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肠道是机体重要的消化器官,亦是共生微生物群的主要寄居场所,在维持机体正常生命活动如免疫和内分泌功能中发挥着重要作用。 肠道功能紊乱与疾病的发生以及发展过程密切相关。近年来,多项研究结果显示,多糖具有肠道功能调节作用,包括通过作用于肠道黏膜 参与机体免疫过程、保护肠道屏障结构和功能的完整性、调节肠道菌群组成以及刺激肠道内分泌。从伴随疾病过程中的肠道功能紊乱的角度, 对多糖调节肠道功能的作用机制进行综述。  相似文献   

哺乳动物肠上皮是一种拥有快速自我更新能力的组织,在维持机体免疫稳态与肠道应激后的损伤修复中发挥重要作用。源于隐窝底部的多能肠干细胞不断进行增殖、迁移与分化,并沿隐窝 绒毛轴向上移动,从而维持肠上皮完整性。该过程受严格而复杂的基因调控网络参与。越来越多的数据表明,肠上皮完整性受到广泛的非编码RNA的调控,主要包括肠黏膜再生、保护与上皮屏障功能等方面。本文重点讨论了两类非编码RNA(包括microRNAs和lncRNAs)转录后调控肠上皮屏障功能的研究进展。其中,miR-503、miR-146和lnc-uc.173、lnc-SPRY4-IT1、lnc-plncRNA1、lnc-Gata6等,能够促进肠黏膜的更新,增强上皮屏障功能;相反,miR-222、miR-29b、miR-195和lnc-H19与lnc-BC012900等,抑制肠上皮再生并破坏肠上皮屏障功能。miRNAs、mRNAs与lncRNAs间构成复杂的分子网络,共同调控肠上皮稳态。深入研究与肠上皮相关的miRNAs和IncRNAs分子及其作用机制,探寻引起肠黏膜炎症的关键分子靶标,为肠道炎症临床诊治提供新方向与新方法。  相似文献   

哺乳动物肠上皮是一种拥有快速自我更新能力的组织,在维持机体免疫稳态与肠道应激后的损伤修复中发挥重要作用。源于隐窝底部的多能肠干细胞不断进行增殖、迁移与分化,并沿隐窝 绒毛轴向上移动,从而维持肠上皮完整性。该过程受严格而复杂的基因调控网络参与。越来越多的数据表明,肠上皮完整性受到广泛的非编码RNA的调控,主要包括肠黏膜再生、保护与上皮屏障功能等方面。本文重点讨论了两类非编码RNA(包括microRNAs和lncRNAs)转录后调控肠上皮屏障功能的研究进展。其中,miR-503、miR-146和lnc-uc.173、lnc-SPRY4-IT1、lnc-plncRNA1、lnc-Gata6等,能够促进肠黏膜的更新,增强上皮屏障功能;相反,miR-222、miR-29b、miR-195和lnc-H19与lnc-BC012900等,抑制肠上皮再生并破坏肠上皮屏障功能。miRNAs、mRNAs与lncRNAs间构成复杂的分子网络,共同调控肠上皮稳态。深入研究与肠上皮相关的miRNAs和IncRNAs分子及其作用机制,探寻引起肠黏膜炎症的关键分子靶标,为肠道炎症临床诊治提供新方向与新方法。  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, the “Pathogénie Microbienne Moléculaire” unit of Professor Philippe Sansonetti has studied the molecular cross talk between the intestinal microbiota and the gut epithelium, aiming to better understand how this mutualistic symbiosis delineates homoeostasis and, when perturbed, prompts pathology. To do so, the unit has manipulated both bacterial and epithelial cells, and used cutting‐edge technology. More recently, the lab has turned its focus also on studying the intestinal crypt and more specifically the intestinal stem cell for their role in epithelial regeneration and long‐term epithelium renewal. Here, we provide a brief review summarising recent results obtained from the lab, with particular focus on the intestinal crypt.  相似文献   

肠道上皮是肠上皮细胞及其分泌物有机构成的黏膜界面。随着技术的进步和对肠道菌群作用的逐渐重视,研究者对肠道上皮与肠道微生物相互作用的认识也不断深入。研究表明,肠道上皮调节并维持肠道微生物的定殖与分布,肠道微生物也影响肠道上皮的多种屏障功能,二者通过一系列细胞分子机制紧密联系,共同维持肠道稳态。此外,其过程中产生的宿主-肠道菌群共代谢物被发现可以反映宿主的生理病理状态,作为指标被应用于临床疾病诊断、治疗效果评估和预后推测。本文基于近年的研究,综述了肠道上皮与肠道微生物的相互作用及其细胞分子机制,为进一步研究和临床应用总结了理论基础,并探讨了未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

目的:建立小肠急性缺血再灌注损伤模型,确定合适的肠系膜上动脉阻断时间.方法:将70只新西兰兔随机按不同的肠系膜缺血时间(0、15、30、45、60min)分为A、B、C、D、E5组,每组14只,取8只用于恢复血供2h后留取各组兔下腔静脉血标本及肠组织,检测血清中MDA含量的变化,光镜下观察小肠组织形态学变化并对小肠黏膜损伤程度进行评分.另6只用于术后24h、 48h及72h生存率的观察.结果:A、B、C组的术后生存率均>83.3%.C、D、E组的MDA含量及肠黏膜损伤评分与A组比较,差异均有显著性(F=12.13~280.24,p<0.01).结论:肠系膜缺血30min,再灌注2h是建立兔小肠急性再灌注损伤的合适时间.  相似文献   

肠神经胶质细胞分布于消化道黏膜层、黏膜下层和肌层,其具有广泛的异质性和可塑性。黏膜层最靠近肠腔,易受病原体侵袭和炎症影响,因此黏膜稳态备受关注。肠黏膜神经胶质细胞(mucosal enteric glial cells,mEGCs)与肠上皮细胞、血管内皮细胞、免疫细胞等非神经元细胞具有复杂的相互作用关系。从结构和功能的角度来看,mEGCs可能处于中心调控位置。最近研究不断揭示mEGCs的亚型和新功能,表明mEGCs在病理条件下存在功能改变。了解mEGCs如何引起黏膜功能障碍及其在疾病发展中的作用至关重要。本文将总结mEGCs在维持粘膜内环境稳定和调节炎症方面的作用。  相似文献   

Intestinal organoids were established as an ex vivo model of the intestinal epithelium. We investigated whether organoids resemble the intestinal epithelium in their microRNA (miRNA) profiles. Total RNA samples were obtained from crypt and villus fractions in murine intestine and from cultured organoids. Microarray analysis showed that organoids largely resembled intestinal epithelial cells in their miRNA profiles. In silico prediction followed by qRT-PCR suggested that six genes are regulated by corresponding miRNAs along the crypt-villus axis, suggesting miRNA regulation of epithelial cell renewal in the intestine. However, such expression patterns of miRNAs and their target mRNAs were not reproduced during organoids maturation. This might be due to lack of luminal factors and endocrine, nervous, and immune systems in organoids and different cell populations between in vivo epithelium and organoids. Nevertheless, we propose that intestinal organoids provide a useful in vitro model to investigate miRNA expression in intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

NLRP6炎症小体作为炎症反应的核心识别环节,由PRRs、ASC、Caspase三部分组成,可激活下游IL-1β、IL-18等炎症分子。肠道微生态主要由肠道内结构复杂的微生物、种类繁多的代谢物和肠道黏膜屏障组成,参与机体多种重要生命功能,与多种疾病发生发展密切相关。NLRP6炎症小体广泛分布于肠道组织中,可识别肠道内多种危险信号,进而与众多下游信号通路关联,调控肠道内微生物组成和肠道黏膜屏障,从而调控疾病进展。此外,肠道微生物菌群或其代谢产物可直接激活NLRP6炎症小体,也可通过肠-肝循环刺激肝脏内NLRP6炎症小体,对维持肠道微生态平衡及宿主-微生物相互作用至关重要。基于NLRP6炎症小体与肠道微生态之间的相互调控机制,靶向NLRP6炎症小体调节肠道微生态失衡,成为与肠道微生态失衡相关疾病治疗的新思路。文章就NLRP6炎症小体的组成、分布与激活,NLRP6炎症小体与肠道微生物、代谢产物、肠道黏膜屏障相互调控机制进行综述,为临床治疗肠道微生态失衡相关疾病提供更多研究思路。  相似文献   

The intestinal mucosal barrier is the first line to defense against luminal content penetration and performs numerous biological functions. The intestinal epithelium contains a huge surface that is lined by a monolayer of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). IECs are dominant mediators in maintaining intestinal homeostasis that drive diverse functions including nutrient absorption, physical segregation, secretion of antibacterial peptides, and modulation of immune responses. Autophagy is a cellular self-protection mechanism in response to various stresses, and accumulating studies have revealed its importance in participating physiological processes of IECs. The regulatory effects of autophagy depend on the specific IEC types. This review aims to elucidate the myriad roles of autophagy in regulating the functions of different IECs (stem cells, enterocytes, goblet cells, and Paneth cells), and present the progress of autophagy-targeting therapy in intestinal diseases. Understanding the involved mechanisms can provide new preventive and therapeutic strategies for gastrointestinal dysfunction and diseases.  相似文献   

肠道类器官由来自肠道的隐窝或干细胞在培养基质的三维(3D)支撑下构建形成,含有肠道的所有成熟细胞,已经成为研究肠道疾病机制全新且高效的平台。相较于二维(2D)细胞培养,肠道类器官不仅可以更加有效地模拟肠道的生理结构与功能,还可以在不同体外环境下更好地还原肠道的真实生态,因此在不同肠道疾病的发病机制研究中应用更为广泛。本文介绍了肠道类器官培养方式的新进展,综述了近年来肠道类器官在炎症性肠道疾病、结肠直肠癌和乳糜泻发病机制研究中的运用及进展,同时讨论了肠道类器官在药物研发与筛选方面的应用。  相似文献   

Colonization of the gastrointestinal tract of cattle by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli increases the risk of contamination of food products at slaughter. Our study aimed to shed more light on the mechanisms used by E. coli O157:H7 to thrive and compete with other bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of cattle. We evaluated, in vitro, bovine intestinal mucus and its constituents in terms of their capacity to support growth of E. coli O157:H7 in presence or absence of fecal inoculum, with and without various enzymes. Growth of E. coli O157:H7 and total anaerobic bacteria were proportionate to the amount of mucus added as substrate. Growth of E. coli O157:H7 was similar for small and large intestinal mucus as substrate, and was partially inhibited with addition of fecal inoculum to cultures, presumably due to competition from other organisms. Whole mucus stimulated growth to the greatest degree compared with other compounds evaluated, but the pathogen was capable of utilizing all substrates to some extent. Addition of enzymes to cultures failed to impact growth of E. coli O157:H7 except for neuraminidase, which resulted in greater growth of E. coli O157 when combined with sialic acid as substrate. In conclusion, E. coli O157 has capacity to utilize small or large intestinal mucus, and growth is greatest with whole mucus compared with individual mucus components. There are two possible explanations for these findings (i) multiple substrates are needed to optimize growth, or alternatively, (ii) a component of mucus not evaluated in this experiment is a key ingredient for optimal growth of E. coli O157:H7.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to study the effects of dose and formulation of carvacrol and thymol on bacterial counts, metabolites and functional traits of the gut in weaned piglets. In the first experiment (Exp. I), 25 piglets (28 d, 6.59 ± 0.48 kg BW) were allocated to five dietary treatments: a control diet, or the same diet supplemented with either carvacrol or thymol at doses of 500 and 2000 mg kg?1. In the second experiment (Exp. II), 35 piglets (28 d, 7.99 ± 0.73 kg BW) were assigned to seven dietary treatments: the same control diet as in Exp. I, or this diet supplemented with thymol in one of three formulations (on celite, on alphacel or microencapsulated) at doses of 500 and 2000 mg kg?1. At 11/12 days post-weaning piglets were euthanised, and digesta from stomach, proximal and distal small intestine were sampled for bacteriological and biochemical analysis. Small intestinal tissue was sampled for histo-morphological determinations. In none of the experiments or sections of the gut was the number of bacteria lowered by the carvacrol or thymol supplementation. In Exp. I, the villus/crypt ratio at the distal small intestine for the experimental diets (1.30–1.32) was higher than for the control diet (1.24) (p < 0.05). Thymol fed animals in Exp. II had a lower number of intra-epithelial lymphocytes at the proximal (p < 0.05) and at the distal (p < 0.1) small intestine as compared to control animals. Mean concentration of the active ingredient in the stomach and proximal small intestine for the 2000 mg kg?1 carvacrol diet was 521 and 5 mg kg?1 fresh digesta, respectively, and for the 2000 mg kg?1 thymol diets it ranged between 475 and 647 and between 13 and 24 mg kg?1 fresh digesta, respectively. Cumulative absorption in the proximal small intestine was higher than 90% for all treatments and was not affected by formulation type. These data suggest that carvacrol and thymol can improve gut health, but evidence for clear antimicrobial effects towards the major culturable bacteria of the pig foregut is limited.  相似文献   

血管活性肠肽对支气管上皮细胞趋化迁移的影响及机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Guan CX  Zhang CQ  Qin XQ  Luo ZQ  Zhou FW  Sun XH 《生理学报》2002,54(2):103-106
为探讨肺内神经肽在气道损伤修复中的作用 ,采用blind wellBoydenchamber测定原代培养的支气管上皮细胞 (bronchialepithelialcells,BEC)趋化性 ,观察血管活性肠肽 (vasoactiveintestinalpeptide ,VIP)对BEC趋化迁移的影响及其机制 ,并测定经热应激后BEC分泌VIP及表达VIP受体 (vasoactiveintestinalpeptidereceptor,VIPR)的变化。结果显示 :(1)以胰岛素作为趋化因子所建立的BEC趋化性测定方法稳定 ,重现性好 (r =0 970 3,P <0 0 1) ;(2 )VIP (0 0 0 1~ 1μmol/L)均显示剂量依赖性地增强BEC的趋化迁移 ,其效应可被钙调蛋白阻断剂及蛋白激酶C阻断剂有效地抑制 (P <0 0 1) ;(3) 4 2℃、30min热应激后BEC分泌VIP (P <0 0 1)及表达VIPR明显增加 (P <0 0 5 )。实验表明 :肺内神经肽VIP可增强BEC的趋化迁移 ,其细胞内信号转导途径与钙调蛋白及蛋白激酶C有关。而热应激时VIP及VIPR的高表达进一步提示局部微环境的VIP可能是气道上皮损伤修复网络中的重要分子  相似文献   

发育过程中肝脏血管活性肠肽及其受体量的变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Wang L  Tang CW  Wang CH  Li X 《生理学报》2005,57(3):379-383
已有的研究观察到,胚胎肝脏中血管活性肠肽(vasoactiveintestinalpolypeptide,VIP)及其受体(vasoactiveintesti-nalpolypeptidereceptor,VIPR)与造血干细胞生长和肝脏发育有关。本研究旨在了解发育过程中肝VIP及VIPR量的动态变化。采用放射免疫分析法、生物分子相互作用系统和RT-PCR等技术检测了各发育阶段大鼠肝组织VIP浓度、VIP受体结合量及VIP受体表达亚型,实验观察到胎鼠和新生鼠肝脏VIP浓度显著低于未成年鼠及成年鼠肝脏VIP浓度(P<0.05)。发育尚未成熟时(胎鼠、新生鼠、未成年鼠),肝VIPR表达均明显高于成年鼠(P<0.05),表明大鼠在发育过程中肝脏VIP与VIP受体量呈相反的变化趋势。大鼠发育各时期,肝脏均表达VIPR-1。这些结果部分解释了肝脏发育、肝脏造血转移等重要生理现象。  相似文献   

烟酒成瘾、药物滥用和停药反应的增多,对社会和家庭造成巨大的经济损失,同时也产生了一系列的健康问题,其中神经系统是成瘾的关键。近年来,越来越多的资料证明脑-肠轴的联系,人们发现肠道微生物的扰动对神经系统的调节有至关重要的作用。综述了烟酒和药物的成瘾机制,脑-肠轴影响宿主的代谢和对神经功能的调节,益生元和益生菌的摄入能引起肠道菌群的改变。深入分析脑-肠轴和肠道菌群代谢,通过益生菌,益生元改变菌群结构治疗成瘾成为今后研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

小肠上皮细胞作为肠道的主要功能细胞,在多种肠道疾病和上皮间质转化的研究中发挥着重要的作用。采取组织块消化和肠绒毛消化两种方法对新生仔猪小肠上皮细胞进行分离培养,传代后通过细胞形态学及免疫荧光等方法对其进行鉴定,结果表明:肠绒毛消化法所获得的小肠上皮细胞要远好于组织块消化法所得细胞,细胞在24~48h贴壁,呈现出典型的三角形或多角形样,10~12d细胞汇合成片、单层生长、互不重叠;细胞角蛋白18(cytokeratin-18)和尾型同源盒基因2(Cdx2)阳性,碱性磷酸酶检测阴性,扫描电镜下可以清楚地看到均匀分布的肠绒毛。以上结果表明,该实验成功建立出可连续传代并符合小肠上皮细胞鉴定标准的仔猪小肠上皮细胞。  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to understand the microbial community of intestinal contents and mucosal layer in the intestine of rainbow trout by means of culture-dependent conventional and independent molecular techniques. METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-one culturable microbial phylotypes, and 39 sequences from 16S rRNA and two from 18S rRNA genes, were retrieved. Aeromonadaceae, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae representatives were the dominant cultured bacteria. Genomic DNA isolated from intestinal contents and mucus was used to generate 104 random clones, which were grouped into 32 phylotypes at 99% minimum similarity, most of which were affiliated with Proteobacteria (>70% of the total). However, unlike library C (intestinal contents), the phyla Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria were not found in intestinal mucus (library M), indicating that the microbiota in the gut mucus was different from that of the intestinal contents. Twelve sequences were retrieved from denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis, and dominant bands were mostly related to Clostridium. CONCLUSIONS: Many novel sequences that have not been previously recognized as part of the intestinal flora of rainbow trout were retrieved. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The fish gut harbours a larger bacterial diversity than previously recognized, and the diversity of gut mucus is different from that of intestinal contents.  相似文献   

Intestinal organoids have recently emerged as an in vitro model relevant to the gut system owing to their recapitulation of the native intestinal epithelium with crypt–villus architecture. However, it is unclear whether intestinal organoids reflect the physiology of the in vivo stress response. Here, we systemically investigated the radiation response in organoids and animal models using mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium (MSC-CM), which contains secreted paracrine factors. Irradiated organoids exhibited sequential induction of viability loss and regrowth after irradiation (within 12 days), similar to the response of the native intestinal epithelium. Notably, treatment with MSC-CM facilitated the reproliferation of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and restoration of damaged crypt-villus structures in both models. Furthermore, Wnt/Notch signaling pathways were commonly upregulated by MSC-CM, but not radiation, and pharmacologically selective inhibition of Wnt or Notch signaling attenuated the enhanced recovery of irradiated organoids, with increases in ISCs, following MSC-CM treatment. Interestingly, the expression of Wnt4, Wnt7a, and active β-catenin was increased, but not notch family members, in MSC-CM-treated organoid after irradiation. Treatment of recombinant mouse Wnt4 and Wnt7a after irradiation improved to some extent intestinal epithelial regeneration both in vitro and in vivo. Overall, these results suggested that intestinal organoids recapitulated the physiological stress response of the intestinal epithelium in vivo. Thus, our findings provided important insights into the physiology of intestinal organoids and may contribute to the development of strategies to enhance the functional maturation of engineered organoids.  相似文献   

Microorganisms that colonize the gastrointestinal tract, collectively known as the gut microbiota, are known to produce small molecules and metabolites that significantly contribute to host intestinal development, functions, and homeostasis. Emerging insights from microbiome research reveal that gut microbiota‐derived signals and molecules influence another key player maintaining intestinal homeostasis—the intestinal stem cell niche, which regulates epithelial self‐renewal. In this review, the literature on gut microbiota‐host crosstalk is surveyed, highlighting the effects of gut microbial metabolites on intestinal stem cells. The production of various classes of metabolites, their actions on intestinal stem cells are discussed and, finally, how the production and function of metabolites are modulated by aging and dietary intake is commented upon.  相似文献   

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