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Virus assembly mutants of asporogenous Bacillus subtilis defective in bacteriophage phi 29 head assembly were detected by the use of antibodies that reacted strongly with the free dodecameric phi 29 portal vertex composed of gene product 10 (gp10) but weakly with the portal vertex assembled into proheads or phage. Phage adsorption and the synthesis of phage proteins, DNA-gene product 3, and prohead RNA were normal in these mutants, but prohead and phage production was greatly reduced. The assembly defect was transferred to competent B. subtilis by transformation and transduction. PBS1 transduction showed that the vam locus was linked to Tn917 located at 317 degrees on the B. subtilis chromosome.  相似文献   

Anderson, D. L. (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis), D. D. Hickman, and B. E. Reilly. Structure of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi29 and the length of phi29 deoxyribonucleic acid. J. Bacteriol. 91:2081-2089. 1966-Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi29 were negatively stained with phosphotungstic acid. The head of phi29 has a hexagonal outline with a flattened base, and is about 315 A wide and 415 A in length. The virus has an intricate tail about 325 A in length. Twelve spindle-shaped appendages are attached to the lower of two collars which comprise the proximal portion of the tail. The distal 130 A of the tail axis has a diameter of about 60 A and is larger in diameter than the axis of the upper portion of the tail. Comparison of electron microscopic counts of phi29 with plaque-forming units indicated that about 50% of the microscopic entities were infective. Phenol-extracted phi29 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules were prepared for electron microscopy by the cytochrome c film technique of Kleinschmidt et al. Measurement of contour lengths of DNA molecules from three preparations gave skewed distributions of lengths with observed modal class values ranging from 5.7 to 5.9 mu. Assuming that phi29 DNA is a double helix in the B form, the corresponding molecular weights would be 10.9 x 10(6) to 11.3 x 10(6) daltons. The largest DNA molecules would have a volume of 1.9 x 10(7) A(3) which is about 25% greater than the estimated 1.4 x 10(7) A(3) internal volume of the phage head.  相似文献   

Extracts obtained after restrictive infection of Bacillus subtilis with mutants in cistron 11 of bacteriophage phi 29 are complemented in vitro by extract donors of the lower collar protein (p11). Purified 11- heads, containing the major capsid protein (p8), the fiber protein (p8.5), the upper collar protein (p10), and the virus DNA, can be also complemented in vitro to produce infective virus. This result suggests that 11- heads are intermediates in phage phi 29 morphogenesis. The order of assembly of the lower collar protein p11 and the tail protein p9 was determined in vitro in two complementation steps. The results obtained indicate that the lower collar protein is assembled before the tail protein.  相似文献   

We isolated phi 29 DNA replicative intermediates from extracts of phage-infected Bacillus subtilis, pulsed-labeled with [3H]thymidine, by velocity sedimentation in neutral sucrose followed by CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. During a chase, the DNA with a higher sedimentation coefficient in neutral sucrose and a lower sedimentation rate in alkaline sucrose than that of viral phi 29 DNA was converted into mature DNA. The material with a density higher than that of mature phi 29 DNA consisted of replicative intermediates, as analyzed with an electron microscope. We found two major types of molecules. One consisted of unit-length duplex DNA with one single-stranded branch at a random position. The length of the single-stranded branches was similar to that of one of the double-stranded regions. The other type of molecules was unit-length DNA with one double-stranded region and one single-stranded region extending a variable distance from one end. Partial denaturation of the latter molecules showed that replication was initiated with a similar frequency from either DNA end. These findings suggest that phi 29 DNA replication occurs by a mechanism of strand displacement and that replication starts non-simultaneously from either DNA end, as in the case of adenovirus.  相似文献   

A set of mutants of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi29 unable to synthesize the head fiber protein has been identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Infectious phage are produced during restrictive infection. We have focused on mutant sus 8.5(900) because the mutation is suppressible by both the su(+3) and su(+44) hosts, and it can be mapped by three- and four-factor crosses. After restrictive infection with mutant sus 8.5(900), a fragment about 70% of the size of the normal fiber is produced as well as particles that are fast-sedimenting in sucrose gradients relative to phi29(+). These particles have the buoyant density of particles with the fibers removed and have the absolute plating efficiency of phi29(+). Fiber protein is absent from prohead as well as virion. A second set of mutants produces fiber protein with a slightly altered electrophoretic mobility. This type of fiber protein is either present or absent on both prohead and virion. A third class of mutants, typified by 914, produces a "normal" fiber, but a major head protein of altered electrophoretic mobility. After infection by this mutant, the fiber is absent from both prohead and virion, and the biological and physical properties of the 914(-) particle are similar to those of particles produced after infection of the su(-) host by sus8.5(900). These observations suggest that the head fiber is not an essential component of the prohead or virion and that the assembly process is efficient in the absence of fiber protein. Three- and four-factor genetic crosses have established the order sus8(769)-8(914)-sus8.5(900)-sus9(756) and indicate that cistrons 8 and 8.5 code for the major head protein and head fiber protein, respectively.  相似文献   

Each of the 12 neck appendages of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi29 consists of a single protein molecule with a molecular weight of about 75,000, and on the mature virion the appendages are assembled to the lower of two collars. The appendage protein is cleaved from a precursor protein, P(J), with a molecular weight of about 88,000. This cleavage is independent of neck assembly, occurring during infection by mutants that cannot synthesize the proteins of the upper and lower collars of the neck. The cleaved form of the appendage protein is efficiently complemented in vitro to particles lacking appendages. Thus, cleavage of the appendage precursor protein apparently does not occur in situ on the maturing virus.  相似文献   

A mutant of Bacillus subtilis unable to adsorb phage phi29 efficiently has been isolated. This mutant can be infected by host range mutants of the phage. Since the host range mutations map in cistron 12, which codes for neck appendage protein, this would tend to confirm that these organelles are involved in viral adsorption.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi29 requires scaffolding protein to assemble the 450 x 540 A prolate prohead with T = 3 symmetry end caps. In infections with a temperature-sensitive mutant scaffolding protein, capsids assemble predominantly into 370 A diameter isometric particles with T = 3 symmetry that lack a head-tail connector. However, a few larger, 430 A diameter, particles are also assembled. Cryo-electron microscopy shows that these larger particles are icosahedral with T = 4 symmetry. The prolate prohead, as well as the two isometric capsids with T = 3 and T = 4 symmetry, are composed of similar pentamers and differently skewed hexamers. The skewing of the hexamers in the equatorial region of proheads and in the T = 4 isometric particles reflects their different environments. One of the functions of the scaffolding protein, present in the prohead, may be to stabilize skewed hexamers during assembly.  相似文献   

Phage phi 29 particles produced under restrictive conditions by mutants in gene 12 have normal amounts of all of the structural proteins except the appendage protein, p12*, which is missing. These particles are not infective and do not adsorb to Bacillus subtilis cells. By in vitro complementation of 12- particles with extracts containing protein p12* or with purified protein p12*, the defective particles could bind the appendage protein and become infective and able to adsorb to bacteria. Therefore, the neck appendages of phage phi 29, formed by protein p12*, are involved in the interaction of the phage with the cell wall receptors. Protein p12*, purified in its native state, competed with wild-type phage for adsorption to bacteria. Also, protein p12* could displace adsorbed phage from bacteria. Since the displaced phage was infective, protein p12* does not seem to be modified after phage adsorption.  相似文献   

Reference mutants of Bacillus subtilis phage phi 29 of the Madrid and Minneapolis collections were employed to construct a genetic map. Suppressor-sensitive and temperature-sensitive mutants were assigned to 17 cistrons by quantitative complementation. Three-factor crosses were used to assign an unambiguous order for the 17 cistrons. Recombination frequencies determined by two-factor crosses were used to construct a linear genetic map of 24.4 recombination units. The genes were numbered sequentially from left to right (1 to 17) according to their relative map position.  相似文献   

A phi 29 DNA fragment containing genes 10 and 11, coding for the connector protein and the lower collar protein, respectively, has been cloned in the pBR322 derivative plasmid pKC30 under the control of the PL promoter of phage lambda. Two polypeptides with the electrophoretic mobility of proteins p10 and p11 were labelled with 35S-methionine after heat induction. The proteins were characterized as p10 and p11 by radioimmunoassay and they represented about 10% and 7%, respectively, of the total E. coli protein after 4 hours of induction. These proteins represent less than 1% of the B. subtilis protein in phi 29-infected cells. Protein p10 has been highly purified from the E. coli cells carrying the recombinant plasmid. Antibodies raised against the purified protein p10 reacted with the connector protein produced in phi 29-infected B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Summary Six deletion mutants of temperate Bacillus subtilis phage 105 have been isolated on the basis of their increased resistance to chelating agents. The size and position of the deletions was determined by electronmicroscopy of DNA heteroduplexes. All deletions are located in a region about 55–70% from one end of the DNA molecule, in the right half of the known genetic map of the phage. The segment 55–65% does not contain any genes essential for lytic growth or lysogenization. A gene(s) for immunity is located in a segment 65–70% from the left end.By electronmicroscopy of partially denatured 105 DNA two A-T rich regions have been localized in the right half of the molecule. One of these regions falls within the non-essential 55–65% DNA segment.  相似文献   

The non-isometric virus φ29 and its empty capsid have enough elements of symmetry so that their size and approximate shape can be determined by low-angle X-ray scattering. The scattering curve of the virus can be simulated by a cylinder of 390 Å diameter and 460 Å height. The protein coat has a thickness of about 30 Å. The DNA is packed tightly and regularly in the phage head.  相似文献   

Viral connectors are essential components of the DNA packaging machinery. They interact with nucleic acids and other viral components to translocate DNA inside the viral head. We have attempted to locate the different structural and functional domains of the phage Phi29 connector using a combination of approaches to generate different antigenic probes. Complexes of native connectors with either monoclonal or monospecific antibodies were studied by immunoelectron microscopy and image averaging methods. The data were merged in a model of the connector domain structure at 2-3 nm resolution. This epitope mapping provides a general outline of the folding architecture of the connector polypeptide, following a complicated threading that places the amino and carboxyl-terminals in close alignment in the narrower domain at 2-3 nm from the top of the connector. The appendages are built up by a long and highly immunogenic sequence (amino acid residues 153 to 206). The RNA binding domain forms part of the top of the narrow conical area of the connector, a flexible region that undergoes structural changes during viral morphogenesis. The DNA binding domain is located not far away, 2-3 nm below, in the outer side of the narrow conical part. The precise location of the functional domains of the connector, as well as their relative positions provide the first experimental framework for understanding the connector function.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of Bacillus subtilis temperate phage phi 105 DNA was carried out by using restriction endonucleases EcoRI, SmaI, and KpnI, and a new revised EcoRI cleavage map is presented. In addition, the EcoRI cleavage maps of six specialized transducing phages carrying sporulation genes of B. subtilis were revised.  相似文献   

The assembly of phage phi 29 occurs by a single pathway, and the DNA protein (DNA-gp3) of "packaging intermediates" can be obtained after DNase I interruption of in vitro complementation. A broad spectrum of DNA molecules of variable length was isolated from DNase I-treated proheads. Restriction endonuclease EcoRI digestion and electrophoretic analysis of these DNA molecules suggested that DNA-gp3 packaging was oriented with respect to the physical map and was a complex process. Proteinase K-treated exogenous DNA was not packaged. When exogenous DNA-gp3 was predigested with the restriction endonucleases BstEII. EcoRI, HpaI, and HpaII, the left-end fragments, ranging in size from 8 to 0.9 megadaltons, were selectively and efficiently packaged. During in vivo and in vitro assembly, DNA-gp3 is packaged into proheads, the "core-scaffolding" protein gp7 exits from the particles, and the DNA-filled heads assume the angular morphology of phage phi 29. The packaging of a 4.1-megadalton DNA-gp3 left-end fragment (one third of the genome) resulted in the exit of gp7 and the transition to angularity.  相似文献   

The DNA-protein complex DNA-gp3 of phi 29 is efficiently packaged into purified proheads with the aid of plasmid-derived gp16. The filled heads can be assembled to phage by addition of an extract providing the products for neck-tail assembly (Bjornsti et al., J. Virol. 50:766-772, 1984). However, purified proheads lost their competence to package DNA-gp3 upon storage for 2 months at 4 degrees C. Competence was restored by complementation with extracts of certain mutant-infected cells, and these experiments demonstrated that late proteins were not involved; restoration obtained with 4-8-14--infected cells was indistinguishable from that obtained with 7-8-14--infected cells. 2-8-14- and 3-8-14- extracts restored about one-third of the capacity to package exogenous DNA-gp3. A 1-8-14- extracts restored activity to package 20.6% of the DNA-gp3 added, but phage were not produced.  相似文献   

The functional role of the phi 29-encoded integral membrane protein p16.7 in phage DNA replication was studied using a soluble variant, p16.7A, lacking the N-terminal membrane-spanning domain. Because of the protein-primed mechanism of DNA replication, the bacteriophage phi 29 replication intermediates contain long stretches of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Protein p16.7A was found to be an ssDNA-binding protein. In addition, by direct and functional analysis we show that protein p16.7A binds to the stretches of ssDNA of the phi 29 DNA replication intermediates. Properties of protein p16.7A were compared with those of the phi 29-encoded single-stranded DNA-binding protein p5. The results obtained show that both proteins have different, non-overlapping functions. The likely role of p16.7 in attaching phi 29 DNA replication intermediates to the membrane of the infected cell is discussed. Homologues of gene 16.7 are present in phi 29-related phages, suggesting that the proposed role of p16.7 is conserved in this family of phages.  相似文献   

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