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Some reproductive parameters of adult stages of Amblyomma cajennense ticks were studied. The capacity of virgin females to reproduce by parthenogenesis was evaluated, during an experimental infestation, in absence of males, on a horse (Equus cabalus). Ticks were spread either completely free or in limited sites on the body of the animal. The engorged virgin females showed longer feeding periods and lighter body weights than those that had been fertilized. Some of these unmated females produced smaller egg masses, which had no embryonary development. On the other hand, females that had been inseminated produced larger egg masses, with normal embryonary development that led to viable larvae. Under the studied conditions, A. cajennense females did not reproduce by parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari: Ixodidae) is a worldwide distributed tick, also due to its adaptability to different environmental conditions. In order to assess its ability to survive and to lay eggs after water immersion, 150 engorged females from southern Italy were water immersed for 1-15 days whereas eggs were flooded for 1-5 days. All females survived water immersion for 48 h, some of them up to 72 h, but egg hatch rate was negatively correlated with female submersion period. All eggs flooded for up to 120 h hatched successfully. These findings suggest that R. sanguineus is able to survive underwater for some days without loosing any biological activity. This feature should be considered in relation to its potential to spread to new areas and to its role as a vector of pathogens also in consideration of changes in climate the Earth is currently experiencing.  相似文献   

The control of viral infections, especially those caused by influenza viruses, is of great interest in Public Health. Bio prospection has shown the presence of active principles in the hemolymph of arthropods, and in the salivary gland of ticks, and some of these are of interest for the development of new pharmacological drugs. Ticks lay their eggs in the environment, and to protect them from desiccation and microbial attack they involve the eggs in a waxy layer produced by an organ known as Gené’s Organ. In this study, the eggs wax from tick Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) was extracted using ice cold phosphate buffer. The antiviral activity was evaluated with picornavirus and influenza virus. In both cases egg wax was able to inhibit virus replication. For influenza virus, an amount as small as 12 μg/mL of crude egg wax suspension neutralized 128 UHA (hemaglutinant unit) of H1N1 influenza virus. With picornavirus, egg wax led to a 256-fold reduction in virus production by L929 cells. Egg wax was not cytotoxic to VERO, MDCK and L929 cell, being observed that the cell morphology was preserved with concentration as high as 2 mg/mL. In addition no genotoxic effect was observed for Vero cells, suggesting a very interesting potential antiviral activity.  相似文献   

We evaluated the prevalence, mean intensity and relative density of ticks in 467 wild birds of 67 species (12 families) from forest and cerrado habitats at two protected areas of Minas Gerais, between March and September 1997. Ticks collected (n=177) were identified as larvae and nymphs of Amblyomma cajennense and four other species of Amblyomma. We report for the first time 28 bird species as hosts of the immature stages of A. cajennense, demonstrating the lack of host specificity of the larvae and nymphs. A. cajennense had 15% prevalence on birds, with a mean infestation intensity of 0.37 ticks per host sampled, and 2.5 ticks per infested bird. Prevalence varied in relation to host species, diet and between birds from forests at two successional stages. There were no differences in relation to host forest dependence, participation in mixed flocks of birds, and nest type constructed. A. cajennense is a species of medical and veterinary importance, occurring on domestic animals but is known little of its occurrence on wildlife.  相似文献   

Three malformed Rhipicephalus sanguineus specimenswere noticed in a tick laboratory colony. These specimens had different degreesof twining, from an almost fused individual (with two anal pores) to apartiallyfused adult male, with four spiracular plates. One female was a heart-shapedspecimen, with both body halves fused along a longitudinal axes, with fourspiracular plates and two anal pores.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report a case of hyperparasitism in Amblyomma rotundatum. During examination of live ticks immediately after collecting them from Boa constrictor snakes held in a reptile facility in Mossoró, RN, northeastern Brazil, 1 unengorged tick female was seen attached to the venter of a partially engorged female. The hypostome and chelicerae of the unengorged female had penetrated the integument of the partially engorged female to the level of the basis capitulli and the palps were splayed outward. To our knowledge, we present the second report of hyperparasitism for the genus Amblyomma.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to verify the sensitivity of Amblyomma cajennense and Dermacentor nitens larvae to the solvents ethanol, methanol, acetone, xylol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the surfactant Tween 80. The first four solvents were tested at analytical purity while the DMSO and surfactant Tween 80 were tested at a concentration of 1%. The substances tested at analytical purity that caused high mortality were also tested at concentrations of 50%, 25% and 1%. The larval packet test was used, with 10 repetitions for each treatment. A control group was also formed with the same number of repetitions, in which the larvae were only exposed to distilled water. In the first experiment, only xylol was highly toxic at the concentrations tested, causing mortality above 90% for larvae of both species. In the second experiment, xylol at 1% and at 25% showed low toxicity to the A. cajennense and D. nitens larvae, respectively, since the percentage mortality was statistically similar to that of the control group (p>0.05).  相似文献   

The tick species Amblyomma cajennense is of great medical importance, as it is the vector of the Rickettsia rickettsii, agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The objective of this study was to perform a morphological and histological analysis of the male reproductive system of fed and unfed A. cajennense. The male reproductive system is formed by a pair of tubular testes dorsolaterally arranged in opisthosoma. They were divided into three regions: proximal region (next to vas deferens), median region and distal region (nearest to the blind ending of testis). Proximal regions are connected to the seminal vesicles by the deferent ducts and to accessory glands, similar to what was observed for other Ixodidae. Feeding plays a fundamental role in the development of the reproductive system, as in unfed individuals, the testes, the seminal vesicles and the accessory glands were smaller comparing with the fed individuals. In addition, the prospermia, precursors of the spermatozoa, were only observed in fed individuals. The germ cells were organized in spermatocysts, enveloped by a connective tissue. The cells in more advanced stages of spermatogenesis were localized in the distal region, in accord with studies in other ticks, but opposite to what was observed for other arthropods.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus sanguineus is believed to be the most widespread tick species of the world and its dissemination seems to rely on the diffusion of its main host, the dog. Empirical observations indicate that several bird species in urban areas regularly steal dog food. Such circumstances create a chance for R. sanguineus ticks to climb on birds and carry ticks to another site. In this work we evaluated experimentally the likelihood of birds (chicks) to either feed and/or carry R. sanguineus ticks from an infested site to another and to infest a host (rabbit) in the new location. Chicks were not suitable hosts for R. sanguineus ticks. Not a single adult tick engorged on chicks, yield as well as weight of engorged larvae and nymphs were very low and feeding period of these ticks was very long. However, a few larvae and, chiefly, nymphs were delivered to a new location either mechanically or after attachment and engorging total or partially on chicks. A few of these ticks fed successfully on rabbits. Further evidence on the capacity of birds to introduce R. sanguineus into non-infested dog settings should be provided by systematic examination of birds from urban areas, close to tick infested households.  相似文献   

Ticks have great economic and health importance since infested animals have reduced milk and meat production, and, besides that, they are expensive ectoparasites to control. While feeding, ticks can transmit to their hosts a large amount of pathogens, including Rickettsia rickettsii responsible for the ??spotted fever?? or ??fever of the mountains.?? It is known that animals infested with ticks or artificially immunized with their salivary gland extracts develop resistance, which is related to a decrease in engorged female weight, in egg-laying by adults, in egg viability and, in some cases, in the capacity of pathogens transmission. The present study aimed to examine morpho-histochemically the female salivary glands of semi and engorged Amblyomma cajennense fed on resistant rabbits. The results revealed that acinus I had no changes when compared to that of females fed on naive rabbits. The c cells of acinus II showed signs of early degeneration, which may result in feeding efficiency decrease. In acinus III d cells, activity time was longer. Such occurrence was associated with the time of female fixation, which increased in females fed on resistant hosts.  相似文献   

In southern Africa, Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius is characterized by a strict seasonal activity. Experiments were carried out to determine whether a diapause mechanism regulates this seasonality. Engorged A.variegatum females were exposed to controlled laboratory conditions or natural field conditions at different times of the year. Females exposed in a natural environment in September-October (short day) had significantly longer pre-oviposition periods than females exposed from November to March. The season in which the previous instar fed had no apparent effect on the engorgement or pre-oviposition periods of the females. Furthermore, artificial changes in photoperiod during and after female engorgement had no significant effects on pre-oviposition periods. It is tentatively concluded that the unfed female is the responsive stage to photoperiodic changes which induce diapause. Diapause could be terminated and oviposition induced by exposing females to a short period of chilling (18 degrees C for 48 h). It is concluded that a morphogenetic diapause mechanism exists in A.variegatum, which is probably induced by short day responses and terminated following rainfall and a concomitant decrease in soil temperature. The diapause, which occurs in females which fed early in the season, causes a delay in oviposition and therefore effectively synchronizes the life-cycle to ensure that eggs and larvae occur at a climatically favourable period.  相似文献   

The cutaneous hypersensitivity induced by Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick extract in dogs (natural host) and guinea-pigs (laboratory host) was evaluated. The left ear of infested and control (tick-bite naive) dogs and guinea-pigs was injected intradermally with an extract from unfed adult ticks and the right ear with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Ear thickness variations were then measured after 10 min and 1, 2, 6, 18, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-injection. Results were expressed as percentual changes in the ear thickness in relation to pre-inoculation values. The final variation in ear thickness induced by the extract was given by subtracting, in each animal, the right ear percentual increase from that of the left ear. Guinea-pigs were tested at two different times following infestation and with two different doses of extract. Infested guinea-pigs from the three experiments developed an immediate (within the first 2 h post-inoculation) and a strong delayed reaction (24 h) to the extract. Dogs, unlike guinea-pigs, developed only a strong immediate reaction whereby an 80% increase in ear thickness was observed. Control animals, with the exception of one dog, did not develop any significant reaction to the extract. Only mild reactions were induced by PBS in the right ear of all animals. The correlation between the absence of a strong delayed type reaction to tick extract and the lack of resistance of the natural host to R. sanguineus tick is discussed.  相似文献   

Brown dog ticks are distributed world-wide, and their systematics and phylogeny are the subject of an ongoing debate. The present study evaluates the reproductive compatibility between Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks from North America, Israel, and Africa. Female ticks of the parent generation were mated with males from the same and alternate colonies. Every pure and hybrid cohort was maintained separately into the F2 generation with F1 females being allowed to mate only with males from the same cohort. The following survival parameters were measured and recorded for every developmental stage: feeding duration and success; engorgement weight, fertility, and fecundity of females; molting and hatching success. Ticks from North American and Mediterranean populations hybridized successfully. The survival parameters of all their hybrid lines were similar to those in pure lines throughout the F1 generation, and F1 adults were fully fertile. Parent adult ticks from the African population hybridized with either North American or Mediterranean ticks and produced viable progenies whose survival parameters were also similar to those in pure lines throughout the F1 generation. However, F1 adults in the four hybrid lines that included African ancestry were infertile. No parthenogenesis was observed in any pure or hybrid lines as proportion of males in F1 generation ranged from 40 to 60 %. Phylogenetic analysis of the 12S rDNA gene sequences placed African ticks into a separate clade from those of the North American or Mediterranean origins. Our results demonstrate that Rh. sanguineus ticks from North America and Israel represent the same species, whereas the African population used in this study is significantly distant and probably represents a different taxon.  相似文献   

As recent studies have shown that ecdysteroids may play a major role in the regulation of vitellogenesis in Ixodidae, the present study quantified, by means of a radioimmunoassay, the levels of ecdysteroids present in the hemolymph of semi-engorged females of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks obtained from control females (exposed to distilled water) and those exposed to increasing concentrations of permethrin. The levels of ecdysteroids decreased significantly as the concentration of permethrin increased, suggesting that this compound could be an inhibitor of ecdysteroids secretion, and consequently interfering with the reproductive ability of these ticks, since this hormone is responsible for the synthesis and incorporation of vitellogenin by oocytes. This study complements the previous results with R. sanguineus semi-engorged females, showing that permethrin is a potent agent causing major morphological changes in tick oocytes, such as the appearance of large vacuoles in the cytoplasm, reduction in the amount of yolk granules and a decrease in oocyte size, thus culminating in cell death and consequently reducing or preventing reproduction in treated females. The findings that permethrin leads to a decrease in ecdysteroid titers could represent an entry step into this scenario.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of 4 species of entomopathogenic fungi (Hyphomycetes species: Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Metarhizium flavoviride, and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) to various developmental stages of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks was compared under laboratory conditions. The most virulent isolate, M. anisopliae-108, caused 92-96% mortality to unfed larvae and nymphs on day 7 postinfection (PI) and 100% mortality to unfed adults and engorged females on day 21 PI. The pathogenicity of M. anisopliae-108 to engorged larvae and nymphs was lower--82.6 and 60%, respectively. All tested B. bassiana, M. flavoviride, and P. fumosoroseus isolates were significantly less virulent (P < 0.05) or avirulent toward most life stages of R. sanguineus. The M. anisopliae and M. flavoviride isolates also prevented or reduced the ability of the ticks to lay eggs several days before their deaths. Female ticks infected by the fungi achieved only 11.3-60.8% of their egg-laying capacity compared with the controls.  相似文献   

The tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus is currently considered an urban plague. For this reason many studies are intended to find methods to control these ectoparasites. Thus, the present study analyzed the ultrastructural modifications of the salivary glands cells of semi-engorged females of R. sanguineus resulting from their exposition to Fipronil (active ingredient of Frontline®). The studied individuals were divided into four groups. Group 1 was exposed to distilled water (control) and groups 2, 3 and 4 were exposed to 1, 5 and 10 ppm of Fipronil, respectively. The salivary gland of ticks subjected to the acaricide showed accelerated process of cell death by atypical apoptosis, as well as augmented cell damages as the concentration of the chemical compound was increased. The acaricide toxicity at cellular level was demonstrated by remarkable changes of elements of the cytoskeleton and spherocrystals (extremely hard inorganic structures). However, tick defense mechanisms, such as the observed autofagic vacuoles proved the cells attempt to preserve their integrity and minimize the devastating action of this chemical compound on the salivary glands.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify 2,6-dichlorophenol (2,6-DCP) in Amblyomma cajennense and to evaluate its role in A. cajennense and Rhipicephalus sanguineus courtship. Hexanic extract from attractive females was purified by solid phase extraction and the phenol was identified by the single ion monitoring method using GC/MS. In an olfactometer, the responses of A. cajennense and R. sanguineus males to females, control rubber septa or rubber septa impregnated with 2,6-DCP at 50, 500, and 5000 ng, respectively, were studied. 2,6-DCP was identified in A. cajennense extract and the males oriented themselves toward the concentration of 500 ng. These septa and the females were recognized as copula partners. The septa treated with 2,6-DCP did not attract and were not even recognized by the R. sanguineus males, whereas the females were recognized. Due to the presence of 2,6-DCP in A. cajennense and the results of biological bioassays, it was concluded that this compound acts as an attractant and mounting sex pheromone in this tick, but it does not play any role in R. sanguineus courtship.  相似文献   

Because of the medical and veterinary importance of ticks and the wide use of synthetic chemical substances such as permethrin (active ingredient of Advantage® Max3 – Bayer)for their control, this study evaluated the effects of different concentrations (206, 1031 and 2062 ppm) of the acaricide on the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus semi-engorged females. Results showed that permethrin is a potent substance that acts morpho-physiologically in the tick glandular tissue, causing changes in the acini shape intense vacuolation in acinar cells, and disruption of the tissue by cell death process, with subsequent formation of apoptotic bodies, especially at higher concentrations, thus precluding the accurate identification of different types of acini. Importantly, it is demonstrated that permethrin acts on salivary gland tissue, as well as affecting the nervous system, accelerating the process of glandular degeneration, and interfering with the engorgement process of female ticks, preventing them from completing the feeding process.  相似文献   

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