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To investigate the dynamic changes in the artificial vegetation in an abandoned mining site,we analyzed the relationships among community types,environmental variables and community structure in the process of vegetation restoration in the Antaibao mining site,China by survey of the communities and use of biological dating methods.By means of the quantitative classification method (two-way indicator-species analysis,TWINSPAN) and the ordination technique (de-trended correspondence analysis,DCA; and de-trended canonical correspondence analysis,DCCA),the plant communities were classified into seven groups:community Ⅰ,Robinia pseudoacacia + Pinus tabulaeformis-Caragana korshinskii-Agropyron cristatum; community Ⅱ,Robinia pseudoacacia-Hippophae rhamnoides-Artemisia capillaries; community Ⅲ,Ulmus pumila-Elaeagnus angustifolia-Artemisia capillaries;community Ⅳ,Caragana korshinskii-Agropyron cristatum+Artemisia capillaries;community Ⅴ,Hippophae rhamnoides-Elymus dahuricus;cornrnunity Ⅵ,Elaeagnus angustifolia+Hippophae rhamnoides-Brassica jucea;community Ⅶ,Hippophae rhamnoides+Elaeagnus angustifolia-Salsola collina.We conclude that the community types and diversity are mainly influenced by the succession time and the soil organic matter content.The forest community is more adaptable to the special inhabitation than the shrub community.  相似文献   

延安市生态修复双赢模式实证研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
曹世雄  刘伟  赵麦换  冯飞 《生态学报》2018,38(22):7879-7885
"越穷越垦、越垦越穷"的贫困陷阱是困扰全球可持续发展的学术难题之一,探索摆脱贫困陷阱的有效途径,是生态修复的核心目标。因此,生态修复不仅要依据当地气候与地理条件开展生态治理,同时要改变当地居民的生产生活行为,发展有利于生态修复的绿色产业,使当地居民的生产生活行为既可以提高收入、改善生活,又有利于生态修复。从而摆脱"越穷越垦、越垦越穷"的被动局面,实现生态修复与居民生计改善的双赢目标。为了验证这一模式的可行性,该研究在退耕还林项目实施的基础上,通过补短板的方式,在延安市开展了生态修复双赢模式实证研究。结果表明,新方案实施前,延安市NDVI增长速度是陕西省平均水平的41%;新方案实施后,是陕西省平均水平的195%,新方案的贡献率为74.0%。双赢模式较好解决了环境保护与社会经济发展彼此分离的这一矛盾,提高了生态修复的治理效果,为我国生态脆弱区精准扶贫和生态文明建设提供了理论依据和治理样板。  相似文献   

It is standard practice to compare the status of performance indicators between restoration and reference sites to monitor restoration progress and demonstrate restoration success. However, standard methods for defining the reference ecosystem, selecting reference sites, and measuring success are surprisingly lacking. Our study develops these methods based on the acceptable range of variation (ARV) within the desirable stable (reference) state as a measure of restoration success. The method (1) constrains application to the contemporary landscape to avoid the problematic historical range of variation concept and idealized restoration targets; (2) acknowledges the theory of alternative stable states and ecosystem dynamics and posits that the reference ecosystem should be clearly defined as a desirable stable (reference) state; and (3) shows that identifying an acceptable thematic (classification) scale and an acceptable management timeframe is essential to defining the desirable stable (reference) state. We present two approaches to calculating an ARV and a simulation method to explore reference site replication sufficiency. We apply the methods to two contrasting Australian restoration case studies and recommend that routine adoption of these methods would make a significant contribution to the science and practice of restoration ecology and to the assessment of restoration success.  相似文献   

陕西省生态恢复综合效益评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展区域内生态恢复综合效益评估工作,将为地区生态恢复成果梳理及生态系统管理提供决策支持,为未来生态恢复工作的开展提供理论依据。以陕西省为研究区,基于空间遥感数据和生态模型模拟,从生态系统结构、质量和服务3个方面综合评估区域内2000-2015年生态恢复效益。研究结果表明:1)近16年间陕西省土地利用类型呈现林地增加,耕地减少的态势,同时关中地区建设用地大量增加。陕西省87.95%和72.72%的区域分别呈现植被覆盖和生态系统服务总值增加的趋势,尽管区域内人类活动占地增加,但整体生态恢复效果明显。2)陕南地区植被覆盖及生态系统服务总值相对较高,特别是秦岭地区,生态环境较为优越。陕北地区植被覆盖及生态系统服务均值虽相对较低,但均呈现显著增加趋势,未来区域范围内生态环境有着较大的发展潜力。3)尽管不同生态工程基本覆盖了陕西省全境,但受气象因素影响,生态系统服务总值在关中及陕南地区仍呈现出了一定的下降趋势。在未来相关区域的生态恢复资源投入中,应注意干旱环境对生态恢复效果的影响,因地制宜地选取适宜生态工程措施,以保证生态恢复的有效性和持续性,将生态恢复资源的成效最大化。  相似文献   

 Simple equations are given which describe the relationships between the land-surface emissivity, the normalized difference vegetation index and the fractional vegetation cover. The empirical equations are validated using data taken from the literature. Adequate agreement is found between the formulas used in this study and those proposed by other authors. Received: 9 December 1996 / Revised: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 4 July 1997  相似文献   

许世贤  井长青  高胜寒  邬昌林 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9689-9700
总初级生产力(GPP)是全球生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,对全球气候变化有重要影响。目前有多种遥感模型可以模拟总初级生产力,比较不同遥感模型在中亚干旱区上的适用性对推进全球干旱区碳收支估算具有重要意义。基于涡度协相关技术观测的四个地面站数据验证MOD17、VODCA2、VPM、TG、SANIRv五种模型的模拟精度。结果表明:(1)基于光能利用率理论的MOD17、VPM模型模拟咸海荒漠植被和阜康荒漠植被GPP的精度最高(R2分别为0.52和0.80),但在模拟草地、农田生态系统生产力时存在较明显的低估(RE>20%);基于植被指数的遥感模型TG模型、SANIRv模型模拟巴尔喀什湖草地生态系统和乌兰乌苏农田生态系统GPP的精度最高(R2分别为0.91和0.81),同时模拟值与实测值的相对误差也较低;基于微波的VODCA2模型模拟各生态系统生产力的效果最差。(2)水分亏缺是限制植被GPP的主要因素,因此是否合理考虑水分胁迫是影响GPP模型在中亚干旱区适用性的重要因素。研究揭示了遥感GPP模型在中亚干旱区的应用潜力,为推进全球植被碳通量的准确估...  相似文献   

In response to a critique by Higgs et al., this article clarifies the content and intent of the Society for Ecological Restoration's (SER) International Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration. Higgs et al. expressed concern that the SER Standards are not sufficiently underpinned by principles and risk disenfranchising some practitioners by narrowing what qualifies as ecological restoration. To demonstrate that these concerns are unfounded, we discuss the policy context and principles on which the Standards are based, its organizational structure, the innovative and inclusive approach used for development, and highlight significant errata by Higgs et al.  相似文献   

胡芳  杜虎  曾馥平  宋同清  彭晚霞  张芳 《生态学报》2018,38(6):2170-2179
以桂西北典型喀斯特峰丛洼地植被恢复过程中草丛、灌丛、次生林、原生林4个植被恢复阶段为研究对象,通过测定优势种的根际与非根际的土壤p H、养分含量及微生物多样性,探讨不同恢复阶段根际土壤养分的富集效应及土壤微生物多样性的变化特征。研究结果表明:(1)4个恢复阶段的根际与非根际土壤养分均呈现显著差异;土壤有效态养分较全量养分对植物根际微小的变化响应更为灵敏;大多数养分表现出明显的富集效应,AP和AK在原生林的富集率明显高于其他恢复阶段;(2)4个恢复阶段细菌Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、丰富度指数(S)均高于真菌,根际土壤细菌与真菌Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、丰富度指数(S)与Pielou均匀度(EH)都高于非根际土壤;(3)4个恢复阶段土壤TN分别与p H、SOC、AN呈极显著正相关(P0.01),磷素、钾素与土壤微生物多样性呈显著相关(P0.05)。可研究结果为西南喀斯特脆弱区土壤生态功能恢复与植被恢复重建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

土壤线虫群落对大连石门山森林植被恢复的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2007年9月至2008年8月对大连石门山不同植被恢复方式的样地进行土壤线虫调查,淘洗-过筛-浅盘法提取土壤线虫,应用类群属数、个体密度、多样性指数和功能类群指数等多个群落参数,研究不同植被恢复方式间土壤线虫群落特征的差异。共捕获线虫8577条,分别隶属于线虫动物门2纲7目26科43属,个体密度平均4.77条/g干土。研究结果表明,土壤线虫数量存在明显的季节波动,秋季明显高于夏季和春季;土壤线虫群落多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数和营养类群指数大小依次为阔叶林、针叶林和混交林,而优势度指数却表现为:针叶林混交林阔叶林;土壤线虫群落营养类群f/b值、MI指数、PPI指数、MMI指数、MI2-5指数、SI指数和EI指数均表现为:阔叶林针叶林混交林,而PPI/MI指数则表现为:混交林针叶林阔叶林,表明混交林受干扰明显;土壤理化特征与线虫数量、属数、生态指数间也存在明显相关关系。因此,植被恢复过程中土壤线虫群落结构分异及动态是一个重要的生态响应过程,能为进一步研究土壤生物在植被演替中的地位和作用以及土壤生物多样性保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   

High-biodiversity landscapes around the globe are under immense pressure due to the expansion of human activities. To ensure effective monitoring and management of such landscapes, it is necessary to integrate landscape composition and the associated socio-economic processes in the conservation schemes. Artificial Night-Time Light (ANTL) pollution is a recent but striking environmental alteration due to human interventions. It is a major threat for species and communities which co-evolved with invariant natural light patterns over geological times. In spite of its potential key role in re-shaping natural systems, ANTL is seldom considered in macroecology. Remote sensing provides a unique set of tools to integrate ANTL in macroecological studies. In this work, we used remote sensing data of night-time lights along with Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) to study the effects and extent of ANTL in the night-time landscape (nightscape) of two protected areas in Italy. Our results showed that a considerable number of semi-natural vegetated patches suffer from ANTL pollution with varying magnitude. We observed a decline in highly suitable patches for biodiversity while the remaining patches were found concentrated in the innermost part of the parks. By simulating an exponential decrease in ANTL we showed that a moderate reduction in ANTL pollution would result in regaining a substantial amount of highly suitable patches for biodiversity. The decline in homogeneous dark patches in vegetated landscapes has negative impacts on biodiversity as well as on the ecosystem services it provides. Therefore, it is high time that the scientific community and the policy-makers increase their efforts to monitor and mitigate the ecological impacts of ANTL on ecosystems. The integration of light pollution in landscape ecology could combine remote sensing with other aspects of light pollution like indirect propagation and spectral composition.  相似文献   

We describe forest landscape transformations during the last two millennia in the Italian peninsula by analyzing local (Rieti basin – Lago Lungo) and regional (RF93-30 Adriatic Sea) sediment cores. We identify a dynamic forest ecosystem through paleoecologic reconstruction and consider potential interventions for effective restoration of the most ancient, least disturbed forest ecosystem. The most degraded ecosystems in consequence of human activities were hygrophilous (wet) and mesic forests. In the Rieti Basin, degraded forest ecosystems on mountain slopes are undergoing some degree of forest succession and have less need of restoration. However, management plans for biodiversity, ecosystem services and resources conservation are needed to achieve more sustainable development. In Rieti, the paleoecological investigation revealed a dramatic decrease of deciduous wet and mesic tree taxa through time due to human landscape transformation. The starting point for restoration of a Mediterranean forest ecosystem that preserves natural biodiversity and associated ecosystem services requires recreating some portion of the floodplain wetland ecological niche. Once floodplain forest ecological niche has been recreated, the original ecosystem composed of Alnus, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia spp., Carpinus betulus and Acer spp., all species which today are rare, should be planted on the basis of microsite characteristics and tree autoecology.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration efforts require practical models for predicting the effects of various measures on ecosystem structure and function. The present study examined the species diversity and abundance of macrophytes in relation to hydrological parameters in the Alluvial Zone National Park along the Austrian Danube with a main focus on the Lobau, an urban riverine wetland within the city limits of Vienna. A macrophyte regression model was developed based on the output of a 2D hydraulic model for different wetland management options. These management options describe possible rehabilitation measures by re-connecting the riverine wetland with the Danube. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that the most important predictors of macrophyte diversity and abundance were water velocity at bankfull discharge (maximum water velocity) and size of shallow water areas (<1 m depth) during the growing season. Macrophyte abundance and diversity increased with decreasing water velocity and increasing shallow water area. These parameters integrate information about environmental features such as nutrients, light availability and hydrological disturbance for macrophytes and explained between 65 and 85% of the macrophyte distribution in an analysis. The model results enabled us to predict quantitatively the development and spatial distribution of macrophytes for different management options in this urban riverine wetland. These predictions suggest that partial reconnection could be a compromise solution at the scale of the whole riverine wetland, increasing the availability of suitable aquatic habitats and diversifying the types of existing wetland water bodies to establish potential new habitats for macrophyte species.  相似文献   

三峡库区9种植物种子萌发特性及其在植被恢复中的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶敏  鲍大川  江明喜 《生态学报》2011,31(4):906-913
三峡大坝蓄水后形成的库区消涨带面临植被消亡、生态退化等问题。为了筛选出适用于库区消涨带植被恢复的植物, 将9种1年生植物种子放置在库区消涨带不同海拔进行水淹(W 165-8 m, 121 d;W 155-18 m, 230 d;W 147-26 m, 271 d), 然后在实验室条件下进行萌发, 研究在消涨带淹水胁迫下这些种子的萌发特性。结果表明: (1) 除马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、小蓬草(Conyza canadensis)、金色狗尾草(Setaria glauca)种子在各条件下萌发率都较低外, 不同水淹条件对萌发率影响不同: 与新鲜种子相比, W 165水淹后, 旱稗(Echinochloa hispidula)和婆婆针(Bidens bipinnata)种子萌发率显著上升, 其余种子萌发率均显著下降; W 155水淹后, 所有种子的萌发率都显著下降且只有鱧肠(Eclipta prostrate)、黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)、合萌(Aeschynomene indica)3个物种有萌发, 萌发率分别为11.0%、7.3%和2.7%; W 147水淹后, 旱稗和婆婆针种子萌发率显著上升, 鱧肠种子无显著差异, 其余种子萌发率显著下降。(2) 鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针和旱稗种子比其它物种更耐水淹。W 165水淹后, 鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针、旱稗种子萌发率分别为44.7%、42%、20.7%和4.3%, W 147水淹后分别为76.3%、23%、15%和26.3%, 高于其他物种。(3) 水淹后种子萌发时间格局也受到影响, 大部分种子起始萌发时间推迟、萌发速度变慢。鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针和旱稗的种子对三峡库区消涨带的水淹胁迫具有一定的适应能力, 可根据它们对水淹条件适应能力的差异在消涨带不同海拔高度进行植被恢复。  相似文献   

The Use of Case Studies in Establishing Feasibility for Wetland Restoration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Establishing restoration feasibility is a multifaceted process that requires consideration of the ecological, social, and economic conditions of a given site. Examining completed restoration projects that report successes and failures may enhance this complex decision‐making process. We describe five completed wetland restoration projects and identify commonalities among them to inform the process of establishing feasibility for proposed restoration projects. Most of the case studies identified the need to gather preexisting and historical information, develop scenarios through hydrologic modeling, study the restoration materials, use best professional judgement for unanswered questions, establish multigroup collaboration, gain public support from stakeholders, and monitor postrestoration. We applied these lessons to a study that evaluated the feasibility of restoring Dyke Marsh Preserve, a tidal freshwater marsh in Virginia that the National Park Service is mandated to preserve. We found that the use of case studies substantially increased confidence in the decision‐making process by focusing discussions on the most important ecological, social, and economic aspects of a potential restoration.  相似文献   

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