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Only few factors influencing pest populations can be studied in the laboratory, but many population‐driving factors interact in the field. Therefore, complementary laboratory and field approaches are required for reliable predictions of real‐world patterns and processes. Laboratory and field experiments with the red spider mite, Oligonychus ilicis McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae), and the coffee leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella Guérin‐Méneville (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), on coffee plants, Coffea arabica L. (Rubiaceae), were combined to study the relative importance of biotic interactions, including resource preferences and natural‐enemy impact, and habitat factors, such as agroforestry type and management intensity, on coffee pest densities. In the laboratory, leaf discs cut from undamaged coffee plants were significantly preferred by red spider mites over those from plants infested with conspecific mites, leaf rust pathogens [Hemileia vastatrix Berkeley & Broome (Uredinales)], or coffee leaf miners, resulting in higher reproductive success. Similarly, undamaged plants were preferred by coffee leaf miners over red spider mite‐infested plants. However, in the field, red spider mite densities were positively correlated with coffee leaf miner and leaf rust densities, thereby contrasting with laboratory predictions. Hence, our study suggests that the importance of resource preferences and fitness expected based on laboratory experiments was suppressed by environmental conditions in the field, though other unassessed biotic interactions could also have played a role. Furthermore, intensified agroforestry was characterized by higher red spider mite densities, whereas densities of its major natural enemy, the predatory mite Amblyseius herbicolus Chant (Acari: Phytoseiidae), were not related to agroforestry management. Densities of coffee leaf miner and its main natural enemy, a eulophid parasitoid (Hymenoptera), were not affected by management practices. In conclusion, patterns found in the laboratory did not hold for the field, emphasizing the difficulties of extrapolating small‐scale experiments to larger spatial scales and the need to combine both approaches.  相似文献   

The coffee berry borer (CBB), Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is one of the major insect pests of coffee worldwide. The present study was designed to assess the level of infestation of coffee berries at different developmental stages across different altitudes and coffee management systems. The experiment was carried out at three locations in southwestern Ethiopia under two coffee management systems and four coffee berry development stages with three replications. Results of the study showed significantly highest proportion of damaged berries (37.5%), number of holes per berry (10.88) and number of adult CBB per berry (7.55) on dried leftover berries at low-altitude study sites. On the other hand, the lowest mean percent damaged berries, number of holes per berry and number of adults were recorded at mid- and high-altitude study sites. The study also showed that, CBB caused significantly highest damage in plantation coffee management system than garden coffee. Results of this study highlight proper harvesting at red ripe stage in order to minimise incidence of CBB. It is also important to design integrated management strategies to mitigate CBB damage especially in lowland plantation coffee production systems.  相似文献   

Coffee berry borer, antestia bug and maize weevil are serious pest of coffee and maize, respectively. Bioassays of plant essential oils were conducted with coffee berry borer, antestia bug and the maize weevil. Essential oils of Thymus vulgaris, Aloysia sp., Ruta chalepensis, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Cymbopogon nardus resulted in 80%–90% mortality of coffee berry borer, whereas essential oils of C. ambrosioides, T. vulgaris and R. chalepensis achieved 87.5%–92.5% mortality of antestia bug. Essential oils of C. ambrosioides caused significantly the highest percentage mortality of the maize weevils (95%) with “Lethal Dose” (LD50) values of 2.202 ml 100 ml?1 within 24 h after treatment, whereas essential oils of Mentha spicata, T. vulgaris and R. chalepensis resulted in 82.5%, 77.5% and 73.5% mortality, respectively. The potential of plant essential oils for the management of coffee berry borer, antestia bug and maize weevil for the small-scale farmers is discussed.  相似文献   

The study was carried out to determine the effect of shading levels and/or distance from the natural alpine vegetation (NAV) on the occurrence of two insect functional groups: hemipteran herbivores and generalist predators in farmers' coffee fields in the Mt. Elgon region of Uganda. Three distance categories from the NAV, that is (i) 0–250 m; (ii) 250–1000 m and (iii) 1000–1500 m, were used to demarcate farms in the first stage of selection, and within each distance category, three levels of shading, that is (i) no shade, (ii) moderate shade and (iii) full shade, were used for final selection of coffee farms for the study. A total of 90 individually owned coffee fields were studied; 30 for each distance category, of which 10 represented each shading level. In two separate rounds, inventories of scale insects (Coccus spp.), antestia bugs (Antestiopsis spp.), root mealybugs (Planococcus spp.) and aphids (Toxoptera aurantii) on coffee plants were made for the hemipteran herbivores, whereas ants (Formicidae) and spiders (Araneae) were recorded for the predatory taxa. The results showed that the interaction between distance from the NAV and shading level consistently influenced the occurrence of the insects in both functional groups. For scale insects, root mealybugs and ants, it was closest to the NAV that shading‐level effects were most discernible and generally limiting. To the contrary, the occurrence of aphids and spiders increased with the increase in the level of shading for plants furthest from the NAV. These results indicate that if inclusion of shade trees is to be a strategy in ecological pest management, the level of shading should be determined basing on the insect taxa as well as other pertinent factors in the landscape.  相似文献   

杨振华 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):319-321,F003
罂粟(PapaversomniferumL .)是重要的药用植物之一,其中的鸦片及其衍生物主要在医药工业中用于合成麻醉止痛药、安眠药和镇定药物。作者对罂粟上发生的2种主要虫害,即甘蓝夜蛾BarathrabrassicaeL .和山楂叶螨TetranychusviennensisZacher的发生规律进行了调查。结果表明,甘蓝夜蛾幼虫有群集性,主要取食罂粟叶片,食尽叶肉后进入蒴果取食种子,是罂粟的毁灭性虫害,山楂叶螨主要危害多年生罂粟,尤其在高温干燥季节危害严重。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper evaluates whether the recent expansion of Bythotrephes longimanus Leydig (Crustacea: Onychopoda) may be a result of endozoochorous avian dispersal. In three experiments, we investigated the survival of diapause eggs in newly produced and end-of-winter developmental stages after their passage through the digestive tract of four species of ducks. Resistance of eggs to digestion was low for both developmental stages (< 12%). Most eggs (67–95%) were recovered by four hours after ingestion, with a longer maximum retention time for newly produced (22 h) than end-of-winter eggs (4–6 h). Ingestion had a detrimental effect on viability: only eggs retrieved one hour after ingestion hatched and the proportion of those ingested that produced viable neonates was low (0.5% for newly produced and 0.3–3% for end-of-winter eggs). We conclude that the probability of endozoochorous dispersal by individual ducks is low but becomes significant when considering the thousands of ducks moving among wetlands. Endozoochorous dispersal of B. longimanus would most likely involve the transport of newly produced diapause eggs from north to south, during the autumn migration of ducks. Based on flight speed estimates of ducks we estimate dispersal probability to drop sharply at distances over 60–80 km.  相似文献   

Development is often described as temporal sequences of developmental stages (DSs). When tables of DS are defined exclusively in the time domain they cannot discriminate histogenetic differences between different positions along a spatial reference axis. We introduce a table of DSs for the developing chick optic tectum (OT) based on time‐ and space‐dependent changes in quantitative morphometric parameters, qualitative histogenetic features and immunocytochemical pattern of several developmentally active molecules (Notch1, Hes5, NeuroD1, β‐III‐Tubulin, synaptotagmin‐I and neurofilament‐M). Seven DSs and four transitional stages were defined from ED2 to ED12, when the basic OT cortical organization is established, along a spatial developmental gradient axis extending between a zone of maximal and a zone of minimal development. The table of DSs reveals that DSs do not only progress as a function of time but also display a spatially organized propagation along the developmental gradient axis. The complex and dynamic character of the OT development is documented by the fact that several DSs are simultaneously present at any ED or any embryonic stage. The table of DSs allows interpreting how developmental cell behaviors are temporally and spatially organized and explains how different DSs appear as a function of both time and space. The table of DSs provides a reference system to characterize the OT corticogenesis and to reliably compare observations made in different specimens. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Leaf explants harvested from shoot proliferating cultures and intact plants of Liquidambar styraciflua Variegata were placed on solidified Woody Plant medium supplemented with 0.1 mgl-1 (0.5 M) naphthaleneacetic acid and 2.5 mgl-1 (11.1 M) benzyladenine to initiate shoot meristems directly. Leaves from intact plants produced over 4 times more adventitious shoots than leaves from in vitro shoots and had a greater tendency to form shoots on the lamina. The relative developmental age of leaf tissue used dramatically influenced the shoot organogenic response observed for leaf explants from intact plants of L. styraciflua Variegata and Moraine.-Leaves that were either 20% or 50% of full size and still actively expanding were superior to other developmental stages for shoot organogenesis. As developmental leaf age increased throughout the period of leaf expansion, the number of shoots forming on the petiole stub remained constant, whereas shoot formation on the lamina increased 8 fold. Shoots derived from Variegata leaves rooted well and grew normally as plants. Differences in rooting ability and plant size could be detected between groups that had been separated according to explant source (in vitro vs. intact plant) and the location of shoot formation (petiole vs. lamina).  相似文献   

This study provides preliminary insights into how the culture method of molluscs and the larval developmental mode of pest polydorids may determine which species become pests. A total of 10 species were identified on oysters and abalone in offshore and oysters in onshore culture on the west coast of South Africa. One-factor PERMANOVA showed that abalone and oysters cultured offshore housed similar communities of worms, but that they differed significantly from the communities housed by oysters cultured onshore. Oysters from onshore were infested mainly by Polydora hoplura, but also by Polydora cf. websteri and Boccardia pseudonatrix. All these species produce adelphophagic larvae or a mixture of these and planktotrophic larvae. Adelphophagic larvae usually only emerge soon before they settle, which would probably enhance their ability to recruit locally and establish local populations. By contrast, worms from molluscs grown offshore were infested by high abundances of P. hoplura and lower abundances of up to five more species per individual host. All hatched broods observed with these female P. hoplura contained planktotrophic larvae which have a long planktonic phase before settling. This would presumably enhance their ability to reach hosts in the offshore.  相似文献   

庾琴  杜恩强  封云涛  郭晓君  张润祥  郝赤 《昆虫学报》2019,62(11):1297-1304
【目的】明确梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta在寄主果实上的钻蛀率和蛹重与寄主种类和果实发育阶段的关系,为其田间预测预报和综合防控提供技术依据。【方法】在室内条件下测定了接卵后72 h梨小食心虫初孵幼虫在不同发育阶段的3个种共6个品种水果[苹果Malus pumila (嘎啦苹果), 桃Amygdalus persica (大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃和霞光油桃), 梨Pyrus bretschneideri (砀山酥梨和玉露香梨)]果实上的钻蛀率以及在不同果实状态的4个水果品种(大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃、砀山酥梨和玉露香梨)果实上72 h的钻蛀率;比较了接卵后24 h和72 h初孵幼虫在不同发育阶段的3个苹果品种(嘎啦苹果、富士苹果和金冠苹果)果实上的钻蛀率;并测定了不同发育阶段的金冠苹果、富士苹果、嘎啦苹果、砀山酥梨和丰白毛桃上的梨小食心虫蛹重。【结果】接卵后72 h梨小食心虫初孵幼虫在6个不同水果品种果实上的钻蛀率从高到低依次为:霞光油桃>嘎啦苹果>砀山酥梨>玉露香梨>大久保毛桃>丰白毛桃;除霞光油桃外,其他5个水果品种果实的发育阶段显著影响初孵幼虫钻蛀率。对于嘎啦苹果,接卵后72 h初孵幼虫在其幼果上的钻蛀率最高(73.69%),在其着色期果实上钻蛀率最低(32.51%);在大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃、砀山酥梨和玉露香梨上,接卵后72 h初孵幼虫的钻蛀率均随果实生长发育而增加。初孵幼虫在3 个苹果品种着色期和成熟期果实上的钻蛀率随处理时间的增加而显著下降,而在其幼果上变化不显著。寄主种类及其发育阶段也显著影响梨小食心虫蛹重,成熟毛桃和梨饲养的雌、雄蛹重显著高于未成熟果实饲养的蛹重,着色期苹果不利于蛹重的增加。【结论】果实种类及发育阶段显著影响梨小食心虫初孵幼虫钻蛀率和蛹重,取食成熟期梨和桃的梨小食心虫初孵幼虫钻蛀率和蛹重显著高于取食未成熟果实的个体。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of immature stages of the legume flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti, to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, was investigated under laboratory conditions. The adult stage was found to be more susceptible to infection than the larval and pupal stages. Mortality at all stages was dose-dependent, with the highest concentration of 1×108 conidia ml–1 producing the highest mortality (26, 46 and 100% for larvae, pupae and adults, respectively) at 8 days post-inoculation. At the same concentration, daily pollen consumption was significantly reduced at 2 days after treatment in infected adults but more slowly in infected larvae. Fecundity, egg fertility and longevity in adults surviving infection as larvae were significantly reduced compared to the control.  相似文献   

Aerial dispersal of the phytoseiid Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) was evaluated as a component in managing pesticide-resistant populations established in California almond orchards. Peak dispersal occurred in late July and early August during 1982 and 1983. Most predators (and spider mites) left the orchards on the prevailing winds from the northwest. Within the orchard, the prevailing winds had less influence, and dispersal was usually random. Both spider mites and predators dispersed randomly with regard to height from the almond trees, but data obtained during one 24-h interval suggest they do not disperse randomly throughout the day. Most aerial movements occurred between 16–22 h when relative humidity and wind speeds increased and temperatures decreased. Spider mites and predators were trapped on panels located 200 m from the orchard. A survey of carbaryl resistance levels in M. occidentalis collected from almond orchards surrounding the release sites indicates that carbaryl-resistant M. occidentalis dispersed at least 800 m between 1981–83. However, growers wishing to use the resistant strains should release them in their orchards as natural dispersal appears to be too slow. Migration of native M. occidentalis into the release sites appeared to be sufficiently rare that dilution of carbaryl-resistant populations was minimal during a 2–4 year period.
Résumé La dispersion aérienne du phytoseïdae, M. occidentalis (Nesbitt), a été estimée comme élément de la lutte contre les populations résistantes aux insecticides établies dans les vergers de Californie. La dispersion maximale s'est produite fin juillet et début a oût en 1982 et 1983. La plupart des prédateurs (et des acariens) quittent les vergers avec les vents dominants du nordouest. Dans le verger, les vents dominants sont moins importants et la dispersion est généralement au hasard. Tant les acariens que les prédateurs se dispersaient au hasard par rapport à la taille des amandiers, mais les relevés sur 24 heures laissent supposer qu'il n'y a pas une distribution aléatoire pendant la journée. La plupart des mouvements aériens se produisirent entre 16 et 22 heures quand HR et vitesse du vent augmentaient et température diminuait. Les acariens et prédateurs ont été piégés sur des panneaux à 200 m du verger.

The cotton aphid is one of the most serious pests of greenhouse vegetable crops worldwide. It is difficult to control because field populations usually include simultaneously several insect developmental stages. The current research evaluated an isolate (CS625) of Lecanicillium attenuatum, a fungal pathogen of aphids, as to its virulence against different developmental stages of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii. The influence on mortality of several other factors also was examined: (a) insect moulting, (b) the number of conidia attached to insect cuticles and (c) germination rates of conidia on cuticles of aphids at various developmental stages. Mortality of cotton aphids treated with L. attenuatum conidia varied according to the developmental stage of the host, i.e. the LT50s with third-instar nymphs and adults was shorter than with first-instar nymphs. The number of spores attached to the surface of first-instar nymphs was approximately one-half of that on third-instar nymphs and adults. Also, the level of spore germination on the surface of first-instar nymphs was lower than on the surface of other stages of the aphid. After moulting, the numbers of conidia attached to new insect cuticles were less than on exuviae. These results suggest that early nymphal stages of cotton aphids may escape fungal disease due, at least in part, to a combination of three factors: low numbers of conidia attached to their cuticles; low levels of conidial germination and rapid ecdyses, which removed conidia before their germ tubes penetrated the host hemolymph.  相似文献   

Four experimental stream channels were used to examine the temporal pattern of downstream dispersal of young salmon and trout at four constant water velocities from the time of emergence from the gravel onwards.
At low water velocities ( c . 8.0 cm s −1) young salmon showed a high rate of dispersal which was maintained until a very low population density was attained. At higher velocities salmon showed a lower rate of dispersal and the final population density was higher. Trout showed a low dispersal rate at low velocity and higher rates at higher velocities. However, the final trout population density was similar at all water velocities because the low dispersal rate observed at the low velocity persisted for a much longer period than did the higher values at the higher water velocities. The results do not support the view that young salmonids have a narrow and definable period of sensitivity to water velocity.
Dispersal rates were significantly higher by night than by day (P <0.001) at all velocities for both fish species.  相似文献   

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