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Skoko N  Baralle M  Buratti E  Baralle FE 《FEBS letters》2008,582(15):2231-2236
We have previously identified an ESE in NF1 exon 37 whose disruption by the pathological mutation c.6792C>G caused aberrant splicing. We now investigate the RNA-protein complexes affected by the c.6792C>G mutation observing that this concurrently decreases the affinity for the positive splicing factor YB-1 and increases the affinity for the negative splicing factors, hnRNPA1, hnRNPA2 and a new player in these type of complexes, DAZAP1. Our findings highlight the complexity of the interplay between positive and negative factors in the exon inclusion/skipping outcome. Furthermore, our observations stress the role of a wide genomic context in NF1 exon 37 definition.  相似文献   

We studied a family presenting 10 individuals affected by autosomal dominant deafness in all frequencies and three individuals affected by high frequency hearing loss. Genomic scanning using the 50k Affymetrix microarray technology yielded a Lod Score of 2.1 in chromosome 14 and a Lod Score of 1.9 in chromosome 22. Mapping refinement using microsatellites placed the chromosome 14 candidate region between markers D14S288 and D14S276 (8.85 cM) and the chromosome 22 near marker D22S283. Exome sequencing identified two candidate variants to explain hearing loss in chromosome 14 [PTGDR – c.G894A:p.R298R and PTGER2 – c.T247G:p.C83G], and one in chromosome 22 [MYH9, c.G2114A:p.R705H]. Pedigree segregation analysis allowed exclusion of the PTGDR and PTGER2 variants as the cause of deafness. However, the MYH9 variant segregated with the phenotype in all affected members, except the three individuals with different phenotype. This gene has been previously described as mutated in autosomal dominant hereditary hearing loss and corresponds to DFNA17. The mutation identified in our study is the same described in the prior report. Thus, although linkage studies suggested a candidate gene in chromosome 14, we concluded that the mutation in chromosome 22 better explains the hearing loss phenotype in the Brazilian family.  相似文献   

We have found a novel alternative splicing product of the apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF-1), termed APAF-1-ALT, in the LNCaP human prostate cancer cell line. APAF-1-ALT harbors the caspase recruitment domain and an incomplete CED-4 like/ATPase domain, but lacks the WD-40 repeat units. The LNCaP cell expressed the full-length APAF-1 weakly and APAF-1-ALT rather abundantly, especially after mycoplasma infection. LNCaP underwent a retarded DNA damage-induced apoptosis, which was independent of caspase 9 activity. APAF-1-ALT functioned less effectively in inducing apoptosis than did APAF-1-XL, the full-length APAF-1, in transient transfection. Moreover, APAF-1-ALT interfered with APAF-1-XL's ability to induce apoptosis in transient double transfection experiment. These results indicate that APAF-1-ALT is a molecule that is deficient and impeded for mediating apoptosis and that it may contribute to the resistance to DNA damage-induced treatment observed in LNCaP.  相似文献   

Cultured skin fibroblasts from a proband with osteogenesis imperfecta were found to synthesize normal and shortened alpha 2(I) chains of type I procollagen. A cDNA library was prepared using mRNA isolated from the proband's fibroblasts. Partial nucleotide sequencing of five clones demonstrated that two clones lacked the 54 base pairs (bp) of coding sequences found in exon 33 of the pro-alpha 2(I) gene (COL1A2). To reduce the amount of nucleotide sequencing required, heteroduplexes were prepared from two of the clones, one normal and the other lacking exon 33, and reacted with a water-soluble carbodiimide under conditions in which nonbase-paired G and T nucleotides are specifically modified by the reagent. Analysis of the heteroduplexes by immunoelectron microscopy suggested that the sequence variation near the codons of exon 33 was the only sequence difference in the cDNA clones. Amplification of cDNA from the proband by polymerase chain reaction gave products of two sizes, one of the expected size for the normal sequence and the other of the expected size for a product lacking the 54 bp in exon 33. To define the mutation in genomic DNA, a 1.6-kilobase region spanning exons 32 and 34 was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and DNA heteroduplexes were prepared from the products. The heteroduplexes were treated with a water-soluble carbodiimide and then used as templates for primer extension under conditions in which extension terminates at the site of a carbodiimide-modified base. The results suggested a mismatch near the exon-intron boundary of exon 33 and a second mismatch near the 3' end of intron 33. Nucleotide sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction products revealed a single-base substitution in one allele that changed the moderately conserved G at position +5 of the 5' splice site of intron 33 to an A. In addition, there was an apparently neutral single-base substitution that placed both a G and T at position +661 of intron 33. The results provide only the third example of a mutation in the G at the +5 position of an intron that causes aberrant RNA splicing. Also, the results demonstrate that use of techniques involving carbodiimide modification of DNA heteroduplexes can reduce the amount of nucleotide sequencing necessary to define mutations in large and complex genes.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a family of genetic disorders associated with bone loss and fragility. Mutations associated with OI have been found in genes encoding the type I collagen chains. People with OI type I often produce insufficient α1-chain type I collagen because of frameshift, nonsense, or splice site mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2. This report is of a Chinese daughter and mother who had both experienced two bone fractures. Because skeletal fragility is predominantly inherited, we focused on identifying mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. A novel mutation in COL1A1, c.700delG, was detected by genomic DNA sequencing in the mother and daughter, but not in their relatives. The identification of this mutation led to the conclusion that they were affected by mild OI type I. Open reading frame analysis indicated that this frameshift mutation would truncate α1-chain type I collagen at residue p263 (p.E234KfsX264), while the wild-type protein would contain 1,464 residues. The clinical data were consistent with the patients’ diagnosis of mild OI type I caused by haploinsufficiency of α1-chain type I collagen. Combined with previous reports, identification of the novel mutation COL1A1-c.700delG in these patients suggests that additional genetic and environmental factors may influence the severity of OI.  相似文献   

Inheritance of a single base mutation in the type III procollagen gene (COL3A1) was studied in a family with aortic aneurysms and easy bruisability. The mutation was a substitution of A for G+ 1 of intron 20 of the gene and caused aberrant splicing of RNA transcribed from the mutated allele. The phenotype in the family included aortic aneurysms that ruptured and produced death. It also included easy bruisability, but it did not include other characteristic features of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, such as ecchymoses, abnormal scarring, or prominent subcutaneous blood vessels. The data from the family, together with a review of other probands with mutations in the type III procollagen gene, indicated that there is phenotypic overlap between Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV and familial arterial aneurysms not associated with any overlap between Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV and familial arterial aneurysms not associated with any of the striking changes in skin originally cited as a characteristic feature of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV. In addition, the results suggested that DNA tests for mutations in the type III procollagen gene may be useful to identify individuals predisposed to developing arterial aneurysms.  相似文献   

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