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Age composition and age-related trends of antioxidant enzyme activities superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (PER), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the blood of seven Black Sea teleosts (Carangidae, Centracanthidae, Gadidae, Mullidae, Gobiidae and Scorpaenidae) collected in marine coastal area of Sevastopol (Ukraine) were studied. In the catches the animals of 1 – 2 years of age dominated while in the Scorpaena porcus population the number of relatively elder individuals belonging to classes of 3–4 years was the highest. The trends of antioxidant enzyme activities in blood were not uniform. Three types of age-dependent responses were indicated in fish blood: 1. enzymatic activity did not change with age; 2. enzymatic activity decreased with age and 3. enzyme activity increased with age or varied unclearly. The interspecies differences of age-related enzymatic activities associated with the specificity of fish biology and ecology were indicated. Despite no clear evidence of age-related differences between fish species belonging to different ecological groups both benthic forms exhibited similar age-dependent trends of SOD and PER. The correlations between blood antioxidant enzyme activities in fish belonging to suprabenthic and benthic/pelagic groups demonstrated the intermediate values as compared to the benthic and pelagic forms. The results suggest the importance of age trends for biomarkers in fish monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Characteristics of seven Atlantic-Mediterranean fish species are provided. Of them, four (gobies—yellow-headed Gobius xanthocephalus and red-mouthed G. cruentatus, incognito blenny Parablennius incognitus, and greater pipefish Syngnathus acus) were either first found in the Black Sea coastal zone of the Crimea, or their findings were doubted, and three species (thin-lipped grey mullet Liza ramada, European barracuda Sphyraena sphyraena, and Black Sea salmon Salmo trutta labrax) are very rare. Over the last decade, the authors recorded 15 fish species; of them, seven Atlantic-Mediterranean species have dispersed along the Crimean coasts by now, one endemic of the far eastern seas (chameleon goby Tridentiger trigonocephalus) has naturalized in Sevastopol Bay, four invading species, freshwater by origin, permanently occur in the estuary zones of the peninsula; the remaining three species are known from single findings and apparently belong to the category of accidental fish. An increase in the species composition of ichthyofauna off the Black Sea coasts of the Crimea results from the on-going process of mediterranization—the invasion in the estuary of freshwater tolerant species at the expense of accidental species that penetrated here either independently or with ballast waters.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga 《Hydrobiologia》1973,41(1):113-125
The presence of various carotenoids and vitamin A in seven species of fish from the coastal region of the Black Sea was investigated by means of columnar and thinlayer chromatography. The investigations revealed the presence of the following carotenoids: Mugil auratus: ß-carotene, canthaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin ester and astacene. Diplodus annularis: ß-carotene, canthaxanthin, tunaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and astacene. Diplodus sargus: ß-carotene, tunaxanthin, lutein, taraxanthin, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin. Crenilabrus tinca: tunaxanthin, canthaxanthin, lutein, astaxanthin and astacene. Blennius sphinx: ß-carotene, χ-carotene (?), lutein, tunaxanthin, taraxanthin and astaxanthin. Blennius sanguinolentus: ß-carotene, tunaxanthin and astaxanthin (ester and free). Gobius melanostomus: ß-carotene and astacene. Some fractions were not identified. Vitamin A was found in all species investigated.  相似文献   

Metabolomic profiling of different parts (leaves, flowers and pods) of Acacia species (Acacia nilotica, Acacia seyal and Acacia laeta) was evaluated. The multivariate data analyses such as principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) were used to differentiate the distribution of plant metabolites among different species or different organs of the same species. A.nilotica was characterized with a high content of saponins and A.seyal was characterized with high contents of proteins, phenolics, flavonoids and anthocyanins. A.laeta had a higher content of carbohydrates than A. nilotica and A. seyal. On the basis of these results, total antioxidant capacity, DPPH free radical scavenging activity and reducing power of the methanolic extracts of studied parts were evaluated. A.nilotica and A.seyal extracts showed less inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) compared to A.laeta extracts which means that these two species have the strongest radical scavenging activity whereas A. laeta extracts have the lowest radical scavenging activity. A positive correlation between saponins and flavonoids with total antioxidant capacity and DPPH radical scavenging activity was observed. Based on these results, the potentiality of these plants as antioxidants was discussed.  相似文献   

The data on alkaline phosphatase activity in the liver of eight dominant species of Black Sea fishes are presented. The enzyme activity varies within a wide range; significant sexual differences have not been registered. The activity of the enzyme is similar in specimens of different age groups, but it decreases in old fishes. The enzyme activity increases in prespawning and spawning, which evidences for its participation in the process of sexual maturation of fish. Based on our and published data on the dependence of alkaline phosphatase activity on the degree of the environmental pollution, the enzyme can be recommended as a biomarker for bioindication, biotesting, and ichthyological monitoring.  相似文献   

This study reports the parameters a and b of the length–weight relationships for seven fish species (Gobius niger, Mesogobius batrachocephalus, Mullus barbatus, Neogobius melanostomus, Raja clavata, Scorpaena porcus, Uranoscopus scaber) from the southeastern Black Sea.  相似文献   

The activity values, properties and peculiarities of activation of glycogen phosphorylase (GP, EC and glycogen phosphorylase kinase (GPK, EC 2.7.138) were studied in the white skeletal muscle of fishes differing in motor behavior. No differences in the GP and GPK activity levels were revealed in porgy Diplodus annularis (L.), horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus, trout Salmo trutta morphario, scorpionfish Scorpaena porcus, flounder Scophtalnus maeoticus maeoticus, and carp Cyprinus carpio; however, properties of the isolated enzymes and peculiarities of formation of their activated forms during swimming in a hydrodynamic tube are determined by functional peculiarities of the muscle tissue and are associated with the motor activity character of the species. The more rapid ion regulation prevails in fishes capable for the burst swimming type (scorpionfish, trout). The glycogenolysis hormonal regulation leading to a change of the GPK activity index has been found in other species.  相似文献   

Levels of activity, properties, and peculiarities of activation of glycogen phosphorylase (GP; EC and glycogen phosphorylase kinase (GPK; EC were studied in the white skeletal muscle of fish differing in motor behavior. No differences in the GP and GPK activity levels were revealed in laskir Diplodus annularis (L.), horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus, salmon Salmo trutta morphario, scorpena Scorpaena porcus, Scophtalnus maeoticus, and carp Cyprinus carpio; however, properties of the isolated enzymes and peculiarities of formation of their activated forms during swimming in a hydrodynamic tube are determined by functional peculiarities of the muscle tissue and are associated with the motor activity character of the species. In fish capable for the spurt type of swimming (scorpena, salmon) the more rapid ion regulation plays the predominant role. In other species, the glycogenolysis hormonal regulation leading to a change of the GPK activity index has been found.  相似文献   

The present study provides the length-weight relationships (LWRs) for 10 marine fish species collected from the coastal waters of the East China Sea by bottom trawl surveys. The open width of the sampling net was 40 m and the mesh size of the codend was 20 mm. Specimens were collected from November 2015 to November 2019 at seasonal intervals. The measurement accuracy of weight and length were 0.1 grams and 0.1 centimeters, respectively. This study provides new information of LWRs for nine species which have not yet been reported in FishBase. Also, this study updates the information of maximum length for two species.  相似文献   

K. Müller  E. Berg 《Hydrobiologia》1982,96(2):161-168
Quantitative estimations of spring migrating fish have been made in the mouth part of the small coastal river Ängerån which flows into the northern Bothnian Sea (63°35N, 19°50E). In 1981 nearly 3 000 fish were counted ascending to the spawning grounds in the lower reaches of the Ängerån. These species, such as pike, perch, roach and ide, adapted to the oligohaline environment in the Bothnian Sea for most of the year, migrate to spawn in the coastal stream. The reason for these migrations can be interpreted to indicate that the Ängerån offers more favourable water temperature conditions at spawning time compared with the Bothnian Sea, which is ice-covered up to the beginning of May. The most important result of the investigation in the Ängerån is that these fish species, in the same way as the salmonids, return to theirhome-stream every year as adults.Andreasson & Petersson (1982) listed 69 species of fish in the oligohaline Gulf of Bothnia (Table 1) where salinity varies from 2 near the mouth of the River Torneäly to 6 in the vicinity of the Åland Islands (Fig. 1). The fish fauna comprises freshwater and marine species, fish migrating between brackish and freshwater rivers and streams, and recently introduced non-endogenous species.Andreasson & Petersson (1982) designated only five species as anadromous migrators, whereas our studies show that 11 species migrate from the sea to spawn in the Ängerån, a small river discharging into the northern Bothnian Sea (Fig. 2). Earlier reports on these migrations have been given by Berglund (1978) and Johnson (1978, 1982) and for another small stream in the area by Berg (1982).The present paper describes the annual spring migrations of pike, perch, roach and ide between the northern Bothnian Sea and the Ängerån, for the year 1981.  相似文献   

1. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (C), peroxidase (P) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were estimated in the erythrocytes and liver of the carp, the tench and the crucian carp during a two-years period, 1983-1984 (autumn). 2. The lipid peroxidation (LP) of the erythrocytes and liver homogenates was also compared. 3. The activities of the enzymes examined showed significant interspecies variations. 4. Significant differences were observed between enzyme activities (except for SOD in the liver) and lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes and liver of investigated fish species. 5. The very high values of peroxide enzyme activities in fish erythrocytes and SOD in fish liver suggest the predominant role of these enzymes in protection of polyunsaturated acids against uncontrolled oxidative processes.  相似文献   

In terms of biomass, the three dominant fish species in the Huizache-Caimanero lagoon system during 1975–76 were the mullet Mugil curema , the anchovy, Anchoa panamensis and the catfish, Galeichthys caerulescens . Peaks in the abundance of the secondary predators occurred at the end of the wet season (September-October), while pelagic forms and members of the centropomid-gerreid association (Warburton 1968a ) were most common during November-February and December-February respectively. Twelve species, including the ten having the highest overall mean biomass, were selected for growth and production studies. Lagoon-specific differences in the patterns of growth and recruitment of several species were observed. The total estimated annual fish production in Caimanero lagoon was 34·48 g m−2 y−1, with M. curema contributing 9·36 g m−2, A. panamensis 9·24 g m−2 and G. caerulescens 6·15 g m−2 (maximum estimate). Mean turnover ratios (annual production: mean biomass) were 3·25 (demersal species), 8·44 (pelagic species) and 4·48 (all species). Implications for possible fishery and aquacultural expansion are discussed.  相似文献   

The intensity of lipid peroxidation, activity of some enzymes antioxidant system - superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione-S-transferase, amount of recovered glutathione and ceruloplasmin in the blood serum of ostriches in a period from 6- to 60-month age were first investigated. The increase of concentration of lipid peroxidation products is accompanied by the decline of amount of general lipids in the ostriches blood. Every life cycle period of ostriches is characterized by the indexes of functioning of the antioxidant system and intensity of accumulation intermediate lipid peroxidation products inherent in it. The pubescence period and intensive oviposition are characterized by the increase of products lipid peroxidation concentration and decrease of antioxidant enzymes activity, which can testify to the exhaustion of protective possibilities of enzymatic link of antioxidant defence.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships for 47 coastal fish species from Gökceada Island in the northern Aegean Sea, Turkey are presented. Samples were caught in depths of <30 m by gill and trammel nets between March 2004 and February 2005. The most abundant families were Sparidae (30%), Centracanthidae (19.9%), Serranidae (7.14%), Scorpaenidae (6.59%) and Labridae (6.09%). Estimates for parameter b of the length–weight relationship (W = aLb) ranged between 2.08 and 3.73. The mean b‐value 3.03 ± 0.052 (SE) was not significantly different from 3. Significant differences between b‐values were found between sexes for Boops boops, Diplodus annularis, Mullus surmuletus, Pagellus acarne, Sarpa salpa, Spicara maena and Spicara smaris and between seasons for Diplodus annularis, Mullus surmuletus and Spicara maena.  相似文献   

The comparative study of the cholinesterase activity in some crab species was carried out for the first time with use of a set of thiocholine substrates. The substrate specificity was studied in stellar nerve, heart, and hemolymph of three crab species. The crab hemolymph was shown to be characterized by the highest enzyme activity. The enzyme from various crab organs has different structure o substrate specificity. Properties of crab enzymes were compared with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of human blood erythrocytes, butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) of horse blood serum, enzyme of squids and bivalve molluscs. The obtained data allow the conclusion to be made on differences in properties of enzymes both at the interspecies and at the tissue levels.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal dynamics of species richness in coastal fish communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determining patterns of change in species richness and the processes underlying the dynamics of biodiversity are of key interest within the field of ecology, but few studies have investigated the dynamics of vertebrate communities at a decadal temporal scale. Here, we report findings on the spatio-temporal variability in the richness and composition of fish communities along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast having been surveyed for more than half a century. Using statistical models incorporating non-detection and associated sampling variance, we estimate local species richness and changes in species composition allowing us to compute temporal variability in species richness. We tested whether temporal variation could be related to distance to the open sea and to local levels of pollution. Clear differences in mean species richness and temporal variability are observed between fjords that were and were not exposed to the effects of pollution. Altogether this indicates that the fjord is an appropriate scale for studying changes in coastal fish communities in space and time. The year-to-year rates of local extinction and turnover were found to be smaller than spatial differences in community composition. At the regional level, exposure to the open sea plays a homogenizing role, possibly due to coastal currents and advection.  相似文献   

Synopsis Activity patterns of some common Baltic fish species and macrocrustaceans have been investigated in natural light/dark conditions — in most cases for periods of at least one full year. The fauna of the northern Baltic proper consists of species of both marine and freshwater origin, with both types represented in the study. The different patterns found are discussed in relation to light period, light intensity and to the structure and function of the eyes. The following species were considered nocturnal: Idothea baltica, Mesidothea entomon, Gammarus oceanicus, Palaemon adspersus, Anguilla anguilla, Spinachia spinachia, Pholis gunnellus, Zoarces viviparus, Scopthalmus maximus, and Platichtys flesus. These species were considered diurnal: Clupea harengus, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Perca fluviatilis, Gobius niger, Taurulus bubalis, and Cyclopterus lumpus. The next three species showed a crepuscular pattern of activity: Praunus flexuosus, Esox lucius and Gymnocephalus cernus. Four species were considered to show inversions of the activity patterns: Pungitius pungitius, Pomatoschistus minutus, Myoxocephalus scorpius and M. quadricornis.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for three fish species: Zebrias zebrinus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846), Setipinna termuifilis (Valenciennes, 1848) and Pampus echinogaster (Basilewsky, 1855). Samples were collected from the coastal waters of Yellow Sea, China, from early April to mid–April 2017 using bottom trawl nets (20 mm stretched mesh size of cod‐end) and set nets (15.6 mesh size). The values of exponent b in the fitted LWRs ranged from 3.101 to 3.427 for three fish species.  相似文献   

The antitumour activities of extracts from the Red Sea seaweeds Jania rubens, Sargassum subrepandum, and Ulva lactuca were investigated in an in vivo mice model based on intramuscular injection of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells. In parallel, antioxidant activities were measured. Tumour marker levels, liver biochemical parameters, and hepatic oxidant/antioxidant status were measured to prove the anticancer and antioxidant nature of the algal extracts. Significant decreases in carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and a-fetoprotein (AFP) levels, activities of liver enzymes, levels of nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA), and an increase in total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were recorded in groups treated with the algal extracts. Jania rubens was selected for phytochemical screening of its phytoconstituents. In addition, carotenoids, halides, minerals, lipoidal matters, proteins, and carbohydrates were studied. Furthermore, 7-oxo-cholest-5(6)-en-3-ol (1) and cholesterol (2) were isolated from the dichloromethane fraction.  相似文献   

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