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Summary To clarify the precise conditions under which chick embryonic proventricular mesenchyme can induce proventricular epithelial differentiation, transfilter experiments were carried out. Six-day proventricular epithelium formed glands and expressed pepsinogen when a Nucleopore filter with a pore size of more than 0.6 m, but not 0.2 m, was inserted between the epithelium and the proventricular mesenchyme. The larger the pore size of the filter, the more elongated the glands and the more pepsinogen was induced in the explants. The quail nuclear marker and scanning electron microscopy were used to examine penetration of mesenchymal cells through the Nuclepore filter. The filter of more than 0.2 m pore size allowed cell processes of mesenchymal cells to pass through. However, only the filter with a pore size of more than 0.6 m allowed actual migration of mesenchymal cells through the filter, and the larger the pore size of the filter, the more mesenchymal cells passed through. Under the same conditions 6-day and 4.5-day gizzard epithelium formed glands and expressed pepsinogen. These results indicate that a flow of diffusible substances through a Nuclepore filter and even direct contact of a few short cell processes of mesenchymal cells with epithelial cells are not sufficient for induction, and that direct contact of mesenchymal cell processes and/or mesenchymal cells with epithelial cells over a considerably wide area may be prerequisite for the induction.  相似文献   

The uterus and upper 3/5 of the vagina originate from the Müllerian duct; however, these organs show quite distinct characteristics in morphology and function. To investigate factors controlling vaginal epithelial cell differentiation from a single layer of pseudostratified epithelium to a multi-layered stratified epithelium with keratin, we focused on fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs). Transformation related protein 63 (Trp63) expression, a marker of stratified epithelium, increased in the Müllerian vaginal epithelial cells from days 0 to 5, and keratin 14 (Krt14) was expressed from day 5, suggesting that Trp63-negative vaginal epithelial cells can differentiate into Trp63-positive cells after birth. Fgf7 and Fgf10 were localized in the vaginal stroma but their receptor, Fgf receptor 2IIIb (Fgfr2IIIb), was localized in the vaginal epithelium. Both Fgf9 and its receptor, Fgfr2IIIc, were localized in the vaginal epithelium. Vaginae cultured with FGF10 or anti-FGF9 antibody showed stratified epithelium with an intense Krt14 expression; however, an inhibitor of phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase 1/3 (MAPK1/3) canceled the effect of FGF10 and anti-FGF9 antibody. Thus, Fgf10 stimulates the differentiation of pseudostratified epithelial cells into stratified cells via MAPK1/3 pathway, and Fgf9 inhibits this differentiation in the neonatal mouse vagina.  相似文献   

Male mice with androgen receptor knock-out (ARKO) show significant bone loss at a young age. However, the lasting effect of AR inactivation on bone in aging male mice remains unclear. We designed this study to evaluate the effect of AR on bone quality in aging male mice and to find the possible causes of AR inactivation contributing to the bone loss. The mice were grouped according to their ages and AR status and their trabecular bones were examined by micro-CT analysis at 6, 12, 18, and 30 weeks old. We found that bone mass consistently decreased and the bone microarchitectures continuously deteriorated in male ARKO mice at designated time points. To determine the cause of the bone loss in ARKO mice, we further examined the role of AR in bone cell fate decision and differentiation and we conducted experiments on bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) obtained from wild type (WT) and AR knockout (KO) mice. We found that ARKO mice had higher numbers of colony formation unit-fibroblast (CFU-F), and CD44 and CD34 positive cells in bone marrow than WT mice. Our Q-RT-PCR results showed lower expression of genes linked to osteogenesis in BMSCs isolated from ARKO mice. In conclusion, AR nullification disrupted bone microarchitecture and caused trabecular bone mass loss in male ARKO mice. And the fate of BMSCs was impacted by the loss of AR. Therefore, these findings suggest that AR may accelerate the use of progenitor cells and direct them into osteogenic differentiation to affect bone metabolism.  相似文献   

Undifferentiated glandular stomach tissue fragments from 16.5-day fetal rats were transplanted under the kidney capsule of syngeneic adult rats, and the proliferation, differentiation and morphogenesis of the transplanted tissues were investigated. Gastric epithelial cells began to invaginate 3–4 days after the transplantation and immature glands were formed after 1 week. During the period, there was a gradual increase in the expression of pepsinogen and cathepsin E, markers of cytodifferentiation of the stomach epithelia, both at protein and mRNA levels. Cathepsin E was weakly expressed in undifferentiated gastric epithelial cells at 16.5 days of gestation, and a higher level of the expression was observed in differentiated epithelia of the transplants. In contrast, the pepsinogen-producing cells first appeared around days 3–4 after transplantation and gradually increased in number to about 30% of the epithelial cells and became localized at the bottom of the gland. During the period of the experiment up to 1 month, the pepsinogen-producing cells were all positive for class III mucin and cathepsin E, indicating the immature character of these cells. In addition, no parietal cells were observed. When the tissue fragments were transplanted into adrenalectomized animals, the epithelial differentiation and morphogenesis was suppressed, but its proliferation was enhanced. The observed changes were reversed by hydrocortisone replacement. These results suggest that the development of the 16.5-day fetal stomach is regulated intrinsically to a certain extent by the genetic program of the cells involved and various gastric functions develop in the absence of luminal stimulation, stage-specific systemic hormonal change, neuronal regulation or other systemic influences, and that glucocorticoids modulate the developmental program of the fetal stomach tissues.  相似文献   

Deregulation of epithelial-stromal interactions is considered to play a critical role in the initiation and promotion of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate carcinoma (PCa). Expression of tenascin-C (TN-C), an extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein, is reportedly higher in BPH and PCa as compared with normal prostate. Remodeling of the ECM alters the homeostatic balance between epithelium and stroma, resulting in physiological changes in cellular functions. To investigate the role of TN-C in prostatic development and differentiation, we evaluated the morphological phenotype of TN-C knockout (KO) mouse prostate (ventral: VP, dorsolateral: DLP, and anterior: AP) and examined tissue recombinants composed of adult mouse DLP epithelium and fetal TN-C KO urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM). Histological analysis showed epithelial cell clusters protruding into the ductal lumens in TN-C KO AP and DLP. Interestingly, binucleated cells appeared in epithelium of TN-C KO DLP at 8 weeks. Simultaneously, androgen receptor (AR)-positive cells were decreased in TN-C KO epithelia. Similar to the TN-C KO phenotype, protruded epithelial clusters, binucleated cells, and AR-negative nuclei were induced in DLP epithelium by recombining with TN-C KO UGM. Our results suggest that stromal TN-C might be involved in maintaining epithelial cytodifferentiation, morphogenesis, and androgen receptor expression of normal prostate glands in adult mice.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog regulates prostatic growth and epithelial differentiation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Sonic hedgehog (SHH)-signalling pathway mediates epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in several tissues during development and disease, and we have investigated its role in rat ventral prostate (VP) development. We have demonstrated that Shh and Ptc expression correlates with growth and development of the prostate and that their expression is not regulated by androgens in the VP. Prostatic budding was induced in response to testosterone in Shh null mouse urogenital sinus (UGS) explants grown in vitro and in rat UGS explants cultured with cyclopamine, suggesting that SHH-signalling is not critical for prostatic induction. SHH-signalling was disrupted at later stages of VP development (in vitro), resulting in a reduction in organ size, an increase in ductal tip number, and reduced proliferation of ductal tip epithelia. The addition of recombinant SHH to VPs grown in vitro caused a decrease in ductal tip number and expansion of the mesenchyme. In the presence of testosterone, inhibition of SHH-signalling accelerated the canalisation of prostatic epithelial ducts and resulted in ducts that showed morphological similarities to cribiform prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). The epithelia of these ducts also demonstrated precocious and aberrant differentiation, when examined by immunohistochemistry for p63 and cytokeratin 14. In conclusion, we show that SHH-signalling is not essential for prostatic induction, but is important for prostatic growth, branching, and proliferation, and that androgen-stimulated growth in the absence of signalling from the SHH pathway results in aberrant epithelial differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelial lining of the mucosa of the edentulous, maxillary alveolar ridge was subjected to an ultrastructural and stereological analysis. Four biopsies collected from the non-inflamed crest, i.e., the center over former tooth sockets, in non-denture-wearing female patients 30 to 55 years of age were processed for light and electron microscopy. At the light-microscopic level, epithelial thickness was determined histometrically. Electron micrographs were sampled at two levels of magnification, from five strata in regions of epithelial ridges and from three strata over connective tissue papillae. Standardized stereological pointcounting techniques were employed to analyze a total of 990 electron micrographs. Observations and data revealed that at the alveolar ridge the oral epithelium is truly keratinizing and comprises four strata including a 40±5 m-thick stratum corneum, which displays the oral keratin pattern. The histoand cytodifferentiation were peculiar: (1) Compared to the neighbouring gingival and hard palate epithelium, that of the alveolar crest was markedly thicker, with elongated rete ridges indicating acanthosis. (2) The cytoarchitecture was identical neither to the gingival nor to the hard palate epithelium but revealed a mixture of features typical for either of these two epithelia. Reasons for this are explained on the basis of factors, possible genetic, inherent in epithelial cells that are possibly derived from both the gingival and the palatal environment.  相似文献   

Cytochemical characterization of mucosubstances of chick glanular stomach (proventriculus) changes from 15 days of development to postnatal and adult stages was studied. To corroborate these data cytochemical, ultrastructural and ultracytochemical study of chick embryo proventriculus from 7 to 20 days of development was performed. At the 7th day several layers of undifferentiated cells formed an epithelium which covered the walls of the glandular stomach. Mocosubstances were not found. Between the 9th and 5th day a single layer of cylindrical cells was encountered forming invaginations which originated deep glands. Three types of cells were separated from the above mentioned layer, dark, clear and undifferentiated. The dark cells had organelles which are involved in protein synthesis and the clear ones were rich in mitochondria. Argentaffine cells appeared at 15th day instead mucosubstances formed a thin coat on the epithelium at 9th day which increased at the end of development in the apical cytoplasm and gland cells. These observations demonstrate that proventriculus of chick embryo has ultrastructurally differentiated cells involved with enzymatic and hydrochloric acid secretion after the 9th day. These progressive events are correlated with the digestion process of yolk during embryogenesis. At the end of development the proventriculus has completely organized the glandular layer.  相似文献   

A novel gene designated as fragile site-associated (FSA) gene was recently identified by positional cloning from the CHO 1q31 fragile site which plays an important role in regulating amplification of multidrug resistance (mdr1) gene in multidrug-resistant cells. FSA produces a message of approximately 16 kb which encodes an open-reading frame of 5005 amino acids. FSA shares sequence similarity with that in Caenorhabditis elegans lpd-3, a lipid storage gene. Using immunohistochemical staining and RNA in situ hybridization we report here that expression of FSA is associated with developmental programs of spermatogenesis and mammary gland in mice. Real-time RT-PCR results also support the upregulation of FSA expression in mammary gland development. Expression of FSA in many tissues including colon, skin, ovary, prostate, and bladder is mainly in the postmitotic, well-differentiated compartments. Moreover, levels of FSA expression are downregulated in tumors of these tissue origins. These results suggest that FSA also plays important roles in regulating mammalian epithelial growth and differentiation and tumor development.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that nutritional manipulations during the first weeks of life can alter the development of the hypothalamic circuits involved in energy homeostasis. We studied the expression of a large number of the hypothalamic neuropeptide mRNAs that control body weight in mice that were overfed during breastfeeding (mice grown in a small litter, SL) and/or during adolescence (adolescent mice fed a high-fat diet, AHF). We also investigated possible alterations in mRNA levels after 50 days of a high-fat diet (high-fat challenge, CHF) at 19 weeks of age. Both SL and AHF conditions caused overweight during the period of developmental overfeeding. During adulthood, all of the mouse groups fed a CHF significantly gained weight in comparison with mice fed a low-fat diet, but the mice that had undergone both breast and adolescent overfeeding (SL-AHF-CHF mice) gained significantly more weight than the control CHF mice. Of the ten neuropeptide mRNAs studied, only neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression was decreased in all of the groups of developmentally overfed adult mice, but CHF during adulthood by itself induced a decrease in NPY, agouti-related protein (AgRP) and orexin (Orx) mRNA levels. Moreover, in the developmentally overfed CHF mice NPY, AgRP, galanin (GAL) and galanin-like peptide (GalP) mRNA levels significantly decreased in comparison with the control CHF mice. These results show that, during adulthood, hypothalamic neuropeptide systems are altered (NPY) and/or abnormally respond to a high-fat diet (NPY, AgRP, GAL and GalP) in mice overfed during critical developmental periods.  相似文献   

In addition to their well-known antinociceptive action, opioids can modulate non-neuronal functions, such as immune activity and physiology of different cell types. Several findings suggest that the delta-opioid receptor (DOR) and its endogenous ligands (enkephalins) are important players in cell differentiation and proliferation. Here we show the expression of DOR in mouse skin and human skin cultured fibroblasts and keratinocytes using RT-PCR. In DOR knock-out (KO) mice, a phenotype of thinner epidermis and higher expression of cell differentiation marker cytokeratin 10 (CK 10) were observed compared with wild type (WT). Using a burn wound model, significant wound healing delay (about 2 days) and severe epidermal hypertrophy were shown at the wound margin of DOR KO mice. This wound healing delay was further investigated by immunohistochemistry using markers for proliferation, differentiation, re-epithelialization, and dermal repair (CK 6, CK 10, and collagen IV). The levels of all these markers were increased in wounds of KO mice compared with WT. During the wound healing, the epidermal thickness in KO mice augments faster and exceeds that of the WT by day 3. These results suggest an essential role of DOR in skin differentiation, proliferation, and migration, factors that are important for wound healing.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) or saline was administered intraperitonally to hypophysectomized adult male CD2F1 mice or intact controls at 0700 hr. Subgroups of mice were killed at 4, 8, or 12 hr after injection. EGF was shown to stimulate [3H]TdR incorporation into DNA into several organs as previously reported. The response to EGF was found to be enhanced in both hypophysectomized and fasted mice. Differences in [3H]TdR incorporation into DNA, corneal epithelium mitotic index, RNA in pancreas and kidney of hypophysectomized and intact mice are reported. EGF was shown to result in stomach enlargement due to increased luminal contents in both hypophysectomized and intact mice.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) comprises a group of metabolic diseases characterized by insulin deficiency or resistance and hyperglycemia. We previously reported the presence of abnormal differentiation of small intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) in diabetic mice, but the exact mechanism of this phenomenon has not been thoroughly elucidated to date. In this study, we found that H19 was markedly upregulated in IECs of DM mice. H19 knockdown significantly inhibited abnormal differentiation of IECs in DM mice. Bioinformatics analysis identified miR-141-3p as a candidate for H19. Based on luciferase reporter assays, we found that miR-141-3p directly targeted H19. Luciferase reporter assays also showed that miR-141-3p could directly target β-catenin. Furthermore, H19 might act as an endogenous “sponge” by competing for miR-141-3p binding to regulate miRNA targets in vitro and in vivo. In summary, our findings provide the first evidence supporting the role of H19 in IECs of DM mice, and miR-141-3p targets not only protein-coding genes but also the lncRNA H19.  相似文献   

Environmental estrogens (xenoestrogens) are chemicals that bind to estrogen receptor, mimic estrogenic actions, and may have adverse effects on both human and wildlife health. Bisphenol A (BPA), a monomer used in the manufacture of epoxy resins and polycarbonate has estrogenic activity. In male rodents prenatal exposure to BPA resulted in modifications at the genital tract level. Our objective was to examine the effects of in utero exposure to low, environmentally relevant levels, of the xenoestrogen BPA on proliferation and differentiation of epithelial and stromal cells on the prepubertal rat ventral prostate. To characterize the periductal stromal cells phenotype the expression of vimentin and smooth muscle alpha-actin was evaluated. Androgen receptor (AR) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) expression were also evaluated in epithelial and stromal compartments. Prenatal exposure to BPA increases the fibroblastic:smooth muscle cells ratio and decreases the number of AR-positive cells of periductal stroma of the ventral prostate. In contrast, no differences in AR expression were observed in epithelial cells between control and BPA-treated groups. No changes in proliferation patterns were observed in epithelial and stromal compartments; however, the expression of PAP was diminished in prostate ductal secretory cells of rats in utero exposed to BPA. Our results suggest that prenatal exposure to BPA altered the differentiation pattern of periductal stromal cells of the ventral prostate. These findings are significant in light of the data on human prostate cancers where alterations in the stroma compartment may enhance the invasive and/or malignant potential of the nascent tumor.  相似文献   

Mice were exposed to 2 Gy of γ-rays at various days of pregnancy, and just before and after gestation. Chromosomes were analyzed 4 h after irradiation in spontaneously dividing hematopoietic cells from liver for fetuses and bone marrow for mothers. On average, there was significantly less chromosome damage in fetuses than in mothers. A very strong increase of chromosome breakage was observed in mothers at days 16–19 of gestation. This increase parallels that of gestation hormones, suggesting a direct relationship. The differences between fetuses and mothers in relation to gestation age result from the increase in the rate of chromatid and chromosome breaks but not of chromatid exchanges, which remained stable. This suggests that a DNA repair step involved in joining broken extremities is the cause. More experiments are needed to understand the origin of these variations of radiation sensitivity and the possible extrapolation of these observations to other species.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro culture conditions enabling rat tracheal epithelial (RTE) cells to differentiate to mucociliary, mucous, or squamous phenotypes are described. Medium composition for rapid cell growth to confluence in membrane insert cultures was determined, and the effects of major modifiers of differentiation were tested. Retinoic acid (RA), collagen gel substratum, and an air-liquid interface at the level of the cell layer were required for expression of a mucociliary phenotype which most closely approximated the morphology of the tracheal epithelium in vivo. Large quantities of high molecular weight, hyaluronidase-resistant glycoconjugates, most likely mucin glycoproteins, were produced in the presence of RA when the cells were grown with or without a collagen gel and in submerged as well as in interface cultures. However, extensive ciliagenesis was dependent on the simultaneous presence of RA, collagen gel, and an air-liquid interface. When RA was omitted from the media, the cells became stratified squamous and developed a cornified apical layer in air-liquid interface cultures. This phenotype was accompanied by loss of transglutaminase (TGase) type II and keratin 18 and expression of the squamous markers TGase type I and keratin 13. The ability to modulate RTE cell phenotypes in culture will facilitate future studies investigating molecular regulation of tracheal cell proliferation, differentiation, and function.  相似文献   

We have localized horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the mouse uterus after intravenous administration on days 1 and 5 of pregnancy in an effort to understand how serum proteins reach the uterine lumen. Direct movement of HRP into uterine and glandular lumina was blocked by the epithelial tight junctions on both days. In luminal and glandular epithelial cells at both times, HRP was localized in endocytic vesicles along the basolateral membranes, multivesicular bodies (mvb), elongated dense bodies below the nucleus (bdb), and many small vesicles near the apical surface of the cells. The uptake of HRP was most extensive in the luminal epithelium on day 1: the number of tracer-containing apical vesicles and bdb was largest, and there were also clusters of vesicles containing the tracer above the nucleus. Acid phosphatase was localized on day 1 in mvb and bdb in both cell types, indicating that these structures are lysosomes. It appeared that HRP followed two pathways after basolateral endocytosis by the epithelial cells: it was transported to the apical region of the cells, where it was present in small vesicles that may release their contents into the uterine or glandular lumina, or it was transported to lysosomes. To investigate whether macromolecules may be transported from the uterine lumen to the stroma, we also studied endocytosis at the apical pole of luminal epithelial cells after intraluminal injection of HRP. There was no detectable uptake of HRP from the lumen on day 1, and no tracer was detected in the intercellular spaces or basement membrane region. On day 5, a large amount of HRP was taken up from the lumen into apical endocytic vesicles, mvb, and dense bodies, but tracer was not present in the Golgi apparatus, lateral intercellular spaces, or the basement membrane region at the times studied. These observations indicate that there was no transport of luminal macromolecules to the uterine stroma on day 1, while the possibility of transport on day 5 requires further study.  相似文献   

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