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Society increasingly focuses on managing nature for the services it provides people rather than for the existence of particular species. How much biodiversity protection would result from this modified focus? Although biodiversity contributes to ecosystem services, the details of which species are critical, and whether they will go functionally extinct in the future, are fraught with uncertainty. Explicitly considering this uncertainty, we develop an analytical framework to determine how much biodiversity protection would arise solely from optimising net value from an ecosystem service. Using stochastic dynamic programming, we find that protecting a threshold number of species is optimal, and uncertainty surrounding how biodiversity produces services makes it optimal to protect more species than are presumed critical. We define conditions under which the economically optimal protection strategy is to protect all species, no species, and cases in between. We show how the optimal number of species to protect depends upon different relationships between species and services, including considering multiple services. Our analysis provides simple criteria to evaluate when managing for particular ecosystem services could warrant protecting all species, given uncertainty. Evaluating this criterion with empirical estimates from different ecosystems suggests that optimising some services will be more likely to protect most species than others.  相似文献   

Neanderthals represent an extinct hominid lineage that existed in Europe and Asia for nearly 400,000 years. They thrived in these regions for much of this time, but declined in numbers and went extinct around 30,000 years ago. Interestingly, their disappearance occurred subsequent to the arrival of modern humans into these areas, which has prompted some to argue that Neanderthals were displaced by better suited and more adaptable modern humans. Still others have postulated that Neanderthals were assimilated into the gene pool of modern humans by admixture. Until relatively recently, conclusions about the relationships between Neanderthals and contemporary humans were based solely upon evidence left behind in the fossil and archaeological records. However, in the last decade, we have witnessed the introduction of metagenomic analyses, which have provided novel tools with which to study the levels of genetic interactions between this fascinating Homo lineage and modern humans. Were Neanderthals replaced by contemporary humans through dramatic extinction resulting from competition and/or hostility or through admixture? Were Neanderthals and modern humans two independent, genetically unique species or were they a single species, capable of producing fertile offspring? Here, we review the current anthropological, archaeological and genetic data, which shed some light on these questions and provide insight into the exact nature of the relationships between these two groups of humans.  相似文献   

Body miniaturization in insects is predicted to result in decreased flight speed and therefore limited ability of these insects to fly upwind. Therefore, tiny insects are often regarded as relying on passive dispersal by winds. We tested this assumption in a wind tunnel by measuring the burst speed of Eretmocerus mundus (Mercet), a beneficial parasitoid wasp with body length <1 mm. Insects were filmed flying upwind towards a UV light source in a range of wind speed 0–0.5 m/s. The Insects flew towards the UV light in the absence and presence of wind but increased their flight speed in the presence of wind. They also changed flight direction to be directly upwind and maintained this body orientation even while drifted backwards relative to the ground by stronger winds. Field measurements showed that the average flight speed observed in the wind tunnel (0.3 m/s) is sufficient to allow flying between plants even when the wind speed above the vegetation was 3–5 folds higher. A simulation of the ability of the insects to control their flight trajectory towards a visual target (sticky traps) in winds show that the insects can manipulate their progress relative to the ground even when the wind speed exceeds their flight speed. The main factors determining the ability of the insects to reach the trap were trap diameter and the difference between insect flight speed and wind speed. The simulation also predicts the direction of arrival to the sticky target showing that many of the insects reach the target from the leeward side (i.e. by flight upwind). In light of these results, the notion that miniature insects passively disperse by winds is misleading because it disregards the ability of the insects to control their drift relative to the ground in winds that are faster than their flight speed.  相似文献   

In the past few years, important contributions have been made to the study of emotional visual perception. Researchers have reported responses to emotional stimuli in the human amygdala under some unattended conditions (i.e. conditions in which the focus of attention was diverted away from the stimuli due to task instructions), during visual masking and during binocular suppression. Taken together, these results reveal the relative degree of autonomy of emotional processing. At the same time, however, important limitations to the notion of complete automaticity have been revealed. Effects of task context and attention have been shown, as well as large inter-subject differences in sensitivity to the detection of masked fearful faces (whereby briefly presented, target fearful faces are immediately followed by a neutral face that 'masks' the initial face). A better understanding of the neural basis of emotional perception and how it relates to visual attention and awareness is likely to require further refinement of the concepts of automaticity and awareness.  相似文献   

Recent statistical and computational analyses have shown that a genealogical most recent common ancestor (MRCA) may have lived in the recent past [Chang, J.T., 1999. Recent common ancestors of all present-day individuals. Adv. Appl. Probab. 31, 1002–1026. 1027–1038; Rohde, D.L.T., Olson, S., Chang, J.T., 2004. Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans. Nature 431, 562–566]. However, coalescent-based approaches show that genetic most recent common ancestors for a given non-recombining locus are typically much more ancient [Kingman, J.F.C., 1982a. The coalescent. Stochastic Process Appl. 13, 235–248; Kingman, J.F.C., 1982b. On the geneology of large populations. J. Appl. Probab. 19A, 27–43]. It is not immediately clear how these two perspectives interact. This paper investigates relationships between the number of descendant alleles of an ancestor allele and the number of genealogical descendants of the individual who possessed that allele for a simple diploid genetic model extending the genealogical model of [Chang, J.T., 1999. Recent common ancestors of all present-day individuals. Adv. Appl. Probab. 31, 1002–1026. 1027–1038].  相似文献   

Proximal femur strength estimates from computed tomography (CT)-based finite element (FE) models are finding clinical application. Published models reached a high in-vitro accuracy, yet many of them rely on nonlinear methodologies or internal best-fitting of parameters. The aim of the present study is to verify to what extent a linear FE modelling procedure, fully based on independently determined parameters, can predict the failure characteristics of the proximal femur in stance and sideways fall loading configurations.  相似文献   

Recent studies on traditional medicine (TM) have begun to change perspectives on TM effects and its role in the health of various populations. The safety and effectiveness of some TMs have been studied, paving the way to better collaboration between modern and traditional systems. Traditional medicines still remain a largely untapped health resource: they are not only sources of new leads for drug discoveries, but can also provide lessons and novel approaches that may have direct public-health and economic impact. To optimize such impact, several interventions have been suggested, including recognition of TM's economic and medical worth at academic and health policy levels; establishing working relationships with those prescribing TM; providing evidence for safety and effectiveness of local TM through appropriate studies with malaria patients; spreading results for clinical recommendations and health policy development; implementing and evaluating results of new health policies that officially integrate TM.  相似文献   



Sulphadoxine and pyrimethamine are anti-folate drugs that show synergistic anti-malarial effect. Point mutations in dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) and dihydropteorate synthatase (dhps) cause anti-folate drug resistance phenotype in human malaria parasites. This study presents pattern of point mutations in dhfr/dhps genes among Indian sub-continent.


Microscopically diagnosed one hundred Plasmodium vivax field isolates were collected from five widely separated geographical regions of India. Dhfr and dhps genes were PCR amplified and sequenced. Previously published mutations data were collected and analyzed using Chi square test to identify geographical cluster of mutant/wild type genotypes.


Sequence analysis revealed single (S58R), double (S58R/S117N) and quadruple (F57L/S58R/T61M/S117T/) point mutations at dhfr and single (A383G) to double (A383G/A553G) mutations at dhps in P. vivax field isolates. In addition, three new mutations were also observed at dhfr. Both, dhfr and dhps genes revealed tandem repeat variations in field isolates. Dhps revealed very low mutation frequency (14.0%) compared to dhfr (50.70%). Comparative analysis revealed a progressive increase in frequency of quadruple mutant dhfr genotype (p < 0.001) within five years in north-eastern state (Kamrup, Assam). Frequency of dhfr genotypes revealed three distinct geographical clusters of wild (northern India), double mutant (southern India), and quadruple mutant (north-eastern and island regions of India) on the Indian sub-continent.


Study suggests that SP may be susceptible to P. vivax in India, except Andaman and north-eastern state. The distinction of geographical regions with sensitive and resistant parasite phenotypes would be highly useful for designing and administering national anti-malarial drug policy.  相似文献   

Abstract: In terms of the chemical industry most biotech products have a fine chemical or even speciality character. Nevertheless there is at least one striking example of a fermentation-derived bulk chemical, bio-ethanol, which provides an excellent case study of the economic and technological prerequisites which biotechnology has to attain as a supplier to the chemical marketplace. The competitive position of existing and new products produced from renewable resources through biotechnological conversion methods will depend on its market acceptance - overall environmental compatibility and cost performance. In order to provide significant contributions to chemical bulk production beyond 2000, biotechnologists and chemical engineers are requested to search for new products, new processes to existing products and new technologies to overcome present cost constraints in fermentation, bioconversion and downstream processing.  相似文献   

Kazakhstan belongs to the center of origin of apple. Malus sieversii (Ledeb.) M. Roem., the ancestral progenitor of the cultivated apple is native to this region. Pressure on the natural habitats of this wild apple has been intensified due to agriculture, grazing, and urbanization in the last century. For decades, M. sieversii in Kazakhstan has been subjected to the “Red Book of the Kazakh SSR” and today, this species is threatened with extinction. Wild apple undergoes exceptional losses in habitats, and the risk for losing the genetic integrity becomes worse due to increasing cultivation of cultivated apples and frequently occurring crosspollination events. The present study was focused on the current state of M. sieversii in Kazakhstan, the level of its diversity, its genetic integrity, and the identification of regions where future activities for conservation will have a good chance of success. A total of 311 M. sieversii samples of 12 populations collected in the wild, 16 previously selected wild apple genotypes, and 50 grown cultivars were studied using 16 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for genetic analysis. The results suggest that the level of genetic diversity is high. The differentiation between the populations was low, although the within-population heterozygosity was relatively high. A significant number of hybrids (8–95%) between M. sieversii and cultivated apples were found suggesting frequent crop-to-wild gene flow. The percentage of pure wild apple genotypes was highest in Krutoe truct and Tauturgen. These sites should be taken into account for future in situ long-term preservation activities.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees live in large groups featuring remarkable levels of gregariousness and cooperation among the males. Because males stay in their natal communities their entire lives and are hence expected to be living with male relatives, cooperation is therefore assumed to occur within one large 'family' group. However, we found that the average relatedness among males within several chimpanzee groups as determined by microsatellite analysis is in fact rather low, and only rarely significantly higher than average relatedness of females in the groups or of males compared across groups. To explain these findings, mathematical predictions for average relatedness according to group size, reproductive skew and sex bias in dispersal were derived. The results show that high average relatedness among the philopatric sex is only expected in very small groups, which is confirmed by a comparison with published data. Our study therefore suggests that interactions among larger number of individuals may not be primarily driven by kin relationships.  相似文献   

We analyzed an extensive dataset of over 9000 benthic and suprabenthic species found throughout the Gulf of Mexico (GoMx) to assess whether mesophotic coral ecosystems represent distinct assemblages and evaluate their potential to serve as refugia for shallow reef communities. We assessed community structure of the overall benthic community from 0 to 300 m via non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of species presence across depth bands. We used the Jaccard index of similarity to calculate the proportion of shared species between adjacent depth bands, measure species turnover with depth, and assess taxonomic overlap between shallow reefs versus progressively deeper depth bands. NMDS ordinations showed that the traditionally defined mesophotic range (30–150 m) as a whole is not a distinct community. In contrast, taxonomically distinct communities, determined by hierarchical clustering, were found at 0–70, 60–120, 110–200, and 190–300 m. Clustering highlighted an important separation in the benthic community at ~60 m, which was especially important for actinopterygian fishes. Species turnover between adjacent depths decreased with depth for all taxa combined and individual taxa, with peaks at ~60, 90–120, and 190–200 m. Fishes showed lower turnover from shallow to upper mesophotic depths (0–50 m) than all taxa combined, a substantial peak at 60 m, followed by a precipitous and continued decline in turnover thereafter. Taxonomic overlap between shallow (0–20 m) and progressively deeper zones declined steadily with depth in all taxa and individual taxa, suggesting that mid- and lower mesophotic habitats have less (but not inconsequential) potential to serve as refugia (60–150 m, 15–25% overlap with shallow habitats) than upper mesophotic zones (30–60 m, 30–45% overlap with shallow habitats) for all taxa combined. We conclude that the traditional mesophotic zone is home to three ecological communities in the GoMx, one that is confluent with shallow reefs, a distinct mesophotic assemblage spanning 60–120 m, and a third that extends onto the outer continental shelf.  相似文献   

Spontaneous revegetation of mined peatlands: An useful restoration tool?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Lavoie  C.  Grosvernier  P.  Girard  M.  Marcoux  K. 《Wetlands Ecology and Management》2003,11(1-2):97-107
The recent development of peatlandrestoration activities indicates thatmodern peat mining techniques seriouslyhamper the natural capacity of bogecosystems to regenerate after adisturbance. However, some plants have theability to colonize dry peat deposits, andseem to help stabilize the soil surface andfacilitate the establishment of other plantspecies. In this paper, we review studiesregarding the spontaneous regeneration ofombrotrophic peatlands. There are numerousexamples throughout North America andEurope showing that spontaneousrevegetation of mined peatlands by typicalbog plants, and particularly by Sphagnum species, is possible. However,this phenomenon is much more common inblock-cut peatlands than in vacuum-minedsites. The slow recovery of vacuum-minedpeatlands compared to block-cut sites isprobably related to intense drainagenecessary for the use of tractor-drawnvacuum machines. There are some cases,however, where the spontaneous revegetationof vacuum-mined sites is successful,particularly for vascular plants. Thesesites are mainly dominated by cotton-grass(Eriophorum vaginatum L.). Itseems that the microclimatic conditionscreated by cotton-grass tussocks improveestablishment conditions for other vascularand non-vascular plants. Restorationactivities should be minimal in minedpeatlands already invaded by cotton-grass,and spontaneous revegetation processescould and should be integrated intopeatland restoration programs.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal models are widely used to estimate joint kinematics, intersegmental loads, and muscle and joint contact forces during movement. These estimates can be heavily affected by the soft tissue artefact (STA) when input positional data are obtained using stereophotogrammetry, but this aspect has not yet been fully characterised for muscle and joint forces. This study aims to assess the sensitivity to the STA of three open-source musculoskeletal models, implemented in OpenSim.A baseline dataset of marker trajectories was created for each model from experimental data of one healthy volunteer. Five hundred STA realizations were then statistically generated using a marker-dependent model of the pelvis and lower limb artefact and added to the baseline data. The STA׳s impact on the musculoskeletal model estimates was finally quantified using a Monte Carlo analysis.The modelled STA distributions were in line with the literature. Observed output variations were comparable across the three models, and sensitivity to the STA was evident for most investigated quantities. Shape, magnitude and timing of the joint angle and moment time histories were not significantly affected throughout the entire gait cycle, whereas magnitude variations were observed for muscle and joint forces. Ranges of contact force variations differed between joints, with hip variations up to 1.8 times body weight observed. Variations of more than 30% were observed for some of the muscle forces.In conclusion, musculoskeletal simulations using stereophotogrammetry may be safely run when only interested in overall output patterns. Caution should be paid when more accurate estimated values are needed.  相似文献   

Aquatic birds have access to limited amounts of usable oxygen when they forage (dive) underwater, so the major physiological constraint to their behaviour is the need to periodically visit the water surface to replenish these stores and remove accumulated carbon dioxide. The size of the oxygen stores and the rate at which they are used (V dot o2) or carbon dioxide accumulates are the ultimate determinants of the duration that aquatic birds can remain feeding underwater. However, the assumption that the decision to terminate a dive is governed solely by the level of the respiratory stores is not always valid. Quantification of an optimal diving model for tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula) shows that while they dive efficiently by spending a minimum amount of time on the surface to replenish the oxygen used during a dive, they dive with nearly full oxygen stores and surface well before these stores are exhausted. The rates of carbon dioxide production during dives and removal during surface intervals are likely to be at least as important a constraint as oxygen; thus, further developments of optimal diving models should account for their effects. In the field, diving birds will adapt to changing environmental conditions and often maximise the time spent submerged during diving bouts. However, other factors influence the diving depths and durations of aquatic birds, and in some circumstances they are unable to forage sufficiently well to provide food for their offspring. The latest developments in telemetry have demonstrated how diving birds can make physiological decisions based on complex environmental factors. Diving penguins can control their inhaled air volume to match the expected depth, likely prey encounter rate, and buoyancy challenges of the following dive.  相似文献   

This review describes the advantages of adopting a molluscan complementary model, the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis, to study the neural basis of learning and memory in appetitive and avoidance classical conditioning; as well as operant conditioning of its aerial respiratory and escape behaviour. We firstly explored ‘what we can teach Lymnaea’ by discussing a variety of sensitive, solid, easily reproducible and simple behavioural tests that have been used to uncover the memory abilities of this model system. Answering this question will allow us to open new frontiers in neuroscience and behavioural research to enhance our understanding of how the nervous system mediates learning and memory. In fact, from a translational perspective, Lymnaea and its nervous system can help to understand the neural transformation pathways from behavioural output to sensory coding in more complex systems like the mammalian brain. Moving on to the second question: ‘what can Lymnaea teach us?’, it is now known that Lymnaea shares important associative learning characteristics with vertebrates, including stimulus generalization, generalization of extinction and discriminative learning, opening the possibility to use snails as animal models for neuroscience translational research.  相似文献   

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