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A low molecular weight sulfated polysaccharide (LMWF) was prepared from Laminaria japonica by mild acid hydrolysis. The antioxidant activity of LMWF in vitro was studied using three kinds of oxygen free radical systems. LMWF had effective scavenging abilities on superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid directly in vitro. The hepatoprotective effect of LMWF was studied using two acute liver injury mice models induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and D-galactosamine (D-GalN). Addition of LMWF significantly lowered the content of serum malonaldehyde and markedly increased the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, compared with the model groups in both kinds of liver injury mice. Moreover, administration of LMWF significantly inhibited the elevation of glutamate pyruvate transaminase induced by CCl4 and D-GalN in mice. The results suggest that the antioxidant activity of LMWF plays an important role in its hepatoprotective effect in the liver injury mice induced by CCl4 and D-GalN.  相似文献   

Six low molecular fucoidan (DFPS) derivatives were synthesized successfully, and their potential antioxidant activities were investigated employing various established in vitro systems. All DFPS derivatives possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and had stronger antioxidant ability than DFPS in certain tests. The benzoylated DFPS (PHDF) showed strongest scavenging activity on superoxide, hydroxyl and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, however, DFPS exhibited greatest reducing power. Available data suggested that substituted groups of DFPS played an important role on antioxidant activity, and the mechanism on influence the antioxidant activity of samples of substituted group was indicated.  相似文献   

The composition, molecular weight and in vitro antioxidant activity of various sulfated polysaccharides obtained by anion exchange chromatography, acid hydrolysis and radical process degradation of the crude sulfated polysaccharide extracted from Laminaria japonica were compared. The low sulfated F-A2, with a peak-molecular weight (Mp) of 5–15 kDa, 14.5% sulfated ester and 21.8% glucuronic acid, exhibited a very strong antioxidant activity on superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, with activity even higher than that of large molecular weight fractions F-A and F-B. However, highly sulfated fractions with a peak-molecular weight below 15 kDa had much lower antioxidant activities than other fractions. These results indicated that the sulfate group of the low molecular weight fractions represents a physical block for the reaction with oxygen radicals. The chemical properties and antioxidant activities of sulfated polysaccharide fractions obtained by radical process degradation of crude sulfated polysaccharide were quite different from those obtained by acid hydrolysates. By radical process degradation, the high molecular weight was decreased to give LM2 (Mp 8 kDa) and LM1 (Mp 1.5 kDa), with a yield of 40% and 15%, respectively. LM2 was enriched with fucose and sulfated ester, while containing low amounts of glucuronic acid. The antioxidant activity showed that LM2 was unable to scavenge either superoxide or hydroxyl radical, which suggested that radical process degradation targeted mainly ascopyllan-like species rich in glucuronic acid, while the fraction rich in sulfated l-fucose remained unchanged. However, LM1 with Mp 1.5 kDa still retained apparent scavenging ability for superoxide radical, although it contained no glucuronic acid and certain amounts of galactose and mannose as main neutral sugars. These result suggest that the antioxidant activity of sulfated polysaccharides is apparently related not only to molecular weight and sulfated ester content, as previously determined, but also to glucuronic acid and fucose content.  相似文献   

The guluronate (G) content of alginate in the fronds of Laminaria japonica and Laminaria angustata, cultured in the laboratory from zoospore via gametophyte using PESI medium, was determined by the 1H‐nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic method. The G content of alginates in young fronds cultured in various conditions were shown to exceed 55%. These values were remarkably higher than those in field kelp. The G content increased with extending culture period and at low temperature.  相似文献   

Laminaria japonica protoplasts were released with high yields using the abalone alginate lyase HdAly in combination with a cellulase and chelating agents. Addition of EDTA at concentrations higher than 10 mM to Laminaria thalli which had been preincubated with HdAly and Cellulase Onozuka, dramatically improved the yield of protoplasts. EDTA was far more effective than EGTA, indicating that chelating divalent metal ions such as Mg2+ and Sr2+ in addition to Ca2+ is a key factor for high-yield production of Laminaria protoplasts. Protoplasts had a mean diameter of 27 μm, suggesting that most protoplasts were derived from cortical cells rather than epidermal layer cells. Recombinant HdAly (rHdAly) was produced from a cDNA clone in the Sf9 insect cell expression system. rHdAly had substantially the same enzymatic properties and protoplast-producing ability as did native HdAly. The optimal conditions for high yield production of protoplasts from Laminaria using native and recombinant HdAlys were investigated.  相似文献   

A water-soluble crude polysaccharide (WPS) was obtained from Laminaria japonica by hot water extraction. Three major polysaccharide fractions (WPS-1, WPS-2 and WPS-3) were purified from WPS by anion-exchange chromatography. Monosaccharide components analysis indicated that galactose was the predominant monosaccharide in WPS and WPS-3, accounting for 56.25% and 54.11%, respectively. And fucose was the predominant monosaccharide in WPS-1 and WPS-2, accounting for 46.91% and 45.1%, respectively. Antioxidant activity tests revealed that WPS-2 showed significant function of scavenging hydroxyl free radical and WPS-1 exhibited the highest inhibitory effects on superoxide radical. Cytotoxicity of all polysaccharide fractions was evaluated by MTT assay and Hoechst 33258 staining. Results showed that WPS-1 and WPS-2 significantly inhibited the growth of A375 cells and low anti-proliferative effects of WPS-2 on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) were observed. These results suggested that the polysaccharide fraction of WPS-2 might be explored as a potential safe antioxidant and antitumor agent.  相似文献   

Stable free radical nitroxides are potent antioxidants possessing superoxide dismutase- and catalase-mimetic activity that protect cells and animals against a variety of oxidative insults. Tempol, as a representative nitroxide, was evaluated for its influence on weight maintenance and spontaneous tumor incidence in C3H mice. Tempol administered in either the drinking water or food did not show any untoward effects and prevented animals from becoming obese. Tempol-treated animals' leptin levels were reduced. Long-term treatment with Tempol significantly decreased tumorigenesis when compared to controls (10 vs. 40%, respectively). Selected tissues from Tempol-treated animals exhibited elevated levels of mitochrondrial uncoupling protein-2 (UCP-2) and HSP70. The present data suggest that nitroxides upregulate UCP-2, obviate weight gain, and decrease age-related spontaneous tumor incidence. As a class, nitroxides may provide overall health benefits by contributing to decreased obesity and tumor incidence.  相似文献   

不同海带品系抗氧化系统活性与耐热性的相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王悠  唐学玺 《应用生态学报》2005,16(8):1507-1512
以山东沿海广泛培育的两个海带品系耐高温海带901(简称901)和热敏感海带荣成1号(简称RC)为实验材料,研究不同温度条件下其抗氧化系统活性与耐热性状的相关性.结果表明,常温条件下(10℃)901与RC抗氧化系统的基础活性与耐热性状间无显著相关.高温胁迫条件下(18℃)RC体内的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)含量快速升高,而901的ROS在整个胁迫过程中变化不大,说明ROS可能对高温氧化胁迫具有重要意义.RC的抗氧化系统对高温胁迫比901敏感,表现为出现活性有效抑制的时间和幅度都强于901.超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和抗坏血酸和维生素E可能在保护海带细胞免受高温胁迫方面具有重要作用.901的叶绿素对高温胁迫的响应明显滞后于RC,叶绿素含量的半伤害时间可作为判定幼苗期901和RC耐热性的灵敏指标.导致不同品系海带耐热性差异的并非其抗氧化系统基础活性的高低,而是该系统对高温胁迫的应激性和敏感性差异.  相似文献   

Alginates being depolymerized during their alkaline extraction, reducing extraction time could help producing higher rheological quality alginates. The purpose of the present work is to study fresh Laminaria digitata destructuration during alkaline extraction and its link to extraction kinetics. Both alginate extraction yield and mean diameter of algae particles were followed for different values of agitation level and initial size of algae pieces. Results highlighted the existence of a link between extraction yield and algal destructuration. Those elements and the specificity of L.digitata structure have been taken into account to propose a kinetics model based on a fluid-particle reaction with decreasing size particles. The model parameters have been adjusted thanks to acquisition data and its predictive capacity was assessed by validation data. Provided predictions appeared to be relevant and the model structure suitability was confirmed, as extraction yield kinetics specific shape was quite reliably described.  相似文献   

Isolation of Fucoxanthin from the Rhizoid of Laminaria japonica Aresch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fucoxanthin was extracted from the intact rhizoid of Laminariajaponica Aresch with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and then recovered from the DMSO extract by partitioning into ethyl acetate and subsequent evaporation. Some isolation conditions such as solvent volume and extraction time were screened. The quantity and quality of the extracted fucoxanthin were determined by spectral analysis (absorption spectra and fluorescence emission spectra). The results indicated that: (1) the average total content of fucoxanthin was 122.1μg in 1 g of fresh L. japonica rhizoid; (2) in comparison with the widely used organic solvent, acetone, DMSO was much more effective for the extraction of fucoxanthin; (3) both DMSO volume and extraction time influenced extraction efficiency such as the recovery rate and purity of fucoxanthin (1 g of fresh L. japonica rhizoid treated with 4 mL DMSO for 60 min, yielded 〉 88% of the total fucoxanthin with purity 0.63); (4) when (NH4)2SO4 concentration was in the range of 0.5-1.0 mol/L, the pigments rapidly and entirely moved from DMSO into the ethyl acetate phase; (5) the ethyl acetate and DMSO were recycled using a rotary evaporator.  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described for the extraction and purification of alginate from the inner stipes of the kelp Laminaria pallida. Alginate yield was about 10–15% of the dry mass, with a 70:30 mannuronic/ guluronic acid ratio. Analysis of the purified alginate revealed a low polyphenol content while proteins were below detection level. The purified alginate was highly viscous, with 10–15 mPa s and 281 mPa s for a 0.1% and 0.5% solution, respectively, indicating a very high molecular mass (larger than 250 kDa). Bead formation occurred in the presence of divalent cations, but also in the presence of artificial serum (FCSIII) without added divalent cations. The biocompatibility of the alginate was tested with the in vitro mice lymphocyte test as well as by implantation of Ba2+ cross-linked beads beneath the kidney capsule of BB/OK rats. There was no evidence for significant mitogenic activity or fibrotic reaction. Biocompatibility of the alginate was also demonstrated by the encapsulation of human chondrocytes into Ca2+ cross-linked alginate beads. Immobilized chondrocytes grew and remained functional (i.e. they produced collagen). Received: 14 June 1999 / Received revision: 6 September 1999 / Accepted: 10 September 1999  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomal location of genes affecting five components from the low molecular weight gliadin (LMWG) fraction from wheat endosperm has been investigated by aneuploid analysis. Genes controlling these proteins were assigned to chromosomes 4B, 7A and 7D. Chromosomes from homoeologous groups 1, 2 and 6, where genes controlling classical gliadins are located, are not involved in the control of LMWG.  相似文献   

Fucoidan, a group of sulfated heteropolysaccharide, was extracted from Laminaria japonica, an important economic alga species in China. Three sulfated polysaccharide fractions (F1, F2, and F3) were successfully isolated through anion-exchange column chromatography and had their antioxidant activities investigated employing various established in vitro systems, including superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, chelating ability, and reducing power. Chemical analysis suggested that F1 and F3 were heteropolysaccharide in which galactose was the major component, while F2 was a typical fucoidan. All fractions possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and F1, F2 and F3 had stronger antioxidant ability than fucoidan in certain tests. The correlation between the sulfate content and scavenging superoxide radical ability was positive. Available data obtained with in vitro models suggested that the ratio of sulfate content/fucose was an effective indicator to antioxidant activity of the samples.  相似文献   

The effect of amino acids and low-molecular-weight peptides on the dynamics of water was studied. Water medium together with molecules of dipeptides and amino acids dissolved in it is considered as a complex of interacting anharmonic oscillators. It was shown that the temperature behaviour of this system is determined by nonlinear resonances, which give rise to both the phenomenon of self-synchronization in the whole system or its part and to the phenomena of phase instability and coherence decay, depending on the store of oscillatory energy. Dissolved molecules are also involved in these oscillations, and if the frequencies and amplitudes of their oscillations are within the range in which nonlinear resonance occurs, they can affect the movement of the whole system.  相似文献   

Extracting DNA from a variety of algae is rather difficult because of high levels of polysaccharides, tannins, and phenolics as these interfere with DNA isolation and downstream applications. High-quality plastid DNA (ptDNA) purification is particularly difficult because of its small proportion in total genomic DNA. This report describes an improved protocol for ptDNA purification that efficiently produces high-quality ptDNA from sporophytes of Laminaria japonica and several other algae. This improved protocol simplifies procedures for ptDNA purification and improves yield to 150–200 μg of ptDNA per 100 g of frozen algal tissue. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of conserved sequences has been used to verify purity of the ptDNA product.  相似文献   

Lowmolecular factor of polypeptide nature (thymarin) was extracted from calf thymus. This factor differed by physical and chemical characteristics from thymosin. The percentage content of "active" T-lymphocytes increased under the effect of thymarin in the cultures of lymphoid cells obtained from healthy individuals. The total T-cell count remained unchanged. Thymarin favoured increase of the total T-lymphocyte and "active" T-lymphocyte count in the cultures of cells from patients with chronic inflammatory processes. Cellular immunity reactions were restored and the course of the main disease improved under the effect of parenteral administration of thymarin. It is supposed that T-immunity system incompetence was associated with the inadequate production of the thymus factor capable of restoring the activity of the thymus-dependent lymphocyte population.  相似文献   

The study of plant DNA polymerases lags far behind that concerning their animal or yeast counterpart. In this work we describe the first extensive purification to apparent homogeneity, as well as a detailed biochemical and immunological characterization, of a low molecular weight DNA polymerase (DNA polymerase CI) purified from wheat embryos. The monomeric enzyme is a basic protein having a molecular weight of 52 kDa. Polyclonal antibodies raised in rabbits against DNA polymerase CI did not inhibit animal DNA polymerases and or wheat DNA polymerase A, whereas wheat DNA polymerases CII and B were much less affected than the CI enzyme. Several properties of enzyme CI were studied. Some known inhibitors of DNA polymerase activity including aphidicolin, phosphonoacetic acid and heparin, did not affect DNA polymerase CI while the activity of this enzyme was strongly inhibited by ddTTP and N-ethylmaleimide. The polyamine spermine decreased markedly the enzyme activity, while spermidine produced a strong stimulation at the same concentrations that spermine inhibited the enzyme. The best template for this enzyme is poly dA-oligo dT, although polymerase CI can recognize significantly some synthetic polyribonucleotide templates (poly rC-oligo dG, poly rA-oligo dT) but only at a given protein/template primer ratio. The enzyme is blocked at the amino terminus, thus preventing the automatic sequencing of the protein. The amino acid analysis showed a striking similarity with the animal low molecular weight DNA polymerase . The latter observation, as well as the effect of inhibitors (except N-ethylmaleimide which does not inhibit the animal polymerase) indicate that the DNA polymerase described in this work is a plant DNA polymerase very similar to the low molecular weight animal DNA polymerase , an enzyme believed to be involved in nuclear DNA repair.  相似文献   

The matrix-degrading enzyme aggrecanase has been identified in cartilage and is largely responsible for cartilage breakdown. The present study determined the efficacy of different heparin molecular weight fractions (HMWFs) and low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) on aggrecanase activity. Aggrecanase activity was determined using biotinylated peptide substrate, which was immobilized onto streptavidin-coated 96-well plates; aggrecanase enzyme was then added. Proteolysis of the substrate at the specific amide bond was detected using specific antibody for the neoepitope generated. HMWFs ranging from 1,700 to 12,000 Da demonstrated a concentration-dependent inhibitory efficacy of aggrecanase activity, with a Ki ranging from 5,000 nM down to 1 nM as a function of the molecular weight. The higher the molecular weight distribution, the greater the inhibitory efficacy of the heparin fragments toward aggrecanase activity. The absence or presence of antithrombin did not alter the affinity of heparin in inhibiting aggrecanase. Additionally, tissue factor pathway inhibitor at various levels did not alter the activity of aggrecanase. LMWHs demonstrated different levels of potency in inhibiting aggrecanase activity as a function of their average molecular weight distribution. Tinzaparin (average molecular weight = 6,500 Da) and enoxaparin (average molecular weight = 4,500 Da) demonstrated a Ki of 20 and 80 nM, respectively. The aggrecanase inhibitory effect of LMWH might contribute to blocking inflammation and tumor invasion by inhibiting aggrecanase activity and maintaining an intact extracellular matrix barrier.  相似文献   

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