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Duringventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH), the relationship betweenventilation (E) and end-tidalPCO2 (PETCO2) changes.This study was designed to determine 1) whether these changes can be seenearly in VAH and 2) if these changesare present, whether the responses differ between isocapnic andpoikilocapnic exposures. Ten healthy volunteers were studied by usingthree 8-h exposures: 1) isocapnichypoxia (IH), end-tidal PO2(PETO2) = 55 Torr andPETCO2 held at thesubject's normal prehypoxic value;2) poikilocapnic hypoxia (PH),PETO2 = 55 Torr; and3) control (C), air breathing. TheE-PETCO2relationship was determined in hyperoxia (PETO2 = 200 Torr) beforeand after the exposures. We found a significant increase in theslopes ofE-PETCO2 relationship after both hypoxic exposures compared with control (IH vs.C, P < 0.01; PH vs. C,P < 0.001; analysis of covariance with pairwise comparisons). This increase was not significantly different between protocols IH andPH. No significant changes in theintercept were detected. We conclude that 8 h of hypoxia, whetherisocapnic or poikilocapnic, increases the sensitivity of the hyperoxicchemoreflex response to CO2.


The role of the different mechanisms involved in the cardiovascular response to hypoxia [chemoreceptors, baroreceptors, lung stretch receptors, and central nervous system (CNS) hypoxic response] is analyzed in different physiological conditions by means of a mathematical model. The results reveal the following: 1) The model is able to reproduce the cardiovascular response to hypoxia very well between 100 and 28 mmHg PO(2). 2) Sensitivity analysis of the impact of each individual mechanism underlines the role of the baroreflex in avoiding excessive derangement of systemic arterial pressure and cardiac output during severe hypoxia and suggests the existence of significant redundancy among the other regulatory factors. 3) Simulation of chronic sinoaortic denervation (i.e., simultaneous exclusion of baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and lung stretch receptors) shows that the CNS hypoxic response alone is able to maintain quite normal cardiovascular adjustments to hypoxia; however, suppression of the CNS hypoxic response, as might occur during anesthesia, led to a significant arterial hypotension. 4) Simulations of experiments with controlled ventilation show a significant decrease in heart rate that can only partly be ascribed to inactivation of lung stretch receptors. 5) Simulations performed by maintaining constant cardiac output suggest that during severe hypoxia the chemoreflex can produce a significant decrease in systemic blood volume. In all the previous cases, model predictions exhibit a satisfactory agreement with physiological data.  相似文献   

Strength of pulmonary vascular response to regional alveolar hypoxia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional alveolar hypoxia in the lung induces regional pulmonary vasoconstriction which diverts blood flow from the hypoxic area. However, the predominant determinant of the distribution of perfusion in the normal erect lung is gravity so that more perfusion occurs at the base than at the apex. To determine the strength of the regional alveolar hypoxic response in diverting flow with or against the gravity gradient a divided tracheal cannula was placed in anesthetized dogs and unilateral alveolar hypoxia created by venilating one lung with nitrogen while ventilating the other lung with oxygen to preserve normal systemic oxygentation. Scintigrams of the distribution of perfusion obtained with intravenous 13-N and the MGH positron camera revealed a 34 and 32 per cent decrease in perfusion to the hypoxic lung in the supine and erect positions and a 26 per cent decrease in the decubitus position with the hypoxic lung dependent (P equal to 0.94 from supine shift), indicating nearly equal vasoconstriction with shift of perfusion away from the hypoxic lung in all positions. Analysis of regional shifts in perfusion revealed an equal vasoconstrictor response from apex to base in the supine position but a greater response in the lower lung zones in the erect position where perfusion was also greatest.  相似文献   

Tansley, J. G., C. Clar, M. E. F. Pedersen, and P. A. Robbins. Human ventilatory response to acute hyperoxia during andafter 8 h of both isocapnic and poikilocapnic hypoxia.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 513-519, 1997.During 8 h of either isocapnic or poikilocapnic hypoxia,there may be a rise in ventilation(E) thatcannot be rapidly reversed with a return to higherPO2 (L. S. G. E. Howard and P. A. Robbins. J. Appl. Physiol. 78:1098-1107, 1995). To investigate this further, threeprotocols were compared: 1) 8-hisocapnic hypoxia [end-tidalPCO2(PETCO2 ) held atprestudy value, end-tidal PO2(PETO2) = 55 Torr],followed by 8-h isocapnic euoxia(PETO2 = 100 Torr);2) 8-h poikilocapnic hypoxia followed by 8-h poikilocapnic euoxia; and3) 16-h air-breathing control.Before and at intervals throughout each protocol, theE response to eucapnichyperoxia (PETCO2 held1-2 Torr above prestudy value,PETO2 = 300 Torr) wasdetermined. There was a significant rise in hyperoxic E over 8 hduring both forms of hypoxia (P < 0.05, analysis of variance) that persisted during the subsequent 8-heuoxic period (P < 0.05, analysis ofvariance). These results support the notion that an 8-h period ofhypoxia increases subsequenthyperoxic E, even if acid-base changes have been minimized through maintenance ofisocapnia during the hypoxic period.


Acclimatization to altitude involves an increase in the acutehypoxic ventilatory response (AHVR). Because low-dose dopamine decreases AHVR and domperidone increases AHVR, the increase in AHVR ataltitude may be generated by a decrease in peripheral dopaminergicactivity. The AHVR of nine subjects was determined with and without aprior period of 8 h of isocapnic hypoxia under each of threepharmacological conditions: 1)control, with no drug administered;2) dopamine (3 µg · min1 · kg1);and 3) domperidone (Motilin, 40 mg).AHVR increased after hypoxia (P  0.001). Dopaminedecreased (P  0.01), and domperidone increased (P  0.005) AHVR. The effect of both drugs on AHVR appearedlarger after hypoxia, an observation supported by a significantinteraction between prior hypoxia and drug in the analysis of variance(P  0.05). Although the increasedeffect of domperidone after hypoxia of 0.40 l · min1 · %saturation1[95% confidence interval (CI) 0.11 to 0.92 l · min1 · %1]did not reach significance, the lower limit for this confidence interval suggests that little of the increase in AHVR after sustained hypoxia was brought about by a decrease in peripheral dopaminergic inhibition.


In the anesthetised dog an infusion of exogenous prostaglandin E1 (100muG/min) inhibits the pulmonary vascular pressor response to hypoxia. Both 25 and 100muG/min PGE1 can reduce the transient pulmonary hypertension caused by a bolus of prostaglandin F2alpha. This suggests that hypoxia and PGF2alpha may share a final common pathway in producing pulmonary vasoconstriction. These results may help to explain the mechanism by which endotoxin inhibits the pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia. This effect is probably achieved by stimulating the production of an endogenous dilator prostaglandin. Exogenous PGE1 can mimic this effect.  相似文献   

Liang, Pei-Ji, Daphne A. Bascom, and Peter A. Robbins.Extended models of the ventilatory response to sustained isocapnic hypoxia in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 667-677, 1997.The purpose of this study was to examine extensions of a modelof hypoxic ventilatory decline (HVD) in humans. In the original model (model I) devised by R. Painter, S. Khamnei, and P. Robbins(J. Appl. Physiol. 74: 2007-2015, 1993), HVD is modeledentirely by a modulation of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In thefirst extension (model II), a more complicated dynamic is usedfor the change in peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In the secondextension (model III), HVD is modeled as a combination ofboth the mechanism of Painter et al. and a component that isindependent of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In all cases, aparallel noise structure was incorporated to describe the stochasticproperties of the ventilatory behavior to remove the correlation of theresiduals. Data came from six subjects from a study by D. A. Bascom, J. J. Pandit, I. D. Clement, and P. A. Robbins (Respir. Physiol.88: 299-312, 1992). For model II, there was a significantimprovement in fit for two out of six subjects. The reasons for thiswere not entirely clear. For model III, the fit was againsignificantly improved in two subjects, but in this case the subjectswere those who had the most marked undershoot and recovery ofventilation at the relief of hypoxia. In these two subjects, thechemoreflex-independent component contributed ~50% to total HVD.In the other four subjects, the chemoreflex-independent componentcontributed ~10% to total HVD. It is concluded that in somesubjects, but not in others, there may be a component of HVD thatis independent of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity.


Nocturnal hypoxia is a major pathological factor associated with cardiorespiratory disease. During wakefulness, a decrease in arterial O2 tension results in a decrease in cerebral vascular tone and a consequent increase in cerebral blood flow; however, the cerebral vascular response to hypoxia during sleep is unknown. In the present study, we determined the cerebral vascular reactivity to isocapnic hypoxia during wakefulness and during stage 3/4 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. In 13 healthy individuals, left middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAV) was measured with the use of transcranial Doppler ultrasound as an index of cerebral blood flow. During wakefulness, in response to isocapnic hypoxia (arterial O2 saturation -10%), the mean (+/-SE) MCAV increased by 12.9 +/- 2.2% (P < 0.001); during NREM sleep, isocapnic hypoxia was associated with a -7.4 +/- 1.6% reduction in MCAV (P <0.001). Mean arterial blood pressure was unaffected by isocapnic hypoxia (P >0.05); R-R interval decreased similarly in response to isocapnic hypoxia during wakefulness (-21.9 +/- 10.4%; P <0.001) and sleep (-20.5 +/- 8.5%; P <0.001). The failure of the cerebral vasculature to react to hypoxia during sleep suggests a major state-dependent vulnerability associated with the control of the cerebral circulation and may contribute to the pathophysiologies of stroke and sleep apnea.  相似文献   

We recently reported that endotoxin infusion before O2 exposure significantly reduced or delayed the onset of pulmonary edema formation and respiratory failure by reducing the oxidant stress of O2 exposure. Despite these beneficial effects of endotoxin treatment, lung microvascular permeability eventually increased, but postmortem lung water content was less than expected. Prolonged O2 breathing blunts or abolishes the pulmonary constrictor response to alveolar hypoxia in some species, and it is possible that the loss of this response could contribute further to edema formation. To determine whether the reduction in lung edema observed in endotoxin-treated, O2-exposed lambs was linked to the preservation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV), we measured pulmonary vascular resistance before and after 8 min of isocarbic hypoxia (inspired O2 fraction 0.12) during each day of O2 exposure. In six control lambs, the pressor response to hypoxia was abolished after 72 h in O2, and the lambs developed respiratory failure shortly thereafter. In six endotoxin-treated lambs, HPV was preserved for as long as 144 h of O2 exposure. In two control O2-exposed lambs in whom HPV was abolished, the infusion of either angiotensin or prostaglandin H2 analogue increased pulmonary vascular resistance by greater than 75%. We conclude that in lambs 1) hyperoxia abolishes the pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia, 2) endotoxin pretreatment reduces acute O2-induced lung injury and preserves the pulmonary constrictor response to hypoxia, and 3) the loss of HPV during O2 exposure may be the result of oxidant-mediated injury to the hypoxia response itself and not the result of diffuse damage to the vasoconstrictor effector mechanism.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether changing sympathetic activity, acting via beta-receptors, might induce the progressive ventilatory changes observed in response to prolonged hypoxia. The responses of 10 human subjects to four 8-h protocols were compared: 1) isocapnic hypoxia (end-tidal PO2 = 50 Torr) plus 80-mg doses of oral propranolol; 2) isocapnic hypoxia, as in protocol 1, with oral placebo; 3) air breathing with propranolol; and 4) air breathing with placebo. Exposures were conducted in a chamber designed to maintain end-tidal gases constant by computer control. Ventilation (VE) was measured at regular intervals throughout. Additionally, the subjects' ventilatory hypoxic sensitivity and their residual VE during hyperoxia (5 min) were assessed at 0, 4, and 8 h by using a dynamic end-tidal forcing technique. beta-Blockade did not significantly alter either the rise in VE seen during 8 h of isocapnic hypoxia or the changes observed in the acute hypoxic ventilatory response and residual VE in hyperoxia over that period. The results do not provide evidence that changes in sympathetic activity acting via beta-receptors play a role in the mediation of ventilatory changes observed during 8 h of isocapnic hypoxia.  相似文献   

Pulmonary intralobar arteries express heme oxygenase (HO)-1 and -2 and release carbon monoxide (CO) during incubation in Krebs buffer. Acute hypoxia elicits isometric tension development (0.77 +/- 0.06 mN/mm) in pulmonary vascular rings treated with 15 micromol/l chromium mesoporphyrin (CrMP), an inhibitor of HO-dependent CO synthesis, but has no effect in untreated vessels. Acute hypoxia also induces contraction of pulmonary vessels taken from rats injected with HO-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), which decrease pulmonary HO-2 vascular expression and CO release. Hypoxia-induced contraction of vessels treated with CrMP is attenuated (P < 0.05) by endothelium removal, by CO (1-100 micromol/l) in the bathing buffer, and by endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptor blockade with L-754142 (10 micromol/l). CrMP increases ET-1 levels in pulmonary intralobar arteries, particularly during incubation in hypooxygenated media. CrMP also causes a leftward shift in the concentration-response curve to ET-1, which is offset by exogenous CO. In anesthetized rats, pretreatment with CrMP (40 micromol/kg iv) intensifies the elevation of pulmonary artery pressure elicited by breathing a hypoxic gas mixture. However, acute hypoxia does not elicit augmentation of pulmonary arterial pressure in rats pretreated concurrently with CrMP and the ET-1 receptor antagonist L-745142 (15 mg/kg iv). These data suggest that a product of HO activity, most likely CO, inhibits hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction by reducing ET-1 vascular levels and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Honda, Y., H. Tani, A. Masuda, T. Kobayashi, T. Nishino, H. Kimura, S. Masuyama, and T. Kuriyama. Effect of priorO2 breathing on ventilatoryresponse to sustained isocapnic hypoxia in adult humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1627-1632, 1996.Sixteen healthy volunteers breathed 100%O2 or room air for 10 min in random order, then their ventilatory response to sustained normocapnic hypoxia (80% arterial O2saturation, as measured with a pulse oximeter) was studied for 20 min.In addition, to detect agents possibly responsible for the respiratorychanges, blood plasma of 10 of the 16 subjects was chemically analyzed.1) Preliminary O2 breathing uniformly andsubstantially augmented hypoxic ventilatory responses.2) However, the profile ofventilatory response in terms of relative magnitude, i.e., biphasichypoxic ventilatory depression, remained nearly unchanged.3) Augmented ventilatory incrementby prior O2 breathing wassignificantly correlated with increment in the plasma glutamine level.We conclude that preliminary O2administration enhances hypoxic ventilatory response without affectingthe biphasic response pattern and speculate that the excitatory aminoacid neurotransmitter glutamate, possibly derived from augmentedglutamine, may, at least in part, play a role in this ventilatoryenhancement.


The unusually muscular pulmonary arteries normally present in cattle and swine residing at low altitude are associated with a rapid development of severe pulmonary hypertension when those animals are moved to high altitude. Because these species lack collateral ventilation, they appear to have an increased dependence on hypoxic vasoconstriction to maintain normal ventilation-perfusion balance, which, in turn, maintains thickened arterial walls. The only other species known to lack collateral ventilation is the coati, which, similarly, has thick-walled pulmonary arteries. We tested the hypothesis that coatis will develop severe high-altitude pulmonary hypertension by exposing six of these animals (Nasua narica) to a simulated altitude of 4,900 m for 6 wk. After the exposure, pulmonary arterial pressures were hardly elevated, right ventricular hypertrophy was minimal, there was no muscularization of pulmonary arterioles, and, most surprising of all, there was a decrease in medial thickness of muscular pulmonary arteries. These unexpected results break a consistent cross-species pattern in which animals with thick muscular pulmonary arteries at low altitude develop severe pulmonary hypertension at high altitude.  相似文献   

Hypercapnia has been shown in animal experiments to induce pulmonary hypertension. This study measured the sensitivity and time course of the human pulmonary vascular response to sustained (4 h) hypercapnia and hypocapnia. Twelve volunteers undertook three protocols: 1) 4-h euoxic (end-tidal Po(2) = 100 Torr) hypercapnia (end-tidal Pco(2) was 10 Torr above normal), followed by 2 h of recovery with euoxic eucapnia; 2) 4-h euoxic hypocapnia (end-tidal Pco(2) was 10 Torr below normal) followed by 2 h of recovery; and 3) 6-h air breathing (control). Pulmonary vascular resistance was assessed at 0.5- to 1-h intervals by using Doppler echocardiography via the maximum tricuspid pressure gradient during systole. Results show progressive changes in pressure gradient over 1-2 h after the onset or offset of the stimuli, and sensitivities of 0.6 to 1 Torr change in pressure gradient per Torr change in end-tidal Pco(2). The human pulmonary circulatory response to changes in Pco(2) has a slower time course and greater sensitivity than is commonly assumed. Vascular tone in the normal pulmonary circulation is substantial.  相似文献   

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