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As the number of breeding pairs depends on the adult sex ratio in a monogamous species with biparental care, investigating sex-ratio variability in natural populations is essential to understand population dynamics. Using 10 years of data (2000–2009) in a seasonally monogamous seabird, the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus), we investigated the annual sex ratio at fledging, and the potential environmental causes for its variation. Over more than 4000 birds, the annual sex ratio at fledging was highly variable (ranging from 44.4% to 58.3% of males), and on average slightly biased towards males (51.6%). Yearly variation in sex-ratio bias was neither related to density within the colony, nor to global or local oceanographic conditions known to affect both the productivity and accessibility of penguin foraging areas. However, rising sea surface temperature coincided with an increase in fledging sex-ratio variability. Fledging sex ratio was also correlated with difference in body condition between male and female fledglings. When more males were produced in a given year, their body condition was higher (and reciprocally), suggesting that parents might adopt a sex-biased allocation strategy depending on yearly environmental conditions and/or that the effect of environmental parameters on chick condition and survival may be sex-dependent. The initial bias in sex ratio observed at the juvenile stage tended to return to 1∶1 equilibrium upon first breeding attempts, as would be expected from Fisher’s classic theory of offspring sex-ratio variation.  相似文献   

Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors recorded at individual nests can predict offspring fitness and survival but few studies have examined these effects in the tropics. We recorded nestling survival, post‐fledging survival and age at first return of Roseate Terns breeding at Aride Island, Seychelles, over a 12‐year period (1998–2009). Nest data recorded at the egg, nestling and fledging stages were collected during six breeding seasons (1998, 2001–2005) and a capture‐mark‐recapture dataset of six cohorts of fledglings was obtained from 2001–2009. Logistic regression models were used to assess the predictive effect of reproductive variables on fledging success, while multistate capture‐mark‐recapture models were used to estimate post‐fledging survival and return–recruitment probabilities to the natal site. Nestling survival probability increased with earliness of laying and was negatively affected by tick infestation during the growth period (0–23 days). Fledging probability was also positively related to chick body condition, whereas other pre‐fledging reproductive parameters such as clutch size and egg size were not influential. A multistate modelling of age‐specific survival and return–recruitment (transition) rates found that first‐year survival differed between cohorts and was also negatively affected by tick infestation. Annual survival stabilized from age 2 onwards at 0.83 ± 0.02. Transition rates were positively related to body condition at fledging, with heavier individuals returning for the first time to the natal colony at a younger age compared with lighter individuals. These results highlight the importance of local conditions encountered by tropical seabirds during the breeding season in shaping demographic parameters.  相似文献   

For avian group living to be evolutionary stable, multiple fitness benefits are expected. Yet, the difficulty of tracking fledglings, and thus estimating their survival rates, limits our knowledge on how such benefits may manifest postfledging. We radio‐tagged breeding females of the Afrotropical cooperatively breeding Placid greenbul (Phyllastrephus placidus) during nesting. Tracking these females after fledging permitted us to locate juvenile birds, their parents, and any helpers present and to build individual fledgling resighting datasets without incurring mortality costs or causing premature fledging due to handling or transmitter effects. A Bayesian framework was used to infer age‐specific mortality rates in relation to group size, fledging date, maternal condition, and nestling condition. Postfledging survival was positively related to group size, with fledglings raised in groups with four helpers showing nearly 30% higher survival until independence compared with pair‐only offspring, independent of fledging date, maternal condition or nestling condition. Our results demonstrate the importance of studying the early dependency period just after fledging when assessing presumed benefits of cooperative breeding. While studying small, mobile organisms after they leave the nest remains highly challenging, we argue that the telemetric approach proposed here may be a broadly applicable method to obtain unbiased estimates of postfledging survival.  相似文献   

Light pollution is increasing around the world and altering natural nightscapes with potential ecological and evolutionary consequences. A severe ecological perturbation caused by artificial lights is mass mortalities of organisms, including seabird fledglings that are attracted to lights at night on their first flights to the sea. Here, we report on the number of fledging short-tailed shearwaters Ardenna tenuirostris found grounded in evening and morning rescue patrols conducted at Phillip Island, Australia, during a 15-year period (1999–2013). We assessed factors affecting numbers of grounded birds and mortality including date, moon phase, wind direction and speed, number of visitors and holiday periods. We also tested experimentally if birds were attracted to lights by turning the lights off on a section of the road. Of 8871 fledglings found, 39% were dead or dying. This mortality rate was 4–8 times higher than reported elsewhere for other shearwater species, probably because searching for fledglings was part of our systematic rescue effort rather than the opportunistic rescue used elsewhere. Thus, it suggests that light-induced mortality of seabirds is usually underestimated. We rescued more birds (dead and alive) in peak fledging, moonless and windy nights. Mortality increased through the fledging period, in the mornings and with increased traffic on holiday periods. Turning the road lights off decreased the number of grounded birds (dead and alive). While moon, wind and time are uncontrolled natural constraints, we demonstrated that reduction of light pollution and better traffic management can mitigate artificial light-induced mortality.  相似文献   

For altricial young, fledging is an abrupt step into an unknown environment. Despite increasing numbers of studies addressing the post‐fledging period, our current knowledge of the causes and consequences of post‐fledging survival remains fragmentary. Here, we review the literature on post‐fledging survival of juvenile altricial birds, addressing the following main questions: Is low post‐fledging survival a bottleneck in the altricial reproductive cycle? What is known of proximate and ultimate causal factors such as trophic relations (food and predation), habitat conditions, or abiotic factors acting in the post‐fledging period? We analyzed weekly survival estimates from 123 data series based on studies of 65 species, covering weeks 1–13 post‐fledging. As a general pattern, survival of fledglings was low during the first week post‐fledging (median rate = 0.83), and improved rapidly with time post‐fledging (week 4 median rate = 0.96). For ground‐nesting species, survival immediately after leaving nests was similar to egg‐to‐fledging survival. For species breeding above‐ground, survival during the first week post‐fledging was substantially lower than during both the nestling period and later post‐fledging stages. Thus, the early post‐fledging period is a bottleneck of markedly elevated mortality for most altricial species. Predation was the main proximate cause of mortality. Various factors such as habitat, annual and seasonal variation in the environment, and the physical condition of fledglings have been found to affect post‐fledging survival. Individual survival depended strongly on physical traits such as mass and wing length, which likely influence the ability of fledglings to escape predation. Trophic relationships at various levels are the main ultimate driver of adaptation of traits relevant to survival during the pre‐ and post‐fledging periods. Spatiotemporal dynamics of food resources determine the physical development of juveniles and, in turn, their performance after fledging. However, predators can cause quick and efficient selection for fledgling traits and adult breeding decisions. Parental strategies related to clutch size and timing of breeding, and the age and developmental stage at which young fledge have substantial effects on post‐fledging survival. The intensity and duration of post‐fledging parental investment also influences fledgling survival. Post‐fledging mortality is therefore not a random and inevitable loss. Traits and strategies related to fledging and the post‐fledging stage create large fitness differentials and, therefore, are integral, yet poorly understood, parts of the altricial reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

Pre-breeeding survival is one of the major sources of individual variation in lifetime reproductive success. However, very little is known about the reasons for differences in survival among individuals during this important phase of the life cycle. Some studies, using local return rates as indices of survival, have shown a relationship between post-fledging survival and fledging date and mass in birds, most of them suggesting directional selection towards heavy masses and early fledging dates. Recent development of capture-recapture models allows the separate estimate of survival and recapture probabilities, as well as the inclusion of individual covariates into the modelling process. We used here these models to explore the relative effects of fledging date and fledging mass on local recruitment of individual great tit Parus major fledglings. Individual capture-recapture histories of 2051 fledglings (cohorts 1992–1999), 184 of which were recaptured as breeding birds during 1993–2000, were used in the analyses. Hatching date, offspring mass at day 15, their squared terms, and interactions between mass and date, were included as covariates into the modelling process. Models with age (fledglings and adults) and time (year) dependence were used. The probability of local recruitment increased with fledging mass in each of the years studied. Fledging date also affected recruitment but, against what is commonly thought, fledgling early is not the best option every year. Either early, intermediate or late fledglings were favoured in different years. This between-year variation in the optimum fledging date offers an alternative explanation to the lack of evolution towards earlier breeding dates, in spite of the advantages of early breeding some years.  相似文献   

If parental allocation to each offspring sex has the same cost/benefit ratio, Fisher's hypothesis predicts a sex ratio biased towards the cheaper sex. However, in dimorphic birds there is little evidence for this, especially at hatching. We investigated the pre‐fledgling 1) sex ratio, 2) body condition and 3) sex‐differential mortality in a population of the glossy ibis Plegadis falcinellus, in southern Spain between 2001 and 2011. We defined two age groups for the period between hatching and fledging. We also compared pre‐fledgling with the autumn sex ratio. Metabolic rates were estimated by the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique to establish that sons (the bigger sex) were 18% more energy demanding than daughters, and to compute the predicted Fisher's sex ratio (0.465). As population size increased between years, body condition decreased in both sexes, and mortality increased more for daughters than sons prior to fledging. At the same time, the proportion of males among chicks close to fledging increased (average sex ratio: 0.606) while the proportion close to hatching decreased (average sex ratio: 0.434, in line with Fisher's prediction). Furthermore, the proportions of males at fledging and the following autumn were negatively correlated across years. We suggest that, as population density increased and conditions worsened the larger sex had relatively higher survival. These differences in survival produce a shift from a facultative female‐biased sex ratio at hatching into a non‐facultative male‐biased sex ratio of fledglings. Additionally, the excess of males at fledging was counterbalanced by sex‐related dispersal during the autumn. Overall, glossy ibis sex ratio is a product of a combination of facultative and non‐facultative adjustments triggered by environmental conditions, driven by rapid population growth, and mediated by highly interrelated life‐history traits such as body condition, mortality, and dispersal.  相似文献   

In birds, individuals with a higher mass at fledging have a higher probability of recruiting into the breeding population. This can be because mass is an indicator of general condition and thereby of the ability to survive adverse circumstances and/or because fledging mass is positively related to competitive strength in interactions with other fledglings. This latter explanation leads to two testable predictions: (i) there is stronger selection for fledging mass when there is more severe competition (i.e. at higher densities); and (ii) that besides absolute fledging mass, relative mass of fledglings within a cohort is important. We test these two predictions in two great tit (Parus major) populations. The first prediction was met for one of the populations, showing that competition affects the importance of mass-dependent recruitment. The second prediction, that fledglings recruit relatively well if they are heavy compared to the other fledglings, is met for both populations. The consequence of the importance of relative rather than absolute fledging mass is that the fitness consequences of reproductive decisions affecting fledging mass, such as clutch size, depend on the decisions of the other individuals in the population.  相似文献   

The extent and intensity of artificial night lighting has increased with urban development worldwide. The resulting light pollution is responsible for mortality among many Procellariiformes species which show nocturnal activity on their breeding grounds. Here, we report light‐induced mortality of Procellariiformes during a 9‐year study (1998–2006) on Tenerife, the largest island of the Canary archipelago. A total of 9880 birds from nine species were found grounded, the majority being Cory’s Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea (93.4%). For this species the majority of grounded birds were fledglings (96.4%), which fall apparently while leaving their nesting colony for the first time; for the smaller species (storm‐petrels) adult birds were more often grounded than fledglings. For almost all species, grounding showed a seasonal pattern linked with their breeding cycle. Certain phases of the moon influenced grounding of Cory’s Shearwater, with the extent of grounding being reduced during phases of full moon. The percentage of fledglings attracted to lights in relation to the fledglings produced annually varied between species and years (0–1.3% for the Madeiran Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma castro; 41–71% for Cory’s Shearwater). Mean adult mortality rates also varied between species (from 0.4% for the European Storm‐petrel Hydrobates pelagicus and the Cory’s Shearwater, to 2.3% for the Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus). Here we show that light‐induced mortality rates are of concern, at least for petrels and small shearwaters. Thanks to efforts involving civil cooperation, 95% of grounded birds have been returned to the wild. To minimize the impact of artificial lights on petrels we recommend several conservation measures: continuing rescue campaigns, alteration of light signatures and reduction of light emissions during the fledging peaks. Furthermore, we recommend that a monitoring program for petrel populations be implemented, as well as further studies to assess the fate of released fledglings and continued research to address why petrels are attracted to lights.  相似文献   

Seabirds are important predators in marine ecosystems and are commonly used to monitor the productivity of their marine environments. However, different measures of seabird breeding success differ in their sensitivity to environmental conditions. Here, we present an analysis of provisioning rates and chick growth as well as hatching and fledging success, in thin-billed prions Pachyptila belcheri at New Island, Falkland Islands between 2003 and 2005 and relate these patterns to ocean climate. During the study period, SST were rising within and between breeding seasons and were negatively correlated with provisioning frequencies of thin-billed prions. Chick mass was reduced and begging intensities increased at low feeding frequencies, but overall breeding success and fledging success were not affected, because most chicks in survived to fledging despite poor provisioning rates. Chick numbers and survival therefore may not be sensitive indicators of environmental conditions in all seabird species and ranges of food abundance. Monitoring behavioural buffering mechanisms, such as feeding rates, may be more effective in some ranges of food abundance and time scales and provide an earlier warning of ecological change. As a novel technique, the use of begging intensities as indicator of chick body condition is proposed in species where repeated handling causes disturbance. The present data suggest that begging rates can serve as a non-invasive method to monitor chick condition.  相似文献   

Golf courses ostensibly offer green space in urbanized areas, but it is unclear how suitable these human-modified habitats are for wildlife populations. Golf courses are home to a variety of wildlife, but in particular they have been the focus of research on avian responses to urbanization. Although numerous reproductive and diversity studies have been conducted on birds of golf courses, no research exists on postfledging survival in this created landscape. In 2008 and 2009, we estimated survival of eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) fledglings using radio telemetry on golf course and other developed sites in Williamsburg, Virginia. We used nest survival models in Program MARK set in an information theoretic framework to assess whether the golf course habitat predicted mortality along with other previously studied variables, such as fledgling age, year, site, body condition, fledging date, and transmitter weight. We found no evidence that inhabiting a golf course increased mortality during the fledgling period, but we did find support for both fledgling age and fledging date as predictors of survival. Mortality decreased for older fledglings and those that fledged later in the season. Cause-specific postfledging survival rates did not differ among sites. Fledgling bluebirds did, however, move into habitat that was significantly more forested and less grassy than their natal habitat. For managers of wildlife on golf courses and other urbanized sites, our study is the first to show that placing nest boxes in manicured habitat may attract birds to areas without suitable habitat for fledglings. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Why avian colonies vary in size and how food competition among nearby colonies affects offspring quality are still not completely understood. We simultaneously examined the effects of four scales of breeding density on two measures of offspring viability (body condition and T-cell-mediated immunity) in the colonial Magellanic penguin. Body condition of fledglings was inversely correlated with breeding density within 100 m(2) of nests, and decreased with increasing numbers of breeding pairs competing within the parental foraging ranges (100 km), probably as a result of density-dependent food depletion. The T-cell-mediated immune response was positively correlated with body condition, reflecting, to some extent, the previous breeding-density effects, and was negatively correlated with colony size, which may be related to social stress. However, given the effect of protein intake on cell immunity, this result could also indicate a thus far neglected cost of coloniality, namely the consumption of low-protein food to compensate for the depletion of optimal prey. These results were not influenced by other traits, nor by the current exposure of birds to parasites and diseases, as measured by serological variables. Since body condition and the T-cell-mediated immune response of fledgling birds are indicators of their survival and recruitment prospects, the costs we have identified can explain variability in colony size in relation to food competition with surrounding colonies, as well as the skewed distribution toward small colonies in this species.  相似文献   

Most seabirds have a small clutch size. Thus, replacement of a clutch after loss can make important contributions to an individual’s lifetime reproductive success. However, in the condition of short polar summer, relaying propensity may be time‐constrained. In this study, we investigated rates and consequences of relaying in a small High Arctic seabird, the little auk Alle alle. We performed an experiment in which we removed the single egg from 20 nests of early‐laying breeders. We measured relaying rates, and compared chick body mass and breeding success between the experimental and control nests. Despite the narrow window of the Arctic summer and the closely synchronized breeding, 75% of females produced a replacement egg just 2.7% smaller in volume than the first egg. This indicates that in little auks, the demographic effects of disruptions to breeding attempts (by predators, adverse weather or human activity) may be mitigated to some extent by replacement clutches. However, peak body mass and fledging body mass were lower in the experimental than the control chicks. This effect was rather a consequence of late hatching – chicks from replacement clutches followed seasonal decline in peak body mass and fledging mass. Finally, breeding success and chick survival up to 20 d in the experimental nests were respectively 34 and 37% lower than in the control nests. Thus, the quality and post‐fledging survival of chicks from the replacement clutches were probably lower compared to the chicks hatched from the first‐laid eggs.  相似文献   

The historical debate of the 1960s between group and individual selection hinged on how the slow breeding of seabirds could be explained. While this debate was settled by the ascendance of individual selection, championed by David Lack, explanations for slow breeding in seabirds remain to be tested. We examined the slowest breeding of these birds, the albatrosses and petrels (order Procellariiformes), using analyses that statistically controlled for variations in body size and phylogeny. Incubation and fledging periods appeared strongly correlated, but this turned out to be largely explained by phylogeny. Nonetheless, developmental and reproductive rates were associated with the distance to the foraging range, as predicted under the hypothesis of ecological constraints on breeding pairs, and these results were independent of body size and phylogeny. Slower breeding in these seabirds appeared associated with the rigors of farther pelagic feeding, as Lack originally hypothesized.  相似文献   

The provisioning parameters, breeding success, adult mass, andsurvival of yellow-nosed albatrosses were studied over 7 successiveyears at Amsterdam Island, southern Indian Ocean. We examinedthe ability of this long-lived seabird to adjust its breedingeffort under different environmental conditions and the fitnessconsequences in terms of survival and quality of offspring produced. Provisioning rate and adult mass varied extensivelybetween years, and the lowest and highest values were associatedwith sea surface temperature anomalies. When waters aroundthe island were colder, adults were in good condition and broughtlarge meals at short intervals, whereas warmer waters resultedin lower provisioning rates, lower adult mass, and lighter chicksat fledging. Adult survival and fledging success were not affectedby sea surface temperature anomalies. Yellow-nosed albatrossesappear to be unable to adjust their breeding effort every season,and their differential breeding investment probably primarilyreflects different levels of food availability. Yellow-nosedalbatrosses are able to regulate their provisioning behavior according to the nutritional status of their chick only whenconditions are favorable. Birds appear to invest primarilyin their own future maintenance rather than in provisioning.They have a wide safety margin in body mass that limits mortalityrisks during good years as well as during poor years. However,during unfavorable seasons adults continue to provision chicksthat have a poor prospect of survival to breeding, withoutadditional survival costs for the parents. Favorable seasonstherefore have a high value in terms of fitness because ofthe high quality of the chick produced. We suggest that understandinghow long-lived animals optimize their provisioning behaviorand lifetime reproduction can only be achieved through studiesencompassing several contrasted seasons.  相似文献   

Fledgling ecology remains understudied for many passerine species, yet information about the fledgling life stage is critical for understanding full-annual life cycles and population recruitment. We examined the survival, habitat selection, and movements of fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) in a longleaf pine-wiregrass (Pinus palustris-Aristida stricta) community managed with frequent prescribed fire. We captured and marked 36 fledglings on the day of fledging and used radio-telemetry to relocate them daily until independence during three breeding seasons (2014–2016). We visually confirmed the status of fledglings as live or dead during daily relocations and determined causes of mortality. We measured vegetation characteristics at fledgling locations and compared them to the characteristics of vegetation at the locations of adult males. We used a Known Fates analysis in Program MARK to estimate fledgling survival, and generalized linear mixed effect models to determine habitat selection. Estimated fledgling survival until independence was 0.31 (SE = 0.08), with most mortality during the first 4 d post-fledging. Fledglings with longer wing chords had higher rates of survival than those with shorter wing chords, possibly due to an increased ability to evade predators. Fledgling movements were restricted primarily to natal territories. Fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows were located in areas with greater woody plant, forb, and grass cover and less bare ground than available in natal territories. Similar to fledglings of other songbirds, understory woody and herbaceous plants appear to provide critical cover for fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows, and maintenance of such cover should receive consideration in management plans for longleaf pine communities.  相似文献   

Climate variability influences seabird population dynamics in several ways including access to prey near colonies during the critical chick-rearing period. This study addresses breeding success in a Barents Sea colony of common guillemots Uria aalge where trophic conditions vary according to changes in the northward transport of warm Atlantic Water. A drift model was used to simulate interannual variations in transport of cod Gadus morhua larvae along the Norwegian coast towards their nursery grounds in the Barents Sea. The results showed that the arrival of cod larvae from southern spawning grounds had a major effect on the size of common guillemot chicks at fledging. Furthermore, the fraction of larvae from the south was positively correlated to the inflow of Atlantic Water into the Barents Sea thus clearly demonstrating the mechanisms by which climate-driven bottom-up processes influence interannual variations in reproductive success in a marine top predator.  相似文献   

In birds, energy supply during growth is a major predictor of the fledglings' physical condition and survival prospects. Differential quantity and quality of fledglings produced under varying nestling food supplies are likely to affect the number of offspring that recruit into the breeding population. However, the underlying mechanisms and associated consequences are still poorly known. Using a partial cross‐fostering and food supplementation experiment, we estimated the effect of variation in food supply during growth on nestling survival and fledgling phenotypic traits of Little Owls Athene noctua. Survival to fledging was much higher in food‐supplemented nestlings (98.6%) than in control nestlings (82.4%). Furthermore, supplemented nestlings were on average 8.9 g heavier and were more likely to develop subcutaneous fat deposits (99.4 vs. 73.7% of treatment and control nestlings, respectively). Supplemented nestlings also had on average longer wings than control nestlings, but tarsi and culmen did not differ significantly. Furthermore, experimentally supplemented fledglings struggled more when handled and emerged sooner from tonic immobility than control fledglings. The irises of supplemented fledglings were less intensely coloured. The experimentally induced changes in nestling development probably affect individual performance beyond fledging. Nestlings from orchard‐dominated habitats were larger than those from habitats dominated by arable land. As nestling food supply is largely determined by natural food availability, we conclude that habitat quality affects Little Owl productivity and offspring quality, and ultimately, population dynamics.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic and environmental components of variance in avian T-cell-mediated immune response (CMI) through a cross-fostering experiment conducted on wild American kestrels (Falco sparverius). CMI was evaluated in vivo by an experimental challenge with phytohaemagglutinin, a T-cell mitogen, injected intradermally in fledglings. Additionally, we assessed two measures of nutritional condition (body mass and circulating plasma proteins) which could influence the variance components of CMI. A two-way nested ANOVA indicated that CMI of fledgling kestrels was explained more by the nest where the bird was reared (33% of the explained variance) than by the nest of origin (12%). Body mass was explained equally by familial and environmental components, while plasma proteins were only related to the rearing environment. CMI of fledglings was not related to their circulating plasma proteins, but was positively correlated with their body mass. Fledgling body mass seemed to be influenced by pre-hatching or post-hatching maternal effects prior to manipulation since resemblance in body mass of sibships at the age of manipulation was high (h 2≤0.58), and body mass at this age predicted body mass at fledging. Therefore, pre-manipulation parental effects on body mass, such as investment in egg size, could have inflated the familial effects on body mass of fledglings and then on its correlated CMI. When controlling for body mass, most of the variation in CMI of fledglings was explained by the nest where the bird was reared (36.6%), while the variance explained by the nest of origin (4%) was not significant. This means that environmental influences are major determinants of offspring CMI. The low proportion of variance explained by the familial component may have been due to the high correlation of CMI to fitness. Received: 19 October 1999 / Accepted: 23 December 1999  相似文献   

1. There is increasing interest in the impacts of El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on reproduction of apical predators such as seabirds and marine mammals. Long-term studies documenting ENSO effects on reproduction of seabirds in the warm tropics are scarce, and differential sensitivity of breeding parameters to ENSO has rarely been explored. 2. Analysis of 18 years of breeding data from a colony of the blue-footed booby Sula nebouxii (Milne-Edwards) showed a delay in onset of breeding when the global Southern Oscillation Index was negative; each unit of the atmospheric pressure differential (hPa) across the Pacific Ocean meant a delay of 7 days. 3. ENSO conditions also produced declines in breeding participation, clutch size, brood size, hatching success and fledging success, especially when surface waters surrounding the colony were warmer during winter and spring. Each additional degree (°C) of water temperature produced a reduction of 0.45 fledglings per nest. Different breeding parameters were sensitive to ENSO indices in different blocks of months. 4. Warming of local waters during the winter was associated with decline in ocean productivity in the current year and the following year, consistent with ENSO impacts on breeding parameters being mediated by effects on local productivity and prey availability. However, there was no evidence of lagged effects of ENSO on any breeding parameter. 5. Comparison of 5 years revealed that when local surface waters were warm, chicks grew more slowly, but no effects of ENSO on weight and size of eggs were evident in data of 9 and 7 years, respectively. 6. Our findings extend evidence of impacts of ENSO on seabird reproduction to the eastern tropical Pacific and indicate that several breeding parameters of blue-footed boobies (but not egg size) are affected in the short term by ENSO conditions, particularly by local anomalies in sea surface temperature associated with decline in ocean productivity.  相似文献   

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