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观察温度和pH值对产朊假丝酵母细胞与分离纯化的细胞壁对铜离子吸附的影响,探讨细胞壁在酵母吸附重金属离子过程中的作用pH升高,细胞和细胞壁对铜离子的吸附能力都提高,吸附最适pH为6.0。温度升高可提高细胞和细胞壁的吸附能力,最适温度为50℃。细胞壁是铜离子吸附的主要部位,细胞壁嵌合蛋白(33×10^3蛋白)起重要作用。  相似文献   

观察温度和pH 值对产朊假丝酵母细胞与分离纯化的细胞壁对铜离子吸附的影响,探讨细胞壁在酵母吸附重金属离子过程中的作用pH 升高,细胞和细胞壁对铜离子的吸附能力都提高,吸附最适pH 为6-0 。温度升高可提高细胞和细胞壁的吸附能力,最适温度为50 ℃。细胞壁是铜离子吸附的主要部位,细胞壁嵌合蛋白(33 ×103蛋白) 起重要作用。  相似文献   

产朊假丝酵母细胞壁33 ku蛋白的功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过胰蛋白酶和枯草杆菌蛋白酶对产朊假丝酵母Candida utilis细胞壁的酶解,发现一种分子质量为33 ku的酵母细胞壁主要结构蛋白. 研究显示,在细胞壁上这种蛋白质与细胞壁绝大多数蛋白质成分不同, 它不被胰蛋白酶水解,但对枯草杆菌蛋白酶的作用敏感.33 ku蛋白存在于酵母菌整个对数生长期的细胞壁中,特别是在对数早期细胞壁中,它是唯一的对胰蛋白酶作用不敏感的蛋白质成分.实验证明,该蛋白质对维系酵母细胞壁骨架成分葡聚糖的相互连接和细胞壁的完整结构,具有重要作用,是一种重要的酵母细胞壁嵌合蛋白.  相似文献   

一种新的食品酵母表达系统:产朊假丝酵母   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于其安全性及高效性,产朊假丝酵母表达系统受到越来越广泛的重视。该酵母具有以下特点:严格好气的条件下生长不会产生乙醇,发酵密度高,在廉价的糖蜜中能生长,本详细介绍了该系统的生物学特点,转化方法和应用前景。  相似文献   

谷胱甘肽(GSH)在生物细胞抵御外界环境条件的刺激和胁迫时起到非常重要的作用。考察了不同时间不同浓度过氧化氢胁迫和过氧化氢连续胁迫对产朊假丝酵母合成GSH的影响, 发现低浓度过氧化氢的连续胁迫对GSH的合成有明显促进作用。进一步在发酵罐上应用了低浓度过氧化氢(36 mmol/L)持续胁迫策略, 最终GSH产量为922 mg/L, 胞内GSH含量为1.64%, 比对照分别提高了7%和35%。  相似文献   

谷胱甘肽(GSH)在生物细胞抵御外界环境条件的刺激和胁迫时起到非常重要的作用。考察了不同时间不同浓度过氧化氢胁迫和过氧化氢连续胁迫对产朊假丝酵母合成GSH的影响, 发现低浓度过氧化氢的连续胁迫对GSH的合成有明显促进作用。进一步在发酵罐上应用了低浓度过氧化氢(36 mmol/L)持续胁迫策略, 最终GSH产量为922 mg/L, 胞内GSH含量为1.64%, 比对照分别提高了7%和35%。  相似文献   

分别通过不同有机酸为惟一碳源,研究了产朊假丝酵母(Candida utilis)能够利用的有机酸的种类,旨在为微生物的基础研究和应用基础研究提供部分依据。分别通过对培养时间和菌体在不同有机酸合成培养基中OD值进行统计分析,发现培养时间和柠檬酸、乳酸、琥珀酸、L-苹果酸培养基的OD值极显著相关(P〈0.01);培养时间和乙酸、酒石酸、富马酸和草酸培养基的OD值无相关性。通过对比菌体培养前后有机酸合成培养基pH值的变化发现乙酸、酒石酸、富马酸和草酸合成培养基的pH值没有明显变化,而苹果酸、乳酸、琥珀酸和柠檬酸为碳源的合成培养基的pH值均明显增大。从而说明产朊假丝酵母能利用L-苹果酸、乳酸、琥珀酸、柠檬酸为碳源,而不能利用乙酸、酒石酸、草酸、富马酸为碳源。  相似文献   

氮源及碳氮比对产朊假丝酵母合成谷胱甘肽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了N源对产朊假丝酵母细胞生长和谷胱甘肽(GSH)合成的影响。在此基础上,分别以(NH4)2SO4和尿素作为单一N源,摇瓶条件下研究了不同C、N比对GSH发酵的影响。结果发现尿素有利于细胞生长,而(NH4)2SO4更有利于GSH的合成,并且酵母细胞在利用这2种N源合成GSH时,各自具有最佳的C、N比((NH4)2SO4为8.3 mol/mol,尿素为5.6 mol/mol)。最佳C、N比下的GSH分批发酵结果显示,尿素是更合适的N源,最终细胞干质量和GSH产量可以分别达到16.48 g/L和246.4 mg/L。最后分别采用发酵动力学模型和代谢网络分析对该结果产生的原因进行了定量解释。  相似文献   

假丝酵母尿酸酶形成条件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选出了一株产尿酸酶的产朊候丝酵母(Candida utilis)AS2.117。此菌株尿酸酶形成条件的研究表明:尿酸、黄嘌呤和鸟嘌呤对酶形成起诱导作用;玉米浆对菌株生长和酶形成起十分重要的作用;蔗糖、葡萄塘、D-甘露糖和果糖是酶形成的适合碳源;生物素对酶产生有促进作用;在含有玉米浆培养基中加入无机氮源对产酶无作用,添加有机氮略增加产酶量。尿酸酶形成最适培养基组成为(%):蔗糖;,玉米浆3,尿酸0.1,蛋白胨0.1,生物素0.05,KCI0.1,NaCl 0.1。最适pH为6.2。在250ml三角瓶中装30ml培养基为最适。在200r/min的旋转摇床上25℃振荡培养21h,在此条件下最终酶活力可达0.6u/ml。  相似文献   

培养方式对富硒产朊假丝酵母性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在摇瓶和5 L发酵罐水平上分别考察亚硒酸钠浓度及其添加方式对高性能(高有机硒含量和高谷胱甘肽含量)富硒产朊假丝酵母制备的影响.结果表明:亚硒酸钠添加质量浓度为15 mg/L时,产朊假丝酵母具有较好的富硒效果,但一次性添加对酵母细胞有较大的毒害作用.采用分批次添加亚硒酸钠的方法获得了较好的制备高性能富硒产朊假丝酵母的培养方式:发酵起始添加L-蛋氨酸10 mmol/L,并在发酵过程的12和15 h分别添加亚硒酸钠10和5 mg/L.在此培养方式下,产朊假丝酵母胞内谷胱甘肽和有机硒含量分别达到172.3 mg/L和1194 μg/g.  相似文献   

The enhancement of the overall disruption of a native strain of Candida utilis (ATCC 9226) was studied using a combination of two methods, namely, pretreatment in the form of partial enzymatic lysis by Zymolyase followed by mechanical disruption in a Microfluidizer high-pressure homogenizer. The cells were grown in both batch and continuous cultures to examine the effect of specific growth rate on disruption. Cell suspensions ranging in concentration from 7 to 120 g DW/L were disrupted with and without enzymatic pretreatment. For yeast grown in batch culture, final total disruption obtained using the combined protocol approached 95% with four passes at a pressure of 95 MPa, as compared with only 65% disruption using only mechanical homogenization. A modified model was developed to predict the fraction disrupted by the enzymatic pretreatment-mechanical homogenization two-stage process. Predicted disruptions agreed favorably with experimental observations (maximum deviation of 20%) over a wide range of operating conditions. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外有关被子植物生殖细胞壁的资料,概述了它的形成、发育、性质和功能;在这些方面,生殖细胞壁的特征因植物种类而异。  相似文献   

本文的研究目的是探索稀土离子Nd^3+对金黄色葡萄球菌细胞壁结构的影响作用。采用透射电镜、氨基酸自动分析仪和红外光普法等检测手段,提出了Nd^3+可使金黄色葡萄球菌细胞壁的形态和结构发生改变;低于抑菌浓度的NdCl3对金黄色葡萄球菌细胞壁的古成具有促进作用:高浓度(指杀菌浓度和抑菌浓度)Nd^3+可断裂细胞壁中肽聚糖的大部分肽键和氢键,致使细胞壁中肽聚糖的交联网状结构被破坏。  相似文献   

本文以离体黄瓜子叶为材料,研究了胞质过氧化物酶(POD)、离子 POD 和共价 POD 以愈创木酚为底物的催化动力学和以 Fe~(2+)为抑制剂的抑制动力学特性,发现 Fe~(2+)对这三种 POD都具有非竞争性抑制作用。外源 Fe~(2+)促进了子叶的扩大生长,同时也降低了 RCW 中羟脯比(Hyp/Pro)和异酪比(Idt/Tyr),且 Fe~(2+)浓度越大,促进生长的百分率就越高,这两种比值也就越小;而外源 POD(尤其是共价 POD)则抑制扩大生长,同时共价 POD 也明显增加了这两种比值,表明共价 POD 在壁中具催化 Idt 形成和肽酰脯氨酸羟化酶的作用,并认为其中的 Idt构成了伸展素多肽的内部交联,而 Hyp-O-Ara 则实现了伸展素与壁多糖的外部联系,这种“外系内联”使壁形成一个网络,从而降低了壁的伸展性乃至限制细胞的生长。  相似文献   

Some aspects of the cell wall and extracellular polysaccharide (ECPS) of the obligate halophile Aphanothece halophytica Frémy (Chroococcales) have been investigated. Extracellular polysaccharide concentration was found to remain constant on a per cell basis in medium containing from 1–3 M NaCl. The rate of ECPS production remained constant during mid-log growth phase and increased substantially as the culture reached stationary phase. The lipopolysaccharide of this organism was found to possess a low and unusual fatty acid content when compared to other chroococcalean forms. The cell wall appears to contain a typical gram-negative peptidoglycan. The covalently attached protein resembles the envelope protein of extremely halophilic bacteria in its possession of a similar molar percentage of amino acids with lipophilic R-groups and a high acidic amino acid fraction. The ECPS and cell wall fractions of A. halophytica were found to chemically more closely resemble those from other non-halophilic, chroococcalean bluegreen algae than those from the obligately halophilic bacteria.  相似文献   

Closterium acerosum Ehrenberg (Chlorophyta) possesses a trilayered cell wall consisting of an outer tri-laminate stratum, a fibrous middle layer, and a thick inner fibrous layer. The outermost layer has a series of external parallel ridges and valleys. At the bases of the valleys are the wall pores, the site of mucilage release. Pure fractions of cell walls were isolated and inclusive pectin and wall protein fractions were extracted and characterized. Two pectin-like fractions were isolated: a CDTA-extracted polymer consisting of 60.1% galacturonic acid and a Na2CO3-extracted fraction consisting of 39.9% galacturonic acid. Two major protein fractions, one with a molecular mass of 23.5 kDa and one with a molecular mass of 28.5 kDa, were isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis. The former was glycine-rich, whereas the latter contained both significant amounts of glycine and hydroxyproline. Antibodies were raised to both the pectin fractions and the 23.5-kDa wall protein fraction. Immunocytochemical labeling of whole cells and wall fragments using antibodies raised against CDTA and Na2CO3 extracts showed that these pectin-like components were found throughout the wall strata and were more concentrated at the polar tips, the site of new wall synthesis in growing semicells. Immunogold labeling showed that their production was focused on the trans- Golgi network of the Golgi apparatus. Immunolabeling with an antibody raised against the 23.5-kDa glycine-rich wall protein showed close association of the protein with the wall pores. Similarly, immunogold labeling revealed that the protein was processed throughout the entire Golgi body even when large mucilage-containing vesicles were being processed. The roles of the secretory apparatus and putative spitzenkorper-like regions of the cell are discussed.  相似文献   

The fungal cell surface contributes to pathogenesis by mediating interactions with host cells and eliciting host immune responses. This review focuses on the cell wall proteome of the major fungal pathogen Candida albicans and discusses how diversity at the cell surface can be introduced by altering the expression and structure of cell wall proteins. Remodelling the cell wall architecture is critical to maintain cellular integrity in response to different environments and stresses including challenge with antifungal drugs. In addition, the dynamic nature of the cell surface alters the physical properties of the fungal interface with host cells and thereby influences adhesion to the host and recognition by components of the host's immune system. Examples of the role of cell surface diversity in the pathogenesis of a number of microorganisms are described.  相似文献   

玉竹生殖细胞壁在发育中的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用光镜细胞化学和电镜方法,研究了玉竹生殖细胞发育过程中壁的结构和性质,证明了生殖细胞在刚形成时分隔它与营养细胞的壁是含胼胝质和纤维素的,从生殖细胞行将与内壁脱离开始,直至完全游离在花粉粒的营养细胞质中的发育时期,壁变薄和不显示苯胺蓝和荧光增白剂的荧光,但对PAS是正反应的,当生殖细胞进入花粉管后和在有丝分裂前,细胞具有弱的PAS正反应的包被,在结构形态上与曾在精细胞中描周质相似。研究结果证明玉竹  相似文献   

焦锑酸钾处理的水霉(Saprolegnia ferax)菌丝显示:焦锑酸沉淀颗粒仅存在菌丝细胞壁而不是原生质中,并呈顶端到基部的极性分布,即在菌丝最顶端细胞壁中丰富致密、重叠在一起,在约3—10μm的亚顶端则变得稍为稀薄而可分辨,在约10μm以后的成熟区域进一步显得松散而无规律。焦锑酸沉淀颗粒可经EGTA螫合处理去除,并经X-射线微区分析证明在3.6—3.7keV区域可产生Sb和Ca元素混合峰,说明焦锑酸沉淀反映了Ca~(2 )的分布。对冷冻干燥菌丝细胞壁表面进行扫描电镜X-射线微区分析,同样证明菌丝细胞壁含有大量的Ca,菌丝最顶端Ca信号强度高于10μm以后的成熟区。由于Ca~(2 )和H~ 可能为一对拮抗因子维持菌丝顶端细胞壁可塑性和刚性间的平衡以保证菌丝顶端生长,我们检验了菌丝生长过程中培养介质的pH变化,证实培养介质pH随培养时间的延长而逐渐下降。上述结果提示细胞壁Ca~(2 )可能在菌丝顶端生长过程中起作用。  相似文献   

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