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Metallothionein (MT) induction is widely used as a biomarker of exposure to metals in mussels. The aims of the present work were first to compare the suitability of spectrophotometry and differential pulse polarography (DPP) for MT detection in mussels exposed to 200 ppb cadmium for 9 days in a laboratory experiment and in mussels sampled in different seasons from expected pollution gradients along the Mediterranean Sea; second, to intercalibrate the widely used spectrophotometric method using mussels from Saronikos Gulf. In the intercalibration of the spectrophotometric method, similar results (p>0.05) were obtained by two different research teams indicating a good reproducibility of the technique. However, polarographic and spectrophotometric methods gave significantly (p<0.05) different results in laboratory and field studies. In the laboratory experiment, MT values detected with DPP were nine times higher than with spectrophotometry. The results obtained by the two methods were significantly correlated. Both methods could discriminate between control and exposed mussels. In field studies, MT values obtained by DPP were 34-38-fold higher than with spectrophotometry, and MT concentrations measured by both methods were not correlated. This discrepancy could be due to several factors, including the low levels of bioavailable metals in the studied areas and the possibility that the different methods can measure MT isoforms differentially. Further work is needed to decipher the functions of MT isoforms in mussels. This information is relevant for the application of MT as a biomarker in biomonitoring programmes.  相似文献   

The distribution of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the Mediterranean Sea was quantitatively analysed. The samples contain 11 cyst species and the vegetative coccoid Thoracosphaera heimii. Cyst abundance increases towards the deeper parts of the basins and is generally higher in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Three major distribution characteristics exist: (1) different assemblages in oceanic and neritic regions, (2) little agreement with the associations of areas studied so far like the Atlantic Ocean, and (3) a unique oceanic assemblage in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. A gradual change in cyst assemblages from the western to the eastern Mediterranean Sea was observed and statistically compared with the main environmental gradients in the upper water column. Temperature, nitrate concentration and possibly salinity appear to be the most important factors controlling cyst production. Three groups containing cysts with similar environmental preferences can be distinguished: (1) an eastern Mediterranean group related to relatively high temperature and salinity but low nitrate concentration, (2) a group of more or less consistently abundant cosmopolitan species tolerating or even preferring relatively low temperature and salinity but high nitrate concentration, and (3) a group containing species that are possibly adapted to neritic environments and have probably been transported from coastal areas into the studied regions. In contrast to other calcareous plankton, calcareous dinoflagellate cysts correlate strongly with the main environmental gradients in the Mediterranean Sea, bearing a high potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe surroundings of the Cortiou sewage are among the most polluted environments of the French Mediterranean Sea (Marseilles, France). So far, no studies have precisely quantified the impact of pollution on the development of organisms in this area.MethodsWe used a fluctuating asymmetry (FA) measure of developmental instability (DI) to assess environmental stress in two species of radially symmetric sea urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus). For six sampling sites (Cortiou, Riou, Maire, East Maire, Mejean, and Niolon), levels of FA were calculated from continuous and discrete skeletal measures of ambulacral length, number of pore pairs and primary tubercles.ResultsFor both species, the most polluted sampling site, Cortiou, displayed the highest level of FA, while the Maire and East Maire sampling sites displayed the lowest levels. A. lixula revealed systematic differences in FA among sampling sites for all characters and P. lividus showed differences in FA for the number of primary tubercles.ConclusionsStatistical analyses of FA show a concordance between the spatial patterns of FA among sampling sites and the spatial distribution of sewage discharge pollutants in the Cortiou area. High developmental stress in these sampling sites is associated with exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals and many harmful organic substances contained in wastewater. FA estimated from structures with complex symmetry appears to be a fast and reliable tool to detect subtle differences in FA. Its use in biomonitoring programs for inferring anthropogenic and natural environmental stress is suggested.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea is subject to an ever-increasing arrival of non-indigenous marine organisms. Microcosmus squamiger is a solitary ascidian that inhabits shallow rocky littoral habitats. It probably originated in Australia and it has shown great invasive potential in other parts of the world. In the Mediterranean, M. squamiger has only been reported at a few sites in Spain and Italy. However, the closely related species Microcosmus exasperatus has been reported in several areas of the western Mediterranean. As these species can be easily confused, we re-examined most of the material from previous studies and our personal collections. In addition, sampling was done at several sites along the western Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. The results showed that the majority of the M. exasperatus reports correspond to M. squamiger, and that M. squamiger is common on the Atlantic shores. This suggests that M. squamiger has entered the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar Strait, while the restricted distribution in the eastern Mediterranean of M. exasperatus suggests that this species is probably a Lessepsian migrant. In the Mediterranean Sea, M. squamiger has the ability to occupy extensive areas of hard substrata and to outcompete native species. Further studies are necessary to assess what impacts this invasive species have on native communities.  相似文献   

We investigated five time-equivalent core sections (180-110 kyr BP) from the Balearic Sea (Menorca Rise), the easternmost Levantine Basin and southwest, south, and southeast of Crete to reconstruct spatial patterns of productivity during deposition of sapropels S5 and S6 in the Mediterranean Sea. Our indicators are Ba, total organic carbon and carbonate contents. We found no indications of Ba remobilization within the investigated core intervals, and used the accumulation rate of biogenic Ba to compute paleoproductivity. Maximum surface water productivity (up to 350 g C/m2/yr) was found during deposition of S5 (isotope stage 5e) but pronounced spatial variability is evident. Coeval sediment intervals in the Balearic Sea show very little productivity change, suggesting that chemical and biological environments in the eastern and western Mediterranean basins were decoupled in this interval. We interpret the spatial variability as the result of two different modes of nutrient delivery to the photic zone: river-derived nutrient input and shoaling of the pycnocline/nutricline to the photic zone. The productivity increase during the formation of S6 was moderate compared to S5 and had a less marked spatial variability within the study area of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Given that S6 formed during a glacial interval, glacial boundary conditions such as high wind stress and/or cooler surface water temperatures apparently favored lateral and vertical mixing and prevented the development of the spatial gradients within the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) observed for S5. A non-sapropel sediment interval with elevated Ba content and depleted 18O/16O ratios in planktonic foraminifer calcite was detected between S6 and S5 that corresponds to the weak northern hemisphere insolation maximum at 150 kyr. At this time, productivity apparently increased up to five times over surrounding intervals, but abundant benthic fauna show that the deep water remained oxic. Following our interpretation, the interval denotes a failed sapropel, when a weaker monsoon did not force the EMS into permanent stratification. The comparison of interglacial and glacial sapropels illustrates the relevance of climatic boundary conditions in the northern catchment in determining the facies and spatial variability of sapropels within the EMS.  相似文献   

Annual recurrent blooms of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium catenella and Alexandrium minutum were detected from 2000 to 2003 in harbours along the Catalan coast. The interrelation study between the occurrence of the blooms and specific external conditions at the study sites demonstrated that different factors are required for the bloom of each Alexandrium species. Concentrations higher than 105 cells l−1 of A. catenella were only detected in Tarragona harbour. These blooms were associated with water surface temperature between 21 and 25 °C and salinities of around 34 psu or higher than 37 psu. A. minutum appeared widely spread along the Catalan coast, though the most intensive and recurrent blooms of this species were observed in Arenys de Mar harbour. Concentrations of millions of cells per litre of A. minutum were associated with water temperatures below 14 °C and salinities of around 34–36 psu. A. minutum cell densities showed a positive significant correlation with NO3 but a negative correlation with NH4. On the other hand, A. catenella blooms dominated when both NO3 and NH4 levels were high. The prevailing inorganic nitrogen form (NO3 vs. NH4) could explain why these two species rarely coincide in the same harbours. Accumulation of cysts in the sediment was found to be an important potential factor for the recurrence of these species. The 4.3 × 103 A. catenella cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Tarragona harbour and the 3.02 × 103 A. minutum cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Vilanova harbour were the highest concentrations observed from the cyst study. Confined waters such as harbours play an important role as reservoirs for the accumulation of cysts and vegetative cells, which contributes to the expansion of these dinoflagellates in the region. However, the particular environmental conditions are also decisive factors of bloom intensity.  相似文献   

Data on the distribution and biology of the deep-sea portunid crab Bathynectes maravigna are reported for the Mediterranean Sea, based on several fisheries research surveys. Densities are low and, therefore, biological data are scarce. In the western Mediterranean, the species is much commoner in Alborán Sea than in the Catalano-Balearic Sea. Occurrences are also scarce in the southern Adriatic and northwestern Thyrrenian Sea, as well as in the Ionian Sea. The Alborán Sea and the seas surrounding the southern Italian peninsula are the areas where densities are the highest. The occurrence depth range was found to be 245–786 m, but most of the occurrences took place deeper than 500 m. Sizes ranged between 9 and 51 mm carapace length in males and between 12 and 51 mm in females. Ovigerous females have been only reported in October–December and March–May. Eighty three percent of both males and females are right-handed. Sexual dimorphism was present in cheliped length with males having longer chelae than females. The species appears to be much commoner in those areas where Atlantic influence is the highest.  相似文献   

Pannacciulli  F. G.  Relini  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,426(1):105-112
The Mediterranean Sea is characterised by a small tidal range (0.3–1 m). Despite this, intertidal communities are well established and their upper limits often extend above mean high water level. Organisms living in the intertidal region and in the supralittoral zone rely on both tides and wave action to perform their biological functions. Lack of food, desiccation and predation are common stresses in such a harsh environment. The present study deals with the vertical distribution of two species of intertidal barnacles, Chthamalus montagui Southward and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli), which are the main constituents of the barnacle belt along Mediterranean rocky shores. Previous work, carried out in the Atlantic, showed that where the distribution ranges of the two Chthamalus species overlap, C. montagui is more common in the upper barnacle zone while C. stellatus is dominant lower down. The main aims of our study are: (1) to establish if there is a relationship between position and extension of the barnacle belt on the shore and tidal range and/or wave exposure, (2) to test the hypothesis that in the study areas C. montagui is more abundant than C. stellatus high on the shore, and that the pattern is reversed lower down. Barnacle populations were monitored in summer 1998 in the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea) and in the Gulf of Trieste (North-Adriatic Sea). The two areas differ in tidal range and hydrodynamism, the former presenting quite strong wave action and a tidal range of 30 cm, the latter having limited wave action and 1 m tidal range. Three shores were randomly selected in each gulf and two transects on each shore. Counts of barnacles in 10 * 10 cm quadrats were done at different shore heights along each transect. The data was subjected to analysis of variance. Results showed that a more pronounced hydrodynamic regime corresponded to a shift of the barnacle belt towards the higher shore (Gulf of Genoa), while in more sheltered areas (Gulf of Trieste), the barnacle distribution was confined to the intertidal region. The relative spatial distribution of C. montagui and C. stellatus within the barnacle belt varied locally, even between transects on the same shore, and this obscured the distribution pattern along the vertical gradient. Nevertheless, it was still possible to conclude that at mid and high shore in Genoa, C. stellatus was more abundant than C. montagui, while in Trieste the pattern was reversed.  相似文献   

Two simple, selective and accurate methods were developed and validated for the determination of brimonidine tartrate (BT) in pure state and pharmaceutical formulations. Both methods are based on the coupling of the drug with 4‐chloro‐7‐nitro‐2,1,3‐benzoxadiazole in borate buffer (pH 8.5) at 70 °C and measurement of the reaction product spectrophotometrically at 407 nm (method I) or spectrofluorimetrically at 528 nm upon excitation at 460 nm (method II). The calibration graphs were rectilinear over the concentration ranges of 1.0–16.0 and 0.1–4.0 µg/mL with lower detection limits of 0.21 and 0.03, and lower quantification limits of 0.65 and 0.09 µg/mL for methods I and II, respectively. Both methods were successfully applied to the analysis of commercial ophthalmic solution with mean recovery of 99.50 ± 1.00 and 100.13 ± 0.71%, respectively. Statistical analysis of the results obtained by the proposed methods revealed good agreement with those obtained using a comparison method. The proposed spectrofluorimetric method was extended to a stability study of BT under different ICH‐outlined conditions such as alkaline, acidic, oxidative and photolytic degradation. Furthermore, the kinetics of oxidative degradation of the drug was investigated and the apparent first‐order reaction rate constants, half‐life times and Arrhenius equation were estimated. The proposed methods are practical and valuable for routine applications in quality control laboratories for the analysis of BT. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of a decapod community in a Cymodocea nodosa meadow from Southeastern Spain (Western Mediterranean Sea) showed a stable structure, in which the families Hippolytidae, Processidae, Majidae and Portunidae were the most abundant and the species Hippolyte niezabitowskii dominated. The animal community was more numerous and diverse during the night, showing the existence of nychthemeral movements, which are essentially related to the trophic behaviour and shelter. In this way, many species increased their abundance as a result of an increasing activity and, also, of an influx of other species and specimens from adjacent sandy bottoms, such as Processa spp. (mainly P. modica) Sicyonia carinata, Liocarcinus spp. (mainly juveniles) and several species of hermit crabs, which were rare or absent during the day. All these changes produced modifications in the dominance curves and in the values of all ecological indices (richness, diversity and evenness). Monthly samples were grouped and ordered (MDS) by the factor “day–night”, which showed slight qualitative and quantitative differences (SIMPER, dissimilarity average of the factor day–night = 61.67). On the other hand, no global seasonal differences have been found (one way ANOSIM), but there was a significant level of similarity between winter and spring, while the summer samples were the most different. The differentiation of the summer 1999 can be attributed to a decrease in species abundance and richness, probably due to the dynamics of the decapod populations and the balance with predators (fishes), while that of the summer 2000, to an anomalous event: the massive proliferation of filamentous algae, mainly Ectocarpus s.l., which modified the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

AimTrypanorhyncha cestodes comprise a wide range of heteroxenous parasites infecting elasmobranchs as definitive hosts. Limited data exist on the larval infection of these cestodes and the role of intermediate and paratenic hosts in the life cycle of these parasites. We investigated the factors that determine the occurrence and the level of infection of Grillotia plerocerci in the skeletal muscles of various benthonic sharks and analyzed the parasites through an integrative taxonomic approach.LocationMediterranean Sea.MethodsSharks obtained as bycatch of commercial trawling activities (i.e., Etmopterus spinax, Galeus melastomus, and Scyliorhinus canicula) were used in this study. Data from a limited number of Dalatias licha and Scyliorhinus stellaris were also included. Grillotia plerocerci were molecularly characterized using the partial 28S large subunit rDNA. Boosted regression trees were used to model the relationship between the abundance of infection with both morphological and physiological predictors in each host.ResultsPlerocerci of Grillotia were detected in all shark species except S. stellaris. Host species significantly differed in terms of parasite abundance, with the highest and lowest prevalence and abundance of infection detected in G. melastomus and E. spinax, respectively. The relative influence of the traits involved in explaining the parasite abundance was related to the host size in Gmelastomus, while both morphology‐ and physiology‐related traits explained the patterns observed in Espinax and Scanicula. The 28S rDNA sequences shared an identity of ∼99.40% with a Grillotia species previously found in the Mediterranean Sea. At intraspecific level, two different genotypes were found. A first type was retrieved only from Dlicha, whereas a second type was found in G. melastomus, E. spinax, and S. canicula.Main conclusionsPresent results suggest that the two genotypes could be involved in different consumer‐resource systems and confirm most of the examined shark species as transport hosts of Grillotia species for unknown larger top predators.  相似文献   

1. We tested the hypothesis that the non‐native rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) is less vulnerable to predators than two native species (O. propinquus and O. obscurus) it is replacing in streams of the upper Susquehanna River catchment (New York, U.S.A.). 2. We used laboratory experiments to compare species‐specific predation rates by smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) on crayfish of equal size and field tethering experiments to compare relative predation rates between native O. propinquus and non‐native O. rusticus by the suite of crayfish predators in our system. We predicted that crayfish size would affect predation rate but that predation rates would be equal among species when size was controlled. 3. We also tested for two potential artefacts of tethering. We tethered crayfish in cages to test whether the ability to escape from tethers is size specific, and we tested whether tethering alters differential predation among crayfish species by the smallmouth bass. 4. In the laboratory, smallmouth bass predation on rusty crayfish was lower than on either of the native species. In the field, predation risk for tethered crayfish was inversely related to size but did not differ among species when size was taken into account. Because rusty crayfish in the field experiment were slightly larger than the native species, as in nature, mortality was overall lower for the rusty crayfish. 5. In cages, smaller crayfish were more probably to escape from tethers than larger ones, an artefact that may partially confound results from our tethering experiments. Unexpectedly, tethering nearly eliminated predation by smallmouth bass. This artefact prevented us from testing for an interaction of tethering with differential predation and means that the results of field tethering experiments do not include any contribution from smallmouth bass predation. 6. Our experiments highlight the importance of explicitly considering potential artefacts that could confound results. 7. Our results indicate that differential predation contributes to the rusty crayfish's invasion of a stream community. In our study system, predation rates on rusty crayfish are lower than for native species mostly because of selection by predators for smaller crayfish; species‐specific characteristics such as behaviour that further reduce predation may also contribute, especially where smallmouth bass predation is important.  相似文献   

Specimens of Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from Phalacrocorax aristotelis (Linnaeus) from the Archipelago of La Maddalena (Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea) were characterised genetically and compared with C. rudolphii A sensu D’Amelio et al. 1990 and C. rudolphii B sensu D’Amelio et al. 1990 from Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenbach) from north-eastern Italy, and with C. rudolphii C sensu D’Amelio et al. 2007 from Phalacrocorax auritus (Lesson) from west-central Florida, USA. The sequencing of the small subunit of the mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene (rrnS) and by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the same gene and of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) allowed the identification of all specimens of C. rudolphii from P. aristotelis as C. rudolphii A. The results confirmed that the definition of genetic markers, following the analysis of nuclear ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA, provides quick and practical diagnostic tools for the detection of the 3 sibling species of C. rudolphii. The occurrence of C. rudolphii in P. aristotelis is reported for the first time from the Mediterranean area, improving the picture of the dispersal patterns of the populations of these piscivorous birds, and confirming the existence of different and isolated populations between the North and South European waters.  相似文献   

Fahy  Edward 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):73-83
Landings from the whelk fishery in the southwest Irish Sea rose from 63 t in 1990 to 6587 t in 1996 although landings declined to 2919 tonnes in 1998. Whelk are caught in pots baited with a combination of dogfish Scyliorhinus spp and brown crab Cancer pagurus. The input of bait crab is estimated at 7.2% of whelk landed. Most of the crab comes from southeast Ireland where some of it is a by-product of the claw fishery; some is targeted as bait crab, and this includes sub-size or recently moulted individuals. Fishing effort has been increasing on brown crab for human consumption also and there is concern about the sustainability of the crab fishery. Alternative bait trials examined a number of readily available fish species, some of them offals, whose attractiveness was evaluated by reference to crab and dogfish: whitefish (whiting and cod), pelagic species (mackerel and scad) and blue mussel. An artificial bait ration which included some crab meat, but 60% less than its natural equivalent, proved as effective as natural bait crab. A bait which consisted of a single species was less successful than two species fished together and some of the combinations (notably of whitefish) performed very effectively. Pelagic species performed poorly. The trade in brown crab for human consumption will always produce some form of discards which should be used; extending its use in an artificial bait is desirable.  相似文献   

1. Recently, a mutualistic relationship has been described between some dung beetles (Thorectes lusitanicus and Mycotrupes lethroides) and oak species (Quercus suber, Q. canariensis, and Q. rubra), which could be crucial for ensuring seedling recruitment and sustaining the equilibrium of oak populations. For T. lusitanicus, a diet based on acorns during the reproductive period improved resistance to low‐temperature conditions and improved ovarian development. 2. In this paper, we conducted field and laboratory experiments to investigate the interaction between two potential acorn‐eating beetles, Thorectes baraudi and Jekelius nitidus, with Quercus suber. We determined the feeding preferences of both beetle species and estimated the rates of acorn manipulation by beetles according to habitat structure and several characteristics of the acorn, such as seed size and acorn infestation by weevils. 3. Results demonstrated the positive interaction between the dung beetle Thorectes baraudi and Quercus trees. Thorectes baraudi was clearly more attracted to volatiles of acorns than to dung. Jekelius nitidus, on the contrary, was either not or anecdotally attracted to acorns. On the contrary, in the case of Jekelius nitidus, the acorn attraction could be considered anecdotal or even accidental. Our field results demonstrated the acorn burying behaviour of T. baraudi in the oak forests of the Cabañeros National Park (Spain), suggesting a potential role of this beetle species as an active secondary acorn disperser. 4. This unexpected behaviour could be particularly important in Mediterranean oak forests and savannahs, where most Quercus species are strongly recruitment limited because of serious overgrazing problems.  相似文献   

cDNA probes have been developed for subsequent use in monitoring the cadmium exposure of the clam Ruditapes decussatus and the cockle Cerastoderma glaucum using metallothionein (MT) gene expression in different tissues of these species. Two partial MT cDNAs were isolated from Ruditapes decussatus and Cerastoderma glaucum. The identification of the nucleotide sequences showed that the cDNAs consist of 480 bp coding 72 amino acid proteins containing 21 cysteine residues organized in Cys–X–Cys motifs as classically described for MTs. The induction of MT gene expression in CdCl2 treated bivalves was confirmed by dot blot analysis and suggests a potential specific tissue expression rate.  相似文献   

The marine planktonic archaea are dominated by Thaumarchaeotal Marine Group I, which is characterized by the lipid biomarker thaumarchaeol. The marine benthic archaea are characterized by greater diversity of currently unknown species whose lipid biomarker signatures are uncertain. In this study, a sediment core from the northwestern part of the South China Sea (SCS) (water depth 1474 m) was analyzed using molecular DNA and lipid biomarker approaches. While 16S rRNA gene analysis showed changing archaeal community structures with sediment depth, this change had little impact on the fossil record of archaeal lipids that are characteristic of the planktonic community. As a result, the fossil archaeal lipids recorded paleo sea surface temperature of the SCS since the last glacial maxima by the TEX86 proxy, which agreed generally with the winter temperature recorded by planktonic foraminiferas collected from the same area of the SCS that hosted mass-transported deposits. This suggests that this deep water deposit may have partially preserved paleoclimate record reflecting seasonal temperature variation in a near shore setting, which is in contrast to annual sea surface temperature or sub sea surface temperature variation recorded by TEX86 in the open ocean.  相似文献   

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