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We have used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to determine the effects of ADP on the orientational distribution of nitroxide spin labels attached to myosin heads in skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers. To maximize the specificity of labeling, we spin-labeled isolated myosin heads (subfragment 1) on a single reactive thiol (SH1) and diffused them into unlabeled muscle fibers. To maximize spectral and orientational resolution, we used perdeuterated spin labels, 2H-MSL and 2H-IASL, eliminating superhyperfine broadening and thus narrowing the line widths. Two different spin labels were used, with different orientation relative to the myosin head, to ensure that the results are not affected by unfavorable probe orientation. In rigor, a very narrow three-line spectrum was observed for both spin labels, indicating a narrow orientational distribution, as reported previously (Thomas & Cooke, 1980). ADP induced very slight changes in the spectrum, corresponding to very slight (but significant) changes in the orientational distribution. These changes were quantified by a digital analysis of the spectra, using a two-step simplex fitting procedure (Fajer et al., 1990). First, the magnetic tensor values and line widths were determined by fitting the spectrum of a randomly oriented sample. Then the spectrum of oriented fibers was fit to a model by assuming a Gaussian distribution of the tilt angle (theta) and twist angle (phi) of the nitroxide principal axes relative to the fiber axis. A single-Gaussian distribution resulted in inadequate fits, but a two-component model gave excellent results. ADP induces a small (less than 5 degrees) rotation of the major components for both spin labels, along with a similarly small increase of disorder about the average positions.  相似文献   

Fluorescently labeled myosin heads (S1) were added to muscle fibers and myofibrils at various concentrations. The orientation of the absorption dipole of the dye with respect to the axis of F-actin was calculated from polarization of fluorescence which was measured by a novel method from video images of muscle. In this method light emitted from muscle was split by a birefringent crystal into two nonoverlapping images: the first image was created with light polarized in the direction parallel to muscle axis, and the second image was created with light polarized in the direction perpendicular to muscle axis. Images were recorded by high-sensitivity video camera and polarization was calculated from the relative intensity of both images. The method allows measurement of the fluorescence polarization from single myofibril irrigated with low concentrations of S1 labeled with dye. Orientation was also measured by fluorescence-detected linear dichroism. The orientation was different when muscle was irrigated with high concentration of S1 (molar ratio S1:actin in the I bands equal to 1) then when it was irrigated with low concentration of S1 (molar ratio S1:actin in the I bands equal to 0.32). The results support our earlier proposal that S1 could form two different rigor complexes with F-actin depending on the molar ratio of S1:actin.  相似文献   

The preparation, structural and steady-state kinetic characteristics of contractile proteins from the leg muscle of frogs Rana temporaria and Rana pipiens are described. Actin and myosin from the two frog species are indistinguishable. The proteins have structural and steady-state kinetic properties similar to those from rabbit fast-twitch skeletal muscle. Chymotrypsin digestion of frog myosin or myofibrils in the presence of EDTA yields subfragment 1, which is separated by chromatography into two components that are distinguished by their alkali light-chain content.  相似文献   

K Ajtai  T P Burghardt 《Biochemistry》1989,28(5):2204-2210
We describe a protocol for the selective covalent labeling of the sulfhydryl 2 (SH2) on the myosin cross-bridge in glycerinated muscle fibers using the sulfhydryl-selective label 4-[N-[(iodoacetoxy)ethyl]-N-methylamino]-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (IANBD). The protocol promotes the specificity of IANBD by using the ability to protect sulfhydryl 1 (SH1) from modification by binding the cross-bridge to the actin filament and using cross-bridge-bound MgADP to promote the accessibility of SH2. We determined the specificity of the probe using fluorescence gel scanning of fiber-extracted proteins to isolate the probe on myosin subfragment 1 (S1), limited proteolysis of the purified S1 to isolate the probe on the 20-kilodalton fragment of S1, and titration of the free SH1's on purified S1 using the radiolabeled SH1-specific reagent [14C]iodoacetamide or enzymatic activity measurements. We estimated the distribution of the IANBD on the fiber proteins to be approximately 77% on SH2, approximately 5% on SH1, and approximately 18% on troponin I. We characterized the angular distribution of the IANBD on cross-bridges in fibers when the fibers are in rigor, in relaxation, in the presence of MgADP, and in isometric contraction using wavelength-dependent fluorescence polarization [Ajtai, K., & Burghardt, T. P. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 4517-4523]. With wavelength-dependent fluorescence polarization we use the ability to rotate the transition dipole in the molecular frame using excitation wavelength variation to investigate the three angular degrees of freedom of the cross-bridge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to study the orientation and rotational motions of spin-labeled myosin heads during steady-state relaxation and contraction of skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers. Using an indane-dione spin label, we obtained EPR spectra corresponding specifically to probes attached to Cys 707 (SH1) on the catalytic domain of myosin heads. The probe is rigidly immobilized, so that it reports the global rotation of the myosin head, and the probe's principal axis is aligned almost parallel with the fiber axis in rigor, making it directly sensitive to axial rotation of the head. Numerical simulations of EPR spectra showed that the labeled heads are highly oriented in rigor, but in relaxation they have at least 90 degrees (Gaussian full width) of axial disorder, centered at an angle approximately equal to that in rigor. Spectra obtained in isometric contraction are fit quite well by assuming that 79 +/- 2% of the myosin heads are disordered as in relaxation, whereas the remaining 21 +/- 2% have the same orientation as in rigor. Computer-simulated spectra confirm that there is no significant population (> 5%) of heads having a distinct orientation substantially different (> 10 degrees) from that in rigor, and even the large disordered population of heads has a mean orientation that is similar to that in rigor. Because this spin label reports axial head rotations directly, these results suggest strongly that the catalytic domain of myosin does not undergo a transition between two distinct axial orientations during force generation. Saturation transfer EPR shows that the rotational disorder is dynamic on the microsecond time scale in both relaxation and contraction. These results are consistent with models of contraction involving 1) a transition from a dynamically disordered preforce state to an ordered (rigorlike) force-generating state and/or 2) domain movements within the myosin head that do not change the axial orientation of the SH1-containing catalytic domain relative to actin.  相似文献   

The formation of hybrid myosin and subfragment 1 species by incubation of these proteins with free alkali light chains at physiological ionic and temperature conditions is described. Exchange of bound alkali light chain on myosin by free alkali light chains under these conditions is readily demonstrated from the subunit composition of the isolated myosin. Therefore, the light chain exchange previously described for the one-headed subfragment 1 [Sivaramakrishnan, M., & Burke, M (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 2607--2610] also occurs in the two-headed myosin molecule. It is found than the isozyme to hybrid transformation is dependent on both the temperature and the ionic strength of the incubation mixture but is relatively independent of pH in the range 6.5--8.0. A comparison of the SF1(A1) leads to SF1(A2)h system with the SF1(A2) leads to SF1(A1)h system indicates that more hybrid is formed in the latter case. With the assumption that hybrid formation reflects the degree of reversible dissociation exhibited by the isozyme, under the particular experimental condition employed, the data signify that the subunit interactions in the two isozymes are not identical and that the heavy chain--A1 interactions are significantly more stable that the heavy chain--A2 ones. An examination of the ATPase properties of the thermal hybrids in the presence and absence of actin indicates close similarities to their corresponding "native" isozymic counterparts.  相似文献   

Modification of the free alkali light chains of myosin by iodoacetylation results in a much lower extent of exchange into myosin subfragment 1 by the thermal hybridization procedure (Burke, M., and Sivaramakrishnan, M. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 5908-5913). As reported by others (Wagner, P. D., and Stone, D. B. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 8876-8882), free alkali light chains modified by iodoacetate at their single sulfhydryl residue exhibit minimal exchange into intact myosin. However, when unmodified alkali light chain is used to probe for exchange, close to the theoretical limit of exchange is observed for subfragment 1, and significant levels of exchange are found for myosin. It appears that modification of the free alkali light chain alters the structure of the protein, and this causes either a marked reduction in its affinity for the heavy chain or in its ability to enter the light chain binding site. This conclusion is supported by tryptic digestions done on the unmodified and modified free light chains where it is found that the latter is degraded at a much faster rate, indicating a more open structure for the modified protein. The observation that alkali light chain exchanges into myosin when unmodified alkali light chains are used indicates that the presence of the associated 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) light chains does not preclude the reversible dissociation of this subunit from myosin under ionic and temperature conditions approaching the physiological state.  相似文献   

T Ikkai  K Mihashi 《FEBS letters》1986,207(1):177-180
Myosin and its subfragment 1 were labeled with the fluorescent probe N-(1-pyrenyl)iodoacetamide. Both of the labeled complexes exhibited the excimer band at 480 nm (pH 8.0, 25 degrees C). SH1 and SH2 are labeled with this probe as judged by Ca2+-ATPase of the labeled complex. Excimers arise both from the interaction of PIAAs in the two different heads within a single myosin molecule and also from the interaction of PIAAs in the same head. ATP affects these excimers depending on the concentration of Ca2+.  相似文献   

We have used a fluorescent analogue of ATP, mantATP [2'(3')-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)-adenosine 5'-triphosphate; Hiratsuka T. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 742, 496-508], and made a detailed kinetic study of the interaction of mantATP and mantADP with S1 and acto-S1. We have shown that these analogues behave like ATP and ADP, respectively. In addition, we have demonstrated that this analogue can distinguish between two acto-S1 complexes, the A-M.N (attached) and A.M.N (rigor-like) states [Geeves, M. A., Good, R. S., & Gutfreund, H. (1984) J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 5, 351-361]. Previously, these two states were observed with a pyrene label on Cys 374 of actin. This isomerization can now be monitored at two spatially distinct sites on the ternary complex, indicative of a major conformational change in the ternary complex. Also, we have measured the rate of ADP dissociation from both A-M.N and A.M.N directly and shown these to differ by a factor of 1000. Thus the results presented here support the model of Geeves et al. and are consistent with the A-M.N to A.M.N transition being coupled to the force-generating event of the crossbridge cycle.  相似文献   

The fluorescent nucleotides epsilon ADP and epsilon ATP were used to study the binding and hydrolysis mechanisms of subfragment 1 (S-1) and acto-subfragment 1 from striated and smooth muscle. The quenching of the enhanced fluorescence emission of bound nucleotide by acrylamide analyzed either by the Stern-Volmer method or by fluorescence lifetime measurements showed the presence of two bound nucleotide states for 1-N6-ethenoadenosine triphosphate (epsilon ATP), 1-N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate (epsilon ADP), and epsilon ADP-vanadate complexes with S-1. The equilibrium constant relating the two bound nucleotide states was close to unity. Transient kinetic studies showed two first-order transitions with rate constants of approximately 500 and 100 s-1 for both epsilon ATP and epsilon ADP and striated muscle S-1 and 300 and 30 s-1, respectively, for smooth muscle S-1. The hydrolysis of [gamma-32P] epsilon ATP yielded a transient phase of small amplitude (less than 0.2 mol/site) with a rate constant of 5-10 s-1. Consequently, the hydrolysis of the substrate is a step in the mechanism which is distinct from the two conformational changes induced by the binding of epsilon ATP. An essentially symmetric reaction mechanism is proposed in which two structural changes accompany substrate binding and the reversal of these steps occurs in product release. epsilon ATP dissociates acto-S-1 as effectively as ATP. For smooth muscle acto-S-1, dissociation proceeds in two steps, each accompanied by enhancement of fluorescence emission. A symmetric reaction scheme is proposed for the acto-S-1 epsilon ATPase cycle. The very similar kinetic properties of the reactions of epsilon ATP and ATP with S-1 and acto-S-1 suggest that two ATP intermediate states also occur in the ATPase reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

At low ionic strength (7-25 mM) Mg2(+)-ATPase of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) isoforms containing alkali light chain A1 [S1(A1)] is activated by actin 1.5-2.5 times as strongly as Mg2(+)-ATPase of S1 isoforms containing alkali light chain A2[S1(A2)]. Data from analytical ultracentrifugation suggest that at low ionic strength in the absence of ATP in solution S1(A1) displays a higher affinity for F-actin than S1(A2). Such a higher affinity of S1(A1) for F-actin was also demonstrated by experiments, in which the interaction of S1 isoforms fluorescently labeled by 1.5-IAEDANS with F-actin of ghost fibers (single glycerinated muscle fibers containing F-actin but devoid of myosin) was studied. Using polarization microfluorimetry, it was shown that the interaction of both S1 isoforms with ghost fiber F-actin induces similar changes in the parameters of polarized tryptophan fluorescence. At the same time the mobility of the fluorescent probe, 1.5-IAEDANS, specifically attached to the SH-group of Cys-374 in the C-terminal region of action is markedly decreased by S1(A1) and is only slightly affected by S1(A2). The data obtained suggest that S1(A1) and S1(A2) interact with the C-terminal region of the actin molecule in different ways, i.e. S1(A1) is attached more firmly than S1(A2). This may be due to the existence of contacts between the alkali light chain of A1 of S1(A1) and the C-terminal region of actin as well as to the absence of such contacts in the case of S1(A2).  相似文献   

The Mg2+-dependent ATPase (adenosine 5'-triphosphatase) mechanism of myosin and subfragment 1 prepared from frog leg muscle was investigated by transient kinetic technique. The results show that in general terms the mechanism is similar to that of the rabbit skeletal-muscle myosin ATPase. During subfragment-1 ATPase activity at 0-5 degrees C pH 7.0 and I0.15, the predominant component of the steady-state intermediate is a subfragment-1-products complex (E.ADP.Pi). Binary subfragment-1-ATP (E.ATP) and subfragment-1-ADP (E.ADP) complexes are the other main components of the steady-state intermediate, the relative concentrations of the three components E.ATP, E.ADP.Pi and E.ADP being 5.5:92.5:2.0 respectively. The frog myosin ATPase mechanism is distinguished from that of the rabbit at 0-5 degrees C by the low steady-state concentrations of E.ATP and E.ADP relative to that of E.ADP.Pi and can be described by: E + ATP k' + 1 in equilibrium k' - 1 E.ATP k' + 2 in equilibrium k' - 2 E.ADP.Pi k' + 3 in equilibrium k' - 3 E.ADP + Pi k' + 4 in equilibrium k' - 4 E + ADP. In the above conditions successive forward rate constants have values: k' + 1, 1.1 X 10(5)M-1.S-1; k' + 2 greater than 5s-1; k' + 3, 0.011 s-1; k' + 4, 0.5 s-1; k'-1 is probably less than 0.006s-1. The observed second-order rate constants of the association of actin to subfragment 1 and of ATP-induced dissociation of the actin-subfragment-1 complex are 5.5 X 10(4) M-1.S-1 and 7.4 X 10(5) M-1.S-1 respectively at 2-5 degrees C and pH 7.0. The physiological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The ATPase activity of acto-myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) was measured in the presence of smooth and skeletal muscle tropomyosins over a wide range of ionic strengths (20-120 mM). In contrast to the 60% inhibitory effect caused by skeletal muscle tropomyosin at all ionic strengths, the effect of smooth muscle tropomyosin was found to be dependent on ionic strength. At low ionic strength (20 mM), smooth muscle tropomyosin inhibits the ATPase activity by 60%, while at high ionic strength (120 mM), it potentiates the ATPase activity 3-fold. All of these ATPase activities were measured at very low ratios of S-1 to actin, under conditions at which a 4-fold increase in S-1 concentration did not change the specific activity of the tropomyosin-acto.S-1 ATPase. Therefore, the potentiation of the ATPase activity by smooth muscle tropomyosin at high ionic strength cannot be explained by bound S-1 heads cooperatively turning on the tropomyosin-actin complex. To determine whether the fully potentiated rates are different in the presence of smooth muscle and skeletal muscle tropomyosins, S-1 which was extensively modified by N-ethylmaleimide was added to the ATPase assay to attain high ratios of S-1 to actin. The results showed that, under all conditions, the fully potentiated rates are the same for both tropomyosins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

M M Werber  Y M Peyser  A Muhlrad 《Biochemistry》1987,26(10):2903-2909
Modification of tryptophanyl residues (Trps) of myosin subfragments 1 (S-1) was performed with dimethyl(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)sulfonium bromide (DHNBS). Under controlled conditions, pH 6 at 0 degrees C and 10-min reaction with 10-100-fold molar excess, K+(EDTA) activity was reduced down to less than half, whereas Ca2+-ATPase activity increased and acto-S-1-ATPase was not affected. The number of modified Trps (up to 2.5) agreed well with the number of 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl moieties incorporated in S-1. The thiol groups of S-1 were not affected up to 50-fold molar excess of DHNBS, thus indicating that the modification was selective for Trps. The modification of as few as one Trp caused a blue shift of the emission spectrum, accompanied by a reduction in the fluorescence quantum yield. The accessibility of Trps to the fluorescence quencher acrylamide is drastically reduced upon modification, indicating that DHNBS-reactive Trps are more "exposed" than the DHNBS-refractive ones. DHNBS modification did not seem to affect the ATP-induced tryptophan fluorescence enhancement of S-1. The effect of DHNBS modification of the intrinsic fluorescence of S-1 indicates that the modified Trps are located in a polar environment and that they may be identical with the long-lifetime Trps of Torgerson [Torgerson, P. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 3002-3007]. The most reactive Trp is located in the N-terminal 27-kDa fragment of the S-1 heavy chain. It might also be inferred from the above data that the nonexposed and ATP-perturbed Trp(s) is (are) located in the 50-kDa fragment.  相似文献   

We have used actin labelled in Cys-374 with N-(1-pyrenyl)iodoacetamide to monitor the dynamics and equilibria of the interaction between myosin subfragment 1 and the actin-troponin-tropomyosin complex in the presence of calcium. These results are compared with those obtained for pure actin and myosin subfragment 1. The sensitivity of this fluorescent label allowed us to measure the binding affinity of myosin subfragment 1 for actin directly by fluorescence titration. The affinity of subfragment 1 for actin is increased sixfold by troponin-tropomyosin in the presence of calcium. Kinetic studies of the interaction of subfragment 1 and actin have revealed an isomerization of the actin-subfragment 1 complex from a state in which actin is weakly bound (Ka = 5.9 X 10(4) M-1) to a more tightly bound complex (Ka = 1.7 X 10(7) M-1) (Coates, Criddle & Geeves (1985) Biochem. J. 232, 351). Results in the presence of troponin-tropomyosin show the same isomerization. The sixfold increase in affinity of subfragment 1 for actin is shown to be due to a decrease in the rate of dissociation of actin from the weakly bound complex.  相似文献   

Myosin cross-bridge subfragment 1 (S1) is the ATP catalyzing motor protein in muscle. It consists of three domains that catalyze ATP and bind actin (catalytic), conduct energy transduction (converter), and transport the load (lever arm). Force development during contraction is thought to result from rotary lever arm movement with the cross-bridge attached to actin. To elucidate cross-bridge structure during force development, two crystal structures of S1 were extrapolated to working "in solution" or oriented "in tissue" forms, using structure-sensitive optical spectroscopic signals from two extrinsic probes. The probes were located at two interfaces containing the catalytic, converter, and lever arm domains of S1. Observed signals included circular dichroism (CD) and absorption originating from S1 in solution in the presence and absence of actin and fluorescence polarization from cross-bridges in muscle fibers. Theoretical signals were calculated from S1 crystal structure models perturbed with lever arm movement from swiveling at three conserved glycines, 699, 703, and 710 (chicken skeletal myosin numbering). Best agreement between the computed and observed signals gave structures showing that actin binding to S1 causes movement of the lever arm. A three-state model of S1 conformation during contraction consists of three actin-bound cross-bridge states observed from muscle fibers in isometric contraction, in the presence of MgADP, and in rigor. Structures best representing these states show that most of the lever arm rotation occurs between isometric contraction and the MgADP states, i.e., during phosphate release. Smaller but significant lever arm rotation occurs with ADP dissociation. Structural changes within the S1 interfaces studied are discussed in the accompanying paper [Burghardt et al. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 4834-4843].  相似文献   

Burghardt TP 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e16772


Photoactivatable fluorescent probes developed specifically for single molecule detection extend advantages of single molecule imaging to high probe density regions of cells and tissues. They perform in the native biomolecule environment and have been used to detect both probe position and orientation.

Methods and Findings

Fluorescence emission from a single photoactivated probe captured in an oil immersion, high numerical aperture objective, produces a spatial pattern on the detector that is a linear combination of 6 independent and distinct spatial basis patterns with weighting coefficients specifying emission dipole orientation. Basis patterns are tabulated for single photoactivated probes labeling myosin cross-bridges in a permeabilized muscle fiber undergoing total internal reflection illumination. Emitter proximity to the glass/aqueous interface at the coverslip implies the dipole near-field and dipole power normalization are significant affecters of the basis patterns. Other characteristics of the basis patterns are contributed by field polarization rotation with transmission through the microscope optics and refraction by the filter set. Pattern recognition utilized the generalized linear model, maximum likelihood fitting, for Poisson distributed uncertainties. This fitting method is more appropriate for treating low signal level photon counting data than χ2 minimization.


Results indicate that emission dipole orientation is measurable from the intensity image except for the ambiguity under dipole inversion. The advantage over an alternative method comparing two measured polarized emission intensities using an analyzing polarizer is that information in the intensity spatial distribution provides more constraints on fitted parameters and a single image provides all the information needed. Axial distance dependence in the emission pattern is also exploited to measure relative probe position near focus. Single molecule images from axial scanning fitted simultaneously boost orientation and axial resolution in simulation.  相似文献   

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