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I-cell fibroblasts with a multiple intracellular lysosomal enzyme deficiency were hybridized with cells from patients with different types of single lysosomal enzyme defects. Fusion with GM2 gangliosidosis, type 2, (Sandhoff disease) fibroblasts resulted in a restoration of the hexosaminidase activity, in a normalization of the electrophoretic mobility of the isoenzymes, and in a decreased activity in the medium. Fusion of I-cells with fibroblasts from GM1 gangliosidosis, type 1, led to enhancement of β-galactosidase (β-gal) activity. This complementation must be the result of the presence of normal polypeptide chains in I-cells, whereas the other cell types provide a factor that causes the intracellular retention of the enzymes. Restoration of β-gal was also observed in heterokaryons after fusion of I-cells with β-galactosidase/neuraminidase-deficient (β-gal/neur) variants, indicating that the neuraminidase(s) and the posttranslational modification of β-gal are affected in a different way in I-cell disease and in β-gal/neur variants. Fusion of I-cells with mannosidosis fibroblasts resulted in a restoration of the acidic form of α-mannosidase and in a decrease of the extracellular activity of both this enzyme and the hexosaminidase enzyme, indicating that fusion of I-cells with different types of fibroblasts with a single lysosomal enzyme deficiency not only leads to complementation for one particular enzyme but also to a correction of the basic defect in I-cells.  相似文献   

Invertase immobilization via its carbohydrate moiety   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After periodate oxidation of its glycosidic component, invertase was covalently bound onto three types of modified solid supports: glycidyl methacrylate, styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers, and bead cellulose. Direct reaction of the invertase aldehyde groups that were formed with amino groups of the support and use of the modified Ugi reaction have been employed as immobilization procedures. Apart from binding methods, the important effects of the buffer, support, conditions of periodate oxidation, and the length of the spacer on the activity of the enzyme conjugate have been investigated. Superior conjugate activity was obtained, via modified Ugi reaction, by the immobilization of a suitably oxidized invertase to a styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer having free amino groups.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that human interleukin 3 (IL-3) is a lectin recognizing specifically the glycosaminoglycan part of a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (PGS3; Normand, G., Kuchler, S., Meyer, A., Vincendon, G., and Zanetta, J. P. (1988) J. Neurochem. 51, 665-676) isolated from the adult rat brain. The specificity of the interaction of this particular proteoglycan with IL-3 is due to the abundance of GlcA(2S)beta 1,3GalNAc(4S)beta 1 disaccharide units as suggested by (1)H NMR. Computational docking experiments of the lower energy conformers of the different disaccharides from chondroitin sulfates reveal a privileged binding site for GlcA(2S)beta 1,3GalNAc(4S)beta 1 (involving His-26, Arg-29, Asn-70, and Trp-104) localized in an area of IL-3 different from the receptor-binding domain previously identified by others (Bagley, C. J., Phillips, J., Cambareri, B., Vadas, M. A., and Lopez, A. F. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 31922-31928). Molecular modeling of the mutation P33G, described as increasing the biological activity of IL-3 without affecting its receptor binding (Lokker, N. A., Movva, N. R., Strittmatter, U., Fagg, B., and Zenke, G. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 10624-10631) provokes a change of the three-dimensional structure of IL-3, especially in the area of the putative carbohydrate recognition domain defined above. Computational docking experiments of the different disaccharides of chondroitin sulfates indicate a loss of affinity for the previous ligand but a higher affinity for the classic disaccharide of chondroitin-4-sulfate. This change from a rare and specific ligand to a more abundant constituent of proteoglycans could induce an increased quantitative association between the IL-3 receptors and its ligands and, consequently, an increased signaling.  相似文献   

To study the roles of the carbohydrate moiety in the function of carboxypeptidase Y, asparagine residues at 13, 87, 168, and 368, the four-consensus N-linked glycosylation sites, were altered to alanine with site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme of 51 kDa completely lost the carbohydrate moiety which was present in the 61-kDa wild-type enzyme. Structural studies of the mutant enzyme showed that it maintained the native-like structure; hydrolytic activity, and substrate specificity of the mutant enzyme analogous to those of the wild-type enzyme. Susceptibility of the mutant enzyme toward proteolysis and pressure denaturation was reduced by 10-20%. It is concluded that the carbohydrate moiety functions to maintain the structural integrity of the enzyme under stressed.  相似文献   

Human placental hexosaminidase B and β-galactosidase are taken up very poorly by human fibroblasts in culture. However, if fibroblasts manifesting genetically determined deficiencies of these lysosomal hydrolases are first treated with concanavalin A, then enzyme uptake is markedly increased. Enzyme activity which becomes associated with concanavalin A-treated fibroblasts maintained at 4°C can be greatly removed by treatment with haptene sugar, while enzyme activity which becomes associated with cells maintained at 37°C is refractory to haptene treatment. These results are interpreted as an initial binding of enzyme to concanavalin A molecules located at the cell surface, followed by an active cellular process leading to internalization of the lectin-enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated endocytosis of alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase by cultured epithelial rat liver cells is inhibited by mannose, L-fucose and most effectively by mannose 6-phosphate. Endocytosis of alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase is lost after treatment of the enzyme with alkaline phosphatase. These findings indicate that epithelial rat liver cells possess cell surface receptors that recognize a phosphorylated carbohydrate on alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase, as was previously reported for cell surface receptors of human skin fibroblasts. Inhibition of alpha-mannosidase endocytosis by epithelial rat liver cells in the presence of mannose 6-phosphate and loss of enzyme endocytosis after treatment with alkaline phosphatase suggest that this enzyme is recognized by the same receptor.  相似文献   

Although endosomes and lysosomes are associated with different subcellular functions, we present evidence that a lysosomal enzyme, arylsulfatase-A, is present in prelysosomal vesicles which constitute part of the endosomal compartment. When human cultured fibroblasts were subfractionated with Percoll gradients, arylsulfatase-A activity was enriched in three subcellular fractions: dense lysosomes, light lysosomes, and light membranous vesicles. Pulsing the cells for 1 to 10 min with the fluid-phase endocytic marker, horseradish peroxidase, showed that endosomes enriched with the marker were distributed partly in the light lysosome fraction but mainly in the light membranous fraction. By pulsing the fibroblasts for 10 min with horseradish peroxidase conjugated to colloidal gold and then staining the light membranous and light lysosomal fractions for arylsulfatase-A activity with a specific cytochemical technique, the endocytic marker was detected under the electron microscope in the same vesicles as the lysosomal enzyme. The origin of the lysosomal enzyme in this endosomal compartment was shown not to be acquired through mannose 6-phosphate receptor-mediated endocytosis of enzymes previously secreted from the cell. Together with our recent finding that the light membranous fraction contains prelysosomes distinct from bona fide lysosomes and was highly enriched with newly synthesized arylsulfatase-A molecules, these results demonstrate that prelysosomes also constitute part of the endosomal compartment to which intracellular lysosomal enzymes are targeted.  相似文献   

Secretion of lysosomal enzymes by human monocytes in response to various stimuli and the effect of conditioned media from lymphocytes and neutrophils was studied. Monocytes were found to release β-glucosaminidase in response to NH4Cl and to particles (zymosan, opsonised zymosan, asbestos and latex), but do not respond to some soluble stimuli like formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, phorbol myristate acetate, cytochalasin B, concanavalin A and N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine. Neutrophil conditioned medium or neutrophil components did not have any effect on secretion. When treated with lymphokines the cells are more responsive, especially to zymosan. Even through there are similarities in the secretory activities of mouse macrophages and human monocytes, there are several differences both in the quantity of the response and in the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Lysosomal enzymes contain a common protein determinant that is recognized by UDP-GlcNAc:lysosomal enzyme N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase, the initial enzyme in the biosynthesis of mannose-6-P residues. Previously, we generated a lysosomal enzyme recognition domain by substituting two regions (lysine 203 and amino acids 265-292) of the lysosomal hydrolase cathepsin D into a related secretory protein glycopepsinogen. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the oligosaccharides of the chimeric protein were efficiently phosphorylated (Baranski, T. J., Faust, P. L., and Kornfeld, S. (1990) Cell 63, 281-291). In the current study, incremental substitutions of cathepsin D residues into glycopepsinogen and alanine-scanning mutagenesis were utilized to define the recognition domain more precisely. A computer-generated model of the cathepsin D/pepsinogen chimeric molecule served as a guide for mutagenesis and for the interpretation of results. These studies indicate that the recognition domain is a surface patch that contains multiple interacting sites. There is a strict positional requirement for the lysine residue at position 203.  相似文献   

Cultured human skin fibroblasts take up α- -iduronidase by receptor-mediated pinocytosis. Certain lysosomotropic amines such as chloroquine, ammonia and procaine inhibit this process, without affecting the fluid endocytosis of dextran. In contrast to the competitive inhibition by mannose 6-phosphate, the inhibition by amines is non-competitive and is therefore presumed not to affect binding of the enzyme to receptors. The dose response curves are very steep, and equations that best fit the data use a power of inhibitor concentration (i2 for procaine, i4 for chloroquine), indicating interaction of several amine molecules at the inhibitory site(s). The inhibition is reversed by removal of the amine from the medium and does not result from accelerated efflux of endocytosed enzyme. We suggest that the amines interfere with delivery of receptor-bound enzyme to lysosomes.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of phospholipids by a lysosomal enzyme   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The phospholipid-hydrolyzing activity of rat liver lysosomes has been studied. These lysosomes contain a phospholipase that cleaves both fatty acid ester linkages of lecithin and of phosphatidyl ethanolamine and releases free fatty acids from both positional isomers of lysolecithin. The enzyme does not require calcium for maximum activity, and is inhibited by diethyl ether and sodium deoxycholate. Mercuric ions and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide also inhibit the hydrolysis. Compared with lipase activity, this enzyme is relatively stable to heat. The specific activity of the hydrolysis of lecithin by the lysosomal enzyme is considerably higher than those reported for mitochondrial and microsomal phospholipases. The enzyme resembles other hydrolases of the lysosome in that it has an acid pH optimum (pH 4.5). This enzymic activity is present in both the lysosomal soluble enzyme fraction and in the lysosomal membrane fraction. The enzyme may participate in the intracellular digestion of mitochondria that is carried out by the intact lysosome in vivo. Localized inflammation and changes in vascular permeability following tissue damage could be catalyzed by this phospholipase.  相似文献   

Intercellular exchange of N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (EC β-galactosidase (EC and acid α-glucosidase (EC was studied after cocultivation of normal and enzyme deficient human fibroblasts in confluent cultures. Enzyme activities were measured in single cells using microchemical procedures. After co-cultivation of normal control fibroblasts and those from a patient with Sandhoff's disease an increase of activity of N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase was found in Sandhoff cells, together with a decrease of activity in normal control cells. After co-cultivation of normal fibroblasts and those from patients with glycogenosis II and GM1-gangliosidosis, no indication was found for intercellular transfer of acid α-glucosidase and β-galactosidase respectively. The significance of the results is discussed in respect of the hypothesis of Hickman and Neufeld about secretion and uptake of lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

A protein factor named S-II that stimulates RNA polymerase II was previously purified from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells [1]. In this work using an antibody prepared against purified S-II, the localization of S-II in the cell was investigated by an indirect immunofluorescence technique. In 3T3 cells, specific immunofluorescence was detected only in the nucleoplasm where RNA polymerase II is located, and not in the nucleoli where RNA polymerase I is present. In Ehrlich ascites tumor cells fluorescence was detected mainly in the nucleoplasm, although some fluorescence was also detectable in the cytoplasm, possibly due to leak of S-II from the nuclei during preparation of the immunofluorescent samples. In metaphase cells fluorescent was not found on chromosomes but throughout the cytoplasm. These findings suggest that S-II is a nuclear protein and that it spreads into the cytoplasm without being attached to chromosomes in metaphase, but is reassembled into the nucleoplasm in the interphase. Specific immunofluorescence was also detected in the nuclei of HeLa cells and salivary glands cells of flesh-fly larvae, suggesting that the nucleoplasm of these heterologous cells contains proteins immunologically cross-reactive with the antibody against S-II.  相似文献   

We have characterized the proteolytic processing of the beta-subunit of beta-hexosaminidase by identifying the amino termini of the various forms synthesized in cell-free translation and in cultured human fibroblasts. The procedures used had been developed for similar studies of the alpha-subunit (Little, L. E., Lau, M. M. H., Quon, D. V. K., Fowler, A. V., and Neufeld, E. F. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 4288-4292). Radioactive amino acids were incorporated biosynthetically into the different forms of the beta-subunit, which were isolated by immunoprecipitation, gel electrophoresis, and electroelution, and analyzed by automated Edman degradation. Translation by reticulocyte lysate in the presence of canine pancreas microsomes gave a product with alanine 43 at the amino terminus. The lysate could initiate translation at methionine 1 or methionine 13, depending on the SP6 mRNA provided. The product of signal peptidase action, the precursor form of the beta-subunit with amino-terminal alanine 43, was found in NH4+-induced secretions of cultured fibroblasts; intracellularly, this form was trimmed of two additional amino acids. The mature form was found to consist of three polypeptides joined by disulfide bonds; the amino termini were found to be valine 48, threonine 122, and lysine 315. Thus, in contrast to the alpha-subunit, the mature form of the beta-subunit of beta-hexosaminidase is derived from the precursor by internal proteolytic nicking rather than by removal of a large amino-terminal peptide segment.  相似文献   

1. 1. The specific activity of the lysosomal hydrolases in cultured skin fibroblasts varies according to the phase of growth in culture.
2. 2. Diagnosis of heterozygous genotypes for lysosomal enzyme deficiency diseases is unreliable with cultured fibroblasts, at least partly because of the growth curve-associated variations in specific activity.
3. 3. Fluctuations in specific activity during the beginning of the growth curve in vitro can be avoided by initiating cultures with cells which are in the early log phase of growth.
4. 4. Primary amniotic fluid cell cultures show no relationship between length of time in culture and lysosomal enzyme specific activity.
5. 5. Secondary amniotic fluid cell cultures exhibit growth curve-related variations in lysosomal enzyme specific activity as they assume fibroblast-like growth kinetics.
6. 6. Prenatal and postnatal diagnosis on cultured amniotic fluid cells and fibroblasts requires the use of appropriate controls which are matched for stage of growth and length of time after the last trypsinization.

The two subunits of beta-hexosaminidase undergo many post-translational modifications characteristic of lysosomal proteins, including limited proteolysis. To identify proteolytic cleavage sites in the alpha-chain, we have biosynthetically radiolabeled the transient forms, isolated these by immunoprecipitation, gel electrophoresis, and electroelution, and subjected them to automated Edman degradation. The position of the NH2-terminal amino acid was inferred from the elution cycle of the radioactive amino acid and the primary sequence encoded in the alpha-chain cDNA. The amino terminus of the precursor obtained by in vitro translation of SP6 alpha-chain mRNA in the presence of microsomes was leucine 23. The same amino terminus was found in precursor alpha-chain synthesized by normal human fibroblasts (IMR90) in a 1- or 3-h pulse or secreted by these cells in the presence of NH4Cl. The alpha-chain isolated after a 3-h pulse followed by a 5-h chase (intermediate form) included a mixture of molecular species of which the amino terminus was arginine 87 (most abundant), histidine 88, or leucine 90. After a 20-h chase (mature form) the latter species predominated. This mature form of the alpha-chain remained fully reactive with antibody raised against the carboxyl-terminal 15 amino acids, indicating little if any proteolysis at the carboxyl terminus. Thus synthesis and maturation of the alpha-chain of beta-hexosaminidase includes two major proteolytic cleavages: the first, between alanine 22 and leucine 23, removes the signal peptide to generate the precursor form, whereas the second occurs between the dibasic amino acids, lysine 86 and arginine 87. The second cleavage is followed by trimming of 3 additional amino acids to give the mature form of the alpha-chain.  相似文献   

Natural or preformed antibodies that react with oligosaccharides bearing terminal galactose-alpha(1,3)-galactose [Gal alpha(1,3)Gal] stuctures are present in the sera of all humans. Antibodies against Gal alpha(1,3)Gal epitopes initiate hyperacute rejection of xenografts of porcine organs in human recipients. Despite the enormous clinical potential for xenotransplantation, very little is known about the 3D structural basis for natural antibody recognition of the major xenoantigen (i.e. Gal alpha(1,3)Gal). In this review, we discuss general binding patterns that have been repeatedly identified in antibody complexes with small molecules (haptens), carbohydrate and peptide ligands because similar mechanisms will almost certainly mediate recognition of the major xenoantigen by natural antibodies.  相似文献   

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