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通过查阅文献、标本鉴定、野外调查和栽培实验,将湖北龙胆(Gentiana hupehensis Q.H.Liu)和铺地龙胆(Gentiana wanyuensis T.N.Ho)分别作为深红龙胆(Gentiana rubicunda Franchet)和大颈龙胆(Gentiana macrauchena C.Marquand)的异名处理。探讨了深红龙胆和大颈龙胆的分布及分类历史。  相似文献   

The Tibetan folk medicine Qinjiao is traditionally used to treat various conditions, and its main active constituents comprise four iridoid glycosides, i.e., loganic acid, swertiamarin, gentiopicroside, and sweroside. The traditional crude medicine Qinjiao is derived from the dried roots of three species belonging to Gentiana sect. Cruciata (Gentianaceae) growing in the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In this study, we determined by HPLC the contents of the four main active constituents in the dried roots collected from 83 localities at different altitudes across the QTP. The material was classified under the seven taxonomic species G. straminea, G. dahurica, G. crassicaulis, G. waltonii, G. officinalis, G. ihassica, and G. macrophylla. Our results suggested that the four constituents were present in the roots of all seven species for all localities, but their concentrations varied greatly within and between species. The level of gentiopicroside revealed to be the most dominant for all examined localities (2.1–12.4 mg/g), and G. macrophylla Pall . contained the highest concentration of all the four constituents at the species level. Except for loganic acid in G. officinalis, there was no significant correlation between the contents of these constituents and the altitude of the sampling localities. These results suggest that all species of all origins can be used as reliable resource for the crude medicine Qinjiao. However, a few species contain higher concentrations of the main active constituents, irrespective of their origin.  相似文献   

以环地中海地区和北美葱属Allium的Amerallium亚属种类为外类群,基于36个形态学性状对葱属粗根组sect. Bromatorrhiza进行系统发育分析。简约分析获得的分支拓扑结构与分子系统学的研究结果相吻合,粗根组与环地中海地区的Amerallium亚属种类形成姐妹群关系,表明它们具有密切的亲缘关系。粗根组明显分为两支,粗根韭A. fasciculatum (x = 10,2胚珠)与染色体基数为11的种类(单胚珠)形成一支,另一支由染色体基数为7的大花韭A. macranthum与多星韭A. wallichii (2胚珠)组成,从而否定了粗根亚组subsect. Bromatorrhiza(粗根韭+大花韭+多星韭)的成立。综合已有研究结果,本研究认为粗根组内存在4个相对独立的演化支系,即多星韭及其变种、大花韭、粗根韭,以及染色体基数为11的种类(5种1变种),尽管前人建议的单胚珠亚组subsect. Uniovulatum是合理的,但没有必要在物种数量相对较少的粗根组下进一步细分。  相似文献   

应用HPLC分析方法,建立了坚龙胆中5个主要环烯醚萜甙的含量测定方法。在ZORBAXSB—C18色谱柱,乙腈-0.2%磷酸水溶液为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速1.0mL/min,柱温为40℃,检测波长254nm的色谱条件下,化合物得到良好的分离,并具线性相关。本方法操作简便,重现性好,灵敏度高。对不同产地的样品进行比较分析的结果表明,产地对坚龙胆中环烯醚萜甙的组成和含量有显著的影响。  相似文献   

粗茎秦艽Gentiana crassicaulis Duthie ex Burk和西藏秦艽G. tibetica King ex Hook. f.的主要区别是前者花冠小、檐部蓝色, 后者花大、檐部紫褐色; 但二者在西藏东南部地区的形态界限不清楚, 具有较多的中间形态过渡类型。本文以该地区居群作为主要研究对象, 并以云南和西藏其他地区的典型形态类群为对照, 比较研究了两个物种间的形态学、染色体和分子标记界定。共研究了10个居群69个个体的trnS-G和ITS序列、6个居群26株植株的染色体倍性和54份标本的形态变异。结果表明, 花冠大小与染色体倍性密切相关。云南等地分布的粗茎秦艽均为二倍体(2n=26), 花冠较小; 西藏西部的西藏秦艽均为四倍体(2n=52), 花冠较大。而西藏东南部的形态过渡类型也为四倍体, 花冠较大, 且其中的部分植株花颜色变浅, 类似西藏秦艽。但母系与双亲遗传背景的分子标记都表明西藏东南部居群与典型形态特征上的粗茎秦艽聚为一支, 应属于粗茎秦艽; ITS序列上也未发现杂合位点。这些分子证据都不支持近期杂交渗入造成形态过渡性的假设。综合分析表明多倍化造成了粗茎秦艽种内形态特征的变异, 其四倍体个体与四倍体西藏秦艽在形态特征上的趋同, 最终导致了二者在西藏东南部地区形态界限的模糊。但是, 分子证据可以很好地区分这种多倍化造成的形态趋同。我们的研究结果还表明, 综合利用分子、染色体和广义形态证据来解决近缘种之间种范围的界定具有更大的优势。此外, 还讨论了粗茎秦艽不同染色体倍性的分布以及该高山物种可能的起源与扩散途径。  相似文献   

利用含有α-萘乙酸(NAA)、6-苄氨基嘌呤(6-BA)和激动素(KT)等激素的MS固体培养基,对野生坚龙胆进行组培苗诱导培养。同时,应用高效液相色谱技术对野生坚龙胆和其组培苗的根、茎和叶中的龙胆苦苷进行含量分析和比较研究。结果发现,野生坚龙胆中的龙胆苦苷主要储存于根部,而组培坚龙胆中龙胆苦苷在根中的含量甚微,主要集中在茎、叶部位,且在出根初期组培坚龙胆叶中的龙胆苦苷含量近似于或略大于野生坚龙胆根中的含量。研究结果提示,坚龙胆中的绿色组织是龙胆苦苷合成的部位,这些部位同时具有龙胆苦苷的储藏功能。  相似文献   

Molecular analyses are transforming our understanding of the evolution of scleractinian corals and conflict with traditional classification, which is based on skeletal morphology. A new classification system, which integrates molecular and morphological data, is essential for documenting patterns of biodiversity and establishing priorities for marine conservation, as well as providing the morphological characters needed for linking present‐day corals with fossil species. The present monograph is the first in a series whose goal is to develop such an integrated system. It addresses the taxonomic relationships of 55 Recent zooxanthellate genera (one new) in seven families (one new), which were previously assigned to the suborder Faviina (eight genera are transferred to incertae sedis). The present monograph has two objectives. First, we introduce the higher‐level classification system for the 46 genera whose relationships are clear. Second, we formally revise the taxonomy of those corals belonging to the newly discovered family‐level clade (restricted today to the western Atlantic and Caribbean regions); this revised family Mussidae consists of ten genera (one of which is new) and 26 species that were previously assigned to the ‘traditional’ families Faviidae and Mussidae. To guide in discovering morphologic characters diagnostic of higher‐level taxa, we mapped a total of 38 morphologic characters [19 macromorphology, eight micromorphology, 11 microstructure] onto a molecular tree consisting of 67 species [22 Indo‐Pacific and seven Atlantic species in the traditional family Faviidae; 13 Indo‐Pacific and ten Atlantic species in the traditional family Mussidae; 13 species in the traditional families Merulinidae (5), Pectiniidae (7), and Trachyphylliidae (1); two Atlantic species of traditional Montastraea], and trace character histories using parsimony. To evaluate the overall effectiveness of morphological data in phylogeny reconstruction, we performed morphology‐based phylogenetic analyses using 27 (80 states) of the 38 characters, and compared morphological trees with molecular trees. The results of the ancestral state reconstructions revealed extensive homoplasy in almost all morphological characters. Family‐ and subfamily‐level molecular clades [previously identified as XVII?XXI] are best distinguished on the basis of the shapes of septal teeth and corresponding microstructure. The newly revised family Mussidae (XXI) has septal teeth with regular pointed tips (a symplesiomorphy) and a stout blocky appearance. It has two subfamilies, Mussinae and Faviinae. The subfamily Mussinae is distinguished by spine‐shaped teeth and widely spaced costoseptal clusters of calcification centres. The subfamily Faviinae is distinguished by blocky, pointed tricorne or paddle‐shaped teeth with elliptical bases, transverse structures such as carinae that cross the septal plane, and well‐developed aligned granules. Defining diagnostic characters for the broader data set is more challenging. In analyses of taxonomic subsets of the data set that were defined by clade, morphological phylogenetic analyses clearly distinguished the families Mussidae (XXI) and Lobophylliidae (XIX), as well as the two subfamilies of Mussidae (Mussinae, Faviinae), with one exception (Homophyllia australis). However, analyses of the entire 67‐species data set distinguished the family Lobophylliidae (XIX), but not the Merulinidae (XVII) and not the newly defined Mussidae (XXI), although the subfamily Mussinae was recovered as monophyletic. Some lower‐level relationships within the Merulinidae (XVII) agree with molecular results, but this particular family is especially problematic and requires additional molecular and morphological study. Future work including fossils will not only allow estimation of divergence times but also facilitate examination of the relationship between these divergences and changes in the environment and biogeography. Published 2012. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 465–529.  相似文献   

从传统藏药提宗龙胆(Gentiana tizuensisFranch.)花的乙醇提取物中分离得到3个化合物,利用波谱方法鉴定为熊果酸(ursolic acid,1)、异荭草苷(isooreintin,2)、日本獐牙菜素(swertiajaponin,3).其中,化合物2为首次从该植物中发现,化合物3为龙胆属植物中首次发现.  相似文献   

A new species and a new subspecies ofAsperula are described and discussed in regard to their affinities.  相似文献   

The subfamily Bourguyiinae Mello‐Leitão, 1923 (Gonyleptidae) is revised, and both phylogenetic and biogeographic hypotheses are proposed. Bourguyiinae is monophyletic, and is the sister group of the remainder of the Gonyleptidae species used for analysis, except for the Metasarcinae, which collectively is the sister group of Metavononoides orientalis Mello‐Leitão, 1923 (Cosmetidae). Bourguyiinae is divided into two genera: Bourguyia (six species) and Asarcus (four species). The genus‐level synonyms proposed here are as follows: Caldasius, Styloleptes, and Stylopisthos are junior synonyms of Bourguyia; Bogdana, Cnemoleptes, and Opisthoplites are junior synonyms of Asarcus. The species synonyms proposed here are as follows: Afranius amarali Mello‐Leitão, 1934 is a junior synonym of Bourguyia albiornata Mello‐Leitão, 1923 ; Drastus hamatus Roewer, 1943 and Styloleptes conspersus Piza, 1943 are junior synonyms of Bourguyia trochanteralis Roewer, 1930 ; Asarcus corallipes Simon, 1879 , Asarcus lutescens Sørensen, 1884 , Asarcus pallidus Mello‐Leitão, 1923 , and Opisthoplites ypsilon Sørensen, 1884 are junior synonyms of Asarcus longipes Kollar in Koch, 1839 ; Asarcus nigriconspersus Soares & Soares, 1945 is a junior synonym of Asarcus ingenuus Melo‐Leitão, 1940. New species described are: Bourguyia bocaina sp. nov. (Serra da Bocaina, São José do Barreiro, São Paulo), Bourguyia vinosa sp. nov. (E.B. Boracéia, Salesópolis, São Paulo), and Asarcus putunaberaba sp. nov. (Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Alto Caparaó, Minas Gerais). Bourguyiinae is endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Paraná. Based on the modified data matrix of Pinto‐da‐Rocha et al., we propose a new biogeographical hypothesis for the Atlantic Rainforest. We suggest that Bourguyiinae species were originally distributed from the coastal region of Paraná to the north of Rio de Janeiro and south‐east of Minas Gerais, with subsequent dispersals both to northern and southern areas. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 319–362.  相似文献   

条叶龙胆离体根培养条件的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验对条叶龙胆(Gentiana manshurica)离体根生长的培养基种类、光、通气进行了试验,并在此基础上用正交试验法对影响离体根生长的7个主要成分进行了试验。找出了适合条叶龙胆离体根生长和鲜重增加的培养基是white+CH 50 mg/l,IBA 0.1 mg/l,基本培养中相应的VB_1改为0.5 mg/l,蔗糖30 g/l,pH4。  相似文献   

沈涛  虞泓  王元忠 《应用生态学报》2019,30(7):2291-2300
利用国家标本资源共享平台提供的物种分布数据,结合野外实地调查和MaxEnt模型对滇龙胆草适宜分布区进行模拟和验证,分析滇龙胆草地理分布与气候因子间的关系.结果表明:模型训练集和验证集曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)值均>0.90,表明模型预测精度高,预测结果较准确.滇龙胆草分布区地理坐标范围:22.2°-28.75°N,98.48°-110.59°E.适宜的海拔范围为1830^1959 m.适生区总面积约63.92×10^4 km^2;其中,高度适生区4.33×10^4 km^2,中度适生区21.42×10^4 km^2.云南、四川、贵州3省适生区面积合计约59.10×10^4 km^2,占全国适生区面积的92.46%.影响滇龙胆草地理分布的主要气候因子有3、6和8月太阳辐射,温度年较差,最暖季均温,10月和11月平均降水量及最干季降水量.偏最小二乘回归(partial least squares regression,PLSR)分析表明,分布区以北和以东的太阳辐射(3月、6月和8月)、温度年较差、10-11月平均降水量、最干季降水量是主要的限制因子;分布区以南主要限制因子是6月太阳辐射、最暖季均温、10月和11月平均降水量.限制滇龙胆草向四川盆地、广西盆地分布的主要气候因子是太阳辐射、温度年较差、最暖季均温、年生物温度和年可能蒸散量.综合分析认为,滇龙胆草的适生区主要位于云贵高原,上述地区的亚热带湿润气候最适宜滇龙胆草生长.  相似文献   

Analyses of living and fossil taxa are crucial for understanding biodiversity through time. The total evidence method allows living and fossil taxa to be combined in phylogenies, using molecular data for living taxa and morphological data for living and fossil taxa. With this method, substantial overlap of coded anatomical characters among living and fossil taxa is vital for accurately inferring topology. However, although molecular data for living species are widely available, scientists generating morphological data mainly focus on fossils. Therefore, there are fewer coded anatomical characters in living taxa, even in well-studied groups such as mammals. We investigated the number of coded anatomical characters available in phylogenetic matrices for living mammals and how these were phylogenetically distributed across orders. Eleven of 28 mammalian orders have less than 25% species with available characters; this has implications for the accurate placement of fossils, although the issue is less pronounced at higher taxonomic levels. In most orders, species with available characters are randomly distributed across the phylogeny, which may reduce the impact of the problem. We suggest that increased morphological data collection efforts for living taxa are needed to produce accurate total evidence phylogenies.  相似文献   

总状花序组隶属于凤仙花亚属凤仙花属,以具多花的总状花序、侧生萼片2枚、子房5室、果实为线状圆柱形、种子多数、迈卵形、种皮表面具指状突起等特征区别于该亚属的其他类群。前人对凤仙花花粉形态的研究表明凤仙花属的花粉形态对于属下分类及种间界定具有重要的分类学价值。而对于总状花序组来说,有关花粉形态方面的研究少有报道,为了进一步探讨该组花粉S的形态特征及其分类学意义,该研究应用扫描电镜技术对总状花序组的21种植物的花粉进行了观察。结果表明:总状花序组植物的花粉粒均具4条萌发沟,两侧对称,极面观为矩圆形、长矩圆形或近方形;长赤道面观多为椭圆形至矩圆形,短赤道面观为椭圆形;长、短赤道轴比值多在1.4~2.4范围内;表面具网状纹饰,网眼在花粉粒表面均匀分布或赤道面的网眼较极面观的小,网脊边缘光滑或具波状突起,网眼内具不同密度的颗粒状突起。该组的花粉形态与宏观形态性状相关性较小,但花粉极面观形状、长短赤道轴的比值、网眼的分布、网脊边缘形状、网眼内颗粒物密度等特征具有种水平上的稳定性和特异性,对该组植物种间界定具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

With approximately 25 endemic species, the genus Pyrus (pears) is highly diverse in the Caucasus ecoregion. The majority of Caucasian pears inhabit xerophytic open woodlands or similar habitats, to which they display morphological adaptations, such as narrow leaves. The other species, both Caucasian and non‐Caucasian taxa, mainly inhabit mesophytic forests and display broad leaves. Using a representative taxon sampling of Pyrus from the Caucasus, Europe and Asia, we reconstruct phylogenetic relationships in the genus based on multiple plastid regions. We also estimate the divergence times of major clades in Pyrus, reconstruct the evolution of leaf shapes, and discuss the emergence of xeromorphic leaf traits. Our results confirm the monophyly of Pyrus and the existence of two major clades: (a) an E Asian clade with a crown group age of 15.7 (24.02–8.37 95% HPD) My, and (b) a W Eurasian clade that comprises species from Europe, SW Asia and the Caucasus and that displays a slightly younger crown group of 12.38 (19.02–6.41 95% HPD) My. The existing infrageneric classification of Pyrus was found partially incongruent with the inferred phylogenetic trees. Several currently accepted species were not recovered as monophyletic, indicating that current species limits require re‐evaluation. Ancestral character state reconstructions revealed several independent transitions from broad‐ to narrow‐shaped leaves in Pyrus, probably via intermediate‐shaped leaves.  相似文献   

野生药用植物资源的不断减少,使得寻找其原植物的合适替代品显得尤为重要。利用组培材料代替野生药用植物作为药源已取得重大进展,但利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)技术筛选合适的组培材料作为野生药用植物替代资源方面的应用鲜有报道。本研究采用FTIR结合偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least squares discriminant analysis,PLS-DA)对滇龙胆组织培养形成的愈伤组织(肉质部、茎、叶)、增殖苗(肉质部、茎、叶)、生根苗(根、茎、叶)进行比较。结果显示:(1)从原始FTIR光谱图上看,滇龙胆肉质部和根部峰形相似,茎和叶峰形相似;(2)二阶导数光谱图扩大了样品间的差异。在龙胆苦苷的主要吸收峰1612 cm-1附近,吸收峰强度依次为:生根苗叶增殖苗叶和生根苗茎增殖苗茎愈伤组织叶,愈伤组织茎及肉质部、增殖苗肉质部和生根苗根部在该处无吸收峰;(3)PLS-DA得分图表明,同一组培阶段相同组织部位样品聚集在一起,而愈伤组织、增殖苗、生根苗及其各组织部位能够较好的分开。其中:肉质部、根部与茎叶之间距离较远,表明其化学成分和含量可能差异较大;肉质部和根部样品间距离较近,茎和叶样品间距离也较近。二阶导数光谱图显示,组培材料有望代替其原植物满足药用需求;若以龙胆苦苷含量为评价对象,生根苗叶则可能具有更大的开发潜能,有望代替野生滇龙胆以缓解其资源稀缺局面。本研究结果表明,采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法可以简便有效地对药用植物不同组培阶段不同组织部位的替代潜力及开发利用进行初步评估。  相似文献   

Three undescribed glycoside constituents, macrophyllosides E-G and a pair of iridoid glycosides genticrasides A/B, together with eleven known glycoside compounds were isolated from the roots of Gentiana crassicaulis Duthie ex Burk. Their structures were identified by means of spectra analysis and data comparison with previous literatures. Interestingly, the glucose moieties in macrophylloside E and F possess free anomeric hydroxy groups. Genticrasides A/B, identified as a pair of iridoid originated lactones, have not been reported from Gentianaceae family up to now. The anti-inflammatory effects of selected compounds were also evaluated through the nitric oxide (NO) production inhibition in lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced RAW264.7 macrophage cells. In which, macrophyllosides G and D showed NO inhibitory activities with rates of 76.14±4.02 % and 52.44±8.29 % at 100 μg/mL.  相似文献   

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