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The larva and pupa of Notonesius aucklandicus Kuschel, living in saturated peat soil on the Auckland Islands, some 500 km south of New Zealand, are described and figured. The ‘rat-tail’ type of aquatic adaptation in the larva appears to be unique among Coleoptera, although an evolutionary progression towards it can be traced among Indian weevils.  相似文献   

Gregory L. Forth 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):232-248
In this article the author attempts to show the rationale behind the ideology of the Fijian political movement called Taukei, i.e. “owners of the land”. The fundamentalist current within the Fijian political scene in later years has made powerful use of indigenous concepts related to the land (vanua). In contrast to other ethnic groups in the country Fijians consider themselves to be upholders of indisputable moral principles also embraced by the concept vanua. On the one hand their preoccupation with everything that vanua stands for makes Fijians easy prey to political manipulation. On the other hand, the moral standards represented by vanua give them a sense of identity in a situation of rapid social and political change.  相似文献   



The type of scalding injury known as ‘teapot syndrome’, where hot liquid is grabbed by the child with the aim of ingestion and falls over a child causing burns on the face, upper thorax and arms, is known to cause peri-oral and facial oedema. Thermal epiglottitis following scalds to face, neck and thorax is rare and can occur even in absence of ingestion of a damaging agent or intraoral burns, Awareness of the possibility of thermal epiglottitis, also in scald burns, is imperative to ensure prompt airway protection.

Case presentation

We report the case of a child with thermal epiglottitis after a scalding burn from boiling milk resulting in mixed deep burns of the face, neck and chest, but no history of ingestion. Upon presentation there was a progressive stridor and signs of respiratory distress requiring intubation. Laryngoscopy revealed epiglottis oedema, confirming the diagnosis of thermal epiglottitis. Final extubation took place 5 days after initial burn.


Thermal epiglottitis following scalds to face, neck and thorax is rare and can occur even in absence of ingestion and intra-oral damage. Burns to the peri-oral area should raise suspicion of additional damage to oral cavity and supraglottic structures, even in absence of intra-oral injury or initial respiratory distress. Awareness of the occurrence of thermal epiglottitis in absence of intra-oral injury is important to diagnose impending upper airway obstruction requiring intubation.

A young male presented with incessant narrow QRS tachycardia and left ventricular dysfunction. 24-Holter monitoring revealed multiple episodes of sustained and nonsustained episodes of tachycardia with prolonged sinus pauses at termination. The analysis of the electrocardiogram, followed by an invasive electrophysiological study, suggested an unusual mechanism for this tachy-brady syndrome.  相似文献   



Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (known also as Masson’s tumor) is a benign vascular lesion that commonly occurs in the skin and is rarely found in solid organs, especially in the kidney. In what follows, we will look into the first case of an unexpectedly diagnosed Masson’s tumor of the kidney presenting as a suspicious renal cyst.

Case presentation

A 61-year-old Arab man presented with a left renal cyst, incidentally revealed by ultrasonography. The laboratory values were unremarkable. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a 38 mm left renal midportion Bosniak IV cyst. Our patient underwent a radical nephrectomy. Histopathology revealed the diagnosis of intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia. There was no recurrence detected after 9 years of follow-up.


Renal intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia is a rare benign tumor which can mimic a suspicious renal mass on radiological findings. Thus, this entity should be considered more often in the thick of the diagnostic possibilities in order to avoid unnecessary nephrectomies.

The objective of this study was to show which species of flies are responsible for human myiasis in the Brazilian state of Goiás and to determine the frequency of cases. Patients at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) were examined, and any fly larvae found in their wounds were collected for taxonomic identification. First instar larvae were observed using light microscopy; second and third instars were examined using stereoscopy. The following screwworm flies were observed, in decreasing order of prevalence: Cochliomyia hominivorax, Sarcodexia lambens, Dermatobia hominis, Chrysomya albiceps, Chrysomya megacephala, Lucilia cuprina, and Eristalis tenax. Myiasis was most frequent in the legs in adults, male patients, elderly people, and people of reproductive age. It was lowest in children, females, and patients with neurologic or psychiatric disorders. Frequency was high in patients living in low socioeconomic conditions with poor personal hygiene. Education and sanitation measures are needed to counteract this situation.  相似文献   

A modified type of kinocilia has been found in the Aulophora-Iarva of the sedentarian polychaete Lanice conchilega. For this newly described cilium type the term "discocilium" is proposed. The only structural difference from usual locomotory cilia is the tip, which possesses a discoidal head. The head is formed from the terminal part of the cilium shaft, which is bent to give rise to a loop-like ring covered by the ciliary membrane. Three types of discocilia can be distinguished: a) discocilia having swollen, bulblike heads with a central straight axoneme; b) discocilia having heads with a curved lateral axoneme and c) discocilia in which the axoneme forms a loop. The internal structure shows the usual 9 + 2 arrangement of the filaments. The head shows no sign of secretion; it appears structureless in electron microscopical examination. There are two kinds of discocilia arrangements: 1) isolated bunches of cilia especially at the tentacles and in the frontal region, and 2) segmental dorsal rows of cilia. The possible formation of discocilia is described.  相似文献   

Human skeletal remains of the first Americans are scarce, especially in North America. In South America the situation is less dramatic. Two important archaeological regions have generated important collections that allow the analysis of the cranial morphological variation of the Early Americans: Lagoa Santa, Brazil, and Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia. Human crania from the former region have been studied by one of us (WAN) and collaborators, showing that the cranial morphology of the first South Americans was very different from that prevailing today in East Asia and among Native Americans. These results have allowed for proposing that the New World may have been colonized by two different biological populations in the final Pleistocene/early Holocene. In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and with modern Australo-Melanesians. Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought.  相似文献   

Coenzyme A (CoA) is the predominant acyl carrier in mammalian cells and a cofactor that plays a key role in energy and lipid metabolism. CoA and its thioesters (acyl-CoAs) regulate a multitude of metabolic processes at different levels: as substrates, allosteric modulators, and via post-translational modification of histones and other non-histone proteins. Evidence is emerging that synthesis and degradation of CoA are regulated in a manner that enables metabolic flexibility in different subcellular compartments. Degradation of CoA occurs through distinct intra- and extracellular pathways that rely on the activity of specific hydrolases. The pantetheinase enzymes specifically hydrolyze pantetheine to cysteamine and pantothenate, the last step in the extracellular degradation pathway for CoA. This reaction releases pantothenate in the bloodstream, making this CoA precursor available for cellular uptake and de novo CoA synthesis. Intracellular degradation of CoA depends on specific mitochondrial and peroxisomal Nudix hydrolases. These enzymes are also active against a subset of acyl-CoAs and play a key role in the regulation of subcellular (acyl-)CoA pools and CoA-dependent metabolic reactions. The evidence currently available indicates that the extracellular and intracellular (acyl-)CoA degradation pathways are regulated in a coordinated and opposite manner by the nutritional state and maximize the changes in the total intracellular CoA levels that support the metabolic switch between fed and fasted states in organs like the liver.The objective of this review is to update the contribution of these pathways to the regulation of metabolism, physiology and pathology and to highlight the many questions that remain open.  相似文献   

An ethical analysis was performed during the development of a research project titled "Culture, nourishment and malaria in the Kuna aboriginals of Urabá, Colombia." This project had 2 objectives; (1) to investigate the prevalence of malaria and its relationship with hypovitaminosis A and nutritional status, and (2) to understand the community's conceptions and practices towards malaria. The current paper summarizes reflections concerning the application of ethical principles and moral values during the course of the malaria research project. Two intercultural relationships were clearly defined: the culture of the Tule (Kuna) Indians, with a traditional medical system, and the culture of the research group, focused on the biomedical model. The rationale and the discussion proposed during the writing of the project proposal was presented as well as the dilemmas that developed during the project within the communities. These problems required rapid decision-making in situations for which the scientists had not been adequately prepared. A need was indicated for application of ethical principles to permeate the analysis throughout the research process in a horizontal manner, such that the human dignity of the participants and the ethnicity of the community are preserved above the purposes of the project. In the research process, mediation between the ethics of conviction and the ethics of consequences must take precedence, with both outcomes tied to an informed consent in place during the process. The establishment of national and local research ethics committees was indicated as necessary to preserve the lifestyle and culture of the ethnic groups. These values were seen as endangered given the trading pressures and health policies in a globalized world.  相似文献   

Basing his analysis on Kroeber's ‘The superorganic’ (1917 Kroeber, A. L. 1917. The superorganic.. American Anthropologist, 19: 163213. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and ‘Eighteen professions’ (1915 Kroeber, A. L. 1915. Eighteen professions.. American Anthropologist, 17: 28388. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Derek Freeman has put forward the notion of a ‘Boasian paradigm’, whereby Kroeber is alleged to have perpetuated the biology/culture split suggested by Boas. I argue, instead, that there is a strong innatist element in Kroeber's writings throughout his long career; and that the articles noted above need to be placed in the social and intellectual contexts of their time, particularly the encroachment of the eugenics movement on social theory and its application to immigration restriction.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of human interferon action that might be relevant to tumour resistance or escape mechanisms were investigated in a macrophage system. The effects of IFN on macrophage Fc gamma receptor expression were inhibited by three preparations: (1) a low-molecular-weight component of normal autologous serum; (2) a low-molecular-weight component of carcinoma supernatant; and (3) physiological concentrations of retinol and retinoic acid. Since human carcinoma tissue contains abnormally high levels of retinoic acid-binding protein, the possibility that a tumour-associated retinoid contributes to tumour-induced inhibition in vitro was investigated. Inhibition of IFN action in vitro by retinoic acid (vitamin A acid) was found to be reversed by beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A). When tested in the tumour system beta-carotene also reversed inhibition by the human-carcinoma-derived signal. These data are consistent with the view that at least one of the tumour-derived signals inhibitory towards IFN is a tumour-associated retinoid, although firm evidence for this must await further physicochemical characterization of the inhibitory signal(s). The present data clearly show, nevertheless, that human tumour-induced inhibition of IFN in vitro can be reversed by the pro-vitamin beta-carotene.  相似文献   

Summary Inhibitors of human interferon action that might be relevant to tumour resistance or escape mechanisms were investigated in a macrophage system. The effects of IFN on macrophage Fc receptor expression were inhibited by three preparations: (1) a low-molecular-weight component of normal autologous serum; (2) a low-molecular-weight component of carcinoma supernatant; and (3) physiological concentrations of retinol and retinoic acid. Since human carcinoma tissue contains abnormally high levels of retinoic acid-binding protein, the possibility that a tumour-associated retinoid contributes to tumour-induced inhibition in vitro was investigated. Inhibition of IFN action in vitro by retinoic acid (vitamin A acid) was found to be reversed by -carotene (pro-vitamin A). When tested in the tumour system -carotene also reversed inhibition by the human-carcinoma-derived signal. These data are consistent with the view that at least one of the tumour-derived signals inhibitory towards IFN is a tumour-associated retinoid, although firm evidence for this must await further physicochemical characterization of the inhibitory signal(s). The present data clearly show, nevertheless, that human tumour-induced inhibition of IFN in vitro can be reversed by the pro-vitamin -carotene.  相似文献   

Hemigrammus xaveriellus sp. nov. is described from the upper Río Vaupés basin (Amazon basin), Departamento Guaviare, Colombia. It is distinguished from all congeners by the combination of the following characters: presence of a conspicuous, dark, longitudinal midlateral stripe extending along the body; presence of a conspicuous rounded, horizontally elongated humeral blotch anterior to the beginning of the dark midlateral stripe; seven scale rows between the dorsal fin and lateral line (vs. five to six); and five scale rows between the lateral line and pelvic-fin insertion (vs. three to four). The single mature male of He. xaveriellus possessed a well-developed urogenital papilla, an unusual feature among characids. The presence of an enlarged urogenital papilla in the family is discussed, and comments regarding the putative relationships of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

A model system has been designed which generates ‘case’ of vaginal discharge. Each such case is presented to a human for diagnosis, and this is then compared with a computer diagnosis using two forms of Bayes' theorem. Six subjects (2 medical; 4 non-medical) participated in the trial and each examined 100 successive ‘cases’. When the human had forewarning of the trial and full access to the knowledge-base their performance was superior to that of Bayes' theorem using positive features only and equivalent to that using both positive and negative features. When the trial was repeated without forewarning the human performance was markedly inferior to that of the machine. It is concluded: (1) that human and computer-aided diagnosis can be of approximately equal efficiency for complex and non-definitive data; (2) that the imperfections of human memory give an obvious potential advantage to the machine in this type of situation.  相似文献   

T. Noda  Y. Hirose 《Oecologia》1989,81(2):145-148
Summary Patterns of the sex ratio allocation of Gryon japonicum (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a solitary egg parasitoid of Riptortus clavatus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Alydidae), were investigated in the laboratory, and the result was checked against the field data on the sex composition of the parasitoid. When five host eggs were presented simultaneously to each of the females of G. japonicum in a laboratory experiment, they had a strong tendency to lay a male egg in second host egg and female eggs in the others. However, when four host eggs were presented to each female more than 3 h after the completion of oviposition on a host egg, most of the females laid male eggs in the third oviposition, i.e. the second host eggs after the experimental interruption of oviposition. These results indicated that there was a mechanism for G. japonicum to produce a male egg in the second host egg in consecutive ovipositions, and that the mechanism was reset by more than 3 h intervals of oviposition. By this mechanism, G. japonicum is thought to produce the precise sex ratio in response to the size of a host egg batch. Field data on the size of a host egg batch and the sex composition of the parasitoid in a host egg batch supported this view.  相似文献   

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