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In dangerous situations, animals learn from experience to anticipate risks during similar subsequent occasions. Mist netting may represent just such a dangerous occasion and may serve as a tool to get insight into whether and how memorizing and recognition of the circumstances that form the prelude to a recapture can alter the animal's behaviour after capture, as well as it may affect the subsequent recapture rates. We used a playback lure to study the capture latency in willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus, both without any and with a previous capture experience (either in the same year or in a previous one). We found increased response latencies to the playback lure for experienced males, compared to naive males. Naive males responded faster in the presence of a mist net than without a mist net; while experienced males tended to increase their response latencies. Individuals with between‐year capture experience showed exactly the same response pattern as individuals with a capture experience within the same year. These findings suggest that the birds may recall the capture event even a year later. It is very likely that the playback lure, with or without the net's presence, contributed significantly to the apparent risk of detection. We believe our study reveals that long‐lasting modifications of behaviour induced by capture and handling deserve further attention, as they might have a serious impact on the value of behavioural and ecological data, which is either based upon observing captured individuals and/or upon the recapture rates.  相似文献   

Birds rely on precise navigational mechanisms, especially for long-distance migrations. One debated mechanism is their use of the geomagnetic field. It is unclear if and how different species of birds are using intensity or inclination (or both) for navigation. Previous geomagnetic modelling research is based on static geomagnetic data despite a temporally and spatially varying geomagnetic field. Animals supposedly have a high sensitivity to those changes of the geomagnetic field. In order to understand how birds respond in real-time to its temporal variation, we need to use accurate geomagnetic information linked to the position of the bird through co-location in space and time.We developed a data-driven approach to simulate geomagnetic migratory strategies, using, for the first time, accurate contemporaneous geomagnetic data obtained from Swarm satellites of the European Space Agency. We created biased correlated random walk models which were based on both GPS data from greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) during fall migration between north-west Russia and central Europe and contemporaneous satellite geomagnetic data. Different strategies of geomagnetic navigation associated with different geomagnetic values were translated into probability surfaces, built from geomagnetic data, and included into the random walk models. To evaluate which strategy was most likely, we compared the measured GPS trajectories to the simulated trajectories using different trajectory similarity measurements. We propose this as an approach to track many bird species for future comparative studies.We found that navigational strategies in these geese using magnetic intensity were closer to the observed data than those using inclination. This was the case in 80% of the best models and is an indication that it should be more beneficial for these geese to use intensity over inclination. Additionally, our results supported results from a previous study, that navigation based on taxis and compass mechanisms were more similar to the observed data than other mechanisms. We therefore suggest that these geese may use a combination of these strategies for navigation at a broad-scale. Overall, it seems likely that for successful navigation to the target location more than one mechanism is necessary; indicating a multifactorial navigation mechanism of these migratory geese in the study area. The satellite geomagnetic data are available at a higher temporal resolution and the use significantly improved the fit of the modelled simulations in comparison to the modelled geomagnetic data. Therefore, using annotated geomagnetic data could greatly improve the modelling of animal geomagnetic navigation in future research.  相似文献   

The Brownie tag‐recovery model is useful for estimating harvest rates but assumes all tagged individuals survive to the first hunting season; otherwise, mortality between time of tagging and the hunting season will cause the Brownie estimator to be negatively biased. Alternatively, fitting animals with radio transmitters can be used to accurately estimate harvest rate but may be more costly. We developed a joint model to estimate harvest and annual survival rates that combines known‐fate data from animals fitted with transmitters to estimate the probability of surviving the period from capture to the first hunting season, and data from reward‐tagged animals in a Brownie tag‐recovery model. We evaluated bias and precision of the joint estimator, and how to optimally allocate effort between animals fitted with radio transmitters and inexpensive ear tags or leg bands. Tagging‐to‐harvest survival rates from >20 individuals with radio transmitters combined with 50–100 reward tags resulted in an unbiased and precise estimator of harvest rates. In addition, the joint model can test whether transmitters affect an individual's probability of being harvested. We illustrate application of the model using data from wild turkey, Meleagris gallapavo, to estimate harvest rates, and data from white‐tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, to evaluate whether the presence of a visible radio transmitter is related to the probability of a deer being harvested. The joint known‐fate tag‐recovery model eliminates the requirement to capture and mark animals immediately prior to the hunting season to obtain accurate and precise estimates of harvest rate. In addition, the joint model can assess whether marking animals with radio transmitters affects the individual's probability of being harvested, caused by hunter selectivity or changes in a marked animal's behavior.  相似文献   


Stimuli and events that animals have to learn about in both their natural environments and in modern environments, such as our homes and farms, are often “multisensory,” i.e., they usually occur in more than one sensory modality. There are studies in humans and animals showing that stimuli that are multisensory are learned more quickly than stimuli presented in just a single sensory modality. My aim is to highlight how animals can combine information from several sensory modalities simultaneously, and show how using multisensory stimuli in training can enhance an animal's ability to learn new behaviors.  相似文献   

BackgroundA complete dataset is essential for biomedical implementation. Due to the limitation of objective or subjective factors, missing data often occurs, which exerts uncertainty in the subsequent data processing. Commonly used methods of interpolation are interpolating substitute values that keep minimum error. Some applications of statistics are usually used for handling this problem.MethodsWe are trying to find a higher performance interpolation method compared with the usual statistic methods, by using artificial intelligence which is in full swing today. The prediction and classification of backpropagation neural network are used in this paper, describes a missing data interpolation method to propose the interpolation model that mines association rules in the data. In the experiment, depending on a multi-layer network structure, the model is trained and tested by sample data, constantly revises network weights and thresholds. The error function decreases along the negative gradient direction and approaches the expected real output. The model is validated on the breast cancer dataset, and we select real samples from the data set for validation, moreover, add four traditional methods as a control group.ResultsThe proposed method has great performance improvement in the interpolation of missing data. Experimental results show that the interpolation accuracy of our proposed method (84%) is higher than four traditional methods (1.33%, 74.67%, 73.33%, 77.33%) as mentioned in this paper, BPNN stays low in MSE evaluation. Finally, we analyze the performance of various methods in processing missing data.ConclusionsThe study in this paper has estimated missing data with high accuracy as much as possible to reduce the negative impact in the diagnosis of real life. At the same time, it can also assist in missing data processing in the biomedical field.  相似文献   

Magnetoreception is the ability of organisms to perceive magnetic fields in the surrounding environment and changes in its properties such as field direction, intensity and gradient, where the effect on organisms can manifest as an array of reactions. As the magnetic sense is found in many taxa, both evolutionarily young and old, it can be assumed that magnetoreception came into existence as one of the first sensory systems. Many studies on the effect of magnetic fields on fishes have considered both fishes that migrate for long distances and those that are more or less sedentary. Research has focused on tracing the perception of the geomagnetic field by fishes and understanding magnetic fields that are smaller and larger than the ambient Earth's geomagnetic field. The question of the effect of magnetic fields of values higher than the Earth's is gaining importance with the increasing effect of anthropogenic magnetic and electromagnetic fields in aquatic ecosystems. This review draws together the results of studies on the effect and reception of natural and human-generated magnetic fields on fishes at various stages of ontogeny, chronologically arranged from gametes, through embryonic development, embryonic and larval motor function, directional reactions of embryos and larvae, orientation of fishes, to the mechanisms of magnetic field reception. The present state of knowledge indicates a common nature of effect on various ontogenetic stages of fishes. However, understanding of the mechanisms of magnetic sense in fishes and its relevance for ecological outcomes highlights that further progress requires more detailed research.  相似文献   

Animal personality research has become increasingly popular over the past few decades. The two main methods used to examine individual differences in animals are rating and coding. The rating method involves human scoring of an animal's behavioral tendencies along various behavioral dimensions, such ratings are typically based on the human rater's experience with the animal. The coding method also requires humans to score an animal's behavior, but differs in that the scoring is based on the animal's immediate behavior in a specific context. This brief report describes the use of both the rating and coding methods to examine personality within a group of 10 Garnett's bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii). The results indicated that individual personalities do exist in bushbabies, but also suggested that the rating method is heavily influenced by the rater's experience with an animal. Consequently, it is important that the nature of the rater's interactions with the target animals be considered when using the rating method to assess animal personality. Zoo Biol 29:509–516, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The reliable estimation of animal location, and its associated error is fundamental to animal ecology. There are many existing techniques for handling location error, but these are often ad hoc or are used in isolation from each other. In this study we present a Bayesian framework for determining location that uses all the data available, is flexible to all tagging techniques, and provides location estimates with built-in measures of uncertainty. Bayesian methods allow the contributions of multiple data sources to be decomposed into manageable components. We illustrate with two examples for two different location methods: satellite tracking and light level geo-location. We show that many of the problems with uncertainty involved are reduced and quantified by our approach. This approach can use any available information, such as existing knowledge of the animal''s potential range, light levels or direct location estimates, auxiliary data, and movement models. The approach provides a substantial contribution to the handling uncertainty in archival tag and satellite tracking data using readily available tools.  相似文献   

In the face of climate change there is an urgent need to understand how animal performance is affected by environmental conditions. Biophysical models that use principles of heat and mass transfer can be used to explore how an animal's morphology, physiology, and behavior interact with its environment in terms of energy, mass and water balances to affect fitness and performance. We used Niche Mapper™ (NM) to build a vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) biophysical model and tested the model's ability to predict core body temperature (Tb) variation and thermal stress against Tb and behavioral data collected from wild vervets in South Africa. The mean observed Tb in both males and females was within 0.5 °C of NM's predicted Tbs for 91% of hours over the five-year study period. This is the first time that NM's Tb predictions have been validated against field data from a wild endotherm. Overall, these results provide confidence that NM can accurately predict thermal stress and can be used to provide insight into the thermoregulatory consequences of morphological (e.g., body size, shape, fur depth), physiological (e.g. Tb plasticity) and behavioral (e.g., huddling, resting, shade seeking) adaptations. Such an approach allows users to test hypotheses about how animals adapt to thermoregulatory challenges and make informed predictions about potential responses to environmental change such as climate change or habitat conversion. Importantly, NM's animal submodel is a general model that can be adapted to other species, requiring only basic information on an animal's morphology, physiology and behavior.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of lifelong exposure to reversed geomagnetic and zero geomagnetic fields (the latter means absence of geomagnetic field) on the life history of Daphnia carinata King from Australia and Daphnia magna Straus from Europe. Considerable deviation in the geomagnetic field from the usual strength, leads to a decrease in daphnia size and life span. Reduced brood sizes and increased body length of neonates are observed in D. magna exposed to unusual magnetic background. The most apparent effects are induced by zero geomagnetic field in both species of Daphnia. A delay in the first reproduction in zero geomagnetic field is observed only in D. magna. No adaptive maternal effects to reversed geomagnetic field are found in a line of D. magna maintained in these magnetic conditions for eight generations. Integrally, the responses of D. magna to unusual geomagnetic conditions are more extensive than that in D. carinata. We suggest that the mechanism of the effects of geomagnetic field reversal on Daphnia may be related to differences in the pattern of distribution of the particles that have a magnetic moment, or to moving charged organic molecules owing to a change in combined outcome and orientation of the geomagnetic field and Earth's gravitational field. The possibility of modulation of self-oscillating processes with changes in geomagnetic field is also discussed.  相似文献   


The dolphin continues to capture the imagination of investigators because of its ability to echolocate. Echolocation is essentially a special extension and adaptation of the dolphin's hearing system, coupled with the animal's ability to generate special sounds. Humans have demonstrated the ability to judge room size based on reverberation from a voice, and some of the visually challenged use self-generated sounds to detect large reflective objects. Echolocation represents a highly refined acoustic ability on a broad acoustic sensory continuum. Research on the auditory and echolocation performance of cetaceans has moved forward slowly due to limited animal resources and the general high cost of maintaining these animals in a laboratory environment.

This paper reviews some of the more relevant psychoacoustic data on cetaceans, and concentrates on the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus. The information presented is not at all exhaustive. Early work with dolphins focused mainly on the animal's ability to use its echolocation system. Once echolocation capability was demonstrated using a blindfolded dolphin, the quest to understand dolphin sonar moved from qualifying the dolphin's echolocation skill to quantifying its basic capabilities.

Psychophysics, and more precisely psychoacoustics, provides the tools to study dolphin echolocation. The procedures, theories and even the apparatuses from the traditional psychoacoustics laboratory are adapted to the dolphin experimental setting to measure and analyze the sensory phenomenon of dolphin echolocation. Basic auditory phenomena such as the audiogram, the effects of masking, critical ratio and critical band, and interaural time and intensity discrimination capabilities have been explored in the dolphin. Additionally, special experiments investigating the psychoacoustics of the echolocation system in particular have been conducted.  相似文献   

Harmothoë imbricata is able to locate sources of vibration in the water and this response is an important part of the animal's prey‐capture mechanism. Animals having either palps, tentacular cirri, dorsal cirri or ventral cirri intact are able to locate a source of vibrations successfully. If none of these types of sensory appendage remain intact then the animals are unresponsive until regeneration of the appendages has occurred. The structure of the sensory appendages and the types of sensory endings which they carry have been described. After an object has been located there is a period of contact exploration by the animal's palps. The palps provide the animal with chemical information as to whether the object is suitable as prey and also about its exact position relative to the animal. Attack involves the rapid eversion of the proboscis which has four terminal jaws. The vibration source location response disappears after an animal has fed to satiation.  相似文献   

While breeding indexes exist globally to identify candidate parents of the next generation, fewer tools exist that provide guidance on the expected monetary value of young animals. The objective of the present study was therefore to develop the framework for a cattle decision-support tool which incorporates both the genetic and non-genetic information of an animal and, in doing so, better predict the potential market value of an animal, whatever the age. Two novel monetary indexes were constructed and their predictive ability of carcass value was compared to that of the Irish national Terminal breeding index, typical of other terminal indexes used globally. A constructed Harvest index was composed of three carcass-related traits [i.e., 1) carcass weight, 2) carcass conformation and 3) carcass fat, each weighted by their respective economic value] and aimed at purchasers of animals close to harvest; the second index, termed the Calf index, also included docility and feed intake (weighted by their respective economic value), thus targeting purchasers of younger calves for growing (and eventually harvesting). Genetic and non-genetic fixed and random effect model solutions from the Irish national genetic evaluations underpinned all indexes. The two novel indexes were formulated using three alternative estimates of an animal's total merit for comparative purposes: 1) an index based solely on the animal's breed solutions, 2) an index which also included within-breed animal differences, and 3) an index which, as well as considering additive and non-additive genetic effects, also included non-genetic effects (referred to as production values [PVs]). As more information (i.e., within breed effects and subsequently non-genetic effects) was included in the total merit estimate, the correlations strengthened between the two proposed indexes and the animal's calculated carcass market value; the correlation coefficients almost doubled in strength when total merit was based on PV-based estimates as compared to the breed solutions alone. Including phenotypic live-weight data, collected during the animal's life, strengthened the predictive ability of the indexes further. Based on the results presented, the proposed indexes may fill the void in decision support when purchasing or selling cattle. In addition, given the dynamic nature of indexes, they have the potential to be updated in real-time as information becomes available.  相似文献   

Species of migrating insects use magnetic fields as a navigational tool that is independent of current weather conditions and non-migrating species have been shown to discriminate anomalies in magnetic field from the earth's baseline. Honey bee discrimination of magnetic field has been studied in the context of associative learning, physiology, and whole hive responses. This article uses a combination of free-flight and laboratory studies to determine how small fluctuations from Earth's magnetic field affect honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) decision-making. Honey bees were tested in three experiments: (i) recruitment to an aqueous sucrose feeder, (ii) an artificial free-flight flower patch with floral color-dependent magnetic field strength, and (iii) a Y-maze with alternating colors on a stronger magnetic field. In free-flying feeder experiments, magnetic field served as a temporary cue, but when offered an equal caloric alternative with lesser magnetic field, the latter was preferred. Flower patch experiments showed initial color biases that were abandoned as a response to magnetic field induction. In laboratory experiments, bees showed a color-dependent behavioral response to the magnetic field. The results of this study indicate that bees may use small fluctuations in magnetic fields as a cue but that it is likely low-value as compared with other stimuli. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:458–470. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   


This experimental study examines how framing an animal species as endangered affects its perceived attractiveness and how an animal's perceived attractiveness affects support for its conservation. Undergraduate students were shown a flyer from a fictitious environmental organization pleading for the protection of either a bat or an ape. The flyer contained either no picture, a picture of an attractive member of its species, or a picture of an unattractive member of its species. For both species, an animal's attractiveness substantially increased support for its protection. There was also more support for saving the species that was larger in size and more resembled humans. In a second experiment, participants rated an unattractive animal as more attractive if it was framed as endangered. There was no such effect for an animal originally perceived as attractive. The implications of the results for environmental policy and conservation support are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term behavioral tracking can capture and quantify natural animal behaviors, including those occurring infrequently. Behaviors such as exploration and social interactions can be best studied by observing unrestrained, freely behaving animals. Weakly electric fish (WEF) display readily observable exploratory and social behaviors by emitting electric organ discharge (EOD). Here, we describe three effective techniques to synchronously measure the EOD, body position, and posture of a free-swimming WEF for an extended period of time. First, we describe the construction of an experimental tank inside of an isolation chamber designed to block external sources of sensory stimuli such as light, sound, and vibration. The aquarium was partitioned to accommodate four test specimens, and automated gates remotely control the animals'' access to the central arena. Second, we describe a precise and reliable real-time EOD timing measurement method from freely swimming WEF. Signal distortions caused by the animal''s body movements are corrected by spatial averaging and temporal processing stages. Third, we describe an underwater near-infrared imaging setup to observe unperturbed nocturnal animal behaviors. Infrared light pulses were used to synchronize the timing between the video and the physiological signal over a long recording duration. Our automated tracking software measures the animal''s body position and posture reliably in an aquatic scene. In combination, these techniques enable long term observation of spontaneous behavior of freely swimming weakly electric fish in a reliable and precise manner. We believe our method can be similarly applied to the study of other aquatic animals by relating their physiological signals with exploratory or social behaviors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fixed-kernel density estimates using radiotelemetry locations are frequently used to quantify home ranges of animals, interactions, and resource selection. However, all telemetry data have location error and no studies have reported the effects of error on utilization distribution and area estimates using fixed-kernel density estimators. We simulated different home range sizes and shapes by mixing bivariate-normal distributions and then drawing random samples of various sizes from these distributions. We compared fixed-kernel density estimates with and without error to the true underlying distributions. The effects of telemetry error on fixed-kernel density estimates were related to sample size, distribution complexity, and ratio of median Circular Error Probable to home range size. We suggest a metric to assess the adequacy of the telemetry system being used to estimate an animal's space use before a study is undertaken. Telemetry location error is unlikely to significantly affect fixed-kernel density estimates for most wildlife telemetry studies with adequate sample sizes.  相似文献   

Modern animal movement modelling derives from two traditions. Lagrangian models, based on random walk behaviour, are useful for multi-step trajectories of single animals. Continuous Eulerian models describe expected behaviour, averaged over stochastic realizations, and are usefully applied to ensembles of individuals. We illustrate three modern research arenas. (i) Models of home-range formation describe the process of an animal ‘settling down’, accomplished by including one or more focal points that attract the animal''s movements. (ii) Memory-based models are used to predict how accumulated experience translates into biased movement choices, employing reinforced random walk behaviour, with previous visitation increasing or decreasing the probability of repetition. (iii) Lévy movement involves a step-length distribution that is over-dispersed, relative to standard probability distributions, and adaptive in exploring new environments or searching for rare targets. Each of these modelling arenas implies more detail in the movement pattern than general models of movement can accommodate, but realistic empiric evaluation of their predictions requires dense locational data, both in time and space, only available with modern GPS telemetry.  相似文献   

The phenological state of vegetation significantly affects exchanges of heat, mass, and momentum between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere. Although current patterns can be estimated from satellites, we lack the ability to predict future trends in response to climate change. We searched the literature for a common set of variables that might be combined into an index to quantify the greenness of vegetation throughout the year. We selected as variables: daylength (photoperiod), evaporative demand (vapor pressure deficit), and suboptimal (minimum) temperatures. For each variable we set threshold limits, within which the relative phenological performance of the vegetation was assumed to vary from inactive (0) to unconstrained (1). A combined Growing Season Index (GSI) was derived as the product of the three indices. Ten‐day mean GSI values for nine widely dispersed ecosystems showed good agreement (r>0.8) with the satellite‐derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). We also tested the model at a temperate deciduous forest by comparing model estimates with average field observations of leaf flush and leaf coloration. The mean absolute error of predictions at this site was 3 days for average leaf flush dates and 2 days for leaf coloration dates. Finally, we used this model to produce a global map that distinguishes major differences in regional phenological controls. The model appears sufficiently robust to reconstruct historical variation as well as to forecast future phenological responses to changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The heart rate in rats exposed to a constant magnetic field 30 min a day for 14 successive days was examined. The animals were fixed between the poles of an electromagnet producing a DC field vertically oriented in the region of the animal's head and spine. The electrocardiogram of each animal was taken during the exposure and during the next 60 min. The heart rate was calculated every 3 min. It was found that a DC magnetic field of relatively high intensity (0.7 T) significantly increased the heart beat in the experimental animals compared to controls.  相似文献   

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