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濒危物种保护方法研究进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
对濒危物种的科学内涵、濒危机制和物种保护方法进行综述。具体阐述了种群生存力分析 (PVA)技术和复合种群理论(Meta- population)在濒危物种保护中的应用 ;总结了分子生物学方法在濒危物种保护中的作用 ;探讨了“3S”技术在濒危物种保护中的应用前景。分析和评价了各种保护方法的实用性和局限性 ,提出了各种保护方法在濒危物种保护中的应用前景和发展趋势。总之 ,物种保护方法的不断发展开创了保护生物学研究的新篇章 ,怎样运用交叉学科理论和综合应用各种保护方法探讨物种濒危机制、制定濒危物种有效管理和保护措施 ,是需要进一步解决的科学问题。  相似文献   

李海洋  丁长青 《四川动物》2013,32(2):313-319
种群生存力分析(population viability analysis,PVA)是濒危物种保护研究的主要方法之一。自PVA提出之后,主要应用于预测濒危物种的灭绝概率。随着PVA软件的产生,其应用范围进一步扩展,甚至出现滥用和误用之例,使其准确性受到质疑。目前,PVA主要应用于濒危物种的保护与管理。本文从保护管理对策的制定与评估、再引入计划的评估和自然保护区设计与管理有效性评估三个方面进行综述;对PVA使用时的数据收集,以及模型的选择、建立和应用等需要注意的问题加以总结;从遗传数据的使用、基于个体的种群模型的发展、近交衰退和降低入侵物种的威胁等方面对PVA的应用提出展望。  相似文献   

种群生存力分析:准确性和保护应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李义明 《生物多样性》2003,11(4):340-350
目前已提出了五类估计濒危物种绝灭风险的种群生存力分析模型 ,即 :分析模型、单种群确定性模型、单种群随机模型、异质种群模型和显空间模型。模型的选择取决于物种的生活史特征和可用的数据。与用于保护实践的其他方法相比 ,种群生存力分析 (PVA)是相对准确的量化工具。然而 ,一些濒危物种种群统计学数据质量差和种群动态的有关假说模糊不清可能影响到模型预测的准确性 ,因此 ,要谨慎地使用PVA。在西方国家 ,PVA在濒危物种保护计划和管理中应用越来越广泛。它主要用于 :( 1)预测濒危物种未来的种群大小 ;( 2 )估计一定时间内物种的绝灭风险 ;( 3 )评估一套保护措施 ,确定哪个能使种群的存活时间最长 ;( 4)探索不同假说对小种群动态的影响 ;( 5 )指导濒危动物野外数据的搜集工作。我国的濒危物种很多 ,然而开展PVA研究的濒危物种却很少。应大力发展适合于模拟我国特有濒危物种及其保护问题的PVA模型  相似文献   

日益加剧的环境变化与人类活动严重威胁种群的生存, 因此预测多种胁迫下种群的命运至关重要。种群生存力分析(population viability analysis, PVA)是评估种群所受威胁、灭绝或衰退风险以及恢复可能性的有效方法。基于物种及环境数据和建模, 种群生存力分析能够整合不同类型变量, 为目标物种的保护提供建议。然而, 极小种群野生植物的个体数据难以获取, 种群参数估计困难, 这导致传统种群生存力分析方法在此类种群中的应用存在局限性。在此, 本文提出了极小种群野生植物生存力分析的潜在方法: 小样本非统计分析法及环境变化下的种群适应力分析。小样本非统计分析法有益于提高种群统计学参数的估计精度, 而立足于生态进化生物学的种群生存力研究有助于从生物学机理方面了解和预测种群动态, 为极小种群野生植物的保护提供更适宜的理论指导。  相似文献   

自然保护区设计的主要原理和方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文回顾了自然保护区设计的主要原理和方法。建立自然保护区的目的是防止物种绝灭和生物多样性消失。岛屿生物地理学的“平衡理论”的设计原则未涉及到物种绝灭的中心问题———种群生存力,所以该理论对保护实践贡献较小。种群生存力分析和最小可存活种群的理论及模型用于物种绝灭问题的研究,同时关键种的生存力用于确定生态系统的生存力,因而该理论和模型成为自然保护区设计的理论基础。保护评估方法已应用于自然保护区的选择和检验中。走廊辩论取代了SLOSS辩论,成为自然保护区设计争论的热点  相似文献   

关于物种濒危等级标准之探讨--对IUCN物种濒危等级的思考   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
为了保存地球上的生物多样性,我们需要根据物种的种群数量与分布、种群数量波动与分布区下降速率来评定濒危物种的濒危等级,并针对物种的濒危等级提出具体的保护措施。1994年11月,IUCN第40次理事会会议正式通过了经过修订的Mace-Lande物种濒危等级标准作为IUCN物种濒危等级标准。IUCN濒危物种红色名录虽然不是国际法和国家法律,但是对于政府间组织、非政府组织的保护决策以及各国的自然法律法规的制定有着深远的影响,在保护生物学理论研究中也发挥了一定作用。我们在研究制定中国水生野生生物濒危等级标准时发现,如果直接应用IUCN物种濒危等级标准评定水生野生生物濒危等级将存在一些问题。如:(1)如何区别对待那些本来就数量稀少、分布区狭窄的物种和那些由于人类活动而导致其种群数量与生境面积急剧下降的物种?(2)不同的动物类群能否应用同一濒危标准尺度?(3)如何区别对待物种边缘分布区和核心分布区的种群数量与密度的差异?(4)如何处理种群的局部灭绝、局部濒危?(5)一些濒危物种在野生环境中濒危,但是这些物种可以人工繁殖,如何处理可以人工繁殖的濒危物种?(6)如果没有种群与栖息地的精确历史资料和统计数据,怎样应用物种的濒危标准评估其濒危等级?在实践中,我们针对这些问题提出了解决方案。考虑与国际流行的IUCN物种濒危等级标准接轨,我们提出来一个由“无危”、“值得关注”、“受胁”、“濒危”和“灭绝”等5个级构成的濒危等级系统,其中“值得关注”、“受胁”、“濒危”又分为“一般”与“高度”两个亚等级。我们提出应区分“生态濒危物种”、“进化濒危物种”;对于不同生物类群,应区分物种的生活史对策,制定不同生活史物种的濒危标准。对于r-对策物种,引入“经济灭绝”这一等级,将这一等级对应于“受胁”等级,以解决缺少物种数量的统计数据和历史数据这一难题;区别对待特有物种,将其濒危等级提升一等;引进集合种群(metapopulation)概念,将集合种群的局域种群(local population)作为“个体”对待。  相似文献   

砍伐导致濒危植物种群个体数量减少, 群落结构改变, 加剧物种灭绝风险。崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis)为典型极小种群野生植物, 森林砍伐是导致其种群数量急剧下降的主要原因。但是, 到目前为止, 有关崖柏种群及其群落对砍伐的响应鲜有报道。本研究以重度砍伐后的崖柏群落为研究对象, 基于对崖柏群落固定样地的调查和两次复查, 对比分析了伐后崖柏种群径级结构、种群生存力、物种多样性及其群落结构动态等特征。结果表明: 崖柏残存群落伐后13年崖柏种群个体数量增加了22.58%, 其中幼苗幼树占85.71%, 而崖柏种群生存率下降25.43%, 种群死亡密度和危险率分别增加了24.12%和28.62%。崖柏群落物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数分别增加96.43%和33.35%。研究结果表明, 砍伐使崖柏种群生存力及其在群落中的优势度持续下降, 崖柏占优势的针阔混交林有向阔叶林演替的趋势, 崖柏种群受到严重威胁, 亟需采取紧急保护措施。  相似文献   

朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群生存力分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
到目前为止,只有一个野生朱鹮群体幸存下来,而且它的种群大小自1981年重新发现以来,一直在20只以下波动。本文应用种群生存力分析的方法,借助漩涡模型,根据朱鹮14年的种群数据,总结和预测了其种群动态,并着重研究了朱鹮的濒危程度。结果显示,按过去10余年的生存状况,朱鹮在50年内绝灭的可能性是98.5%,平均绝灭时间为15.72 年。现存种群数量很低,所以种群统计随机性对其命运有很大影响。灵敏度分析表明,当前的朱鹮种群对意外死亡和生存环境的波动较为敏感。保护工作的优先项目是对猎杀和天敌的控制以及从各个方面提高朱鹮的生活质量。  相似文献   

朱■(Nipponianippon)种群生存力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
到目前为止,只有一个野生朱群体幸存下来,而且它的种群大小自1981年重新发现以来,一直在20只以下波动。本文应用种群生存力分析的方法,借助漩涡模型,根据朱14年的种群数据,总结和预测了其种群动态,并着重研究了朱的濒危程度。结果显示,按过去10余年的生存状况,朱在50年内绝灭的可能性是98.5%,平均绝灭时间为15.72年。现存种群数量很低,所以种群统计随机性对其命运有很大影响。灵敏度分析表明,当前的朱种群对意外死亡和生存环境的波动较为敏感。保护工作的优先项目是对猎杀和天敌的控制以及从各个方面提高朱的生活质量  相似文献   

兰科植物种群动态研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘强  殷寿华  兰芹英 《应用生态学报》2010,21(11):2980-2985
兰科植物种群动态研究中,种群统计学分析能够很好地揭示植物个体在时空上的变化,是研究种群动态的核心.在自然生境中,许多附生兰科植物更倾向于离散或斑块状分布,可以通过集合种群研究分析斑块之间个体的基因流动,判断物种种群保护的规模.长期的种群动态研究能够获得兰科植物生活史和种群动态方面的可靠信息,以及一定环境条件下其时空波动及与种群功能之间的关系;短期的研究能够更好地理解具有结构性的独立植株与其所处的群落间的关系.本文根据种群生态学原理以及兰科植物的生态特点,从种群的密度及分布、种群统计学、种群的调节、集合种群和种群生存力分析(PVA)模型等方面阐述了国内外兰科植物种群动态研究进展.  相似文献   

植物种群生存力分析研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
彭少麟  汪殿蓓  李勤奋 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2175-2185
对十多年来国外植物PVA的研究进行了综合评述;具体分析了影响植物种群生存力的各种随机性因子及确定性因子;总结了植物PVA研究的方法步骤及采用的模拟模型;探讨了植物PVA的难点,PVA对管理措施的评价效果;并提出对今后植物PVA的研究展望,认为PVA是研究濒危植物种群灭绝及评价管理或保护措施的有力工具;发展描述复杂种间关系的多种种的PVA模型以及包含多个影响因素的PVA应用模型是未来植物PVA的研究方向。  相似文献   

The conservation of highly mobile species presents challenges to managers for assessment of threats to survival, given the difficulties in locating and observing such species. Here we evaluate satellite telemetry, DNA faecal metabarcoding and traditional field observations as three complementary techniques to acquire critical management information for an endangered species, Carnaby's Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris. Satellite telemetry of 23 birds resulted in 6026 location fixes accurate to within 500 m, and combined with extensive field observations and DNA faecal metabarcoding resulted in a more detailed understanding of how this species survives in an urbanized landscape. We identified 168 night roosts, 75% of which were previously unknown, which will contribute towards a more accurate population size estimate based on annual counts of roosting birds. We also determined the scale of daily movements (morning 5.4 ± 3.4 km from roost, afternoon 5.5 ± 3.3 km to roost; maximum distance between consecutive roosts 69.7 km) and the size of foraging areas around roosts (range 17–276 km2), and identified dependence on a variety of native and exotic food sources. Field observations identified 11 food‐plant families, but combined with DNA faecal metabarcoding this was extended to 21 food‐plant families. The three techniques were compared to assess their individual and collective values. By combining spatial ecology information from satellite telemetry with ecological knowledge from field observation and DNA faecal analysis, we gained deeper insights into the ecology of the species than would have been possible from any one technique alone. This information will lead to more strategic conservation planning to allow this species to persist within a rapidly expanding urban environment.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a key global driver in the modification of land use and has been linked to population declines even in widespread and relatively common species. Cities comprise a complex assortment of habitat types yet we know relatively little about the effects of their composition and spatial configuration on species distribution. Although many bat species exploit human resources, the majority of species are negatively impacted by urbanization. Here, we use data from the National Bat Monitoring Programme, a long‐running citizen science scheme, to assess how two cryptic European bat species respond to the urban landscape. A total of 124 × 1 km2 sites throughout Britain were surveyed. The landscape surrounding each site was mapped and classified into discrete biotope types (e.g., woodland). Generalized linear models were used to assess differences in the response to the urban environment between the two species, and which landscape factors were associated with the distributions of P. pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus. The relative prevalence of P. pygmaeus compared to P. pipistrellus was greater in urban landscapes with a higher density of rivers and lakes, whereas P. pipistrellus was frequently detected in landscapes comprising a high proportion of green space (e.g., parklands). Although P. pipistrellus is thought to be well adapted to the urban landscape, we found a strong negative response to urbanization at a relatively local scale (1 km), whilst P. pygmaeus was detected more regularly in wooded urban landscapes containing freshwater. These results show differential habitat use at a landscape scale of two morphologically similar species, indicating that cryptic species may respond differently to anthropogenic disturbance. Even species considered relatively common and well adapted to the urban landscape may respond negatively to the built environment highlighting the future challenges involved in maintaining biodiversity within an increasingly urbanized world.  相似文献   

Population viability analysis is an important tool to assess the extinction risk in small populations of highly specialized primates. The blue‐eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) is critically endangered with a restricted range in the north‐western dry deciduous forest of Madagascar, where habitat fragmentation and loss of forest connectivity threaten its survival. We performed a population viability analysis (PVA) of this lemur in Ankarafa Forest in the Sahamalaza Peninsula National Park, north‐western Madagascar, to determine the demographic parameters most influential for population persistence and to assess extinction probabilities. We conducted PVA analyses using different demographic parameters which characterize the species including reproduction, lifespan and population size using the software VORTEX for six scenarios with 100 iterations and simulated over 100 years. The simulations suggested the first extinction within 13 years when the percentage of habitat destruction increased up to 12%. Severe habitat destruction such as fire and logging was the major cause which led to the risk of population extinction. Conservation strategies, in particular measures to reduce habitat destruction, are proposed to ensure the survival of this critically endangered lemur.  相似文献   

Molecular methods have greatly increased our understanding of the previously cryptic spatial ecology of bumble bees (Bombus spp.), with knowledge of the spatial ecology of these bees being central to conserving their essential pollination services. Bombus hypnorum, the Tree Bumble Bee, is unusual in that it has recently rapidly expanded its range, having colonized much of the UK mainland since 2001. However, the spatial ecology of B. hypnorum has not previously been investigated. To address this issue, and to investigate whether specific features of the spatial ecology of B. hypnorum are associated with its rapid range expansion, we used 14 microsatellite markers to estimate worker foraging distance, nest density, between‐year lineage survival rate and isolation by distance in a representative UK B. hypnorum population. After assigning workers to colonies based on full or half sibship, we estimated the mean colony‐specific worker foraging distance as 103.6 m, considerably less than values reported from most other bumble bee populations. Estimated nest density was notably high (2.56 and 0.72 colonies ha?1 in 2014 and 2015, respectively), estimated between‐year lineage survival rate was 0.07, and there was no evidence of fine‐scale isolation by distance. In addition, genotyping stored sperm dissected from sampled queens confirmed polyandry in this population (mean minimum mating frequency of 1.7 males per queen). Overall, our findings establish critical spatial ecological parameters and the mating system of this unusual bumble bee population and suggest that short worker foraging distances and high nest densities are associated with its rapid range expansion.  相似文献   

There is a growing debate about the ability of Population Viability Analysis (PVA) to predict the risk of extinction. Previously, the debate has focused largely on models where spatial variation and species movement are ignored. We present a synthesis of the key results for an array of different species for which detailed tests of the accuracy of PVA models were completed. These models included spatial variation in habitat quality and the movement of individuals across a landscape. The models were good approximations for some species, but poor for others. Predictive ability was limited by complex processes typically overlooked in spatial population models, these being interactions between landscape structure and life history attributes. Accuracy of models could not be determined a priori, although model tests indicated how they might be improved. Importantly, model predictions were poor for some species that are among the best‐studied vertebrates in Australia. This indicated that although the availability of good life history data is a key part of PVA other factors also influence model accuracy. We were also able to draw broad conclusions about the sorts of populations and life history characteristics where model predictions are likely to be less accurate. Predictions of extinction risk are often essential for real‐world population management. Therefore, we believe that although PVA has been shown to be less than perfect, it remains a useful tool particularly in the absence of alternative approaches. Hence, tests of PVA models should be motivated by the cycle of testing and improvement.  相似文献   

濒危兰科植物再引入技术及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稀有、濒危植物的再引入,是在条件成熟时,把经过迁地保护的人工繁殖体重新放回到它们原来自然和半自然的生态系统或适合它们生存的野外环境中去,重建较为完善的生态系统。再引入技术的目标在于提高生态系统生物多样性及群落稳定性,建立可自我维持种群,它是继就地保护和迁地保护等保护策略之外的一种新兴的珍稀濒危植物保育方式。国际上再引入技术的研究刚起步,高度成功的还不多,目前可借鉴的成熟经验较少。通过分析国内外已经开展的若干珍稀濒危植物再引入技术案例,重点介绍国内外濒危兰科植物再引入的研究现状、技术体系和评价标准,讨论了再引入技术的类型和方法,并总结了可能影响再引入成败的制约性因素,分析了适用于兰科植物的再引入技术要素。由此提出濒危兰科植物再引入的重要现实意义,为今后的规模化人工栽培提供科学依据,同时有利于指导其他濒危植物再引入技术规程的制定。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the basic principles of discrete event, individual oriented, data based modelling in ecology, and we present an application of this modelling strategy. The strategy is contrasted with some more conventional modelling strategies with respect to its purpose, its basic units and its heuristic properties.INSTAR applies this modelling strategy to the simulation of the fluctuations of the population structure and density of microcrustaceans through the year. The model encompasses one microcrustacean species at a time, and its interface with the rest of the ecosystem; it has been applied to several Cladocera and Copepoda species in a shallow eutrophic lake in the Netherlands (Vijverberg & Richter 1982a, b). Possibilities for extending the model are discussed.  相似文献   

Population viability analysis (PVA) has frequently been used in conservation biology to predict extinction rates for threatened or endangered species. In this study, we used VORTEX to model Korean long-tailed goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) using previously collected ecological data. We focused on modelling population extinction, mean population size and heterozygosity. The minimum viable population size was found to be at least 50 gorals for 100 years, regardless of carrying capacity. However, populations with fewer than 50 gorals could not remain successful in the model. Inbreeding depression, catastrophes and supplementation also affected patterns of population extinction, mean population size and heterozygosity. Supplementation with new individuals had the strongest effect on extinction, mean population size and heterozygosity, followed by initial population size, inbreeding, catastrophes and carrying capacity. These results suggest that a supplementation by extra goral individuals from goral proliferation facilities would be the most helpful means for the restoration programme. More Korean goral-specific information regarding demographic and habitat parameters is needed for further PVA of the species.  相似文献   

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