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A longterm study of a population of patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) in Kenya indicated fluid male residence patterns. While a single adult male was present in each of the two main study groups for most of each year, several males were present and mating in groups during some conception periods. Tenures of males in heterosexual groups were generally short; some males were resident in both groups and some had more than one tenure in the same group. When not in heterosexual groups, males lived as solitaries or in all-male associations.  相似文献   

Males frequently interrupt the copulation attempts of other males, and these courtship disruptions may limit the extent to which a few males are able to monopolize mating access to females. Males actively defend sexually receptive females in many species in which females form dense aggregations during the breeding season. Across and within such species there is considerable variation in the mating tactics adopted by males, with males in some cases defending groups of females and in other cases sequentially consorting with individual females. Colonial blackbirds have been central to studying this mating system, and we develop a conceptual model for how courtship disruption may account for variation in male mating tactics in this group. Our model assumes that the frequency of disruptions increases with greater colony size. As a consequence, successful copulations are less likely to occur at large colonies than at small colonies, and males are expected to switch from defending multiple females at the colony to consorting individual females away from it. Results from two species of blackbird support the basic assumptions of this model. In one species, the Montezuma oropendola, disruptions occur rarely and males defend groups of females, whereas in the other species, the yellow-rumped cacique, disruptions are frequent and males defend single females. Moreover, consistent with a key prediction, within each species, males associated with small colonies remain at the colony and defend groups of females, whereas males spend little time defending groups of females at large colonies and rarely attempt copulations there. This model has the potential to explain variation in male mating strategies and female monopolization for other taxa in which females form breeding aggregations.  相似文献   

Foraging theory indicates that aphid predators should lay their eggs early in the development of an aphid colony. Hoverflies appear to respond to cues associated with the age of an aphid colony in assessing its quality for oviposition. However, in the study reported here, ovipositing two-spot ladybirds did not respond differentially to two cues, in various combinations, associated with the age of aphid colonies on herbaceous plants: (a) age structure of the aphid colony and (b) the age of the plant. Thus, this aphid predator appears to be mainly using cues associated with the presence of conspecific larvae rather than those associated with aphids and/or plants when assessing patch quality.  相似文献   

Resource Acquisition and Alternative Mating Strategies in Water Striders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavioral polymorphisms occur among male and female water striders,Gems remigis, when competing for food and mates. Individualsof both sexes vie for positions in the fastest flowing portionsof streams. Here prey capture rates are highest, as are thoseof swimming and aggression. Only the largest females, and maleswith the largest first appendages, can regularly maintain positionsin these areas. The remaining females are arranged along theflow gradient according to their size with the smallest holdingpositions in pools of slow moving water. For the remaining malesneither overall size, nor the size of the first appendages,appears to determine which males swim near the edge of streams,or which males swim as satellites behind those occupying thefast flowing productive areas. Preliminary data show that matingsuccess of edge and satellite males are about equal, but significantlyless than that of the centrally positioned males with the largestfirst appendages. Thus although it appears that morphologicalphenotype influences male competitive behavior, when the absolutesize of the critical trait is small males adopt behavior afterassessing the actions of others. For these "subordinate" males,behavioral assessment appears to produce an "ideal free" spatialdistribution.  相似文献   

Polymorphism has fascinated evolutionary biologists since the time of Darwin. Biologists have observed discrete alternative mating strategies in many different species. In this study, we demonstrate that polymorphic mating strategies can emerge in a colony of hermaphrodite robots. We used a survival and reproduction task where the robots maintained their energy levels by capturing energy sources and physically exchanged genotypes for the reproduction of offspring. The reproductive success was dependent on the individuals'' energy levels, which created a natural trade-off between the time invested in maintaining a high energy level and the time invested in attracting mating partners. We performed experiments in environments with different density of energy sources and observed a variety in the mating behavior when a robot could see both an energy source and a potential mating partner. The individuals could be classified into two phenotypes: 1) forager, who always chooses to capture energy sources, and 2) tracker, who keeps track of potential mating partners if its energy level is above a threshold. In four out of the seven highest fitness populations in different environments, we found subpopulations with distinct differences in genotype and in behavioral phenotype. We analyzed the fitnesses of the foragers and the trackers by sampling them from each subpopulation and mixing with different ratios in a population. The fitness curves for the two subpopulations crossed at about 25% of foragers in the population, showing the evolutionary stability of the polymorphism. In one of those polymorphic populations, the trackers were further split into two subpopulations: (strong trackers) and (weak trackers). Our analyses show that the population consisting of three phenotypes also constituted several stable polymorphic evolutionarily stable states. To our knowledge, our study is the first to demonstrate the emergence of polymorphic evolutionarily stable strategies within a robot evolution framework.  相似文献   

物种繁殖策略和交配对策的变异性是演化生物学研究的新必领域.然而,在实际研究中,由于术语使用混乱和概念错误,常常导致许多结果模糊不清.通过该文,区分了繁殖策略和交配对策的概念,总结了繁殖策略变异性诸假设,阐述并比较了迄今为止繁殖策略和交配对策变异性研究的重要理论和模型,解释了不同交配对策的演化基础和激素调节机理,并在此基础上提出当前物种繁殖策略和交配对策变异性研究的热点问题.  相似文献   

Female Aphidoletes aphidimyza confronts serious challenges from both aphid prey and conspecifics. These challenges constitute strong selective pressures on the predatory midge to have an adaptive oviposition strategy. We did laboratory experiments to investigate clutch size of A. aphidimyza in response to the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (density and age) and the presence of conspecific eggs (density) and larvae (age) in aphid colonies. The results of our study show that A. aphidimyza female adjusts its foraging effort by assessing the quality of prey patches. The number of eggs laid increased in response to aphid density. However, patches consisting of older aphids received fewer eggs. The number of eggs laid decreased in response to the presence of conspecific eggs, and in response to the presence of 2-day old conspecific larvae. Our study reveals deterrent effects on A. aphidimyza oviposition decisions on clutch size in response to older aphids and the presence of more conspecific eggs and older larvae.  相似文献   

Temperature variation is an important factor determining the outcomes of interspecific interactions, including those involving hosts and parasites. This can apply to variation in average temperature or to relatively short but intense bouts of extreme temperature. We investigated the effect of heat shock on the ability of aphids (Aphis fabae) harbouring protective facultative endosymbionts (Hamiltonella defensa) to resist parasitism by Hymenopteran parasitoids (Lysiphlebus fabarum). Furthermore, we investigated whether heat shocks can modify previously observed genotype-by-genotype (G x G) interactions between different endosymbiont isolates and parasitoid genotypes. Lines of genetically identical aphids possessing different isolates of H. defensa were exposed to one of two heat shock regimes (35°C and 39°C) or to a control temperature (20°C) before exposure to three different asexual lines of the parasitoids. We observed strong G x G interactions on parasitism rates, reflecting the known genetic specificity of symbiont-conferred resistance, and we observed a significant G x G x E interaction induced by heat shocks. However, this three-way interaction was mainly driven by the more extreme heat shock (39°C), which had devastating effects on aphid lifespan and reproduction. Restricting the analysis to the more realistic heat shock of 35°C, the G x G x E interaction was weaker (albeit still significant), and it did not lead to any reversals of the aphid lines'' susceptibility rankings to different parasitoids. Thus, under conditions feasibly encountered in the field, the relative fitness of different parasitoid genotypes on hosts protected by particular symbiont strains remains mostly uncomplicated by heat stress, which should simplify biological control programs dealing with this system.  相似文献   

The mating and postmating behavior of reproductives belonging to two sympatric dulotic colonies of the facultative slave-making ant Formica sanguinea was analyzed in the field. Our observations showed that the European blood-red ant adopts a reproductive behavior similar to the male aggregation syndrome. Newly mated females return to a dulotic colony and often wait for a raid. Following a slave raid is an advantageous strategy to locate and invade host nests and to establish a new dulotic colony. In the laboratory, the following modes of colony founding were studied: independent, adoption, alliance, usurpation, and brood raiding. Independent foundation was possible only when several females were kept together. Alliance was obtained with females of two potential slave species (F. cunicularia, F. rufibarbis). Usurpation and adoption were more frequent in the incipient than in the mature host colonies. Mixed colonies were always obtained after the sack of the host pupae. It seems likely that, rather than conspecific adoption followed by budding, F. sanguinea relies on temporary parasitism to start new colonies.  相似文献   

Female and male mate choice in relation to adult size were examined for the solitary and gregarious parasitoids, Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) and Cotesia flavipes Cameron, respectively. In addition, male precopulatory behaviors were observed for evidence of male competition or a large-male advantage in mate acquisition. Male parasitoids are not known to offer female mates direct benefits, but females that mate high quality males may obtain indirect benefits, such as offspring that are more successful in obtaining mates. Female choice experiments for C. marginiventris found that large males approached females first more frequently than small males, and that females mated large males significantly more often than small males. Male choice experiments for C. marginiventris did not demonstrate a male preference for female size. In contrast, female choice experiments with C. flavipes found that females mated equally with large or small males, while male choice experiments showed that males attempted copulation and mated more frequently with smaller females. Male competition was not observed in the gregarious species C. flavipes, but competition in this gregarious parasitoid could be moderated by dispersal.  相似文献   

Patch residence time is at the core of models of decision making by foragers living in patchy environments. We studied patch residence time (PRT) of Ibalia leucospoides, a parasitoid of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio, as assigned to 4 treatments (recent feeding and/or oviposition experience) foraging in an array of host-infested pine logs. We tested the effects of distance from release point, host abundance, and the number of con-specifics at the time of arrival, on patch (pine log) residence time. PRT depended on a combination of patch quality (number of hosts in a log) and distance from the release point. Neither the presence of con-specifics on the patch, prior exposure to hosts, nor feeding prior to the experiment affected the time spent on a patch. We conclude that PRT in I. leucospoides meets Marginal Value Theorem predictions qualitatively, overruling the effects recent oviposition experience, access to food and contact with conspecifics. These findings are in line with the reported pro-ovigeny in I. leucospoides as well as the strong spatial aggregation of hosts in the field.  相似文献   

Multitrophic interactions are likely to be altered by climate change but there is little empirical evidence relating the responses of herbivores and parasitoids to abiotic factors. Here we investigated the effects of drought on an above/below-ground system comprising a generalist and a specialist aphid species (foliar herbivores), their parasitoids, and a dipteran species (root herbivore).We tested the hypotheses that: (1) high levels of drought stress and below-ground herbivory interact to reduce the performance of parasitoids developing in aphids; (2) drought stress and root herbivory change the profile of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) emitted by the host plant; (3) parasitoids avoid ovipositing in aphids feeding on plants under drought stress and root herbivory. We examined the effect of drought, with and without root herbivory, on the olfactory response of parasitoids (preference), plant volatile emissions, parasitism success (performance), and the effect of drought on root herbivory. Under drought, percentage parasitism of aphids was reduced by about 40–55% compared with well watered plants. There was a significant interaction between drought and root herbivory on the efficacy of the two parasitoid species, drought stress partially reversing the negative effect of root herbivory on percent parasitism. In the absence of drought, root herbivory significantly reduced the performance (e.g. fecundity) of both parasitoid species developing in foliar herbivores. Plant emissions of VOCs were reduced by drought and root herbivores, and in olfactometer experiments parasitoids preferred the odour from well-watered plants compared with other treatments. The present work demonstrates that drought stress can change the outcome of interactions between herbivores feeding above- and below-ground and their parasitoids, mediated by changes in the chemical signals from plants to parasitoids. This provides a new insight into how the structure of terrestrial communities may be affected by drought.  相似文献   

Females of the larval parasitoid of Drosophila, Asobara citri, from sub-Saharan Africa, defend patches with hosts by fighting and chasing conspecific females upon encounter. Females of the closely related, palearctic species Asobara tabida do not defend patches and often search simultaneously in the same patch. The effect of patch defence by A. citri females on their distribution in a multi-patch environment was investigated, and their distributions were compared with those of A. tabida. For both species 20 females were released from two release-points in replicate experiments. Females of A. citri quickly reached a regular distribution across 16 patches, with a small variance/mean ratio per patch. Conversely, A. tabida females initially showed a clumped distribution, and after gradual dispersion, a more Poisson-like distribution across patches resulted (variance/mean ratio was closer to 1 and higher than for A. citri). The dispersion of A. tabida was most probably an effect of exploitation: these parasitoids increasingly made shorter visits to already exploited patches. We briefly discuss hypotheses on the adaptive significance of patch defence behaviour or its absence in the light of differences in the natural history of both parasitoid species, notably the spatial distribution of their hosts.  相似文献   

The traditional narrow focus on male mate competition in studies of mammalian mating strategies has been successful in explaining many conspicuous outcomes of sexual selection. However, focusing on ungulates, I here review increasing evidence that a comprehensive understanding of sexually selected adaptations requires consideration of a broader range of sex roles, particularly those relating to female behaviour. I show how mate competition and mate choice in both sexes can interact and often lead to intra- and intersexual conflicts and sometimes also cooperation. By causing phenotypic selection, these behavioural interactions can shape evolution although the outcome depends on genetic constraints. I conclude that to advance the understanding of mammalian mating systems we must broaden our conceptual framework from being largely focused on male competitive strategies to encompass coevolutionary dynamics between the mating strategies of both sexes. Future challenges include clarifying (1) the ecological basis for the inter- and intraspecific diversity in sex roles, (2) the condition-dependence of female mating strategies, and (3) the ultimate causes of mate competition and promiscuity in females.  相似文献   

Male field crickets (Gryllinae: Gryllidae: Orthoptera) vary in their mating strategies, particularly in whether they call from defended sites to attract phonotactic females or roam silently in search of potential mates. To better understand the economics underlying these alternative strategies, respirometry was employed to examine the energetic costs of each strategy's component behaviors for a representative species, Acheta domesticus. Advertisement calling in this species, composed of low pulse rate chirps, is an order of magnitude less energetically costly than walking per unit time. However, for gryllids that advertise call with higher pulse rate trills, calling and walking appear to be of equivalent energetic cost. Thus, if energetic costs are important in determining grylline mating strategies, trillers and chirpers should have different sensitivities to change in factors affecting the relative payoffs of each strategy. Field studies of changes in mating behavior with increased population density support this argument. This study also determined that courtship calling by A. domesticus was over twice as energetically costly as advertisement calling per unit time, suggesting its importance as a more reliable indicator of signaler, or mate, quality.  相似文献   

Does the mating status or body size of a female parasitoid wasp affect her host size choice or propensity to burrow? In Spalangia endius, using smaller hosts appears to reduce a female's cost of parasitization but not her son's fitness. However, virgin females, which produce only sons, did not preferentially parasitize smaller hosts. Mated females also showed no host size preference. Mated females burrowed more than virgins in the presence of hosts, although not in their absence. Burrowing may reduce a mated female's harassment from males, and not burrowing may increase a virgin female's chance of mating because males avoid burrowing. Mating did not increase female longevity. Greater female size increased the offspring production of mated females burrowing for hosts but not in the absence of burrowing and not in virgin females. A female's size had no significant effect on whether her first drill attempt was on a large or a small host or on the duration of her successful drills.  相似文献   

We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to determine paternity in two groups of brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus mayottensis). We analyzed the results in relation to behavioral data on observed copulations, dominance relationships among adult males, and female behavior. The association between paternity determination and behavioral sampling shows that paternity determination is a crucial tool for understanding the mating strategies and reproductive success in the studied species. In brown lemurs, dominance relationships between males are correlated with reproductive success, but male social dominance could be altered by female choice as suggested by the ability of subordinate males to sire offspring in the presence of a dominant male.  相似文献   

We observed the foraging behavior of Diadegma semiclausum (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae), a larval parasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), in a wind tunnel to determine how interpatch distance affects patch time allocation. Individual female wasps were released onto an experimental patch infested with host larvae and were allowed freely to leave for an identically extrapatch placed upwind of the experimental patch with varying interpatch distances. The effects of interpatch distance and within-patch foraging experience on the patch-leaving tendency of the parasitoid were analyzed bymeans of the proportional hazards model. Increasing interpatch distance andunsuccessful host encounter as a result of host defense decreased the patch-leaving tendency, while successful oviposition and unsuccessful search time since last oviposition increased the patch-leaving tendency. Asa result, both patch residence time and number of ovipositions by D. semiclausum increased with increasing interpatch distance, which appears to agree with the general predictions of the marginal value theorem that a parasitoid should stay longer and parasitize more hosts with increasing interpatch distance.  相似文献   

Similar to other small cetacean species, Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) have been the object of concentrated behavioral study. Although mating and courtship behaviors occur often and the social structure of the population is well-studied, the genetic mating system of the species is unknown. To assess the genetic mating system, we genotyped females and their progeny at ten microsatellite loci. Genotype analysis provided estimates of the minimum number of male sires necessary to account for the allelic diversity observed among the progeny. Using the estimates of male sires, we determined whether females mated with the same or different males during independent estrus events. Using Gerud2.0, a minimum of two males was necessary to account for the genetic variation seen among progeny arrays of all tested females. ML-Relate assigned the most likely relationship between offspring pairs; half or full sibling. Relationship analysis supported the conservative male estimates of Gerud2.0 but in some cases, half or full sibling relationships between offspring could not be fully resolved. Integrating the results from Gerud2.0, ML-Relate with previous observational and paternity data, we constructed two-, three-, and four-male pedigree models for each genotyped female. Because increased genetic diversity of offspring may explain multi-male mating, we assessed the internal genetic relatedness of each offspring’s genotype to determine whether parent pairs of offspring were closely related. We found varying levels of internal relatedness ranging from unrelated to closely related (range -0.136–0.321). Because there are several hypothesized explanations for multi-male mating, we assessed our data to determine the most plausible explanation for multi-male mating in our study system. Our study indicated females may benefit from mating with multiple males by passing genes for long-term viability to their young.  相似文献   

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