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Thirty B10.W congenic lines were analysed serologically, both by direct cytotoxicity and by absorption, for the presence of H-2L antigens. Three new H-2L antigens, 73, 74, and 75, were discovered. The B10.W lines and the inbred strains can be classified into at least six H-2L phenogroups on the basis of their reactivity withH- 2dm2 anti-H- 2d serum: BALB/c, B10.BUA1, B10.GAA37, B10.BUA16. B10.KPB128, and the negative group. Twenty-oneD-end recom-binants were analysed for the possible separation ofH-2D andH-2L loci. The failure to find such a separation indicates that theH-2D andH-2L loci are tightly linked. Serological analysis also indicated that theH- 2dm1 has lost most of its H-2L antigens but retained at least one specificity which can be detected byH- 2dm2 anti-H- 2d serum.  相似文献   

We have isolated about 30 to 40 different BALB/c mouse sperm DNA genomic clones that hybridize to cDNA clones encoding proteins homologous to transplantation antigens. One of these clones (27.1) was selected for sequence analysis because it was polymorphic in Southern blot analyses of the DNAs from BALB/c and CBA mice. A fragment of 5.7 kilobases of this clone was completely sequenced and found to contain a pseudogene whose sequence is highly homologous to the sequences of known transplantation antigens. Pseudogene 27.1 is split into eight exons that correlate with the structurally defined protein domains of transplantation antigens. Using Southern blot hybridization on the DNAs of different inbred mouse strains, we mapped the pseudogene to the Qa-2,3 region, a part of the Tla complex on chromosome 17 that is adjacent to the major histocompatibility complex. The Qa-2,3 region encodes lymphoid differentiation antigens homologous to the transplantation antigens in size, in peptide map profiles and in their association with β2-microglobulin. These mapping studies suggest that gene 27.1 may be a pseudogene for either a Qa antigen or an as yet undefined transplantation antigen. Accordingly, we may have isolated genes encoding lymphoid differentiation antigens of the Tla complex as well as those encoding transplantation antigens among the 30 to 40 different genomic clones isolated from our sperm library.  相似文献   

Products of rabbitRLA-11 histocompatibility genes were isolated from rabbit lymphoid tumor cells (RL-5) and characterized. The tumor cells were grown in culture with radioactive amino acids and were lysed by treatment with the detergent NP-40. Glycoprotein molecules were isolated by affinity chromatography using immobilized lentil lectin. Chromatography on purified sheep anti-rabbit beta-2-microglobulin yielded a 43,000 dalton glycoprotein fraction, designated RLA-11gp, which was noncovalently associated with beta-2-microglobulin. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis using radiochemical methods allowed assignment of 28 of the N-terminal 35 residues. The data revealed 89% homology of the RLA-11gp N-terminus with that of the human HLA-B7 and 82% with the mouse H-2Kb histocompatibility antigens. Comparison of the RLA-11 gp N-terminal sequence data obtained in this work to sequence data reported for major histocompatibility complex antigens of other species revealed no amino acid substitutions unique to the rabbit antigens.  相似文献   

Teratocarcinoma transplantation antigens are encoded in the H-2 region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence is presented for the existence of teratocarcinoma transplantation antigens (Gt) encoded within the H-2 complex and present also on adult tissues. It has not been possible to separate these Gt loci from H-2 by recombination, and Gt factors map to each end of the H-2 complex. Previous reports indicating separation of all Gt loci from H-2 are reinterpreted. One class of such apparent recombinants has been shown to result from the outgrowth of tumor variants in mice of resistant genotype.Aspects of this work were presented at the 10th Cold Spring Harbor Conference on Cell Proliferation, September 1982.  相似文献   

We transplanted kidneys from alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase knockout (GalT-KO) pigs into six baboons using two different immunosuppressive regimens, but most of the baboons died from severe acute humoral xenograft rejection. Circulating induced antibodies to non-Gal antigens were markedly elevated at rejection, which mediated strong complement-dependent cytotoxicity against GalT-KO porcine target cells. These data suggest that antibodies to non-Gal antigens will present an additional barrier to transplantation of organs from GalT-KO pigs to humans.  相似文献   

The dormancy (DosR) regulon of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is expressed in vitro during hypoxia and low-dose nitric oxide stimulation. Tubercle bacilli are thought to encounter these conditions in humans during latent infection. In this study, immune responses were evaluated to 25 most strongly induced DosR-regulon-encoded proteins, referred to as latency antigens. Proliferation assays were performed using M. tuberculosis-specific T-cell lines and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from tuberculosis (TB) patients, tuberculin skin test positive (TST+) individuals and uninfected controls. All 25 latency antigens were able to induce production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) by T-cell lines. Eighteen latency antigens were also recognized by PBMC of M. tuberculosis-infected individuals, which indicates expression of the DosR-regulon during natural infection. Differential analysis showed that TST+ individuals recognized more latency antigens and with a stronger cumulative IFN-gamma response than TB patients, while the opposite profile was found for culture filtrate protein-10. In particular Rv1733c, Rv2029c, Rv2627c and Rv2628 induced strong IFN-gamma responses in TST+ individuals, with 61%, 61%, 52% and 35% responders, respectively. In conclusion, several new M. tuberculosis antigens were identified within the DosR-regulon. Particularly strong IFN-gamma responses to latency antigens were observed in latently infected individuals, suggesting that immune responses against these antigens may contribute to controlling latent M. tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

Antigens coded by the Ca2(+)-dependance plasmid were found in the cultural medium, cytoplasm and outer membranes of the three monoplasmid (pCadV) strains of Yersinia pestis with the different basic properties. The presence of 20 mM of Mg2+ at least in the medium is necessary for optimal expression of these proteins. The existence of strain differences in the bacterial cells reaction to temperature, cultivation medium has been demonstrated. No difference in the pCad-dependent proteins was found in Yersinia pestis and the causative agents of pseudotuberculosis, enterocolitis.  相似文献   

To study T cell tolerance, transgenic mice were generated that expressed the Mlsa-reactive T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain V beta 8.1 (cDNA) under the control of the H-2Kb promoter/immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer on approximately 90% of peripheral T cells. In transgenic mice bearing Mlsa, thymocytes expressing the TCR at a high density were deleted and the percentage of Thy 1.2+ lymph node cells was reduced. The CD4/CD8 ratio of mature T cells was reversed in Mlsa and Mlsb transgenic mice independent of the H-2. RNA analysis and immunofluorescence with TCR V beta-specific antibodies revealed that expression of endogenous TCR beta genes was suppressed. Both Mlsa and Mlsb TCR beta chain transgenic mice mounted a T-cell-dependent IgG response against viral antigens, whereas the capacity to generate alloreactive and virus-specific cytotoxic T cells was impaired in TCR beta chain transgenic Mlsa, but not in transgenic Mlsb mice.  相似文献   

Spleen cells of BALB/c mice bearing a syngeneic CSA1M fibrosarcoma were treated with anti-Thy-1.2 antibody plus C, yielding a T cell-depleted, APC-containing fraction. The APC-containing fraction was first tested for its capacity to present exogenous modified-self or another tumor (Meth A) Ag after in vitro pulsing. The results showed comparable Ag-presenting capacities to those obtained by APC-containing fraction from normal spleen cells, indicating that APC function is not affected in tumor-bearing mice. We next examined whether APC from CSA1M-bearing mice bind endogenously generated CSA1M tumor Ag onto its surfaces to stimulate tumor-specific T cells. Five rounds of inoculation of APC-containing fraction from CSA1M-bearing mice without further in vitro pulsing resulted in the induction of potent anti-CSA1M immune resistance. The involvement of anti-CSA1M T cells in the induction of anti-CSA1M immunity was excluded by the fact that the in vivo immunity was excluded by the fact that the in vivo immunity was delivered by Thy-1+ cell-depleted, but not by Thy-1+ cell-enriched fractions of spleen cells from CSA1M-bearing mice. Moreover, the failure of Sephadex G10-passed spleen cells to deliver anti-CSA1M resistance demonstrated the absolute requirement of APC for inducing the in vivo immunity. Finally, this in vivo resistance was found to be tumor specific, because APC fractions from CSA1M-bearing and Meth A-bearing BALB/c mice induced immune resistance selective against the corresponding tumor cell challenge. These results indicate that APC from tumor-bearing hosts can not only exert unaffected APC function against exogenous Ag, but also function to present tumor Ag generated endogenously in the tumor-bearing state and to produce tumor-specific immunity in vivo.  相似文献   

We have initiated the molecular definition of the antigens recognized by Gross MuLV-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes on the surface of Gross MuLV-induced tumor cells. A panel of target cells was obtained by the double transfection and expression of a retrovirus gene and a foreign H-2 gene in recipient mouse fibroblasts. Our results show that class I H-2 transplantation antigens have a directive influence in determining the antigenicity of proteins encoded by the gag and env MuLV genes. Genes not linked to H-2 influence the intensity and the specificity of the cytolytic T lymphocyte response to Gross MuLV-induced tumors. Finally, MuLV-induced antigens expressed by transfected fibroblasts induce tumor immunity and lead to accelerated tumor rejection in vivo.  相似文献   

In this report, we investigated the in vivo cell biology of cancer cells during immune rejection. The use of nestin-driven green fluorescent protein (ND-GFP) transgenic mice as hosts, in which nascent blood vessels express GFP, and implanted dual-color mouse mammary tumor 060562 (MMT) cells, in which the cytoplasm expresses red fluorescent protein (RFP) and the nuclei express GFP, allowed very important novel observations of angiogenesis and subcellular death pathways during immune rejection of a tumor. Nascent blood vessels did not form in the initially-growing mouse mammary tumor in ND-GFP immunocompetent mice. In contrast, in ND-GFP immunodeficient nude mice, numerous GFP-expressing nascent blood vessels grew into the tumor. The results suggest that insufficient nascent tumor angiogenesis was important in tumor rejection. During immune rejection, the cancer cells deformed their cytoplasm and nuclei, which were readily imaged by RFP and GFP, respectively. The nuclear membrane of the cancer cells ruptured, and chromatin extruded during partition of cytoplasm and nuclei. T lymphocytes infiltrated into the initially-growing tumor in the nestin-GFP transgenic immunocompetent mice. The cytotoxic role of the sensitized T lymphocytes was confirmed in vitro when they were co-cultured with MMT cells. The CD8a-positive lymphocytes attached to the cancer cells and caused nuclear condensation, deformation, and partition from their cytoplasm, similar to what occurred in vivo. The color-coded subcellular fluorescence-imaging model of immune rejection of cancer cells can provide a comprehensive system for further testing of immune-based treatment for cancer.  相似文献   

The clonal expression of tumor rejection Ag (TRA) was analyzed on nine different clones derived from parental BALB3T3 cells that were transfected with activated H-ras, polyoma middle T (PyMT), c-myc, and v-src oncogenes. It was shown that Bras-h clone, which is an activated H-ras oncogene-induced transformant, expressed TRA as assessed in the transplantation study using syngeneic BALB/c mice. This TRA was not detected on parental BALB3T3 nontransformed cells, suggesting that TRA could be expressed in the BALB3T3 cell transformation. Furthermore, the cross-protection experiments indicated that this TRA was also conferred on other BALB3T3 transformants with high anchorage-independent growth potential such as an activated H-ras transformant Bras-d, and PyMT transformants BMT-f, BnMT-11, BnMT-20, except in the case of one H-ras transformant Bnr-12. In contrast, this TRA was not expressed on the transfectants with little or no anchorage independent growth potential such as a PyMT transfectant BnMT-4, a c-myc transfectant Bmyc-7, and a v-src transfectant Bsrc-7. We developed the mAb BRH19 that could react with TRA+ clones but not with TRA- clones. This mAb makes an immunoprecipitate, which is composed of a 50-kDa single polypeptide chain from Bras-h cell lysate. An injection to mice with this antigen could confer the protection against Bras-h challenge. These data indicate that the 50-kDa putative TRA molecule could be expressed in close association with the cell transformation, irrespective of the introduced oncogenes, and there may exist some regulatory mechanisms rather than individually distinct manners for the expression of TRA.  相似文献   

The initiation of T-cell-mediated antitumor immune responses requires the uptake and processing of tumor antigens by dendritic cells and their presentation on MHC-I molecules. Here we show in a human in vitro model system that exosomes, a population of small membrane vesicles secreted by living tumor cells, contain and transfer tumor antigens to dendritic cells. After mouse tumor exosome uptake, dendritic cells induce potent CD8+ T-cell-dependent antitumor effects on syngeneic and allogeneic established mouse tumors. Therefore, exosomes represent a novel source of tumor-rejection antigens for T-cell cross priming, relevant for immunointerventions.  相似文献   

A recombinant vaccinia virus (VV) encoding human IFN-gamma (VV-huIFN-gamma) was constructed and its effects on MHC Ag expression in human and murine cells in vitro analyzed by flow cytometry. At high multiplicities of infection (5 pfu/cell) the IFN-gamma expressed by vaccinia was not able to overcome the profound decrease of MHC concentration, normally associated with VV infection, in any of the cells tested. However, at successively decreasing multiplicities of infection, a gradual increase in MHC class I concentration above control levels was observed in human 143B cells but not in murine L929 cells, thus indicating that the species specificity of IFN-gamma is preserved in VV-huIFN-gamma-infected cells. We infer from these data that the IFN-gamma secreted by infected 143B cells is able to exert an MHC upregulating effect on uninfected cells in the vicinity. Antiviral activity of the IFN-gamma expressed by the virus was also assessed. Pretreatment for 24 to 48 h of human 143B cells with IFN-gamma containing supernatants had a significant antiviral effect comparable to rhuIFN-gamma. However, when added 1 h after virus infection, antiviral activity was much less evident. Also, the IFN-gamma secreted by infected 143B cells in monolayers infected at low multiplicity did not efficiently inhibit spread of infection to other cells in the vicinity.  相似文献   

A new procedure for site-directed mutagenesis has been applied to the shooting and rooting loci of T-DNA of an octopine Ti-plasmid ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens. Mutants have been obtained which induced tumours that either developed shoots or produced more roots than normally observed. Double mutations, in which both types of T-DNA loci were affected, resulted in non-oncogenic strains. Indications have been obtained, showing that T-DNA coded oncogenic functions can be eliminated without affecting T-DNA transfer into plant cells.  相似文献   

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