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The Turing mechanism (Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 237 (1952) 37) for the production of a broken spatial symmetry in an initially homogeneous system of reacting and diffusing substances has attracted much interest as a potential model for certain aspects of morphogenesis (Models of Biological Pattern Formation, Academic Press, London, 1982; Nature 376 (1995) 765) such as pre-patterning in the embryo. The two features necessary for the formation of Turing patterns are short-range autocatalysis and long-range inhibition (Kybernetik 12 (1972) 30) which usually only occur when the diffusion rate of the inhibitor is significantly greater than that of the activator. This observation has sometimes been used to cast doubt on applicability of the Turing mechanism to cellular patterning since many messenger molecules that diffuse between cells do so at more-or-less similar rates. Here we show that Turing-type patterns will be able to robustly form under a wide variety of realistic physiological conditions though plausible mechanisms of intra-cellular chemical communication without relying on differences in diffusion rates. In the mechanism we propose, reactions occur within cells. Signal transduction leads to the production of messenger molecules, which diffuse between cells at approximately equal rates, coupling the reactions occurring in different cells. These mechanisms also suggest how this process can be controlled in a rather precise way by the genetic machinery of the cell.  相似文献   

 Under a variety of conditions, the hyphal density within the expanding outer edge of growing fungal mycelia can be spatially heterogeneous or nearly uniform. We conduct an analysis of a system of reaction-diffusion equations used to model the growth of fungal mycelia and the subsequent development of macroscopic patterns produced by differing hyphal and hence biomass densities. Both local and global results are obtained using analytical and numerical techniques. The emphasis is on qualitative results, including the effects of changes in parameter values on the structure of the solution set. Received 22 November 1995; received in revised form 17 May 1996  相似文献   

We analyze a generic reaction-diffusion model that contains the important features of Turing systems and that has been extensively used in the past to model biological interesting patterns. This model presents various fixed points. Analysis of this model has been made in the past only in the case when there is only a single fixed point, and a phase diagram of all the possible instabilities shows that there is a place where a Turing-Hopf bifurcation occurs producing oscillating Turing patterns. In here we focus on the interesting situation of having several fixed points, particularly when one unstable point is in between two equally stable points. We show that the solutions of this bistable system are traveling front waves, or solitons. The predictions and results are tested by performing extensive numerical calculations in one and two dimensions. The dynamics of these solitons is governed by a well defined spatial scale, and collisions and interactions between solitons depend on this scale. In certain regions of parameter space the wave fronts can be stationary, forming a pattern resembling spatial chaos. The patterns in two dimensions are particularly interesting because they can present a coherent dynamics with pseudo spiral rotations that simulate the myocardial beat quite closely. We show that our simple model can produce complicated spatial patterns with many different properties, and could be used in applications in many different fields.   相似文献   

干旱半干旱区斑块状植被格局形成模拟研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘庆生 《生态学报》2020,40(24):8861-8871
斑块状植被格局是世界上干旱半干旱区常见的景观类型,它们的形成、组成结构和演替过程研究,对于揭示区域生态系统变化的关键过程具有重要意义。鉴于基于地面调查和遥感技术的方法难以全面刻画斑块状植被格局的形成过程及机制,借助于模型模拟成为解决这一问题的有效方法。自20世纪90年代初至今,斑块状植被格局形成的连续和离散模拟研究不断涌现,然而,连续模拟侧重于植被格局形成的一般机理,缺乏与现实格局的对比和验证,离散模拟单元选择与规则制定等仍需不断研究。在简要回顾斑块状格局形成的反馈机制基础上,重点综述了斑块状植被格局形成的连续和离散模拟的最新研究进展,并指出了现有研究的不足。干旱半干旱区小尺度上植物和水的反馈作用决定了大尺度的斑块状植被格局,充分揭示植被-土壤水分相互作用机理是模型模拟研究的关键,放牧强度和降水格局等外部环境对干旱半干旱区斑块状植被格局特征具有重要影响。在未来研究中,应加强模型模拟结果与实际观测的植被格局比较和验证,重视局域环境条件、生态系统功能在模型中的表达,构建综合连续和离散模型各自优点的混合模型,注重斑块状植被格局形成过程中的标准子模型及模型开发和集成平台的研发,同时强调面向格局...  相似文献   

Kinetic continuum models are derived for cells that crawl over a 2D substrate, undergo random reorientation, and turn in response to contact with a neighbor. The integro-partial differential equations account for changes in the distribution of orientations in the population. It is found that behavior depends on parameters such as total mass, random motility, adherence, and sloughing rates, as well as on broad aspects of the contact response. Linear stability analysis, and numerical, and cellular automata simulations reveal that as parameters are varied, a bifurcation leads to loss of stability of a uniform (isotropic) steady state, in favor of an (anisotropic) patterned state in which cells are aligned in parallel arrays.  相似文献   

R. W. Korn 《Protoplasma》1994,180(3-4):145-152
Summary Examples of short-range inhibition in plant development were sought which satisfy four criteria for simplicity of expression. The range of inhibition extends only to adjacent cells and these criteria are (1) pattern of expression is within a two-dimensional array of cells, (2) cells of the array do not proliferate during pattern formation, (3) spacing between special cells extends only for a distance of one cell, and (4) no unequal cell divisions occur to complicate the pattern of cell arrangement. In one case of hairs or trichomes, the cells are evenly dispersed over the adaxial surface of the sepal ofSalvia splendens L. The R value of Clark and Evans is 1.64 for hair arrangement and hairs are formed from 21.1% of the epidermal cells. Based on cell behavior and an assumed method of inhibition, ordinary differential equations were written for formation of three types of cells in the tissue, free cells (F), trichome-bearing cells (T), and inhibited cells (I). Computer generated numerical solutions for these equations give cell type frequencies of 0.056 (F), 0.198 (T), and 0.745 (I), close to the observed values of 0.057 (F), 0.211 (T), and 0.731 (I). A similar approach was employed in analysis for the deployment of the cotton fibers in the ovular epidermis ofGossypium hirsutum L. and for that of the floating stomata of the fernAnemia phyllitidis (L). Sw. In general, these three patterns of epidermal deriviatives are most easily explained by one-cell wide inhibition fields between inhibiting special cells and inhibited contiguous cells. Other patterns in plants cannot be explained by this mechanism.  相似文献   

The Florida Everglades freshwater landscape exhibits a distribution of islands covered by woody vegetation and bordered by marshes and wet prairies. Known as “tree islands”, these ecogeomorphic features can be found in few other low gradient, nutrient limited freshwater wetlands. In the last few decades, however, a large percentage of tree islands have either shrank or disappeared in apparent response to altered water depths and other stressors associated with human impacts on the Everglades. Because the processes determining the formation and spatial organization of tree islands remain poorly understood, it is still unclear what controls the sensitivity of these landscapes to altered conditions. We hypothesize that positive feedbacks between woody plants and soil accretion are crucial to emergence and decline of tree islands. Likewise, positive feedbacks between phosphorus (P) accumulation and trees explain the P enrichment commonly observed in tree island soils. Here, we develop a spatially-explicit model of tree island formation and evolution, which accounts for these positive feedbacks (facilitation) as well as for long range competition and fire dynamics. It is found that tree island patterns form within a range of parameter values consistent with field data. Simulated impacts of reduced water levels, increased intensity of drought, and increased frequency of dry season/soil consuming fires on these feedback mechanisms result in the decline and disappearance of tree islands on the landscape.  相似文献   

The ability to read and quantify nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA using sequencing technologies has revolutionized our understanding of life. With the emergence of synthetic biology, these tools are now being put to work in new ways — enabling de novo biological design. Here, we show how sequencing is supporting the creation of a new wave of biological parts and systems, as well as providing the vast data sets needed for the machine learning of design rules for predictive bioengineering. However, we believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and end by providing an outlook on recent advances that will likely broaden the role of sequencing in synthetic biology and its deployment in real-world environments.  相似文献   

Summary Retinoids have been shown to influence pattern formation in hydroid polyps (Hydractinia echinata) at various levels. These effects are counteracted by an inhibitor isolated from Hydra. The present study provides a theoretical attempt to elucidate the role of retinoids by computer simulations based on a simple model of pattern formation in Hydractinia. The elements of this model are morphogens of the Gierer-Meinhardt type, namely a long-range inhibitor and a short-range activator. From the calcualtions, a reducing effect of retinoids on the propagation of the inhibitor seems most probable.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a general mathematical model describing the spatio-temporal dynamics of host-parasitoid systems with forced generational synchronisation, for example seasonally induced diapause. The model itself may be described as an individual-based stochastic model with the individual movement rules derived from an underlying continuum PDE model. This approach permits direct comparison between the discrete model and the continuum model. The model includes both within-generation and between-generation mechanisms for population regulation and focuses on the interactions between immobile juvenile hosts, adult hosts and adult parasitoids in a two-dimensional domain. These interactions are mediated, as they are in many such host-parasitoid systems, by the presence of a volatile semio-chemical (kairomone) emitted by the hosts or the hosts food plant. The model investigates the effects on population dynamics for different host versus parasitoid movement strategies as well as the transient dynamics leading to steady states. Despite some agreement between the individual and continuum models for certain motility parameter ranges, the model dynamics diverge when host and parasitoid motilities are unequal. The individual-based model maintains spatially heterogeneous oscillatory dynamics when the continuum model predicts a homogeneous steady state. We discuss the implications of these results for mechanistic models of phenotype evolution.P. Schofield gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the BBSRC and The Wellcome Trust.  相似文献   

The zero-dimensional daisyworld model of Watson and Lovelock (1983) demonstrates that life can unconsciously regulate a global environment. Here that model is extended to one dimension, incorporating a distribution of incoming solar radiation and diffusion of heat consistent with a spherical planet. Global regulatory properties of the original model are retained. The daisy populations are initially restricted to hospitable regions of the surface but exert both global and local feedback to increase this habitable area, eventually colonizing the whole surface. The introduction of heat diffusion destabilizes the coexistence equilibrium of the two daisy types. In response, a striped pattern consisting of blocks of all black or all white daisies emerges. There are two mechanisms behind this pattern formation. Both are connected to the stability of the system and an overview of the mathematics involved is presented. Numerical experiments show that this pattern is globally determined. Perturbations in one region have an impact over the whole surface but the regulatory properties of the system are not compromised by transient perturbations. The relevance of these results to the Earth and the wider climate modelling field is discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, a number of synthetic biologic gates including AND, OR, NOR, NOT, XOR and NAND have been engineered and characterized in a wide range of hosts. The hope in the emerging synthetic biology community is to construct an inventory of well-characterized parts and install distinct gene and circuit behaviours that are externally controllable. Though the field is still growing and major successes are yet to emerge, the payoffs are predicted to be significant. In this review, we highlight specific examples of logic gates engineering with applications towards fundamental understanding of network complexity and generating a novel socially useful applications.  相似文献   

Summary Hysteresis, oscillations, and pattern formation in realistic biochemical systems governed by P.D.E.s are considered from both numerical and mathematical points of view. Analysis of multiple steady states in the case of hysteresis, and bifurcation theory in the cases of oscillations and pattern formation, account for the observed numerical results. The possibility to realize these systems experimentally is their main interest, thus bringing further arguments in favor of theories explaining basic biological phenomena by diffusion and reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Hydractinia echinata is a marine, colony-forming coelenterate. Fertilized eggs develop into freely swimming planula larvae, which undergo metamorphosis to a sessile (primary) polyp. Metamorphosis can be triggered by means of certain marine bacteria and by Cs+. Half a day after this treatment a larva will have developed into a polyp. The induction of metamorphosis can be prevented by addition of inhibitor I, a substance partially purified from tissue ofHydra. The larvae ofH. echinata also appear to contain this substance. Inhibitor I appliedafter the onset of metamorphosis blocks its continuation as long as it remains in the culture medium. Cs+ applied within the same period of time also blocks the continuation of metamorphosis. However, these two agents have opposite effects on the body pattern of the resultant polyps. The experiments indicate that application of Cs+ triggers the generation of the pre-pattern. Inhibitor I appears to be a factor of this prepattern. A model is proposed which describes the basic features of head and foot/stolon formation not only forHydractinia but also for other related hydroids.  相似文献   

Diverse mechanisms have been proposed to explain biological pattern formation. Regardless of their specific molecular interactions, the majority of these mechanisms require morphogen gradients as the spatial cue, which are either predefined or generated as a part of the patterning process. However, using Escherichia coli programmed by a synthetic gene circuit, we demonstrate here the generation of robust, self‐organized ring patterns of gene expression in the absence of an apparent morphogen gradient. Instead of being a spatial cue, the morphogen serves as a timing cue to trigger the formation and maintenance of the ring patterns. The timing mechanism enables the system to sense the domain size of the environment and generate patterns that scale accordingly. Our work defines a novel mechanism of pattern formation that has implications for understanding natural developmental processes.  相似文献   

Summary An easy and sensitive method is reported here for testing the similarities of individual patterns by photographically transforming maps of these patterns to given, deductively chosen conventions involving constant distances between selected reference points. A cumulative map is produced by loading all landmarks from a set of individual maps on to one sheet of paper. The use of various a priori conventions results in variable cumulative maps, which are then optically transformed on an analog digital converter, with additional input for optical picture processing. The densitometrical maps thus obtained may be compared as to the cumulative degree of areas of maximal and minimal density of landmarks. The best conventions are those that yield the map with the most contrast.Maps of spatial patterns of the sites of contractile vacuole pore (CVP) primordia in an early stage of divisional morphogenesis of the ciliateChilodonella steini were compared after four different transformations and adjustments of the same set of individual maps. The best focusing of the sites of CVP differentiation was achieved by use of the postoral axis, defined by the center of the oral apparatus and the posterior end of the cell as the scaling parameter. The composite domain map obtained by optical transformation of this cumulative map could distinguish the specific CVP territories observed in earlier work (Kaczanowska 1981). These results confirm earlier findings that indicated the site of the oral apparatus is an important reference point in CVP primordia positioning. They also strongly suggest the existence of an overriding scaling factor governing the positioning of sites of differentiation in both dimensions of the developmental field. The method of superposition and scaling of pattern maps is generally applicable to situations in which pattern elements appear at discrete points on a flat surface.  相似文献   

We present a simplified version of a previously presented model (Camazine et al. (1990)) that generates the characteristic pattern of honey, pollen and brood which develops on combs in honey bee colonies. We demonstrate that the formation of a band of pollen surrounding the brood area is dependent on the assumed form of the honey and pollen removal terms, and that a significant pollen band arises as the parameter controlling the rate of pollen input passes through a bifurcation value. The persistence of the pollen band after a temporary increase in pollen input can be predicted from the model. We also determine conditions on the parameters which ensure the accumulation of honey in the periphery and demonstrate that, although there is an important qualitative difference between the simplified and complete models, an analysis of the simplified version helps us understand many biological aspects of the more complex complete model. Corresponding author  相似文献   

Among the main learning methods reviewed in this study and used in synthetic biology and metabolic engineering are supervised learning, reinforcement and active learning, and in vitro or in vivo learning.In the context of biosynthesis, supervised machine learning is being exploited to predict biological sequence activities, predict structures and engineer sequences, and optimize culture conditions.Active and reinforcement learning methods use training sets acquired through an iterative process generally involving experimental measurements. They are applied to design, engineer, and optimize metabolic pathways and bioprocesses.The nascent but promising developments with in vitro and in vivo learning comprise molecular circuits performing simple tasks such as pattern recognition and classification.  相似文献   

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