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J B Weiss  K L Suyama  H H Lee  M P Scott 《Cell》2001,107(3):387-398
Inductive interactions subdivide the Drosophila mesoderm into visceral, somatic, and heart muscle precursors. The muscle precursors form organs by executing tissue-specific migrations and cell fusions. We identified a novel gene, jelly belly (jeb), which is required for visceral mesoderm development. jeb encodes a secreted protein that contains an LDL receptor repeat. In jeb mutants, visceral mesoderm precursors form, but they fail to migrate or differentiate normally; no visceral muscles develop. Jeb protein is produced in somatic muscle precursors and taken up by visceral muscle precursors. jeb reveals a signaling process in which somatic muscle precursors support the proper migration and differentiation of visceral muscle cells. Later in embryogenesis, jeb is transcribed in neurons and Jeb protein is found in axons.  相似文献   

The gonad contains two major cell lineages, germline and somatic cells. Little is known, however, about the somatic gonadal cell lineage in vertebrates. Using fate mapping studies and ablation experiments in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes), we determined that somatic gonadal precursors arise from the most posterior part of the sdf-1a expression domain in the lateral plate mesoderm at the early segmentation stage; this region has the properties of a gonadal field. Somatic gonadal precursors in this field, which continuously express sdf-1a, move anteriorly and medially to the prospective gonadal area by convergent movement. By the stage at which these somatic gonadal precursors have become located adjacent to the embryonic body, the precursors no longer replace the surrounding lateral plate mesoderm, becoming spatially organized into two distinct populations. We further show that, prior to reaching the prospective gonadal area, these populations can be distinguished by expression of either ftz-f1 or sox9b. These results clearly indicate that different populations of gonadal precursors are present before the formation of a single gonadal primordium, shedding new light on the developmental processes of somatic gonadal cell and subsequent sex differentiation.  相似文献   

Circular visceral muscles of Drosophila are binuclear syncytia arising from fusion of two different kinds of myoblasts: a circular visceral founder cell and one visceral fusion-competent myoblast. In contrast to fusion leading to the somatic body-wall musculature, myoblast fusion for the circular visceral muscles does not result in massive syncytia but instead in syncytia interconnected with multiple cytoplasmic bridges, which differentiate into large web-shaped muscles. Here, we show that these syncytial circular visceral muscles build a gut-enclosing network with the interwoven longitudinal visceral muscles. At the ultrastructural level, during circular visceral myoblast fusion and the first step of somatic myoblast fusion prefusion complexes and electron-dense plaques were not detectable which was surprising as these structures are characteristic for the second step of somatic myoblast fusion. Moreover, we demonstrate that Blown fuse (Blow), a cytoplasmic protein essential for the second step of somatic myoblast fusion, plays a different role in circular visceral myogenesis. Blow is known to be essential for progression beyond the prefusion complex in the somatic mesoderm; however, analysis of blow mutants established that it has a restricted role in stretching and outgrowth of the syncytia in the circular visceral muscles. Furthermore, we also found that in the visceral mesoderm, Blow is expressed in both the fusion-competent myoblasts and circular visceral founders, while expression in the somatic mesoderm is initially restricted to fusion-competent myoblasts. We also demonstrate that different enhancer elements in the first intron of blow are responsible for this distinct expression pattern. Thus, we propose a model for Blow in which this protein is involved in at least two clearly differing processes during Drosophila muscle formation, namely somatic myoblast fusion on the one hand and stretching and outgrowth of circular visceral muscles on the other.  相似文献   

The visceral muscles of the Drosophila midgut consist of syncytia and arise by fusion of founder and fusion-competent myoblasts, as described for the somatic muscles. A single-step fusion results in the formation of binucleate circular midgut muscles, whereas a multiple-step fusion process produces the longitudinal muscles. A prerequisite for muscle fusion is the establishment of myoblast diversity in the mesoderm prior to the fusion process itself. We provide evidence for a role of Notch signalling during establishment of the different cell types in the visceral mesoderm, demonstrating that the basic mechanism underlying the segregation of somatic muscle founder cells is also conserved during visceral founder cell determination. Searching for genes involved in the determination and differentiation of the different visceral cell types, we identified two independent mutations causing loss of visceral midgut muscles. In both of these mutants visceral muscle founder cells are missing and the visceral mesoderm consists of fusion-competent myoblasts only. Thus, no fusion occurs resulting in a complete disruption of visceral myogenesis. Subsequent characterisation of the mutations revealed that they are novel alleles of jelly belly (jeb) and the Drosophila Alk homologue named milliways (mili(Alk)). We show that the process of founder cell determination in the visceral mesoderm depends on Jeb signalling via the Milliways/Alk receptor. Moreover, we demonstrate that in the somatic mesoderm determination of the opposite cell type, the fusion-competent myoblasts, also depends on Jeb and Alk, revealing different roles for Jeb signalling in specifying myoblast diversity. This novel mechanism uncovers a crosstalk between somatic and visceral mesoderm leading not only to the determination of different cell types but also maintains the separation of mesodermal tissues, the somatic and splanchnic mesoderm.  相似文献   

The homeobox gene tinman plays a key role in the specification of Drosophila heart progenitors and the visceral mesoderm of the midgut, both of which arise at defined positions within dorsal areas of the mesoderm. Here, we show that in addition to the heart and midgut visceral mesoderm, tinman is also required for the specification of all dorsal body wall muscles. Thus it appears that the precursors of the heart, visceral musculature, and dorsal somatic muscles are all specified within the same broad domain of dorsal mesodermal tinman expression. Locally restricted activities of tinman are also observed during its early, general mesodermal expression, where tinman is required for the activation of the homeobox gene buttonless in precursors of the “dorsal median” (DM) glial cells along the ventral midline. These observations, together with others showing only mild effects of ectopic tinman expression on heart development, indicate that tinman function is obligatory, but not sufficient to determine individual tissues within the mesoderm. Therefore, we propose that tinman has a role in integrating positional information that is provided by intersecting domains of additional regulators and signals, which may include Wingless, Sloppy Paired, and Hedgehog in the dorsal mesoderm and EGF-signaling at the ventral midline. Previous studies have shown that Dpp acts as an inductive signal from dorsal ectodermal cells to induce tinman expression in the dorsal mesoderm, which, in turn, is needed for heart and visceral mesoderm formation. In the present report, we show that Thickveins, a type I receptor of Dpp, is essential for the transmission of Dpp signals into the mesoderm. Constitutive activity of Tkv in the entire mesoderm induces ectopic tinman expression in the ventral mesoderm, and this results in the ectopic formation of heart precursors in a defined area of the ventrolateral mesoderm. We further show that Screw, a second BMP2/4-related gene product, Tolloid, a BMP1-related protein, and the zinc finger-containing protein Schnurri, are required to allow full levels of tinman induction during this process. It is likely that some of these functional and regulatory properties of tinman are shared by tinman-related genes from vertebrates that have similarly important roles in embryonic heart development. Dev. Genet. 22:187–200, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Drosophila embryonic mesoderm forms by invagination of the ventral-most blastoderm cells. Subsequent development of this germ layer involves the dorsolateral migration of the internalized cells and expansion by cell division, followed by the specification of particular cell fates through the coordinate actions of both intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory mechanisms. The latter include several intercellular signals that function across germ layers. These processes combine to generate a diversity of mesodermal subtypes, including the cardial and pericardial cells of the heart or dorsal vessel, a complete set of somatic muscle founders each with its unique identity, a population of cells that form the visceral musculature, and other cells that develop into hemocytes and the fat body. Here, we review recent evidence for the involvement of a fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) encoded by the heartless (htl) gene in early directional migration of the Drosophila mesoderm. In addition, we provide new data that 1) demonstrate a second role for Htl in promoting the specification of the precursors to certain cardiac and somatic muscle cells in the Drosophila embryo, independent of its cell migration function, 2) suggest that Ras and at least one other signal transduction pathway act downstream of Htl, and 3) establish a functional relationship between the Ras pathway and Tinman (Tin), a homeodomain factor that is essential for specifying some of the same dorsal mesodermal cells that are dependent on Htl. Finally, parallels between requirements for FGFR signaling in Drosophila and vertebrate mesoderm development are considered. Dev. Genet. 22:212–229, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The visceral musculature of the Drosophila midgut consists of an inner layer of circular and an outer layer of longitudinal muscles. Here, we show that the circular muscles are organised as binucleate syncytia that persist through metamorphosis. At stage 11, prior to the onset of the fusion processes, we detected two classes of myoblasts within the visceral trunk mesoderm. One class expresses the founder-cell marker rP298-LacZ in a one- to two-cells-wide strip along the ventralmost part of the visceral mesoderm, whereas the adjacent two to three cell rows are characterised by the expression of Sticks-and-stones (SNS). During the process of cell fusion at stage 12 SNS expression decreases within the newly formed syncytia that spread out dorsally over the midgut. At both margins of the visceral band several cells remain unfused and continue to express SNS. Additional rP298-LacZ-expressing cells arise from the posterior tip of the mesoderm, migrate anteriorly and eventually fuse with the remaining SNS-expressing cells, generating the longitudinal muscles. Thus, although previous studies proposed a separate primordium for the longitudinal musculature located at the posteriormost part of the mesoderm anlage, our cell lineage analyses as well as our morphological observations reveal that a second population of cells originates from the trunk mesoderm. Mutations of genes that are involved in somatic myoblast fusion, such as sns, dumbfounded (duf) or myoblast city (mbc), also cause severe defects within the visceral musculature. The circular muscles are highly unorganised while the longitudinal muscles are almost absent. Thus the fusion process seems to be essential for a proper visceral myogenesis. Our results provide strong evidence that the founder-cell hypothesis also applies to visceral myogenesis, employing the same genetic components as are used in the somatic myoblast fusion processes.  相似文献   

Each of 30 Drosophila larval somatic muscles has its individual shape, insertion sites and innervation. From the very beginning, the formation of individual muscles is controlled by a set of muscle identity genes. The four lateral transverse muscles (LT1-LT4) are thought to be specified by the combinatorial activity of Krüppel (Kr), apterous (ap) and muscle specific homeobox (msh) genes whilst the activity of the ladybird (lb) genes is required for proper formation of the neighbouring segmental border muscle (SBM). We have recently shown that ectopic expression of lb changes the identity of Kr-expressing lateral muscle precursors and recruits them to form enlarged or duplicated SBMs. Here we report that loss of msh function leads to a similar transformation resulting in the overproduction of SBMs. Inversely, in msh gain of function embryos, the prospective SBM myoblasts change their identity resulting in the formation of enlarged lateral transverse muscles. These data indicate a key role for the msh and lb genes in the specification and diversification of myoblast lineages from the lateral domain, and reveal a plasticity of cell fate within the somatic mesoderm of Drosophila.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate homeosis and Homeotic Complex (Hox) regulatory hierarchies in the somatic and visceral mesoderm. We demonstrate that both Hox control of signal transduction and cell autonomous regulation are critical for establishing normal Hox expression patterns and the specification of segmental identity and morphology. We present data identifying novel regulatory interactions associated with the segmental register shift in Hox expression domains between the epidermis/somatic mesoderm and visceral mesoderm. A proposed mechanism for the gap between the expression domains of Sex combs reduced (Scr) and Antennapedia (Antp) in the visceral mesoderm is provided. Previously, Hox gene interactions have been shown to occur on multiple levels: direct cross-regulation, competition for binding sites at downstream targets and through indirect feedback involving signal transduction. We find that extrinsic specification of cell fate by signaling can be overridden by Hox protein expression in mesodermal cells and propose the term autonomic dominance for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of muscle specification, formation and function in model systems has provided valuable insight into human muscle physiology and disease. Studies in Drosophila have been particularly useful for discovering key genes involved in muscle specification, myoblast fusion, and sarcomere organization. The muscles of the Drosophila female reproductive system have received little attention despite extensive work on oogenesis. We have used newly available GFP protein trap lines to characterize of ovarian muscle morphology and sarcomere organization. The muscle cells surrounding the oviducts are multinuclear with highly organized sarcomeres typical of somatic muscles. In contrast, the two muscle layers of the ovary, which are derived from gonadal mesoderm, have a mesh-like morphology similar to gut visceral muscle. Protein traps in the Fasciclin 3 gene produced Fas3::GFP that localized in dots around the periphery of epithelial sheath cells, the muscle surrounding ovarioles. Surprisingly, the epithelial sheath cells each contain a single nucleus, indicating these cells do not undergo myoblast fusion during development. Consistent with this observation, we were able to use the Flp/FRT system to efficiently generate genetic mosaics in the epithelial sheath, suggesting these cells provide a new opportunity for clonal analysis of adult striated muscle.  相似文献   

Eyes absent,a key repressor of polar cell fate during Drosophila oogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Throughout Drosophila oogenesis, specialized somatic follicle cells perform crucial functions in egg chamber formation and in signaling between somatic and germline cells. In the ovary, at least three types of somatic follicle cells, polar cells, stalk cells and main body epithelial follicle cells, can be distinguished when egg chambers bud from the germarium. Although specification of these three somatic cell types is important for normal oogenesis and subsequent embryogenesis, the molecular basis for establishment of their cell fates is not completely understood. Our studies reveal the gene eyes absent (eya) to be a key repressor of polar cell fate. EYA is a nuclear protein that is normally excluded from polar and stalk cells, and the absence of EYA is sufficient to cause epithelial follicle cells to develop as polar cells. Furthermore, ectopic expression of EYA is capable of suppressing normal polar cell fate and compromising the normal functions of polar cells, such as promotion of border cell migration. Finally, we show that ectopic Hedgehog signaling, which is known to cause ectopic polar cell formation, does so by repressing eya expression in epithelial follicle cells.  相似文献   

Migration of primordial germ cells (PGCs) from their site of specification towards the developing gonad is controlled by directional cues from somatic tissues. Although in several animals the PGCs are attracted by signals emanating from their final target, the gonadal mesoderm, little is known about the mechanisms that control earlier steps of migration. We provide evidence that a key step of zebrafish PGC migration, in which the PGCs become organized into bilateral clusters in the anterior trunk, is regulated by attraction of PGCs towards an intermediate target. Time-lapse observations of wild-type and mutant embryos reveal that bilateral clusters are formed at early somitogenesis, owing to migration of PGCs towards the clustering position from medial, posterior and anterior regions. Furthermore, PGCs migrate actively relative to their somatic neighbors and they do so as individual cells. Using mutants that exhibit defects in mesoderm development, we show that the ability to form PGC clusters depends on proper differentiation of the somatic cells present at the clustering position. Based on these findings, we propose that these somatic cells produce signals that attract PGCs. Interestingly, fate-mapping shows that these cells do not give rise to the somatic tissues of the gonad, but rather contribute to the formation of the pronephros. Thus, the putative PGC attraction center serves as an intermediate target for PGCs, which later actively migrate towards a more posterior position. This final step of PGC migration is defective in hands off mutants, where the intermediate mesoderm of the presumptive gonadal region is mispatterned. Our results indicate that zebrafish PGCs are guided by attraction towards two signaling centers, one of which may represent the somatic tissues of the gonad.  相似文献   

The NK homeobox gene tinman (tin) is required for the specification of the cardiac, visceral muscle and somatic muscle progenitors in the early dorsal mesoderm of Drosophila. Like its vertebrate counterpart Nkx2.5, the expression of tin is maintained in cardiac cells during cardiac maturation and differentiation; however, owing to the complete lack of a dorsal vessel in tin mutant embryos, the function of tin in these cells has not been defined. Here we show that myocardial cells and dorsal vessels can form even though they lack Tin, and that viable adults can develop, as long as Tin is provided in the embryonic precardiac mesoderm. However, embryos in which tin expression is specifically missing from cardial cells show severe disruptions in the normal diversification of the myocardial cells, and adults exhibit severe defects in cardiac remodeling and function. Our study reveals that the normal expression and activity of Tin in four of the six bilateral cardioblasts within each hemisegment of the heart allows these cells to adopt a cell fate as ;working' myocardium, as opposed to a fate as inflow tract (ostial) cells. This function of tin involves the repression of Dorsocross (Doc) T-box genes and, hence, the restriction of Doc to the Tin-negative cells that will form ostia. We conclude that tin has a crucial role within myocardial cells that is required for the proper diversification, differentiation, and post-embryonic maturation of cardiomyocytes, and we present a pathway involving regulatory interactions among seven-up, midline, tinman and Dorsocross that establishes these developmental events upon myocardial cell specification.  相似文献   

The Notch pathway mediates cell fate choice in many species and developmental contexts. In the Drosophila mesoderm, phenotypic differences were observed when different components of the pathway were defective. To determine if these differences reflect variations in the signaling pathway or in the persistence of wild-type maternal products, we examined muscle precursors in embryos that lacked both maternally- and zygotically-derived gene products, called holonull embryos. Most holonull neurogenic embryos have the same number and arrangement of extra muscle precursors, but in Notch holonull embryos many additional cells also become muscle precursors. Thus Notch is active in cells where its known ligands and downstream effectors are not. These results indicate that Notch acts in two pathways to determine cell fates in mesoderm: the Delta-to-Notch-to-Suppressor of Hairless-to-Enhancer of split signaling pathway previously defined, and a second pathway that acts independently.  相似文献   

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