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Supplementation of thiol compounds has been suggested to protect against the toxic effects of reduced oxygen species by contributing to the thiol pool of the cell. The present study was designed to determine whether supplementation of methionine in the diet of diabetic animals protected against the oxidative stress in diabetic pathology. Oral methionine was administered at a dosage of 330 mg/100 g feed to diabetic rats. The effect was compared with the effect of insulin administration. Levels of lipid peroxides were measured in plasma, erythrocytes, and erythrocyte membrane. Anti-oxidants were measured in plasma. Diabetic condition was associated with increased lipid peroxidation and depletion in antioxidant levels. Although methionine did not affect the level of blood glucose and some of the antioxidants, it lowered the lipid peroxide content in blood. Erythrocyte lipid peroxidation activity was unaffected by methionine treatment. Administration of insulin lowered both plasma and erythrocyte lipid peroxide levels.  相似文献   

Chromium picolinate (CrP) supplementation has been studied as a potential therapy of insulin resistance and lipid abnormalities. There have been some reports involving chromium supplementation in patients with diabetes, but the results are varied. The present study was conducted to assess the effects of CrP on insulin sensitivity and body weight in Goto-Kakizaki (GK) diabetic rats. We supplemented normal Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats and GK diabetic rats with supplemental CrP, 100 mg/kg/day once a day for 4 weeks. In the normal SD rats, the mean body weight of the control group increased by 50.5%, whereas that of the CrP-treated group increased by 65.9% (P < 0.05 vs control). Similarly, in the diabetic GK rats, CrP supplementation showed increased weight gain compared to the control group (133.4% vs 119.6% of the baseline weight, P < 0.01). Glucose tolerance tests (GTT) [ip injection of glucose; 2 g/kg] and insulin sensitivity tests [SQ injection of insulin (5 U/kg) plus ip injection of glucose (30 min after insulin injection)] were conducted. During insulin sensitivity tests at the end of treatment, the glucose levels were significantly lower in CrP-treated rats compared with the control rats (AUC0→120; 113.1 ± 32.0 vs 170.5 ± 49.0 mg-min/mL, P < 0.05). During GTTs, the glucose levels and insulin concentrations in the CrP-treated rats were not different from those in the control rats.

The results of these studies suggest that CrP supplementation in GK diabetic rats leads to increase of weight gain and improvement of insulin sensitivity. This raises the possibility that CrP supplementation can be considered to improve carbohydrate metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficacy of rosmarinic acid (RA) in preventing lipid peroxidation and increased activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the brain of streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats. The animals were divided into six groups (n = 8): control, ethanol, RA 10 mg/kg, diabetic, diabetic/ethanol and diabetic/RA 10 mg/kg. After 21 days of treatment with RA, the cerebral structures (striatum, cortex and hippocampus) were removed for experimental assays. The results demonstrated that the treatment with RA (10 mg/kg) significantly reduced the level of lipid peroxidation in hippocampus (28%), cortex (38%) and striatum (47%) of diabetic rats when compared with the control. In addition, it was found that hyperglycaemia caused significant increased in the activity of AChE in hippocampus (58%), cortex (46%) and striatum (30%) in comparison with the control. On the other hand, the treatment with RA reversed this effect to the level of control after 3 weeks. In conclusion, the present findings showed that treatment with RA prevents the lipid peroxidation and consequently the increase in AChE activity in diabetic rats, demonstrating that this compound can modulate cholinergic neurotransmission and prevent damage oxidative in brain in the diabetic state. Thus, we can suggest that RA could be a promising compound in the complementary therapy in diabetes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diabetes Mellitus (DM), a state of chronic hyperglycaemia, is a common disease affecting over 124 million individuals worldwide. In this study, erythrocyte glutathione levels, lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase and some extracellular antioxidant protein levels of patients with type II diabetes mellitus and healthy controls were investigated. Thirty-eight patients (21 males; with age of mean +/- SD, 53.1+/-9.7 years) and 18 clinically healthy subjects (10 males; with age of mean +/- SD, 49.3+/-15.2 years) were included in the study. Levels of erythrocyte lipid peroxidation, serum ceruloplasmin and glucose levels, HbA1C levels, and erythrocyte catalase activity were significantly increased, whereas serum albumin and transferrin levels, erythrocyte glutathione levels, and glutathione peroxidase activity were significantly decreased compared to those of controls. There was no significant difference in superoxide dismutase activity compared to controls. The results suggest that the antioxidant deficiency and excessive peroxide-mediated damage may appear in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a multi-factorial disease which is characterized by hyperglycaemia, lipoprotein abnormalities and oxidative stress. This study evaluated effect of oral vitamin C administration on basal metabolic rate and lipid profile of alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Vitamin C was administered at 200 mg/kg body wt. by gavage for four weeks to diabetic rats after which the resting metabolic rate and plasma lipid profile was determined. The results showed that vitamin C administration significantly (P<0.01) reduced the resting metabolic rate in diabetic rats; and also lowered plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. These results suggest that the administration of vitamin C in this model of established diabetes mellitus might be beneficial for the restoration of basal metabolic rate and improvement of lipid profile. This may at least in part reduce the risk of cardiovascular events seen in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the efficiency of short-term treatment with gemfibrozil in the reversal of diabetes-induced changes on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and antioxidant status of aorta. Diabetes was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (45 mg/kg, i.p.). After 12 weeks of induction of diabetes, the control and diabetic rats were orally gavaged daily with a dosing vehicle alone or with 100 mg/kg of gemfibrozil for 2 weeks. At 14 weeks, there was a significant increase in blood glucose, plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels of untreated-diabetic animals. Diabetes was associated with a significant increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in both plasma and aortic homogenates, indicating increased lipid peroxidation. Diabetes caused an increase in vascular antioxidant enzyme activity, catalase, indicating existence of excess hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). However, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activities in aortas did not significantly change in untreated-diabetic rats. In diabetic plus gemfibrozil group both plasma lipids and lipid peroxides showed a significant recovery. Gemfibrozil treatment had no effect on blood glucose, plasma insulin and vessel antioxidant enzyme activity of diabetic animals. Our findings suggest that the beneficial effect of short-term gemfibrozil treatment in reducing lipid peroxidation in diabetic animals does not depend on a change of glucose metabolism and antioxidant status of aorta, but this may be attributed to its decreasing effect on circulating lipids. The ability of short-term gemfibrozil treatment to recovery of metabolism and peroxidation of lipids may be an effective strategy to minimize increased oxidative stress in diabetic plasma and vasculature.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(6):668-678

The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of D-pinitol on hyperglycaemia mediated oxidative stress by analysing the hepatic antioxidant competence, pro-inflammatory cytokines and ultrastructural changes in liver tissues of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Oral administration of D-pinitol (50 mg/kg b.w.) resulted in significant (p < 0.05) attenuation in blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin and pro-inflammatory markers such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, NF-κB p65 unit and NO and significant (p < 0.05) elevation in the plasma insulin level. In addition, D-pinitol instigated a significant escalation in the levels of hepatic tissue non-enzymatic antioxidants and the activities enzymatic antioxidants of diabetic rats with significant (p < 0.05) decrease in lipid peroxides and hydroperoxides formation, thus demonstrating the protective role of D-pinitol on the hepatic tissues from oxidative stress-induced liver damage. These biochemical observations were complemented by histological and ultrastructural examination of liver section. Thus, the present study demonstrates the hepatoprotective nature of D-pinitol by attenuating hyperglycaemia-mediated pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Objective: To identify simple methods to estimate the degree of insulin resistance. Research Methods and Procedures: The performance of a wide range of fasting‐based index estimates of insulin sensitivity was compared by receiver operating characteristic analysis (area under curves and their 95% confidence intervals) against the M value from euglycemic insulin clamp studies collected in the San Antonio (non‐Hispanic whites and Hispanic residents of San Antonio, TX) and European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (non‐diabetic white Europeans) databases (n = 638). Results: Insulin resistance differed substantially between lean (BMI < 25 kg/m2), overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2), and type 2 diabetic individuals. Estimates of insulin resistance were, therefore, assessed in each group separately. In the overweight and obese subgroup (n = 302), the receiver operating characteristic performance of fasting‐based indices varied from 0.72 (0.62 to 0.82), in the case of the insulin/glucose ratio, to 0.80 (0.72 to 0.88) in the case of Belfiore free fatty acids. One superior method could not be identified; the confidence intervals overlapped, and no statistically significant differences emerged. All indices performed better when using the whole study population, with fasting plasma insulin, homeostatic model assessment, insulin/glucose ratio, quantitative insulin sensitivity check index, glucose/insulin ratio, Belfiore glycemia, revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index, McAuley index, and Belfiore free fatty acids showing area under curves of 0.83, 0.90, 0.66, 0.90, 0.66, 0.90, 0.85, 0.83, and 0.86, respectively, because of the inclusion of very insulin sensitive (lean) and very insulin resistant cases (diabetic subjects). Discussion: In conclusion, a superior fasting‐based index estimate to distinguish between the presence and absence of insulin resistance in overweight and obesity could not be identified despite the use of the large datasets.  相似文献   

This study correlates the morphological and biochemical events during the accumulation of hepatic lipids in diabetic rats in response to insulin treatment and a high-carbohydrate, fat-free diet. Alloxan-diabetic rats were fed a high-carbohydrate, fat-free diet and treated with insulin for 12, 36, or 60 hr or 4.5 or 6.5 days. Samples of livers were obtained for determination of malic enzyme activity and the histochemical demonstration of lipids. An increased accumulation of hepatic lipids, although delayed, was observed following insulin treatment of diabetic rats fed the special diet. Small lipid droplets were visible after 36 hr of treatment, which later increased and coalesced into larger droplets present in all hepatocytes. Maximal accumulation was observed at 4.5 days of treatment. These changes were paralleled by an increase in the activity of hepatic malic enzyme. By 6.5 days of treatment, the lipid content of the hepatocytes had decreased and a periportal pattern was discernible. In contrast, malic enzyme activity continued to increase through 6.5 days of treatment. By comparison, no hepatic lipid accumulation occurred in regular chow-fed diabetic rats receiving insulin treatment or in diabetic rats placed on the special diet alone. These results suggest that the combination of insulin treatment and a high-carbohydrate, fat-free diet caused an imbalance in the production and mobilization of hepatic lipids.  相似文献   

Recent studies have described lipid peroxidation to be an early and sensitive consequence of cadmium exposure, and free radical scavengers and antioxidants have been reported to attenuate cadmium-induced toxicity. These observations suggest that cadmium produces reactive oxygen species that may mediate many of the untoward effects of cadmium. Therefore, the effects of cadmium (II) chloride on reactive oxygen species production were examined following a single oral exposure (0.50 LD50) by assessing hepatic mitochondrial and microsomal lipid peroxidation, glutathione content in the liver, excretion of urinary lipid metabolites, and the incidence of hepatic nuclear DNA damage. Increases in lipid peroxidation of 4.0- and 4.2-fold occurred in hepatic mitochondria and microsomes, respectively, 48 h after the oral administration of 44 mg cadmium (II) chloride/kg, while a 65% decrease in glutathione content was observed in the liver. The urinary excretion of malondialdehyde (MDA), formaldehyde (FA), acetaldehyde (ACT), and acetone (ACON) were determined at 0–96 h after Cd administration. Between 48 and 72 h posttreatment maximal excretion of the four urinary lipid metabolites was observed with increases of 2.2- to 3.6-fold in cadmium (II) chloride-treated rats. Increases in DNA single-strand breaks of 1.7-fold were observed 48 h after administration of cadmium. These results support the hypothesis that cadmium induces production of reactive oxygen species, which may contribute to the tissue-damaging effects of this metal ion.  相似文献   

Dietary content of phytohormones may potentially influence metabolic processes in animal cells. This study therefore aimed to investigate the effect of two plant growth regulators homobrassinolide (HB) and gibberellic acid (GBA) on the antioxidant defense status and lipid peroxidation level in the tissues of normal and streptozotocin- induced diabetic rats. Normal and diabetic rats (Albino –wistar strain) were administered 50μg HB and GBA intradermally each day for seven days and their tissue and blood levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-2-nonenol (4-HNE), reduced glutathione (GSH) content and catalase (CAT) activity were determined. Subchronic treatment of rats with HB reduced lipid perioxidation and elevated antioxidant defense whereas GBA caused enhancement of lipid peroxidation and reduction of antioxidant defense in treated animals compared to the control rats.  相似文献   

Momordica charantia Linn., commonly called bitter gourd, is a medicinal plant used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for treating various diseases including diabetes mellitus. Sodium orthovanadate (SOV) is also well-known insulin mimetic and an antidiabetic compound. Our laboratory has been using reduced doses of SOV along with administration of herbal extracts to alloxan diabetic rats and has established this combination as a good antihyperglycemic agent. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of treatment of Momordica fruit extract (MFE) and sodium orthovanadate, separately and in combination, on serum and tissue lipid profile and on the activities of lipogenic enzymes in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The results show that there was a significant (p < 0.01) increase in serum total lipids, triglycerides and total cholesterol levels after 21 days of alloxan diabetes. In the liver and kidney of diabetic rats the levels of total lipids and triglycerides also increased significantly (p < 0.01) while levels of total cholesterol decreased significantly (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively). The lipogenic enzymes showed decreased activity in the diabetic liver, while in kidney they showed an increased activity. When compared with the controls these changes were significant. The treatment of alloxan diabetic rats with MFE and SOV prevented these alterations and maintained all parameters near control values. Most effective prevention was however observed in a combined treatment of Momordica with a reduced dose of SOV (0.2%). The results suggest that Momordica fruit extract and SOV exhibit hypolipidemic as well as hypoglycemic effect in diabetic rats and their effect is pronounced when administered in combination. (Mol Cell Biochem 268: 111–120, 2005)  相似文献   

The present study describes the effects of several high-fat low-cholesterol antiatherogenic diets on the hepatic lipid peroxidation and hepatic antioxidant systems in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Eighty mice were distributed into five groups and fed with regular mouse chow or chow supplemented with coconut, palm, olive and sunflower seed oils. After ten weeks, they were sacrificed and the livers were removed so that lipid peroxidation and -tocopherol concentrations, and superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities could be measured. The size of the atherosclerotic lesions in the aortas was also measured. Results showed that the diets supplemented with olive oil, palm oil or sunflower seed oil significantly decreased the size of the lesion. However, there was an association between those mice that were on diets supplemented with palm or coconut oils and a significant increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation. This association was not found in animals fed with olive or sunflower seed oils, the diets with the highest content of vitamin E. The dietary content of vitamin E was significantly correlated (r = 0.98; p < 0.05) with the hepatic concentration of this compound. Our study suggests that the high content of vitamin E in olive oil or sunflower seed oil may protect from the undesirable hepatotoxic effects of high-fat diets in apo E-deficient mice and that this should be taken into account when these diets are used to prevent atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Antioxidant defenses within the lung are pivotal in preventing damage from oxidative toxicants. There have also been several reports with conflicting results on the antioxidant system during aging. In this study, we attempted to investigate age-related alterations in both antioxidant enzyme activities and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), a product of lipid peroxidation, in the whole lung of control and sulfur dioxide (SO2) exposed rats of different age groups (3-, 12-, and 24-months-old). Swiss-Albino Male rats were exposed to 10 ppm SO2 1 hr/day, 7 days/week for 6 weeks. The antioxidant enzymes examined include Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione S-transferase (GST). A mixed pattern of age-associated alterations in antioxidant activities was observed. SOD, GSH-Px and GST activities were increased with age, but CAT activity was decreased. Lung SOD, GSH-Px and GST activities were also increased in response to SO2. The level of TBARS was increased with age. SO2 exposure stimulated lipid peroxide formation in the lung as indicated by an increase in the level of TBARS. These findings suggest that both aging and SO2 exposure may impose an oxidative stress to the body. We conclude that the increase in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes of the lung during aging, could be interpreted as a positive feedback mechanism in response to rising lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we demonstrated the potential of monocrotophos (MCP), an organophosphorus insecticide (OPI), to induce glucose intolerance, insulin resistance (IR), and dyslipidemia with hyperinsulinemia in rats after chronic exposure. As hyperinsulinemia is likely to exert an impact on hepatic lipid metabolism, we carried out this study to establish the effect of chronic MCP exposure (0.9 and 1.8 mg/kg/day for 180 days) on hepatic lipid metabolism in rats. The state of IR induced by MCP in rats was associated with an increase in the liver lipid content (triglyceride and cholesterol) and expression levels of sterol regulatory element‐binding proteins, PPARγ, acetyl‐CoA carboxylase, and fatty acid synthase in the liver. Similarly, activities of key enzymes (acetyl‐COA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, lipin 1, malic enzyme, glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase, and glycerol‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase), which regulate lipogenesis, were enhanced in livers of pesticide‐treated rats. A strong correlation was observed between insulin levels, hepatic lipid content, and plasma lipid profile in treated rats. Our study suggests that long‐term exposure to OPIs not only has a propensity to induce a state of hyperinsulinemic IR, but it is also associated with augmented hepatic lipogenesis, which may explain dyslipidemia induced by chronic exposure to MCP.  相似文献   

Both experimental and clinical studies suggests that oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2. Hyperglycaemia leads to free radical generation and causes neural degeneration. In the present study we investigated the possible neuroprotective effect of mexiletine against streptozotocin-induced hyperglycaemia in the rat brain and spinal cord.30 adult male Wistar rats were divided into three groups: control, diabetic, and diabetic-mexiletine treated group. Diabetes mellitus was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (60 mg/kg body weight). Mexiletine (50 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally every day for six weeks. After 6 weeks the brain, brain stem and cervical spinal cord of the rats were removed and the hippocampus, cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord were dissected for biochemical analysis (the level of Malondialdehide [MDA], Nitric Oxide [NO], Reduced Glutathione [GSH], and Xanthine Oxidase [XO] activity). MDA, XO and NO levels in the hippocampus, cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord of the diabetic group increased significantly, when compared with control and mexiletine groups (P < 0.05). GSH levels in the hippocampus, cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord of the diabetic group decreased significantly when compared with control and mexiletine groups (P < 0.05).This study demonstrates that mexiletine protects the neuronal tissue against the diabetic oxidative damage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cadmium-induced peroxidative damage to rat liver, heart, and spleen. Sprague-Dawley rats were injected subcutaneously with a single dose of 25, 125, 500, or 1250 μg Cd/kg and evaluated 6, 12, 24, or 72 h later. Liver, heart, and spleen were analyzed for lipid peroxidation and Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, and Cd concentrations. Data showed that Cd produced enhanced lipid peroxidation in the liver, heart, and spleen. These Cd-induced changes were accompanied by a significant rise in liver, heart, and spleen Fe and Cu, and a fall in spleen Zn and liver, heart, and spleen Se. Concurrent treatment with Se and Cd reduced the Cd-induced alterations in liver, heart, and spleen peroxidation and essential metal levels. Data suggest that lipid peroxidation is associated with cadmium toxicity and that Se was found effective in preventing lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Rapamycin treatment has positive and negative effects on progression of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in a recombinant inbred polygenic mouse model, male NONcNZO10/LtJ (NcZ10). Here, we show that combination treatment with metformin ameliorates negative effects of rapamycin while maintaining its benefits. From 12 to 30 weeks of age, NcZ10 males were fed a control diet or diets supplemented with rapamycin, metformin, or a combination of both. Rapamycin alone reduced weight gain, adiposity, HOMA‐IR, and inflammation, and prevented hyperinsulinemia and pre‐steatotic hepatic lipidosis, but exacerbated hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and pancreatic islet degranulation. Metformin alone reduced hyperinsulinemia and circulating c‐reactive protein, but exacerbated nephropathy. Combination treatment retained the benefits of both while preventing many of the deleterious effects. Importantly, the combination treatment reversed effects of rapamycin on markers of hepatic insulin resistance and normalized systemic insulin sensitivity in this inherently insulin‐resistant model. In adipose tissue, rapamycin attenuated the expression of genes associated with adipose tissue expansion (Mest, Gpam), inflammation (Itgam, Itgax, Hmox1, Lbp), and cell senescence (Serpine1). In liver, the addition of metformin counteracted rapamycin‐induced alterations of G6pc, Ppara, and Ldlr expressions that promote hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Both rapamycin and metformin treatment reduced hepatic Fasn expression, potentially preventing lipidosis. These results delineate a state of “insulin signaling restriction” that withdraws endocrine support for further adipogenesis, progression of the metabolic syndrome, and the development of its comorbidities. Our results are relevant for the treatment of T2D, the optimization of current rapamycin‐based treatments for posttransplant rejection and various cancers, and for the development of treatments for healthy aging.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue contains one of the largest reservoirs of cholesterol in the body. Adipocyte dysfunction in obesity is associated with intracellular cholesterol accumulation, and alterations in cholesterol homeostasis have been shown to alter glucose metabolism in cultured adipocytes. ABCA1 plays a major role in cholesterol efflux, suggesting a role for ABCA1 in maintaining cholesterol homeostasis in the adipocyte. However, the impact of adipocyte ABCA1 on adipose tissue function and glucose metabolism is unknown. Our aim was to determine the impact of adipocyte ABCA1 on adipocyte lipid metabolism, body weight, and glucose metabolism in vivo. To address this, we used mice lacking ABCA1 specifically in adipocytes (ABCA1−ad/−ad). When fed a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, ABCA1−ad/−ad mice showed increased cholesterol and triglyceride stores in adipose tissue, developed enlarged fat pads, and had increased body weight. Associated with these phenotypic changes, we observed significant changes in the expression of genes involved in cholesterol and glucose homeostasis, including ldlr, abcg1, glut-4, adiponectin, and leptin. ABCA1−ad/−ad mice also demonstrated impaired glucose tolerance, lower insulin sensitivity, and decreased insulin secretion. We conclude that ABCA1 in adipocytes influences adipocyte lipid metabolism, body weight, and whole-body glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

Ebselen, a multifunctional organoselenium compound, has been recognized as a potential treatment for diabetes-related disorders. However, the underlying mechanisms whereby ebselen regulates metabolic pathways remain elusive. We discovered that ebselen inhibits lipid phosphatase SHIP2 (Src homology 2 domain-containing inositol-5-phosphatase 2), an emerging drug target to ameliorate insulin resistance in diabetes. We found that ebselen directly binds to and inhibits the catalytic activity of the recombinant SHIP2 phosphatase domain and SHIP2 in cultured cells, the skeletal muscle and liver of the diabetic db/db mice, and the liver of the SHIP2 overexpressing (SHIP2-Tg) mice. Ebselen increased insulin-induced Akt phosphorylation in cultured myotubes, enhanced insulin sensitivity and protected liver tissue from lipid peroxidation and inflammation in the db/db mice, and improved glucose tolerance more efficiently than metformin in the SHIP2-Tg mice. SHIP2 overexpression abrogated the ability of ebselen to induce glucose uptake and reduce ROS production in myotubes and blunted the effect of ebselen to inhibit SHIP2 in the skeletal muscle of the SHIP2-Tg mice. Our data reveal ebselen as a potent SHIP2 inhibitor and demonstrate that the ability of ebselen to ameliorate insulin resistance and act as an antioxidant is at least in part mediated by the reduction of SHIP2 activity.  相似文献   

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