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Rhabdias kuzmini n. sp., a parasite of the lungs of Bufo occidentalis, is described and illustrated. This Mexican taxon differs from the related species in the genus by the possession of 4 lips (2 subdorsal and 2 subventral) and 2 lateral pseudolabia, corpus not inflated, a larger barrel-shaped buccal capsule, equatorial vulva, and the presence of a slightly swollen cuticle in the anterior and posterior ends of the body. This is the 16th species described in the Neotropical Realm and the first species of Rhabdias described from endemic anurans in México.  相似文献   

About 20 valid species of the genus Rhabdias are known in the Neotropical region. The present study aimed to describe two new species of Rhabdias parasitizing the lungs of Leptodactylus macrosternum and Leptodactylus podicipinus from Brazil. Distinctive characteristics between these species are numerous and based on body size, size of the buccal capsule, shape and size of the oesophagus, and position of the vulva. Molecular data based on ribosomal genes 28S and ITS region and mitochondrial COI of the two species are presented. Molecular analysis and comparison of the partial mitochondrial COI sequence of Rhabdias matogrossensis n. sp. and Rhabdias guaianensis n. sp. revealed a genetic divergence between these new species and the sequences of Rhabdias spp. previously deposited in GenBank. In the phylogenetic analysis, R. matogrossensis n. sp. was grouped with R. breviensis species complex, and R. guaianensis n. sp. was grouped as a sister group of R. cf. stenochepala. This study contributes to improving the diversity of known species of Rhabdias described in Brazilian anurans.  相似文献   

Oswaldocruzia costaricensis n. sp. (Strongylida: Molineidae) from the intestines and Rhabdias savagei n. sp. (Rhabditida: Rhabdiasidae) from the lungs of Rana cf. forreri (Anura: Ranidae) are described and illustrated. Oswaldocruzia costaricensis represents the 77th species assigned to the genus and differs from the other Neotropical species in the genus by possessing a Type II bursa and long cervical alae. Rhabdias savagei represents the 47th species assigned to the genus and differs from other Neotropical species in the genus by possession of 4 lips and a postequatorial vulva. Rana cf. forreri was also found to harbor the trematodes, Haematoloechus parcivitellarius and Megalodiscus temperatus, the nematodes, Aplectana incerta, Aplectana itzocanensis, Cosmocerca podicipinus, Foleyellides striatus, Subulascaris falcaustriformis, and a larva of the nematode Brevimulticaecum sp. Cosmocerca panamaensis is considered to be a synonym of Cosmocerca podicipinus.  相似文献   

Rhabdias collaris n. sp. (Rhabditoidea: Rhabdiasidae) is described from Leptopelis vermiculatus (Boulenger, 1909) (Hyperoliidae: Leptopelinae) (type host) and Hyperolius sp. (Hyperoliinae) of Amani, Tanzania. This species differs from all others in the genus in possessing a cephalic end which is markedly thickened by four peripheral muscle bundles. The muscular mass extends anteriorly forming a concave depression at the base of which the mouth is located.  相似文献   

Rhabdias singaporensis n. sp. (Rhabditida: Rhabdiasidae) from the lungs of Calotes versicolor (Squamata: Agamidae) from Singapore is described and illustrated. Rhabdias singaporensis n. sp. represents the 77th species assigned to the genus, the eighth of the Asian region, and the second from Singapore. The distinguishing characteristic of the new species is the location of the excretory pore. In all species of Rhabdias for which excretory pore location data are available, the excretory pore is situated just posterior to the level of the nerve ring; in R. singaporensis , it lies near the esophageointestinal junction.  相似文献   

Two new Rhabdias species are described from the lungs of the cane toad Bufo marinus (L.) from Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Rhabdias alabialis n. sp. differs from other known species of the genus by the remarkable morphology of its head end, i.e., the absence of lips or pseudolabia, the slitlike oral opening, and the triangular shape of the buccal capsule in apical view. Rhabdias pseudosphaerocephala n. sp. is identified as a form previously known in Central and South America as Rhabdias sphaerocephala Goodey, 1924, a species initially described from toads in Europe. The new species is differentiated from R. sphaerocephala based on head-end morphology and sequences of nuclear rDNA.  相似文献   

Rhabdias odilebaini n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens found in the lungs of 2 species of agamid lizards: the Philippine flying lizard Draco spilopterus and the marbled bloodsucker Bronchocela marmorata . Specimens were collected in Aurora Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. The new species of Rhabdias is characterized by presence of 4 submedian lips, inconspicuous lateral lips, rounded cross-shaped oral opening, and tail end bent dorsally. This species is morphologically distinct from other Rhabdias spp. that parasitize reptilian and amphibian hosts, including 3 other species known to parasitize lizards of the Agamidae.  相似文献   

The genus Rhabdias Stiles & Hassall, 1905 comprises lung parasites of amphibians and reptiles worldwide. In Japan, 9 species have been recorded, including Rhabdias incerta Wilkie, 1930 which has been reported only in Bufo species. In this study, to assess the diversity of R. incerta, we performed molecular analyses of Rhabdias species sampled from three species/subspecies of Japanese toads namely Bufo japonicus, B. japonicus formosus, and B. torrenticola, collected in various regions of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, Japan. DNA sequence divergence was compared using mtDNA (COI) and nuclear DNA (28S) to identify possible cryptic species. Morphological analysis was performed through light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results revealed that Bufo spp. serve as hosts for at least three Rhabdias species. Morphologically, most samples were identified as R. incerta but with a longer body and larger buccal cavity than originally described. Rhabdias incerta appears to be specific to the genus Bufo and is further subdivided into two or three phylogroups based on subspecies divisions and biogeography of their host. Some Rhabdias specimens collected in this study resemble R. tokyoensis Wilkie, 1930, parasitic in hosts from the order Caudata, which suggests host switching. Both molecular and morphological analyses suggested the presence of undescribed and cryptic Rhabdias species within toads collected in Japan. This study was the first to molecularly characterize Rhabdias species in Japan, including novel sequences of R. incerta and two undescribed species.  相似文献   

Rhabdias nicaraguensis n. sp. (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae) from the lungs of Norops capito (Sauria: Polychrotidae) is described and illustrated. Rhabdias nicaraguensis n. sp. represents the 54th species assigned to the genus and the 12th from the Neotropical realm. Of the 12 Neotropical Rhabdias species, nicaraguensis is most similar to tobagoensis and vellardi. These 3 species have equatorial placement of the vulva, inflated cuticle, and 6 small circumoral lips. Rhabdias nicaraguensis is easily separated from R. tobagoensis by the shape of the buccal cavity and from R. vellardi by body size and shape of the tail. Rhabdias nicaraguensis differs from both species by host preference, the amount of inflated cuticle covering the body, and the phasmids situated posterior to the midpoint of the tail.  相似文献   

Lung-dwelling females of Rhabdias (Rhabdiasidae), and possible migrating ceolomic young females were searched for in 46 chameleons, belonging to seven species. Rhabdias chamaeleonis, the single species identified to date in Africa, was found in Chamaeleo (Trioceros) johnstoni and C. (T.) hoehnelii, and redescribed; the sizes of the buccal capsule and oesophagus were stable compared to the length of the female parasiles, which varied from 6 mm to 22 mm in length. A second species, R. jarki n. sp., was identified from one C. (T.) johnstoni; it differed from R. chamaeleonis in the shape of anterior region, the longer and slender oesophagus (ratio bulb diameter-body diameter at that level about 1/5 instead of 1/2), the arrangement of the head papillae, the shape of the buccal capsule, and the anatomy of the genital apparatus: one of the ovaries (the anterior or posterior one according to the specimen) had a band of small cells, among larger ovocytes of the synapsis zone, which were likely to generate the spermatozoa present in the oviducts, whereas these two elements were absent from R. chamaeleonis. The parasitic females of R. jarki thus appeared to be hermaphroditic, whereas those of R. chamaeleonis appeared to be parthenogenetic. The free living phase of these Rhabdias species was heterogonic. The infective larva of R. chamaeleonis was 360-590 microns long, unmolile and at third stage inside the maternal cuticle. The free-living male of R. jarki was described. The numerous infective larvae recovered from cultures of unidentified Rhabdias were all in maternal cuticle (one larva/female instead of two as in R. gemellipara from Calumma parsonii, from Madagascar) and two kinds of larvae were identified, R. chamaeleonis and larvae 700-900 microns long provisionally identified to R. jarki. The behaviour of infective larvae and a few successful infections of insects suggest that, in the field, insect transport hosts are involved in transmission and in preventing infective larvae from drying out.  相似文献   

Rhabdias anolis n. sp. from the lungs of Anolis frenatus collected in Panama is described and illustrated. Rhabdias anolis n. sp. represents the 45th species assigned to the genus and the ninth from the Notropical Realm. It is distinguished from all other Neotropical species by the presence of a pair of sessile lateral papillae on its tail.  相似文献   

Three new megophryid species, Leptolalax melanoleucus, L. fuliginosus, and L. solus, are described from southwestern and southern Thailand on the bases of acoustic and morphological characteristics. Leptolalax melanoleucus and L. fuliginosus are similar to L. pelodytoides from northern Thailand, but differ from it completely in advertisement call characteristics and ventral color. Leptolalax solus is similar to L. heteropus from peninsular Malaysia, but differs from it by advertisement call, as well as by some body proportions. The distributional pattern of Leptolalax within Thailand is discussed.  相似文献   

The new nematode species, Falcaustra hanzaki n. sp. and Urodelnema takanoensis n. sp. (Cosmocercoidea: Kathlaniidae), were found from the intestine of giant salamanders in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The first species is featured by the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (3 pairs of precloacal papillae, 8 pairs of postcloacal papillae and a single ventral precloacal papilla), the presence of a single pseudosucker, spicules equal in size (520–638 μm long), and V-shaped gubernaculum in males; vulva situated about 3/5 of a body in females. The second species is characterized by the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (5 pairs of precloacal papillae, 6 pairs of postcloacal papillae and a single ventral precloacal papilla), spicules equal in size (403–593 μm long), V-shaped gubernaculum in males; vulva situated about 3/5 of a body in females. The molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using the partial 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA and the internal transcribed spacers 1 region in the nuclear DNA. This phylogenetic study raised a question about the validity of Family Kathlaniidae and related families of Cosmocercoidea.  相似文献   

Polystoma dawiekoki n. sp. is described as a new species of the Polystomatidae parasitic in the urinary bladder of the plain grass frog Ptychadena anchietae. This parasite was collected at Mkuze town and Mkuze Game Reserve in northern Kwazulu-Natal Province, in the Kruger National Park in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, and at Bulwa in Tanga Province, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. It is distinguished from other African Polystoma species by a combination of characters, including the body size, size and shape of marginal hooklets and the haptor length to body length ratio. The presence of adult, as well as subadult, parasites in the same individuals, as is known for Eupolystoma, represents a significant evolutionary departure from the pattern of transmission typical of Polystoma in most of the other anuran hosts.  相似文献   

The genus Seuratascaris Sprent, 1985 is a group of obligate nematode parasites of amphibians. In the present study, a new species of Seuratascaris, S. physalis sp. n. was described using light and scanning electron microscopy based on specimens collected from Quasipaa exilispinosa (Liu & Hu) (Amphibia: Anura) in China. The new species differs from S. numidica (Seurat, 1917) by the cuticle of the cervical region distinctly inflated to form a cephalic vesicle-like structure and the absence of single medio-ventral precloacal papilla. The molecular characterization of the nuclear large ribosomal DNA (28S) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (cox2) and 12S small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of S. physalis sp. n., together with the 28S, cox2 and 12S of S. numidica are provided for the first time. Molecular analysis revealed the presence of high level of interspecific genetic variation between the two species in the ITS (5.50%), cox1 (13.3%), cox2 (10.6%) and 12S regions (10.5%), which strongly supported that S. physalis sp. n. represented a different species from S. numidica. Angusticaecum ranae Wang, Zhao & Chen, 1978 reported from the frog Quasipaa spinosa (David) (Anura: Dicroglossidae) in China was transferred into the genus Seuratascaris as S. ranae (Wang, Zhao & Chen, 1978) comb. n. based on the morphology of lips and the presence of very short and robust spicules without alae and small numbers of precloacal papillae. The present study provided useful genetic data for molecular identification of species of Seuratascaris and provides the foundation for being able to determine if S. numidica represents a species complex of some sibling species or a single species.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of small tree frog from northern Vietnam based on morphological differences and molecular divergence. Gracixalus waza sp. nov. is distinguishable from its congeners and other small rhacophorid species on the basis of a combination of the following characters: (1) size small (snout-vent length of males 27.1–32.9 mm, of females 37.6 mm); (2) head as wide as or wider than long; (3) vomerine teeth absent; (4) snout rounded and long (16–18 % of the snout-vent length); (5) spines on upper eyelid absent; (6) tibiotarsal projection absent; (7) dorsal skin smooth; (8) dermal fringes on forearm and tarsus absent; (9) dorsal surface of head and body greyish-green to moss-green with dark brown pattern forming an inverse Y marking; and (10) throat and chest with dark marbling. Our molecular data showed that the new species is nested in the same group with Gracixalus jinxiuensis sensu lato.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Serpentirhabdias mamlambo n. sp. is described from the lung of the herald snake, Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia (Laurenti) in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. The new...  相似文献   

An unknown species belonging to the genusCalcaridorylaimus Andrássy, 1986 was collected from the litter of broadleaf forests dominated by Castanea sativa Mill. and mixed with Quercus daleshampii Ten. and Fagus sylvatica L. on Belasitsa Mountain, south-western Bulgaria. Calcaridorylaimus castaneaesp. n. is characterised by its long body (1.4–2.1 mm), lip region practically not offset, vulva transverse, short odontostyle (14.5–16 μm) and tail (75.5–110.5 μm, c=14.7–23.6; c’=2.9–4.4) in females and 38–46 μm long spicules with small spur before their distant end in males. It is most similar to C. andrassyi Ahmad & Shaheen, 2004, but differs in having transverse vs pore-like vulva and shorter spicules (38–46 μm vs 52–57 μm). An identification key to the species of the genus Calcaridorylaimus is proposed. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on 18S and D2-D3 expansion domains of 28S rRNA genes by Neighbor-Joining, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference methods. The phylograms inferred from 18S sequences showed closest relationships of the new species with some species belonging to the genus Mesodorylaimus. However, insufficient molecular data for members of both genera do not allow the phylogenetic relationships of Calcaridorylaimus and the new species described herein to be elucidated.  相似文献   

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