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Skeletal muscle adaptations to microgravity exposure in the mouse.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To investigate the effects of microgravity on murine skeletal muscle fiber size, muscle contractile protein, and enzymatic activity, female C57BL/6J mice, aged 64 days, were divided into animal enclosure module (AEM) ground control and spaceflight (SF) treatment groups. SF animals were flown on the space shuttle Endeavour (STS-108/UF-1) and subjected to approximately 11 days and 19 h of microgravity. Immunohistochemical analysis of muscle fiber cross-sectional area revealed that, in each of the muscles analyzed, mean muscle fiber cross-sectional area was significantly reduced (P < 0.0001) for all fiber types for SF vs. AEM control. In the soleus, immunohistochemical analysis of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression revealed a significant increase in the percentage of muscle fibers expressing MHC IIx and MHC IIb (P < 0.05). For the gastrocnemius and plantaris, no significant changes in MHC isoform expression were observed. For the muscles analyzed, no alterations in MHC I or MHC IIa protein expression were observed. Enzymatic analysis of the gastrocnemius revealed a significant decrease in citrate synthase activity in SF vs. AEM control.  相似文献   

The functional properties of the motor system of humans and non-human primates are readily responsive to microgravity. There is a growing body of evidence that significant adaptations occur in the spinal cord and muscle in response to prolonged exposure to microgravity. Further, there is evidence that the processing of sensory information from the periphery, particularly that input associated with the function of muscle tendons and joints, is significantly altered as a result of prolonged microgravity. We present evidence that the fundamental neural mechanisms that control the relative activity of the motor pools of a slow and fast extensor muscle is changed such that a slow, postural muscle is less readily activated during locomotion following spaceflight. Another type of change observed in mammals exposed to spaceflight relates to the release of a growth factor, called bioassayable growth hormone, which is thought to be released from the pituitary. When an individual generates a series of isometric plantarflexor contractions, the plasma levels of bioassayable growth hormone increases significantly. This response is suppressed after several days of continuous bedrest or spaceflight. These results suggest a unique neuroendocrine control system and demonstrate its sensitivity to chronic patterns of proprioceptive input associated with load-bearing locomotion.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this presentation is to look back to review the work on differential adaptation of vessels to microgravity in the past and to look forward to the future for research opportunities in this field. The main part is devoted to a discussion on the local renin-angiotensin system and ion channel mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanisms underlying increased aerobic power in response to exercise training in octogenarians, we studied mildly frail elderly men and women randomly assigned to an exercise group (n = 22) who participated in a training program of 6 mo of physical therapy, strength training, and walking followed by 3 mo of more intense endurance exercise at 78% of peak heart rate or a control sedentary group (n = 24). Peak O2 consumption (V(O2 peak)) increased 14% in the exercise group (P < 0.0001) but decreased slightly in controls. Training induced 14% increase (P = 0.027) in peak exercise cardiac output (Q), determined via acetylene re-breathing, and no change in arteriovenous O2 content difference. The increase in Q was mediated by increases in heart rate (P = 0.009) and probably stroke volume (P = 0.096). Left ventricular stroke work also increased significantly. In the men, the increase in V(O2 peak) was exclusively due to a large increase in peak Q (22%). In the women, the gain in V(O2 peak) was due to small increases in Q and O2 extraction from skeletal muscles. Pulse pressure normalized for stroke volume and arterial elastance during peak effort did not change with training. Controls showed no changes. The results suggest that, although frail octogenarians have a diminished capacity for improvement in aerobic power in response to exercise training, this adaptation is mediated mostly by an increase in Q during peak effort. Furthermore, Q likely plays a greater role in the adaptive increase in V(O2 peak) in old men than old women.  相似文献   

Postural specificity of cardiovascular adaptations to exercise training   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purposes of this study were to determine 1) whether posture affects the magnitude of cardiovascular adaptations to training and 2) whether cardiovascular adaptations resulting from exercise training in the supine posture transfer (generalize) to exercise in the upright posture and vice versa. Sixteen sedentary men, aged 18-33 yr, were trained using high-intensity interval and prolonged continuous cycling in the supine (STG; supine training group) or upright (UTG; upright training group) posture 4 days/wk, 40 min/day, for 8 wk, while seven male subjects served as nontraining controls. After training, maximal O2 uptake measured during supine and upright cycling, respectively, increased significantly (P less than 0.05) by 22.9 and 16.1% in the STG and by 6.0 and 14.6% in the UTG. No significant cardiovascular adaptations were observed at rest. During submaximal supine cycling at 100 W, significant increases in end-diastolic volume (21%) and stroke volume (22%) (radionuclide ventriculography and CO2 rebreathing) and decreases in heart rate, blood pressure, and systemic vascular resistance occurred in the STG, whereas only a significant decrease in blood pressure occurred in the UTG. During upright cycling at 100 W, a significant decrease in blood pressure occurred in the STG, whereas significant increases in end-diastolic volume (17%) and stroke volume (18%) and decreases in blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance occurred in the UTG. Volume of myocardial contractility, ejection fraction, and systolic blood pressure-to-end-systolic volume ratio did not change significantly after training when measured during supine and upright cycling in either training group. Blood volume increased significantly in the UTG but remained unchanged in the STG.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The weaver mutant mouse has a genetic defect that results in the loss of dopamine neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway. Striatal tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine content are reduced by 60–70%, and dopamine uptake is reduced by as much as 95%. Deficits in all three of these striatal dopamine markers are seen as early as postnatal d 3. The striatal dopamine systems in the weaver apparently have the ability to compensate for this dopamine deficit. Thus, in the weaver, in vitro resting release, as well as amphetamine-evoked fractional release of endogenous dopamine are increased. An additional change seen in the weaver striatum is an elevated serotonin content. These alterations may play an adaptive role in attempting to compensate for the dopamine loss. In summary, the weaver mutant mouse has dramatic deficits in the nigrostriatal pathway, but also seems to develop certain adaptive mechanisms in dopaminergic and other transmitter systems that may compensate functionally for the dopamine deficit. Thus, the weaver mouse provides a unique animal model for studying naturally induced neuronal degeneration that complements those models using surgical and pharmacological protocols.  相似文献   

More is known about the regulation of early developmental events in Drosophila than any other animal. In addition, its size and short life cycle make it a facile experimental system. Since developmental perturbations have been demonstrated when both oogenesis and embryogenesis occur in the space environment, there is a strong rationale for using this organism for the elucidation of specific gravity-sensitive developmental events.  相似文献   

In this study, we have shown that severe combined immunodeficient/beige mice reconstituted with hyperimmune Balb/c lymphocytes can be used as a model to demonstrate adoptive and passive protection against plague infection. Reconstitution of severe combined immunodeficient/beige mice was successful in nine out of ten mice as demonstrated by spleen colonisation and sustained circulating immunoglobulin titres. Furthermore, an increase in antibody titre was evident after a booster immunisation of reconstituted mice. Presence of circulating antibody correlated with protection against a systemic plague challenge and indicated that in reconstituted mice adoptive transfer of a functional immune system had occurred. The severe combined immunodeficient/beige mouse was also used to demonstrate passive protection against inhaled and systemic plague infection. The reconstituted severe combined immunodeficient/beige mouse model demonstrating protective immunity against plague will be further developed to identify the immune cell subsets responsible for this protection.  相似文献   

An in vitro 3D model was developed utilizing a synthetic microgravity environment to facilitate studying the cell interactions. 2D monolayer cell culture models have been successfully used to understand various cellular reactions that occur in vivo. There are some limitations to the 2D model that are apparent when compared to cells grown in a 3D matrix. For example, some proteins that are not expressed in a 2D model are found up-regulated in the 3D matrix. In this paper, we discuss techniques used to develop the first known large, free-floating 3D tissue model used to establish tumor spheroids. The bioreactor system known as the High Aspect Ratio Vessel (HARVs) was used to provide a microgravity environment. The HARVs promoted aggregation of keratinocytes (HaCaT) that formed a construct that served as scaffolding for the growth of mouse melanoma. Although there is an emphasis on building a 3D model with the proper extracellular matrix and stroma, we were able to develop a model that excluded the use of matrigel. Immunohistochemistry and apoptosis assays provided evidence that this 3D model supports B16.F10 cell growth, proliferation, and synthesis of extracellular matrix. Immunofluorescence showed that melanoma cells interact with one another displaying observable cellular morphological changes. The goal of engineering a 3D tissue model is to collect new information about cancer development and develop new potential treatment regimens that can be translated to in vivo models while reducing the use of laboratory animals.  相似文献   

Exposure to space flight models induces changes in the distribution of bone mineral in the human skeleton that has the features of a gravitational gradient. Regional bone mineral measurements with dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in male adults exposed to head-down tilt bed rest for 30 days show non-significant decrements in the pelvis and legs with 10% increases in the head region. Horizontal bed rest for 17 weeks reveals losses of bone mineral ranging from 2.2 to 10.4% from the lumbar spine to the calcaneus and an increase of 3.4% in the skull. Investigation of this phenomena would be most definitively carried out in an animal model. One candidate is the flight simulation model in the rat which removes body weight from the hind limbs and induces a cephalad fluid shift by suspending the animal by the tail. Weanling rats exposed to this model showed bone mineral to be lower in the hind limbs and higher in the skull after 3 weeks. These findings are similar in older 200 g animals after 2 weeks tail suspension. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of age on the distribution of skeletal mineral in this model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the effects of voluntary cage wheel exercise on mouse cardiac and skeletal muscle. Inbred male C57/Bl6 mice (age 6-8 wk; n = 12) [corrected] ran an average of 4.3 h/24 h, for an average distance of 6.8 km/24 h, and at an average speed of 26.4 m/min. A significant increase in the ratio of heart mass to body mass (mg/g) was evident after 2 wk of voluntary exercise, and cardiac atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide mRNA levels were significantly increased in the ventricles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. A significant increase in the percentage of fibers expressing myosin heavy chain (MHC) IIa was observed in both the gastrocnemius and the tibialis anterior (TA) by 2 wk, and a significant decrease in the percentage of fibers expressing IIb MHC was evident in both muscles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. The TA muscle showed a greater increase in the percentage of IIa MHC-expressing fibers than did the gastrocnemius muscle (40 and 20%, respectively, compared with 10% for nonexercised). Finally, the number of oxidative fibers as revealed by NADH-tetrazolium reductase histochemical staining was increased in the TA but not the gastrocnemius after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. All results are relative to age-matched mice housed without access to running wheels. Together these data demonstrate that voluntary exercise in mice results in cardiac and skeletal muscle adaptations consistent with endurance exercise.  相似文献   

The SMXA-5 strain, a new mouse model for type 2 diabetes, is a recombinant inbred strain derived from non-diabetic SM/J and A/J strains. As dietary fat is a key component in the development of diabetes, we compared the glucose tolerance and diabetes-related traits among the SMXA-5, SM/J, and A/J strains while feeding a high-fat diet for 10 weeks. SMXA-5 fed on a high-fat diet showed an increased serum insulin concentration. Judging from the hyperinsulinemia in SMXA-5, this strain showed insulin resistance, an inability of peripheral tissues to respond to insulin, which was strengthened by feeding with a high-fat diet. When fed on a high-fat diet for 5 weeks, the SMXA-5 mice showed severely impaired glucose tolerance. On the other hand, SM/J showed mildly impaired glucose tolerance, even when fed on a high-fat diet for 10 weeks. These results indicate that SMXA-5 would be available for use as a diabetic model susceptible to a high-fat diet.  相似文献   

Metabolism of sex steroids within the prostate is an important factor affecting its growth and pathology. Mouse models with genetic gain- and especially loss-of-function have characterised different steroid metabolic pathways and their contribution to prostate pathology. With reference to the human prostate, this review aims to summarize the steroidogenic pathways in the mouse prostate as the basis for using the mouse as a model for intraprostatic steroid signalling. In this review we summarize the current information for three main components of the steroid signalling pathway in the mouse prostate: circulating steroids, steroid receptors and steroidogenic enzymes with regard to signalling via androgen, estrogen, progesterone and glucocorticoid pathways. This review reveals many opportunities for characterisation steroid metabolism in various mouse models. The knowledge of steroid metabolism within prostate tissue and in a lobe (rodent)/region (human) specific manner, will give valuable information for future, novel hypotheses of intraprostatic control of steroid actions. This review summarizes knowledge of steroid metabolism in the mouse prostate and its relevance to the human.  相似文献   

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