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We have used one and two dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy to characterize the binding of a homodimeric thiazole orange dye, 1,1'-(4,4,8,8-tetramethyl-4,8-diaza-undecamethylene)-bis-4- (3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-(benzo-1,3-thiazole)-2-methylidene)-quinolin ium tetraiodide (TOTO), to various double stranded DNA oligonucleotides. TOTO binds strongly to all the oligonucleotides used, but usually more than one complex is observed and exchange between different binding sites broadens the lines in the NMR spectra. Complete precipitation occurs when TOTO is bound to small oligonucleotides. Binding to larger oligonucleotides occurs by bis-intercalation. The 1:1 complex of TOTO with the oligonucleotide d(CCGACTGATGC):d (GCATCAGTCGG) gave only one complex that was shown to be a bis-intercalation in the CTGA:TCAG binding site. The binding to this site was also characterized by studying the TOTO complex with the d(CCGCTGAGC):d(GCTCAGCGG) oligonucleotide. NOE connectivities and molecular modelling were used to characterize the complex. The 1:1 complex of TOTO with the oligonucleotide d(CCGCTAGCG):d(CGCTAGCGG) containing a CTAG:CTAG binding site was similarly characterized by NMR. It was concluded that the binding of TOTO to larger oligonucleotides is site selective with CTAG:CTAG as the preferred binding site.  相似文献   

The thiazole orange dye 1,1'-(4,4,8,8-tetramethyl-4, 8-diazaundecamethylene)-bis-4-[(3-methyl-2,3-dihydro(benzo-1, 3-thiazolyl)-2-methylidene]quinolinium tetraiodide (TOTO) binds sequence selectively to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) by bis-intercalation. Each chromophore is sandwiched between two base pairs in a d(5'-py-p-py-3'):d(5'-pu-p-pu-3') site, and the linker spans over two base pairs in the minor groove. We have examined the binding of TOTO to various dsDNA oligonucleotides containing variations of the 5'-CTAG-3' binding motif by introducing inosine (I = inosine, 2-desaminoguanosine) and 5-methylcytosine ((me)C). A one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy characterization yielded detailed structural information on the binding mode and for the well-defined TOTO-complexes competition experiments allowed determination of the relative binding strengths resulting from the various structural alterations. The experimentally observed base pair preference of TOTO in the palindromic sequences investigated is (me)CG > CG > CI > TA for the flanking base pair and (me)CI > CI > TA > CG > UA for the central base pair. The best binding site observed so far is the d(5-C(me)CIG-3')(2) site. This site is much more favorable than the d(5'-CTAG-3')(2) site formerly believed to be the best binding site. The present paper discusses these results in terms of different contributions to the binding affinity and offers some explanations for the site selectivity of TOTO.  相似文献   

The thiazole orange dye TOTO binds to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) by a sequence selective bis-intercalation. Each chromophore is sandwiched between two base pairs in a (5'-CpT-3'):(5'-ApG-3') site, and the linker spans two base pairs in the minor groove. We have used one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy to examine the dsDNA binding of an analogue of TOTO in which the linker has been modified to contain a bipyridyl group (viologen) that has minor groove binding properties. We have investigated the binding of this analogue, called TOTOBIPY, to three different dsDNA sequences containing a 5'-CTAG-3', a 5'-CTTAG-3', and a 5'-CTATAG-3' sites, respectively, demonstrating that TOTOBIPY prefers to span three base pairs. The many intermolecular NOE connectivities between TOTOBIPY and the d(CGCTTAGCG):d(CGCTAAGCG) oligonucleotide in the complex shows that the bipyridyl-containing linker is positioned in the minor groove and spans three base pairs. Consequently, we have succeeded in designing and synthesizing a ligand that recognizes an extended recognition sequence of dsDNA as the result of a concerted intercalation and minor groove binding mode.  相似文献   

We have used two-dimensional (1)H NMR spectroscopy obtained at 750 MHz to determine a high-resolution solution structure of the double-stranded DNA oligonucleotide d(5'-CGCTAGCG-3')(2) complexed with the bis-intercalating dye 1,1'-(5,5,9,9-tetramethyl-5, 9-diazatridecamethylene)-bis-4-[3-ethyl-2,3-dihydro(benzo-1, 3-thiazolyl)-2-methylidene]quino-linium tetraiodide (TOTO11Et). The determination of the structure was based on a complete relaxation matrix analysis of the NOESY cross-peaks followed by restrained molecular dynamics calculations. Forty final structures were generated for the TOTO11Et complex from A-form and B-form dsDNA starting structures. The root-mean-square (rms) deviation of the coordinates for the 40 structures of the complex was 0.52 A. A conformational analysis of the deoxyribose rings based on coupling constants obtained from selective DQF-COSY spectra revealed that all ring conformations were almost pure S-type. The structure of the TOTO11Et complex was compared with the structure of a similar DNA complex with a dye containing a shorter linker (TOTOEt). Substantial differences were observed between the two structures because of the difference in the length of the linker. Most prominent was a large difference in the degree of unwinding of the dsDNA part in the two complexes. Unwinding of 73 degrees and 22 degrees relative to the free dsDNA was observed for the complexes with TOTOEt and TOTO11Et, respectively. The AMBER94 force field together with the GB/SA solvation model was used for energy calculations on both of the two complexes. In the calculations, the complex formation was divided into two steps: (i) unwinding of the free oligonucleotide and (ii) association of the bis-intercalators to the unwound oligonucleotide. The complex formation was in favor of TOTO11Et, mainly because the dsDNA is distorted less in the complex with TOTO11Et than in the complex with TOTOEt.  相似文献   

The interaction of the fluorescent dye thiazole orange (TO) with nucleic acids is characterized. It is found that TO binds with highest affinity to double-stranded (ds) DNA [log(K) ≈ 5.5 at 100 mM salt], about 5–10 times weaker to single-stranded polypurines, and further 10–1000 times weaker to single-stranded polypyrimidines. TO binds as a monomer to dsDNAs and poly(dA), both as a monomer and as a dimer to poly(dG) and mainly as a dimer to poly(dC) and poly(dT). The fluorescence quantum yield of TO free in solution is about 2 · 10−4, and it increases to about 0.1 when bound to dsDNA or to poly(dA), and to about 0.4 when bound to poly(dG). Estimated quantum yields of TO bound to poly(dC) and poly(dT) are about 0.06 and 0.01, respectively. The quantum yield of bound TO depends on temperature and decreases about threefold between 5 and 50°C. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 39–51, 1998  相似文献   

Nucleic acid oligonucleotides are widely used in hybridization experiments for specific detection of complementary nucleic acid sequences. For design and application of oligonucleotides, an understanding of their thermodynamic properties is essential. Recently, exciton-controlled hybridization-sensitive fluorescent oligonucleotides (ECHOs) were developed as uniquely labeled DNA oligomers containing commonly one thymidine having two covalently linked thiazole orange dye moieties. The fluorescent signal of an ECHO is strictly hybridization-controlled, where the dye moieties have to intercalate into double-stranded DNA for signal generation. Here we analyzed the hybridization thermodynamics of ECHO/DNA duplexes, and thermodynamic parameters were obtained from melting curves of 64 ECHO/DNA duplexes measured by ultraviolet absorbance and fluorescence. Both methods demonstrated a substantial increase in duplex stability (ΔΔG°(37) ~ -2.6 ± 0.7 kcal mol(-1)) compared to that of DNA/DNA duplexes of the same sequence. With the exception of T·G mismatches, this increased stability was mostly unaffected by other mismatches in the position opposite the labeled nucleotide. A nearest neighbor model was constructed for predicting thermodynamic parameters for duplex stability. Evaluation of the nearest neighbor parameters by cross validation tests showed higher predictive reliability for the fluorescence-based than the absorbance-based parameters. Using our experimental data, a tool for predicting the thermodynamics of formation of ECHO/DNA duplexes was developed that is freely available at http://genome.gsc.riken.jp/echo/thermodynamics/ . It provides reliable thermodynamic data for using the unique features of ECHOs in fluorescence-based experiments.  相似文献   

The DNA binding behavior of a tricationic cyanine dye (DiSC3+(5)) was studied using the [Poly(dA-dT)]2, [Poly(dI-dC)]2 and Poly(dA) x Poly(dT) duplex sequences and the Poly(dA) x 2Poly(dT) triplex. Optical spectroscopy and viscometry results indicate that the dye binds to the triplex structure by intercalation, to the nonalternating Poly(dA) x Poly(dT) duplex through minor groove binding and to the alternating [Poly(dA-dT)]2 duplex by a combination of two binding modes: intercalation at low concentration and dimerization within the minor groove at higher concentration. Dimerization occurs at lower dye concentrations for the [Poly(dI-dC)]2 sequence, consistent with our previous investigations on an analogous monocationic cyanine dye. [Seifert, J.L., et al. (1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 2987-2995] These studies illustrate the diversity of DNA binding modes that are available to a given ligand structure.  相似文献   

Ethidium homodimer (EthD; lambda Fmax 620 nm) at EthD:DNA ratios up to 1 dye:4-5 bp forms stable fluorescent complexes with double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) which can be detected with high sensitivity using a confocal fluorescence gel scanner (Glazer, A.N., Peck, K. & Mathies, R.A. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 3851-3855). However, on incubation with unlabeled DNA partial migration of EthD takes place from its complex with dsDNA to the unlabeled DNA. It is shown here that this migration is dependent on the fractional occupancy of intercalating sites in the original dsDNA-EthD complex and that there is no detectable transfer from dsDNA-EthD complexes formed at 50 bp: 1 dye. The monointercalator thiazole orange (TO; lambda Fmax 530 nm) forms readily dissociable complexes with dsDNA with a large fluorescence enhancement on binding (Lee, L.G., Chen, C. & Liu, L.A. (1986) Cytometry 7, 508-517). However, a large molar excess of TO does not displace EthD from its complex with dsDNA. When TO and EthD are bound to the same dsDNA molecule, excitation of TO leads to efficient energy transfer from TO to EthD. This observation shows the practicability of 'sensitizing' EthD fluorescence with a second intercalating dye having a very high absorption coefficient and efficient energy transfer characteristics. Electrophoresis on agarose gels, with TO in the buffer, of preformed linearized M13mp18 DNA-EthD complex together with unlabeled linearized pBR322 permits sensitive fluorescence detection in the same lane of pBR322 DNA-TO complex at 530 nm and of M13mp18 DNA-EthD complex at 620 nm. These observations lay the groundwork for the use of stable DNA-dye intercalation complexes carrying hundreds of chromophores in two-color applications such as the physical mapping of chromosomes.  相似文献   

A series of fluorescein phosphoramidites (FAM) have been synthesized for use on automated DNA synthesizers. After coupling of the FAM reagents to the 5' hydroxyl of the oligonucleotide on the DNA synthesizer, the excess reagent is removed by washing the solid support. The dye, and its linkage to the oligonucleotide, are stable during the conditions of DNA synthesis and cleavage/deprotection conditions. Purification is attained with the OPC (Oligonucleotide Purification Cartridge), a polystyrene based affinity matrix, which selectively retains hydrophobic oligonucleotide conjugates. Analysis by MicroGel capillary electrophoresis effectively separates fluorescent dye labelled oligonucleotides from unlabelled products.  相似文献   

The interaction of serotonin and acridine orange dye with DNA isolated from bacterium Escherichia coli and the yeast Candida utilis has been analysed by spectrofluorimetric method. Using data on competitive binding to DNA of serotonin and acridine orange, known as DNA intercalator, a conclusion concerning the formation of intercalated complex between serotonin and DNA has been made. It is shown that for yeast DNA the constant of intercalated binding of serotonin is 3,5-fold smaller than for the bacterial one.  相似文献   

Cyanine compounds have previously shown excellent in vitro and promising in vivo antileishmanial efficacy, but the potential toxicity of these agents is a concern. A series of 22 analogs of thiazole orange ((Z)-1-methyl-4-((3-methylbenzo[d]thiazol-2(3H)-ylidene)methyl)quinolin-1-ium salt), a commercial cyanine dye with antileishmanial activity, were synthesized in an effort to increase the selectivity of such compounds while maintaining efficacy. Cyanines possessing substitutions on the quinolinium ring system displayed potency against Leishmania donovani axenic amastigotes that differed little from the parent compound (IC50 12–42 nM), while ring disjunction analogs were both less potent and less toxic. Changes in DNA melting temperature were modest when synthetic oligonucleotides were incubated with selected analogs (ΔTm ≤ 5 °C), with ring disjunction analogs showing the least effect on this parameter. Despite the high antileishmanial potency of the target compounds, their toxicity and relatively flat SAR suggests that further information regarding the target(s) of these molecules is needed to aid their development as antileishmanials.  相似文献   

We have designed a doubly thiazole orange labeled nucleoside showing high fluorescence intensity for a hybrid with the target DNA and effective quenching for a single-stranded state. Knowing how much the fluorescence emission and quenching of this probe depend on the probe sequence and why there is such a sequence dependence is important for effective probe design, we synthesized more than 30 probe sequences and measured their fluorescence intensities. When the probe hybridized with the target DNA strands, there was strong emission, whereas the emission intensity was much weaker before hybridization; however, self-dimerization of probes suppressed fluorescence quenching. In particular, the G/C base pairs neighboring the labeled nucleotide in a self-dimeric structure resulted in a low quenching ability for the probe before hybridization. On the other hand, mismatched base pair formation around the labeled site decreased the fluorescence intensity because the neighboring sequence is the binding site of the tethered thiazole orange dyes. The hybridization enhanced the fluorescence of the probe even when the labeled nucleotide was located at the end of the probe strand; however, the partial lack of duplex structure resulted in a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of the hybrid.  相似文献   

The fluorescent intercalator displacement assay using thiazole orange has been adapted to the study of RNA-binding helix-threading peptides (HTPs). This assay is highly sensitive with HTP-binding RNAs and provides binding affinity data in good agreement with quantitative ribonuclease footprinting without the need for radiolabeling or gel electrophoresis. The FID assay was used to define structure activity relationships for a small library of helix-threading peptides. Results of these studies indicate their RNA binding is dependent on peptide sequence, alpha-amino acid stereochemistry, and cyclization (vs linear peptides), but independent of macrocyclic ring size for the penta-, tetra- and tri-peptides analyzed.  相似文献   

Thiazole orange dyes were derivatized with ethylene glycol linkers of various lengths, and were covalently linked to the 5' end of the oligonucleotides after solid-phase synthesis. The labeled oligonucleotides exhibited enhanced fluorescence upon hybridization to complementary DNA sequences at the surfaces of optical fibers, providing for a self-contained labeling strategy. It was determined that the melt temperatures of DNA hybrids using one mixed polypyrimidine base oligonucleotide sequence were dependent on the length of the tethers, and that the melt temperature could be shifted by more than 10 degrees C when tethers were introduced.  相似文献   

High-resolution NMR techniques (proton and 19F) have been used to study the interactions between several DNA oligonucleotides with varying length of AT base pairs and the synthetic pyrrole-containing compound (P1-F4S-P1), which has properties similar to the DNA minor groove binding drug distamycin A. When this two-fold symmetrical DNA binding molecule is added to the self-complementary DNA oligomers, the resulting complex exhibits an NMR spectrum without any doubling of individual resonances, consistent with a two-fold symmetry of the complex. This is in contrast to all other complexes studied so far. The minimum length of an AT stretch for specific ligand binding is judged to be greater than 4 base pairs. Inter-molecular proton nuclear Overhauser effects between the ligand molecule and a DNA dodecamer d(CGCAAATTTGCG) provide evidence that P1-F4S-P1 binds DNA in the minor groove and interacts with the middle AT base pairs. The presence of a specific interaction between P1-F4S-P1 and DNA is conclusively demonstrated by 19F NMR studies, in which four previously chemically equivalent fluorine nuclei in the free molecule become two non-equivalent pairs (yielding an AB quartet pattern) upon the binding of P1-F4S-P1 to DNA duplex. A sequence-dependent binding behavior of P1-F4S-P1 is evident by comparing the 19F NMR spectra of the complexes between P1-F4S-P1 and two different but related DNA dodecamers, d(CGCAAATTTGCG) and d(CGCTTTAAAGCG). P1-F4S-P1 binds more strongly to the former dodecamer with an association constant of approximately 1 X 10(3) M-1.  相似文献   

Thiazole orange: a new dye for Plasmodium species analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rapid sensitive method for the determination of Plasmodium falciparum in in vitro culture is presented. The technique employs a fluorescent flow cytometer equipped with a 15-mwatt argon laser that emits light at 488 nm and a membrane-permeable fluorochrome thiazole orange (TO) that stains RNA. Parasitized red cells are stained by suspending them in 1 ml of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 10(-5) M of TO and incubating this mixture for 15 min in the dark at room temperature. The stained cells may be analyzed fresh or after fixation with 1% paraformaldehyde/PBS or 0.25% glutaraldehyde/PBS. Alternatively the cells may be fixed first and then stained. There is excellent correspondence between the number of fluorescent-labeled parasitized red cells and Giemsa-stained cells.  相似文献   

Hannah KC  Gil RR  Armitage BA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(48):15924-15929
A symmetrical cyanine dye was previously shown to bind as a cofacial dimer to alternating A-T sequences of duplex DNA. Indirect evidence suggested that dimerization of the dye occurred in the minor groove. 1H NMR experiments reported here verify this model based on broadening and shifting of signals due to protons on carbon 2 of adenine and imino protons at the central five A-T pairs of the 11 base pair duplex: 5'-GCGTATATGCG-3'/3'-CGCATATACGC-5'. This binding mode is similar to that of distamycin A, even though the dye lacks the hydrogen-bonding groups used by distamycin for sequence-specific recognition. Surprisingly, the third base pair (G-C) was also implicated in the binding site. UV-vis experiments were used to compare the extent of dimerization of the dye for 11 different sequence variants. These experiments verified the importance of a G-C pair at the third position: replacing this pair with A-T suppressed dimerization. These results indicate that the dye binding site spans six base pairs: 5'-GTATAT-3'. The initial G-C pair seems to be important for widening the minor groove rather than for making important contacts with the dye molecules since inverting its orientation to C-G or replacing it with I-C still led to favorable dimerization of the dye.  相似文献   

Thiazole orange label was coupled to the eighth phosphate of a pentadeca-2'-deoxyriboadenylate via a phosphoramidate linkage using different linkers. The stereoisomers were separated, and their absolute configurations were determined. Finally, the thiazole orange moiety was also linked to the tenth phosphate of icosathymidylates in both the alpha and the beta series via a phosphoramidate linkage. Once again, the thiazole orange-icosathymidylate conjugates were obtained as pure stereoisomers. The binding properties of these oligo-2'-deoxyribonucleotide-thiazole orange conjugates with their complementary sequences were studied by absorption spectroscopy. The covalent attachment of the thiazole orange derivatives to the oligoadenylates stabilizes the complexes formed with both the DNA and RNA targets. On the contrary, when the thiazole orange is tethered to the oligo-alpha-thymidylate or oligo-beta-thymidylate, no significant stabilization of the duplexes formed with poly r(A) can be observed.  相似文献   

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