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The green algaTrebouxia aggregata (Archibald)Gärtner (Chlorellales) and the procaryotic blue-green alga (cyanobacterium)Gloeocapsa sanguinea (C. Agardh)Kütz. emend.Jaag (Chroococcales) are reported to be the phycobionts inEuopsis granatina (Sommerf.)Nyl. (Lichinaceae). The ultrastructure of the two organisms, studied in the lichen thallus, is described.
Frau Prof. Dr.Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Pyrenoid ultrastructure has been investigated from cultures of all 26 species ofTrebouxia with the aim of establishing pyrenoids as a taxonomic character. Different arrangements and forms of thylakoid lamellae within the pyrenoid matrix allow eight pyrenoid types to be distinguished. Each type is characteristic of a group of species. Thegigantea- andimpressa-type are similar, differing only in the form of the tubules: short, branched tubules mark thegigantea-type; ± long and straight invaginations theimpressa-type. Thearboricola-type is characterized by meandering pyrenoid membranes developing from lamellae parallel with each other in young autospores. Pyrenoids of thegelatinosa-type are traversed by thin parallel-arranged tubules. Few thylakoids with a curved profile are typical of theirregularis-type. Thecorticola-type is different from all others in having a distinct starch sheath closely connected with the pyrenoid matrix and no pyrenoglobuli being associated with the pyrenoid membranes. No true pyrenoids have been found inT. magna andT. erici. Within the chloroplast, they have indistinct areas with pyrenoglobuli, but without differentiated thylakoids. Pyrenoid morphology is stable in culture on different media as well as in phycobionts within lichen thalli. Comparing the pyrenoid of a lichenizedTrebouxia with that from cultured species, the identification of the phycobiont within the lichen thallus is possible, without the need of culturing the algae. This has been shown in species ofParmelia andHypogymnia. New aspects for the taxonomy and systematics ofTrebouxia are discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

The anatomical and morphological structure of the lichenCaloplaca coralligera (Hue.)Zahlbr. was investigated in connection with mechanisms of colonization and adaptation to the special conditions of maritime Antarctic.Caloplaca coralligera seems to be endemic to the antarctic region. The lichen is unique in its morphology, growing like a crustose lichen with a prothallus, but the very thallus being composed of many vertical, frutescent branches not higher than large isidia. Due to fusions of the distal parts of the branches the morphology is characterized by air-filled cavities between the erect thallus parts where the phycobionts are located only close to the outermost surface. But also anatomically a system of air-filled cavities is developed by a net-like structure of hyphae. This may result in an insulation from temperature exchanges with the rocky substrate. It is speculated that this peculiar thallus structure might be advantageous to a lichen growing on compact substrates by buffering the diurnal temperature extremes which are characteristic for rocks under a strong radiation exchange with the atmospheric surrounding.Dedicated to Prof. DrO. L. Lange on the occasion of his retirement and of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

The nomenclatural history of the generic nameParmeliopsis is reviewed. Its correct citation is found to beParmeliopsis (Nyl. exStizenb.)Nyl., dating from 1866, not 1869 as commonly cited, withP. placorodia (Ach.)Nyl. as holotype species. There is consequently no nomenclatural problem to the adoption ofForaminella Fricke Meyer, typified byF. ambigua (Wulfen)Fricke Meyer for theParmeliopsis species with falcate conidia. A synopsis of the nomenclature of the North American and European species of both these genera is included.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridizations were made between species of theE. semicostatus group, viz.,E. semicostatus (Nees exSteud.)Meld.,E. validus (Meld.)B. Salomon,E. abolinii (Drob.)Tzvel., andE. fedtschenkoi Tzvel., and species of theE. tibeticus group, viz.,E. pendulinus (Nevski)Tzvel.,E. tibeticus (Meld.)Singh,E. shandongensis B. Salomon, andE. gmelinii (Ledeb.)Tzvel., as well as among species within theE. tibeticus group. All species are tetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) and possess SY genomes. Meiotic pairing data from 24 hybrids involving 17 interspecific combinations are presented. The average number of chiasmata per cell ranged from 17.91 to 26.20 in hybrids within theE. tibeticus group, compared with 7.26 to 22.04 in hybrids between the two species groups. Despite the extensive collection of cytological data, there was no definite evidence for confirming or disproving the separate existence of the two groups.  相似文献   

Komárek has recently reviewed the various species assigned to the green algal genusNeochloris Starr (Chlorococcales, Chlorococcaceae) and removed those with uninucleate vegetative cells to a new genus,Ettlia. Watanabe & Floyd, unaware ofKomárek's work, also reviewed the species ofNeochloris and distributed them among three genera—Neochloris, Chlorococcopsis gen. nov., andParietochloris gen. nov.—on the basis of details of the covering of the zoospore and the arrangement of the basal bodies of the flagellar apparatus. This paper reconciles these two treatments and makes additional recommendations at the ranks of genus, family, order, and class.  相似文献   

Epiphytes of Paralemanea catenata (Kützing) Vis & Sheath (Rhodophyta) were studied on material from the River Dyje in National Park Podyjí. Longitudinal sections of the thalli were made with help of Cryo Cut Microtome techniques. The epiphytic cyanophytes Xenococcus kerneri Hansgirg and Chamaesiphon minutus (Rostafinski) Lemmermann were recognized on the cortex of the thalli. Our observations of the determined species are discussed.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of vegetative and reproductive characters was used to examine morphological relatedness amongAntennaria alborosea A. E. Porsild,A. corymbosa E. Nels.,A. marginata Greene,A. microphylla Rydb.,A. parvifolia Nutt.,A. rosea Greene, andA. umbrinella Rydb. Both pistillate and staminate plants were examined. Some of the characters examined were variable in one species, but stable in another (i.e., presence or absence of papillae on the achenes). Our analyses indicate that the seven species are morphologically distinct. It is hypothesized that theA. rosea agamic complex arose through hybridization amongA. corymbosa, A. microphylla, A. umbrinella, and possiblyA. dioica (L.)Gaertn. However, hybridization between the three former species and others, as well as their subsequent morphological responses to different environmental conditions causes confusion in recognizing the taxa.Antennaria angustifolia Rydb.,A. arida E. Nels.,A. confinis Greene,A. scariosa E. Nels.,A. foliacea humilis Rydb.,A. concinna E. Nels., andA. viscidula E. Nels. are considered to represent F 1 hybrids.  相似文献   

The endemic New Guinean genusIschnea F. Muell. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae, Blennospermatinae) is revised and four species are recognized. Characters of special interest are tubeless ray florets, male disc florets, and secretory spaces in leaves. A principal component analysis is made on theIschnea elachoglossa F. Muell. complex which shows great variation. One new species,I. capellana Swenson, from the Star Mountains, is described. A key, illustrations, and distribution maps to all species are supplied.  相似文献   

The hypothesis ofHenriques andFernandes that several Iberian species ofNarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) are tristylous is reconsidered. Contrary to the opinion ofBateman and most subsequent authors, we believe that the available evidence indicates that some populations ofN. triandrus andN. fernandesii, at least, are tristylous; other populations ofN. triandrus are distylous.Hugonia cf.penicillanthemum (Linaceae) from new Caledonia is distylous, but it remains possible that other species ofHugonia are tristylous. The disputed occurrence of heterostyly in S. African species ofBauhinia (Leguminosae),Cleome (Capparaceae) andAneilema (Commelinaceae), and inAgelaea (Connaraceae) is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological data and results from scanning electron microscopy of seeds and pollen show thatNormania Lowe [syn.Solanum L. subg.Potatoe (G. Don)D'Arcy sect.Normania (Lowe)Bitter] (Solanaceae: Solaneae) should be considered as a distinct genus fromSolanum L. It has two species, one restricted to the island of Madeira [Normania triphylla (Lowe)Lowe] and the other to Tenerife and Gran Canaria [Normania nava (Webb & Berthel.)Franc.-Ort. & R. N. Lester]. These species are extremely rare and had not been found for about 100 years, untilN. nava was rediscovered in two different localities in Tenerife in 1973 and 1982.Normania triphylla was reported in two different places from northern Madeira in 1991. Both species have the highest conservation priority in the Macaronesian region.  相似文献   

(1) The ability to produce cephalodia is usually a genus-specific character in lichens. (2)Lecidea shushanii Thoms., is a member of the genusTephromela, closely related toT. aglaea. It is not clear, whether or not the cephalodia of this taxon are true cephalodia or colonies of epiphytic cyanobacteria and whether or notLecidea shushanii is an independent species. (3)Lecidea dovrensis Nyl., is, in contrast to the traditional concept, not conspecific withLecidea alpestris Sommerf., but an earlier name forLecidea pallida Th. Fr. (4)Lecidea dovrensis is described in some detail. Chemically the species is characterized by the presence of isousnic acid (previously unknown in lecideoid lichens). It is restricted to areas north of the 60th parallel with an oceanic climate. (5) In connection with the attempt to clarify the taxonomic relationships ofLecidea dovrensis, figures of ascus apical structures of the following species are given (marked by an asterisk are genera where we found discrepancies with published data):Austrolecia antarctica, Catillaria chalybeia, Lecidea alpestris, L. caesioatra, L. limosa, Lecidoma demissum, Koerberiella wimmeriana, Micarea assimilata, M. crassipes, M. melaenida, M. prasina, Pilophorus robustus, Placodiella olivacea, Placolecis opaca, Porpidia trullisata, Protoblastenia rupestris, Psilolechia lucida, Psorula rufonigra, Squamarina gypsacea, Xanthopsorella texana. (6) Among crustaceous lichens we find no groups related toLecidea dovrensis. We supportTimal's concept of including this species in the genusPilophorus. Pilophorus, as well asLecidea dovrensis is characterized by the same ascus type, by a similar structure of thallus, cephalodia, paraphyses, and ascocarp (although there is no pseudopodetium developed inLecidea dovrensis), and the presence of isousnic acid. In addition, both taxa are restricted to cool oceanic climates and non-calciferous substrates. The following combination is proposed:Pilophorus dovrensis (Nyl.)Timdal, Hertel & Rambold, comb. nova. (7) The species of theLecidea alpestris-group form an independent genus, probably near toAustrolecia Hertel.
Frau Prof. Dr.Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

In 83 species of the familiesMonotropaceae, Apocynaceae, Oleaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Bignoniaceae, Martyniaceae, Myoporaceae, Verbenaceae, Lamiaceae, Campanulaceae, andLiliaceae, protein bodies in the cell nuclei have been found, in 68 of these species for the first time. On the basis of their structure in accordance with morphological characters the generaBurgsdorfia, Hesiodia, Olisia, andPhlomoides of theLamiaceae are accepted;Lamium is divided intoLamium, Lamiastrum andOrvala; two new combinations are established:Kickxia campyloceras (Rech. fil. &Esfandiari)Speta andEtornotus papilionaceus (Burm. in L.)Speta. Deviating shape or lack of protein bodies corroborate former taxonomic decisions, e.g. the transfer ofMonotropa toMonotropaceae or the separation ofGaleopsis andLadanum; Veronica schmidtiana should not be included inPseudolysimachion. Systematic affinities are discussed primarily withinScrophulariaceae because nuclear protein bodies have been studied already in many species of this family. ForCampanula patula two 2 x populations are reported.
Herrn Professor Dr. L.Geitler zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Clostridium cochlearium could be reproducibly enriched in an L-aspartate- and L-glutamate-limited, anaerobic chemostat inoculated with anaerobic sludge. L-glutamate, L-glutamine and L-histidine were the only fermentable substrates. Less specialised clostridia of the C. tetanomorphum type could only be isolated from batch enrichments with L-glutamate and L-aspartate as energy sources. Competition experiments with C. cochlearium and C. tetanomorphum in a L-glutamate-limited chemostat resulted in the selective elimination of the latter species. Addition of glucose to the medium resulted in coexistence of both species. The molar growth yields for L-glutamate at different dilution rates at 30°C were determined for both species. The maximum specific growth rates on L-glutamate were 0.55 h-1 for C. cochlearium and 0.35 h-1 for C. tetanomorphum.  相似文献   

The esterase and peroxidase patterns in five varieties ofAegilops caudata (genome type C) andAe. comosa (genome type M) were studied in order to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships within and between the two groups. The electrostarch gel electrophoresis technique was applied to extracts of shoot and root of 4-day-old seedlings, and the electropherograms were evaluated by gel densitometer traces. Inspite of considerable isozyme polymorphism, closer relationships in the banding patterns were found between different varieties of a single species than between varieties of the two different species. Esterase and peroxidase patterns of the twoAe. caudata varieties (caudata andpolyathera) are very similar and prove their close phylogenetic relationship. The isozyme affinities withinAe. comosa varieties are illustrated by the seriessubventricosa—biaristata—thessalica. The latter endemic variety has quite a number of characteristic bands and is relatively isolated. Altogether, the electrophoretic data agree well with morphological and cytological similarities (Zhukovsky 1928,Eig 1929,Karataglis 1973, 1975b).  相似文献   

Four very rare species ofAgaricales of dry grassland of the Galgenberg near Röschitz (Niederösterreich) are described and their taxonomy, affinities, ecology and distribution are discussed.Marasmiellus graminis (Murr.)Sing. & Hausknecht andCrinipellis subtomentosa (Peck.)Sing. var.mauretanica (Mre.)Sing. & Hausknecht are proposed as new combinations;Campanella inquilina Romagn. apudRedhead is a synonym ofC. caesia Romagn.  相似文献   

Morphological and cytological investigations as well as crossing experiments were carried out with the 5 species of theRanunculus alpestris group (R. alpestris L.,R. traunfellneri Hoppe,R. bilobus Bertol.,R. crenatus Waldst. etKit.,R. magellensis Ten.). A key to the species is presented; localities and distribution are given in addition to extensive diagnoses. Crossing experiments between the 5 taxa were successful (F1-F3 individuals, backcross types, tripeland quadrupelbastards); the morphology of the experimentally obtained F1-hybrids was mostly intermediate. All 5 species as well as all hybrids have a chromosome number of 2n = 16; there is no statistically significant difference between the karyotypes of the 5 taxa. According to the results of the morphological investigations and the crossing experiments we can distinguish 2 subunits of very closely related species: a)R. alpestris, R. traunfellneri, R. bilobus; b)R. crenatus, R. magellensis. The speciation within the group ofRanunculus alpestris is discussed.

Morphological and cytological investigations as well as crossing experiments were carried out withRanunculus seguieri Vill. and 4 species of theRanunculus alpestris L. group (R. alpestris L.,R. traunfellneri Hoppe,R. bilobus Bertol.,R. crenatus Waldst. & Kit.). ForR. seguieri andR. alpestris, localities and distribution are given in addition to extensive diagnoses. A key to the species includes morphological characteristics and distribution data forR. traunfellneri, R. bilobus, andR. crenatus. New diagnostic characters are described. Crossing experiments betweenR. seguieri and the species of theR. alpestris group were unsuccessful. All 5 species have a chromosome number of 2n = 16, the record forR. bilobus is new. There is no statistically significant difference between the karyotypes ofR. seguieri andR. alpestris s. str. Nevertheless, according to morphological evidence and crossing experiments,R. seguieri is not closely related to theR. alpestris group.

Cynoglossopsis somaliensis H. Riedl, sp. nov., is described as a new species of the hitherto monotypic genusCynoglossopsis Brand which is closest related toCynoglossum L. but has to be included inBoraginoideae-Eritrichieae from the way the nutlets are attached to the gynobasis.

The central Sierran tetraploidArctostaphylos mewukka Merriam has been reported to be an allopolyploid originating from the diploid species,A. patula Greene and eitherA. viscida subsp.viscida Parry orA. viscida subsp.mariposa (Dudley)P. V. Wells, although without conclusive evidence. Morphometrics and the verification and determination of chromosome numbers were used to substantiate the evolutionary relationships among these species. A closely related species,Arctostaphylos truei Knight, was also examined using these methods to determine its separability fromA. mewukka. The morphometric analyses support a hypothesis for a polyphyletic origin ofA. mewukka from different races ofA. viscida andA. patula. The chromosomal data, although inclusive, also support this hypothesis. The data do not support the recognition ofA. truei as a taxonomic entity separate fromA. mewukka at the species level.  相似文献   

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