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Cytochrome b561 transfers electrons across secretory vesicle membranes in order to regenerate intravesicular ascorbic acid. To show that cytosolic ascorbic acid is kinetically competent to function as the external electron donor for this process, electron transfer rates between cytochrome b561 in adrenal medullary chromaffin vesicle membranes and external ascorbate/semidehydroascorbate were measured. The reduction of cytochrome b561 by external ascorbate may be measured by a stopped-flow method. The rate constant is 450 (+/- 190) M-1 s-1 at pH 7.0 and increases slightly with pH. The rate of oxidation of cytochrome b561 by external semidehydroascorbate may be deduced from rates of steady-state electron flow. The rate constant is 1.2 (+/- 0.5) x 10(6) M-1 s-1 at pH 7.0 and decreases strongly with pH. The ratio of the rate constants is consistent with the relative midpoint reduction potentials of cytochrome b561 and ascorbate/semidehydroascorbate. These results suggest that cytosolic ascorbate will reduce cytochrome b561 rapidly enough to keep the cytochrome in a mostly reduced state and maintain the necessary electron flux into vesicles. This supports the concept that cytochrome b561 shuttles electrons from cytosolic ascorbate to intravesicular semidehydroascorbate, thereby ensuring a constant source of reducing equivalents for intravesicular monooxygenases.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b561 (Cyt-b561) proteins constitute a family of trans-membrane proteins that are present in a wide variety of organisms. Two of their characteristic properties are the reducibility by ascorbate (ASC) and the presence of two distinct b-type hemes localized on two opposite sides of the membrane. Here we show that the tonoplast-localized and the putative tumor suppressor Cyt-b561 proteins can be reduced by other reductants than ASC and dithionite. A detailed spectral analysis of the ASC-dependent and dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA)-dependent reduction of these two Cyt-b561 proteins is also presented. Our results are discussed in relation to the known antioxidant capability of DHLA as well as its role in the regeneration of other antioxidant compounds of cells. These results allow us to speculate on new biological functions for the trans-membrane Cyt-b561 proteins.  相似文献   

Rate constants for reduction of cytochrome b561 by internal ascorbate (k0A) and oxidation by external ferricyanide (k1F) were determined as a function of pH from rates of steady-state electron transfer across chromaffin-vesicle membranes. The pH dependence of electron transfer from cytochrome b561 to ferricyanide (k1F) may be attributed to the pH dependence of the membrane surface potential. The rate constant for reduction by internal ascorbate (k0A), like the previously measured rate constant for reduction by external ascorbate (k-1A), is not very pH-dependent and is not consistent with reduction of cytochrome b561 by the ascorbate dianion. The rate at which ascorbate reduces cytochrome b561 is orders of magnitude faster than the rate at which it reduces cytochrome c, despite the fact that midpoint reduction potentials favor reduction of cytochrome c. Moreover, the rate constant for oxidation of cytochrome b561 by ferricyanide (k1F) is smaller than the previously measured rate constant for oxidation by semidehydroascorbate, despite the fact that ferricyanide has a higher midpoint reduction potential. These results may be reconciled by a mechanism in which electron transfer between cytochrome b561 and ascorbate/semidehydroascorbate is accelerated by concerted transfer of a proton. This may be a general property of biologically significant electron transfer reactions of ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

The steady-state levels of aerobic and anaerobic reduction of cytochrome b5 by ascorbic acid and the initial rates of cytochrome b5 reduction in the presence of ascorbic acid and of anaerobic cytochrome P-450 reduction in the presence of NADH were used to calculate the rate constants for cytochrome b5 oxidation. The rate constant for cytochrome b5 autooxidation in the membrane is equal to that for isolated cytochrome b5, i. e., 5 X 10(-3) s-1 (37 degrees C). The rate constant for the second cytochrome b5 oxidation reaction in the membrane, i. e., electron transfer to cytochrome P-450, is equal to 140 X 10(-3) s-1 (37 degrees C).  相似文献   

Analysis of the photoactive yellow protein (pyp) gene region of Rhodobacter sphaeroides has revealed the presence of an additional open reading frame, orfD, that had not previously been identified. Here we report the location of this new gene and the predicted amino acid sequence of the encoded protein. The translation product resembles a group of small cytochrome b-like proteins, including Escherichia coli cytochrome b(561), R. sphaeroides cytochrome b(562), and two new cytochrome b(561)-like proteins identified using the E. coli genome sequence, for which functions have not yet been established. To determine OrfD function in R. sphaeroides, an orfD mutant was constructed. The OrfD mutant exhibited growth rates and yields very similar to those of the wild-type strain when grown under a variety of growth conditions. Respiration rates, reduced-minus-oxidised spectra and levels of photosynthetic complexes were also very similar in the two strains. Although the role of OrfD was therefore not determined here, we demonstrate that the orfD gene is expressed in R. sphaeroides under aerobic, semi-aerobic and photosynthetic growth conditions.  相似文献   

Bérczi A  Su D  Asard H 《FEBS letters》2007,581(7):1505-1508
Ascorbate-reducible cytochromes b561 (Cyts-b561) are a class of intrinsic trans-membrane proteins. Tonoplast Cyt-b561 (TCytb), one of the four Cyt-b561 isoforms in Arabidopsis was localized to the tonoplast. We demonstrate here that the optical spectra, EPR spectra and redox potentials of recombinant TCytb are similar to those of the well characterized bovine chromaffin granule Cyt-b561. We provide evidence for the reduction of ferric-chelates by the reduced TCytb. It is also shown that TCytb is capable of trans-membrane electron transport from intracellular ascorbate to extracellular ferric-chelates in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Adrenal cytochrome b(561) (cyt b(561)), a transmembrane protein that shuttles reducing equivalents derived from ascorbate, has two heme centers with distinct spectroscopic signals and reactivity towards ascorbate. The His54/His122 and His88/His161 pairs furnish axial ligands for the hemes, but additional amino acid residues contributing to the heme centers have not been identified. A computational model of human cyt b(561) (Bashtovyy, D., Berczi, A., Asard, H., and Pali, T. (2003) Protoplasma 221, 31-40) predicts that His92 is near the His88/His161 heme and that His110 abuts the His54/His122 heme. We tested these predictions by analyzing the effects of mutations at His92 or His110 on the spectroscopic and functional properties. Wild type cytochrome and mutants with substitutions in other histidine residues or in Asn78 were used for comparison. The largest lineshape changes in the optical absorbance spectrum of the high-potential (b(H)) peak were seen with mutation of His92; the largest changes in the low-potential (b(L)) peak lineshape were observed with mutation of His110. In the EPR spectra, mutation of His92 shifted the position of the g=3.1 signal (b(H)) but not the g=3.7 signal (b(L)). In reductive titrations with ascorbate, mutations in His92 produced the largest increase in the midpoint for the b(H) transition; mutations in His110 produced the largest decreases in DeltaA(561) for the b(L) transition. These results indicate that His92 can be considered part of the b(H) heme center, and His110 part of the b(L) heme center, in adrenal cyt b(561).  相似文献   

Bashtovyy D  Bérczi A  Asard H  Páli T 《Protoplasma》2003,221(1-2):31-40
Summary.  Atomic models possessing the common structural features identified for the cytochrome b 561 (cyt b 561) protein family are presented. A detailed and extensive sequence analysis was performed in order to identify and characterize protein sequences in this family of transmembrane electron transport proteins. According to transmembrane helix predictions, all sequences contain 6 transmembrane helices of which 2–6 are located closely in the same regions of the 26 sequences in the alignment. A mammalian (Homo sapiens) and a plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) sequence were selected to build 3-dimensional structures at atomic detail using molecular modeling tools. The main structural constraints included the 2 pairs of heme-ligating His residues that are fully conserved in the family and the lipid-facing sides of the helices, which were also very well conserved. The current paper proposes 3-dimensional structures which to our knowledge are the first ones for any protein in the cyt b 561 family. The highly conserved His residues anchoring the two hemes on the cytoplasmic side and noncytoplasmic side of the membrane are in all proteins located in the transmembrane helices 2, 4 and 3, 5, respectively. Several highly conserved amino acids with aromatic side chain are identified between the two heme ligation sites. These residues may constitute a putative transmembrane electron transport pathway. The present study demonstrates that the structural features in the cyt b 561 family are well conserved at both the sequence and the protein level. The central 4-helix core represents a transmembrane electron transfer architecture that is highly conserved in eukaryotic species. Received May 12, 2002; accepted September 20, 2002; published online May 21, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Biophysics, Biological Research Centre, P.O. Box 521, 6701 Szeged, Hungary. E-mail: tpali@nucleus.szbk.u-szeged.hu  相似文献   

Cytochromes b561 (Cyts b561) are a family of intrinsic membrane proteins involved in ascorbate-mediated transmembrane electron transport. The chromaffin granule Cyt b561 (CGCytb) is believed to transport electrons donated by extravesicular ascorbate (ASC) across the membrane to intravesicular monodehydroascorbate (MDA) supporting catecholamine synthesis in neuroendocrine tissues. Another isoform, the duodenal Cyt b561 (Dcytb), was reported to have ferric reductase activity, possibly facilitating intestinal iron uptake. Herein, a new Cyt b561 homologue, LCytb (for lysosomal Cytb561) was found expressed in the late endosomal-lysosomal membrane. LCytb shared high sequence similarity with CGCytb (45% identity) and Dcytb (42% identity). Moreover, four heme-coordinating His residues, and putative ASC and MDA binding sites were highly conserved. Recombinant LCytb exhibited an ASC-reducible b-type Cyt absorbance spectrum with alpha-band maximum at 561 nm in the spectrum of the reduced protein. Northern blots and Western blots revealed that LCytb was predominantly expressed in lung, spleen, thymus, testis and placenta. In situ hybridization and immunofluorescence studies further demonstrated that the protein was expressed in the alveolar macrophages of the lung, in the white pulp of the spleen, widespread in the thymus, and in the Sertoli cells of the testis. Sequence analysis indicated the presence of a (DE)XXXL(LI)-type signal in the C-terminal of the protein, predicting a late endosomal-lysosomal subcellular localization. This localization was confirmed by double labeling experiments in RAW264.7 and 293 cells, stably transfected with LCytb.  相似文献   

Griesen D  Su D  Bérczi A  Asard H 《Plant physiology》2004,134(2):726-734
As a free radical scavenger, and cofactor, ascorbate (ASC) is a key player in the regulation of cellular redox processes. It is involved in responses to biotic and abiotic stresses and in the control of enzyme activities and metabolic reactions. Cytochromes (Cyts) b561 catalyze ASC-driven trans-membrane electron transport and contribute to ASC-mediated redox reactions in subcellular compartments. Putative Cyts b561 have been identified in Arabidopsis (ecotype Columbia) on the basis of sequence similarity to their mammalian counterparts. However, little is known about the function or subcellular localization of this unique class of membrane proteins. We have expressed one of the putative Arabidopsis Cyt b561 genes (CYBASC1) in yeast and we demonstrate that this protein encodes an ASC-reducible b-type Cyt with absorbance characteristics similar to that of other members of this family. Several lines of independent evidence demonstrate that CYBASC1 is localized at the plant tonoplast (TO). Isoform-specific antibodies against CYBASC1 indicate that this protein cosediments with the TO marker on sucrose gradients. Moreover, CYBASC1 is strongly enriched in TO-enriched membrane fractions, and TO fractions contain an ASC-reducible b-type Cyt with alpha-band absorbance maximum near 561 nm. The TO ASC-reducible Cyt has a high specific activity, suggesting that it is a major constituent of this membrane. These results provide evidence for the presence of trans-membrane redox components in this membrane type, and they suggest the coupling of cytoplasmic and vacuolar metabolic reactions through ASC-mediated redox activity.  相似文献   

Cytochromes b561 (Cyts b561) are ubiquitous membrane proteins catalyzing ascorbate-mediated trans-membrane electron transfer. A heterologous expression system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was developed to study their structure-function relationship. Recombinant mouse chromaffin granule Cyt b561 (CGCytb) shows spectral characteristics, ascorbate reducibility, and redox potentials identical to that of the native bovine protein. Moreover, the reconstituted recombinant protein mediated trans-membrane electron transport with kinetic characteristics similar to that of bovine CGCytb. Site-directed mutant analysis supports the presence of two hemes coordinated by the highly conserved His pairs H52/H120 and H86/H159. Reduction of CGCytb by ascorbate showed biphasic kinetics (Kd1: 0.016 +/- 0.005 mM, Kd2: 1.24 +/- 0.19 mM). Mutation of a well-conserved Arg residue (R72) abolished high affinity CGCytb reduction by ascorbate, indicating that this residue may be critical for substrate binding. On the other hand, mutation of a Lys previously suggested to play a role in ascorbate binding (K83), did not affect the ascorbate-mediated reduction of the protein.  相似文献   

Kamensky Y  Liu W  Tsai AL  Kulmacz RJ  Palmer G 《Biochemistry》2007,46(29):8647-8658
Cytochrome (cyt) b561 transports electrons across the membrane of chromaffin granules (CG) present in the adrenal medulla, supporting the biosynthesis of norepinephrine in the CG matrix. We have conducted a detailed characterization of cyt b561 using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optical spectroscopy on the wild-type and mutant forms of the cytochrome expressed in insect cells. The gz = 3.7 (low-potential heme) and gz = 3.1 (high-potential heme) signals were found to represent the only two authentic hemes of cyt b561; models that propose smaller or greater amounts of heme can be ruled out. We identified the axial ligands to hemes in cyt b561 by mutating four conserved histidines (His54 and His122 at the matrix-side heme center and His88 and His161 at the cytoplasmic-side heme center), thus confirming earlier structural models. Single mutations of any of these histidines produced a constellation of spectroscopic changes that involve not one but both heme centers. We hypothesize that the two hemes and their axial ligands in cyt b561 are integral parts of a structural unit that we term the "kernel". Histidine to glutamine substitutions in the cytoplasmic-side heme center but not in the matrix-side heme center led to the retention of a small fraction of the low-potential heme with gz = 3.7. We provisionally assign the low-potential heme to the matrix side of the membrane; this arrangement suggests that the membrane potential modulates electron transport across the CG membrane.  相似文献   

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