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594 fish genomes have been sequenced in past two decades, this represents 1.85% of the total reported fish species (32,000). Despite this no study represents the trends and only some studies have delved into how the genome size (GS) of the genomes are shaped by species taxonomy. However, all these studies have used data obtained by traditional cytometric methods and also have largely disregarded other genome attributes namely GC, number of chromosomes (CR), number of genes (GE), and protein count (PC). The present study used the most current data on genome attributes of fishes as generated by the whole genome sequencing projects to understand the trends, effect of taxonomy on the genome attributes (GS, GC, CR, GE, and PC) and the interrelation of genome attributes. The trends states that maximum number of fish genomes were sequenced in year 2020, order Cichliformes represents the highest number of published genomes, Illumina is the most used technology for sequencing fish genomes, etc. Our analyses exhibit some concrete trends for fishes as a whole and indicated a strong selection for smaller genomes among all vertebrates and a strong effect of taxonomy on all genome attributes. It also provides clear insights that the fish GS is significantly different from birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and insects while the GC only varied from insects. An inverse relation was observed between the GS and GC, and a direct relation was observed between the GS and CR, GE and PC. The results also signify that the per MB value of all the genome attributes decline with increasing GS.  相似文献   

The genomes of birds are much smaller than mammalian genomes, and transposable elements (TEs) make up only 10% of the chicken genome, compared with the 45% of the human genome. To study the mechanisms that constrain the copy numbers of TEs, and as a consequence the genome size of birds, we analyzed the distributions of LINEs (CR1's) and SINEs (MIRs) on the chicken autosomes and Z chromosome. We show that (1) CR1 repeats are longest on the Z chromosome and their length is negatively correlated with the local GC content; (2) the decay of CR1 elements is highly biased, and the 5'-ends of the insertions are lost much faster than their 3'-ends; (3) the GC distribution of CR1 repeats shows a bimodal pattern with repeats enriched in both AT-rich and GC-rich regions of the genome, but the CR1 families show large differences in their GC distribution; and (4) the few MIRs in the chicken are most abundant in regions with intermediate GC content. Our results indicate that the primary mechanism that removes repeats from the chicken genome is ectopic exchange and that the low abundance of repeats in avian genomes is likely to be the consequence of their high recombination rates.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Genome size is known to affect various plant traits such as stomatal size, seed mass, and flower or shoot phenology. However, these associations are not well understood for species with very large genomes, which are laregly represented by geophytic plants. No detailed associations are known between DNA base composition and genome size or species ecology.


Genome sizes and GC contents were measured in 219 geophytes together with tentative morpho-anatomical and ecological traits.

Key Results

Increased genome size was associated with earliness of flowering and tendency to grow in humid conditions, and there was a positive correlation between an increase in stomatal size in species with extremely large genomes. Seed mass of geophytes was closely related to their ecology, but not to genomic parameters. Genomic DNA GC content showed a unimodal relationship with genome size but no relationship with species ecology.


Evolution of genome size in geophytes is closely related to their ecology and phenology and is also associated with remarkable changes in DNA base composition. Although geophytism together with producing larger cells appears to be an advantageous strategy for fast development of an organism in seasonal habitats, the drought sensitivity of large stomata may restrict the occurrence of geophytes with very large genomes to regions not subject to water stress.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites are a common component of genomes but vary greatly across species in their abundance. We tested the hypothesis that this variation is due in part to AT/GC content of genomes, with genomes biased toward either high AT or high CG generating more short random repeats that are long enough to enhance expansion through slippage during replication. To test this hypothesis, we identified repeats with perfect tandem iterations of 1-6 bp from 25 protists with complete or near-complete genome sequences. As expected, the density and the frequency are highly related to genome AT content, with excellent fits to quadratic regressions with minima near a 50% AT content and rising toward both extremes. Within species, the same trends hold, except the limited variation in AT content within each species places each mainly on the descending (GC rich), middle, or ascending (AT rich) part of the curve. The base usages of repeat motifs are also significantly correlated with genome nucleotide compositions: Percentages of AT-rich motifs rise with the increase of genome AT content but vice versa for GC-rich subgroups. Amino acid homopolymer repeats also show the expected quadratic relationship, with higher abundance in species with AT content biased in either direction. Our results show that genome nucleotide composition explains up to half of the variance in the abundance and motif constitution of SSRs.  相似文献   

Growing evidence shows that epigenetic mechanisms contribute to complex traits, with implications across many fields of biology. In plant ecology, recent studies have attempted to merge ecological experiments with epigenetic analyses to elucidate the contribution of epigenetics to plant phenotypes, stress responses, adaptation to habitat, and range distributions. While there has been some progress in revealing the role of epigenetics in ecological processes, studies with non‐model species have so far been limited to describing broad patterns based on anonymous markers of DNA methylation. In contrast, studies with model species have benefited from powerful genomic resources, which contribute to a more mechanistic understanding but have limited ecological realism. Understanding the significance of epigenetics for plant ecology requires increased transfer of knowledge and methods from model species research to genomes of evolutionarily divergent species, and examination of responses to complex natural environments at a more mechanistic level. This requires transforming genomics tools specifically for studying non‐model species, which is challenging given the large and often polyploid genomes of plants. Collaboration among molecular geneticists, ecologists and bioinformaticians promises to enhance our understanding of the mutual links between genome function and ecological processes.  相似文献   

Despite the major role of genome size for physiology, ecology, and evolution, there is still mixed evidence with regard to proximate and ultimate drivers. The main causes of large genome size are proliferation of noncoding elements and/or duplication events. The relative role and interplay between these proximate causes and the evolutionary patterns shaped by phylogeny, life history traits or environment are largely unknown for the arthropods. Genome size shows a tremendous variability in this group, and it has a major impact on a range of fitness‐related parameters such as growth, metabolism, life history traits, and for many species also body size. In this study, we compared genome size in two major arthropod groups, insects and crustaceans, and related this to phylogenetic patterns and parameters affecting ambient temperature (latitude, depth, or altitude), insect developmental mode, as well as crustacean body size and habitat, for species where data were available. For the insects, the genome size is clearly phylogeny‐dependent, reflecting primarily their life history and mode of development, while for crustaceans there was a weaker association between genome size and phylogeny, suggesting life cycle strategies and habitat as more important determinants. Maximum observed latitude and depth, and their combined effect, showed positive, and possibly phylogenetic independent, correlations with genome size for crustaceans. This study illustrate the striking difference in genome sizes both between and within these two major groups of arthropods, and that while living in the cold with low developmental rates may promote large genomes in marine crustaceans, there is a multitude of proximate and ultimate drivers of genome size.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolution pattern and phylogenetic utility of duplicate control regions (CRs) in mitochondrial (mt) genomes, we sequenced the entire mt genomes of three Ixodes species and part of the mt genomes of another 11 species. All the species from the Australasian lineage have duplicate CRs, whereas the other species have one CR. Sequence analyses indicate that the two CRs of the Australasian Ixodes ticks have evolved in concert in each species. In addition to the Australasian Ixodes ticks, species from seven other lineages of metazoa also have mt genomes with duplicate CRs. Accumulated mtDNA sequence data from these metazoans and two recent experiments on replication of mt genomes in human cell lines with duplicate CRs allowed us to re-examine four intriguing questions about the presence of duplicate CRs in the mt genomes of metazoa: (1) Why do some mt genomes, but not others, have duplicate CRs? (2) How did mt genomes with duplicate CRs evolve? (3) How could the nucleotide sequences of duplicate CRs remain identical or very similar over evolutionary time? (4) Are duplicate CRs phylogenetic markers? It appears that mt genomes with duplicate CRs have a selective advantage in replication over mt genomes with one CR. Tandem duplication followed by deletion of genes is the most plausible mechanism for the generation of mt genomes with duplicate CRs. Once duplicate CRs occur in an mt genome, they tend to evolve in concert, probably by gene conversion. However, there are lineages where gene conversion may not always occur, and, thus, the two CRs may evolve independently in these lineages. Duplicate CRs have much potential as phylogenetic markers at low taxonomic levels, such as within genera, within families, or among families, but not at high taxonomic levels, such as among orders.  相似文献   

Interspersed repeats have emerged as a valuable tool for studying neutral patterns of molecular evolution. Here we analyze variation in the rate and pattern of nucleotide substitution across all autosomes in the chicken genome by comparing the present-day CR1 repeat sequences with their ancestral copies and reconstructing nucleotide substitutions with a maximum likelihood model. The results shed light on the origin and evolution of large-scale heterogeneity in GC content found in the genomes of birds and mammals--the isochore structure. In contrast to mammals, where GC content is becoming homogenized, heterogeneity in GC content is being reinforced in the chicken genome. This is also supported by patterns of substitution inferred from alignments of introns in chicken, turkey, and quail. Analysis of individual substitution frequencies is consistent with the biased gene conversion (BGC) model of isochore evolution, and it is likely that patterns of evolution in the chicken genome closely resemble those in the ancestral amniote genome, when it is inferred that isochores originated. Microchromosomes and distal regions of macrochromosomes are found to have elevated substitution rates and a more GC-biased pattern of nucleotide substitution. This can largely be accounted for by a strong correlation between GC content and the rate and pattern of substitution. The results suggest that an interaction between increased mutability at CpG motifs and fixation biases due to BGC could explain increased levels of divergence in GC-rich regions.  相似文献   

The unique aquatic Pontocaspian (PC) biota of the Black Sea Basin (BSB) is in decline. The lack of detailed knowledge on the status and trends of species, populations, and communities hampers a thorough risk assessment and precludes effective conservation. This paper reviews PC biodiversity trends in the BSB (Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia) using endemic mollusks as a model group. We aim to assess changes in PC habitats, community structure, and species distribution over the past century and to identify direct anthropogenic threats. The presence/absence data of target mollusk species were assembled from literature, reports, and personal observations. Pontocaspian biodiversity trends in the northwestern BSB coastal regions were established by comparing 20th‐ and 21st‐century occurrences. The direct drivers of habitat and biodiversity change were identified and documented. We found that a pronounced decline of PC species and communities is driven by (a) damming of rivers, (b) habitat modifications that disturbed previous natural salinity gradients and settings in the studied area, (c) pollution and eutrophication, (d) invasive alien species, and (e) climate change. Four out of the 10 studied regions, namely, the Danube Delta–Razim Lake system, Dniester Liman, Dnieper–Bug estuary, and Taganrog Bay–Don Delta, contain favorable ecological conditions for PC communities and still host threatened endemic PC mollusk species. Distribution data are incomplete, but the scale of deterioration of PC species and communities is evident from the assembled data, as are major direct threats. Pontocaspian biodiversity in the BSB is profoundly affected by human activities. Standardized observation and collection data as well as precise definition of PC biota and habitats are necessary for targeted conservation actions. This study will help to set the research and policy agenda required to improve data collection to accommodate effective conservation of the unique PC biota.  相似文献   

A major goal of community ecology is to identify the patterns of species associations and the processes that shape them. Arboreal ants are extremely diverse and abundant, making them an interesting and valuable group for tackling this issue. Numerous studies have used observational data of species co‐occurrence patterns to infer underlying assembly processes, but the complexity of these communities has resulted in few solid conclusions. This study takes advantage of an observational dataset that is unusually well‐structured with respect to habitat attributes (tree species, tree sizes, and vegetation structure), to disentangle different factors influencing community organization. In particular, this study assesses the potential role of interspecific competition and habitat selection on the distribution patterns of an arboreal ant community by incorporating habitat attributes into the co‐occurrence analyses. These findings are then contrasted against species traits, to explore functional explanations for the identified community patterns. We ran a suite of null models, first accounting only for the species incidence in the community and later incorporating habitat attributes in the null models. We performed analyses with all the species in the community and then with only the most common species using both a matrix‐level approach and a pairwise‐level approach. The co‐occurrence patterns did not differ from randomness in the matrix‐level approach accounting for all ant species in the community. However, a segregated pattern was detected for the most common ant species. Moreover, with the pairwise approach, we found a significant number of negative and positive pairs of species associations. Most of the segregated associations appear to be explained by competitive interactions between species, not habitat affiliations. This was supported by comparisons of species traits for significantly associated pairs. These results suggest that competition is the most important influence on the distribution patterns of arboreal ants within the focal community. Habitat attributes, in contrast, showed no significant influence on the matrix‐wide results and affected only a few associations. In addition, the segregated pairs shared more biological characteristic in common than the aggregated and random ones.  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that habitat disturbance differentially influences distributions of habitat generalist and specialist species. While well-established for macroorganisms, this theory has rarely been explored for microorganisms. Here we tested these principles in permeable (sandy) sediments, ecosystems with much spatiotemporal variation in resource availability and physicochemical conditions. Microbial community composition and function were profiled in intertidal and subtidal sediments using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and metagenomics, yielding 135 metagenome-assembled genomes. Community composition and metabolic traits modestly varied with sediment depth and sampling date. Several taxa were highly abundant and prevalent in all samples, including within the orders Woeseiales and Flavobacteriales, and classified as habitat generalists; genome reconstructions indicate these taxa are highly metabolically flexible facultative anaerobes and adapt to resource variability by using different electron donors and acceptors. In contrast, obligately anaerobic taxa such as sulfate reducers and candidate lineage MBNT15 were less abundant overall and only thrived in more stable deeper sediments. We substantiated these findings by measuring three metabolic processes in these sediments; whereas the habitat generalist-associated processes of sulfide oxidation and fermentation occurred rapidly at all depths, the specialist-associated process of sulfate reduction was restricted to deeper sediments. A manipulative experiment also confirmed habitat generalists outcompete specialist taxa during simulated habitat disturbance. Together, these findings show metabolically flexible habitat generalists become dominant in highly dynamic environments, whereas metabolically constrained specialists are restricted to narrower niches. Thus, an ecological theory describing distribution patterns for macroorganisms likely extends to microorganisms. Such findings have broad ecological and biogeochemical ramifications.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Microbial communities  相似文献   

Avian genomes are of interest because the rapid metabolic rate associated with powered flight requires small cells which constrain genome size. Consequently, flying birds tend to have small genomes relative to other vertebrates such as mammals. It thus stands to reason that flying birds should have smaller genomes than ground-dwelling birds with lower metabolic rates. Small genomes could be condensed but uncompromised in a number of ways, including smaller intergenic intervals, shorter introns, and/or a reduced transposable element (TE) complement. We evaluated genome size in light of the orthologous TE complement among 41 flying (FY) and seven ground-dwelling (GD) bird species to determine if a preponderance of deletions in orthologous TEs might explain the compact genomes of flying birds with high metabolic rates. We measured, across multiple loci in all 48 species, the lengths of 50 contemporary orthologous chicken repeat 1 (CR1, a non-LTR retrotransposon) copies relative to inferred ancestral CR1 sequences. We found genome sizes in GD birds were not different than those in FY birds, but the mean lengths of orthologous CR1 loci were significantly shorter in FY birds than in GD birds. Moreover, we observed a negative correlation between basal metabolic rate and length of orthologous CR1 loci. Finally, we observed positive correlations between body mass and both genome sizes as well as length of orthologous CR1 loci, which we expected given that body mass correlates negatively with metabolic rates. Our results support the contention that metabolism helps shape the avian TE complement and thus indirectly contributes to the compact genomes of birds.  相似文献   

Ferns and lycophytes have remarkably large genomes. However, little is known about how their genome size evolved in fern lineages. To explore the origins and evolution of chromosome numbers and genome size in ferns, we used flow cytometry to measure the genomes of 240 species (255 samples) of extant ferns and lycophytes comprising 27 families and 72 genera, of which 228 species (242 samples) represent new reports. We analyzed correlations among genome size, spore size, chromosomal features, phylogeny, and habitat type preference within a phylogenetic framework. We also applied ANOVA and multinomial logistic regression analysis to preference of habitat type and genome size. Using the phylogeny, we conducted ancestral character reconstruction for habitat types and tested whether genome size changes simultaneously with shifts in habitat preference. We found that 2C values had weak phylogenetic signal, whereas the base number of chromosomes (x) had a strong phylogenetic signal. Furthermore, our analyses revealed a positive correlation between genome size and chromosome traits, indicating that the base number of chromosomes (x), chromosome size, and polyploidization may be primary contributors to genome expansion in ferns and lycophytes. Genome sizes in different habitat types varied significantly and were significantly correlated with habitat types; specifically, multinomial logistic regression indicated that species with larger 2C values were more likely to be epiphytes. Terrestrial habitat is inferred to be ancestral for both extant ferns and lycophytes, whereas transitions to other habitat types occurred as the major clades emerged. Shifts in habitat types appear be followed by periods of genomic stability. Based on these results, we inferred that habitat type changes and multiple whole-genome duplications have contributed to the formation of large genomes of ferns and their allies during their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The large genome constraint hypothesis: evolution, ecology and phenotype   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: If large genomes are truly saturated with unnecessary 'junk' DNA, it would seem natural that there would be costs associated ith accumulation and replication of this excess DNA. Here we examine the available evidence to support this hypothesis, which we term the 'large genome constraint'. We examine the large genome constraint at three scales: evolution, ecology, and the plant phenotype. SCOPE: In evolution, we tested the hypothesis that plant lineages with large genomes are diversifying more slowly. We found that genera with large genomes are less likely to be highly specious -- suggesting a large genome constraint on speciation. In ecology, we found that species with large genomes are under-represented in extreme environments -- again suggesting a large genome constraint for the distribution and abundance of species. Ultimately, if these ecological and evolutionary constraints are real, the genome size effect must be expressed in the phenotype and confer selective disadvantages. Therefore, in phenotype, we review data on the physiological correlates of genome size, and present new analyses involving maximum photosynthetic rate and specific leaf area. Most notably, we found that species with large genomes have reduced maximum photosynthetic rates - again suggesting a large genome constraint on plant performance. Finally, we discuss whether these phenotypic correlations may help explain why species with large genomes are trimmed from the evolutionary tree and have restricted ecological distributions. CONCLUSION: Our review tentatively supports the large genome constraint hypothesis.  相似文献   

Summary: Since the discovery in 1899 of bifidobacteria as numerically dominant microbes in the feces of breast-fed infants, there have been numerous studies addressing their role in modulating gut microflora as well as their other potential health benefits. Because of this, they are frequently incorporated into foods as probiotic cultures. An understanding of their full interactions with intestinal microbes and the host is needed to scientifically validate any health benefits they may afford. Recently, the genome sequences of nine strains representing four species of Bifidobacterium became available. A comparative genome analysis of these genomes reveals a likely efficient capacity to adapt to their habitats, with B. longum subsp. infantis exhibiting more genomic potential to utilize human milk oligosaccharides, consistent with its habitat in the infant gut. Conversely, B. longum subsp. longum exhibits a higher genomic potential for utilization of plant-derived complex carbohydrates and polyols, consistent with its habitat in an adult gut. An intriguing observation is the loss of much of this genome potential when strains are adapted to pure culture environments, as highlighted by the genomes of B. animalis subsp. lactis strains, which exhibit the least potential for a gut habitat and are believed to have evolved from the B. animalis species during adaptation to dairy fermentation environments.  相似文献   

M Groudine  S Das  P Neiman  H Weintraub 《Cell》1978,14(4):865-878
We have investigated the copy number, chromosomal subunit conformation and regulation of expression of integrated avian retrovirus genomes. Our results indicate that there are approximately two copies of the endogenous viral genomes (RAV-O) per haploid cell genome in uninfected chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) and red blood cells (RBC). The copy number and subunit conformation (as measured by DNAasel sensitivity) of the RAV-O genomes are independent of the level of expression of these viral DNA sequences. In cells isolated from embryos of the V+, gs-chf- and gs+chf+ phenotypes, approximately one of the two viral genomes is in a DNAase l-sensitive conformation. Upon infection with an exogenous Rous sarcoma virus (PR-RSV-C), one new viral genome is integrated per haploid CEF genome. The newly integrated RSV genome is completely sensitive to DNAase l, and the subunit conformation of the endogenous viral genomes is not altered by the integration of additional exogenous proviruses. Both the endogenous and newly integrated exogenous viral genomes are present in "nu-body" structures, and the selective sensitivity of these proviral DNA sequences to DNAase l is maintained in isolated nucleosomes. Our experiments revealing the DNAase l sensitivity of one of the two RAV-O genomes in gs-chf-CEF led us to reexamine the level of viral specific RNA in CEF of various GS genotypes. We find that GS/GS CEF contain approximately 100 copies of viral RNA per cell, gs/gs CEF contain no detectable viral RNA, and the heterozygote GS/gs CEF contain approximately 50 copies of viral specific RNA per cell. These results suggest that the GS gene controls production of RAV-O RNA sequences in CEF in a "cis" fashion. In RBCs, however, the expression of the RAV-O genome is independent of the GS gene, with both GS/GS and gs/gs RBCs containing roughly equivalent amounts of viral specific RNA. Our results suggest that the chromosomal structure of the endogenous viral genes is independent of the GS gene, and that the GS gene is cis-acting and tissue-specific.  相似文献   

Codon usages are known to vary among vertebrates chiefly due to variations in isochore structure. Under the assumption that marked differences exist in isochore structure between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals, the variations among vertebrates were previously attributed to an adaptation to homeothermy. However, based on data from a turtle species and a crocodile (Archosauromorpha), it was recently proposed that the common ancestors of mammals, birds and extent reptiles already had the "warm-blooded" isochore structure. We determined the nucleotide sequences of alpha-globin genes from two species of heterotherms, cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) and bat (Pipistrellus abramus), and three species of snakes (Lepidosauromorpha), Naja kaouthia from a tropical terrestrial habitat, Elaphe climacophora from a temperate terrestrial habitat, and Hydrophis melanocephalus from a tropical marine habitat. Our purposes were to assess the influence of differential body temperature patterns on codon usage and GC content at the third position of a codon (GC3), and to test the hypothesis concerning the phylogenetic position at which GC contents had increased in vertebrates. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) using the present data and data for other taxa from GenBank indicate that the primary difference in codon usage in globin genes among amniotes and other vertebrates lies in GC3. The codon usages (and GC3) in alpha-globin genes from two heterotherms and three snakes are similar to those in alpha-globin genes from warm-blooded vertebrates. These results refute the influence of body temperature pattern upon codon usages (and GC3) in alpha-globin genes, and support the hypothesis that the increase in GC content in the genome occurred in the common ancestor of amniotes.  相似文献   

Genomic traits reflect the evolutionary processes that have led to ecological variation among extant organisms, including variation in how they acquire and use resources. Soil fungi have diverse nutritional strategies and exhibit extensive variation in fitness along resource gradients. We tested for trade-offs in genomic traits with mycelial nutritional traits and hypothesize that such trade-offs differ among fungal guilds as they reflect contrasting resource exploitation and habitat preferences. We found species with large genomes exhibited nutrient-poor mycelium and low GC content. These patterns were observed across fungal guilds but with varying explanatory power. We then matched trait data to fungal species observed in 463 Australian grassland, woodland and forest soil samples. Fungi with large genomes and lower GC content dominated in nutrient-poor soils, associated with shifts in guild composition and with species turnover within guilds. These findings highlight fundamental mechanisms that underpin successful ecological strategies for soil fungi.  相似文献   

The study of genome size (GS) and its variation is so fascinating to the scientific community because it constitutes the link between the present-day analytical and molecular studies of the genome and the old trunk of the holistic and synthetic view of the genome. The GS of several taxa vary over a broad range and do not correlate with the complexity of the organisms (the C-value paradox). However, the biology of transposable elements has let us reach a satisfactory view of the molecular mechanisms that give rise to GS variation and novelties, providing a less perplexing view of the significance of the GS (C-enigma). The knowledge of the composition and structure of a genome is a pre-requisite for trying to understand the evolution of the main genome signature: its size. The radiation of mammals provides an approximately 180-million-year test case for theories of how GS evolves. It has been found from data-mining GS databases that GS is a useful cyto-taxonomical instrument at the level of orders/superorders, providing genomic signatures characterizing Monotremata, Marsupialia, Afrotheria, Xenarthra, Laurasiatheria, and Euarchontoglires. A hypothetical ancestral mammalian-like GS of 2.9-3.7 pg has been suggested. This value appears compatible with the average values calculated for the high systematic levels of the extant Monotremata (~2.97 pg) and Marsupialia (~4.07 pg), suggesting invasion of mobile DNA elements concurrently with the separation of the older clades of Afrotheria (~5.5 pg) and Xenarthra (~4.5 pg) with larger GS, leaving the Euarchontoglires (~3.4 pg) and Laurasiatheria (~2.8 pg) genomes with fewer transposable elements. However, the paucity of GS data (546 mammalian species sized from 5,488 living species) for species, genera, and families calls for caution. Considering that mammalian species may be vanished even before they are known, GS data are sorely needed to phenotype the effects brought about by their variation and to validate any hypotheses on GS evolution in mammals.  相似文献   

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