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CCAAT/Enhancer binding proteins (C/EBPs) play important roles in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. This study investigated the expression and function of C/EBPbeta isoforms in the mouse mammary gland, mammary tumors, and a nontransformed mouse mammary epithelial cell line (HC11). C/EBPbeta mRNA levels are 2-5-fold higher in mouse mammary tumors derived from MMTV/c-neu transgenic mice compared with lactating and involuting mouse mammary gland. The "full-length" 38 kd C/EBPbeta LAP ("Liver-enriched Activator Protein") isoform is the predominant C/EBPbeta protein isoform in mammary tumor whole cell lysates, however, the truncated 20 kd C/EBPbeta LIP ("Liver-enriched Inhibitory Protein") isoform is also present at detectable levels (mean LAP:LIP ratio 5.3:1). The mammary tumor C/EBPbeta LAP:LIP ratio decreases 70% (from 5.3:1 to 1.6:1) when lysate preparation is switched from a rapid whole cell lysis protocol to a multistep nuclear/cytoplasmic fractionation protocol. In contrast to mammary tumors, only the C/EBPbeta LAP isoform is detectable in the mammary gland whole cell and nuclear lysates; the truncated "LIP" isoform is undetectable regardless of isolation protocol. Ectopic over expression of C/EBPbeta LIP or C/EBPbeta LAP did not alter HC11 growth rates. However, C/EBPbeta LIP over expressing HC11 cells (LAP:LIP ratio of approximately 1:1) exhibited a consistent 2-4 h delay in G(0)/S phase transition. C/EBPbeta LIP overexpressing HC11 cells did not express beta-casein mRNA (mammary epithelial cell differentiation marker) in response to lactogenic hormones. This defect in beta-casein expression was not corrected by carrying out the differentiation protocol in the presence of an artificial extracellular matrix. These results demonstrate that the "full-length" C/EBPbeta LAP isoform is the predominant C/EBPbeta protein isoform expressed in mouse mammary gland in vivo and mouse mammary epithelial cell cultures in vitro. C/EBPbeta LIP detected in mammary tumor lysates may result from in vivo production or ex vivo isolation-induced proteolysis of C/EBPbeta LAP. Ectopic overexpression of C/EBPbeta LIP (LAP:LIP ratio of approximately 1:1) inhibits mammary epithelial cell differentiation (beta-casein expression).  相似文献   

The antigen defined by a monoclonal antibody, MBr1, was found to be expressed in normal human mammary gland epithelia and human mammary carcinoma cells (Ménard, S., Tagliabue, E., Canevari, S., Fossati, G., and Colnaghi, M. I. (1983) Cancer Res. 43, 1295-1300). The antigen has been isolated from breast cancer cell line MCF-7, which was used as immunogen, and its structure was determined by methylation analysis, NMR spectroscopy, direct probe mass spectrometry, and enzymatic degradation as identified below. Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----3GalNAc beta 1----3Gal alpha 1----4Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1Cer The antibody cross-reacted weakly with fucosylasialo-GM1 (IV2FucGg4), which shares the same terminal sequence, Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----3GalNAc, with this antigen. However, various other structures, including lacto-series H structure (Fuc alpha 1----2 Gal beta 1----4/or 3GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal), did not show any reactivity with this antibody. Therefore, this antigen represents a blood group H antigen with a globo-series structure which is abundant in human teratocarcinoma (Kannagi, R., Levery, S. B., Ishigami, F., Hakomori, S., Shevinsky, L. H., Knowles, B. B., and Solter, D. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 8934-8942), although its presence must be limited in normal adult human tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract. Normal mammary epithelial (NME) cells and MCF-7 cells aggregate and grow as spheroids when cultured on extracellular matrix derived from Engelbreth/ Holmes/Swarth (EHS) tumour. NME cells stop dividing and differentiate but MCF-7 cells continue to proliferate, although growth is counterbalanced by cell death. In mixed cultures of NME cells and MCF-7 cells, the two cell types form mixed aggregates but then segregate to form well separated domains, often joined by only a narrow neck of cells. In these mixed cultures the growth of MCF-7 cells is inhibited by a factor secreted by NME cells into the medium.  相似文献   

L A Cohen  R A Karmali 《In vitro》1984,20(2):119-126
The production and release of prostaglandins (PGs) into the growth medium by established cultures of neoplastic, mammary epithelial cells derived from (a) N-nitrosomethylurea (NMU)-induced and (b) 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors, was assessed using radioimmunoassay techniques. Prostaglandin production was determined, to a considerable extent, by in vitro conditions and the tumor line analyzed. In medium supplemented with bovine calf serum (10%), NMU cells synthesized and released nanogram quantities of PGE2, PGE1, and PGF2 alpha (6.7, 4.7, and 1.7 ng/10(6) cells per 48 h, respectively). Concentrations of the two stable protanoid metabolites, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and TXB2, were indistinguishable from controls. In cells derived from the DMBA-induced tumor (RBA cells), no net production of immunoreactive PGs was detected. In contrast, in media supplemented with fetal bovine serum (10%), both RBA and NMU cells synthesized and released nanogram quantities of PGE2 (1 and 4 ng/10(6) cells per 48 h, respectively). PGE2 production by both NMU and RBA cells was inhibited by ibuprofen, an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (EC The pattern of PG inhibition by ibuprofen differed in the two cell lines. In NMU cells, a linear dose-response inhibitory pattern was discernable, whereas in RBA cells a biphasic pattern was observed; PGE2 levels increased at low concentrations of ibuprofen and then decreased at higher concentrations. At 100 micrograms/ml ibuprofen, PG synthesis and release was inhibited by 90 and 100% and cell growth by 64 and 66% in NMU and RBA cells, respectively. There was no obvious dose-response relationship between ibuprofen concentration and cell growth inhibition in either cell line. These results underline the importance of the serum component of growth medium when analyzing PG production in vitro and suggest that the epithelial cell components of experimental mammary tumors are capable of producing physiologically relevant amounts of PGS.  相似文献   

Summary The production and release of prostaglandins (PGs) into the growth medium by established cultures of neoplastic, mammary epithelial cells derived from (a)N-nitrosomethyl-urea (NMU)-induced and (b) 7,12-dimethylbenz(a) anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors, was assessed using radioimmunoassay techniques. Prostaglandin production was determined, to a considerable extent, by in vitro conditions and the tumor line analyzed. In medium supplemented with bovine calf serum (10%), NMU cells synthesized and released nanogram quantities of PGF2, PGE1, and PGF (6.7, 4.7, and 1.7 ng/106 cells per 48 h, respectively). Concentrations of the two stable protanoid metabolites, 6-keto-PGF and TXB2, were indistinguishable from controls. In cells derived from the DMBA-induced tumor (RBA cells), no net production of immunoreactive PGs was detected. In contrast, in media supplemented with fetal bovine serum (10%), both RBA and NMU cells synthesized and released nanogram quantities of PGE2 (1 and 4 ng/106 cells per 48 h, respectively). PGE2 production by both NMU and RBA cells was inhibited by ibuprofen, an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (EC 1. 14. 99.1). The pattern of PG inhibition by ibuprofen differed in the two cell lines. In NMU cells, a linear dose-response inhibitory pattern was discernable, whereas in RBA cells a biphasic pattern was observed; PGE2 levels incresed at low concentration of ibuprofen and then decreased at higher concentration. At 100 μg/ml ibuprofen, PG synthesis and release was inhibited by 90 and 100% and cell growth by 64 and 66% in NMU and RBA cells, respecively. There was no obvinous dse-response relationship between ibuprofen concentration and cell growth inhibition in either cell line. These results underline the importance of the serum component of growth medium when analyzing PG production in vitro and suggest that the epithelial cell components of experimental mammary tumors are capable of producing physiogically relevant amounts of PGs. This work was supported by Grant CA 29602 from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, and Grant PDT-208 from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

Metabolically 35S-labeled proteoglycans were isolated from cell-associated matrices and media of confluent cultures of human normal transitional epithelial cells and HCV-29T transitional carcinoma cells. On Sepharose CL-4B columns, the cell-associated proteoglycans synthesized from both cell types separated into three identical size classes, termed CI, CII, and CIII. Normal epithelial cell C-fractions eluted in a 22:34:45 proportion and contained 64%, 64%, and 72% heparan sulfate, whereas corresponding HCV-29T fractions eluted in a 29:11:60 proportion, and contained 91%, 77%, and 70% heparan sulfate, respectively. Medium proteoglycans from normal cells separated into two size classes in a proportion of 6:94 and were composed of 35% and 50% heparan sulfate. HCV-29T medium contained only one size class of proteoglycans consisting of 23% heparan sulfate. The remaining percentages were accounted for by chondroitin/dermatan sulfate. On isopycnic CsCl gradients, proteoglycan fractions from normal cells had buoyant densities that were higher than the corresponding fractions from HCV-29T cells. DEAE-Sephacel chromatography showed that cell and medium associated heparan sulfate from HCV-29T cells was consistently of lower charge density (undersulfated) than that from normal epithelial cells. In contrast, the chondroitin/dermatan sulfate of HCV-29T was of a charge density similar to that of normal cells. These as well as other structural and compositional differences in the proteoglycan may account, at least in part, for the altered behavioral traits of highly invasive carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of normal mammary epithelial and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced adenocarcinoma cells derived from rats and grown in monolayer culture were compared. Normal mammary epithelial cells exhibited different morphology and agglutinability by plant lectins, slower growth rate, and lower saturation density and cloning efficiency. In addition, the normal cells were sensitive to the toxic effect of DMBA, and were unable to grow in soft agar or to form tumors, when inoculated into newborn Sparague-Dawley rats. The converse was true in each case for the adenocarcinoma cells. Supported by Public Health Service Research Grant CA 01237603 from the National Cancer Institute Portions of this paper were presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research at Houston, Texas, 1974.  相似文献   

The antiproliferative effects of gamma-tocotrienol are associated with suppression in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-dependent phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/PI3K-dependent kinase-1 (PDK-1)/Akt mitogenic signalling in neoplastic mammary epithelial cells. Studies were conducted to investigate the direct effects of gamma-tocotrienol treatment on specific components within the PI3K/PDK-1/Akt mitogenic pathway. +SA cells were grown in culture and maintained in serum-free media containing 10 ng/ml EGF as a mitogen. Treatment with 0-8 microm gamma-tocotrienol resulted in a dose-responsive decrease in the +SA cell growth and a corresponding decrease in phospho-Akt (active) levels. However, gamma-tocotrienol treatment had no direct inhibitory effect on Akt or PI3K enzymatic activity, suggesting that the inhibitory effects of gamma-tocotrienol occur upstream of PI3K, possibly at the level of the EGF-receptor (ErbB1). Additional studies were conducted to determine the effects of gamma-tocotrienol on ErbB receptor activation. Results showed that gamma-tocotrienol treatment had little or no effect on ErbB1 or ErbB2 receptor tyrosine phosphorylation, a prerequisite for substrate interaction and signal transduction, but did cause a significant and progressive decrease in the ErbB3 tyrosine phosphorylation. Because ErbB1 or ErbB2 receptors form heterodimers with the ErbB3 receptor, and ErbB3 heterodimers have been shown to be the most potent activators of PI3K, these findings strongly suggest that the antiproliferative effects of gamma-tocotrienol in neoplastic +SA mouse mammary epithelial cells are mediated by a suppression in ErbB3-receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and subsequent reduction in PI3K/PDK-1/Akt mitogenic signalling.  相似文献   

Gene expression in normal and neoplastic mammary tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S C Supowit  J M Rosen 《Biochemistry》1980,19(15):3452-3460

Pope R  Mungre S  Liu H  Thimmapaya B 《Cytokine》2000,12(8):1171-1181

We studied the roles of three HOXA genes in cultured normal ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cells and ovarian cancer cells. They included HOXA4 and HOXA7 because, by cDNA microarray analysis, these were more highly expressed in invasive ovarian carcinomas than in benign or borderline (noninvasive) ovarian tumors, and HOXA9 because it characterizes normal oviductal epithelium, which resembles ovarian serous adenocarcinomas. The three HOXA genes were more highly expressed when OSE cells were dividing and motile than when they were confluent and stationary, and also when they dispersed in response to EGF treatment or to reduced calcium concentrations in culture media. The expression of the HOXA genes varied among ovarian cancer cell lines, but was highest in lines with compact epithelial morphologies. We focused on HOXA4 as the most highly expressed in the ovarian carcinoma array. HOXA4 expression did not parallel proliferative activities of either OSE or ovarian cancer lines. Moreover, modifying HOXA4 expression in ovarian cancer cell lines did not alter either E-cadherin expression or CA125 secretion. However, HOXA4 downregulation enhanced EGFR phosphorylation and migration in serum-starved OSE and ovarian cancer cells in response to EGF, and enhanced migration of all ovarian cancer lines in 5% serum even without EGF treatment. Thus, HOXA4 expression does not correlate with proliferation or with epithelial differentiation, but it increases in response to OSE cell dispersion and negatively regulates EGFR activation and the motility of OSE and of ovarian cancer cells. HOXA4 expression was highest in cancer lines with compact epithelial growth patterns, suggesting, again, an anti-dispersion function. In summary, increased HOXA4 expression in ovarian cancer appears to constitute a tumor-suppressive, homeostatic response to aberrant cell behavior, and, in particular, to cell dispersion and migration.  相似文献   

The ATPase subunits of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling enzymes, Brahma (BRM) and Brahma‐related gene 1 (BRG1), can induce cell cycle arrest in BRM and BRG1 deficient tumor cell lines, and mice heterozygous for Brg1 are pre‐disposed to breast tumors, implicating loss of BRG1 as a mechanism for unregulated cell proliferation. To test the hypothesis that loss of BRG1 can contribute to breast cancer, we utilized RNA interference to reduce the amounts of BRM or BRG1 protein in the nonmalignant mammary epithelial cell line, MCF‐10A. When grown in reconstituted basement membrane (rBM), these cells develop into acini that resemble the lobes of normal breast tissue. Contrary to expectations, knockdown of either BRM or BRG1 resulted in an inhibition of cell proliferation in monolayer cultures. This inhibition was strikingly enhanced in three‐dimensional rBM culture, although some BRM‐depleted cells were later able to resume proliferation. Cells did not arrest in any specific stage of the cell cycle; instead, the cell cycle length increased by approximately 50%. Thus, SWI/SNF ATPases promote cell cycle progression in nonmalignant mammary epithelial cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 223:667–678, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mammary epithelial organoids (MEO), isolated from pubescent rats, were cultured within a reconstituted basement membrane in transwell inserts, in the presence or absence of mature mammary adipocytes in the lower well. This system allowed for free medium exchange between the two compartments, without direct cell-to-cell contact. When cultured in serum-free medium supplemented with insulin, prolactin, hydrocortisone, progesterone, and various epidermal growth factor (EGF) concentrations, mammary adipocytes did not affect epithelial cell growth, but enhanced epithelial differentiation. Casein and lipid accumulations were monitored as indicators of functional differentiation of MEO. Mammary adipocytes significantly enhanced casein and lipid accumulation within the MEO, independently of EGF concentration. Furthermore, adipocytes induced MEO to preferentially undergo alveolar morphogenesis, inhibited squamous outgrowth, and increased lumen size. These findings demonstrate that morphological and functional differentiation of mammary epithelial cells is profoundly enhanced by the adipose stroma and that these effects are mediated by diffusible paracrine factors. This new model can be exploited in future studies to define the mechanisms whereby hormones and growth factors regulate mammary gland development and carcinogenesis. Moreover, it could complement in vivo reconstitution/transplantation studies, which are currently employed to evaluate the role of specific gene deletions in the regulation of mammary development.  相似文献   

Membrane phospholipids as well as fatty acid profile of cell membrane phospholipids are altered in tumorigenicity and malignancy. Synthesis of total cellular phosphatidylcholine (PC) can be used as a marker for membrane proliferation in neoplastic mammary gland tissues. Cholinephosphotransferase (CPT), the terminal enzyme in the de novo synthesis of PC, has an important role in regulating the acyl group of PC in mammalian cells. In this study, the effect of neoplasia on CPT was examined. The gene shows an elevated expression in cancerous (11-9-14) breast epithelial cell line when compared to that of normal non-tumorigenic (MCF-12A) breast epithelial cell line. Four nucleotide substitutions are observed in the cancer cell line. Of these, three are null mutations, but the third one shows an interesting serine to tyrosine substitution (at amino acid position 89 of our partial sequence which corresponds to position 323 of the CPT sequence reported as NM_020244 in GenBank) in 11-9-14 cells. The tyrosine is present in the right context of KSELYQDT, which directs tyrosine phosphorylation at the tyrosine site. Biochemical approach also reveals a 1.5-fold stimulation in CPT activity in 11-9-14 cells compared to that of the MCF-12A cells.  相似文献   

Summary An in vitro serum-free culture system provides an important approach to the understanding of local hormonal regulation of mammary epithelial and fibroblast cells, avoiding the complexity of the in vivo environment and the influence of undefined serum factors. The substratum conditions and medium components have been examined for the basal growth of epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and combined epithelial and fibroblast cells in monolayer cultures. Epithelial cells and mixed cells exhibit good attachment and maintenance on a collagen-coated surface in a minimal medium supplemented with fetuin and insulin. In contrast, fibroblast-enriched cultures require a plastic substratum and a medium supplemented with insulin, fetuin, and hydrocortisone. In mixed cell culture, fibroblasts are maintained well in the minimal media which supports the maintenance of epithelial cells. These results indicate that the presence of epithelial cells in mixed cell cultures can influence fibroblast function. The media developed in the present study can be used in future studies of fibroblast and epithelial cell interactions with regard to hormone and growth factor regulation of their growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

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