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Improving fold recognition without folds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The most reliable way to align two proteins of unknown structure is through sequence-profile and profile-profile alignment methods. If the structure for one of the two is known, fold recognition methods outperform purely sequence-based alignments. Here, we introduced a novel method that aligns generalised sequence and predicted structure profiles. Using predicted 1D structure (secondary structure and solvent accessibility) significantly improved over sequence-only methods, both in terms of correctly recognising pairs of proteins with different sequences and similar structures and in terms of correctly aligning the pairs. The scores obtained by our generalised scoring matrix followed an extreme value distribution; this yielded accurate estimates of the statistical significance of our alignments. We found that mistakes in 1D structure predictions correlated between proteins from different sequence-structure families. The impact of this surprising result was that our method succeeded in significantly out-performing sequence-only methods even without explicitly using structural information from any of the two. Since AGAPE also outperformed established methods that rely on 3D information, we made it available through. If we solved the problem of CPU-time required to apply AGAPE on millions of proteins, our results could also impact everyday database searches.  相似文献   

Newly determined protein structures are classified to belong to a new fold, if the structures are sufficiently dissimilar from all other so far known protein structures. To analyze structural similarities of proteins, structure alignment tools are used. We demonstrate that the usage of nonsequential structure alignment tools, which neglect the polypeptide chain connectivity, can yield structure alignments with significant similarities between proteins of known three-dimensional structure and newly determined protein structures that possess a new fold. The recently introduced protein structure alignment tool, GANGSTA, is specialized to perform nonsequential alignments with proper assignment of the secondary structure types by focusing on helices and strands only. In the new version, GANGSTA+, the underlying algorithms were completely redesigned, yielding enhanced quality of structure alignments, offering alignment against a larger database of protein structures, and being more efficient. We applied DaliLite, TM-align, and GANGSTA+ on three protein crystal structures considered to be novel folds. Applying GANGSTA+ to these novel folds, we find proteins in the ASTRAL40 database, which possess significant structural similarities, albeit the alignments are nonsequential and in some cases involve secondary structure elements aligned in reverse orientation. A web server is available at http://agknapp.chemie.fu-berlin.de/gplus for pairwise alignment, visualization, and database comparison.  相似文献   

Melo F  Marti-Renom MA 《Proteins》2006,63(4):986-995
Reduced or simplified amino acid alphabets group the 20 naturally occurring amino acids into a smaller number of representative protein residues. To date, several reduced amino acid alphabets have been proposed, which have been derived and optimized by a variety of methods. The resulting reduced amino acid alphabets have been applied to pattern recognition, generation of consensus sequences from multiple alignments, protein folding, and protein structure prediction. In this work, amino acid substitution matrices and statistical potentials were derived based on several reduced amino acid alphabets and their performance assessed in a large benchmark for the tasks of sequence alignment and fold assessment of protein structure models, using as a reference frame the standard alphabet of 20 amino acids. The results showed that a large reduction in the total number of residue types does not necessarily translate into a significant loss of discriminative power for sequence alignment and fold assessment. Therefore, some definitions of a few residue types are able to encode most of the relevant sequence/structure information that is present in the 20 standard amino acids. Based on these results, we suggest that the use of reduced amino acid alphabets may allow to increasing the accuracy of current substitution matrices and statistical potentials for the prediction of protein structure of remote homologs.  相似文献   

An Y  Friesner RA 《Proteins》2002,48(2):352-366
In this work, we introduce a new method for fold recognition using composite secondary structures assembled from different secondary structure prediction servers for a given target sequence. An automatic, complete, and robust way of finding all possible combinations of predicted secondary structure segments (SSS) for the target sequence and clustering them into a few flexible clusters, each containing patterns with the same number of SSS, is developed. This program then takes two steps in choosing plausible homologues: (i) a SSS-based alignment excludes impossible templates whose SSS patterns are very different from any of those of the target; (ii) a residue-based alignment selects good structural templates based on sequence similarity and secondary structure similarity between the target and only those templates left in the first stage. The secondary structure of each residue in the target is selected from one of the predictions to find the best match with the template. Truncation is applied to a target where different predictions vary. In most cases, a target is also divided into N-terminal and C-terminal fragments, each of which is used as a separate subsequence. Our program was tested on the fold recognition targets from CASP3 with known PDB codes and some available targets from CASP4. The results are compared with a structural homologue list for each target produced by the CE program (Shindyalov and Bourne, Protein Eng 1998;11:739-747). The program successfully locates homologues with high Z-score and low root-mean-score deviation within the top 30-50 predictions in the overwhelming majority of cases.  相似文献   

In the era of structural genomics, it is necessary to generate accurate structural alignments in order to build good templates for homology modeling. Although a great number of structural alignment algorithms have been developed, most of them ignore intermolecular interactions during the alignment procedure. Therefore, structures in different oligomeric states are barely distinguishable, and it is very challenging to find correct alignment in coil regions. Here we present a novel approach to structural alignment using a clique finding algorithm and environmental information (SAUCE). In this approach, we build the alignment based on not only structural coordinate information but also realistic environmental information extracted from biological unit files provided by the Protein Data Bank (PDB). At first, we eliminate all environmentally unfavorable pairings of residues. Then we identify alignments in core regions via a maximal clique finding algorithm. Two extreme value distribution (EVD) form statistics have been developed to evaluate core region alignments. With an optional extension step, global alignment can be derived based on environment-based dynamic programming linking. We show that our method is able to differentiate three-dimensional structures in different oligomeric states, and is able to find flexible alignments between multidomain structures without predetermined hinge regions. The overall performance is also evaluated on a large scale by comparisons to current structural classification databases as well as to other alignment methods.  相似文献   

Reddy BV  Li WW  Bourne PE 《Biopolymers》2002,64(3):139-145
By using three-dimensional (3D) structure alignments and a previously published method to determine Conserved Key Amino Acid Positions (CKAAPs) we propose a theoretical method to design mutations that can be used to morph the protein folds. The original Paracelsus challenge, met by several groups, called for the engineering of a stable but different structure by modifying less than 50% of the amino acid residues. We have used the sequences from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) identifiers 1ROP, and 2CRO, which were previously used in the Paracelsus challenge by those groups, and suggest mutation to CKAAPs to morph the protein fold. The total number of mutations suggested is less than 40% of the starting sequence theoretically improving the challenge results. From secondary structure prediction experiments of the proposed mutant sequence structures, we observe that each of the suggested mutant protein sequences likely folds to a different, non-native potentially stable target structure. These results are an early indicator that analyses using structure alignments leading to CKAAPs of a given structure are of value in protein engineering experiments.  相似文献   

To improve secondary structure predictions in protein sequences, the information residing in multiple sequence alignments of substituted but structurally related proteins is exploited. A database comprised of 70 protein families and a total of 2,500 sequences, some of which were aligned by tertiary structural superpositions, was used to calculate residue exchange weight matrices within alpha-helical, beta-strand, and coil substructures, respectively. Secondary structure predictions were made based on the observed residue substitutions in local regions of the multiple alignments and the largest possible associated exchange weights in each of the three matrix types. Comparison of the observed and predicted secondary structure on a per-residue basis yielded a mean accuracy of 72.2%. Individual alpha-helix, beta-strand, and coil states were respectively predicted at 66.7, and 75.8% correctness, representing a well-balanced three-state prediction. The accuracy level, verified by cross-validation through jack-knife tests on all protein families, dropped, on average, to only 70.9%, indicating the rigor of the prediction procedure. On the basis of robustness, conceptual clarity, accuracy, and executable efficiency, the method has considerable advantage, especially with its sole reliance on amino acid substitutions within structurally related proteins.  相似文献   

As the number of complete genomes that have been sequenced keeps growing, unknown areas of the protein space are revealed and new horizons open up. Most of this information will be fully appreciated only when the structural information about the encoded proteins becomes available. The goal of structural genomics is to direct large-scale efforts of protein structure determination, so as to increase the impact of these efforts. This review focuses on current approaches in structural genomics aimed at selecting representative proteins as targets for structure determination. We will discuss the concept of representative structures/folds, the current methodologies for identifying those proteins, and computational techniques for identifying proteins which are expected to adopt new structural folds.  相似文献   

Fold recognition predicts protein three-dimensional structure by establishing relationships between a protein sequence and known protein structures. Most methods explicitly use information derived from the secondary and tertiary structure of the templates. Here we show that rigorous application of a sequence search method (PSI-BLAST) with no reference to secondary or tertiary structure information is able to perform as well as traditional fold recognition methods. Since the method, SENSER, does not require knowledge of the three-dimensional structure, it can be used to infer relationships that are not tractable by methods dependent on structural templates.  相似文献   

Lee S  Lee BC  Kim D 《Proteins》2006,62(4):1107-1114
Knowing protein structure and inferring its function from the structure are one of the main issues of computational structural biology, and often the first step is studying protein secondary structure. There have been many attempts to predict protein secondary structure contents. Previous attempts assumed that the content of protein secondary structure can be predicted successfully using the information on the amino acid composition of a protein. Recent methods achieved remarkable prediction accuracy by using the expanded composition information. The overall average error of the most successful method is 3.4%. Here, we demonstrate that even if we only use the simple amino acid composition information alone, it is possible to improve the prediction accuracy significantly if the evolutionary information is included. The idea is motivated by the observation that evolutionarily related proteins share the similar structure. After calculating the homolog-averaged amino acid composition of a protein, which can be easily obtained from the multiple sequence alignment by running PSI-BLAST, those 20 numbers are learned by a multiple linear regression, an artificial neural network and a support vector regression. The overall average error of method by a support vector regression is 3.3%. It is remarkable that we obtain the comparable accuracy without utilizing the expanded composition information such as pair-coupled amino acid composition. This work again demonstrates that the amino acid composition is a fundamental characteristic of a protein. It is anticipated that our novel idea can be applied to many areas of protein bioinformatics where the amino acid composition information is utilized, such as subcellular localization prediction, enzyme subclass prediction, domain boundary prediction, signal sequence prediction, and prediction of unfolded segment in a protein sequence, to name a few.  相似文献   

Distant homologies between proteins are often discovered only after three-dimensional structures of both proteins are solved. The sequence divergence for such proteins can be so large that simple comparison of their sequences fails to identify any similarity. New generation of sensitive alignment tools use averaged sequences of entire homologous families (profiles) to detect such homologies. Several algorithms, including the newest generation of BLAST algorithms and BASIC, an algorithm used in our group to assign fold predictions for proteins from several genomes, are compared to each other on the large set of structurally similar proteins with little sequence similarity. Proteins in the benchmark are classified according to the level of their similarity, which allows us to demonstrate that most of the improvement of the new algorithms is achieved for proteins with strong functional similarities, with almost no progress in recognizing distant fold similarities. It is also shown that details of profile calculation strongly influence its sensitivity in recognizing distant homologies. The most important choice is how to include information from diverging members of the family, avoiding generating false predictions, while accounting for entire sequence divergence within a family. PSI-BLAST takes a conservative approach, deriving a profile from core members of the family, providing a solid improvement without almost any false predictions. BASIC strives for better sensitivity by increasing the weight of divergent family members and paying the price in lower reliability. A new FFAS algorithm introduced here uses a new procedure for profile generation that takes into account all the relations within the family and matches BASIC sensitivity with PSI-BLAST like reliability.  相似文献   

Alignment of protein sequences is a key step in most computational methods for prediction of protein function and homology-based modeling of three-dimensional (3D)-structure. We investigated correspondence between "gold standard" alignments of 3D protein structures and the sequence alignments produced by the Smith-Waterman algorithm, currently the most sensitive method for pair-wise alignment of sequences. The results of this analysis enabled development of a novel method to align a pair of protein sequences. The comparison of the Smith-Waterman and structure alignments focused on their inner structure and especially on the continuous ungapped alignment segments, "islands" between gaps. Approximately one third of the islands in the gold standard alignments have negative or low positive score, and their recognition is below the sensitivity limit of the Smith-Waterman algorithm. From the alignment accuracy perspective, the time spent by the algorithm while working in these unalignable regions is unnecessary. We considered features of the standard similarity scoring function responsible for this phenomenon and suggested an alternative hierarchical algorithm, which explicitly addresses high scoring regions. This algorithm is considerably faster than the Smith-Waterman algorithm, whereas resulting alignments are in average of the same quality with respect to the gold standard. This finding shows that the decrease of alignment accuracy is not necessarily a price for the computational efficiency.  相似文献   

The conditional probability, P(sigma/x), is a statement of the probability that the value of sigma will be found given the prior information that a value of x has been observed. Here sigma represents any one of the secondary structure types, alpha, beta, tau, and rho for helix, sheet, turn, and random, respectively, and x represents a sequence attribute, including, but not limited to: (1) hydropathy; (2) hydrophobic moments assuming helix and sheet; (3) Richardson and Richardson helical N-cap and C-cap values; (4) Chou-Fasman conformational parameters for helix, P alpha, for sheet, P beta, and for turn, P tau; and (5) Garnier, Osguthorpe, and Robson (GOR) information values for helix, I alpha, for sheet, I beta, for turn, I tau, and for random structure, I rho. Plots of P(sigma/x) vs. x are demonstrated to provide information about the correlation between structure and attribute, sigma and x. The separations between different P(sigma/x) vs. x curves indicate the capacity of a given attribute to discriminate between different secondary structural types and permit comparison of different attributes. P(alpha/x), P(beta/x), P(tau/x) and P(rho/x) vs. x plots show that the most useful attributes for discriminating helix are, in order: hydrophobic moment assuming helix greater than P alpha much greater than N-cap greater than C-cap approximately I alpha approximately I tau. The information value for turns, I tau, was found to discriminate helix better than turns. Discrimination for sheet was found to be in the following order: I beta much greater than P beta approximately hydropathy greater than I rho approximately hydrophobic moment assuming sheet. Three attributes, at their low values, were found to give significant discrimination for the absence of helix: I alpha approximately P alpha approximately hydrophobic moment assuming helix. Also, three other attributes were found to indicate the absence of sheet: P beta much greater than I rho approximately hydropathy. Indications of the absence of sigma could be as useful for some applications as the indication of the presence of sigma.  相似文献   

The dispositions of 39 alpha helices of greater than 2.5 turns and four beta sheets in the major capsid protein (VP5, 149 kDa) of herpes simplex virus type 1 were identified by computational and visualization analysis from the 8.5A electron cryomicroscopy structure of the whole capsid. The assignment of helices in the VP5 upper domain was validated by comparison with the recently determined crystal structure of this region. Analysis of the spatial arrangement of helices in the middle domain of VP5 revealed that the organization of a tightly associated bundle of ten helices closely resembled that of a domain fold found in the annexin family of proteins. Structure-based sequence searches suggested that sequences in both the N and C-terminal portions of the VP5 sequence contribute to this domain. The long helices seen in the floor domain of VP5 form an interconnected network within and across capsomeres. The combined structural and sequence-based informatics has led to an architectural model of VP5. This model placed in the context of the capsid provides insights into the strategies used to achieve viral capsid stability.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm (GA) for feature selection in conjunction with neural network was applied to predict protein structural classes based on single amino acid and all dipeptide composition frequencies. These sequence parameters were encoded as input features for a GA in feature selection procedure and classified with a three-layered neural network to predict protein structural classes. The system was established through optimization of the classification performance of neural network which was used as evaluation function. In this study, self-consistency and jackknife tests on a database containing 498 proteins were used to verify the performance of this hybrid method, and were compared with some of prior works. The adoption of a hybrid model, which encompasses genetic and neural technologies, demonstrated to be a promising approach in the task of protein structural class prediction.  相似文献   

The expression of genes transcribed by the RNA polymerase with the alternative sigma factor <r54 (Ecr54) is absolutely dependent on activator proteins that bind to enhancer-like sites, located far upstream from the promoter. These unique prokaryotic proteins, known as enhancer-binding proteins (EBP), mediate open promoter complex formation in a reaction dependent on NTP hydrolysis. The best characterized proteins of this family of regulators are NtrC and Nif A, which activate genes required for ammonia assimilation and nitrogen fixation, respectively. In a recent IRBM course (“Frontiers of protein structure prediction,” IRBM, Pomezia, Italy, 1995; see web site http://www.mrc-cpe.cam.uk/ irbm-course95/), one of us (J.O.) participated in the elaboration of the proposal that the Central domain of the EBPs might adopt the classical mononucleotide-binding fold. This suggestion was based on the results of a new protein fold recognition algorithm (Map) and in the mapping of correlated mutations calculated for the sequence family on the same mononucleotide-binding fold topology. In this work, we present new data that support the previous conclusion. The results from a number of different secondary structure prediction programs suggest that the Central domain could adopt an alfi topology. The fold recognition programs ProFIT 0.9, 3D PROFILE combined with secondary structure prediction, and 123D suggest a mononucleotide-binding fold topology for the Central domain amino acid sequence. Finally, and most importantly, three of five reported residue alterations that impair the Central domain ATPase activity of the Eo-54 activators are mapped to polypeptide regions that might be playing equivalent roles as those involved in nucleotide-binding in the mononucleotide-binding proteins. Furthermore, the known residue substitutions that alter the function of the Ecr54 activators, leaving intact the Central domain ATPase activity, are mapped on a region proposed to play an equivalent role as the effector region of the GTPase superfamily.  相似文献   

Ochagavía ME  Wodak S 《Proteins》2004,55(2):436-454
MALECON is a progressive combinatorial procedure for multiple alignments of protein structures. It searches a library of pairwise alignments for all three-protein alignments in which a specified number of residues is consistently aligned. These alignments are progressively expanded to include additional proteins and more spatially equivalent residues, subject to certain criteria. This action involves superimposing the aligned proteins by their hitherto equivalent residues and searching for additional Calpha atoms that lie close in space. The performance of MALECON is illustrated and compared with several extant multiple structure alignment methods by using as test the globin homologous superfamily, the OB and the Jellyrolls folds. MALECON gives better definitions of the common structural features in the structurally more diverse proteins of the OB and Jellyrolls folds, but it yields comparable results for the more similar globins. When no consistent multiple alignments can be derived for all members of a protein group, our procedure is still capable of automatically generating consistent alignments and common core definitions for subgroups of the members. This finding is illustrated for proteins of the OB fold and SH3 domains, believed to share common structural features, and should be very instrumental in homology modeling and investigations of protein evolution.  相似文献   

Various topologies for representing 3D protein structures have been advanced for purposes ranging from prediction of folding rates to ab initio structure prediction. Examples include relative contact order, Delaunay tessellations, and backbone torsion angle distributions. Here, we introduce a new topology based on a novel means for operationalizing 3D proximities with respect to the underlying chain. The measure involves first interpreting a rank‐based representation of the nearest neighbors of each residue as a permutation, then determining how perturbed this permutation is relative to an unfolded chain. We show that the resultant topology provides improved association with folding and unfolding rates determined for a set of two‐state proteins under standardized conditions. Furthermore, unlike existing topologies, the proposed geometry exhibits fine scale structure with respect to sequence position along the chain, potentially providing insights into folding initiation and/or nucleation sites.  相似文献   

The structural annotation of proteins with no detectable homologs of known 3D structure identified using sequence‐search methods is a major challenge today. We propose an original method that computes the conditional probabilities for the amino‐acid sequence of a protein to fit to known protein 3D structures using a structural alphabet, known as “Protein Blocks” (PBs). PBs constitute a library of 16 local structural prototypes that approximate every part of protein backbone structures. It is used to encode 3D protein structures into 1D PB sequences and to capture sequence to structure relationships. Our method relies on amino acid occurrence matrices, one for each PB, to score global and local threading of query amino acid sequences to protein folds encoded into PB sequences. It does not use any information from residue contacts or sequence‐search methods or explicit incorporation of hydrophobic effect. The performance of the method was assessed with independent test datasets derived from SCOP 1.75A. With a Z‐score cutoff that achieved 95% specificity (i.e., less than 5% false positives), global and local threading showed sensitivity of 64.1% and 34.2%, respectively. We further tested its performance on 57 difficult CASP10 targets that had no known homologs in PDB: 38 compatible templates were identified by our approach and 66% of these hits yielded correctly predicted structures. This method scales‐up well and offers promising perspectives for structural annotations at genomic level. It has been implemented in the form of a web‐server that is freely available at http://www.bo‐protscience.fr/forsa .  相似文献   

A major goal of structural genomics is the provision of a structural template for a large fraction of protein domains. The magnitude of this task depends on the number and nature of protein sequence families. With a large number of bacterial genomes now fully sequenced, it is possible to obtain improved estimates of the number and diversity of families in that kingdom. We have used an automated clustering procedure to group all sequences in a set of genomes into protein families. Bench-marking shows the clustering method is sensitive at detecting remote family members, and has a low level of false positives. This comprehensive protein family set has been used to address the following questions. (1) What is the structure coverage for currently known families? (2) How will the number of known apparent families grow as more genomes are sequenced? (3) What is a practical strategy for maximizing structure coverage in future? Our study indicates that approximately 20% of known families with three or more members currently have a representative structure. The study indicates also that the number of apparent protein families will be considerably larger than previously thought: We estimate that, by the criteria of this work, there will be about 250,000 protein families when 1000 microbial genomes have been sequenced. However, the vast majority of these families will be small, and it will be possible to obtain structural templates for 70-80% of protein domains with an achievable number of representative structures, by systematically sampling the larger families.  相似文献   

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