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俞海青  顾晓波 《生物技术通讯》2003,14(6):499-501,516
以人胰岛素为靶蛋白从七肽展示库中筛选高亲和力噬菌体肽,在洗脱阶段采用酸性洗脱液和高浓度靶蛋白溶液进行4次交替洗脱,选择性回收高亲和力噬菌体肽。测定滴度计算回收率,ELISA法分别测定噬菌体洗脱液整体亲和力和噬菌体单克隆的结合特性并计算亲合率。洗脱步骤采用4次交替洗脱后,第二轮第4次噬菌体的回收率比第一轮增长了1800倍,高亲和力噬菌体在洗脱液中所占比例也迅速提高,第二轮第4次洗脱液中达75%,在第三轮的各次洗脱液中几乎均达100%。建立了一种快速筛选高亲和力噬菌体肽的方法,改进后的筛选方法能使高亲和力噬菌体肽的筛选工作更为简便且效果显著。  相似文献   

To screen and identify the novel probe markers binding hepatocellular carcinoma specifically and sensitively, a phage‐displayed 12‐mer peptide library was used to make biopanning with the modified protocols on HepG2 cells. After four rounds of panning, the consensus sequences were obtained, and the PC28, a phage clone with most specific and sensitive binding to HepG2 cells, was identified as the best positive clone. The peptide probe HCSP4 (sequence SLDSTHTHAPWP) was synthesized based on the sequencing result of PC28. The specificity and sensitivity of HCSP4 were primarily analyzed using immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, and other methods. The results show that HCSP4 can bind to hepatocellular carcinoma cells with satisfactory specificity and sensitivity. It may be a promising lead candidate for molecular imaging and targeted drug delivery in the diagnosis and therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The WW domain is an approximately 38 residue peptide-binding motif that binds a variety of sequences, including the consensus sequence xPPxY. We have displayed hYAP65 WW on the surface of M13 phage and randomized one-third of its three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. Improved binding to the hydrophobic peptide, GTPPPPYTVG (WW1), was selected in the presence of three different concentrations of proteinase K to simultaneously drive selection for improved stability as well as high-affinity binding. While some of the selected binders show cooperative unfolding transitions, others show noncooperative thermal unfolding curves. Two novel WW consensus sequences have been identified, which bind to the xPPxY motif with higher affinity than the wild-type hYAP65 WW domain. These WW domain sequences are not precedented in any natural WW domain sequence. Thus, there appear to be a large number of motifs capable of recognizing the target peptide sequence, only a subset of which appear to be used in natural proteins.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans SEM-5 SH3 domains recognize proline-rich peptide segments with modest affinity. We developed a bivalent peptide ligand that contains a naturally occurring proline-rich binding sequence, tethered by a glycine linker to a disulfide-closed loop segment containing six variable residues. The glycine linker allows the loop segment to explore regions of greatest diversity in sequence and structure of the SH3 domain: the RT and n-Src loops. The bivalent ligand was optimized using phage display, leading to a peptide (PP-G(4)-L) with 1000-fold increased affinity for the SEM-5 C-terminal SH3 domain over that of a natural ligand. NMR analysis of the complex confirms that the peptide loop segment is targeted to the RT and n-Src loops and parts of the beta-sheet scaffold of this SH3 domain. This binding region is comparable to that targeted by a natural non-PXXP peptide to the p67(phox) SH3 domain, a region not known to be targeted in the Grb2 SH3 domain family. PP-G(4)-L may aid in the discovery of additional binding partners of Grb2 family SH3 domains.  相似文献   

Phage peptide libraries constitute powerful tools for themapping of epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).Using screening of phage displayed random peptide libraries wehave characterized the binding epitopes of three mAbs directedagainst the surface envelope glycoprotein (gp46) of the humanT-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I). Two phage libraries,displaying random heptapeptides with or without flankingcysteine residues, were screened for binding to mAbs 7G5D8, DB4and 4F5F6. The SSSSTPL consensus sequence isolated fromconstrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognizedby DB4 mAb and corresponds to the exact region 249–252 of thevirus sequence. The APPMLPH consensus sequence isolated fromnon constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitoperecognized by 7G5D8 mAb and corresponds to the region 187–193with a single amino acid substitution, methionine to leucine atposition 190. The third consensus sequence LYWPHD isolated fromconstrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognizedby 4F5F6 mAb. It corresponds to an epitope without directequivalence with the virus sequence. The data presented hereshowed that 7G5D8 and DB4 mAbs are raised against linearepitopes while 4F5F6 mAb recognized a continuous topographic epitope.  相似文献   

Summary Phage peptide libraries constitute powerful tools for the mapping of epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Using screening of phage displayed random peptide libraries we have characterized the binding epitopes of three mAbs directed against the surface envelope glycoprotein (gp46) of the human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I). Two phage libraries, displaying random heptapeptides with or without flanking cysteine residues, were screened for binding to mAbs 7G5D8, DB4 and 4F5F6. The SSSSTPL consensus sequence isolated from constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognized by DB4 mAb and corresponds to the exact region 249–252 of the virus sequence. The APPMLPH consensus sequence isolated from non constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognized by 7G5D8 mAb and corresponds to the region 187–193 with a single amino acid substitution, methionine to leucine at position 190. The third consensus sequence LYWPHD isolated from constrained heptapeptide library defines the epitope recognized by 4F5F6 mAb. It corresponds to an epitope without direct equivalence with the virus sequence. The data presented here showed that 7G5D8 and DB4 mAbs are raised against linear epitopes while 4F5F6 mAb recognized a continoous topographic epitope.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is an extracellular matrix protein with broad binding specificity to cell surface receptors, integrins. The tenth fibronectin type III domain (FNfn10) is a small, autonomous domain of fibronectin containing the RGE sequence that is directly involved in integrin binding. However, in isolation FNfn10 only weakly bind to integrins. We reasoned that high-affinity and high-specificity variants of FNfn10 to a particular integrin could be engineered by optimizing residues surrounding the integrin-binding RGD sequence in the flexible FG loop. Affinity maturation of FNfn10 to alphavbeta3 integrin, an integrin up-regulated in angiogenic endothelial cells and in some metastatic tumor cells, yielded alphavbeta3-binding FNfn10 mutants with a novel RGDWXE consensus sequence. We characterized one of the RGDWXE-modified clones, FNfn10-3JCLI4, as purified protein. FNfn10-3JCLI4 binds with high affinity and specificity to purified alphavbeta3 integrin. Alanine scanning mutagenesis suggested that both the tryptophan and glutamic acid residues following the RGD sequence are required for maximal affinity and specificity for alphavbeta3. FNfn10-3JCLI4 specifically stained alphavbeta3-positive cells as detected with flow cytometry and it inhibited alphavbeta3-dependent cell adhesion. As with the anti-alphavbeta3 antibody LM609, FNfn10-3JCLI4 can interfere with in vitro capillary formation. Taken together, these data show that FNfn10-3JCL14 is a specific, high-affinity alphavbeta3-binding protein that can inhibit alphavbeta3-dependent cellular processes similar to an anti-alphavbeta3 monoclonal antibody. These properties, combined with the small, monomeric, cysteine-free and highly stable structure of FNfn10-3JCLI4, may make this protein useful in future applications involving detection and targeting of alphavbeta3-positive cells.  相似文献   

Discovery of peptide ligands that can target human ovarian cancer and deliver chemotherapeutics offers new opportunity for cancer therapy. The advent of phage‐displayed peptide library facilitated the screening of such peptides. In vivo screening that set in a microanatomic and functional context was applied in our study, and a novel peptide WSGPGVWGASVK targeting ovarian cancer was isolated. The phage clone PC3‐1 displaying peptide WSGPGVWGASVK can gain effective access to accumulate in the tumor sites after intravenous injection while reducing its accumulation in normal organs. Positive immunostaining of PC3‐1 was located in both sites of tumor cells and tumor blood vessels, which resulted in a diffuse binding pattern through the tumor. In vitro study results confirmed the capability of peptide WSGPGVWGASVK binding to and being internalized by both tumor cells and angiogenic endothelial cells. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that the peptide bound to SKOV3 cells with Kd value of 5.43 ± 0.4 μM. Taken together, it suggested that peptide WSGPGVWGASVK is a lead candidate for delivering therapeutics to penetrate into tumors. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an important marker for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. Free PSA has been shown to be more extensively cleaved in sera from benign prostatic hyperplasia patients than in sera from prostate cancer patients. Moreover, the presence of enzymatically activatable PSA was characterized previously in sera from patients with prostate cancer by the use of the specific anti-free PSA monoclonal antibody (mAb) 5D3D11. As an attempt to obtain ligands for the specific recognition of different PSA forms including active PSA, phage-displayed linear and cyclic peptide libraries were screened with PSA coated directly into microplate wells or presented by two different anti-total PSA mAbs. Four different phage clones were selected for their ability to recognize PSA and the inserted peptides were produced as synthetic peptides. These peptides were found to capture and to detect specifically free PSA, even in complex biological media such as sera or tumour cell culture supernatants. Alanine scanning of peptide sequences showed the involvement of aromatic and hydrophobic residues in the interaction of the peptides with PSA whereas Spotscan analysis of overlapping peptides covering the PSA sequence identified a peptide binding to the kallikrein loop at residues 82-87, suggesting that the peptides could recognize a non-clipped form of PSA. Moreover, the PSA-specific peptides enhance the enzymatic activity of PSA immobilized into microplate wells whereas the capture of PSA by the peptides inhibited totally its enzymatic activity while the peptide binding to PSA had no effect in solution. These PSA-specific peptides could be potential tools for the recognition of PSA forms more specifically associated to prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Antibodies are indispensable tools in biochemical research and play an expanding role as therapeutics. While hybridoma technology is the dominant method for antibody production, phage display is an emerging technology. Here, we developed and employed a high‐throughput pipeline that enables selection of antibodies against hundreds of antigens in parallel. Binding selections using a phage‐displayed synthetic antigen‐binding fragment (Fab) library against 110 human SH3 domains yielded hundreds of Fabs targeting 58 antigens. Affinity assays demonstrated that representative Fabs bind tightly and specifically to their targets. Furthermore, we developed an efficient affinity maturation strategy adaptable to high‐throughput, which increased affinity dramatically but did not compromise specificity. Finally, we tested Fabs in common cell biology applications and confirmed recognition of the full‐length antigen in immunoprecipitation, immunoblotting and immunofluorescence assays. In summary, we have established a rapid and robust high‐throughput methodology that can be applied to generate highly functional and renewable antibodies targeting protein domains on a proteome‐wide scale.  相似文献   

A 10-mer random peptide library displayed on filamentous bacteriophage was used to determine the molecular basis of the interaction between the monoclonal anti-colicin A antibody 1C11 and its cognate epitope. Previous studies established that the putative epitope recognized by 1C11 antibody is composed of amino acid residues 19-25 (RGSGPEP) of colicin A. Using the phage display technique it was confirmed that the epitope of 1C11 antibody was indeed restricted to residues 19-25 and the consensus motif RXXXPEP was identified. Shorter consensus sequences (RXXPEP, RXXEP, KXXEP) were also selected. It was also demonstrated that the disulfide bond found in one group of the selected peptides was crucial for 1C11 antibody recognition. It was shown that cyclization of the peptides by disulfide bond formation could result in a structure that mimics the natural epitope of colicin A.  相似文献   

利用抗体捕获法,经三轮淘洗,从表面展示随机肽序列的噬菌体文库中筛选到与衣原体单克隆抗体C17特异结合的噬菌体克隆,其一致序列为:(L/I)PGGS(P/W),竞争抑制实验表明含特异序列的克隆能与天然抗原竞争。据此,我们认为此序列为衣原体的B细胞抗原表位。  相似文献   

Many proteins involved in signal transduction contain peptide recognition modules (PRMs) that recognize short linear motifs (SLiMs) within their interaction partners. Here, we used large‐scale peptide‐phage display methods to derive optimal ligands for 163 unique PRMs representing 79 distinct structural families. We combined the new data with previous data that we collected for the large SH3, PDZ, and WW domain families to assemble a database containing 7,984 unique peptide ligands for 500 PRMs representing 82 structural families. For 74 PRMs, we acquired enough new data to map the specificity profiles in detail and derived position weight matrices and binding specificity logos based on multiple peptide ligands. These analyses showed that optimal peptide ligands resembled peptides observed in existing structures of PRM‐ligand complexes, indicating that a large majority of the phage‐derived peptides are likely to target natural peptide‐binding sites and could thus act as inhibitors of natural protein–protein interactions. The complete dataset has been assembled in an online database (http://www.prm‐db.org) that will enable many structural, functional, and biological studies of PRMs and SLiMs.  相似文献   

Expanding on the possible protein interaction partners in a biochemical pathway is one key molecular goal in the post-genomic era. Phage peptide display is a versatile in vitro tool for mapping novel protein-protein interfaces and the advantage of this technique in expanding protein interaction maps is that in vitro manipulation of the bait protein conformational integrity can be controlled carefully. Phage peptide display was used to expand on the possible types of binding proteins for the conformationally responsive protein MDM2. Peptides enriched differ depending upon whether MDM2 is ligand-free, zinc-bound, or RNA-bound, suggesting that MDM2 conformational changes alter the type of peptide ligands enriched. Classes of putative/established MDM2-binding proteins identified by this technique included ubiquitin-modifying enzymes (F-box proteins, UB-ligases, UBC-E1) and apoptotic modifiers (HSP90, GAS1, APAF1, p53). Of the many putative MDM2 proteins that could be examined, the impact of HSP90 on MDM2 activity was studied, since HSP90 has been linked with p53 protein unfolding in human cancers. Zinc ions were required to reconstitute a stable MDM2-HSP90 protein complex. Zinc binding converted MDM2 from a monomer to an oligomer, and activated MDM2 binding to its internal RING finger domain, providing evidence for a conformational change in MDM2 protein when it binds zinc. Reconstitution of an HSP90-MDM2 protein complex in vitro stimulated the unfolding of the p53 tetramer. A p53 DNA-binding inhibitor purified from human cells that is capable of unfolding p53 at ambient temperature in vitro contains co-purifying pools of HSP90 and MDM2. These data highlight the utility of phage peptide display as a powerful in vitro method to identify regulatory proteins that bind to a conformationally flexible protein like MDM2.  相似文献   

A polyvalent, lytic phage display system (T7Select415-1b) displaying a random peptide library has been investigated for its ability to discover novel mimotopes reactive with the therapeutic monoclonal antibody C595. Sequence analysis of enriched phage lead to the identification of a predominant sequence RNREAPRGKICS, and two other consensus sequences RXXP and RXP. The novel synthetic peptide RNREAPRGKICS was linked to beaded agarose and the performance as a mimotope affinity chromatography matrix evaluated. Antibody purified using the novel matrix was found to be of higher specific reactivity than antibody purified using the conventional epitope matrix (peptide APDTRPAPG). The RNREAPRGKICS peptide binding to C595 demonstrated a higher equilibrium association constant (K(A)=0.75 x 10(6)) than the epitope peptide (K(A)=0.16 x 10(6)). Circular dichroism showed that the novel peptide had a more highly ordered structure at 4 degrees C and room temperature, than the epitope peptide.  相似文献   

Peptide affinity tags have become efficient tools for the purification of recombinant proteins from biological mixtures. The most commonly used ligands in this type of affinity chromatography are immobilized metal ions, proteins, antibodies, and complementary peptides. However, the major bottlenecks of this technique are still related to the ligands, including their low stability, difficulties in immobilization, and leakage into the final products. A model approach is presented here to overcome these bottlenecks by utilizing macroporous ceramic fluorapatite (CFA) as the stationary phase in chromatography and the CFA‐specific short peptides as tags. The CFA chromatographic materials act as both the support matrix and the ligand. Peptides that bind with affinity to CFA were identified from a randomized phage display heptapeptide library. A total of five rounds of phage selection were performed. A common N‐terminal sequence was found in two selected peptides: F4‐2 (KPRSMLH) and F5‐4 (KPRSVSG). The peptide F5‐4, displayed by more than 40% of the phages analyzed in the fifth round of selection, was subjected to further studies. Selectivity of the peptide for the chemical composition and morphology of CFA was assured by the adsorption studies. The dissociation constant, obtained from the F5‐4/CFA adsorption isotherm, was in the micromolar range, and the maximum capacity was 39.4 nmol/mg. The chromatographic behavior of the peptides was characterized on a CFA stationary phase with different buffers. Preferential affinity and specific retention properties suggest the possible application of the phage‐derived peptides as a tag in CFA affinity chromatography for enhancing the selective recovery of proteins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A dodecapeptide EDIKPKTSLAFR ligand targeting CEN- 1 human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) was identified by in vivo phage display. Two tridecapeptides and their derivatives, named YR13 (YEDIKPKTSLAFR), EY 1 3 (EDIKPKTSLAFRY), EY 1 3-NH2 (EDIKPKTSLAFRY-NH2) and Fmoc-YR 1 3 (Fmoc-YEDIKPKTSLAFR), were synthesized and radiolabeled with ^[3]I. The stability in vitro, biodistribution and tissue distribution of selected phage particles in mice bearing NPC tumor were determined, and plasma metabolites analysis of radiolabeled peptides was carried out. Although Fmoc and NH2 groups could protect the peptide from deiodination, only Fmoc group inhibited the binding of Fmoc-YR13 to NPC tumors. The compound EY13-NH2, the C-terminal amide of peptide EY13, had the greatest serum stability, the least deiodination, and showed favorable tumor/blood ratios. The selected phage particles (phage 3 or phage 5) were more concentrated in NPC tumors than the control phage (initial phage display peptide library). EY13 could also inhibit the binding of selected phage particles to tumors. The results indicated that EDIKPKTSLAFR was a good candidate in diagnostic and therapeutic NPC.  相似文献   

The construction of a new phagemid vector for display of peptides on the pVIII major coat protein of filamentous bacteriophage is described, in which expression of pVIII-peptide fusions was placed under the control of the arabinose-inducible PBAD promoter. The new phagemid showed excellent capacity for the regulation of peptide expression, as judged by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electron microscopy of immunogold-labeled FLAG peptides displayed on phages. Regulation of the density of peptide fusions displayed on phages may offer advantages in the search for new peptide ligands due to the possibility of regulating the stringency of binding, reducing selection based on avidity effects during biopanning. Furthermore, the peptide expression in the absence of inducer was effectively shut off, minimizing growth bias of individual clones. A 9-mer phage display library prepared using the constructed phagemid was generated by insertion of randomly synthesized oligonucleotides close to the N-terminal of the pVIII protein. The library comprised a total of 9.4 × 109 unique transformants, and was confirmed to show high diversity. The functional utility of the library was confirmed by the successful affinity selection of peptides binding to matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). The majority of selected peptides shared the consensus motif R(D/N)XXG(M/L)(V/I)XQ, not previously selected during biopanning against MMP-9.  相似文献   

We examined the potential immobilization of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to cellulose with cellulose-binding domain (CBD) as a mediator, using a ligand selected from a phage-displayed random peptide library. A 15-mer random peptide library was panned on cellulose-coated plates covered with CBD in order to find a peptide that binds to CBD in its bound form. The sequence I/LHS, which was found to be an efficient binder of CBD, was fused to a synthetic gene of HRP as an affinity tag. The tagged enzyme (tHRP) was then immobilized on microcrystalline cellulose coated with CBD, thereby demonstrating the indirect immobilization of a protein to cellulose via three amino acids selected by phage display library and CBD.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a well-known neuroprotectant and a potent therapeutic candidate for neurodegenerative diseases. However, there are several clinical concerns about its therapeutic applications. In the current study, we designed and developed BDNF-mimicking small peptides as an alternative to circumvent these problems. A phage-displayed peptide library was screened using BDNF receptor (neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type2 [NTRK2]) and evaluated by ELISA. The peptide sequences showed similarity to loop2 of BDNF, they were recognized as discontinuous epitopes though. Interestingly, in silico molecular docking showed strong interactions between the peptide three-dimensional models and the surface residues of the NTRK2 protein at the IgC2 domain. A consensus peptide sequence was then synthesized to generate a mimetic construct (named as RNYK). The affinity binding and function of this construct was confirmed by testing against the native structure of NTRK2 in SH-SY5Y cells in vitro using flow-cytometry and MTT assays, respectively. RNYK at 5 ng/mL prevented neuronal degeneration of all- trans-retinoic acid-treated SH-SY5Y with equal efficacy to or even better than BDNF at 50 ng/mL.  相似文献   

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