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Plants of Lupinus albus L., cv. Ultra, were grown hydroponicallywith NO3-nutrition for 51 d under control (0.05 mol m–3Na+ and 10 mol m–3 Cl) and saline (40 mol m–3NaCI) conditions. Plants were harvested 41 and 51 d after germinationand analysed for content and net increment of C, N and the mineralcations K+, Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ and the anions Cl, NOJ,malate, phosphate, and SO42–. Roots, stem interaodes,petioles and leaflets were analysed separately. During the studyperiod net photosynthesis, respiratory losses of CO2 from shootand root and the composition of the spontaneously bleeding phloemsap and the root pressure xylem exudate were also determined.Using molar ratios of C over N in the transport fluids, incrementsof C and N, and photosynthetic gains as well as respiratorylosses of C, the net flows of C and N in the xylem and phloemwere then calculated as in earlier studies (Pate, Layzell andMcNeill, 1979a). Knowing the carbon flows, the ratios of ionto carbon in the phloem sap, and ion increments in individualorgans, net flows of K+, Na+, and Cl over the study periodwere also calculated. Salt stress led to a general decrease of all partial componentsof C and N partitioning indicating that inhibitions were notdue to specific effects of NaCI salinity on photosynthesis oron NO3 uptake. However, there were differences between variouslyaged organs, and net phloem export of nitrogenous compoundsfrom ageing leaves was substantially enhanced under saline conditions.In addition, NO3reduction in the roots was specificallyinhibited. Uptake and xylem transport of K+ was more severelyinhibited than photosynthetic carbon gain or NO3 uptakeby the root. K+ transport in the phloem was even more severelyrestricted under saline conditions. Na+ and Cl flowsand uptake, on the other hand, were substantially increasedin the presence of salt and, in particular, there were thenmassive flows of Na in the phloem. The results are discussedin relation to the causes of salt sensitivity of Lupinus albus.The data suggest that both a restriction of K+ supply and astrongly increased phloem translocation of Na+ contribute tothe adverse effects of salt in this species. Restriction ofK+ supply occurs by diminished K+ uptake and even more by reducedK+ cycling within the plant. Key words: Lupinus albus, salt stress, phloem transport, xylem transport, partitioning, carbon, nitrogen, K+, Na+, CI  相似文献   

Seedlings of Ricinus communis L. cultivated in quartz sand weresupplied with a nutrient solution containing either 1 mol m–3NO3 or 1 mol m–3 NH+4 as the nitrogen source. Duringthe period between 41 and 51 d after sowing, the flows of N,C and inorganic ions between root and shoot were modelled andexpressed on a fresh weight basis. Plant growth was clearlyinhibited in the presence of NH+4. In the xylem sap the majornitrogenous solutes were nitrate (74%) or glutamine (78%) innitrate or ammonium-fed plants, respectively. The pattern ofamino acids was not markedly influenced by nitrogen nutrition;glutamine was the dominant compound in both cases. NH+4 wasnot transported in significant amounts in both treatments. Inthe phloem, nitrogen was transported almost exclusively in organicform, glutamine being the dominant nitrogenous solute, but theN-source affected the amino acids transported. Uptake of nitrogenand carbon per unit fresh weight was only slightly decreasedby ammonium. The partitioning of nitrogen was independent ofthe form of N-nutrition, although the flow of nitrogen and carbonin the phloem was enhanced in ammonium-fed plants. Cation uptakerates were halved in the presence of ammonium and lower quantitiesof K+, Na+ and Ca2+ but not of Mg2+ were transported to theshoot. As NH+4 was balanced by a 30-fold increase in chloride in thesolution, chloride uptake was increased 6-fold under ammoniumnutrition. We concluded that ammonium was predominantly assimilated inthe root. Nitrate reduction and assimilation occurred in bothshoot and root. The assimilation of ammonium in roots of ammonium-fedplants was associated with a higher respiration rate. Key words: Ricinus communis, nitrogen nutrition (nitrate/ammonium), phloem, xylem, transport, partitioning, nitrogen, carbon, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride  相似文献   

Ion (K+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Cl) flows and partitioning in thepetiole and lamina of leaf 6 of castor bean {Ricinus communisL.) plants growing in the presence of a mean of 71 mol m–3NaCl were described by an empirical modelling technique. Thiscombined data on changes in ion contents of petiole and lamina,ion: carbon molar ratios of phloem bleeding sap and pressure-inducedxylem exudates of the leaf with previously described informationon the economies of C and N in identical leaf material. Datawere expressed as daily exchanges of ions in xylem and phloem,or depicted as models of ion balance and transport activityof petiole and lamina during four consecutive phases of leaflife. The early import phase was characterized by high intakeof K and Mg through phloem, and of Ca mainly through xylem,but only limited intake of Na and Cl. The next phase up to fullleaf expansion showed similar relative differences in xylemintake between ions and the onset of rapid phloem export fromthe lamina of K and Mg, some export of Na and Cl but scarcelyany of Ca. The next mature phase, marked by maximal photosynthesisand transpiration by the leaf, showed high xylem intake of allions in xylem. This was more than matched by phloem export ofMg and K, but by only fractional re-export of Na and Cl andagain very limited cycling through the leaf of Ca. The finalpre-senescence phase exhibited similar behaviour, but with generallygreater contribution to phloem transport from mobilization ofion reserves of the lamina. The petiole retained particularlylarge amounts of Na and Cl in its early growth, thereby protectingthe lamina from excessive entry of salt, but these petiolarpools, together with those or other nutrient ions, were laterpartially mobilized to the lamina via the xylem stream. Datawere discussed in relation to the relatively high salt toleranceexhibited by the species. Key words: Ricinus communis, xylem and phloem transport, ion balance, K+ economy, Na+ exclusion, NaCl-stress, salt tolerance, leaf development  相似文献   

Hordeum vulgare cv. California Mariout was grown for 50 d insand culture at 100 mol m–3 NaCl. Xylem sap was collectedthrough incisions at the base of individual leaves along thestem axis by applying pressure to the root system. K+ concentrationsin the xylem sap reaching individual leaves increased towardsthe apex, while concentrations of Na+, NO3, and Cldeclined. Phloem exudate was obtained by collecting into Li2EDTAfrom the base of excised leaves. K/Na ratios of phloem exudatesincreased from older to younger leaves. K/Na ratios in xylem sap and phloem exudate were combined withchanges in ion content between two harvests (38 and 45 d aftergermination) and the direction of phloem export from individualleaves, to construct an empirical model of K+ and Na+ net flowswithin the xylem and phloem of the whole plant. This model indicatesthat in old leaves, phloem export of K+ greatly exceeded xylemimport. In contrast, Na+ export was small compared to importand Na+ once imported was retained within the leaf. The direction of export strongly depended on leaf age. Old,basal leaves preferentially supplied the root, and most of theK+ retranslocated to the roots was transferred to the xylemand subsequently became available to the shoot. Upper leavesexported to the apex. Young organs were supplied by xylem andphloem, with the xylem preferentially delivering Na+ , and thephloem most of the K+ . For the young ear, which was still coveredby the sheath of the flag leaf, our calculation predicts phloemimport of ions to such an extent that the surplus must havebeen removed by an outward flow in the xylem. Within the culm,indications for specific transfers of K+ and Na+ between xylemand phloem and release or absorption of these ions by the tissuewere obtained. The sum of these processes in stem internodes and leaves ledto a non-uniform distribution of Na+ and K+ within the shoot,Na+ being retained in old leaves and basal stem internodes,and K+ being available for growth and expansion of young tissues. Key words: Hordeum vulgare L., K+, Na+, stem, salt stress  相似文献   

An experimentally-based modelling technique was developed todescribe quantitatively the uptake, flow, storage and utilizationof NO3-N over a 9 d period in mid-vegetative growth of sandcultured castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) fed 12 mol m–3nitrate and exposed to a mean salinity stress of 128 mol m–3NaCl. Model construction used information on increments or lossesof NO3-N or total reduced N in plant parts over the study periodand concentration data for NO3-N and reduced (amino acid) Nin phloem sap and pressure-induced xylem exudates obtained fromstem, petiole and leaf lamina tissue at various levels up ashoot. The resulting models indicated that the bulk (87%) of incomingnitrate was reduced, 51% of this in the root, the remainderprincipally in the laminae of leaves. The shoot was 60% autotrophicfor N through its own nitrate assimilation, but was oversuppliedwith surplus reduced N generated by the root and fed to theshoot through the xylem. The equivalent of over half (53%) ofthis N returned to the root as phloem translocate and, mostly,then cycled back to the shoot via xylem. Nitrate comprised almosthalf of the N of most xylem samples, but less than 1% of phloemsap N. Laminae of leaves of different age varied greatly inN balance. The fully grown lower three leaves generated a surplusof reduced N by nitrate assimilation and this, accompanied byreduced N cycling by xylem to phloem exchange, was exportedfrom the leaf. Leaf 4 was gauged to be just self-sufficientin terms of nitrate reduction, while also cycling reduced N.The three upper leaves (5–7) met their N balance to varyingextents by xylem import, phloem import (leaves 6 and 7 only)and assimilation of nitrate. Petioles and stem tissue generallyshowed low reductase activities, but obtained most of theirN by abstraction from xylem and phloem streams. The models predictedthat nodal tissue of lower parts of the stem abstracted reducedN from the departing leaf traces and transferred this, but notnitrate, to xylem streams passing further up the shoot. As aresult, xylem sap was predicted to become more concentratedin N as it passed up the shoot, and to decrease the ratio ofNO3-N to reduced N from 0·45 to 0·21 from thebase to the top of the shoot. These changes were reflected inthe measured N values for pressure-induced xylem exudates fromdifferent sites on the shoot. Transfer cells, observed in thexylem of leaf traces exiting from nodal tissue, were suggestedto be involved in the abstraction process. Key words: Ricinus communis, nitrogen, nitrate, nitrate reduction, partitioning, phloem, xylem, flow models  相似文献   

Hordeum vulgare cv. California Mariout was established in sandculture at two different NaCl concentrations (0.5 mol m–3‘control’ and 100 mol m–3) in the presenceof 6.5 mol m–3 K +. Between 16 and 31 d after germination,before stem elongation started, xylem sap was collected by useof a pressure chamber. Collections were made at three differentsites on leaves 1 and 3: at the base of the sheath, at the baseof the blade, i.e. above the ligule, and at the tip of the blade.Phloem sap was collected from leaf 3 at similar sites throughaphid stylets. The concentrations of K +, Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+were measured. Ion concentrations in xylem sap collected at the base of leaves1 and 3 were identical, indicating there was no preferentialdelivery of specific ions to older leaves. All ion concentrationsin the xylem decreased from the base of the leaf towards thetip; these gradients were remarkably steep for young leaves,indicating high rates of ion uptake from the xylem. The gradientsdecreased with leaf age, but did not disappear completely. In phloem sap, concentrations of K+ and total osmolality declinedslightly from the tip to the base of leaves of both controland salt-treated plants. By contrast, Na+ concentrations inphloem sap collected from salt-treated plants decreased drasticallyfrom 21 mol m–3 at the tip to 7.5 mol m–3 at thebase. Data of K/Na ratios in xylem and phloem sap were used to constructan empirical model of Na+ and K+ flows within xylem and phloemduring the life cycle of a leaf, indicating recirculation ofNa+ within the leaf. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, xylem transport, phloem transport, NaCl-stress  相似文献   

The growth of garden orache, A triplex hortensis was studiedunder conditions of mild NaCl or Na2SO4 salinity. Growth, drymatter production and leaf size were substantially stimulatedat 10 mM and 50 mM Na+ salts. Increased growth, however, appearedto be due to a K+-sparing effect of Na+ rather than to salinityper se. The distribution of K+ and Na+ in the plant revealeda remarkable preference for K+ in the roots and the hypocotyl.In the shoot the K/Na ratio decreased strongly with leaf age.However, the inverse changes in K+ and Na+ content with leafage were dependent on the presence of bladder hairs, which removedalmost all of the Na+ from the young leaf lamina. Measurementsof net fluxes of K+ and Na+ into roots and shoots of growingAtriplex plants showed a higher K/Na selectivity of the netion flux to the root compared to the shoot. With increasingsalinity the selectivity ratio SK, Na* of net ion fluxes tothe roots and to the shoots was increased. The data suggestthat recirculation of K+ from leaves to roots is an importantlink in establishing the K/Na selectivity in A. hortensis plants.The importance of K+ recirculation and phloem transport forsalt tolerance is discussed. Key words: Atriplex hortensis, Salinity, Potassium, Sodium, K+ retranslocation, Bladder hairs, Growth stimulation  相似文献   

The extent by which salinity affects plant growth depends partlyon the ability of the plant to exclude NaCl. To study the uptakeof NaCl into excised roots of Zea mays L. cv. ‘Tanker’,two different techniques were applied. A root pressure probewas used to record steady state as well as transient valuesof root (xylem) pressure upon exposure of the root to mediacontaining NaCl and KCl as osmotic solutes. In treatments withNaCl, pressure/time responses of the root indicated a significantuptake of NaCl into the xylem. NaCl induced kinetics were completelyreversible when the NaCl solution was replaced by an isosmoticKCl solution. This indicated a passive movement of Na+-saltsacross the root cylinder. Root samples were taken at differenttimes of exposure to NaCl and prepared for X-ray microanalysis(EDX analysis). Radial profiles of ion concentrations (Na+,K+, Cl) were measured in cell vacuoles and xylem vesselsalong the root axis. Na+ appeared rapidly in mature xylem (earlymetaxylem) and living xylem (late metaxylem) before it was detectablein vacuoles of the root cortex. EDX results confirmed that thekinetics observed by the pressure probe technique correspondedmainly to an influx of Na+-salts into early metaxylem. In latemetaxylem, the uptake of Na+ was associated with a decline ofK+. The Na+/K+ exchange indicated a mechanism to reduce sodiumfrom the transpiration stream. Ion localization, ion transport, maize, root pressure, salinity, water relations, X-ray microanalysis, Zea mays  相似文献   

Seedlings of Ricinus communis L. were cultivated in quartz sandand supplied with media which contained either different concentrationsof nitrate or ammonium nitrogen and were treated with a lowsalt stress. The concentration of ABA was determined in tissuesand in xylem and phloem saps. Between 41 and 51 day after sowing,abscisic acid (ABA) flows between roots and shoots were modelled.Long-distance transport of ABA was not stimulated under conditionsof nitrate deficiency (0.2 mol m–3). However, when ammoniumwas given as the only N source (1.0 mol m–3), ABA transportin both xylem and phloem was increased significantly. Mild saltstress (40 mol m–3 NaCl) increased ABA transport in nitrate-fedplants, but not in ammonium-fed plants. The leaf conductancewas lowered by salt treatment with both nitrogen sources, butit was always lower in ammonium-fed compared to nitrate-fedplants. A negative correlation of leaf conductance to ABA levelsin leaves or flow in xylem was found only in comparison of ammonium-fedto nitrate-fed plants. Key words: Abscisic acid, ammonium, Ricinus communis, phloem, xylem, transport, nitrate, nitrogen nutrition  相似文献   

Ricinus communis L. (castor bean) plants were grown in the absence(control) and in the presence of 100molm–3NaCl with areciprocal split-root system, in which K+ was supplied to oneand NO3 to the other part of the root system. In theseplants shoot and, to a lesser extent, total root growth wereinhibited compared to plants with non-split roots. Without andwith NaCl, growth of roots receiving NO3 but noK+ (‘minusK/plus N-roots’) was substantially more vigorous thanunder the reverse conditions (‘plus K/minus N-roots1).100mol m–3 NaCl inhibited growth of minus K/plus N-roots1to the same extent as that of non-split roots, indicating thatexternally supplied K+ was not required for root growth undersaline conditions. In growth media without added K+ the rootdepleted the external low K + levels resulting from chemicalsdown to a minimum value Cmln (1.0 to 1.4 mmol m–3); inthe presence of 100 mol m–3 NaCl, Cmin, was higher (10–18mmol m–3) and resulted from an initial net loss of K +.Cmin, was pH-dependent The distribution of K+, Na+ and Mg2+along the root was measured. In meristematic root tissues, K+ concentrations were scarcely affected by external K+ or byNaCl, where Na + concentrations were low, but somewhat elevatedat low external K+ and/or high NaCl. In differentiated, vacuolatedtissues K + concentrations were low and Na+ concentrations high,if K + was not supplied externally and/or NaCl was present.The longitudinal distribution of ions within the root was usedto estimate cytoplasmic and vacuolar ion concentrations. Thesedata showed a narrow homoeostasis of cytoplasmic K+ concentrations(100–140 mol m–3) independent of external K + supplyeven in the presence of 100 mol m –3 NaCl. CytoplasmicNa + concentrations were maintained at remarkably low levels.Hence, external K+ concentrations above Cmin, were not requiredfor maintaining K/Na selectivity, i.e. for controlling Na+ entry.The results are discussed with regard to mechanisms of K/Naselectivity and to the importance of phloem import of K+ forsalt tolerance of roots and for cytoplasmic K+ homoeostasis. Key words: Ricinus communis, nitrate, potassium, root (split-root), salt tolerance, phloem transport  相似文献   

The uptake and transport of salt ions (Na+, Cl-), macronutrients (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and abscisic acid (ABA) response to increasing soil salinity were examined in 2-year-old seedlings of Populus euphratica and a hybrid, P. talassica Kom 2 (P. euphratica + Salix alba L.). Leaf burn symptoms appeared in the hybrid after 8 days of exposure to salinity when soil NaCl concentration increased to 206 mM, whereas P. euphratica exhibited leaf damage after day 21 when soil NaCl exceeded 354 mM. Leaf necrosis was the result of excess salt accumulation since the injury followed an abrupt increase of endogenous salt levels. Compared with the hybrid, P. euphratica exhibited a greater capacity to exclude salt ions from leaves under increasing salinity, especially Cl-. Salt treatment altered nutrient balance of the hybrid, leaf K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations significantly declined and the same trends were observed in roots with the exception of K+. Although K+ levels decreased in salinised P. euphratica, increasing salinity did not affect the levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in leaves, but did increase the uptake of these nutrients when salt stress was initiated. NaCl-induced increase of ABA concentration in xylem sap [ABA] was observed in the two tested genotypes, however xylem [ABA] increased more rapidly in P. euphratica and a fivefold increase of xylem [ABA] was recorded after the first day of exposure to salt stress. Therefore, we conclude that the increase of Ca2+ uptake may be associated with the rise of ABA, and thus contributes to membrane integrity maintenance, which enables P. euphratica to regulate uptake and transport of salt ions under high levels of external salinity in the longer term.  相似文献   

Wolterbeek, H. Th. and De Bruin, M. 1986. Xylem and phloem importof Na+, K+ , Rb+, Cs+ and in tomato fruits: differential contributions from stem and leaf.—J.exp. Bot. 37: 928–939. The transport of Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ and into developing fruits of tomato (an inbred lineof Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Tiny Tim) was measured.Element solutions were introduced into the transpiration streamthrough the cut stem bases of plant parts consisting of a stempart with single green fruit, both with and without attachedfully expanded leaf. Measurements were carried out of the accumulationin the fruit of the gamma-ray emitting radiotracers 24Na+, 42K+,86Rb+, 134Cs+ and The transport into the fruit was expressed by a single parameter taking intoaccount volume flows varying with time and experiments. Xylemto phloem transfer in the stem as a source of fruit elementsupply was shown to be inversely related with the velocity offlow of the stem xylem. The results also indicated that thetransfer system in the stem was more rapidly equilibrated thanit was in the leaf. Stem loading of the phloem is suggested as a possible mechanismregulating the solute influx in fruits under varying flow velocitiesof the stem xylem, while fruit influx of phloem solutes, whichwere loaded in the leaf, may play a major role in influx regulationunder conditions of varying solute concentrations. Key words: Alkali ions, tomato fruits, stem and leaf phloem loading  相似文献   

Wolterbeek, H. Th. and De Bruin, M. 1986. The import and redistributionof several cations and anions in tomato leaves.—J. exp.Bot. 37: 331–340. The upward movements in the xylem and redistribution from theleaf of Na+ , K+ , Rb+, Cs+ and four anions were examined insub-systems of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.cv. Tiny Tim). There was a delay with respect to the redistributionof newly imported elements from the source leaf of about 16–20h for all four alkali ions. This is considerably less than theapparent delay for the anions Sb(SO4) WO42– Mo7O246–and AsO43– The prolonged delay for the anions is suggestedto be a consequence of metabolic transformation in the leaf.Reduction of the source-sink activity ratio did not decreasethe delay period from the source leaf, but apparently causedincreased Na+ transfer from the xylem. It is concluded thatthe application of a detailed mathematical descnption of upwardelement movement has considerable potential possibilities forunderstanding circulation of nutrients in the plant. Key words: Alkali ions, anions, xylem, phloem, redistribution, tomato  相似文献   

Ricinus plants were supplied with nutrient solutions containingdifferent N-sources or different nitrate concentrations andwere also exposed to mild salinity. Between 41 and 51 d aftersowing, the ratio of inorganic to total nitrogen in xylem andphloem saps, the content of inorganic nitrogen and malate intissues, and nitrate reductase activities were determined. Theflows of nitrate, ammonium, and malate between root and shootwere modelled to identify the site(s) of inorganic nitrogenassimilation and to show the possible role of malate in a pH-statmechanism. Only in the xylem of nitrate-fed plants did inorganicnitrogen, in the form of nitrate, play a role as the transportsolute. The nitrate percentage of total nitrogen in the xylemsap generally increased in parallel with the external nitrateconcentration. The contribution of the shoot to nitrate reductionincreased with higher nitrate supply. Under salt treatment relativelymore nitrate was reduced in the root as compared with non-treatedplants. Ammonium was almost totally assimilated in the root,with only a minor recycling via the phloem. Nitrate reductaseactivities measured in vitro roughly matched, or were somewhatlower than, calculated rates of nitrate reduction. From therates of nitrate reduction (OH -production) and rates of malatesynthesis (2H+-production) it was calculated that malate accumulationcontributed 76, 45, or 39% to the pH-stat system during nitratereduction in plants fed with 0.2, 1.0 or 4.0 mM nitrate, malateflow in the phloem played no role. In tissues of ammonium-fedplants no malate accumulation was found and malate flows inxylem and phloem were also relative low. Key words: Ammonium, Ricinus communis, phloem, xylem, transport, nitrate, nitrate reductase, nitrogen assimilation, malate  相似文献   

Using excised low-salt roots of barley and Atriplex hortenslsthe transport of endogenous potassium through the xylem vesselswas studied It was enhanced by nitrate and additionally by sodiumions which apparently replaced vacuolar potassium which wasthen available in the symplasm of root cells for transport tothe shoot Vacuolar Na/K exchange also has been investigatedby measurements of longitudinal ion profiles in single rootsof both species. In Atriplex roots a change in the externalsolution from K+ to Na+ induced an exchange of vacuolar K+ forNa+, in particular in the subapical root tissues and led toincreased K+ transport and loss of K+ from the cortex. In inverseexperiments a change from Na+ to K+ did not induce an exchangeof vacuolar Na+; merely in meristematic tissues Na+—apparentlyfrom the cytoplasm—was extruded in exchange for K+. Inroots of barley seedlings without caryopsis, as in excised roots,a massive exchange of K+ for Na+ was observed in the continuouspresence of external 1.0 mM Na and 0.2 mM K. This exchange alsowas attributed to the vacuole and was most pronounced in theyoung subapical tissues. It did not occur, however, in the correspondingtissues in roots of fully intact barley seedlings. In these,the young tissues retained a relatively high K/Na ratio alsoin their vacuoles. Similarly, contrasting results were obtainedwith intact and excised roots of Zea mays L. Based on theseresults a scheme of the events that lead to selective cationuptake in intact barley roots is proposed. In this scheme acrucial factor of selectivity is sufficient phloem recirculationof K+ by the aid of which K+ rich cortical cells are formednear the root tip. When matured these cells are suggested tomaintain a high cytoplasmic K/Na ratio due to K+ dependent sodiumextrusion at the plasmalemma and due to recovery of vacuolarK+ by Na/K exchange across the tonoplast. Key words: Potassium/Sodium selectivity, Vacuolar exchange, Xylem transport, Hordeum, Zea, Atriplex  相似文献   

An attempt was made to explain the abnormal behaviour of stomatain Capsicum scabrous diminutive, a wilty pepper mutant. Stomatalmovement in the pepper plant was found to be associated withchanges in the ion content of the guard cells. These changeswere smaller in the mutant than in the normal plants. In addition,total ion content was higher in the mutant under both controland NaCl treatments. Na+ substituted K+ in its function in stomatalmovement under high salinity. This phenomenon was more pronouncedin the mutant plants. Analysis of whole root systems and leavesof plants grown on solutions of high NaCl or KCl concentrationconfirmed that the regulation of K+ and Na+ uptake mechanismswas not functioning properly in the mutant. Evidence was presentedthat the difference in K+ staining between mutant and normalepidermal cells is an artefact resulting from the differencein leaf anatomy.  相似文献   

Ramadan  T. 《Annals of botany》2001,87(2):259-266
Secretion of salts by bicellular salt glands and the water relationsof the grass Sporobolus spicatus were investigated at four sitesalong the coast of the Red Sea in Egypt that differed in theextremity of salinity and drought. Salt eliminated by the leaveswas similar in its composition at all sites. Na+and Cl-werethe dominant ions in the soil, and together comprised about93% of the dry weight of secreted salt. The molar ratio of K+:Na+inthe plant leaves was more than ten-fold that in the interstitialsoil solution and thirteen-times that in the secreted salts,reflecting the high selectivity of the secretion mechanism forNa+. The concentration of Na+in the solution transported tothe leaves between 0900 and 1500 h was less than 0.1% of thatin the soil solution. Accumulation of salts by the plant shoots,which increased with increasing soil salinity and drought, wasmaximal during the day when the extent of secretion greatlyreduced. The ionic osmotic potential (  相似文献   

Intact roots of young barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. cv.Proctor) were induced to transport K+ to the xylem at rapidor slow rates. Roots were then rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogenand fractured in the zone 70 mm behind the root tip to givetransverse faces for electron probe microanalysis. With SEMvisualization, analyses were made over the cytoplasm and vacuole(or lumen) of 14 cells types along the root radius between theouter cortex and stele, with particular emphasis on the xylem,xylem parenchyma, and phloem. Data were recorded in the formof colour-coded maps and also quantitatively. For both typesof roots, K+ concentration was lower over the xylem and phloemthan in the remainder of the root. The concentration of K+ wasgreater in the vacuole than in the cytoplasm, while for P itwas the reverse. Significantly, in roots induced to transportK+ rapidly the concentration of K+ was low in the early maturingmetaxylem and protoxylem, and in the sieve tubes of the metaphloemand protophloem. The concentrations of K+ in various cell typesare discussed in relation to regulation of K+ loading of thexylem in long-distance ion transport. Key words: Ion transport, nutrient deficiency  相似文献   

Changes in net photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration andcontents of total C, NO3-N and reduced N were followed throughoutthe life of leaf 6 of nitrate-dependent plants of castor beanexposed to moderate salinity stress (71 mol m–3 NaCl).Salt treatment was applied for measuring mineral flows in aparallel study (Jeschke and Pate, 1991b). Concurrent measurementswere made of solute composition and C: N molar ratios and concentrationsof reduced N and collected NO3-N in phloem sap bleeding fromshallow incisions in the top and at the base of petioles andin xylem exudates from flaps of proximal leaf midribs followingpressurization of the root system. The resulting data were usedto construct empirical models of the respective economies ofC, total N, NO3 and reduced N for a sequence of defined phasesof leaf life. Water use efficiency increased 3-fold from emergenceto a maximum of 1·5 mmol CO2 mol–1 H2O before decliningto 0·5 mmol CO2 mol–1 H2O at senescence. Xylemmolar ratios of C:N varied from 1·2–2·8,with nitrate always a smaller component than reduced N. Phloemsap C:N increased from 10–40 with leaf expansion and wasthen maintained in the range of 40–50 until falling steeplyto 20 at leaf senescence. Nitrate comprised less than 1% oftotal N in all phloem sap samples. The models of C uptake, flow,and utilization showed a major role of phloem import and thenincreasingly of laminar photosynthesis in providing C for leafgrowth. The carbon budget was thereafter characterized by ratesof phloem export closely matched to net rates of CO2 fixationby the lamina. Corresponding data for total N depicted an earlymajor role of both xylem and phloem import, but the eventualdominance of xylem import as the N source for leaf growth. Cyclingof N by xylem to phloem exchange commenced before the leaf hadachieved maximum N content, and was the major contributor tophloem export until leaf senescence when mobilized N providedmost exported N. The nitrate economy of the leaf was characterizedby early establishment of tissue pools of the ion in the petioleand to a lesser extent in the lamina, continued high rates ofnitrate reduction in the lamina but negligible assimilationin the petiole, and a release through xylem of previously accumulatedNO3 from petiole to lamina. Related data for reduced N illustratedthe much greater importance of this form of N than nitrate intransport, storage and cycling of N at all stages of leaf andpetiole life. Xylem to phloem interchanges of reduced N in petiolewere minimal in comparison with cycling through the lamina.The ratio of CO2 reduction to NO3 reduction in the lamina wasat first low (57 mol mol–1) increasing to a peak valueof 294 during mature leaf functioning before declining to 190during the presenescence phase of leaf development. This patternreflected age-related effects on water use efficiency, changesin NO3 levels in the xylem stream entering the lamina, and therelatively low photosynthetic performances of very young andsenescent laminae. Key words: Ricinus communis, leaf development, phloem transport, xylem transport, carbon, nitrogen, nitrate, reduced nitrogen, nitrate reduction, partitioning  相似文献   

The effects of salinity on growth, water relations, glycinebetainecontent, and ion accumulation in the perennial halophyte Atriplexgriffithii var. stocksii were determined. The following questionswere addressed: (1) What effect does salinity have on growthresponses at different ages? (2) Is A. griffithii an ion accumulator?(3) Does A. griffithii accumulate glycinebetaine in responseto salinity? Atriplex griffithii plants were grown in pots at0, 90, 180 and 360  m M NaCl in sand culture in a plantgrowth chamber and plants were harvested after 30, 60 and 90d. Plant total dry weight was significantly inhibited at 360m M NaCl. Root growth showed a substantial promotion at 90 mM NaCl. The water potential and osmotic potential of shootsbecame more negative with increasing salinity and time of growth.The Na+and Cl-content in both shoots and roots increased withincreases in salinity. Increased treatment levels of NaCl induceddecreases in Ca+, K+and Mg2+in plants. Atriplex griffithii accumulateda large quantity of ions, with the ash content reaching 39%of the dry weight in leaves. Inorganic ion accumulation is significantin osmotic adjustment and facilitates water uptake along a soil-plantgradient. Glycinebetaine concentration was low in roots, andin stems it increased with increases in salinity. Total amountsof glycinebetaine in leaves increased with increases in salinity,and its concentration increased substantially at 360 m M NaCl.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Atriplex griffithii, glycinebetaine, growth, ions, water relations.  相似文献   

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