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First-trimester human placental villi were cultured on 3H-leucine-labeled extracellular matrices isolated from the PF HR9 and PYS-2 cell lines. Both cell lines produced an extracellular matrix that contained basement membrane-specific macromolecules, including type IV collagen, laminin and proteoglycan. Both matrices promoted outgrowth of cells from the villi which, according to morphological criteria, were identified as cytotrophoblastic cells. As the cells migrated from the attachment site, they caused a marked focal dissolution of the matrix which was accompanied by a concomitant release of 3H-labeled material into the media. Approximately half of this material chromatographed near the inclusion volume of Sephadex G-50, indicating that the labeled matrix components had been degraded. This phenomenon was dependent on the age of the placenta. Second-trimester placental villi also adhered to the matrix, but no areas of dissolution were formed and no significant amounts of radioactivity were released into the medium. These results suggest that culture of first-trimester human placental villi on extracellular matrices may be useful for the study of some of the early embryonic events leading to human implantation, during which the trophoblastic cells erode the uterine epithelium.  相似文献   

Prenatal tobacco exposure (PTE) correlates significantly with a surge in adverse pregnancy outcomes, yet its pathological mechanisms remain partially unexplored. This study aims to meticulously examine the repercussions of PTE on placental immune landscapes, employing a coordinated research methodology encompassing bioinformatics, machine learning and animal studies. Concurrently, it aims to screen biomarkers and potential compounds that could sensitively indicate and mitigate placental immune disorders. In the course of this research, two gene expression omnibus (GEO) microarrays, namely GSE27272 and GSE7434, were included. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and immune enrichment investigations on differentially expressed genes (DEGs) indicated that PTE might perturb numerous innate or adaptive immune-related biological processes. A cohort of 52 immune-associated DEGs was acquired by cross-referencing the DEGs with gene sets derived from the ImmPort database. A protein–protein interaction (PPI) network was subsequently established, from which 10 hub genes were extracted using the maximal clique centrality (MCC) algorithm (JUN, NPY, SST, FLT4, FGF13, HBEGF, NR0B2, AREG, NR1I2, SEMA5B). Moreover, we substantiated the elevated affinity of tobacco reproductive toxicants, specifically nicotine and nitrosamine, with hub genes through molecular docking (JUN, FGF13 and NR1I2). This suggested that these genes could potentially serve as crucial loci for tobacco's influence on the placental immune microenvironment. To further elucidate the immune microenvironment landscape, consistent clustering analysis was conducted, yielding three subtypes, where the abundance of follicular helper T cells (p < 0.05) in subtype A, M2 macrophages (p < 0.01), neutrophils (p < 0.05) in subtype B and CD8+ T cells (p < 0.05), resting NK cells (p < 0.05), M2 macrophages (p < 0.05) in subtype C were significantly different from the control group. Additionally, three pivotal modules, designated as red, blue and green, were identified, each bearing a close association with differentially infiltrated immunocytes, as discerned by the weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA). Functional enrichment analysis was subsequently conducted on these modules. To further probe into the mechanisms by which immune-associated DEGs are implicated in intercellular communication, 20 genes serving as ligands or receptors and connected to differentially infiltrating immunocytes were isolated. Employing a variety of machine learning techniques, including one-way logistic regression, LASSO regression, random forest and artificial neural networks, we screened 11 signature genes from the intersection of immune-associated DEGs and secretory protein-encoding genes derived from the Human Protein Atlas. Notably, CCL18 and IFNA4 emerged as prospective peripheral blood markers capable of identifying PTE-induced immune disorders. These markers demonstrated impressive predictive power, as indicated by the area under the curve (AUC) of 0.713 (0.548–0.857) and 0.780 (0.618–0.914), respectively. Furthermore, we predicted 34 potential compounds, including cyclosporine, oestrogen and so on, which may engage with hub genes and attenuate immune disorders instigated by PTE. The diagnostic performance of these biomarkers, alongside the interventional effect of cyclosporine, was further corroborated in animal studies via ELISA, Western blot and immunofluorescence assays. In summary, this study identifies a disturbance in the placental immune landscape, a secondary effect of PTE, which may underlie multiple pregnancy complications. Importantly, our research contributes to the noninvasive and timely detection of PTE-induced placental immune disorders, while also offering innovative therapeutic strategies for their treatment.  相似文献   

Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1) is one of the scavenger receptors that recognizes oxidized low-density lipoprotein as a major ligand. The placenta is a major source of prooxidant during pregnancy, and the level of placental oxidative stress increases rapidly at the end of the first trimester and tapers off later in gestation. In our study, we evaluated placental expression of LOX-1 during different gestational stages in mice and humans. We used immunohistochemistry and ISH to identify LOX-1-expressing cells in murine and human placentas. In both species, higher expression of LOX-1 mRNA during early to midgestational stages compared with late gestation-corresponding to the increased oxidative stress in early pregnancy-was shown by real-time RT-PCR. In murine placenta, we showed that LOX-1-expressing cells were fibroblast-like stromal cells in metrial glands and decidua basalis and that they were glycogen trophoblast cells in the junctional and labyrinth zones. In the human, LOX-1 expression was detected in villous cytotrophoblasts in both first trimester and term placentas. These localization patterns of LOX-1 in murine and human placentas suggest the possible involvement of LOX-1 in high oxidative stress conditions of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Placenta is a transitional area making many physiological activities between mother and fetus and therefore, it is a critical organ influencing the outcome of pregnancy. Fetal growth is directly related to placental development. Accurate placental development depends on coordinated action of trophoblasts’ proliferation, differentiation and invasion. Information on cell cycle related proteins that control these events is limited and how they are affected in preeclampsia is not fully understood yet. Therefore, in this study, in order to understand the role of cell cycle regulators in preeclamptic placentas we aimed to determine the spatio-temporal immunolocalizations of cell cycle regulators in preeclamptic and normal human term placentas. Term placentas were obtained from women diagnosed with preeclampsia and from normal pregnancies with informed consent following cesarean deliveries. Placental samples were stained via immunohistochemistry with PCNA, Ki67, p27, p57, vimentin and cytokeratin 7 antibodies and were examined by light microscopy. PCNA and Ki67 staining intensities significantly increased in villous parts, significantly decreased in basal plates of PE group and did not change in chorionic plates. Staining intensities of cell cycle inhibitors p27 and p57 significantly increased in all parts of preeclamptic placentas compared to control. Placental abnormalities of preeclamptic placentas might be associated with proliferation and cell cycle arrest mechanisms’ alterations occurred in preeclampsia.  相似文献   

The placenta regulates the in utero environment and functionally impacts fetal development. Candidate gene studies identified variation in placental DNA methylation is associated with newborn neurologic and behavioral outcomes including movement quality, lethargic behavior, attention, and arousal. We sought to identify novel regions of variable DNA methylation associated with newborn attention, lethargy, quality of movement, and arousal by performing an epigenome-wide association study in 335 infants from a US birth cohort. Methylation status was quantified using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array and associations to newborn outcomes assessed by the NICU Network Neurobehavioral Scales (NNNS) were identified while incorporating established bioinformatics algorithms to control for confounding by cell type composition. Methylation of CpGs within FHIT (cg15970800) and ANKRD11 (cg16710656) demonstrated genome-wide significance (P < 1.8 × 10?7) in specific associations with infant attention. CpGs whose differential methylation was associated with all 4 neurobehavioral outcomes were common to 50 genes involved in biological processes relating to cellular adhesion and nervous system development. Comprehensive methylation profiling identified relationships between methylation of FHIT and ANKRD11, which have been previously linked to neurodevelopment and behavioral outcomes in genetic association studies. Subtle changes in DNA methylation of these genes within the placenta may impact normal variation of a newborn's ability to alter and track visual and auditory stimuli. Gene ontology analysis suggested that those genes with variable methylation related to these outcomes are over-represented in biological pathways involved in brain development and placental physiology, supportive of our hypothesis for a key role of the placenta in neurobehavioral outcomes.  相似文献   



Many studies have been conducted to identify either insertions-deletions (inDels) or copy number variations (CNVs) in humans, but few studies have been conducted to identify both of these forms coexisting in the same region.


To map the functionally significant sites within human genes that are likely to influence human traits and diseases.


In this report, we describe an inDel map in the 1051 Tibetan CNV regions obtained through CNV genotyping using Affymetrix Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism 6.0 chip. InDel polymorphisms in these copy number polymorphism regions were identified with a computational approach using the 2500 deoxyribonucleic acid sequences obtained from the 1000 Genome Project.


The study identified a total of 95935 inDels that range from 1 bp to several bps in length which were found scattered across regulatory regions, exons and in introns of genes underlying the CNVs. A study on the distribution of inDels revealed that the majority of inDels were found in coding regions of the genome than the noncoding, while within the genes, inDels in intron regions were more followed by exonic regions and finally the regulatory regions.


Study of inDels in CNV regions contribute to the enhanced understanding of the role played by the two variations and their collective influence on the genome. Further, a collection of these inDel genetic markers will aid in genetic mapping, further understanding of the phenotypic variability, identification of disease genes and in detecting novel CNVs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the daily exposure to lead due to food ingestion, air inhalation, and soil ingestion in the Republic of Korea's general population, and to evaluate the level of risk associated with the current lead exposure level using the proportional daily dose (3–4 μg/kg body weight/day) corresponding to the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) suggested by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives as the toxicological tolerance level. The estimation of the daily exposure to lead via three pathways including food, soil ingestion and air inhalation was conducted as a chronic exposure assessment. For the lead exposure assessment through dietary intake, 1,389 lead residue data for 45 commodities investigated by the Korea Food and Drug Administration during the period 1995–2000 were utilized (KFDA 1996, 1997, 1998). Six hundred seventy-two air monitoring data from 7 major cities during the period 1993–2000 and 4,500 soil residue data at 1,500 sites during the period 1999–2001 were considered for the lead exposure assessment involving air inhalation and soil ingestion, respectively. The total daily exposure to lead was estimated by combining dietary intake, inhaled amount and soil intake corresponding to the typical activity of the general population, which was treated as a group of adults with a body weight of 60 kg. For risk characterization, the daily exposure to lead was compared with the toxicological tolerance level. The level of risk due to lead exposure was calculated using the hazard ratio (HR). The dietary intake of lead was 9.71 × 10?4 mg/kg/day and the total daily exposure level, including air inhalation and soil ingestion, was 9.97 × 10?4 mg/kg/day. The exposure contributions of foods, air and soil induced from the percentage of each media to the total daily exposure were 97.4%, 2.1% and 0.5%, respectively. Of the different commodity groups, the highest contribution to the total exposure came from grain, which represented 47.7% of the total. Additional exposure to lead occurs in certain population groups due to the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and the intake of other foods, all factors not considered in this study. Through the comparison of the daily exposure to lead with the tolerance level based on the PTWI, the hazard ratio was estimated as being 0.25–0.33. This value implies that no increase in blood lead level is to be expected in the general population at the current lead exposure levels.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing evidence of eye abnormalities, the effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine on the visual system are still poorly understood. This study was aimed at analyzing the qualitative and quantitative organization of the retinal photoreceptor cells (PR) and outer nuclear layer (ONL) after prenatal exposure to cocaine in the rat. Pregnant Wistar rats were given sc injections of cocaine hydrochloride (60 mg/kg body wt/d) or saline or were not manipulated; analyses were performed in the 14- and 30-d-old male offspring. Radial semithin and ultrathin sections of epon-embedded flat mounts of the retina showed displaced PR-like cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL), picnotic PR nuclei in INL, and ONL, and retinal PR rosettes and outer-segment debris in the subretinal space. The quantitative study showed an increased density of PR-like nuclei in the INL in PND14 cocaine-treated rats that were within normal values at PND30; no changes were detected in the PR mean nuclear diameter and in the packing density of PR nuclei in the ONL. These data constitute the first morphological demonstration of photoreceptor damage after prenatal cocaine-exposure probably owing to a direct action of the drug and/or to the cocaine-induced ischemia/hypoxia.  相似文献   

植物快繁中有效快繁速度与商品苗总产量的计算与控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了植物快繁中影响有效繁殖速度的各种参数,在此基础上推导出了有效快繁速度( V)和商品苗总产量( Yt)的计算公式,即 V= Y/ Np = [n· Cr+ 1 - (n- 1)· Cr- 1]·f; Yt= B·( C- 1)·f ·n。利用这套参数及公式作为技术指标,既可评定特定快繁系统间的差异,又可实现对快繁系统的调控和量化组织管理,提高快繁效益。  相似文献   

We have characterized a high-affinity folate receptor in human molar placenta tissue. Radioligand binding exhibited characteristics typical of other high-affinity folate binding proteins. Those included, positive cooperativity, a tendency to increased binding affinity with decreasing receptor concentration, a slow ligand dissociation at pH 7.4 becoming rapid at pH 3.5, and inhibition by folate analogues. The folate receptor cross-reacted with antibodies against human milk folate binding protein, e.g. the syncytothrophoblastic layer of molar placenta tissue sections showed strongly positive immunostaining. The gel filtration profile contained two radioligand-bound peaks (25 and 100 kDa), however, with considerable overlap. Only a single band of 70 kDa was seen on SDS-PAGE immunoblotting. The folate receptor in placental tissue may play a crucial role in the transfer of folate from maternal circulation to the fetus.  相似文献   

目的:探讨产前手机暴露对子代大鼠海马齿状回增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)和双皮质素(DCX)表达的影响。方法:构建孕鼠手机射频暴露模型,分为对照组、短时暴露组和长时暴露组(n=6),短时和长时暴露组于孕第1-17天分别给予6 h/d和24 h/d的手机通话暴露,观察孕鼠的孕期长短、孕期体重增长和各组的胎儿数、胎儿出生体重。1月龄子代大鼠行焦油紫染色观察海马齿状回细胞形态,免疫组化观察齿状回PCNA和DCX表达,Western blot检测DCX和脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)表达。结果:各组孕鼠的孕期、妊娠期体重增长和各组的胎儿数、胎儿出生体重无显著差异,长时暴露组子代大鼠的齿状回多形细胞层锥形细胞和DCX阳性细胞出现形态改变。与对照组、短时暴露组比较,长时暴露组子代大鼠齿状回PCNA阳性细胞和DCX、BDNF表达均明显减少(P<0.05)。结论:产前长时手机暴露可能通过改变子代大鼠海马BDNF而影响齿状回的PCNA和DCX表达。  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of maternal smoking during pregnancy on placental DNA methylation and how this may mediate the association between maternal smoking and pro-inflammatory proteins in cord blood. The study population consisted of 27 individuals exposed to maternal smoking throughout pregnancy, 32 individuals exposed during a proportion of the pregnancy, and 61 unexposed individuals. Methylation of 11 regions within 6 genes in placenta tissue was assessed by pyrosequencing. Levels of 7 pro-inflammatory proteins in cord blood were assessed by electrochemiluminescence. Differential methylation was observed in the CYP1A1 promoter and AHRR gene body regions between women who smoked throughout pregnancy and non-smokers on the fetal-side of the placenta and in the GFI1 promoter between women who quit smoking while pregnant and non-smokers on the maternal-side of the placenta. Maternal smoking resulted in elevated levels of IL-8 protein in cord blood, which was not mediated by DNA methylation of our candidate regions at either the maternal or the fetal side of the placenta. Placental DNA methylation was associated with levels of inflammatory proteins in cord blood. Our observations suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy affects both placental DNA methylation and the neonate's immune response.  相似文献   

以当前生理学、医学等相关学科研究的最新成果为例介绍了雌激素、应激和人类认知功能三者之间的关系。说明雌激素与应激均可影响人类情绪、中枢学习和记忆功能,不利应激降低雌激素水平,而雌激素又可减少不利应激带来的损害,最后指出雌激素替代治疗的广阔临床应用前景。  相似文献   

Placenta is a transient feto-maternal association that develops during mammalian pregnancies. Human placental tissue during the first trimester of pregnancy is an actively dividing and differentiating tissue, while near term, it represents a fully differentiated unit performing many life-sustaining functions for the fetus. Previous studies have demonstrated that the percentage of placental cells that undergo apoptosis is greater at full term as compared to the first trimester of pregnancy. In this study, we undertook a study aimed at gaining an insight into the kind of genes expressed in the two developmentally distinct stages of gestation ie, the first trimester and term using Differential Display RT-PCR. Cloning and sequencing of one of the differentially expressed cDNAs from term placental tissue revealed that it is a novel gene, referred to as T-18 in the text. In this study, we also examined the regulation of this gene during apoptosis in the human placenta. A model for analysis of placental apoptosis was established by incubating placental villi in serum-free culture medium. It was observed that apoptosis occurred rapidly following incubation of placental villi without tropic support, and the proposed free-radical scavenger, superoxide dismutase (SOD) suppressed apoptosis in the placenta. Interestingly, the levels of T-18 mRNA increased significantly during spontaneous induction of apoptosis and decreased when apoptosis was blocked by SOD. These data clearly suggest that there is a strong correlation between the expression of T-18 and placental apoptosis and that T-18, may play a significant role in this process. Furthermore, the establishment of a defined in vitro explant culture model should facilitate elucidation of factors, which regulate apoptosis in human placenta.  相似文献   

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