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The liver tissue of a rhesus macaque inoculated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been analyzed for the presence of HCV RNA using the technique of in situ hybridization, both at light and electron microscopy levels. The animal was inoculated by the intrasplenic route using a HCV infected autogenic hepatocyte transplant. The serum sample used to infect the hepatocyte cells was characterized by polymerase chain reaction technique and shown to be positive for HCV RNA, genotype 3 with 10(7) RNA copies/ml. In situ hybridization was performed using a complementary negative strand probe made with the specific primer. We were able to detect and localize viral RNA in altered membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum of infected liver cells, showing evidence of virus replication in vivo.  相似文献   

Detection of viral DNA and RNA by in situ hybridization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Using cloned restriction endonuclease fragments of Herpes simplex virus (HSV), human papillomavirus (HPV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA as probes, viral DNA and RNA sequences have been detected in human tissues. The probes were labeled either with a radioactive isotope, for subsequent detection by autoradiography, or with biotin. This latter technique has been successfully used to visualize HPV DNA in tissues that have been fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin, and is therefore of value in retrospective studies of histological specimens. HPV DNA was detected under non-stringent conditions (Tm = -42 degrees C) with heterologous probes in plantar and common warts, laryngeal papillomas, and anogenital condylomas. The specific type of HPV was established using stringent hybridization conditions (Tm = - 17 degrees C). Results from these and from malignant tissues show the distribution and localization of HSV and HPV RNA and DNA sequences in malignancies of squamous cell origin in the anogenital region. Both HSV and HPV DNA sequences have occasionally been detected in the same tumor, providing a further impetus to test the hypothesis that an initiator-promoter relationship might involve these common human viruses in the development of some tumors.  相似文献   

We studied the subcellular localization of virally encoded RNA by pre-embedding in situ hybridization, using colloidal gold as an electron-dense marker. Fibroblasts infected with Herpes simplex virus (HSV) were fixed, permeabilized, then hybridized with a biotinylated HSV DNA probe under conditions favoring DNA-RNA hybrid formation. HSV probe was localized with 5-nm streptavidin-gold conjugates. Transmission electron microscopy revealed 5-nm gold in clusters and singlets within HSV-infected cells. Formalin-fixed cells contained a mean of 4.6 clusters per cytoplasmic profile and 13.2 clusters per nuclear profile. Combined formalin-glutaraldehyde fixation increased the mean number of clusters per cytoplasmic and nuclear profile to 7.2 (57% increase) and 17.5 (33% increase), respectively. Gold clusters were frequently located in regions adjacent to the nuclear envelope but were not bound to viral nucleocapsids or endoplasmic reticulum. Labeling was unaffected by pre-hybridization DNAse treatment of cells. RNAse eliminated 87% of cytoplasmic and 97% of nuclear clusters. These findings indicate that clustered gold particles labeled viral RNA, with probable binding of multiple DNA probe molecules and/or gold particles to RNA strands. This novel pre-embedding technique may be a useful tool for ultrastructural evaluation of virus-host cell interactions.  相似文献   

Mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 produces chronic central nervous system demyelination in rodents. As late as 6 months after intracerebral inoculation of mice 4 to 6 weeks old, when infectious virus cannot be recovered and viral antigens cannot be detected in the central nervous systems and livers of these animals, primary demyelination is still evident. Using cloned virus-specific DNAs and the highly sensitive and specific technique of in situ hybridization, we have detected low levels of mouse hepatitis virus A59 RNA in the central nervous systems and livers of mice 10 months after inoculation. We suggest that viral persistence may play a role in mouse hepatitis virus A59-induced chronic demyelination.  相似文献   

Conditions for the detection of complex RNA sequences by in situ hybridization have been investigated by using a single-stranded 3H-cDNA probe complementary to the AKR MuLV genome and in vitro cultured AKR mouse cells which spontaneously produce AKR MuLV. It is shown that fixation with glutaraldehyde at low concentration allows cellular RNA to be sufficiently well retained during the annealing process and that stringent conditions in situ can be maintained by means of formamide. Some conditions which promote atypical and non-specific binding of the probe have been identified.  相似文献   

The synthetic oligonucleotide sequence 3'CTCCTCGTACTTTA-5' complementing hepatitis A virus RNA was compared with cDNA probes in identification of viral genomic RNA. The clinical materials from patients in the 1-2 weeks of jaundice were screened. High specificity of the technique was demonstrated. Possibility of clinical using of the blot hybridization technique is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome in the myocardium and liver obtained at autopsy from seven patients with HCV-positive liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by in situ hybridization and histopathological studies. The HCV virus genome was detected in the myocardium of one patient as well as in the liver in three out of seven patients. However, Epstein-Barr (EB) virus genome could not be detected in liver or myocardium. In the patient who showed positive reaction to HCV in myocardium, both serum HCV and Hepatitis B virus (HBV) antibodies were positive. It is unknown whether this was related to an immunological abnormality of the host or to an interaction between RNA and DNA viruses. In conclusion, we could identify the HCV genome in the myocardium of a patient with hepatogenic myocardosis.  相似文献   

Protein-RNA interaction plays a critical role in regulating RNA synthesis by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). RNAs of 7 nucleotides (nt) or longer had affinities 5-fold better than an RNA of 5 nt, suggesting a minimal length required for binding. To identify RNA contact sites on the HCV RdRp, a biotinylated 7-nt RNA capable of directing de novo initiation was used in a process that coupled reversible formaldehyde cross-linking, RNA affinity chromatography, and mass spectrometry. By this process, we identified 18 peptides cross-linked to the 7-nt RNA. When these identified peptides were overlaid on the three-dimensional structures of NS5B, most mapped to the fingers subdomain, connecting loops between fingers and thumb subdomains and in the putative RNA binding channel. Two of the identified peptides resided in the active site cavity of the RdRp. Recombinant HCV RdRp with single residue changes in likely RNA contact sites were generated and characterized for effects on HCV RdRp activity. Mutant proteins had significant effects on cross-linking to 7-nt RNA and reduced RNA synthesis in vitro by 2- to 20-fold compared with wild type protein. When the mutations were tested for the replication of HCV RNA in the context of the cells transfected with the HCV subgenomic replicon, all except one prevented colony formation, indicating a defect in HCV RNA replication. These biochemical and functional analyses identified a number of residues in the HCV RdRp that are important for HCV RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The messenger RNA (mRNA) coding for the adrenal precursor of enkephalins (preproenkephalin-A) has been detected in bovine adrenal medulla cells using in situ hybridization with 32P-labelled preproenkephalin A (PPA) complementary DNA. In formaldehyde- and Carnoy-fixed tissue sections, an intense elective labelling restricted to the cells located at the periphery of the adrenal medulla can be detected after hybridization procedure, using X-ray film and classical autoradiographic procedure. Adequate controls show that this labelling is obtained only using PPA complementary DNA, inserted or not in its vector. Distribution of PPA mRNA appears identical to that of its immunoreactive end products, namely Met-enkephalin and BAM22 peptide, detected by immunohistochemistry. Norepinephrine, detectable using monoamine histofluorescence, appears restricted to the cells of the center of the gland unlabelled for PPA mRNA and its end-products. Cultured bovine adrenomedullary cells that exhibited enkephalin immunoreactivity also contain PPA mRNA located in their cytoplasm.  相似文献   

C M Godard 《Histochemistry》1983,77(1):123-131
Optimal conditions for the detection of complex RNA sequences in individual cells by in situ hybridization have been determined by using in vitro cultured quail embryonic cells infected with Rous sarcoma virus and a single-stranded 3H-cDNA probe of high specific activity complementary to the RSV genome. It is shown that fixation of target tissue can be suitably achieved by using glutaraldehyde at low concentration, and subjecting cytological preparations to heat post-fixation treatment. Conditions for removing unhybridized radioactive probe molecules by means of S1 nuclease are reported.  相似文献   

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