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Under the new National Water Act the River Health Programme has Stakeholder Communication and Environmental Education (SCEE) as one of its components. This programme seeks to develop tools to help water resource managers involve previously disadvantaged communities in managing river ecosystems sustainably. This paper discusses the processes, procedures and methods undertaken in the pilot studies for SCEE. It stresses the need for respect for the cultural lifestyles of indigenous peoples, because traditional knowledge can build on the scientific knowledge of our country's aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   


People's response to the decline of biodiversity and their support for conservation measures depends on their knowledge of biodiversity and their attitudes to local species. This study is one of the first to investigate public knowledge of, and attitudes to, frogs in South America. We chose two study regions, the semi-urban region of Pensilvania and the rural region of Florencia. In spring 2011, 565 individuals completed a written questionnaire and a subsequent picture test. Overall, the public's attitudes to, and knowledge of frogs, were rather poor. Direct experiences and community elders were the major source of knowledge of frogs for participants in Florencia, whereas electronic media was the main source of knowledge in Pensilvania. Most participants felt that frogs are of high conservation value and important for medical and ecological purposes. The more strongly participants agreed that frogs are useful, of medicinal value, and beautiful, the more strongly they agreed that they should be conserved. Our results indicate that conservation education activities in schools and elsewhere are needed to improve people's knowledge of, and attitudes to, frogs. More positive attitudes toward local amphibian species might lead to an appreciation of their value and willingness to conserve them.  相似文献   

We studied the composition, species richness, and relative abundance of bat assemblages in the Colombian dry forests of Chicamocha and Patía. In Chicamocha, 11 bats of the family Phyllostomidae were captured with mist-nets, corresponding to 85–100% of the potential phyllostomids species in the area. Two bats of the family Vespertilionidae were also captured in Chicamocha. In Patía, 12 species were captured with mist-nets, all Phyllostomidae, representing 72–100% of the estimated total number of species in the zone. Minor differences in number of species and composition were detected among sampling periods in Chicamocha. The most common species in this dry forest were Glossophaga longirostris and Sturnira lilium. In Patía, notable differences in the number of species and composition were observed among sampling periods, and the most common species were Artibeus jamaicensis, Carollia perspicillata and Phyllostomus discolor. Arid-zone dwelling bats were absent in Patía and we suggest that this absence may be associated with the isolation of Patía from other northern dry zones of Colombia since Quaternary times. There was also low abundance of bats in Patía, which appears to be related to human disturbance. The most abundant phyllostomid bat species in the two dry forests studied are those that include fruit and/or nectar-pollen from columnar cacti as an important proportion of their diets.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization promotes the SAFE (Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial cleanliness, and Environmental improvements) strategy for trachoma control and prevention. The F&E components of the strategy focus on promotion of healthy hygiene and sanitation behaviors. In order to monitor F&E activities implemented across villages and schools in Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda, an F&E Monitoring and Evaluation (FEME) framework was developed to track quarterly program outputs and to provide the basis for a pre and post evaluation of the activities. Results showed an increase in knowledge at the school and household levels, and in some cases, an increase in presence of hand/face washing stations. However, this did not always result in a change in trachoma prevention behaviors such as facial cleanliness or keeping compounds free of human feces. The results highlight that the F&E programs were effective in increasing awareness of trachoma prevention but not able to translate that knowledge into changes in behavior during the time between pre and post-surveys. This study also indicates the potential to improve the data collection and survey design and notes that the period of intervention was not long enough to measure significant changes.  相似文献   

We estimated the impact of the Zika virus outbreak on birth rates and demand for health care services in Colombia. Our analysis exploits the variation in the level of natural protection against mosquito-transmitted diseases across the country. This characteristic induced exogenous variation in Zika incidence, which allows us to construct a control group of municipalities with similar historical fertility trends but with differential exposure to the Zika crisis. We implemented a difference-in-differences model after matching, as well as synthetic control. We found a decrease in birth rates of approx. 10% in the last two quarters of 2019. The impact of the virus was similar irrespective of the women’s education level, and we found no discernible impact on teenage pregnancy.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  The process of producing a graduate is a complex one involving major effort usually by large institutions such as universities. The Faculty of Engineering and Surveying at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia produces several hundred engineering and spatial science graduates each year using both on-campus and external modes of study. The purpose of this study is to determine the major causes of environmental impact in this process with a view to targeting areas where improvements may be made. Materials and methods  An inventory of all major inputs to and outputs from the faculty was compiled from a mixture of measurements, real data, and financial data for the calendar year 2006. Data for graduate output were also compiled. These data were then assessed using SimaPro software, mainly Australian data and predominantly the Eco-indicator 99 (E) method of impact assessment. Results  The analysis shows that environmental impacts are many and varied as might be expected from a complex operation like a university. However, energy inputs in the form of electricity from black coal, staff and student travel and the embodied impact of buildings were dominant. Discussion  The results obtained may point the way towards future consideration of areas where environmental impact might be reduced by changes in institution strategies such as the way external students are taught and the way the electricity usage in our buildings is managed. Conclusions  The environmental impact of undergraduate education is complex and involves many different areas of activity. However, the use of energy in various forms is of major significance in this impact. Recommendations and perspectives  It is recommended that university managers consider the results presented in this paper and use them as a starting point in developing strategies to reduce the impact of their institutions.  相似文献   

How to assort with the relationship between the urban construction and the maintenance of ecological security is a hot issue during the process of urbanization. The purpose of this study is to identify the key ecological land maintaining ecological security and to put forward some measures for environmental management. Based on the GIS technology, from the view of water security, biodiversity conservation, disaster protection, natural recreation security, and human disturbance, an integrated index is put forward to evaluate the ecological importance of regional space. Then, a GIS-based approach for evaluating ecological importance was created, with Xingguo county of China as a case study. The results show that the area of core eco-space in the study area accounts for 30% of the total area. These areas mainly consist of the core areas of regional river systems, wetlands, nature reserves, forest parks, and scenic spots and the endangered and protected zone of geological hazards. According to the spatial characteristics of ecological importance for different regions, this study proposes some zoning regulations and measures for environmental management.  相似文献   

Metal nanoparticles were being used in different processes of developmental sectors like agriculture, industry, medical and pharmaceuticals. Nano-biotechnology along with sustainable organic chemistry has immense potential to reproduce innovative and key components of the systems to support surrounding environment, human health, and industry sustainably. Different unconventional methods were being used in green chemistry to synthesize gold and silver nanoparticles from various microbes. So, we reviewed different biological processes for green synthesis of metal nanoparticles. We also studied the mechanism of the synthesis process and procedures to characterize them. Some metallic nanoparticles have shown their potential to act as antimicrobial agent against plant pathogens. Here, we outlined green nanoparticles synthesized from microbes and highlighted their role against plant disease management.  相似文献   

In this article, I provide an ethnographic account of the gentrification process and its relationship to race and racism in the community of Getsemaní in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. I introduce Racial Attachment Processes as a conceptual framework for understanding how individuals reconcile Latin American discourses that suggest that race is not a primary stratifying principle with the material spatial realities of racial hierarchies that counter such discourses. Drawing on ethnographic participant observation and semi-structured interviews, including those employing photo-elicitation, I demonstrate how people discursively mobilize race in everyday life, yet selectively detach race in ways that allow them to interpret processes of gentrification as untethered to their racial underpinnings. This paper ultimately demonstrates how the discursive detachment of race from understandings of Colombian socio-spatial, political and economic relations obscures the relationship between racial domination and social inequality.  相似文献   

Termites are ecosystem engineers that play an important role in the biotransformation and re‐distribution of nutrients in soil. The dry forests are endemic repositories, but at same time, they are most threatened by extensive livestock and crop farming, fires, and climate change. In Colombia, the best‐protected dry forests are located in the north. The termite fauna of dry forests are poorly known. The aim was to identify the termite species occurring in tropical dry forests of the Colombian Caribbean coast in relation to diet and precipitation, temperature, elevation, and soil properties. A total of 32 species in 1,103 occurrences were found. Termitidae accounted for 78% of the species richness with the Anoplotermes‐group, Microcerotermes, and Nasutitermes being the dominant genera. Differences in species composition and abundance were found across sites. These differences may be linked to anthropogenic disturbance and polygyny and polydomy. Strikingly, our highest elevation site (334 m) had the highest species richness much higher than the two lower elevation sites. This implies an inversion of the common elevation‐diversity gradient, also found for termites which can be explained by increasing precipitation with elevation in the dry forest. An analysis of termite species richness at the global scale confirms that termite species richness correlates positively with rainfall. Hence, rainfall seems to positively affect termite diversity. In line, the studied Colombian tropical dry forests had low diversity compared to rain forests. A decline of species‐rich soil‐feeding termites with increasing aridity may explain why the highest termite diversity occurs in humid tropical rain forests. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a biodiversity monitoring system based on data collected by protected area staff and local communities was established and maintained in Xe Pian national protected area, Laos. Monitoring activities commenced with project support in 1998. Protected area staff, district forestry staff and villagers continued the monitoring work after 2001 when the external advisers left. More than 2500 records of wildlife, natural resource use and threats to the protected area were collected by villagers and protected area staff, mainly through use of patrols, village discussions and village logbooks. The management interventions that followed the monitoring activities were a reaction to immediate threats or perceived trends in biodiversity rather than to trends revealed by analyses of the collected data. Patrols and village discussions came to a virtual standstill when external funding ceased, probably because of lack of supporting national policies. The annual running cost of the monitoring system was only about US$ 4000 or 0.02 per ha of forest habitat.  相似文献   

Long-term and locally-based public education programs are essential in supporting conservation initiatives for horseshoe crab protection, particularly in Asia, where their populations have been largely exploited for food and biomedical applications. However, the implementation of such conservation initiatives can be difficult due to a community’s ingrained apathy towards the environment. In addition, the effectiveness of similar education programs to engage the community in conservation work has rarely been assessed. We described the implementation strategies of a conservation education program in Hong Kong, with the objective to improve the community’s awareness, engagement and environmental attitudes towards the conservation of Asian horseshoe crabs. This study evaluated the program’s outreach, outcomes and impacts between 2009 and 2016. By raising laboratory-cultured juvenile horseshoe crabs at local secondary schools, this long-term conservation education program succeeded in enhancing students’ knowledge on the biology and ecology of horseshoe crabs, as well as promoting positive attitudes and behaviors towards relevant conservation issues. Lessons and recommendations derived from this program can serve as guidance for similar campaigns in other places.  相似文献   

Coastal vegetation has been widely recognized as a natural method to reduce the energy of tsunami waves. However, a vegetation barrier cannot completely stop a tsunami, and its effectiveness depends on the magnitude of the tsunami as well as the structure of the vegetation. For coastal rehabilitation, optimal planning of natural coastal systems, and their maintenance, we need to quantitatively elucidate the capacity of vegetation to reduce the energy of tsunami waves. The limitations of coastal forests in relation to the magnitude of a tsunami and the maintenance of forests as natural disaster buffer zones have to be understood correctly for effective coastal vegetation planning. Demerits of coastal forests have also been revealed: for example, an open gap in a forest (i.e., a road, river, difference in elevation, etc.) can channel and amplify a strong current by forcing it into the gap. Floating debris from broken trees also can damage surrounding buildings and hurt people. However, many studies have revealed that these demerits can be overcome with proper planning and management of mangroves and coastal forests, and that coastal vegetation has a significant potential to mitigate damage in constructed areas and save human lives by acting as buffer zones during extreme natural events. However, mangrove forests have been damaged by anthropogenic activities (i.e., tourism, shrimp farming, and industrial development), making coastal areas increasingly vulnerable to tsunamis and other natural disasters. The effectiveness of vegetation also changes with the age and structure of the forest. This highlights the fact that proper planning and management of vegetation are required to maintain the tsunami buffering function of coastal forests. Although many government and nongovernmental organizations have implemented coastal vegetation projects, many of them have been unsuccessful due to a lack of proper maintenance. A pilot project in Matara City, Sri Lanka, revealed that participation and support from local authorities and communities is essential to make the planting projects successful. An integrated coastal vegetation management system that includes utilization of the materials produced by the forest and a community participation and awareness program are proposed to achieve a sustainable and long-lasting vegetation bioshield.  相似文献   

In October 2001, an unidentified didemnid ascidian, was recorded for the first time in New Zealand, smothering wharf piles and moorings in a northern harbour. A heavily-fouled barge then translocated the ascidian to an international shipping port some 500 km south, near the heart of the New Zealand mussel industry. The species was subsequently identified as Didemnum vexillum, but its status as indigenous or non-indigenous was disputed. Nonetheless, its presence was regarded as a significant threat to the mussel industry because of its demonstrated invasiveness on artificial structures, and its ability to over-grow and smother mussels.From the barge's mooring area, D. vexillum subsequently spread to the seabed beneath, and to nearby vessels and artificial structures (i.e., barges, recreational vessels, moorings, salmon cages and wharf piles). Given the likelihood that infected vectors would spread the ascidian to mussel farms in the region, and in consideration of a benefit-cost analysis, an eradication program for D. vexillum was instigated. This paper provides a chronology of events surrounding the initial detection and spread of the ascidian, and describes the development of incursion response tools for the different substrata that were infected. The treatments included smothering soft-sediment habitats with uncontaminated dredge spoil, wrapping wharf piles with plastic, smothering rip-rap habitats using a geotextile fabric, and various other approaches based on water blasting, air drying or chlorine dosing. While many of the response methods were completely effective at eliminating D. vexillum from different substrata, the program overall failed to eradicate the organism from the region. The reasons for this failure are documented, and the important lessons learned are highlighted, as a contribution to the successful management of invasive species in the future.  相似文献   

Regime shifts have been observed in marine ecosystems around the globe. These phenomena can result in dramatic changes in the provision of ecosystem services to coastal communities. Accounting for regime shifts in management clearly requires integrative, ecosystem-based management (EBM) approaches. EBM has emerged as an accepted paradigm for ocean management worldwide, yet, despite the rapid and intense development of EBM theory, implementation has languished, and many implemented or proposed EBM schemes largely ignore the special characteristics of regime shifts. Here, we first explore key aspects of regime shifts that are of critical importance to EBM, and then suggest how regime shifts can be better incorporated into EBM using the concept of integrated ecosystem assessment (IEA). An IEA uses approaches that determine the likelihood that ecological or socio-economic properties of systems will move beyond or return to acceptable bounds as defined by resource managers and policy makers. We suggest an approach for implementing IEAs for cases of regime shifts where the objectives are either avoiding an undesired state or returning to a desired condition. We discuss the suitability and short-comings of methods summarizing the status of ecosystem components, screening and prioritizing potential risks, and evaluating alternative management strategies. IEAs are evolving as an EBM approach that can address regime shifts; however, advances in statistical, analytical and simulation modelling are needed before IEAs can robustly inform tactical management in systems characterized by regime shifts.  相似文献   

Development of a clearer understanding of the causes and consequences of environmental change is an important issue globally. The consequent demand for objective, reliable and up-to-date environmental information has led to the establishment of long-term integrated environmental monitoring programmes, including the UK's Environmental Change Network (ECN). Databases form the core information resource for such programmes. The UK Environmental Change Network Data Centre manages data on behalf of ECN (as well as other related UK integrated environmental monitoring networks) and provides a robust and integrated system of information management. This paper describes how data are captured – through standardised protocols and data entry systems – as well more recent approaches such as wireless sensors. Data are managed centrally through a database and GIS. Quality control is built in at all levels of the system. Data are then made accessible through a variety of data access methods – through bespoke web interfaces, as well as third-party data portals. This paper describes the informatics approach of the ECN Data Centre which aims to develop a seamless system of data capture, management and data access interfaces to support research.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effectiveness of bednets and curtains (nylon mesh 64 per cm2) impregnated with deltamethrin at 26 mg a.i./m2 in reducing the biting nuisance caused by three phlebotomine sandfly species: Lutzomyia columbiana, Lu. lichyi and the predominant Lu. youngi (Diptera: Psychodidae), was evaluated at La Guaira, a rural settlement in Valle de Cauca near Cali, Colombia.
Pairs of volunteers collected sandflies under impregnated bednets, in rooms protected by impregnated curtains or in unprotected rooms in a randomized matched design. Collections were made in three houses per night on three consecutive nights, so that each house was sampled under each of the three treatments. This routine was repeated at 2-week intervals for 6 months. There was no significant difference between the overall numbers of sandflies collected in rooms with or without impregnated curtains. Only 0.14 sandflies/man-hour were caught on human bait under impregnated bednets, significantly fewer than the numbers collected on human bait outside the nets in the same room (1.91) or in unprotected rooms (3.29).
In a second set of experiments carried out in La Guaira and the neighbouring community of Jiguales, the effect of deltamethrin impregnation was evaluated by comparing numbers of sandflies collected on human bait under treated and untreated nets. Significantly fewer were collected under the impregnated nets (0.25 v. 0.69/man-hour). Wild-caught female Lu. youngi exposed to treated netting for 2 min in the laboratory all died with 24 h. The impact of deltamethrin-impregnated bednets was considered to be useful against Lu. youngi and other potential vectors of leishmaniasis in such communities.  相似文献   

Globally, agriculture is a dominant form of human use of land with agro-ecosystems covering about 40% of the terrestrial surface of the Earth. In this context, the European Union considers agriculture a key sector of the economy, recognizing, however, the related environmental implications. The aim of this paper is to examine the agricultural efficiency of EU countries, through a bootstrap-Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, an effective nonparametric method for evaluating the relative efficiency of the decision-making units. European datasets, suitable for policies and focused on the integration between agricultural productivity and ecosystem services (ESs) conservation, have been used to support planners and managers. Data related to five inputs (labor, land, capital, fertilizers, and irrigation area) and to one output connected to the economic value of agricultural production were collected from 1993 to 2013. The results show that the majority of EU countries have been experiencing increasing or decreasing returns to scale, highlighting their potential to increase their production efficiency by modifying their input use. Both for the output-oriented approach and the input-oriented approach, the majority of EU countries could better rationalize their input use obtaining more outputs and achieving production efficiency. DEA, a non-parametric methodology has been applied, using the concept of a reference group of efficient decision-making units that produce a similar output (peer group). Input-oriented and output-oriented DEA results and comparison indicate that most of the oldest EU countries have a more efficient and optimized crop production process in terms of resource savings and output maximization. This is probably due to the application of the Common Agricultural Policy. Therefore, in policy planning but also in management decisions, attention should always be paid not only to the maximization of agricultural production, but also to the environmental resource overexploitation. In this sense, best agricultural practices could represent a model to follow because they can maintain ESs without depressing production by using practices like conservation tillage, crop diversification, legume intensification and biological control perform giving the same results as intensive, high-input systems.  相似文献   

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