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Splenectonuzed rats infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis had more and longer worms and lower anti-A. cantonensis antibody titres compared to intact and sham operated rats. Splenectomy, however, had no effect on the capacity of rats to mount a cell-mediated immune response, as assessed by the in vitro uptake of tritiated thymidine by peripheral blood lymphocytes following stimulation by PHA and adult worm antigen. Adoptive protection and antibody production against A. cantonensis could be transferred with immune spleen cells. This protection was strongly dose and time dependent. Protection was adoptively conferred with 3 × 109 spleen cells transferred 7 days before infection.  相似文献   

Using T. crassiceps infections of young AS2 rats as a model system, it was shown that immunity can be transferred adoptively with lymph node cells, whereas serum from the same donors was ineffective. Normal adult rat lymph node cells also conferred immunocompetence on neonatal recipients. There was no correlation between antibody and elimination or persistence of metacestodes in infected rats. It is suggested that susceptibility of neonates to infection with this parasite is the result of functional immaturity of thymus-derived cells involved in cell-mediated immune responses rather than T-cell facilitation of antibody production.  相似文献   

Serum opsonins and the passive transfer of protection in Babesia rodhaini infections of rats. International Journal for Parasitology4: 197–201. An investigation into the protective activity of serum from rats immune to B. rodhaini and the role played by opsonins in that activity was undertaken. One, three and six infections with B. rodhaini resulted in corresponding increases in the titre of specific protective antibody demonstrable by the administration of immune serum to rats. Drug control of infection resulted in a lower level of protective activity than that which developed when rats controlled infection unaided. Protective activity following recovery from a single drug controlled infection was undiminished 20 weeks after infection.Serum opsonins were detected in an in vitro culture system of normal rat peritoneal macrophages and these antibodies were specific for parasitized erythrocytes. It is suggested that opsonins were largely responsible for the protective effect demonstrated by assay in rats but that their importance, relative to other antibodies with a possible protective function, in the development of acquired immunity remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Responses characteristic of both cell-mediated immunity and the production of humoral antibodies occurred in the regional lymph node (mesenteric) of guinea-pigs following primary and challenge infection with the nematode Trichostrongylus colubriformis. In addition, depletion of lymphocytes in the paracortical areas and pronounced infiltration with basophil and eosinophil leucocytes were observed. All these changes were chronologically related to parasite rejection.  相似文献   

Dobson C. & Owen M. E. 1978. Effect of host sex on passive immunity in mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius. International Journal for Parasitology8: 359–364. Female C3H but not Quackenbush (Q) mice harboured fewer Nematospiroides dubius than male C3H and Q mice. Both strains lost worms 21 days after infection. C3H and Q mice became progressively immune to infection following 4 sequential doses of N. dubius larvae and showed a sex resistance to infection. Hypothymic nu/nu CBA Balb/c mice did not show these effects on N. dubius infection. The reciprocal transfer of male and female immune mesenteric lymph node cells (IMLNC) to syngeneic male and female recipients showed that the female environment enhanced the protective qualities of both male and female IMLNC but the male environment suppressed these effects. Gonadectomized male and female recipients of male and female IMLNC had levels of infection similar to the entire female recipients. Serum from immune female donor mice protected both male and female recipients better than immune serum from male donors, but female mice in each treatment group were better protected than male mice. Immune serum transferred greater levels of protection then IMLNC to recipient mice against N. dubius infections. These data are consistent with the conclusion that the male environment suppresses lymphocyte activity and the production of protective antibodies and additionally may depress the effectiveness of sensitized lymphocytes and antibodies in ejecting N. dubius. On the other hand the female environment does not appear to adversely affect the mobilization of the protective immune response and may enhance immune effector mechanisms in protecting mice against N. dubius infections.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the mechanisms involved in the protective immunity to malarial sporozoites, an A/J mouse/Plasmodium berghei model was studied. Protective immunity could consistently be adoptively transferred only by using sublethal irradiation of recipients (500 R); a spleen equivalent (100 X 10(6))of donor cells from immune syngeneic mice; and a small booster immunization (1 X 10(4)) of recipients with irradiation-attenuated sporozoites. Recipient animals treated in this manner were protected from lethal challenge with 1 X 10(4) nonattenuated sporozoites. Immune and nonimmune serum and spleen cells from nonimmune animals did not protect recipient mice. Fewer immune spleen cells (50 X 10(6)) protected some recipients. In vitro treatment of immune spleen cells with anti-theta sera and complement abolished their ability to transfer protection. This preliminary study suggests that protective sporozoite immunity can be transferred with cells, and that it is T cell dependent.  相似文献   

A protective immunity against the cestode Hymenolepis nana was transferred with serum taken from actively immunized mice. All of 17 pooled sera examined, which were taken from mice immunized for 3 or more weeks, were strongly effective. Intraperitoneal injection of a total of 3·0 ml serum made the recipient mice (4–5 weeks old) almost completely immune. In almost all the mice given immune serum no cysticercoids were found on day 4. In mice receiving immune serum, oncospheres hatched, invaded the intestinal villi and differentiated to stage II or III larvae, but failed to develop to fully developed cysticercoids. The degree of protection conferred by serum transfer was similar to, but slightly weaker than that stimulated by active immunization. The major effect of immune serum was damaging hatched oncospheres in both the intestinal lumen and the villi within 1 day post infection.  相似文献   

Dobson C. and Cayzer C. J. R. 1982. Immunosuppressive activity in serum from mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius following passive serum transfer. International Journal for Parasitology12: 561–566. Anti-N. dubius antibody titres increased with time after primary and secondary infections with 100 larvae in mice and 4 days after anthelmintic termination of a 28 day infection. Mice injected with serum from infected mice harboured fewer, smaller worms with reduced fecundities compared with control mice; the difference was greater with serum from donors given two compared with those given one infection.Mice injected with serum from donors infected for 14 days had fewer N. dubius than recipients of serum from mice infected for 28 days. Serum taken from mice 4 days after termination of a primary infection of 28 days duration was more protective when passively transferred to mice than serum from mice infected for 28 days. Serum from mice infected with 50 N. dubius larvae was more protective than serum, with a higher anti-N. dubius antibody titre, from, mice infected with 400 larvae. These observations are discussed in relation to immunosuppressive activities in the donated serum and associated with N. dubius.  相似文献   

Dobson C. and Cayzer C. J. R. 1982. Passive transfer of immunity with serum in mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius: in vitro effect of immune serum on larval infectivity. International Journal for Parasitology12: 413–421. Incubation of Nematospiroides dubius larvae in serum in vitro induced 15% exsheathment after 3h. Larvae incubated in immune mouse serum at 37°C for 3h lost 20% of their infectivity for mice. Immune serum from donors given 1–7 concurrent or anthelmintic abbreviated infections all depressed larval infectivity to the same extent. Larvae incubated in immune sera were protected from the effects of passively transferred immune serum in mice following infection. The effects of incubation of larvae in immune serum were prolonged into the adult stages of the parasite and were seen as stunting of worms and a reduction in the male-female sex ratio of the parasites.  相似文献   

Dobson C., Brindley P. J. and Sitepu P. 1982. Influence of serum donor and recipient mouse genotype on the passive transfer of protective immunity with serum against Nematospiroides dubius. International Journal for Parasitology12: 567–572. Different strains of serum donor mice showed variations in innate immunity to primary infections with Nematospiroides dubius. Different levels of anti-N, dubius antibodies were detected in sera from these mouse strains; there was no correlation between antibody titre and numbers of worms recovered. Serum from donor wild and six laboratory strains of mice protected female Quackenbush (Q) recipients against N. dubius infections; donor mouse strain influenced the degree of protection conferred and donor serum antibody titre related to the degree of stunting of worm growth in recipient mice. Five laboratory strains of mice developed different levels of protective immunity following multiple experimental infections with N. dubius. Antibody titres in these mice were strongly correlated with the percentage protection observed after 1–4 infections: Q and CBA mice produced more anti-N. dubius antibody and were better protected than DBA/2, BALB/c and C3H mice. However BALB/c, C3H and CBA mice attained similar anti-N. dubius antibody titres after a single infection with N. dubius but serum from BALB/c gave better protection when transferred to female Q recipients than that from the other two strains. This suggested qualitative differences in the protective antibodies in sera between mouse strains. Five mouse strains were passively immunized with a uniform dose of serum from female Q donors: DBA/2 female recipients showed the least, BALB/c and C3H females were intermediate, and Q and CBA female mice attained the greatest level of passive protection against N. dubius. A close positive correlation existed between the degree of actively acquired and the level of passively acquired protection between the five strains of mice.  相似文献   

A marked degree of footpad swelling was observed in BALB/c mice infected with Hymenolepis nana eggs, when soluble egg antigen was injected into their footpads 4 to 21 days after the egg infection, indicating delayed type hypersensitivity responses in infected mice. Adoptive transfer with mesenteric lymph node cells from donor mice (BALB/c strain; +/+) infected with eggs 4 days before cell collection could confer this hypersensitivity to recipient nude mice (BALB/c strain; nu/nu). These mesenteric lymph node cells were then divided into two fractions, blast-enriched and blast-depleted cells, by density gradient centrifugation with Percoll. The recipients intravenously injected with the blast-depleted cell fraction showed a marked increase in footpad thickness, whereas the intravenous transfer of the blast-enriched cell fraction resulted in an insignificant increase in footpad thickness. The transfer of the blast-enriched cell fraction, but not of the blast-depleted cell fraction, conferred a strong adoptive immunity on syngeneic recipient nude mice, when the immunity transferred was assessed by examining cysticercoids developed in the intestinal villi on Day 4 of challenge infection. The lack of delayed type hypersensitivity response in mice that received the blast-enriched cell population was not due to a lack of the capacity of the cells to induce the response, because the cells were capable of inducing a significant increase in thickness of footpads of normal mice when these cells were locally injected into the footpad together with soluble egg antigen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Despite the well-known importance of an adequate colostral immunoglobulin (Ig) transfer to calf health and survival, failed transfer of passive immunity (FTPI) remains a widespread problem in dairy farming. The aim of this study was to investigate the management factors associated with FTPI in newborn calves, evaluating particularly the combined effect of delivery time, amount and quality of the first colostrum meal. The study was conducted from March to August 2014 on 21 Italian dairy farms. Farmers were asked as first to answer a farm-level questionnaire on calf management. Blood sampling was then performed on overall 244 calves (1 to 5 days of age) born from Holstein cows, and a sample of the first colostrum meal of each calf was collected. Individual information on calves and the respective colostrum management were recorded. Serum and colostrum Ig concentrations were assessed by electrophoresis. A mixed effects multivariable logistic regression model was used to investigate the association of the variables obtained from both the management questionnaire and the individual calf data with FTPI (calf serum Ig concentration <10.0 g/l). A cumulative colostrum management score (CMS) that considered delivery time, amount and quality of the first colostrum meal was generated for 236 calves, with higher values indicating better colostrum management. Overall, 41.0% of the calves were found having FTPI, and within-farm percentage of FTPI was over 20.0% in 71.4% of the farms. The risk of having FTPI was higher both for Holstein purebred calves compared with Holstein-beef crossbreds and for females compared with males. Moreover, it increased by 13% with every hour of delay of the first colostrum meal provision since birth, whereas it decreased by 59% and 3%, respectively, with every additional liter of colostrum given and every additional gram of Ig per liter contained in the colostrum fed. Calf serum Ig concentration varied significantly according to the CMS, increasing by 1.53 g/l with every additional CMS point. In order to completely avoid FTPI, calves should receive at least 2.5 l of high-quality colostrum (Ig concentration >87.6 g/l) within 1.0 h from birth. Considerable improvements are still needed about colostrum management for newborn calves in dairy farms. The results of this study will help in developing farm-specific programs for reducing the occurrence of FTPI.  相似文献   

Adams D. B. 1982. Time of onset and target of immune reactions in sheep with acquired immunity against Haemonchus contortus. International Journal for Parasitology12: 439–443. Nonimmune sheep and sheep rendered immune by infection with the abomasal nematode, Haemonchus contortus, were infected with the parasite and treated at various times with the glucocorticosteroid, dexamethasone. The results show that this immunosuppressant drug abolished acquired but not innate immunity to H. contortus and that acquired responses were not important in restraining the fecundity of adult worms during primary infection. By treating immune sheep with dexamethasone during reinfection, it was shown that the responses acting against the establishment of infection commence later than the fourth day after larval administration and are complete by the seventh day. H. contortus more advanced in development than the fourth-larval stage were relatively insusceptible to this manifestation of acquired immunity.  相似文献   

In order to assess the efficacy of 18F-FDG PET/CT-based diagnostic model in diagnosing colorectal cancer (CRC) lymph node metastasis (LNM), the 18F-FDG PET/CT medical records of CRC patients were acquired, and the CRC regional LNM diagnostic model was constructed through the combination of image and grain factors of 18F-FDG PET/CT. The specific analysis methods include univariate analysis, multivariate analysis, ROC curve analysis, and statistical analysis. The research results showed statistical differences in TNM staging, intestinal obstructions, tumor infiltration, regional lymph node (LN) SUVmax, regional LN minimum dimension, and remote metastasis between the CRC patients in the LNM positive group and the LNM negative group. Through the comparisons between the diagnostic model proposed in the research and other diagnostic methods, it was found that the AUC (95%CI) and sensitivity of the proposed diagnostic model were the highest, the comprehensive diagnostic efficacy of the diagnostic model was optimal. Therefore, it was concluded that the diagnostic model was of significant application values, which provided the basis for subsequent clinical diagnosis of CRC.  相似文献   

Rats were passively protected against challenge infection with Taenia taeniaeformis by the administration of immune serum. Macroscopic liver lesions were rarely seen following challenge. The fate of oncospheres was determined by histological examination of rat livers at various intervals after infection, and also by in vitro experimentation.Oncospheres were killed soon after exposure to immune serum in vitro, but numbers reaching the liver were not significantly different in both passively protected and control rats. Oncospheral reorganisation did not take place in passively protected rats. In control rats, only 20 per cent of oncospheres reaching the liver were able to undergo reorganisation. Developing larvae also appeared to be susceptible to host rejection mechanisms, especially between days 5 and 9 after infection.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of immunity with day 8 mesenteric lymph node cells (MLNC) taken from NIH mice after a chemically abbreviated infection of 3 days duration was as effective as transfer with cells taken from mice which had received an uninterrupted infection. Using a surgical transplantation technique it was demonstrated that adult T. spiralis were not capable of stimulating cells effective upon adoptive transfer. The potent immunogenicity of the early stages of infection was emphasized by data showing that very low numbers of muscle larvae were efficient in stimulating effective mediator cells. Neither the time at which MLNC were taken for transfer after transplantation of adult worms nor the age of adult worms transplanted affected the failure of this life cycle stage to stimulate cells capable of mediating worm expulsion. It is proposed that expulsion of T. spiralis from the gut may be achieved by more than one effector mechanism, and that early and late intestinal stages stimulate these mechanisms differentially.  相似文献   

The thoracic duct of Wistar strain rats was cannulated during 5 days for studying the effect of selective lymphocyte depletion on the lymphoid tissue. A technique for the continuous infusion of cell-free lymph, whole lymph of Eagle's medium to the rat with the thoracic duct fistula is described in detail. The prolonged drainage of lymph from rats was followed by lymphopenia, sever atrophy of lymphoid tissues and the depletion of small lymphocytes in the thymus-dependent areas of spleen and lymph nodes. The infusion of cell-free lymph into the drained rat resulted in the recovery of the weight of lymphoid tissues and in the massive proliferation and accumulation of large cells with prominent nucleoli and intensely pyroninophilic cytoplasm in the lymphocyte depleted areas of the peripheral lymphoid tissues and thymic cortex. There was histological evidence that the large pyroninophilic cells developed well in the spleen and tended to localize preferentially around the periarteriolar region through the marginal zone bridging channels to the red pulp. The infusion of Eagle's medium was found ineffective in restoring the weight of the lymphoid tissues and in bringing about the proliferation of lymphoid cells. The rats infused with whole lymph showed almost similar findings biologically and histologically to those of sham-operated rats.  相似文献   

Transfer of immunity against Trichuris muris in the mouse by serum and cells. Internationaljournal for Parasitology 3: 717–722. A protective immunity against the nematode Trichuris muris was transferred with antiserum and cells taken from immunized mice. Immunity was transferred most reliably by cells, especially mesenteric lymph node cells, but most effectively by serum. The protective capacity of serum and cells taken from the same mice was not always related. Multiple immunization of the donors did not markedly increase protection in the recipients.  相似文献   

The passive transfer of both clinical signs and histologic lesions characteristic of allergic neuritis was successfully performed in Lewis rats using pooled spleen and lymph node cells, or T lymphocytes therefrom, if first preincubated in petri dishes with P2 protein for 72 hr. For passive transfer, cells were taken from donors 8-16 days after sensitization with P2 protein or myelin in Freund's complete adjuvant, and administered via the tail vein; clinical signs appeared 12-13 days later. This study supports the importance of cell-mediated immunity in EAN and the antigenic role of the P2 protein.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that T cell deficiency reduced infarct sizes after transient middle cerebral artery (MCA) suture occlusion in mice. However, how reperfusion and different models affect the detrimental effects of T cells have not been studied. We investigated the effects of T cell deficiency in nude rats using two stroke models and compared their infarct sizes with those in WT rats. In the distal MCA occlusion (MCAo) model, the distal MCA was permanently occluded and the bilateral common carotid arteries (CCAs) were transiently occluded for 60 min. In the suture MCAo model, the MCA was transiently occluded for 100 min by the insertion of a monofilament suture. Our results showed that T cell deficiency resulted in about a 50% reduction in infarct size in the suture MCAo model, whereas it had no effect in the distal MCAo model, suggesting the protective effects of T cell deficiency are dependent on the ischemic model used. We further found more total T cells, CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells in the ischemic brains of WT rats in the suture MCAo model than in the distal MCAo model. In addition, we detected more CD68-expressing macrophages in the ischemic brains of WT rats than in nude rats in the suture MCAo but not the distal MCAo model. Lymphocyte reconstitution in nude rats resulted in larger infarct sizes in the suture MCAo, but not in the distal MCAo stroke model. The results of regional CBF measurement indicated a total reperfusion in the MCAo model but only a partial reperfusion in the distal MCAo model. In conclusion, the protective effects of T cell deficiency on brain injury are dependent on the ischemic model used; likely associated with different degrees of reperfusion.  相似文献   

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