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Bacterial growth potential was measured in an ultrapure-water pilot plant by modified assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and UV-oxidizable carbon tests. An ion-exchange unit increased UV-oxidizable carbon, yet did not significantly (P greater than or equal to 0.05) alter AOC values. UV radiation decreased UV-oxidizable carbon and increased AOC.  相似文献   

Bacterial growth potential was measured in an ultrapure-water pilot plant by modified assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and UV-oxidizable carbon tests. An ion-exchange unit increased UV-oxidizable carbon, yet did not significantly (P greater than or equal to 0.05) alter AOC values. UV radiation decreased UV-oxidizable carbon and increased AOC.  相似文献   

A bioluminescence-based assimilable organic carbon (AOC) test was developed for determining the biological growth potential of seawater within the reverse osmosis desalination pretreatment process. The test uses Vibrio harveyi, a marine organism that exhibits constitutive luminescence and is nutritionally robust. AOC was measured in both a pilot plant and a full-scale desalination plant pretreatment.  相似文献   

A modified assimilable organic carbon (AOC) bioassay is proposed. We evaluated all aspects of the AOC bioassay technique, including inoculum, incubation water, bioassay vessel, and enumeration technique. Other concerns included eliminating the need to prepare organic carbon-free glassware and minimizing the risks of bacterial and organic carbon contamination. Borosilicate vials (40 ml) with Teflon-lined silicone septa are acceptable incubation vessels. Precleaned vials are commercially available, and the inoculum can be injected directly through the septa. Both bioassay organisms, Pseudomonas fluorescens P-17 and Spirillum sp. strain NOX, are available from the American Type Culture Collection and grow well on R2A agar, making this a convenient plating medium. Turbid raw waters need to be filtered prior to an AOC analysis. Glass fiber filters used with either a peristaltic pump or a syringe-type filter holder are recommended for this purpose. A sampling design that emphasizes replication of the highest experimental level, individual batch cultures, is the most efficacious way to reduce the total variance associated with the AOC bioassay. Quality control for the AOC bioassay includes an AOC blank and checks for organic carbon limitation and inhibition of the bioassay organisms.  相似文献   

It has been recently shown that bioluminescence imaging can be usefully applied to provide new insights into bacterial self‐organization. In this work we employ bioluminescence imaging to record images of nutrient rich liquid cultures of the lux‐gene reporter Escherichia coli in microtiter plate wells. The images show that patterns of inhomogenous bioluminescence form along the three‐phase contact lines. The paper analyzes the dependencies of the average number of luminous aggregates (clouds) on various environmental factors. In particular, our results show that optimal (neutral) pH and high aeration rates determine the highest mean number of clouds, and that spatiotemporal patterns do not form in the pH buffered suspensions. In addition, a sigmoidal (switch‐like) dependence of the number of aggregates on the rate of aeration was observed. The obtained bioluminescence imaging data was interpreted by employing the Keller–Segel–Fisher (KSF) model of chemotaxis and logistic growth, adapted to systems of metabolically flexible (two‐state) bacteria. The modified KSF model successfully simulated the observed switch‐like responses. The results of the microtiter plate tests and their simulations indicate that the segregation of bacteria with different activities proceeds in the three‐phase contact line region. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recombinant bioluminescent bacteria were used to monitor and classify the toxicity of azo dyes. Two constitutive bioluminescent bacteria,Photobacterium phosphoreum andEscherichia coli, E. coli GC2 (lac::luxCDABE), were used to detect the cellular toxicity of the azo dyes. In addition, four stress-inducible bioluminescentE. coli, DPD2794 (recA::luxCDABE), a DNA damage sensitive strain; DPD2540 (fabA::luxCDABE), a membrane damage sensitive strain; DPD2511 (katG::luxCDABE), an oxidative damage sensitive strain; and TV1061 (grpE::luxCDABE), a protein damage sensitive strain, were used to provide information about the type of toxicity caused by crystal violet, the most toxic dye of the 16 azo dyes tested. These results suggest that azo dyes result in serious cellular toxicity in bacteria, and that toxicity monitoring and classification of some azo dyes, in the field, may be possible using these recombinant bioluminescent bacteria.  相似文献   

Mutants of the luminescent bacterial strain NRRL B-11177 were isolated with pleiotropic hypersensitivity towards hydrophobic antimicrobial agents. SDS-PAGE analyses of outer membrane proteins and lipopolysaccharides revealed that the outer membrane structure of the ahs-mutants was altered. QSAR analysis showed that the inhibitory effect of chloro-substituted phenols on bioluminescence of the ahs-mutants depended on their hydrophobicity. The effect of chlorinated phenols and detergents on bioluminescence was increased in the ahs-mutants. The potential use of these mutants in bioluminescent toxicity tests was discussed.  相似文献   

A portable biosensor has been developed to meet the demands of field toxicity analysis. This biosensor consists of three parts, a freeze-dried biosensing strain within a vial, a small light-proof test chamber, and an optic-fiber connected between the sample chamber and a luminometer. Various genetically engineered bioluminescent bacteria were freeze-dried to measure different types of toxicity based upon their modes of action. GC2 (lac::luxCDABE), a constitutively bioluminescent strain, was used to monitor the general toxicity of samples through a decrease in its bioluminescence, while specific toxicity was detected through the use of strains such as DPD2540 (fabA::luxCDABE), TV1061 (grpE::luxCDABE), DPD2794 (recA::luxCDABE), and DPD2511 (katG::luxCDABE). These inducible strains show an increase in bioluminescence under specific stressful conditions, i.e. membrane-, protein-, DNA-, and oxidative-stress, respectively. The toxicity of a sample could be detected by measuring the bioluminescence 30 min after addition to the freeze-dried strains. In an attempt to enhance the sensitivity of the freeze-dried cells, glucose and Tween 80 were tested as additives. It was found that the addition of glucose had a negative effect on the viability of the freeze-dried cells, while samples having Tween 80 showed an increase in their viability. On the other hand, the addition of either Tween 80 or glucose decreased the final bioluminescent response of DPD2540 in response to 4-chlorophenol. Using these strains, many different chemicals were tested and characterized. This portable biosensor, with a very simple protocol, can be used for field sample analysis and the monitoring of various water systems on-site.  相似文献   

An immobilized recombinant bioluminescent Escherichia coli strain, harboring a lac::luxCDABE fused plasmid, which shows lower bioluminescence levels when cellular metabolism is inhibited, was used to monitor the cellular toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs, classified as pericondensed (PCPAHs) or catacondensed (CCPAHs) according to their molecular structures, were differentiable according to the response of this biosensor. Only CCPAHs were found to cause cellular toxicity, resulting in a dose-dependent decrease in the bioluminescent output. The induction of cellular toxicity by CCPAHs and PCPAHs was compared with acute toxicity predictions obtained using the quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model. A good relationship was obtained between the toxicities determined with the bioluminescent response of the immobilized bacterium GC2 and the QSAR model. It was also found that the present study offers a new method of predicting the cellular toxicities of CCPAHs or PCPAHs using this biosensor.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper was to study the influence of bacteria harbouring the luciferase‐encoding Vibrio harveyi luxAB genes upon the spectral emission during growth in batch‐culture conditions. In vivo bioluminescence spectra were compared from several bioluminescent strains, either naturally luminescent (Vibrio fischeri and Vibrio harveyi) or in recombinant strains (two Gram‐negative Escherichia coli::luxAB strains and a Gram‐positive Bacillus subtilis::luxAB strain). Spectral emission was recorded from 400 nm to 750 nm using a highly sensitive spectrometer initially devoted to Raman scattering. Two peaks were clearly identified, one at 491–500 nm (± 5 nm) and a second peak at 585–595 (± 5 nm) with the Raman CCD. The former peak was the only one detected with traditional spectrometers with a photomultiplier detector commonly used for spectral emission measurement, due to their lack of sensitivity and low resolution in the 550–650 nm window. When spectra were compared between all the studied bacteria, no difference was observed between natural or recombinant cells, between Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative strains, and growth conditions and growth medium were not found to modify the spectrum of light emission. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The genetically-engineeredEscherichia coli strain, DPD2540, which contains afabA::luxCDABE fusion gene, gives a bioluminescent output when membrane fatty acid synthesis is needed. For more practical application of this strain in the field as biosensor, freeze-drying was adopted. A 12% sucrose solution with Luria-Bertani (LB) broth, as determined by the viability after freeze-drying, was found to be the most effective composition for lyophilization solution among various compositions tested. Rapid freezing with liquid nitrogen also gave the best viability after freeze-drying as compared to samples frozen at −70°C and −20°C. The biosensing activities of the cells showed a greater sensitivity when the cells from the exponential phase were freeze-dried. Finally, the optimum temperature for use of the freeze-dried cells in the biosensor field was determined.  相似文献   

  • 1 Picoplankton community production (0.2–2μm) was investigated over 3 months, June-September 1991, in Llyn Padarn, a mesotrophic upland lake in north Wales.
  • 2 The picoplankton was differentiated into autotrophic algae (<1–3μm) and heterotrophic bacteria (<0.2–1 μm) using differential filtration through a 1 μm pore size Nuclepore filter.
  • 3 Efficient separation of these distinct metabolic constituents of picoplankton was obtained. A good correlation (r= 0.81, P < 0.001) was found between physical separation of bacterial and picoalgal cells from fluorescence microscopy and the distribution of heterotrophic metabolic activity between different cell size fractions measured by uptake of 14C-glucose.
  • 4 Picoplankton community production was differentiated into the ‘absolute’ autotrophic production by picoalgae, corrected for overestimation due to retention of bacteria with the picoalgae, and the heterotrophic component, bacterial uptake of ‘extracellular organic carbon’ (EOC), derived from the entire phytoplankton community.
  • 5 The heterotrophic contribution to picoplankton community production ranged from 88 to 1%, mean value 55% of total. Autotrophic picoplankton production was dominant in June and July, but in August and September heterotrophic uptake of EOC was the major input to picoplankton community production.
  • 6 During the 3 months, the mean contributions to plankton production were autotrophic picoplankton 10.3%, heterotrophic bacterial uptake of EOC 9.7%, EOC in lake water 11.6% and phytoplankton (>3μm) 68.3%.
  • 7 Bacteria accounted for about half the picopfankton community production via uptake of EOC. Thus although autotrophic picoplankton were ubiquitous, it is likely that their contribution via primary production to the carbon balance of planktonic environments has been overestimated in previous studies.

Experiments were designed to investigate whether processes relatedto zooplankton feeding have a positive effect on bacterial growth.Bacterial abundance and [3H]thymidine incorporation rates werefollowed in grazer-free batch cultures originally containingeither Scenedesmus quadricauda or Rhodomonas lacustris as foodsources, and Daphnia cucullata or Eudiaptomus graciloides asgrazers. Compared with controls lacking either animals or algae,a significantly higher bacterial abundance and productivityoccurred in cultures which contained both phyto- and zoo-plankton.The same experimental methodology was tested during the declineof a diatom spring bloom in a eutrophic, temperate lake. A significantincrease in bacterial biomass was observed due to the grazingactivity of in situ mesozooplankters during the clear-waterphase. Our results demonstrated that the dissolved carbon pathwayfrom mesozooplankton to bacteria averaged 57% (26–78%)of the algal carbon filtered from suspension.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Fine-root functioning is a major driver of plant growth and strongly influences the global carbon cycle. While fine-root over-yielding has been shown in the upper soil layers of mixed-species forests relative to monospecific stands, the consequences of tree diversity on fine-root growth in very deep soil layers is still unknown. Our study aimed to assess the consequences of mixing Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis trees on soil exploration by roots down to the water table at 17 m depth in a tropical planted forest.


Fine roots (diameter < 2 mm) were sampled in a randomized block design with three treatments: monospecific stands of Acacia mangium (100A), Eucalyptus grandis (100E), and mixed stands with 50% of each species (50A50E). Root ingrowth bags were installed at 4 depths (from 0.1 m to 6 m) in the three treatments within three different blocks, to study the fine-root production over 2 periods of 3 months.


Down to 17 m depth, total fine-root biomass was 1127 g m?2 in 50A50E, 780 g m?2 in 100A and 714 g m?2 in 100E. Specific root length and specific root area were 110–150% higher in 50A50E than in 100A for Acacia mangium trees and 34% higher in 50A50E than in 100E for Eucalyptus grandis trees. Ingrowth bags showed that the capacity of fine roots to explore soil patches did not decrease down to a depth of 6 m for the two species.


Belowground interactions between Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis trees greatly increased the exploration of very deep soil layers by fine roots, which is likely to enhance the uptake of soil resources. Mixing tree species might therefore increase the resilience of tropical planted forests through a better exploration of deep soils.

SUMMARY 1. Viral and bacterial abundances were studied in relation to environmental attributes over an annual period, for both planktonic and attached (sediment, aquatic macrophyte and submerged wood) habitats, in a riverine wetland.
2. Annual mean abundance of planktonic viruses ranged from 2.3 × 105−3.8 × 105 particles mL−1 and varied according to sampling site. Significant seasonal patterns in viral abundance were evident and appeared to be linked to variations in bacterial abundance, dissolved organic carbon and inorganic nutrients.
3. Annual mean abundance of viruses associated with surfaces ranged from 1.3 × 106 particles cm−2 on aquatic macrophytes to 1.1 × 107 particles cm−2 on wood and also showed seasonal patterns. The difference in viral dynamics among the different sites emphasizes the importance of considering habitat diversity within wetlands when examining microbial communities.  相似文献   

Fatty acid activation, transfer, and reduction by the fatty acid reductase multienzyme complex from Photobacterium phosphoreum to generate fatty aldehydes for the luminescence reaction is regulated by the interaction of the synthetase and reductase subunits of this complex. Identification of the specific site involved in covalent transfer of the fatty acyl group between the sites of activation and reduction on the synthetase and reductase subunits, respectively, is a critical step in understanding how subunit interactions modulate the flow of fatty acyl groups through the fatty acid reductase complex. To accomplish this goal, the nucleotide sequence of the luxE gene coding for the acyl-protein synthetase subunit (373 amino acid residues) was determined and the conserved cysteinyl residues implicated in fatty acyl transfer identified. Using site-specific mutagenesis, each of the five conserved cysteine residues was converted to a serine residue, the mutated synthetases expressed in Escherichia coli, and the properties of the mutant proteins examined. On complementation of four of the mutants with the reductase subunit, the synthetase subunit was acylated and the acyl group could be reversibly transferred between the reductase and synthetase subunits, and fatty acid reductase activity was fully regenerated. As well, sensitivity of the acylated synthetases to hydroxylamine cleavage (under denaturation conditions to remove any conformational effects on reactivity) was retained, showing that a cysteine and not a serine residue was still acylated. However, substitution of a cysteine residue only ten amino acid residues from the carboxyl terminal (C364S) prevented acylation of the synthetase and regeneration of fatty acid reductase activity. Moreover, this mutant protein preserved its ability to activate fatty acid to fatty acyl-AMP but could not accept the acyl group from the reductase subunit, demonstrating that the C364S synthetase had retained its conformation and specifically lost the fatty acylation site. These results provide evidence that the flow of fatty acyl groups in the fatty acid reductase complex is modulated by interaction of the reductase subunit with a cysteine residue very close to the carboxyl terminal of the synthetase, which in turn acts as a flexible arm to transfer acyl groups between the sites of activation and reduction.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton from 10 oligotrophic lakes, representing a gradient from clearwater to polyhumic, were grown in dilution cultures of sterile filtered lake water. The bacterial biomass achieved in the stationary phase of the dilution cultures was positively correlated with the amount of both humic matter and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the lakes. About the same fraction of the total DOC pool was consumed in the dilution cultures of all lakes (average 9.5%, coefficient of variation (CV) 24%), with approximately the same growth efficiency (average 26%, CV 28%). Thus, humic lakes could support a higher bacterial biomass than clearwater lakes due to their larger DOC pools. The relevance of the results to planktonic food webs of humic and clearwater lakes is discussed.  相似文献   

We analysed the long-term dynamics (1980–2007) of hypolimnetic and epilimnetic bacterial abundances and organic carbon concentrations, both dissolved (DOC) and particulate (POC), in the deep holo-oligomictic Lake Maggiore, included in the Southern Alpine Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site. During the 28 years of investigation, bacterial abundance and POC concentrations did not decrease with declining phosphorus concentrations, while DOC concentrations showed a pronounced decrease in the epi- and hypolimnion. We used the annual mean total lake heat content and total annual precipitation as climate-related variables, and in-lake total phosphorus as a proxy for trophic state. The model (forward stepwise regression, FSR) showed that reduced anthropogenic pressure was more significant than climate change in driving the trend in DOC concentrations. Bacterial dynamics in the hypolimnion mirrored the fluctuations observed in the epilimnion, but average cell abundance was three times lower. The FSR model indicates that bacterial number variability was dependent on POC in the epilimnion and DOC in the hypolimnion. In the hypolimnion, cell biovolumes for rod and coccal morphotypes were significantly larger than in the epilimnion.  相似文献   

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