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Abstract. Amphibians and reptiles represent an important group of vertebrates in Mexico; on a global scale 10% of the biodiversity of these groups is found in the country, attaining extraordinarily high levels of endemism (60.7% and 53.7%, respectively). However, fewer than 20% of the known species of amphibians and reptiles in Mexico have been surveyed for helminths, so the inventory is far from complete. We assembled a data base that includes a total of 1246 records (entries) of which 460 correspond to helminths in amphibians and 786 to helminths in reptiles. In total, only 41 species of amphibians (14% of those occurring in Mexico) and only 118 species of reptiles (17% of those occurring in Mexico) have been studied for helminth parasites. From amphibians, 119 species of helminths belonging to 60 genera have been recorded, while 239 species of helminths representing 113 genera have been described from Mexican reptiles. One feature of the distribution of helminths of Mexican amphibians and reptiles is its asymmetry, as seen in representation of helminth groups, host groups and geographical range. However, such statistical asymmetry might be an artefact of sampling effort. Based on our data, we estimate that if all the herpetofauna of Mexico could be studied in the following years, approximately 827 additional species of helminths from amphibians and approximately 1403 from reptiles would be described.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can lead to substantial genetic depletion. As a consequence, restoration schemes often involve the introduction of propagules into isolated plant populations to improve genetic diversity. To avoid introducing maladapted seed material, such measures need to account for landscape genetic processes. However, surprisingly little is known as to whether different species within a distinct fragmented ecosystem respond similarly or idiosyncratically to eco-geographical variation.Using AFLP markers, we studied the population genetic structure in three species of the highly fragmented Kulunda steppe (South Siberia): Adonis villosa, Jurinea multiflora and Paeonia hybrida. In each population, we conducted a vegetation survey. We performed Mantel tests and an RDA approach to investigate how genetic structure was affected by three spatio-environmental variables: spatial distance, floristic composition and climate.Despite strong fragmentation, genetic diversity was moderate (A. villosa, J. multiflora) to high (P. hybrida), while differentiation was weak (A. villosa) to moderate (P. hybrida, J. multiflora). Mantel tests showed that spatial distance correlated with genetic distance in A. villosa and P. hybrida. Floristic composition was significantly associated with genetic differentiation in A. villosa. Climate did not have an effect on genetic structure in any species.All three species are long-lived, which may contribute to explaining why genetic effects of recent fragmentation are still limited. We highlight that floristic composition can be a powerful predictor of population differentiation in species that show rather stable conditions in their recent population histories (e.g. A. villosa). This can have important implications for identifying source populations where restoration actions involve the (re)introduction of propagules. In contrast, for P. hybrida and J. multiflora, we could not identify deterministic drivers of differentiation. We advocate that future studies should aim at disentangling the interactive effects of varying life cycles, eco-evolutionary population histories and spatio-environmental heterogeneity in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

In fragmented landscapes, agroforest woodlots can potentially act as stepping stones facilitating movement between forest fragments. We assessed the influence of agroforest woodlots on bird distribution and diversity in the Atlantic forest region (SE Brazil), and also tested which categories of species can use different types of connection elements, and whether this use is influenced by the distance to large forest patches. We studied two fragmented landscapes, with and without stepping stones linking large fragments, and one forested landscape. Using a point count, a bird survey was undertaken in the fragmented landscapes in five different elements: large remnants (>400 ha), agroforest woodlots (0.4–1.1 ha), small patches (0.5–7 ha), riparian corridor, and pasture areas (the main matrix). Generalist and open-area species were commonly observed in the agroforest system or other connection elements, whereas only a few forest species were present in these connections. For the latter species, the distance of woodlots to large patches was essential to determine their richness and abundance. Based on our results and data from literature, we suggest that there is an optimal relationship between the permeability of the matrix and the efficiency of stepping stones, which occurs at intermediate degrees of matrix resistance, and is species-dependent. Because the presence of agroforest system favors a higher richness of generalist species, they appeared to be more advantageous for conservation than the monoculture system; for this reason, they should be considered as a management alternative, particularly when the matrix permeability requirement is met.  相似文献   

City ponds have the potential to harbour a rich biodiversity of aquatic insects despite being located in an urban landscape. However, our current knowledge on the correlates of pond biodiversity is limited and even less is known about the factors that influence the ecological uniqueness of urban ponds. The multiple environmental gradients, at different spatial scales, that may affect biodiversity and ecological uniqueness of urban ponds can thus be seen both as an opportunity and as a challenge for a study. In this study, we aimed to fill this gap by focusing on aquatic insect assemblages in 51 ponds in the Swedish city of Stockholm, using a metacommunity perspective. We found that species richness was primarily determined by the density of aquatic insects, water depth and proportion of buildings around the pond. The uniqueness of ponds was estimated as local contributions to beta diversity (LCBD), and it was primarily related to the proportion of arable land and industry around the ponds. With regard to the metacommunity we found two interesting patterns. First, there was a negative relationship between richness and LCBD. Second, biodiversity was spatially independent, suggesting that spatially-patterned dispersal did not structure species richness or LCBD. These last two patterns are important when considering conservation efforts of biodiversity in city ponds. We hence suggest that the conservation of insect biodiversity in urban pond should consider the surroundings of the ponds, and that high-richness ponds are not necessarily those that require most attention because they are not ecologically the most unique.  相似文献   

Landscape connectivity analysis is a major tool in supporting biodiversity conservation. Several methodologies have been developed to tackle it by following two main paths. The first path exploits graph approaches and models focal nodes’ connections on a resistance/conductance matrix depending on focal species’ movement potential. The second path considers geometrical pattern analyses based on the calculation of structural landscape metrics. These approaches separately investigate functional and structural features of the landscape, and may come short of a total definition if used separately. Here we propose a new scalable, modular, participative and open-source procedure based on Fuzzy logic to combine the functional and structural aspects of connectivity. We applied this method on the highly fragmented landscape of the Po Plain, focusing on its rare and endangered plain springs named fontanili. We identified an expert panel and involved it in the assignation of permeability values of land use classes with respect to the capacity of movement of animal species typical of fontanili. We concurrently performed a quantitative evaluation of the landscape fragmentation with a moving window. We found that the functional and structural evaluations were poorly correlated in the area under study (Pearson's r = −0.35, p < 0.001). We thus integrated these two non-overlapping analyses of the landscape by Fuzzy logic using thresholds and combination weights obtained from questionnaires proposed to the expert panel. The resulting index, termed Fuzzy Functionality Index (FFI), improved the level of information associated with landscape classification. By merging functional and structural aspects of the landscape, the FFI allowed us to discriminate different functional values of equally permeable parcels and vice versa. We demonstrate that FFI may act as a conductance measure in a circuit theory approach, highlighting ecological corridors between focal points of species’ distribution. We present FFI as an effective predictive index to inspect complex and non-linear landscape dynamics.  相似文献   

Intensive fieldwork has been undertaken in Portugal in order to develop a standardized and optimized sampling protocol for Mediterranean spiders. The present study had the objectives of testing the use of semi-quantitative sampling for obtaining an exhaustive species richness assessment of spiders and testing the effects of day, time of day, collector and sampling method on the collected species richness and composition of a Mediterranean scrubland. The collecting summed 224 samples corresponding to one person-hour of effective fieldwork each. In total, 115 species were captured, of which 110 were recorded inside a delimited one-hectare plot, corresponding to more than 70% of the about 160 estimated species. Although no estimator reached the asymptote, the Michaelis-Menten curve behaviour indicates that the estimated richness should be accurate. Most different sampling approaches (day, time of day, collector and sampling method) were found to influence richness, abundance or composition of the samples to some extent, although sampling method had the strongest influence whereas “collector” showed no effect at all. The results support the idea that the only variables that need to be controlled in similar protocols are the sampling methods and the time of day when each method is executed. We conclude that populations in structurally simple habitats present narrower peaks of adult abundance, which implies higher percentages of juveniles in samples. Finally, results also indicate that habitats with a relatively simple structure like scrublands may require as much sampling effort, in order to reach similar proportions of captured species in relation to the estimated richness, as habitats that are much more complex.  相似文献   

Vetaas  Ole R. 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(1):29-38
Non-epiphytic species richness was studied in different disturbance classes within a Quercus semecarpifolia forest. Nine disturbance classes were defined according to the degree of biomass removal (lopping) and their spatial mixture. Six of these were observed in the study area. The species were divided into three functional groups: climbers, phanerophytes, and field-layer plants. The primary aim was to test if there is an elevated species richness under an intermediate disturbed canopy for (i) all vascular plants, (ii) lianas, (iii) phanerophytes and (iv) field-layer species. The richness of the different plant groups and all species were fitted against the disturbance gradient by means of Generalized Linear Models (GLM). Other environmental variables such as altitude, potential solar radiation, light intensity, canopy cover and soil parameters were also evaluated as predictors. Disturbance classes, canopy cover and light intensity were combined into a new variable, disturbance-complex, using Principal Component Analyses.Phanerophytes did not respond to any variable. Climbers were mostly related to pH and canopy cover, and were the only group related to altitude, nitrogen and loss-on-ignition. Herbaceous plants and total species richness showed a unimodal response to disturbance classes and the complex disturbance gradient, which supports the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Relative radiation and slope also supported a unimodal response in herbaceous plants, but disturbance had a significant additional contribution to this pattern. The most significant predictor for these two groups was pH. The responses to organic carbon and phosphorus were not significant for any of the subsets.The results indicate that a small-scale lopping regime will enhance species richness of vascular plants; only a few species in the intermediate disturbed forest are weedy ruderals. In such a situation, the conservation policy may accept small-scale human impact as part of the forest landscape.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation requires strategies that encompass a variety of land uses and habitat diversity. In this study, we used sites of high ecological interest identified on the basis of the distribution of priority plant and vertebrate species to assess the implications of habitat diversity for conservation management in the Mediterranean mosaic landscape. 40% of the priority species occur in open habitats that depend on continued human presence and low-intensity land-use activities. Furthermore, 70% of the sites have more than one species habitat and 15% of sites contain more than four different species habitats. By explicitly integrating localized habitat variation, conservation planning can address the multiple conservation issues at stake in regions of high landscape diversity to provide clear and effective management objectives.  相似文献   

Abstract. A floristic classification of British hedgerows is constructed. Hedges (the woody, structural element) and hedge‐bottoms (the mainly herbaceous ground flora) were analysed separately because different natural and management processes were expected to affect them. The 11 hedge classes varied in size from five to over 500 plots. Over two‐thirds of all hedges were dominated by Crataegus spp. or Primus spinosa. Hedge‐bottoms were more evenly grouped into four classes whose species composition could be related to broad land use/habitat types: intensive arable, rotational/mixed farming, managed grasslands, and woodland. The woodland class was only 12% of the total, and species characteristic of true woodland habitats were uncommon even within that class, so our data do not support the hypothesis of hedgerows acting as‘woodland corridors’for plants. Richness/diversity scores differed markedly between different hedge and hedge‐bottom classes. The richest hedgerows, both in species and inferred habitats, were among the rarer types, while the most common classes (both hedge and hedge‐bottom) were consistently the poorest. Comparison of species composition and diversity in hedges and hedge‐bottoms, and associations between them, all supported the hypothesis that the relative importance of historical, management and ecological effects differed between the two parts of the hedgerow; hedges and hedge‐bottoms should be treated ecologically as largely independent units. The classifications and richness/diversity scores enable easy preliminary assessment of the conservation value of a hedgerow. They also enable individual hedgerows to be placed in a wider (national) context.  相似文献   

Abstract. Several measures of biodiversity were calculated (species richness SR, species diversity H', species evenness J', mean similarity, mosaic diversity and factorial diversity) in vascular plant communities along a landscape gradient in the Seine valley, Normandy, France. For these communities, we also recorded environmental and management data. Species and environmental data were analysed simultaneously by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) in order to study their relationships. CCA identifies one main landscape gradient linked to a set of highly linked ecological factors. Three community types were identified along this gradient: calcicolous communities on chalk slopes, mesophilous communities on colluvium and hydrophilous communities on alluviums. The measures of biodiversity between these groups and their variations along the landscape gradient indicate similar patterns for H', J' and SR. Between‐community biodiversity measures allow consideration of the distribution of species among communities in the landscape. Factorial diversity accounts for the organisation of the communities with reference to the basic mechanisms of species coexistence. Affinity analysis (similarity and mosaic diversity) measures the compositional pattern diversity, which is the function of the variation in species richness. We discuss the indicative versus the predictive value of these measures of biodiversity as regards ecological factors and processes and their application for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of natural habitats has become one of the main causes of the loss of biodiversity. To assess the effects of forest fragmentation on wood-inhabiting fungal community in a beech-dominated landscape, 15 differently shaped beech forest fragments were examined in northern Spain. This work covers all the wood-inhabiting macromycetes, including Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. A modelling approach was used to examine the predictability of the fungal community in a fragmented beech forest landscape. In the beech forest patches, a large proportion of edge, low tree densities and low levels of variety of woody debris caused a decrease of wood-inhabiting fungal richness. The fungal community composition proved complex to model due to its specific traits: it is made up of many species, most of which are rare, and each fungal group responds differently to environmental variables. Nevertheless, the dead wood availability and the exposure to light significantly affected the fungal community composition.  相似文献   

Tropical plantations are rapidly expanding as a source of industrial wood. In Indonesia, such large-scale industrial plantations are generally made of large mono-specific blocks interspersed with natural forest remnants. The extent and biodiversity value of these remnants vary as laws and regulations on their design and management are either unclear, without solid scientific basis or left to the interpretation of private companies responsible for the plantations. Our study area comprises of three Acacia mangium plantations, which have on average 18% of their total area set aside from production and conserved as natural forests. These remnant natural forests may, if appropriately designed and managed, be used to mitigate the negative impact of plantations on biodiversity by providing some degree of connectivity with and between remaining natural forest patches (such as the Tesso Nilo conservation area). We sampled natural vegetation in one and primate diversity in all three plantation sector and examined patterns of primate species richness and abundance with relation to spatial arrangement and dimensions of conservation area, which has been set aside from plantation production. We demonstrate unambiguously the critical importance of a well-connected network of natural forest corridors in the plantation landscape to maintain primates and discuss the potential biodiversity value of natural forest remnants in broad-scale industrial landscapes.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the relative influence of size, connectivity and disturbance history on plant species richness and assemblages of fragmented grasslands? What is the contribution of small fragments to the conservation of native species pool of the region? Location: Tandilia's Range, Southern Pampa, Argentina. Methods: Cover of plants was registered within 24 fragments of tall‐tussock grassland remnants within an agricultural landscape using modified Whittaker nested sampling. We analysed the influence of site variables related to disturbance history (canopy height, litter thickness) and fragment variables (size, connectivity) on species richness (asymptotic species richness, slope of the species–area curve) as well as on species assemblages by multiple regressions analysis and canonical correspondence analyses, respectively. Cumulative area was used for analysing whether small fragments or large fragments are more important to species diversity in the landscape. Results: Asymptotic species richness was significantly influenced by site variables, in particular by Paspalum quadrifarium's canopy height, but not by fragment variables. Species assemblages were also affected by site variables (12.2% of total variation), but no additional portion of the species assemblage variability was significantly explained by fragment size and connectivity. Sampling of several small fragments rendered more exotic and native species than sampling of few large fragments of the same total area. Conclusions: Our results agree with previous studies reporting low sensitivity of species diversity to size and isolation of grassland fragments in fragmented landscapes and high sensitivity of species diversity to local variables. The higher capture of regional native species pool by small grassland fragments than by few larger ones of equivalent accumulated area highlights the value of small fragments for conservation.  相似文献   

Aim  To evaluate frugivorous butterflies as indicators of forest disturbance in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Location  The study area is located in the municipality of Cotia, São Paulo State, south-eastern Brazil (23°35'−23°50' S, 46°45'−47°15' W).
Methods  Sampling was done at four sites inside a large forest block, the Morro Grande State Reserve, and in five forest fragments in an adjacent fragmented landscape. Butterflies were sampled with portable traps, baited with a fermented mixture of banana and sugar cane juice. Sampling was carried out during the period most favourable for the capture of frugivorous butterflies in south-eastern Brazil.
Results  All richness-related results indicated no effect of forest fragmentation on the frugivorous butterfly guild, concurring with the suggestion of appreciable resistance of Atlantic Forest butterflies to habitat modification. However, species composition discriminated between the two landscapes, indicating that fragmentation may have effects beyond simple species richness. When species were analysed individually, clear patterns of distribution emerged, with some species that were very abundant in the fragmented landscape being practically absent in the continuous landscape, and vice versa. This pattern seems consistent even for some subfamilies.
Main conclusion  Our findings support the usefulness of the frugivorous butterfly guild as a biological indicator of forest disturbance effects in one of the world's most threatened ecosystems.  相似文献   

Larch forests are important for species diversity, as well as soil and water conservation in mountain regions. In this study, we determined large-scale patterns of species richness in larch forests and identified the factors that drive these patterns. We found that larch forest species richness was high in southern China and low in northern China, and that patterns of species richness along an elevational gradient depend on larch forest type. In addition, we found that patterns of species richness in larch forests are best explained by contemporary climatic factors. Specifically, mean annual temperature and annual potential evapotranspiration were the most important factors for species richness of tree and shrub layers, while mean temperature of the coldest quarter and anomaly of annual precipitation from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present were the most important for that of herb layer and the whole community. Community structural factors, especially stand density, are also associated with the species richness of larch forests. Our findings that species richness in China''s larch forests is mainly affected by energy availability and cold conditions support the ambient energy hypothesis and the freezing tolerance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Weevil (Curculionidae, Coleoptera) species richness and composition were investigated and compared among larch [Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carriére] plantations, secondary forests, and old-growth forests in the central mountainous region of Japan. In addition, to assess the effects of forest-management practices, namely thinning and long-rotation logging schedules (long rotation), the weevil assemblages of recently thinned middle-aged and long-rotated larch plantations were compared with those of middle-aged larch plantations. Malaise traps were set in 44 stands of these forest types, and weevils were separated and identified. Several environmental factors other than forest type were also examined. Weevil species richness and diversity indices [Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H) and Simpsons index of diversity (D)] were higher in the secondary forest than in the larch plantation. Because of its wide distribution and higher weevil species richness, the secondary forest contributed to maintaining weevil diversity in this region. Old-growth forest had higher diversity indices (H and D) than did the larch plantation. The secondary forest had the highest number of species in total. Though the number of individuals was the highest in larch plantation, species richness, H and D of the plantation were generally low. Weevil community structure and species composition differed among the three forest types, but the difference in weevil composition between the larch plantation and the other two forest types was the largest. Forest type is probably the most important factor for determining the differences in weevil assemblage, and further, both dominant tree type (coniferous trees versus broad-leaved trees) and the number of mature tree species seem to be important factors for weevil species composition. Among forest management practices, long rotation caused diversity indices (H and D) to increase while thinning appeared to cause only minor changes in the weevil assemblages. Because species richness and species composition of Curculionidae well reflected the differences in forest types and some other environmental factors investigated, this family seems suitable for diversity research in forests. Further research on biodiversity with the use of this family should, therefore, be expected.  相似文献   

Question: How important are habitat configuration, quality, history and anthropic disturbance in determining nemoral plant species richness and distribution of fragmented forest patches in a Mediterranean region? Location: Agricultural landscape north of Rome, Italy. Methods: Sixty‐nine woodland patches, identified through a stratified random sampling, were sampled for nemoral plant species. The homogeneity of woodlands was tested through a hierarchical classification of the floristic data and a Mann‐Whitney test of dependent and independent variables. The importance of habitat configuration (area, isolation, shape), quality (soil properties, forest structure, anthropic disturbance) and history (age of woodland) in determining species richness was estimated through a Poisson regression model. Presence‐absence of each species was analysed by logistic regression. Differences among plant life‐trait types (life span, dispersal mode, habitat preference) were analysed by comparing their median β‐values through ANOVA models. Results: Through hierarchical classification, two woodland types were identified that differed in species composition, habitat quality and spatial configuration. Poisson regression showed that habitat configuration and history influenced species richness. Multiple logistic regression resulted in significant fits for 88 species/variable combinations: 38 are habitat quality variables, 25 are habitat configuration variables, and 13 are anthropic factors. Dispersal strategies varied significantly with respect to area, isolation and age, while generalist and specialist species differed according to age of the woodland. Conclusion: Our results show that habitat history and configuration are the key factors determining species richness of woodland. Together with habitat configuration, habitat quality (mainly soil acidity) appeared to influence species composition.  相似文献   

Native forests in Chile have been replaced by exotic plantations, generating a mosaic of forest fragments immersed in a matrix of plantations and farms. This landscape change could affect habitat availability for native carnivores such as Oncifelis guigna (Felidae) and Pseudalopex culpaeus (Canidae). We determine the potential impact of native forest fragmentation on these species, assessinghabitat use by these carnivores. The study was carried out in continuous forest (150 ha), native forest fragments (<10 ha) and surrounding pine plantations in central Chile (35°59 S, 72°41 W). We placed scent-stations (SSs) in three types of habitat from January to August 2000, setting a total of 620 SSs to determine habitat selection. We characterized structure and composition of 100 m2 of vegetation aroundevery SS, and measured its distance to nearest native forest patch, road and bottom creek. O. guigna preferred habitats with dense bush cover, far from roads and close to large patches of native forest, being almost exclusively restricted to this type of habitat. On the other hand, P. culpaeus preferred openhabitats, close to roads, relying extensively on pine plantations but scarcely using forest and forest fragments. Our results suggest that native forest fragmentation, considering habitat use only, would have a negative effect on O. guigna populations. Thus, forest size reduction and isolation may reduce O.guigna survival in a pine dominated landscape. In contrast, P. culpaeus, a generalist species that would use habitat depending on its abundance, may adapt to changes in this landscape.  相似文献   

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