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The mammalian Sec61 complex forms a protein translocation channel whose function depends upon its interaction with the ribosome and with membrane proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To study these interactions, we determined structures of "native" ribosome-channel complexes derived from ER membranes. We find that the ribosome is linked to the channel by seven connections, but the junction may still provide a path for domains of nascent membrane proteins to move into the cytoplasm. In addition, the native channel is significantly larger than a channel formed by the Sec61 complex, due to the presence of a second membrane protein. We identified this component as TRAP, the translocon-associated protein complex. TRAP interacts with Sec61 through its transmembrane domain and has a prominent lumenal domain. The presence of TRAP in the native channel indicates that it may play a general role in translocation. Crystal structures of two Sec61 homologues were used to model the channel. This analysis indicates that there are four Sec61 complexes and two TRAP molecules in each native channel. Thus, we suggest that a single Sec61 complex may form a conduit for translocating polypeptides, while three copies of Sec61 play a structural role or recruit accessory factors such as TRAP.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, protein translocation across and insertion into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is facilitated by a protein-conducting channel, the Sec61 complex or translocon. In our previous electrophysiological studies, we characterized the mammalian Sec61 channel from Canis familiaris. Here we extended these initial results to the Sec61 channel from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and compared the basic electrophysiological properties of both channel preparations with respect to the gating behaviour, distribution of channel open states, ionic conductance, approximated pore dimensions, reversal potential and selectivity as well as voltage-dependent open probability. We found that the Sec61 complexes from both species displayed conformable characteristics of the highly dynamic channel in an intrinsically open state. In contrast, the bacterial Sec61-homologue, the SecYEG complex from Escherichia coli, displayed under the same experimental conditions significantly different properties residing in an intrinsically closed state. We therefore propose that considerable differences between the respective eukaryote and prokaryote protein-conducting channel units and their regulation exist.  相似文献   

After endocytosis cholera toxin is transported to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), from where its A1 subunit (CTA1) is assumed to be transferred to the cytosol by an as-yet unknown mechanism. Here, export of CTA1 from the ER to the cytosol was investigated in a cell-free assay using either microsomes loaded with CTA1 by in vitro translation or reconstituted microsomes containing CTA1 purified from V. cholerae. Export of CTA1 from the microsomes was time- and adenosine triphosphate-dependent and required lumenal ER proteins. By coimmunoprecipitation CTA1 was shown to be associated during export with the Sec61p complex, which mediates import of proteins into the ER. Export of CTA1 was inhibited when the Sec61p complexes were blocked by nascent polypeptides arrested during import, demonstrating that the export of CTA1 depended on translocation-competent Sec61p complexes. Export of CTA1 from the reconstituted microsomes indicated the de novo insertion of the toxin into the Sec61p complex from the lumenal side. Our results suggest that Sec61p complex-mediated protein export from the ER is not restricted to ER-associated protein degradation but is also used by bacterial toxins, enabling their entry into the cytosol of the target cell.  相似文献   

Protein translocons of the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum are composed of numerous functional components whose organization during different stages of the transport cycle in vivo remains poorly understood. We have developed generally applicable methods based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to probe the relative proximities of endogenously expressed translocon components in cells. Examination of substrate-engaged translocons revealed oligomeric assemblies of the Sec61 complex that were associated to varying degrees with other essential components including the signal recognition particle receptor TRAM and the TRAP complex. Remarkably, these components not only remained assembled but also had a similar, yet distinguishable, organization both during and after nascent chain translocation. The persistence of preassembled and complete translocons between successive rounds of transport may facilitate highly efficient translocation in vivo despite temporal constraints imposed by ongoing translation and a crowded cellular environment.  相似文献   

We have identified a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein, Cyk1p, that exhibits sequence similarity to the mammalian IQGAPs. Gene disruption of Cyk1p results in a failure in cytokinesis without affecting other events in the cell cycle. Cyk1p is diffused throughout most of the cell cycle but localizes to a ring structure at the mother–bud junction after the initiation of anaphase. This ring contains filamentous actin and Myo1p, a myosin II homologue. In vivo observation with green fluorescent protein–tagged Myo1p showed that the ring decreases drastically in size during cell division and therefore may be contractile. These results indicate that cytokinesis in budding yeast is likely to involve an actomyosin-based contractile ring. The assembly of this ring occurs in temporally distinct steps: Myo1p localizes to a ring that overlaps the septins at the G1-S transition slightly before bud emergence; Cyk1p and actin then accumulate in this ring after the activation of the Cdc15 pathway late in mitosis. The localization of myosin is abolished by a mutation in Cdc12p, implicating a role for the septin filaments in the assembly of the actomyosin ring. The accumulation of actin in the cytokinetic ring was not observed in cells depleted of Cyk1p, suggesting that Cyk1p plays a role in the recruitment of actin filaments, perhaps through a filament-binding activity similar to that demonstrated for mammalian IQGAPs.  相似文献   

According to live-cell calcium-imaging experiments, the Sec61 complex is a passive calcium-leak channel in the human endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane that is regulated by ER luminal immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein (BiP) and cytosolic Ca2+-calmodulin. In single channel measurements, the open Sec61 complex is Ca2+ permeable. It can be closed not only by interaction with BiP or Ca2+-calmodulin, but also with Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A which can enter human cells by retrograde transport. Exotoxin A has been shown to interact with the Sec61 complex and, thereby, inhibit ER export of immunogenic peptides into the cytosol. Here, we show that Exotoxin A also inhibits passive Ca2+ leakage from the ER in human cells, and we characterized the N-terminus of the Sec61 α-subunit as the relevant binding site for Exotoxin A.  相似文献   

According to live-cell calcium-imaging experiments, the Sec61 complex is a passive calcium-leak channel in the human endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane that is regulated by ER luminal immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein (BiP) and cytosolic Ca2+-calmodulin. In single channel measurements, the open Sec61 complex is Ca2+ permeable. It can be closed not only by interaction with BiP or Ca2+-calmodulin, but also with Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A which can enter human cells by retrograde transport. Exotoxin A has been shown to interact with the Sec61 complex and, thereby, inhibit ER export of immunogenic peptides into the cytosol. Here, we show that Exotoxin A also inhibits passive Ca2+ leakage from the ER in human cells, and we characterized the N-terminus of the Sec61 α-subunit as the relevant binding site for Exotoxin A.  相似文献   

The Nup84p complex consists of five nucleoporins (Nup84p, Nup85p, Nup120p, Nup145p-C, and Seh1p) and Sec13p, a bona fide subunit of the COPII coat complex. We show that a pool of green fluorescent protein-tagged Sec13p localizes to the nuclear pores in vivo, and identify sec13 mutant alleles that are synthetically lethal with nup85Delta and affect the localization of a green fluorescent protein-Nup49p reporter protein. In the electron microscope, sec13 mutants exhibit structural defects in nuclear pore complex (NPC) and nuclear envelope organization. For the assembly of the complex, Nup85p, Nup120p, and Nup145p-C are essential. A highly purified Nup84p complex was isolated from yeast under native conditions and its molecular mass was determined to be 375 kD by quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation, consistent with a monomeric complex. Furthermore, the Nup84p complex exhibits a Y-shaped, triskelion-like morphology 25 nm in diameter in the transmission electron microscope. Thus, the Nup84p complex constitutes a paradigm of an NPC structural module with distinct composition, structure, and a role in nuclear mRNA export and NPC bio- genesis.  相似文献   

We characterized a complete Sec61 complex in Nosema bombycis, which has been shown to consist of Sec61alpha, Sec61beta, and Sec61gamma genes. Comparing the genomic regions that harbor the respective subunit genes between N. bombycis, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and Antonospora locustae, we found that microsporidian genomes have high degree of synteny in short genomic fragment, and that this gene synteny in general might exist throughout microsporidian genomes.  相似文献   

To determine whether the yeast Sec61p translocation pore is a high-affinity ribosome receptor in the endoplasmic reticulum, we isolated the Sec61p complex using an improved protocol in which contaminants found previously to be associated with the complex are absent. The purified complex, which contains Sec61p with an amino terminal hexahistidine tag, was active since it rescued a sec61–3 post-translational translocation defect in a reconstituted system. Co-reconstitution of the Sec61p and Sec63p complexes into liposomes failed to support post-translational translocation, suggesting that Sec62p is required for this process. By Scatchard analysis, the purified Sec61p complex bound to yeast ribosomes when reconstituted into liposomes with a KD of 5.6 n m , a value similar to the KD obtained when ribosome binding to total microsomal protein was measured (2.7 n m ). In addition, a mammalian protein, p180, which has been proposed to be a ribosome receptor, was expressed in yeast, and endoplasmic reticulum-derived microsomes isolated from this strain exhibited ∼2.3-fold greater binding to yeast ribosomes. Despite this increase in ribosome binding, neither co- nor post-translational translocation was compromised in vivo . In sum, our data suggest that the Sec61p complex is a ribosome receptor in the yeast endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum‐associated degradation (ERAD) is a cellular pathway for the disposal of misfolded secretory proteins. This process comprises recognition of the misfolded proteins followed by their retro‐translocation across the ER membrane into the cytosol in which polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation occur. A variety of data imply that the protein import channel Sec61p has a function in the ERAD process. Until now, no physical interactions between Sec61p and other essential components of the ERAD pathway could be found. Here, we establish this link by showing that Hrd3p, which is part of the Hrd‐Der ubiquitin ligase complex, and other core components of the ERAD machinery physically interact with Sec61p. In addition, we study binding of misfolded CPY* proteins to Sec61p during the process of degradation. We show that interaction with Sec61p is maintained until the misfolded proteins are ubiquitinated on the cytosolic side of the ER. Our observations suggest that Sec61p contacts an ERAD ligase complex for further elimination of ER lumenal misfolded proteins.  相似文献   

Ribosomes tightly interact with protein‐conducting channels in the plasma membrane of bacteria (SecYEG) and in the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotes (Sec61 complex). This interaction is mediated by multiple junctions and is highly conserved during evolution. Although it is well known that both ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are involved in the ribosome–channel interaction, detailed analyses on how these components contribute to this binding are lacking. Here, we demonstrate that the evolutionary conservation of ribosome binding is solely mediated by rRNA. Moreover, we show that in vitro transcribed 23 S rRNA binds with similar characteristics to protein translocation channels as native 23 S rRNA or 50 S ribosomal subunits. This indicates that base modifications, which exist in native rRNA, do not crucially influence the binding. In two of the ribosome‐channel junctions (c1 and c2), exclusively rRNA helices are involved. Using in vitro transcribed rRNA mutants, we now provide evidence that large parts of the rRNA can be deleted without altering its binding properties, as long as the rRNA helices of the c1 and c2 junctions remain intact. We demonstrate that the connection sites c1 and c2 generate high‐affinity binding sites that act independently of each other. This could explain why membrane‐bound ribosomes have an extremely low off‐rate .  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, signal peptide-dependent protein transport into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by a dynamic polypeptide-conducting channel, the heterotrimeric Sec61 complex. Previous work has characterized the Sec61 complex as a potential ER Ca2+ leak channel in HeLa cells and identified ER lumenal molecular chaperone immunoglobulin heavy-chain-binding protein (BiP) as limiting Ca2+ leakage via the open Sec61 channel by facilitating channel closing. This BiP activity involves binding of BiP to the ER lumenal loop 7 of Sec61α in the vicinity of tyrosine 344. Of note, the Y344H mutation destroys the BiP binding site and causes pancreatic β-cell apoptosis and diabetes in mice. Here, we systematically depleted HeLa cells of the BiP co-chaperones by siRNA-mediated gene silencing and used live cell Ca2+ imaging to monitor the effects on ER Ca2+ leakage. Depletion of either one of the ER lumenal BiP co-chaperones, ERj3 and ERj6, but not the ER membrane-resident co-chaperones (such as Sec63 protein, which assists BiP in Sec61 channel opening) led to increased Ca2+ leakage via Sec6 complex, thereby phenocopying the effect of BiP depletion. Thus, BiP facilitates Sec61 channel closure (i.e. limits ER Ca2+ leakage) via the Sec61 channel with the help of ERj3 and ERj6. Interestingly, deletion of ERj6 causes pancreatic β-cell failure and diabetes in mice and humans. We suggest that co-chaperone-controlled gating of the Sec61 channel by BiP is particularly important for cells, which are highly active in protein secretion, and that breakdown of this regulatory mechanism can cause apoptosis and disease.  相似文献   

Protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) constitutes the first step of protein secretion. ER protein import is essential in all eukaryotic cells and is particularly critical in fast‐growing tumour cells. Thus, the process can serve as target both for potential cancer drugs and for bacterial virulence factors. Inhibitors of protein transport across the ER membrane range from broad‐spectrum to highly substrate‐specific and can interfere with virtually any stage of this multistep process, and even with transport of endocytosed antigens into the cytosol for cross‐presentation.   相似文献   

The highly conserved endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein translocation channel contains one nonessential subunit, Sec61β/Sbh1, whose function is poorly understood so far. Its intrinsically unstructured cytosolic domain makes transient contact with ER-targeting sequences in the cytosolic channel vestibule and contains multiple phosphorylation sites suggesting a potential for regulating ER protein import. In a microscopic screen, we show that 12% of a GFP-tagged secretory protein library depends on Sbh1 for translocation into the ER. Sbh1-dependent proteins had targeting sequences with less pronounced hydrophobicity and often no charge bias or an inverse charge bias which reduces their insertion efficiency into the Sec61 channel. We determined that mutating two N-terminal, proline-flanked phosphorylation sites in the Sbh1 cytosolic domain to alanine phenocopied the temperature-sensitivity of a yeast strain lacking SBH1 and its ortholog SBH2. The phosphorylation site mutations reduced translocation into the ER of a subset of Sbh1-dependent proteins, including enzymes whose concentration in the ER lumen is critical for ER proteostasis. In addition, we found that ER import of these proteins depended on the activity of the phospho-S/T–specific proline isomerase Ess1 (PIN1 in mammals). We conclude that Sbh1 promotes ER translocation of substrates with suboptimal targeting sequences and that its activity can be regulated by a conformational change induced by N-terminal phosphorylation.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, signal peptide-dependent protein transport into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by a dynamic protein-conducting channel, the Sec61 complex. Previous work has characterized the Sec61 channel as a potential ER Ca(2+) leak channel and identified calmodulin as limiting Ca(2+) leakage in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner by binding to an IQ motif in the cytosolic aminoterminus of Sec61α. Here, we manipulated the concentration of the ER lumenal chaperone BiP in cells in different ways and used live cell Ca(2+) imaging to monitor the effects of reduced levels of BiP on ER Ca(2+) leakage. Regardless of how the BiP concentration was lowered, the absence of available BiP led to increased Ca(2+) leakage via the Sec61 complex. When we replaced wild-type Sec61α with mutant Sec61αY344H in the same model cell, however, Ca(2+) leakage from the ER increased and was no longer affected by manipulation of the BiP concentration. Thus, BiP limits ER Ca(2+) leakage through the Sec61 complex by binding to the ER lumenal loop 7 of Sec61α in the vicinity of tyrosine 344.  相似文献   

Transmembrane topology of polytopic membrane proteins (PMPs) is established in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by the ribosome Sec61-translocon complex (RTC) through iterative cycles of translocation initiation and termination. It remains unknown, however, whether tertiary folding of transmembrane domains begins after the nascent polypeptide integrates into the lipid bilayer or within a proteinaceous environment proximal to translocon components. To address this question, we used cysteine scanning mutagenesis to monitor aqueous accessibility of stalled translation intermediates to determine when, during biogenesis, hydrophilic peptide loops of the aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channel are delivered to cytosolic and lumenal compartments. Results showed that following ribosome docking on the ER membrane, the nascent polypeptide was shielded from the cytosol as it emerged from the ribosome exit tunnel. Extracellular loops followed a well defined path through the ribosome, the ribosome translocon junction, the Sec61-translocon pore, and into the ER lumen coincident with chain elongation. In contrast, intracellular loops (ICLs) and C-terminalresidues exited the ribosome into a cytosolically shielded environment and remained inaccessible to both cytosolic and lumenal compartments until translation was terminated. Shielding of ICL1 and ICL2, but not the C terminus, became resistant to maneuvers that disrupt electrostatic ribosome interactions. Thus, the early folding landscape of polytopic proteins is shaped by a spatially restricted environment localized within the assembled ribosome translocon complex.  相似文献   

Structure of the mammalian 80S ribosome at 8.7 A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present a structure of the mammalian ribosome determined at approximately 8.7 A resolution by electron cryomicroscopy and single-particle methods. A model of the ribosome was created by docking homology models of subunit rRNAs and conserved proteins into the density map. We then modeled expansion segments in the subunit rRNAs and found unclaimed density for approximately 20 proteins. In general, many conserved proteins and novel proteins interact with expansion segments to form an integrated framework that may stabilize the mature ribosome. Our structure provides a snapshot of the mammalian ribosome at the beginning of translation and lends support to current models in which large movements of the small subunit and L1 stalk occur during tRNA translocation. Finally, details are presented for intersubunit bridges that are specific to the eukaryotic ribosome. We suggest that these bridges may help reset the conformation of the ribosome to prepare for the next cycle of chain elongation.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharyl transferase (OT) catalyzes the transfer of a lipid-linked oligosaccharide to the nascent polypeptide emerging from the translocon. Currently, there is no structural information on the membrane-embedded OT complex, which consists of eight different polypeptide chains. We report a 12 A resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of OT from yeast. We mapped the locations of four essential OT subunits through a maltose-binding protein fusion strategy. OT was found to have a large domain in the lumenal side of endoplasmic reticulum where the catalysis occurs. The lumenal domain mainly comprises the catalytic Stt3p, the donor substrate-recognizing Wbp1p, and the acceptor substrate-recognizing Ost1p. A prominent groove was observed between these subunits, and we propose that the nascent polypeptide from the translocon threads through this groove while being scanned by the Ost1p subunit for the presence of the glycosylation sequon.  相似文献   

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