level. This misregulation of HSPGs can aid in promoting the malignant phenotype. In addition to expression-related changes in HSPGs, recent discoveries indicate that HSPGs localized within the tumor microenvironment can be attacked by enzymes that alter proteoglycan structure resulting in dramatic effects on tumor growth and metastasis. This review focuses on remodeling of HSPGs by three distinct mechanisms that occur in vivo; (i) shedding of proteoglycan extracellular domains from cell surfaces, (ii) fragmentation of heparan sulfate chains by heparanase, and (iii) removal of sulfates from the 6-O position of heparan sulfate chains by extracellular sulfatases. Assessing or monitoring the remodeling of HSPGs has important implications for tumor diagnosis and patient prognosis while therapeutic manipulation of the remodeling process represents an exciting new possibility for treating cancer.  相似文献   

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